Louise hey tonsillitis. Why does my throat hurt: psychosomatics of the disease

When faced with a sore throat, few people think about psychosomatics. The sick person goes to see a therapist, who writes a prescription. We took the medications according to the list, and the disease subsided. This means that we are dealing with a viral or bacterial infection that has attacked the body.

And it’s a completely different matter when soreness or sore throat becomes a common occurrence. Here we can already talk about psychosomatics. Of course, the throat will have to be treated, but the problem causing the disease must also be solved.

Psychosomatics - a new direction of medical science

You probably won’t find a person who has never heard of psychiatry and psychology. These two areas of medical science study the inner world of a person and the influence of external factors on his nervous system.

The emergence of a new direction in medical science - psychosomatics - is associated with the study of the ability of the human psyche to influence his well-being. She is the one who can answer the question why traditional treatment methods do not help.

Throat diseases and psychosomatics

The throat diseases that people most often encounter are laryngitis and pharyngitis. They are associated with symptoms such as a sore throat or a feeling of a “lump” in the throat.

All diseases caused by the penetration of infection in the form of viruses or bacteria into the body are called somatic. Thus, psychosomatics includes two components - medical and psychological.

That is, the science of psychosomatics studies the connection between a person’s psychological state and his illnesses. And psychosomatics associates throat diseases with unspoken grievances and suppressed emotions (anger, irritation).

Thoughts and illnesses

There are special tables linking wrong thoughts and illnesses. They have a separate section dedicated to the throat. An example is the work of Louise Hay.

Sore throat: psychosomatics, causes
Sore throat (tonsillitis)Restraining rudeness towards someone. Inability to show selfishness.
GlandsContainment and suppression. Everything happens without the participation of the subject and against his wishes.
PharyngitisDependence on others, fear, unspoken anger, unwillingness to change.
Cough (sore throat)The desire to attract the attention of others - to be seen or heard.
Lump in the throatMistrust, fear of living.
LaryngitisFatigue from other people's pressure, inability to speak due to anger and fear.
Nasopharyngeal discharge (mucus in the throat)Feeling like an uncryed child's cry.

If you ask the science of psychosomatics why your throat hurts, the answer will be simple. He is provoked by unexpressed emotions, the fear of making himself known to the whole world.

Psychosomatic tonsillitis (tonsillitis)

Manifests itself in the form of infectious-allergic inflammation in the tissues of the tonsils. Somatically transmitted:

  • Through the air.
  • Through contact with a sick person.

Hypothermia and immunity indicators affect the time and severity of the disease.


Psychosomatics: Louise Hay explains how to get rid of the disease once and for all

If you are a little interested in psychology, or at least just started studying the power of thought, then you have come across this word - psychosomatics. To shed light on the question of what psychosomatics is, Louise Hay wrote an entire book.

In every article on this blog, I tell you that everything that surrounds you now is something you have attracted to yourself. With your thoughts you create your reality in which you live.

From this article you will learn that your thoughts not only create your life, but also you. You also attracted the diseases that are in your body to yourself.

Attention! Whether you attract the desired benefits or a loved one, get rid of illnesses or failures, it is important to remember that working with the subconscious, the power of thought, is a very powerful tool. It can help you achieve incredible results, but sometimes they may not be what you expect.

Did you know that all human diseases arise due to psychological inconsistencies and disorders that arise in soul, subconscious, thoughts person? This is certainly true.

Being sure that cancer is caused by a feeling of resentment that a person retains in his soul for so long that it begins to literally devour his own body, I understood what I had to do huge mental work.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

What is psychosomatics?

In scientific terms, psychosomatics is a direction in medicine and psychology , studying the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases.

Remember the saying "In a healthy body healthy mind"?
I'm sure everyone knows her. But so that you understand what psychosomatics is, I will rearrange this saying a little: “A healthy mind = a healthy body.”

Thus, if your head is filled with good and positive thoughts, then your body is fine. But if you have a lot of negative attitudes, evil thoughts, resentments and blocks, then this will affect your body.

The ability to live happily and measuredly, controlling your thoughts and emotions, being in harmony with yourself, has the most beneficial effect on a person’s overall physical health.

Just like everything good, so everything bad in our life is a consequence of our way of thinking, which influences what happens to us. We all have many stereotypical thoughts, thanks to which everything good and positive appears in life. And this makes us happy. And negative thinking patterns lead to unpleasant, harmful results, and they worry us. Our goal is to change the life, get rid of everything painful and uncomfortable and become completely healthy.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system that contains knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology.

