Manipulation of mass consciousness. The main deceptions of humanity

Deception No. 1. Science is making progress

In the modern world, science has become the foundation of the worldview of most people. The “same worldview” is being widely introduced. This has led to the fact that science is similar to religions and ideologies, having an even more global reach. All the peoples of our planet are under its influence. Already at school, children are taught dogmas that are not true. For manipulation, it is important that the imposed worldview is the same for absolutely everyone. Whether it is false or true is not important. The main thing is to achieve the management goals by any means.

Therefore, we are constantly being told that science is progressing, and we are using the fruits of this “progress”: computers, mobile phones, GPS navigators...

And for some reason we are not told that all this is the result of technological breakthroughs, to which new theories are very quickly adapted. But a correct physical picture of the world has nothing to do with it. Only some of these breakthroughs have a technological record, while in other cases it is absent (example: microelectronics). The researchers say this indicates the existence of similar technologies before their discovery. that is, someone already owned them and passed them on to people.

We all understand the vital threat to our planet posed by current technologies. We can give an example of nuclear power plants, which are considered to be a benefit of alternative energy. Global disasters on them, which shook the world, could cause the destruction of all life on earth. One such “smoldering bomb” (as experts call them) under a certain set of circumstances is capable of blowing up the entire planet. The consequences of explosions at such power plants cannot leave anyone indifferent: horrific tragedies and their insurmountable consequences (tons of radioactive soil, thousands of tons of radioactive water, radiation leaks into the ocean, etc.).

Deception No. 2. Medicine is making progress.

Modern medicine has made progress in emergency traumatology. But it is aimed at making money, and this despite its purpose - treating people. And the main goal is to increase the number of patients. Many people become crippled before birth. Many children are killed in their mother's womb; such cruelty does not exist even in the animal world. Modern medicine considers it the norm to produce raw materials from them, which are used in expensive cosmetics. Very often, using incorrect medical techniques, children are mutilated at birth.

The next stage is bullying with vaccinations. Then comes treatment with poisons, which bear the innocuous, hopeful name of “medicine.” It has now become a world practice that diseases (viruses) are removed artificially. Such viruses can be used as weapons and as a way to make money by selling medicines (previously developed for this purpose).

To increase the number of sick people, all other means of treatment are subjected to severe criticism and ridicule, which contradict the general medical goal of our time, namely: to empty the pockets of patients. A person is not considered holistically, but exclusively as a body, a biological carrier. And there is not even a hint of our “spirituality”. So how can one heal with such a limited worldview?

Deception No. 3. Modern economy is a natural stage in the development of society

Religions have become technologies for controlling public consciousness, under the influence of which a huge number of people in various academies and seminaries master the nonsense and contradictions of texts called “sacred”. Such “knowledge” completely deprives a person of common sense. The result: prayers to the gods and the performance of rituals specifically designed to empty the pockets of the population. This also includes the purchase of religious items, which is very profitable for sellers of such goods. Billions of people are being zombified and convinced of the failure of common sense and their own development. This is considered a sin. The theory is cultivated that thinking is harmful, and one must blindly follow religious instructions and rules that have no common sense.

The real state of affairs is masterfully hidden. The fact that destruction and harm is caused by religious fanatics who live according to the philosophy of world domination, moneylenders who consider themselves masters of money, politicians and financiers who cultivate in their minds the primacy of power and money, and others like them.

It has been scientifically proven that if we correctly and harmoniously develop and use nature-appropriate technologies, even more people than currently live on our planet will not experience hunger. some facts:

  • 41% of the food produced in the country ends up in US landfills. This amount of food can feed more than half of Africa's inhabitants;
  • US farmers receive subsidies for not exceeding production limits;
  • Globally, a third of food is wasted. Something that was produced but not used. This is UN data.

Other plants growing nearby also become infected with GMOs (pollination). And legal proceedings cannot be ruled out by owners of GMO plants who discovered their patented mutant in a neighboring garden. Even if you want to get rid of genetically modified crops on your plot, you must wait more than three years; in a shorter period the soil will not be cleared.

Now Russia is a potential world leader in organic farming. Our country has the opportunity to become a monopolist in the production of natural food products. We have endless hectares of land that are not affected by chemicals and most of them do not know GMOs. It is possible to establish a supply of natural products to European countries and China. This is the possibility of creating an inexhaustible source of foreign exchange earnings in comparison with exhaustible oil and gas reserves.

Deception No. 6. Traditional history

Our recent history perfectly illustrates the level of human civilization before its contagion; and how, through global cataclysms and the most cruel methods, the destruction of this incredible greatness and splendor took place. An effective way to control the masses was to hide such information. Nowadays, anyone through communications can obtain data in such areas as high technology, planetary cataclysms, ancient civilizations, which refutes the official history, which is “sewn with white thread.”

There are many well-reasoned refutations of historical myths, called “conventional history,” that are based on independent research. This includes the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the spread of civilization from an African ancestor, and a calendar according to which it should now be 7524 years from the creation of the world instead of 2015, and much more.

