The best library event presentation. Presentation on the topic “History and activities of the Irdanovsky rural library

Shilykovskaya municipal secondary school

Completed: history and social studies teacher

Yudin D.V.

Shilykovo, 201 4

Socialist industrialization

    Lesson type: learning new material.

    Lesson format: laboratory lesson based on the textbook and additional sources.

    Lesson objectives:

    Educational : ensure that students understand the goals, sources and essence of the country’s industrialization, and consider its results and consequences.

    Developmental : develop the ability to draw up cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, draw conclusions, analyze through the use of information sources, consolidate communication skills (development of oral speech, dialogue).

    Educational: Using the examples of the labor heroism of Soviet people during the first five-year plans, to cultivate a sense of duty and patriotism, and to promote the formation of an active civic position in students.

Basic concepts: industrialization, five-year plan, Stakhanov movement.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, educational map “USSR in the years of the first five-year plans”, worksheets.

Lesson steps




Updating knowledge. Immersion in the material.

Creating a problematic situation

= 5 min

Problem Statement

Hello guys. We are starting our next Russian history lesson. At previous meetings, we discussed with you the problems of the economic and political life of the Soviet Union in the early - mid-30s. XX century. We learned about the features of the NEP, the formation of the CCC R, and the political struggle within the Bolshevik Party. As you know, political differences in the party flared up with renewed vigor in 1927 due to the grain procurement crisis.

What points of view did the top of the Bolshevik Party have on the causes of the crisis, its main culprit and the way out of this crisis?

Whose point of view won?

This means that as a way out of the grain procurement crisis of 1927, our state chooses the path proposed by Stalin, i.e. collectivization and industrialization. Today we are talking to you about industrialization. We write down the topic of the lesson: “Socialist industrialization.”

Let's remember what we already know about industrialization? I asked you to repeat this material at home.

Leading dialogue:

1) What is industrialization?

2) How did industrialization proceed at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th? Under what conditions did it develop?

This industrialization took place in a market economy, i.e. was capitalist. Today we will talk about one of the most complex and controversial events in Russian history - socialist industrialization.

This slide presents two statements by our contemporaries regarding socialist industrialization.

Compare these two statements. Is there a contradiction in these statements?

"Industrialization was necessary For stable development countries, contributed to its economic growth"

"Stalin's industrialization got by country too much expensive And Not cost spent strength"

Is it possible to say unambiguously about the consequences of industrialization based on these 2 statements?

What conclusion can be drawn from these 2 statements? What is the question?

This is the main problem that we must solve during the lesson.

There were two points of view: Stalin and Bukharin.


Stalin I.V. .

Bukharin N.I. .

Causes of the crisis

Weak industry generates

commodity hunger

Errors in

implementation of the economic course

Main culprit

Fist saboteur

Political leader of the country

Ways out

Collectivization and industrialization

Search for economic leverage

- Stalin's point of view won.

Write it down in a notebook.

1 ) Industrialization is the process of creating a large, technically advanced industry.

2) By the beginning of the 80s of the 19th century, the industrial revolution was completed, which created the preconditions for capitalist industrialization. Setting the task of achieving industrialization, the ideologists of the bourgeoisie demanded protectionist policies that would protect Russian industry from competition. Free enterprise was praised by government contracts and subsidies that promoted industrial construction. All of them argued for the need to attract foreign capital, the use of foreign technologies, and foreign technical specialists.

The sources of capitalist industrialization were:

Peasant redemption payments;

Wine and tobacco monopolies;

Indirect taxes;

Foreign capital.

A feature of capitalist industrialization was the active intervention of the state in the economy. The state imposed capitalist forms of economy from above and used coercion on the population.

During capitalist industrialization, industries were created in Russia: food industry, light industry, some branches of heavy industry (mining, coal, oil, metallurgy and metalworking), and the longest railway network in Europe. However, capitalist industrialization in Russia remained incomplete. There were no branches of mechanical engineering and machine tools; Automotive, chemical and other industries are undeveloped.

1) the first statement talks about the positive consequences of socialist industrialization

2) in the second statement the idea is given about the shortcomings, mistakes of socialist industrialization, and the negative consequences.