Many experts and doctors of science have proven that with some diseases a person needs the help of not only a doctor, but also a professional psychologist or even a psychotherapist.

It’s good when a doctor understands this and, instead of a kilometer-long list of medications, prescribes a patient a referral to a highly qualified specialist in the field of psychology. Tablets can help, of course, but their effect will only be temporary. Over time, the problem will return if you do not work it out from the inside.

I understood that if I allowed doctors to rid me of a cancerous tumor, but I myself would not get rid of thoughts that gave rise to illness, then the doctors will then have to cut off pieces from Louise over and over again until there is absolutely nothing left of her.

If I am operated on and, moreover, if I myself get rid of the cause that gave rise to the cancerous tumor, then the disease will be over forever.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

The relationship between the state of the human body and its emotional and psychological components is officially recognized today. This relationship is considered within the framework of such areas of medical psychology as psychosomatics.

How psychosomatics appeared: Louise Hay and ancient healers

At least a book by Louise Hay “Heal yourself” has gained enormous popularity in curing diseases; psychosomatics has been discussed since ancient times.

Even in Greek philosophy and medicine, the idea of ​​the influence of the soul and spirit on the body was widespread. The same idea is present in the description chakra system.

Socrates stated the following: “You cannot treat eyes without a head, a head without a body, and a body without a soul.”. And Hippocrates wrote that healing the body must begin with eliminating the causes that prevent the patient’s soul from performing its Divine work.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study the topic of psychosomatics. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments did not have a scientific basis, and his hypotheses did not receive recognition.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first scientific observations were systematized. Scientists Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine by formulating the concept of the “Chicago Seven,” which includes seven main psychosomatic diseases x diseases.

A little later, in the middle of the 20th century, a magazine began to be published telling about psychosomatic ailments.

Nowadays in stores there are books written by a wonderful author about what psychosomatics is - Louise Hay.

Louise Hay had no special education. Louise Hay is a person with many years of experience, both in working with herself and in helping other people. She was prompted to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma.

Several years ago, doctors examined me and diagnosed me with uterine cancer.

Considering that I was raped at the age of five, and was often beaten as a child, then it is not surprising that I was diagnosed with uterine cancer.

By this time, I myself had been practicing healing for several years, and it was clear that now I had the opportunity to cure myself and, thereby, confirm the truth of everything that I taught other people.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics: Louise Hay and her secrets of recovery

To get rid of a disease forever, we must first get rid of its psychological cause. I realized that any of our illnesses has a need. Otherwise we wouldn't have it. Symptoms are purely external manifestations of the disease.. We have to go deep and destroy its psychological cause. That is why will and discipline are powerless here - they only fight the external manifestations of the disease.

This is the same as picking a weed without uprooting it. That is why, before starting to work with the affirmations of new thinking, you should strengthen the desire to get rid of the need for smoking, headaches, excess weight and other similar things. If the need disappears, then the external manifestation disappears. Without a root, the plant dies.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

With these words, Louise explains to us that it is necessary to exterminate the disease not only from the outside (medicines, treatment, traditional medicine), but it is also important to work through your thoughts, your attitudes. By getting rid of wrong thoughts, you are most likely to get rid of the disease.

The psychological causes that cause most body ailments are pickiness, anger, resentment and guilt. If, for example, a person engages in criticism long enough, he often develops diseases such as arthritis. Anger causes illnesses that cause the body to boil, burn, and become infected.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In order to protect yourself from the diseases mentioned above, you need to work with your emotions and thoughts.

Getting rid of the old to make room for the new

Below, in this article, you will see a list of diseases, their causes and affirmations compiled by Louise Hay that will help get rid of the disease.

But I believe that it is not enough to just start saying affirmations. It is also necessary to identify and eliminate all our negative attitudes that create a reality that is unnecessary for us.

These are the same “weeds” that Louise Hay spoke about.

After all, if you start pronouncing new affirmations, the old attitudes will not go away. Do you agree?
First, you need to get rid of them. Then the effect of affirmations will be 100%.

I wrote about how to identify all your blocks, negative attitudes and replace them with new positive thoughts.

Another “toxic” emotion that kills us from the inside, that prevents us from fulfilling our desires, that destroys our health is resentment.