People who are not financially interested are engaged in the collection and analytical processing of information, primary sources and artifacts. They publish on blogs and forums. And someday information that contradicts the official dogma is qualitatively transformed.

Deception No. 7. Humanity is lonely in the universe

Our planet and the people living on it are not unique. The Universe has many civilizations, some of which are just beginning their development, others have not yet been born, and others are at a high level of development. The “uniqueness” of humanity has become a myth, introduced through religious and scientific teachings. Data regarding contacts with such civilizations were ridiculed and carefully hidden.

The official materialist scientific picture of the world is in the position of denying the human soul and reincarnation. Scientists ignore numerous facts - evidence. For religions, recognizing the existence of reincarnation is simply not beneficial, because this makes it much easier to control and manipulate human life: in promises of paradise after death with certain behavior. For this purpose, true knowledge is carefully hidden.

If people knew the real picture of our world and their role in it, they would act completely differently. Despite the distorted social structure, they would be able to attach greater value to their essence than immediate material goods, and would clearly understand the price of human actions. Such personality criteria as nobility, generosity, honesty, fairness, responsiveness and determination become valuable. If they are not followed, then in subsequent incarnations the person will again find himself in an infected society and will live, to put it mildly, not in the best place, conditions and body. Only by realizing this will we be able to change our lives and raise our children correctly, thereby contributing to changing the consciousness of the entire society as a whole. After all, we are all links in one chain.

Deception No. 9. Despite the shortcomings, humanity is developing in the right direction

Most people subconsciously understand that injustice and cruelty are very common on our planet, and this is not normal, it should be different. People need to overcome their narrow-mindedness and stupidity by developing honesty and justice in their actions, then deceitful and unscrupulous actions will cease to be and seem beneficial.

After all, it is strange, to say the least, that science has been marking time in one place for many years, industrially poisoning the earth and all its inhabitants with various toxic substances, while in agriculture a course has been taken towards food that destroys health and causes harm.

A poisoned society gives each person a choice of actions in each specific situation. How should he navigate? In this case, the individual is addressed by his conscience - a signal from the essence system. Its analogue is an operational sound signal or banners that light up in dangerous situations, which are found in the cockpits of passenger airliners. What happens if pilots ignore emergency signals? A similar thing happens with people: if you ignore your conscience and follow the logic of a sick society, then diseases arise as a material manifestation, people feel unlucky, and the essence completely discards the given body. At the same time, negative “baggage” accumulates, preventing development in new incarnations.

Thus, people can turn to their conscience at any time for the right decision, in analogy with a pilot who regularly checks his instruments to completely eliminate tragic consequences. There is a single and indisputable guide to choosing the right model of behavior - this is our conscience. Without a doubt, as long as we live, she is with us. You just need to learn to hear it.

Deception No. 10...

place number 10 remains vacant. We did this so that you might think about the above. Maybe someone will refute the listed deceptions... or they will agree with the existence of such and themselves will formulate the most important tenth deception of our sad rating.

All the above-mentioned deceptions make us think: is there any protection against such global misconceptions, or can we in no way change our attitude towards what is happening around us and its impact on us?

To adequately perceive the reality around us, we need to study the facts of the modern scientific paradigm, and not blindly believe the media and other unverified sources, and take into account the alternative opinion of honest scientists, inventors, and researchers. It is very important to abandon the view of ecology as a separate science and begin to live in harmony with nature. Everything should become environmentally friendly: politics, economics, science, education, everyone’s personal life.

Do not shift responsibility for your health to “people in white coats,” because in the current system we will not even receive an apology for medical errors, which are sometimes horrific. It is much more effective to lead a healthy lifestyle and use alternative treatments and traditional methods for illnesses. Of course, without forgetting about sanity.

Ask yourself, what is the main meaning of your life? Are you going against the voice of your conscience by getting money to provide for your family? Let us value our unique humanity more than our immediate material possessions and realize the true cost of our wrongdoings and upside-down thinking. After all, then we descend evolutionarily both in this and future incarnations. And we will inevitably return to the infected society again and again, dragging behind us a tangle of unresolved problems.

It is wiser to strive for nobility, generosity and honesty. It is impossible to instill in children the best qualities if we ourselves deceive and sell our souls. Only after changing yourself can you instill qualities in your children. Only personal example, not empty words. Only in this case do we have a chance to educate those who, after us, will transform our imperfect world!

“They look with their eyes and do not see; They hear with their own ears and do not understand..."(Mark 4:12).

At the beginning of 2011, news agencies reported on an outstanding achievement of world science and astronautics. It all started with the launch of the Rokot launch vehicle on March 17, 2009 from the Russian Plesetsk cosmodrome, which launched an ion-propelled spacecraft into low-Earth orbit. Scientists have set a task for the satellite - to fly around our planet round by round in low orbit and collect data on the magnitude of the Earth's gravitational field.
By the end of 2010, this work under the GOCE program (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) was carried out, as a result of which world science received irrefutable evidence of the fact that our planet Earth is by no means a sphere, but a geoid - a geometric figure in which one pole is convex and the other is concave.

The data obtained thanks to the GOCE space program turned out to be so sensational that some people decided to immediately cast a fog and turn the result obtained by scientists literally upside down.

