Masaru Emoto. The secret life of water

Masaru Emoto

Memory of water.

The secret life of water

(research by Dr. Masaru Emoto)

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more surprising evidence of the informational properties of water. During his work he took more than 10,000 photographs, some of them published in his books "The Messages from Water" 1, 2 and "Water knows the answer".

Dr. Emoto used a Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA) for several functions, including qualitative water analysis. He noticed that no two samples of water formed exactly alike crystals, and that the shape of the crystals reflected the properties of the water. According to Dr. Emoto, modern medicine focuses its observations on the molecular (chemical) level. However, in order to successfully engage in treatment, you need to go deeper than the molecular level - to the level of atoms, and even microparticles.

According to Dr. Emoto, the basis of any created thing is the energy source HADO - a vibrational frequency, a resonance wave. (XADO is a certain wave of vibrations of the electrons of the atomic nucleus). The magnetic resonance field is always present wherever XADO exists. Thus, XADO can be interpreted directly as a magnetic resonance region, which is one type of electromagnetic wave. MRA measures the magnetic resonance of XADO. After his work with MRA, Dr. Emoto concluded that “all things lie within your own consciousness.” Thus, he believes that we should try to raise our XADO level, for example, by sending blessings to our food, drinking water, without accumulating negative emotions. To obtain photographs of microcrystals, water droplets are placed in 100 Petri dishes and rapidly cooled in the freezer for 2 hours. Then they are placed in a special device, which consists of a refrigeration chamber and a microscope with a camera connected to it. At a temperature of –5°C, samples are examined under a magnification of 200-500 times in a dark field microscope and photographs of the most characteristic crystals are taken. The laboratory examined water samples from various water sources around the world. The water was exposed to various types of influences, such as music, images, electromagnetic radiation from television, thoughts of one person and groups of people, prayers, printed and spoken words.

Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment by placing two messages on water bottles. On one, “Thank you,” on the other, “You’re deaf.” The water formed beautiful crystals, which proves that "Thank you" won out over "You're deaf." Thus, good words are stronger than evil ones.

In nature, there are 10% pathogenic microorganisms and 10% beneficial ones, the remaining 80% can change their properties from beneficial to harmful. Dr. Emoto believes that approximately the same proportion exists in human society. If one person prays with a deep, clear and pure feeling, the crystalline structure of the water will be clear and pure. And even if a large group of people have disordered thoughts, the crystal structure of water will also be heterogeneous.

However, if everyone unites, the crystals will turn out beautiful, like the pure and focused prayer of one person. Under the influence of thoughts, water changes instantly.

The crystal structure of water consists of clusters (a large group of molecules). Words like "fool" destroy clusters. Negative phrases and words form large clusters or do not create them at all, while positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tense clusters. Smaller clusters retain water memory longer. If there are too large gaps between clusters, other information can easily penetrate into these areas and destroy their integrity, thereby erasing the information. Microorganisms can also penetrate there. The tense, dense structure of clusters is optimal for long-term storage of information.

Dr. Emoto's laboratory conducted many experiments to find the word that purifies water most strongly, and as a result they discovered that it was not one word, but a combination of two words: “Love and Gratitude.” Masaru Emoto suggests that if you do some research, you might find more violent crimes in areas where people are more likely to use profanity in their communication.

Dr. Emoto says that everything that exists has vibration, and written words also have vibration. If I draw a circle, a circle vibration is created. The design of the cross would create the vibration of the cross. If I write L O V E, then this inscription creates a vibration of love. Water can be bonded to these vibrations. Beautiful words have beautiful, clear vibrations. In contrast, negative words produce ugly, disjointed vibrations that do not form groups. The language of human communication is not artificial, but rather a natural, natural formation.

Photos are examples.