Long-buried resentment decomposes, devours the body and, ultimately, leads to the formation of tumors and the development of cancer. Feelings of guilt always force us to seek punishment and lead to pain. It is much easier to throw these negative thoughts-stereotypes out of our heads even when we are healthy than to try to eradicate them after the onset of the disease, when you are in a panic and there is already a threat of falling under the surgeon’s knife.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Someone offended you, disappointed you, or you are in a quarrel with someone, all this leaves a residue inside you that destroys your positive attitude. You need to get rid of resentment.
There are several methods on how to do this. I wrote about them in articles:

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases

So, having worked through your past grievances and negative attitudes, you need to introduce new thoughts and affirmations into your consciousness.

In his book “Heal yourself” Louise Hay provides a huge table of diseases, in which she indicates their causes and a new approach to your thoughts in order to avoid illness or cure an existing illness.

This list of psychological equivalents was compiled by me as a result of many years of research, as a result of my work with patients, based on my lectures and seminars. The list is useful as an index of likely thought patterns causing the illness.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In this article I want to look at the 10 most common ailments, in my opinion. Below is a list of diseases and their probable causes. That is, your thoughts, sensations and emotions that led to this illness. It also outlines the “new” thoughts that you need to introduce into your mind in order to heal.

And when you figure out the reasons, I will help you get rid of diseases using the power of thought.

1. Throat, sore throat

The throat is a channel of expressiveness and creativity.

Possible causes of sore throat:

  • Inability to stand up for yourself
  • Swallowed Anger
  • Creativity crisis
  • Reluctance to change
  • You hold back from harsh words
  • Feeling unable to express yourself

A new approach to the problem: replace existing installations with new ones.

I throw away all restrictions and find the freedom to be myself
Making noise is not prohibited
My self-expression is free and joyful
I can easily take care of myself
I demonstrate my creativity
I want to change
I open my heart and sing about the joy of love

2. Runny nose

Probable cause:

  • Request for help
  • Inner cry

New approach:
I love and console myself in the way that pleases me
I love me

3. Headache

Probable cause:

  • Underestimating yourself
  • Self-criticism
  • Fear

New approach:
I love and approve of myself
I look at myself with love
I'm completely safe

4. Poor vision

The eyes symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, and future.

Probable cause:

  • Don't like what you see in your own life
  • Myopia is a fear of the future.
  • With farsightedness - a feeling of being out of this world

New approach:
Here and now nothing threatens me
I see it clearly
I accept Divine guidance and I am always safe
I look with love and joy

5. Women's diseases

Probable cause:

  • Self-rejection
  • Refusal of femininity
  • Rejection of the principle of femininity
  • Resentment towards men

New approach:
I'm glad I'm a woman
I love being a woman
I love my body

II forgive all men, I accept their love

6. Injuries

Probable reasons:

  • Self-directed anger
  • Guilt
  • Punishment for deviating from one's own rules

New approach:
I turn my anger to good use
I love myself and value myself highly
I create a life full of rewards

7. Burns

Probable reasons:

  • Anger
  • Internal boiling
  • Inflammation

New approach:
In myself and my environment I create only peace and harmony
I deserve to feel good

8. The appearance of gray hair

Probable reasons:

  • Stress
  • Belief in the necessity of pressure and tension

New approach:
My soul is calm in all areas of my life
My strength and abilities are enough for me

9. Intestinal problems

Symbolizes getting rid of unnecessary things.

Probable reasons:

  • Fear of getting rid of everything that is outdated and unnecessary

New approach:
I easily learn and absorb everything I need to know and happily part with the past.
Getting rid of it is so easy!
I easily and freely discard the old and joyfully welcome the arrival of the new.

10. Back pain

The back is a symbol of the support of life.

Probable reasons:

  • Fear about money
  • Lack of financial support
  • Lack of moral support
  • Feeling that you are not loved
  • Containing feelings of love

New approach:

I trust life's process
I always get what I need
I'm doing well
I love myself and approve
Loves me and keeps me alive

The main thing is to love yourself

Love is the most powerful remedy against all illnesses and diseases. I open myself to love. I want to love and be loved. I see myself happy and joyful. I see myself healed. I see my dreams come true. I am completely safe.

Send everyone you know words of comfort and encouragement, encouragement and love. Realize that when you wish other people happiness, they will do the same to you.

Let your love embrace the entire planet. Allow your heart to open to unconditional love. Look: everyone in this world lives with their head held high and welcomes what awaits them in the future. You are worthy of love. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are ready to accept all the good things that are about to happen to you.