(write it down in a notebook).

Slide number 1

Slide number 2

Slide number 3

Slide number 4

Slide number 5

Two contradictory statements on slide number 6

The main question is written on the board

Finding a solution to a problem (discovering new knowledge)

By lesson content points

+ 25 minutes

Before we begin to solve it, let's think about where we will get information about socialist industrialization?

So, let's turn to the textbook (p. 166).

You know that we always consider any important historical event, be it a revolution, war, reforms, etc., according to plan. Today lesson plan next:

    Goals and features of industrialization in the USSR.

    Carrying out the first and second five-year plans.

    Social consequences of industrialization.

    Consequences of the first five-year plans.

1. Prove that the industrialization carried out in the USSR in the 30s had its own goals and characteristics. For this:

a) read the text of the textbook (§ 23, pp. 166-167) and document No. 1;

b) complete the task in worksheet No. 1.

Guys, we are working according to the algorithm for completing the tasks that you have on your desks.

1. Understand the task: read and explain in your own words what needs to be done.

2. Find the information needed to complete the task (in the text, in the illustration, etc.)

H. Transform the information so as to get an answer to the task: highlight the main thing, find a solution, reason, justify your position, etc.

4. Write down (if necessary) the solution in the required form: table, list, text, numerical notation.

5. Compose a mental answer using the words: “I believe that..., because, firstly, secondly...”.

6. Give a complete answer (tell us about your decision), without relying on the teacher’s leading questions

The task completion time is 3-4 minutes.

From the text of the textbook, historical documents.

Write it down in a notebook.

    Individual written work followed by frontal dialogue.



Elimination of the technical and economic backwardness of the country;

Achieving economic independence;

Creation of a powerful defense industry;

Development of basic industries (fuel, metallurgical, chemical, mechanical engineering).

High rates of industrialization;

Short historical periods;

Attention to the development of heavy industry to the detriment of light industry;

Implementation of industrialization at the expense of internal reserves (bread, butter, sugar, petroleum, gold, timber, treasures of museums, temples, etc.) were exported from the country;

Carrying out industrialization in a planned economy.

Slide number 7

Slide number 8

Expressions of solution, application of new knowledge

+5 minutes

2. Now we turn to the 2nd point of our action plan: the progress of industrialization. So, in 1925 onXIV party congress the need for industrialization was identified. I. Stalin proposes to begin forced (accelerated) industrialization. In history, it is customary to distinguish 2 stages of industrialization, which coincide with the 1st and 2nd Five-Year Plans. Each stage solved a specific problem and was distinguished by its achievements, which is why there were different results. To verify this, you need to complete the following tasks:

a) compare the first and second five-year plans along 4 lines of comparison (points):

    Years or terms of the five-year plan.

    The main task.

    Largest construction projects.


You complete this task in writing on Worksheet No. 2.

Do the work in pairs. The task completion time is limited to 6 minutes.

So what have we got? What conclusion can be drawn based on the information you obtained?

Are these positive or negative consequences of industrialization?

b) Find on the historical map “The National Economy of the USSR at the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War” (see color insert) the leading construction sites of the first and second five-year plans.

4. – Without whom do you think industrialization could not have happened?

Stalin also understood this well, so he declared: “man is the most valuable capital,” “personnel decide everything.” As we understand, the lives of people in the 30s took place in conditions of accelerated industrialization of the country. The question arises: what impact did industrialization have on people’s lives, what are its social consequences? You will learn this by completing the following tasks in groups:

a) read the material on pages 168-169, 170-171;

b) Answer the question posed to you using the following formula:

    We believe that...

    We can confirm this...

    Hence …

Now let’s remember the main question that we could not answer at the beginning of the lesson.


And the last tasks you have to complete:

    Compose a syncwine on the topic of the lesson. Make up.

Rules for writing syncwine

    The first line - the topic is called in one word (usually a noun).

    The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).

    The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words.

    The fourth line is a four-word phrase showing the attitude towards the topic (feeling).

    The last line is a one-word synonym that reiterates the essence of the topic.

    The rest solve test tasks.