Any schoolchild knows that the South Pole of the Earth is the continent of Antarctica.
A continent is not a depression of the earth's crust, but, on the contrary, a bulge. At the same time, it is known that the Earth's North Pole is a depression in the earth's crust, which is covered by the Arctic Ocean.

If this is obvious to everyone, then all sensible people should have a logical question:
Why did scientists need to turn their worldview (view of the world) upside down?

Representatives of true science managed to defeat the obscurantism of the clergy only after the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei created the very first in the history of science "The Theory of Relativity". With his theory of relativity and brilliant examples from the reality around us, Galileo literally smashed into dust all the counter-arguments of the Vatican representatives. Only after this were the latter forced, gritting their teeth, to admit that The Earth actually revolves around the Sun, not the other way around.

Revenge was carried out by the clerics in the twentieth century, when Albert Einstein came up with another “Theory of Relativity”, full of various absurd “assumptions”.
In this regard, it is appropriate to give an example of the criticism with which truly great scientists attacked the imaginary world star - Albert Einstein.
Here are the words of Russian academician Klimenty Timiryazev, author of the fundamental work "Life of a Plant"(1878).
Regarding the extremely abstract provisions of Einstein's theory of relativity, he wrote: “Is there, however, a necessity that forces us to unconditionally agree with these assumptions, with which a healthy mind cannot, at least, immediately reconcile? To this we can answer emphatically: no! All conclusions from Einstein’s theory that are consistent with reality can be and are often obtained in a much simpler way with the help of theories that do not contain anything incomprehensible - nothing at all similar to the requirements made by Einstein’s theory.”

Why did this serious battle arise in science?
This time, obscurantists and true scientists came together in an intellectual duel for the matter of light - ether.
Why was Timiryazev one of Einstein’s opponents? - Does anyone understand now?

Fundamental research by K. Timiryazev resolved the issue of the dependence of photosynthesis on rays of different wavelengths and formulated ideas about photosynthesis as a process of accumulation of solar energy. That is, Timiryazev was not only sure that the luminiferous ether really existed, he had evidence obtained during experiments that the ether was material and plants accumulated “light matter”. In other words, plants increase living mass not only by feeding through the roots, but also by feeding through the leaves, due to the assimilation of energy and matter of light.

Soon this duel in science grew into a real revolution. Who participated in it and on whose side, this was documented with protocol precision by the future leader of the world proletariat V.I. Lenin, who wrote the book “Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.”
As usually happens in any revolution, in the end the lie won the victory over reason.
The ether was replaced in the model of the universe by absolute emptiness - “physical vacuum”. Thus, any idea about the subtlest basis of our Universe, the matter of light, which has unique properties, was literally thrown out of the Temple of Science, and school and university textbooks were rewritten.

Obscurantists did not care that over the past 40 centuries all the philosophers of the world literally deified the ether, and intuitionist physicists who studied light and magnetic phenomena clearly imagined the matter of light in their imagination, thanks to which, in fact, in 1865 the famous “ electromagnetic theory of light,” which became the forerunner of the discovery of radio waves. The theory of light was created by James Clerk Maxwell based on his personal ideas about the existence of the ether.

For what purpose and why was the real “crime of the century” committed by clerical scientists?! - want to know?
Firstly, because religion has always dominated politics and science.
And secondly, the obscurantists really wanted to deprive all of humanity of the scientific basis for understanding the meaning of the image of the “Holy Spirit” brought by Christ. The Bible writers stated that The Holy Spirit is something in the form of a dove, which once fell on the Virgin Mary, causing her to immediately become pregnant. And all the philosophers for 40 centuries stubbornly insisted that the Holy Spirit is the same Mother of God who is called the matter of light.
The most interesting thing is that Christ stated the same thing: “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”(John 4:23-24). To the question of the curious: “Where does the Holy Spirit dwell?” the messiah said: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?”(1 Cor. 3:16).

So that the ether does not confuse the minds of the so-called common people in our time, who constituted and still constitute approximately 95% of any society, obscurantist religious figures considered it their duty to remove any idea about it from science. An excuse for this "crimes of the century" soon found - Michelson and Morley proposed a pseudo-scientific experiment to measure the “ethereal wind” over the surface of the planet. This experiment contained a logical error in its very idea. Then no one noticed it, and at the instigation of Albert Einstein and a number of other clerical scientists, the ether was finally thrown out of the Temple of Science, and all school and university textbooks were carefully rewritten in accordance with the “new worldview.”

To completely blow the minds of people interested in scientific truths, the same group of clerical scientists came up with a theory "Big Bang". Allegedly, our Universe arose from a tiny incredibly dense pea, which one day exploded, and now we all live on one of its fragments, which continue to fly away from some center of the catastrophe...

So it turns out that since the beginning of the twentieth century, all of our so-called “modern physics” has been on a false foundation, and if so, then now the priests of the newly formed “science of nature” have to be literally Jesuit resourcefulness , so as not to expose the deception of billions of people on the planet.

What is the deception in representing the geoid shape of the Earth?- You want to know?
To begin with, pay attention to the fact that we have a phenomenon: the earth has the shape of a geoid, but no one is in a hurry to explain why this is so?