Feel your own power. Feel the power of your breath. Feel the power of your voice. Feel the power of your love. Feel the power of your forgiveness. Feel the power of your desire to change. Feel it. You are beautiful. You are a majestic, Divine creature.

You deserve only the best, and not just some part of it, but all the best. Feel your power. Live in harmony with her, you are safe. Welcome each new day with open arms and words of love.

Let it be so!

Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics by Louise Hay is very useful information to better understand yourself and allow yourself to be healthy. Have you now reconsidered your attitude towards illness? Have you realized what could be the cause of your illness? And if you are interested in learning more about the power of thought, how to fulfill what you want, come to my master class, where I share the most intimate things - my personal experience. You can register

In addition to the medically proven causes of sore throat, doctors recognize another one - psychological. Psychosomatics concerns both children and adults equally.

What is psychosomatics?

Psychosomatics is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological causes of human diseases.

All human experiences that extend from childhood can cause inflammation in the body. Moreover, children are exposed to psychosomatics much more often than adults. Often, this is the result of parental pressure on the unformed child’s psyche and domestic violence.


Psychologists say that the psychosomatics of sore throat, like pharyngitis, laryngitis in children can arise due to parental overprotection, a ban on one’s own opinion, crying, screaming, or due to suppressive parental control. After all, with a sore throat, a child tries to speak as little as possible, and with laryngitis, he completely loses his voice.

Also, reasons leading to diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be:

  1. deficit of parental attention;
  2. parents' quarrels;
  3. jealousy of other family members;
  4. insults, humiliation, complexes about appearance.

Adults may suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases due to suppressed emotions or:

  1. anger and frequent irritability;
  2. “narcissism”, selfishness;
  3. isolation, trying to hide from society;
  4. severe nervous shocks.

Inflammation of the tonsils according to Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo - psychologist and philosopher, bestselling author of psychological books, was born on February 14, 1941. In 1966, she began working for an internationally renowned company as a manager and soon became the best in her industry throughout North America. She maintained leadership until 1982, and then decided to end her professional career and start coaching. In 1984, she opened her own school of psychological development in Quebec, and 3 years later she published the book “Listen to your body - it’s your best friend on Earth” in her own publishing house, Les Editions E.T.C. Moreover, within 20 years, the sales level of this publication exceeded 400 thousand, gathering fans around the world to this day.

Liz Burbo believes that if a sore throat occurs for psychological reasons, then it is a reaction to anger, which is generated in a situation where something turned out to be too tough. And mentally a person tries to prove that he is right, increasing anger towards himself or someone else.

In addition to medications, the only way to defeat tonsillitis is: “Love and understanding.” Love for others and sincere understanding of the current situation.

Inflammation of the tonsils, according to Louise Hay

Extravagant and controversial personality Louise Hay has her own opinion on the topic of psychosomatics. The author of the best-selling book You Can Heal Your Life has experienced more than one psychological trauma, her reputation was not always ideal, but in the 70s she turned to the First Church of Religious Science and began to use life experiences for the benefit of parishioners. Some time later, her first work, “Heal Your Body,” contained a detailed list of diseases and the psychological reasons for their development.

A popular table directly related to psychosomatics, since 1982 it continues to help millions of people overcome illnesses.

ProblemProbable CauseNew approach
AnginaYou hold back from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
I throw away all restrictions and find the freedom to be myself.
ThroatChannel of expressiveness and creativity.I open my heart and sing about the joy of love.
Throat: diseasesInability to stand up for yourself. Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Reluctance to change.Making noise is not prohibited. My self-expression is free and joyful. I can easily stand up for myself. I demonstrate my ability to be creative. I want to change.
TonsillitisFear. Suppressed emotions. Stifled creativity.

Symptoms of psychosomatic sore throat

The psychological basis of sore throat in adults and children can be suspected in the case of:

  1. untreatable or constantly recurring sore throat;
  2. a sore throat begins abruptly, but recedes with the same speed;
  3. a disease that seems to have no compelling reason;
  4. when tonsillitis worsens due to stress or conflict situations.

In addition to the usual symptoms, there is a feeling of a “lump in the throat” that cannot be swallowed.


In the case when an otolaryngologist suspects a psychosomatic disease, one should not be skeptical about such an assumption. You definitely need to visit a psychotherapist to confirm or refute this diagnosis. The whole family can be invited to communicate with the child in order to see not only the child’s behavior, but also the attitude of relatives towards him.