1. Crystal of distilled water, not subjected to any influence.

2. Spring water.

3. Antarctic ice.

4. This is what a crystal of water looks like after listening to Beethoven’s Pastorale.

5. A crystal formed after listening to heavy metal rock.

6. The crystal after exposure to the words “You are a fool” is very similar to the crystal after exposure to heavy rock.

7. The word "Angel".

8. The word "Devil".

9. Water received a request to “Do it.”

10. The water received the order “Do it.”

11. The words “I'm tired of you. I'll kill you".

12. Water received electromagnetic radiation of love and gratitude.

13. Sample of Shinagawa tap water, Tokyo.

14. The same pattern after 500 XADO instructors throughout Japan simultaneously sent good thoughts to him.

15. Water taken from Lake Fujiwara before prayer.

16. Water crystal after the prayer of the Buddhist high priest Kato.

17. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in English.

18. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in Japanese.

19. The words “Love and gratitude” spoken in German.

20. Left: chamomile, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.

21. Left: dill, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.

Two photographs of flowers have a deep meaning: after the water was influenced by chamomile and dill oil, its crystallization patterns became completely identical to those flowers. Under the influence of which flower the water was in, it forms such an external shape. Isn't this a "full information" phenomenon? Each small particle carries the image of the whole and its complete information, this is “complete information”.

Masaru Emoto Memory of Water. The secret life of water (research by Dr. Masaru Emoto) Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more amazing evidence of the informational properties of water. During his work he took more than 10,000 photographs, some of...

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Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more surprising evidence of the informational properties of water. During his work he took more than 10,000 photographs, some of them published in his books "The Messages from Water" 1, 2 and "Water knows the answer".

Dr. Emoto used a Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA) for several functions, including qualitative water analysis. He noticed that no two samples of water formed exactly alike crystals, and that the shape of the crystals reflected the properties of the water. According to Dr. Emoto, modern medicine focuses its observations on the molecular (chemical) level. However, in order to successfully engage in treatment, you need to go deeper than the molecular level - to the level of atoms, and even microparticles.

According to Dr. Emoto, the basis of any created thing is the energy source HADO - a vibrational frequency, a resonance wave. (XADO is a certain wave of oscillations of the electrons of the atomic nucleus). The magnetic resonance field is always present wherever XADO exists. Thus, XADO can be interpreted directly as a magnetic resonance region, which is one type of electromagnetic wave. MRA measures the magnetic resonance of XADO. After his work with MRA, Dr. Emoto concluded that “all things lie within your own consciousness.” Thus, he believes that we should try to raise our XADO level, for example, by sending blessings to our food, drinking water, without accumulating negative emotions. To obtain photographs of microcrystals, water droplets are placed in 100 Petri dishes and rapidly cooled in the freezer for 2 hours. Then they are placed in a special device, which consists of a refrigeration chamber and a microscope with a camera connected to it. At a temperature of -5°C, samples are examined under a magnification of 200-500 times in a dark field microscope and photographs of the most characteristic crystals are taken.
The laboratory examined water samples from various water sources around the world. The water was exposed to various types of influences, such as music, images, electromagnetic radiation from television, thoughts of one person and groups of people, prayers, printed and spoken words.

Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment by placing two messages on water bottles. On one, “Thank you,” on the other, “You’re deaf.” The water formed beautiful crystals, which proves that "Thank you" won out over "You're deaf." Thus, good words are stronger than evil ones.

In nature, there are 10% pathogenic microorganisms and 10% beneficial ones, the remaining 80% can change their properties from beneficial to harmful. Dr. Emoto believes that approximately the same proportion exists in human society.
If one person prays with a deep, clear and pure feeling, the crystalline structure of the water will be clear and pure. And even if a large group of people have disordered thoughts, the crystal structure of water will also be heterogeneous.
However, if everyone unites, the crystals will turn out beautiful, like the pure and focused prayer of one person. Under the influence of thoughts, water changes instantly.