Everything becomes clearer if you call a spade a spade.
The "North Pole" in the first picture is actually the "North Magnetic Pole of the Earth", respectively, the "South Pole" is the "South Magnetic Pole of the Earth".
Here is the actual answer: The Earth is shaped like a geoid due to its natural magnetic field.

The Earth, as every schoolchild knows, is surrounded by its own magnetic field (magnetosphere) and is located in it, as if in a cocoon. The Earth's magnetic field is caused by processes occurring at the atomic level inside the core of our planet, and is nothing more than a closed movement of the luminiferous ether. The ether literally flows in a stream from the region of the planet’s South Geographic Pole and, having circled the globe along the meridians, flows into the region of the North Geographic Pole.

Look at this drawing from a school textbook.
The arrows indicate the direction of “rotation” of the magnetic field. This is the direction of movement of the magnetic field relative to the earth's surface.

Important! Do not confuse, reader, the geographic pole of the planet with its magnetic pole.
The South Magnetic Pole, paradoxically, is located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and the North Magnetic Pole is in the southern hemisphere ( For each magnet, one of the poles is usually called north if the lines of force come out of it, and south if the lines of force enter it. In the above figure from the encyclopedia, the magnetic poles are reversed).

This direction of the flow of ether explains why the northern hemisphere of the Earth resembles the shape of an apple, and the southern hemisphere resembles the bottom of a lemon (the North geographic pole is slightly concave, and in the area of ​​the southern geographic pole on the Antarctic continent there is a convexity.
This figure is called the geoid.

North geographic pole of the Earth
South magnetic pole

South geographic pole of the Earth
North magnetic pole

Now it remains to say about the magnetic field itself.
Until now, physicists had to show literally Jesuitical resourcefulness in order to hide the greatest deception of humanity, committed to please the religious obscurantists who continue to hold power over the world in their hands.

What they haven’t written and still don’t write about the magnetic field!
What is a “magnetic field”?
It turns out that this "special form of matter"!

What is its special feature?
It turns out that this is “incorporeal” matter! Pseudo-material entity!
At the same time, it has unique properties: the magnetic field has the character of a vortex! That's what everyone calls him "vortex magnetic field".

But what is spinning in this whirlwind?
It turns out that this is still a mystery, shrouded in darkness!
There is nothing written about this in any textbook. It is known that a magnetic field has kinetic energy and is generated by the movement of electric charges.

The question arises: if a magnetic field has kinetic energy, i.e. energy of motion, so there must be some particles whose movement actually forms a magnetic vortex?

No! - the founders of “modern physics” tell us. There are no “magnetic charges”!

Then what moves in the so-called “magnetic flux”?
On this matter, academicians from physics remain deathly silent.

The strictest ban has been imposed on the ether, therefore, HOW can they admit that the vortex movement of the ether generated by the movement of electrons is a “magnetic field”.

Recently I received a letter from Poland from an honest scientist who today is literally screaming about this unprecedented deception of humanity.
This is what he wrote to me.
“Anton, hello! I want to inform you that I managed to expose the “magnetic scammers”. This is a special type of scammers who deceive human minds and prevent them from correctly understanding many physical phenomena. I want to prevent them from further deceiving people and will do a lot to promote this issue.
People should be aware of this scandalous case in the history of science in order to be able to protect themselves from fraud. The best way to protect yourself is education. Based on this idea, I decided to also write to you. I am confident that you, based on your knowledge and your intuition, will know what to do for this. Sincerely, Bogdan Shynkaryk.”

Bogdan sent me a number of his scientific papers, which describe simple experiments that any laboratory can repeat. His simple experiments eloquently prove that the magnetic field is not just material, it has mass! But official science is stubbornly silent about this!!!

It turns out that if you have sensitive scales, even of average accuracy, you can easily verify that any metal bar, when magnetized with an electric current, acquires additional mass!
And even water sealed in a glass flask, when magnetized for several days or months by the field of a permanent magnet, also acquires additional mass, and loses it during subsequent demagnetization!

All these facts expose the lies of official fundamental science called “modern physics”.
On this basis, together with Bogdan Shynkaryk, I want to say the following today:
Friends! If the deception has been exposed, perhaps the time has come for this truth to triumph?!

(personal opinion)

Evgeniy Yakushev

“God cannot be found within any religion or sect. It is not limited to any form or scriptural page. We must seek Him in the very depths of our hearts." (Shri Ram Chandra)

It’s probably strange for you to hear this from a person who until recently considered himself a believer? No, I didn’t suddenly become enlightened by hearing a new idea of ​​the world. I just never thought that all this could be a planned deception (I mean religion)?

Recently, I met with a representative of a church. We talked with him about promoting his direction in society. Yes, yes, that’s right, you’re not mistaken. The customer (pastor) gave me the task of promoting and attracting new parishioners. At first, I was dumbfounded. You see, I’m somehow not used to this, promoting a new church...

And then, everything fell into place. But more on this a little later, but for now...