If psychosomatic causes occur, the specialist prescribes restorative therapy. This can be either an individual course or a family course. But psychosomatic diseases are highly treatable and always have a positive prognosis.

In the treatment of such diseases, various psychotherapeutic techniques are used. In particular these are:

  • hypnosis;
  • Cognitive therapy is a form of psychotherapy that is based on the assertion that the cause of the disorder lies in erroneous thinking, perception, beliefs and stereotypes. Ellis's rational-emotive therapy is said to be close in effectiveness;
  • neurometabolic therapy is a treatment that increases mental resistance to external influences, including nootropic, cholinergic, dehydration, vascular drugs, adaptogens, antioxidants, vitamin and amino acid complexes.

Nootropic drugs are drugs led by substances that can have a direct effect on brain mechanisms that improve the brain’s resistance to lack of nutrients and oxygen, infectious diseases and stressful situations. Such remedies improve blood circulation and, subsequently, learning, memory and mental abilities in general.

Dehydration drugs are prescribed in situations where there is a violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid and venous blood from the brain.

Vascular drugs are drugs that slow down blood flow and act on neurons of the brain, under the influence of which neurons take more oxygen and nutrients and release decay products more productively.

psychotherapy combined with the use of antidepressants - medications that relieve symptoms of depression.

Somatoform disorders are subject to especially careful treatment.

Somatoform disorders are persistent complaints from a patient about the symptoms of a disease, a requirement from doctors for urgent action, manifested regardless of the actual presence of these symptoms. For example, complaints of sore throat without changes characteristic of pharyngitis, laryngitis or tonsillitis.

Somatoform disorders are divided into 6 types:

  1. somatized – conditions characterized by a normal state of health and the parallel presence of complaints from the patient about symptoms of diseases;
  2. conversion – conditions characterized by loss of control over memory and movements;
  3. hypochondriacal – conditions involving fear of getting sick;
  4. pain – conditions in which there are complaints of pain that lasts more than six months and is completely unjustified by doctors;
  5. undifferentiated – diagnosed when there are many complaints, but their exact causes are not yet possible to establish;
  6. unspecified – a temporary condition, the causes of which are at the stage of clarification.

However, psychological treatment does not mean abandoning the traditional one prescribed by an otolaryngologist, therapist or pediatrician.


Interesting activities and hobbies are effective prevention of psychosomatic conditions. As a preventative measure, a child can be involved in sports clubs, a swimming pool, language courses and other activities that do not allow them to get bored in their free time.

This is a productive method of combating self-devouring for adults, you just need to create a work and rest schedule so that there is simply no time left for self-flagellation. However, you should not get carried away with the issue of employment, so that you do not have to treat other disorders. Regular receipt of positive emotions will decisively delay illness, and how these emotions will be acquired is an individual question. For some it is new acquaintances, cinema, theater, travel, for others it is a favorite pastime, renovation or a simple bubble bath, and it is better if it is possible to combine all of the above.

Speaking about work, it is important to remember about the norms of working hours and the compliance of the workplace with a personal satisfactory framework, because it is no secret that for an adult it is extremely important to enjoy the type of activity that happens to be engaged in.

It will never be superfluous to regularly visit a psychoanalyst for a quick analysis and, if necessary, relief of emerging thoughts and states. In order to prevent a recurrence of the disease, it is important to take the preventive measures prescribed to them responsibly and not give up therapy in advance. It is always easier to prevent any disease than to subsequently treat it.

Under no circumstances should you take psychotropic or sedative medications on your own. These are just as serious medications as any other, so self-medication may not only be ineffective, but also cause harm to health. These drugs must be prescribed exclusively by a doctor with the appropriate qualifications and, often, actually effective drugs are dispensed from pharmacies only with a prescription.

1. THROAT (PAIN)- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Inability to speak up. Pent-up anger. Inhibited creative activity. Reluctance to change yourself.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

It's great to make sounds. I express myself freely and joyfully. I can easily speak on my own behalf. I express my creative self. I want to constantly change.

2. THROAT (PAIN)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

The throat is the front part of the neck, containing the beginning of the esophagus and respiratory tract. The throat connects the nasal cavities with the larynx and the mouth with the esophagus. It plays an important role in the processes of breathing, speech and swallowing.

Emotional blockage

If a sore throat makes it difficult to speak, see the article.