2. Work takes place in pairs.

Comparison lines

First Five Year Plan

Second Five Year Plan




The main task

Make the USSR an industrial state

The largest

construction sites

Dneproges, Magnitogorsk and Kuznetsk metallurgical plants; croup coal mines in Donbass and Kuzbass, Stalingrad and Kharkov tractor plants, Moscow and Gorky automobile plants

Ural and Kramatorsk heavy engineering plants; Chelyabinsk Tractor and Ural Carriage Works; metallurgical plants "Azovstal" and "Zaporozhstal", aircraft factories in Moscow, Kharkov and Kuibyshev.


1) New industries have emerged in the country;

2) Transformation of the USSR from a country importing industrial equipment into a country producing equipment.

The USSR overtook the leading European states in its industrial power, i.e. became an economically independent industrial state.

The country has achieved successful economic results. It became an independent industrial power.

Working with the map. Two students take turns going to the board and showing on the map the main construction projects of the five-year plans. The rest work from the cards in the textbook.

Without people, labor power, industrialization could not take place.

Sample student answer:

Positive social impact

Negative social consequences

1. Unemployment has been eliminated

2. A large number of technical specialists have been trained.

3. Food cards have been cancelled.

4. Improving the standard of living of the leaders of production - the Stakhanovites.

    Reduced wages.

    Exorbitant taxes.

    Rising prices and inflation.

Impoverishment of the people.

    Use of forced labor of prisoners.

    Introduction of repressive measures against workers.

- What were the consequences of socialist industrialization for the country?

- Socialist industrialization had both positive and negative consequences for the state and society. Thus, we found out that industrialization was contradictory.

For example.


Forced, contradictory

Work, build, catch up

While suffering, achieve a successful result!


1. The sources of industrialization in the USSR were:

a) foreign loans and investments;
b) exploitation of the national outskirts of the country;
c) the enthusiasm of the Soviet people;
d) export abroad of raw materials, food, cultural values.

2. Indicate the main feature of industrialization in the USSR:

a) comprehensive development of the national economy;
b) high rates of development of heavy industry;
c) rapid development of light industry.

3. What are the main results of industrialization:

a) creation of a powerful military-industrial complex;
b) a significant increase in the standard of living of the population;
c) integration of the country into the world economic system;
d) transformation of the USSR into a powerful industrial-agrarian power;
e) gaining economic independence.

4. When the last labor exchange was closed in the USSR (unemployment was eliminated):

a) in 1930; b) in 1935; c) in 1936?

5. In which city was the first tractor plant built: a) in Minsk; b) in Chelyabinsk; c) in Stalingrad?

Slide number 9

Slide number 10

Slide number 11

Slide number 12

Slide number 13 (with a question)

Slide number 14

Slide number 15

Slide number 16

Slide number 17

Slide number 18

Slide number 19


+ 2 minutes

Pay attention to the topic of the next lesson.

Do you remember why you heard this definition?

1. In this regard, I propose to complete the advanced task for Vlade K.: prepare a message on the topic “Dekulakization” (speech for 2-3 minutes);

2. For Ekaterina M., Nadezhda K., read § 23, answer questions 1-4 and complete the task in textbook No. 2 and 3.

Thank you for the lesson!


Collectivization is Stalin's position on ways out of the crisis of 1927. There is talk about consolidation of farms.

D/z on slide number 20

Slide number 21

Reading room Subscription Acquisition and processing department Legal information office Methodological department

Slide 3

The first mention of the library was in “Description of the Chernigov Province”, vol. 11, 1899, p. 377. 1897: “In Mglinsky district, libraries were opened in the following settlements: ... Krasny Rog, ... the town of Pochep.” In 2012, the Pochep Intersettlement Library will celebrate its 115th anniversary. Over the years of its existence, the library was located in different buildings. In 1966, a new building was built for it, where it remains to this day.

Slide 4

This place is historical. In the 19th century, the palace of Count Kirill Razumovsky, which housed a rich library, stood here. Alexei Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, cousin of A.K. Tolstoy, one of the creators of the image of Kozma Prutkov, was born here, a poet who left in Russian literature “a trace of sublime dreams, and sincere sorrow, and human thoughts.” There is a plaque on the library commemorating this event.