I thought that these were either scammers or fanatics. Neither of these things bothered me. After all, I PR man. And this and fraud, And fanaticism in one bottle. As Rockefeller would say: “The main thing is Bucks, ma’am!”

Fanatics have hatred for everything that is not like them. With their contempt and hatred they will achieve absolutely nothing. Often, when trying to infringe on the rights of another, we ourselves do NOT live in freedom, although we declare that we are super-free from sin, etc. And secretly we want this.

Religion is business! This is the most insidious business on human souls. I saw pastors drinking and swearing, snorting cocaine and hanging out in clubs.

And guess what? I don't blame them at all for this. It’s just disgusting how a huge number of people (perhaps you were among them), how a stupid herd trusts their hearts not to God, but to such scammers who suck money out of you. This the world's greatest deception. They are frightening you of hell and torment if you do not reform. They inspire you that if you do this and that, the Lord will bless you and you will be in heaven.

Surely you have heard these words from pastors:

The Lord told me...

I asked the Lord and He answered me...

Have you ever wondered why the Lord did not speak to you? How is this pastor better than you? Most likely, you thought that you had little faith, etc. Or rather, it was simply suggested to you. You've been led by the nose to manipulate you and your consciousness.

Think for yourself, will the Perfect God, who created all this, like a primitive child, choose between those who obey him and those who, like, don’t obey? You don’t cut off your little toe just because it’s of little use, do you? Now imagine Almighty God, who lives in eternity and he laughs at our prejudices. And suddenly you see that He takes offense at the disobedient child for every little thing.

Well, isn't it nonsense?

And it's all about you. More precisely, in your money! Man created God in his own image and likeness. Endowed him with unlimited power, immortality, and the right to control his own destiny. But everything could have been different if God had created man...

I hope I didn't intentionally offend anyone. But just in case, I will ask forgiveness from those who are still under the influence of scammers.

P.S. This was my personal opinion about any religion

The ruins of ancient Jericho lie west of the modern city center. The first traces of human life here date back to the 8th millennium BC. There is a powerful tower (8 meters) from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic era (8400-7300 BC).

In the Late Bronze Age, Jericho was a prosperous city surrounded by a wall of mud brick. According to the Bible, the city was destroyed by the ancient Jews, invaded Canaan, around 1550 BC The most significant excavations of the monument were carried out by British expeditions led by John Garstang in 1930-1936 and Kathleen Kenyon in 1952-1958. It was then that people started talking about Jericho as the oldest city in the world.

“1 Then the Lord said to Joshua: Behold, I have delivered Jericho and its king and the mighty men who are therein into your hands.

2 Go around the city, all who are capable of war, and go around the city once a day; and do this for six days.

3 And the seven priests shall bear the seven trumpets of jubilee before the ark; And on the seventh day, go around the city seven times, and let the priests sound the trumpets...

16 The city will be cursed, and everything in it will be given to the Lord; Only let Rahab the harlot live, she and everyone who is in her house; because she hid the messengers we sent...

18 And all silver and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, shall be holy to the Lord, and shall enter into the treasury of the Lord.

19 The people shouted and blew the trumpets... and the wall of the city fell down to its foundation, and the people went into the city, each from his side, and they took the city.

20 And they gave over to the slaughter all that was in the city, both man and woman, both young and old, oxen, and sheep, and donkeys, and destroyed them all with the sword...

24 But Joshua left the harlot and her father's house and all that she had alive, and her family lives among Israel to this day: because she hid the messengers whom Joshua sent to spy out Jericho...

26 And the Lord was with Jesus, and his glory was throughout all the earth.”

Old Testament “The Capture of Jericho” (Joshua, chapter 6).

* Joshua(Ye-hoshua, which means: Jehovah the Savior) succeeds Moses as the leader of “God’s people”, under the direct authority of Jehovah God.

The very reason for the conquest of these territories by the Jews looks strange to a normal person. You see, they were promised it. Put yourself in the place of a person who lives in his own house on his own land, doesn’t bother anyone, works, and raises children. Then a curly-haired stranger comes and says that he has all the rights to this land because someone promised it to him. Moreover, you and all your loved ones are not just kicked out, but brutally killed. And all this is presented as sacred act. This is where chaos was born!

A person who has at least the rudiments of a brain in his head will immediately say that this is not writing for normal people. And he will be completely right. This is contrary to human nature. Contrary to the very nature of Man!

It would be appropriate to quote the words spoken in 1976 by Harold Wallace Rosenthal:

Judaism is a culture that has no equal anywhere in the world. Even what you call Christianity is simply an outgrowth of Judaism. The culture of Judaism is something you actually live in, although you don't know it. Your entire civilization is the civilization of Judaism.

Money is more important than morals. We can achieve anything with money. Our people prove that Israel, which is always on the alert, can now win any confrontation. Our intellectual elements, raised on kibbutzim (Jewish collective farms), will transform this small country into a Middle Eastern miracle. In the future, Israel will be the place where the World Government will be located.

Few have the courage to speak out. Because we challenge your very thinking, we even instill in you a sense of guilt for the crimes that we committed, and we instill in you a sense of fear, even to criticize Jews openly. We are God's chosen people. Most Jews don't like to talk about it, but our god is Lucifer, we are Lucifer's chosen people. Lucifer is alive!