If we are talking about a feeling of CONSESSION, if a person feels that his grabbed by the throat it means that someone is forcing him to do or say something. He feels that he is being pressured.

If a person experiences a sore throat when swallowing, he should ask himself the following question: “What situation is hard to swallow at the moment? What piece won’t go down my throat?” Perhaps it is some strong emotion or reluctance to accept a person or a new idea. This difficulty causes a person to become angry and aggressive, directed against himself or another person. Often, when some piece does not fit into the throat, a person feels like a victim and takes the position of “poor, unfortunate me.”

Mental block

It is in the throat that the center responsible for creativity is located; therefore, if you have a sore throat, you must give yourself the right to create and do whatever you want, without stepping on your own throat, without blaming yourself and without fear of disturbing others. Instead of getting angry at yourself for making a bad decision or acting rashly, learn to accept with love what you create. Only tacts can reveal your individuality.

I'll give you an example from my personal life. Several times my throat started to hurt badly before public speaking; it was difficult for me swallow This pill is the need to speak overtime at conferences or lectures five evenings in a row. It seemed to me that my body was telling me that this was too much work, and I began to feel sorry for myself. In reality, it told me that I myself, without any coercion, made such a schedule for myself. The pain disappeared as soon as I made the decision to conduct all conferences and lectures with love, no matter how difficult it was for me.

It is interesting to note that the throat connects the heart and head, or, on a metaphysical level, self love And I am. By creating your life in accordance with your true needs, you realize your individuality, your I am, open up to abundance. Therefore, if you allow yourself to build your life on your own, it will help you develop your creative abilities. Do what you think is necessary, even if you know that some of the people around you may not like it.

If you feel that you are grabbed by the throat know that this is just your perception of the situation. No one can take you by the throat unless you allow it yourself. Don't worry about what some people might become for you pieces that don't fit in the throat, that you won't be able to control them. Anyone who seeks to control others has neither the strength nor the time to build his own life.

Throat diseases

The throat symbolizes our ability to stand up for ourselves, to ask for what we want. The state of the throat reflects the state of our relationships with people. If you have excellent relationships with loved ones, then your throat will always be healthy.
The throat is the part of the body where our creative energy is concentrated. A channel of expressiveness and creativity runs through it. Human self-expression is associated with this area.
In addition, through the throat we begin a process such as acceptance and assimilation. Not only food, but also things, ideas, people. Therefore, if we do not accept something in our life, it will immediately affect our throat.

Problems with the throat can be expressed in the form of inflammation, sore throat, stuttering, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and thyroid diseases.

Lump in the throat- strong subconscious fear prevents you from speaking out. Feelings and words become lumpy in the throat. This feeling is familiar to many who have experienced intense fear.

If you hold back from speaking harsh words, “swallow”, suppress your anger and other emotions, or are afraid to express out loud what you think, then your throat will immediately react to this with inflammation. Illness in this case is a kind of obstacle to saying the forbidden.
People with a sore throat cannot express themselves, their attitude, stand up for themselves, or ask for what they want. They themselves create various obstacles within themselves, and then suffer from it.

“I want to say it, but I can’t,” one patient who had frequent throat inflammations told me.
- Why can’t you? What's stopping you from speaking out? – I asked him.
- Don't know. I probably think it’s indecent to express out loud what I think. If I start expressing everything that is in my soul, then people will misunderstand me.
– What do you mean “they will misunderstand”? – I asked him. – Are you afraid to show them your true face?
“Yes, you’re right,” the patient answers. Judging by his expression, he had never thought like that before and had just realized it.
- Okay, remember how a child asks for something for himself, how he declares himself - all the neighbors hear. And he doesn't think it's bad. His mind is still free from various conventions. Start expressing out loud everything you think. Understand that every person is a unique person, individuality, including you. There are no people higher or lower, worse or better. Each has its own unique place in the Universe. Your opinion is just as valuable as anyone else's. And gradually, observing the reactions of people around you, find your true face. Align the external and internal.

I discovered that there is another important reason - a feeling of inferiority. All inferiority complexes necessarily pass through the throat, since a person constantly scolds himself, expresses dissatisfaction with himself: appearance, actions. And the subconscious mind is forced to cause illness in order to protect us from ourselves. The subconscious mind operates according to the same principle when we scold and criticize others.