Palace of Kirill Razumovsky. .G. Pochep Intersettlement Library of Pochep 2011

Slide 5

At all stages of its development, the library has fulfilled and continues to fulfill an important educational mission; it is constantly at the center of public life. The main mission of the library is to create a convenient, comfortable space for reading, communication, education, development of information culture, as well as spiritual and cultural development of the individual. Goals and objectives of the library: Promotion of books and reading in accordance with the goals and objectives of the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading; Organization of exhibitions, information materials about the activities of government bodies and the implementation of national projects in the country, region, district; Collection and provision of various types of information for the population of the municipal area. Information support in the formation of local self-government; Educational work to help legal, environmental, patriotic education. Local history activities. Propaganda of books and libraries Research work within the framework of the library program “Study, promotion of the life and work of the Russian poet and playwright A.K. Tolstoy”; Creating comfortable conditions for communication and leisure time in the library;

Slide 6

Popular wisdom says: “One book teaches a thousand people” “From time immemorial, a book raises a person” “A mind without a book is like a bird without wings”

This is the motto of our library. The library has great wealth. It has 53,648 copies of various publications. Every year, 3,844 users are served, who are issued about 80 thousand copies of various documents. . The library is the custodian and promoter of books. And in books is the wisdom of centuries, the experience of generations, dreams of the future. With a book we find a way to the heart, soul, goodness of each of our readers. In this, our social partners provide us with an invaluable service: “PRAISE FOR THE BOOK IS PRAISE FOR THE LIBRARY.”

Slide 7

Slide 8

We promote the book using various forms of reader service. The doors to the library are open to everyone.

mass work

Slide 9

One of the main areas of work is patriotic education. Together with the whole of Russia, the residents of Pochepka walked the thorny path of the Great Patriotic War. The Pochep partisan detachment named after Furmanov, numbering up to 400 people's avengers in its ranks, gave no rest day or night. Seven glorious sons of the Pochep land were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The glorious military traditions were continued by sons and grandsons, fulfilling their civic duty in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus. Our task, through books, meetings with veterans and combat participants, participation in regional events, is to convey the concept and awareness of the involvement of everyone present in understanding the essence of the phenomenon “war”

Slide 10

The children's book of memory is a family work of our young readers, their parents, grandparents. The presentation of the exhibition “Holy Memory of the War” took place on the central square of Pochep. It traditionally gathers around itself the residents of the city and region, because it presents rich local history material.

Slide 11

Literary and musical evening “Standing at the Eternal Flame” dedicated to Victory Day

Slide 12

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, an information day “Chernobyl: 25 years later” was held in the inter-settlement library, to which participants in the liquidation of the accident living in the Pochepsky district were invited.

The library took part in the regional virtual scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Maslenko S.M., “The work of libraries to help the social adaptation of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident”).

Slide 13


The brochure “Holy Memory of the War” is a collective work of librarians of the Pochepsky district; it contains all the information about the war monuments located on the territory of the Pochepsky district.

Slide 14

The library initiated a round table on the topic “Preservation and development of cultural traditions of the Pochepsky district.” The round table brought together a variety of representatives of the public, clubs, associations, leaders, local historians, and invited the district leadership to participate. The outcome of the event was the need for a programmatic, targeted solution to preservation problems and development of cultural heritage.

Slide 15

It has become a tradition to celebrate Orthodox Book Day with the participation of the dean of the Pochep district, Archpriest Father Vitaly, museum staff, and school students. An exhibition of Orthodox literature, performance of sacred music, reading of Orthodox poetry, presentation of church books - all this can be seen and heard at the theme evening in the library “Those who enlightened the Slavic land”


Slide 16

“Happy is he who is happy at home” Leo Tolstoy

The library systematically promotes literature that glorifies family values, and since the establishment of the holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (July 8), it initiated a regional event dedicated to this day. It is traditionally held jointly with the district leadership, the departments of the registry office, guardianship and trusteeship, the Center for Children's Creativity, and representatives of the clergy.

Slide 17

“Let’s touch the universe, What Tolstoy left us...”