Mister Rosenthal (Harold Wallace Rosenthal), is a high-ranking official who worked in Washington, as he was an assistant to the all-powerful senator from the state of New York, Jacob Javits (Jacob K. Javits), a billionaire and a Jew by nationality. Harold Rosenthal was killed because he talked too much about it. Thus, his death serves as the best confirmation of what he himself said.

The one who was called Jesus Christ (real name - Radomir) tried to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, not by chance. He was really sent by the Magi to the Jews in order to try to pull this people out of the clutches of the hierarchs of the Dark Forces. But they didn’t let him do this...

42 Jesus said to them: If God were your Father, you would love Me, because I proceeded from God and came; for I did not come of Myself, but He sent Me.

43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My words.

44 Your father is the DEVIL, and you want to do the lusts of your father; he was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him; when he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

45 But because I speak the truth, do you not believe Me?

"New Testament" (John, chapter 8).

Why is the real name of the one who has been called all this time being carefully hushed up? Jesus Christ? Who benefits from hundreds of millions of people living in ignorance, worshiping the black god Jehovah and plunging more and more into darkness and the state of intelligent animals? Why does someone stubbornly hide from us our great past, in which a wonderful person lived, the Light Hierarch Radomir - the Joy of the World?

The Bible almost completely repeats the Torah - the “holy” book of the Jews, which was created for a completely dull, intimidated, zombified people. Over the past couple of thousand years, through the efforts of the Dark Forces, religion on Earth has been turned into the main means of deception, stupefying (zombifying) and conquering billions of people. Today's religious corporation is the greatest force that has humanity by the throat, tirelessly and stubbornly forcing people to give almost everything they have to the church...

And yet... neither in the Russian Federation, nor in the USA, none of those in power need people who can think, they don’t need people who will wake up from the sleep of reason! But we need slaves who can be given a surrogate under the guise of spirituality, a little bread and a lot, a lot of shows and beer. You don’t need to think, others will think for you...

It suits them, but it suits us. NO!

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A review of the global deceptions of our time does not imply extensive justification; detailed information and all necessary additional materials on each topic discussed can be found using the provided links.

Deception No. 1. Modern science is making progress

Modern science is the basis of the worldview of a huge number of people. This key point - the introduction of the same worldview - makes science similar to religions and ideologies. But, unlike the latter, only science, working with the so-called “all progressive humanity,” claims to have global coverage of all peoples of the Earth and, from school age, lays down false dogmas to everyone. For management purposes, it does not matter how true the worldview being introduced is, the only important thing is that it is the same for all people.

The reinforced concrete foundation of a false global scientific doctrine crushes any alternative theories, research and inventions that could shed light on the nature of living matter, electromagnetic phenomena, gravity, and alternative energy.

We are constantly being told about the progress of science, the fruits of which we all use: computers, mobile phones, GPS navigators. But, firstly, all these successes in applied physics appeared not thanks to a correct physical picture of the world, but thanks to technological breakthroughs, to which new theories were hastily adapted. Some of these breakthroughs, for example in microelectronics, do not have a technological record, which, according to some researchers, is a sign of the transfer of such technology to people from those who have long owned it.

And secondly, current technologies threaten life on the entire planet, such as nuclear power plants, which are considered a blessing for alternative energy, disasters at any of which already have global status and in the future can lead to the destruction of all life on Earth. One such “smoldering atomic bomb,” as experts call them, under a certain set of circumstances is capable of blowing up the entire planet.


Study the facts of the failure of the modern scientific paradigm, analyze alternative theories and views, develop communication among alternative honest scientists, inventors, and researchers. Give up the view of ecology as a separate science - everything should become environmentally friendly: politics, economics, science, education, everyone’s personal life. Try to maintain independence of thought in children when they encounter scientific dogma.

Deception No. 2. Modern medicine is making progress

Modern medicine, except for emergency traumatology, does not treat people, but makes money. As in any business, she makes sure that there are more and more clients. Therefore, many people are maimed even before birth, even more children are killed with extreme cruelty right in the womb, which is unimaginable even among animals. In modern medicine, it is considered the norm to make expensive raw materials for anti-aging creams and drugs from these killed babies. If the child was not killed in the womb, then they try to cripple him during childbirth, using savage obstetric practices. Then, after birth, children are poisoned with vaccinations, and in adulthood, people are treated with poisons, which are slyly called medicines.

It is believed that medicine saved humanity from epidemics of plague, smallpox, and tuberculosis, but most of these diseases disappeared thanks to the development of personal hygiene. Thus, in Rus', with its traditional bathhouse, the above-mentioned diseases were practically absent.

Instead of pandemics of the past, modern medicine produces some types of influenza artificially as biological weapons, which are advantageous because the creators of the demand, the virus, sell the medicine against it.

In modern medicine, transplantation is promoted as a great benefit, the essence of which in most cases is that the rich buys his own life by killing the poor. The growth of this industry is stimulated by local military conflicts and black markets for organs as criminal sources of human raw materials.