Disease of the tonsils is called tonsillitis.
Angina(L. Hay) - you refrain from rude words; feel unable to express yourself.
A new approach, a new harmonizing thought: I throw away all restrictions and gain the freedom to be myself.
Sore throat, purulent tonsillitis(V. Zhikarentsev) - a strong belief that you cannot raise your voice in defense of your views and ask for your needs to be met.
A new approach, a new harmonizing thought: I have a birthright for people to consider my needs. And now I ask for what I want, easily and freely.

A child who feels like an empty place in the family gets sick with tonsillitis . Everyone is so important, but he is no one. Stress arises because parents decide and do everything themselves for the benefit of the family. No one is interested in the child’s opinion. At best, he will be patted on the head for keeping quiet and allowing his parents to live their lives for him.
It never occurs to parents who consider themselves good that the child is already a full member of the family, even while still in the womb. If he did not need to express himself, to assert himself on a material level, then he would not have come into the world.
A child's need for self-expression is the need to express one's opinion so that the family can truly live better. A child's ability to distinguish true good from imaginary good is lost the faster the mother and father want to be better parents.
An adult can also get a sore throat if he feels that his words are flying to the wind . In an adult, a sore throat usually occurs without fever, since he is very ashamed of the fact that he does not enjoy any authority in the family. Tirelessly trying to bring order to the house, he suddenly realizes that all his exhortations and calls are meaningless. If from now on he keeps his mouth shut, wanting to prove to himself that he has changed for the better, then his tonsils will be purulent, but the temperature will not rise. In this case, the likelihood of complications is much higher.

Tonsillitis(inflammation of the tonsils) – fear; repressed emotions; stifled creativity.
Tonsils- These are protective organs and a barrier to microbes. They, like sentries, guard the entrances to the respiratory and digestive tracts. The tonsils become inflamed when they become infected. When the tonsils are inflamed, the patient has difficulty swallowing.
Tonsillitis(V. Zhikarentsev) – fear; repressed emotions; stifled creativity.
A new approach, a new harmonizing thought: My goodness now flows freely. Divine ideas are expressed through me. There is peace and tranquility within me.
Tonsillitis(L. Hay) – fear; suppressed emotions; stifled creativity.
A new approach, a new harmonizing thought: Now everything good in me flows freely. I am a conductor of Divine thoughts. There is peace in my soul.

Laryngitis(inflammation of the larynx) - fear of expressing one’s opinion; indignation, dissatisfaction, resentment, indignation against someone else's authority.
Swelling and enlargement come from dissatisfaction, which saddens.
Pain comes from discontent that rages.
Tumors come from sadness that a person suppresses.
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, the organ through which we make sounds.
Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness, coughing and sometimes difficulty breathing.
Partial or complete loss of voice indicates that a person does not allow himself to speak because he is afraid of something. He wants to say something, but is afraid that he will not be heard or that someone will not like his words. He tries to “swallow” his words, but they get stuck in his throat (often this is why his throat hurts). They strive to break out - and, as a rule, they succeed.
Laryngitis can also occur due to the fear of not being up to par, not meeting someone’s expectations when it comes to words, speeches, performances, etc. The cause of the disease can also be fear of authority in some area. It is also possible that a person said something to someone and is angry with himself for saying too much, for letting it slip; he promises himself to keep his mouth shut in the future. He loses his voice because he is afraid to talk again.
It happens that a person wants to express some important request for him, but prefers to remain silent because he is afraid of refusal. He can even use all sorts of tricks and subterfuges to avoid some important conversation.
Laryngitis(L. Hay) – anger prevents you from speaking; fear prevents you from speaking out; I'm being dominated.
A new approach, a new harmonizing thought: Nothing stops me from asking for what I want. I have complete freedom of expression. There is peace in my soul.

Whatever fear you feel, it only harms you, because it deprives you of ease and does not allow you to express yourself. If you continue to hold yourself back, it will eventually hurt you a lot, and it may not only hurt your throat. Express what you feel and you will discover the energy center in yourself, which is associated with creativity and is located in the throat.
Understand that you will never be able to find a way of expressing yourself that would please everyone without exception. Give yourself the right to express yourself in your own way, and others will recognize this right for you. Know also that your opinion is no less important than the opinions of others, and that you have the same right to self-expression as everyone else. If you ask someone for something, the worst that can happen is that you get rejected. But if a person refuses you, this does not mean that he does not love you or denies your essence. He simply refuses your request!