The crystal structure of water consists of clusters (a large group of molecules). Words like "fool" destroy clusters. Negative phrases and words form large clusters or do not create them at all, while positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tense clusters. Smaller clusters retain water memory longer. If there are too large gaps between clusters, other information can easily penetrate into these areas and destroy their integrity, thereby erasing the information. Microorganisms can also penetrate there. The tense, dense structure of clusters is optimal for long-term storage of information.
Dr. Emoto's laboratory conducted many experiments to find the word that purifies water most strongly, and as a result they discovered that it was not one word, but a combination of two words: “Love and Gratitude.” Masaru Emoto suggests that if you do some research, you might find more violent crimes in areas where people are more likely to use profanity in their communication.

Dr. Emoto says that everything that exists has vibration, and written words also have vibration. If I draw a circle, a circle vibration is created. The design of the cross would create the vibration of the cross. If I write L O V E, then this inscription creates a vibration of love. Water can be bonded to these vibrations. Beautiful words have beautiful, clear vibrations. In contrast, negative words produce ugly, disjointed vibrations that do not form groups. The language of human communication is not artificial, but rather a natural, natural formation.

Example photographs.

1. Crystal of distilled water, not subjected to any influence.
2. Spring water.
3. Antarctic ice.
4. This is what a crystal of water looks like after listening to Beethoven’s Pastorale.

5. A crystal formed after listening to heavy metal rock.
6. The crystal after the influence of the words “You are a fool” is very similar to the crystal after the action of heavy rock.
7. The word "Angel".
8. The word "Devil".

9. Water received a request to “Do it.”
10. The water received the order “Do it.”
11. The words “I'm tired of you. I'll kill you".
12. Water received electromagnetic radiation of love and gratitude.

13. Sample of Shinagawa tap water, Tokyo.
14. The same pattern after 500 XADO instructors throughout Japan simultaneously sent good thoughts to him.
15. Water taken from Lake Fujiwara before prayer.
16. Water crystal after the prayer of the Buddhist high priest Kato.

17. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in English.
18. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in Japanese.
19. The words “Love and gratitude” spoken in German.

20. Left: chamomile, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.
21. Left: dill, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.

Two photographs of flowers have a deep meaning: after the water was influenced by chamomile and dill oil, its crystallization patterns became completely identical to those flowers. Under the influence of which flower the water was in, it forms such an external shape. Isn't this a "full information" phenomenon? Each small particle carries the image of the whole and its complete information, this is “complete information”.

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Masaru Emoto
The Secret Life of Water

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more surprising evidence of the informational properties of water. During his work, he took more than 10,000 photographs, some of them published in his books “The Messages from Water” 1, 2 and “Water knows the answer”.

Dr. Emoto used a Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA) for several functions, including qualitative water analysis. He noticed that no two samples of water formed exactly alike crystals, and that the shape of the crystals reflected the properties of the water. According to Dr. Emoto, modern medicine focuses its observations on the molecular (chemical) level. However, in order to successfully engage in treatment, you need to go deeper than the molecular level - to the level of atoms, and even microparticles.

According to Dr. Emoto, the basis of any created thing is the energy source HADO - a vibrational frequency, a resonance wave. (XADO is a certain wave of oscillations of the electrons of the atomic nucleus). The magnetic resonance field is always present wherever XADO exists. Thus, XADO can be interpreted directly as a magnetic resonance region, which is one type of electromagnetic wave. MRA measures the magnetic resonance of XADO. After his work with MRA, Dr. Emoto concluded that “all things lie within your own consciousness.” Thus, he believes that we should try to raise our XADO level, for example, by sending blessings to our food, drinking water, without accumulating negative emotions. To obtain photographs of microcrystals, water droplets are placed in 100 Petri dishes and rapidly cooled in the freezer for 2 hours. Then they are placed in a special device, which consists of a refrigeration chamber and a microscope with a camera connected to it. At a temperature of -5°C, samples are examined under a magnification of 200-500 times in a dark field microscope and photographs of the most characteristic crystals are taken.

The laboratory examined water samples from various water sources around the world. The water was exposed to various types of influences, such as music, images, electromagnetic radiation from television, the thoughts of one person and groups of people, prayers, printed and spoken words.

Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment by placing two messages on water bottles. On one, “Thank you,” on the other, “You’re deaf.” The water formed beautiful crystals, which proves that "Thank you" won out over "You're deaf." Thus, good words are stronger than evil ones.

In nature, there are 10% pathogenic microorganisms and 10% beneficial ones, the remaining 80% can change their properties from beneficial to harmful. Dr. Emoto believes that approximately the same proportion exists in human society.

If one person prays with a deep, clear and pure feeling, the crystalline structure of the water will be clear and pure. And even if a large group of people have disordered thoughts, the crystal structure of water will also be heterogeneous.

However, if everyone unites, the crystals will turn out beautiful, like the pure and focused prayer of one person. Under the influence of thoughts, water changes instantly.

The crystal structure of water consists of clusters (a large group of molecules). Words like "fool" destroy clusters. Negative phrases and words form large clusters or do not create them at all, while positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tense clusters. Smaller clusters retain water memory longer. If there are too large gaps between clusters, other information can easily penetrate into these areas and destroy their integrity, thereby erasing the information. Microorganisms can also penetrate there. The tense, dense structure of clusters is optimal for long-term storage of information.

Dr. Emoto's laboratory conducted many experiments to find the word that purifies water most strongly, and as a result they discovered that it was not one word, but a combination of two words: “Love and Gratitude.” Masaru Emoto suggests that if you do some research, you might find more violent crimes in areas where people are more likely to use profanity in their communication.

Dr. Emoto says that everything that exists has vibration, and written words also have vibration. If I draw a circle, a circle vibration is created. The design of the cross would create the vibration of the cross. If I write L O V E, then this inscription creates a vibration of love. Water can be bonded to these vibrations. Beautiful words have beautiful, clear vibrations. In contrast, negative words produce ugly, disjointed vibrations that do not form groups. The language of human communication is not artificial, but rather a natural, natural formation.

Example photographs.

1. Crystal of distilled water, not subjected to any influence.

2. Spring water.

3. Antarctic ice.

4. This is what a crystal of water looks like after listening to Beethoven’s Pastorale.

5. A crystal formed after listening to heavy metal rock.

6. The crystal after the influence of the words “You are a fool” is very similar to the crystal after the action of heavy rock.

7. The word "Angel".

8. The word "Devil".

9. Water received a request to “Do it.”

10. The water received the order “Do it.”

11. The words “I'm tired of you. I'll kill you".

12. Water received electromagnetic radiation of love and gratitude.

13. Sample of Shinagawa tap water, Tokyo.

14. The same pattern after 500 XADO instructors throughout Japan simultaneously sent good thoughts to him.

15. Water taken from Lake Fujiwara before prayer.

16. Water crystal after the prayer of the Buddhist high priest Kato.

17. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in English.

18. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in Japanese.

19. The words “Love and gratitude” spoken in German.

20. Left: chamomile, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.

21. Left: dill, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.

Two photographs of flowers have a deep meaning: after the water was influenced by chamomile and dill oil, its crystallization patterns became completely identical to those flowers. Under the influence of which flower the water was in, it forms such an external shape. Isn't this a "full information" phenomenon? Each small particle carries the image of the whole and its complete information, this is “complete information”.

Masaru Emoto

The Secret Life of Water

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more surprising evidence of the informational properties of water. During his work he took more than 10,000 photographs, some of them published in his books "The Messages from Water" 1, 2 and "Water knows the answer".

Dr. Emoto used a Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA) for several functions, including qualitative water analysis. He noticed that no two samples of water formed exactly alike crystals, and that the shape of the crystals reflected the properties of the water. According to Dr. Emoto, modern medicine focuses its observations on the molecular (chemical) level. However, in order to successfully engage in treatment, you need to go deeper than the molecular level - to the level of atoms, and even microparticles.