Any effective alternative or folk remedy is ridiculed and never introduced into widespread practice, as it contradicts the goal of keeping a person sick for as long as possible.

Modern medicine, by definition, cannot cure a person, since it does not study him as an integral system and approaches him exclusively from the position of a biological carrier, splitting a person into parts, without considering the processes of interaction of his essence (soul, consciousness) with the body.


Do not shift responsibility for your health to people in white coats. In the existing system, no one will apologize to you for a child maimed during childbirth or with the help of vaccines, or for a tampon left in the body after surgery. Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not use legal drugs - tobacco and alcohol, start a tradition of taking a steam bath once a week.

In case of illness, first of all, use alternative treatments and traditional methods, not forgetting common sense.

Deception No. 3. Religions make a person better


Use common sense in life, study religions as a technology for controlling the masses. The reconstruction of civilization is impossible without revising its fundamental defect and basic lies - artificial religions. Ecology, living in harmony with nature have never been part of their tasks, because in religions there is no such concept - “Nature”, what our ancestors called “Mother of the Cheese Earth”. Seek a worldview in which there is no place for the destruction of our common planetary home.

Deception No. 4. Modern economics is a natural stage in the development of society


Deception No. 5. The planet is threatened by overpopulation, resource depletion and famine

Local problems of overpopulation exist in some foreign countries and peoples, however, firstly, they can be solved by increasing the evolutionary level of the inhabitants of these regions, and not by methods of genocide. Secondly, with proper and harmonious development, using nature-like technologies, our planet can feed an order of magnitude more people than it does now. Here are just a few facts:

40% of food produced in the United States ends up in landfills. This amount of food is enough to feed half the population of Africa.

In the United States, farmers are paid subsidies so that they do not produce more than established limits.

According to the UN, a third of the world's food is wasted every year. It was produced but not used.

Now the whole world is looking at Russia as a potential leader in the field of organic farming. We can become a monopolist in the production of natural food throughout the world; this place in the international division of labor is free. Only Russia, the largest country in the world, has millions of hectares of arable land that has had a rest from chemicals, and our lands practically did not know GMOs. There are no other countries like this. Russia can supply both Europe and China with expensive natural food products, which can become an inexhaustible source of foreign exchange earnings, in contrast to exhaustible oil and gas reserves.


Strive to live in harmony with Nature, if it is impossible to leave the city, support and participate in promising projects in the format of eco-villages and rural tourism. Look for like-minded people, depending on your personal abilities and talents, grow environmentally friendly products or support similar projects, for example, using crowd funding services.

Deception No. 6. Traditional history

Our recent history is an excellent illustration of the level of human civilization before the contagion; by what global cataclysms and cruelest methods this incredible greatness and splendor was destroyed. Keeping us in the dark about this information is an effective way to control the masses.

Thanks to the development of communications, everyone now has access to evidence of planetary cataclysms, high technologies of ancient civilizations that tore the dilapidated fabric of official history, sewn with white threads.

The execution of the Romanov Royal Family in 1918, a calendar with 2015 from the Nativity of Christ instead of 7524 years from the Creation of the World according to the original chronology, the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the emergence of ancient megalithic structures, the spread of the entire civilization from a common ancestor in Africa and the emergence of different races on Earth - These and a huge number of other official myths of traditional history have been convincingly refuted by independent researchers.


If you do not receive salaries and bonuses from academic science, then collect information, analyze primary sources and artifacts, publish them on blogs and forums, and share interesting publications. The flood of information contradicting the official dogma will sooner or later turn from quantity to quality.

At the same time, be critical of information from modern whistleblowers of official history, who often pursue their own goals, use the most reliable sources about our history: first of all, our language, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, folk dances and songs, traditional crafts - all this figurative information cannot be rewritten, as happened and is happening with written sources.

Deception No. 8. Despite the shortcomings, humanity is developing in the right direction

Many of us feel that something is wrong here. There should not be so much injustice, cruelty and wars on Earth; A person should not be narrow-minded and stupid; it should not be difficult to live honestly and justly; It should not be profitable to become deceitful and unscrupulous.

Science cannot stand still for so many years, industry cannot poison people and the planet with poisons, and agriculture cannot produce tasteless and unhealthy food.


In a poisoned society, you are given a choice of what to do in each specific case. Let the voice of conscience serve as your guide. Conscience is an entity's signaling system, analogous to the cockpit of a passenger airliner, when dangerous deviations are promptly indicated by sound or flashing signals. What happens if airplane pilots ignore stall signals? It’s the same with a person: constantly ignoring the voice of conscience in favor of the logic of an infected society ultimately leads to the appearance of illnesses, “bad luck” and, ultimately, a complete loss of the essence of a given body on the material level. And the essence itself accumulates negative baggage, which will interfere with development in subsequent incarnations.

But a person always has the opportunity to turn to his conscience for a hint, just as a pilot glances at his instruments from time to time to make sure that the flight is going smoothly.

The only and indisputable guide when choosing a model of behavior in life situations should be your conscience.