MONONUCLEOSIS most often affects young people. Its symptoms are acute tonsillitis and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. A characteristic symptom of mononucleosis is an increase in the number of white blood cells. Mononucleosis is directly related to spleen function. The LIVER can also be affected by mononucleosis.
Mononucleosis is a sign of strong stubbornness. A person who has fallen ill with it should first of all relax and stop persisting. Mononucleosis often affects teenagers who are angry with themselves for falling in love too quickly.
Mononucleosis - Pfeiffer's disease, lymphoid cell angina(L. Hay) - anger generated by a lack of love and underestimation of oneself; indifferent attitude towards oneself.
A new approach, a new harmonizing thought: I love myself, appreciate and take care of myself. Everything is with me.
Mononucleosis - glandular fever, enlarged lymph nodes, spleen(V. Zhikarentsev) - anger that you do not receive love and approval; don't take care of yourself anymore; one of the forms of belittling life; you make others make mistakes, attribute mistakes to them; a lot of internal criticism; the habit of playing: “Well, isn’t all this terrible?”; fear of one's own anger.
A new approach, a new harmonizing thought: I am one with all life. I see myself in others and love what I see. I enjoy being alive.

True Croup usually called damage to the larynx due to diphtheria, false croup - acute LARINGITIS. False croup most often occurs in children 6 to 7 years old. Its initial stage is characterized by a barking cough and voice changes. The voice first becomes hoarse, then disappears completely. The cough, at first hoarse and paroxysmal, also gradually weakens. After this, it becomes increasingly difficult for the patient to breathe; inhalation is accompanied by a whistle or noise.

DIPHTHERIA- an acute infectious disease, the main symptom of which is a grayish-white coating in the form of films on the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx. The most common manifestations of this disease are diphtheria sore throats.

Healthy tonsils- these are like the ears of human self-awareness. If a person listens to his inner voice and acts in accordance with it, his tonsils are in order. The inner voice is a feeling, a sensation. A calm feeling is love. When you act in accordance with your feelings, you cannot go wrong.
If the feeling is a certain emotion, then love warns, makes you think and look for another way out. If a seeker believes in the existence of a way out, he finds it. In the same way, waste products find their way out of the glands.
Those who rely on others have glands in a waiting state. How and what exactly a person expects from others, his glands expect exactly the same. They do not cleanse the body. Any specific surprise can serve as the beginning of the disease.
For example, you wake up in the morning and feel a sore and sore throat. You remember yesterday and are surprised - it turned out to be a surprisingly good day. There shouldn't have been any stress.

Sick tonsils- these are a kind of ears of a person’s unrealized self-awareness, his unrealized “ego”.
An adult who always acts in his own way is an egoist whose tonsils do not hurt, because he fulfills his desires without taking into account the needs of others. He may repeat the same mistake, but does not draw a conclusion. For a reasonable child observing from the outside, everything has long been clear, but he does not have the right to express his opinion. He has a duty to respect his parent. The child cannot realize his desire to voice what he feels and knows. The more he wishes the parent well, the more he himself suffers under the growing burden of the unspoken. In a moment of despair, a sore throat begins - a disease typical of children and adolescents.

Violent protest against the lack of voting rights causes an acute form of sore throat .
If a person protests against the lack of the right to vote, forcing himself to grovel slavishly , purulent plugs form in his tonsils, which do not respond to drug treatment and which are removed promptly along with the tonsils. Now, for sure, the tonsils will not fester.

Sore throat has many complications. They most often affect the heart, kidneys and connective tissue. In fact, there is no area that is not affected by a complication associated with a previous sore throat. The complication can be mild, but sometimes it can be fatal.
Complications arising from diseased tonsils include the following:
heart disease if a person waits to be listened to;
diseases of the brain and nervous system, if a person hopes that they will listen to him;
diseases of the metabolic organs, if a person dreams of being listened to;
blood diseases, if a person yearns to be listened to; rheumatism, if a person believes that he is being listened to;
kidney disease, if a person is deceived in a vile way, used for their own purposes, betrayed.

The simplest remedy is to remove the tonsils, then there will be no place where the disease could arise. In fact, removing tonsils is tantamount to depriving a person of the opportunity to live his own life.
How difficult it can be for people with tonsils to remain themselves, we don’t know. However, they themselves do not know, although they feel it. And this is good. If they knew, they would join the ranks of those who blame doctors for everything, although doctors are not to blame. Doctors choose the lesser of several evils, since complications caused by tonsils are a serious matter. Those who need it will eventually find themselves even if their tonsils are removed.