According to Dr. Emoto, the basis of any created thing is the energy source HADO - a vibrational frequency, a resonance wave. (XADO is a certain wave of oscillations of the electrons of the atomic nucleus). The magnetic resonance field is always present wherever XADO exists. Thus, XADO can be interpreted directly as a magnetic resonance region, which is one type of electromagnetic wave. MRA measures the magnetic resonance of XADO. After his work with MRA, Dr. Emoto concluded that “all things lie within your own consciousness.” Thus, he believes that we should try to raise our XADO level, for example, by sending blessings to our food, drinking water, without accumulating negative emotions. To obtain photographs of microcrystals, water droplets are placed in 100 Petri dishes and rapidly cooled in the freezer for 2 hours. Then they are placed in a special device, which consists of a refrigeration chamber and a microscope with a camera connected to it. At a temperature of -5°C, samples are examined under a magnification of 200-500 times in a dark field microscope and photographs of the most characteristic crystals are taken.

The laboratory examined water samples from various water sources around the world. The water was exposed to various types of influences, such as music, images, electromagnetic radiation from television, the thoughts of one person and groups of people, prayers, printed and spoken words.

Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment by placing two messages on water bottles. On one, “Thank you,” on the other, “You’re deaf.” The water formed beautiful crystals, which proves that "Thank you" won out over "You're deaf." Thus, good words are stronger than evil ones.

In nature, there are 10% pathogenic microorganisms and 10% beneficial ones, the remaining 80% can change their properties from beneficial to harmful. Dr. Emoto believes that approximately the same proportion exists in human society.

If one person prays with a deep, clear and pure feeling, the crystalline structure of the water will be clear and pure. And even if a large group of people have disordered thoughts, the crystal structure of water will also be heterogeneous.

However, if everyone unites, the crystals will turn out beautiful, like the pure and focused prayer of one person. Under the influence of thoughts, water changes instantly.

The crystal structure of water consists of clusters (a large group of molecules). Words like "fool" destroy clusters. Negative phrases and words form large clusters or do not create them at all, while positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tense clusters. Smaller clusters retain water memory longer. If there are too large gaps between clusters, other information can easily penetrate into these areas and destroy their integrity, thereby erasing the information. Microorganisms can also penetrate there. The tense, dense structure of clusters is optimal for long-term storage of information.

Dr. Emoto's laboratory conducted many experiments to find the word that purifies water most strongly, and as a result they discovered that it was not one word, but a combination of two words: “Love and Gratitude.” Masaru Emoto suggests that if you do some research, you might find more violent crimes in areas where people are more likely to use profanity in their communication.

Dr. Emoto says that everything that exists has vibration, and written words also have vibration. If I draw a circle, a circle vibration is created. The design of the cross would create the vibration of the cross. If I write L O V E, then this inscription creates a vibration of love. Water can be bonded to these vibrations. Beautiful words have beautiful, clear vibrations. In contrast, negative words produce ugly, disjointed vibrations that do not form groups. The language of human communication is not artificial, but rather a natural, natural formation.

Example photographs.

1. Crystal of distilled water, not subjected to any influence.

2. Spring water.

3. Antarctic ice.

4. This is what a crystal of water looks like after listening to Beethoven’s Pastorale.

5. A crystal formed after listening to heavy metal rock.

6. The crystal after the influence of the words “You are a fool” is very similar to the crystal after the action of heavy rock.

7. The word "Angel".

8. The word "Devil".

9. Water received a request to “Do it.”

10. The water received the order “Do it.”

11. The words “I'm tired of you. I'll kill you".

12. Water received electromagnetic radiation of love and gratitude.

13. Sample of Shinagawa tap water, Tokyo.

14. The same pattern after 500 XADO instructors throughout Japan simultaneously sent good thoughts to him.

15. Water taken from Lake Fujiwara before prayer.

16. Water crystal after the prayer of the Buddhist high priest Kato.

17. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in English.