Deception No. 9. Elite managers are the best part of society, acting in the interests of the people

To maintain such an unnatural order, rulers manipulate public consciousness using well-established methods of controlling the psyche of the masses, such as distracting attention, keeping people in ignorance, creating an information background on the principle of “bread and circuses,” and gradually introducing solutions that, if introduced simultaneously, would cause opposition from society . Thus, a civilization of total lies is created.

The actions of the governing elites are so inhuman that they have given rise to eccentric hypotheses that people are controlled by aliens, reptilians, blue-blooded beings... Perhaps the biggest lie of our time is that the governing pseudo-elites consist of people?


Study methods of manipulating the masses and look for ways to counter them.

Deception No. 10. The purpose of human life is material wealth

In simple words, this deception sounds like this: the main value in the modern world is money. The meaning of life for modern man has become the accumulation of material wealth.

This global deception leads to many destructive consequences for consciousness and soul:

Destruction of traditional family values ​​and the introduction of physical and spiritual perversions leading to degeneration.

To promote a lifestyle where money becomes the meaning of life, an attitude is being introduced that the essence (human soul) and its reincarnations do not exist.

A similar denial of the existence of the soul is observed both at the level of the official materialistic scientific picture of the world, when proven cases of reincarnation are ignored by scientists, and at the level of most religions, which pursue the goal not of providing real knowledge, but of managing and manipulating a person’s life, blackmailing him with an “eternal pension” - heavenly life.

If a person knows what our world is and what his place is in it, he will never act as the distorted social structure suggests.


Ask yourself, what is the main meaning of your life? By getting money to support your family, are you going against the voice of your conscience? Stick to traditional family values, value your unique humanity over immediate material goods, and think about the price you will have to pay for shifting your thinking to the enemy's camp. Know that in this case you will descend evolutionarily in this and in future incarnations, and you will inevitably return to an infected society with a tangle of unresolved problems. Strive for nobility, generosity, honesty, justice, loyalty, determination. You cannot instill the best qualities in your children if you yourself are deceiving and selling your soul.

Only after changing yourself can you instill the necessary qualities in your children, educate those who, after you, will transform our imperfect world.

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HIV-AIDS: virtual virus or provocation of the century Andrey Aleksandrovich Dmitrievsky

AIDS is a global deception of humanity!

Mikhail Arbenin

AIDS, in the form in which it is presented to us, really does not exist. A number of leading Western scientists made such a sensational statement.

Since the late 70s of the last century, when the first mentions of the deadly virus appeared, we have been misled. There are several versions as to why this was done and who benefited, but the fact remains: civilization is experiencing the most global falsification in its history.

The fact is that huge amounts of money are being made from AIDS. The main drug that is supposedly used to treat it, azidothymidine, AZT, is so toxic that taking it only brings a person’s death closer. The statistician who discovered that people treated with AIDS drugs all die within a short period of time, while those who refused treatment and began to lead a healthy lifestyle mostly survived, was crushed to death by a truck.

Iatrogenic neurosis is a neurosis inspired by a person whose authority is unshakable, for example a doctor. There was such a case in Italy that a doctor examining a patient told the man that he would live a very long time, and jokingly added - you will die when the city tower falls. The man lived after this and did not grieve long enough, and he died on the same day when the tower collapsed from a natural disaster, as soon as he learned about it. It's the same with AIDS. From the moment a person finds out that he is sick, he begins to die just from the mere realization that he has HIV. You don’t have to give him poisonous drugs, he will die on his own, and the speed of dying will depend on his impressionability.

Who benefits from this? IM – those who seek to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth. A man dies who will never be a father again, thereby breaking the thread of generations. People will tell each other terrible news about a terrible disease, scaring those who do not yet know, and creating advertising for AIDS. The immediate environment will be excluded from the reproductive life of society for some time, since they will use mechanical methods of protection, and time passes - and youth is not endless. A very cunning psychological move.

We can see with our own eyes the existence of pathogens of smallpox, plague, cholera, tuberculosis and others. If you want to look at them, please. But no one – for a very long time – could provide the HIV virus. Because he wasn't there. It was a deception with far-reaching goals.

There is such a version: one microbiological laboratory in the United States urgently needed some kind of terrible disease so that the US Congress allocated considerable funds to study and eliminate the threat. About ten homosexual drug addicts who developed a special form of pneumonia were provided for factual material. It was presented as a new and dangerous disease. And they received the money...

Science in the USA is a business, and competition flourishes there. There is no scientific community as a single whole in the United States; there are a lot of disparate scientific groups, each of which works for a specific closed enterprise. Of course, each group wants to be in the know (espionage), but they themselves do not want to put their achievements on public display and are not interested in the general public being informed about the real state of affairs. This time. On the other hand, there is such a phenomenon as public policy (it’s a fairy tale that in the USA the state performs purely administrative functions), many issues are supervised by intelligence agencies. And the US scientific community (which, in essence, does not exist), even if it suddenly decided for some reason to clarify the situation with the AIDS virus in the world, would simply not be allowed to do so. In a totalitarian state, which includes the United States, science, unfortunately, is an instrument of politics.

Speculation around the problem of HIV-AIDS is the biggest deception in the modern medical market.

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