18. The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in Japanese.

19. The words “Love and gratitude” spoken in German.

20. Left: chamomile, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.

21. Left: dill, right: its corresponding crystallization of water.

Two photographs of flowers have a deep meaning: after the water was influenced by chamomile and dill oil, its crystallization patterns became completely identical to those flowers. Under the influence of which flower the water was in, it forms such an external shape. Isn't this a "full information" phenomenon? Each small particle carries the image of the whole and its complete information, this is “complete information”.

Masaru Emoto

The Secret Life of Water

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more surprising evidence of the informational properties of water. During his work he took more than 10,000 photographs, some of them published in his books "The Messages from Water" 1, 2 and "Water knows the answer".

Dr. Emoto used a Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA) for several functions, including qualitative water analysis. He noticed that no two samples of water formed exactly alike crystals, and that the shape of the crystals reflected the properties of the water. According to Dr. Emoto, modern medicine focuses its observations on the molecular (chemical) level. However, in order to successfully engage in treatment, you need to go deeper than the molecular level - to the level of atoms, and even microparticles.

According to Dr. Emoto, the basis of any created thing is the energy source HADO - a vibrational frequency, a resonance wave. (XADO is a certain wave of oscillations of the electrons of the atomic nucleus). The magnetic resonance field is always present wherever XADO exists. Thus, XADO can be interpreted directly as a magnetic resonance region, which is one type of electromagnetic wave. MRA measures the magnetic resonance of XADO. After his work with MRA, Dr. Emoto concluded that “all things lie within your own consciousness.” Thus, he believes that we should try to raise our XADO level, for example, by sending blessings to our food, drinking water, without accumulating negative emotions. To obtain photographs of microcrystals, water droplets are placed in 100 Petri dishes and rapidly cooled in the freezer for 2 hours. Then they are placed in a special device, which consists of a refrigeration chamber and a microscope with a camera connected to it. At a temperature of -5°C, samples are examined under a magnification of 200-500 times in a dark field microscope and photographs of the most characteristic crystals are taken.

The laboratory examined water samples from various water sources around the world. The water was exposed to various types of influences, such as music, images, electromagnetic radiation from television, the thoughts of one person and groups of people, prayers, printed and spoken words.

Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment by placing two messages on water bottles. On one, “Thank you,” on the other, “You’re deaf.” The water formed beautiful crystals, which proves that "Thank you" won out over "You're deaf." Thus, good words are stronger than evil ones.

In nature, there are 10% pathogenic microorganisms and 10% beneficial ones, the remaining 80% can change their properties from beneficial to harmful. Dr. Emoto believes that approximately the same proportion exists in human society.

If one person prays with a deep, clear and pure feeling, the crystalline structure of the water will be clear and pure. And even if a large group of people have disordered thoughts, the crystal structure of water will also be heterogeneous.

However, if everyone unites, the crystals will turn out beautiful, like the pure and focused prayer of one person. Under the influence of thoughts, water changes instantly.

The crystal structure of water consists of clusters (a large group of molecules). Words like "fool" destroy clusters. Negative phrases and words form large clusters or do not create them at all, while positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tense clusters. Smaller clusters retain water memory longer. If there are too large gaps between clusters, other information can easily penetrate into these areas and destroy their integrity, thereby erasing the information. Microorganisms can also penetrate there. The tense, dense structure of clusters is optimal for long-term storage of information.

Dr. Emoto's laboratory conducted many experiments to find the word that purifies water most strongly, and as a result they discovered that it was not one word, but a combination of two words: “Love and Gratitude.” Masaru Emoto suggests that if you do some research, you might find more violent crimes in areas where people are more likely to use profanity in their communication.

Dr. Emoto says that everything that exists has vibration, and written words also have vibration. If I draw a circle, a circle vibration is created. The design of the cross would create the vibration of the cross. If I write L O V E, then this inscription creates a vibration of love. Water can be bonded to these vibrations. Beautiful words have beautiful, clear vibrations. In contrast, negative words produce ugly, disjointed vibrations that do not form groups. The language of human communication is not artificial, but rather a natural, natural formation.