For many years, as part of the regional program, the library has been working to study and popularize the life and work of A.K. Tolstoy. This name is known and dear to every resident of the Pochepsky district, because the village of Krasny Rog is the spiritual homeland of the wonderful Russian poet, prose writer and playwright. The literary lounge in the library is a favorite place for events.

Slide 18

The library operates interest clubs, where employees invite each club member to learn new things and discover their talents. Interest clubs:

Slide 19


The library works to preserve and develop national culture, foster love for one’s country, native land, and family. In order to identify and popularize local history information and support the initiatives of amateur local historians, the library has created a local history club “Nemiga”, the name of which is associated with the name of the Nemiga river, which fed the ancient inhabitants of Pochep with its waters. The club hosts events throughout the year

Slide 20

literary and musical evening “...My heart remains in the sadness of my native home...”, dedicated to the work of V. Sapunov

Slide 21

Literary and musical evening “Small Motherland, or Point in the Universe”, dedicated to the literary, poetic, musical, performing, and artistic creativity of Pochep residents.

Slide 22

Literary and musical evening “How can a restless life continue”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Grigory Isaevich Stafeev, a native of the village of Setolovo, Pochepsky district

Tatyana Grigorievna Emelyanova, daughter of G.I. Stafeev, took part in the evening

Slide 23

Presentation of the book “Righteous Rus'” by Nikolai Feofilovich Nikitin, a native of the village of Setolovo. The purpose of the event is to introduce young people to reading historical literature and increase historical knowledge.

Slide 24

The work of the Nemiga club is coordinated by the leading bibliographer of the inter-settlement library, Svetlana Mikhailovna Maslenko. Thanks to research work, the library received materials and photographs from the personal family archives of local residents.

The card index of creative people, natives of the Pochepsky district, has been replenished with 25 new names. The previously published book “Pages of History of the Pochepsky District” (compiled by S.M. Maslenko) was republished in 2011 due to its popularity.

Slide 25


The “Ogorodnik” club operates successfully in the library. It is very popular among city residents. Its meetings are held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Club members at meetings are offered not only topics related to gardening and vegetable gardening, but also educational information hours dedicated to the work of readers, poets, and composers.

Slide 26


In our work with young people, we focus on activities that contribute to the formation of an active citizenship among young people, increasing the level of legal knowledge that young people need in all spheres of public life.

Slide 27

Within the framework of the Sobesednik club, the School of Young Voters continued its work.

Slide 28


The library has become a place of communication for people with disabilities. Since 2001, the “Overcoming” club has been operating for them, which hosts literary and musical evenings, reviews of new books, information hours, and conversations. Participants are looking forward to the next meetings at the club.

Slide 29

Throughout the year, librarians conduct conversations with visually impaired people at meetings of the VOS Society. Together with the Bryansk Regional Library for the blind and visually impaired, a special literature lending point was opened and is operating in the inter-settlement library

Slide 30

CLUB "Father's Land"

Lyudmila Grechko reads her poems The oldest member of the "Father's Land" club A.N. Revonenko Since 2003, for lovers of the poetic creativity of local authors, the popularization of books by writers of the Bryansk region and our fellow countrymen living outside the region, the library has operated the "Father's Land" club, name which is in tune with the Pochepsky literary association “Father’s Land” (headed by A.T. Kozyar)

Slide 31

Out-of-station reader service

Slide 32

The new is the well-forgotten old. The same can be said about out-of-station reader service, in the sense that this work began to be carried out in a new format. The district's librarians have always worked as book carriers, delivering books to the homes of those who cannot visit the library. In 2011, 43 readers were served at home. The 21st century has made its own adjustments to non-stationary services: a complex of information library services (KIBO) appeared in the Tyutchev BONUB, with the help of which the city of Pochep and the village of Alekseevsky were served in the Pochepsky district. For 2011 year, 355 documents were issued to 65 readers. With the help of the KIBO information base and the ability to access the Internet, residents of the village of Alekseevsky were able to satisfy information requests for coursework and school reports. DVDs and CDR discs were especially popular among children and teenagers. Older readers use social networks.

Employees of the out-of-station service department of the BONUB named after F.I. Tyutchev provided assistance to the employees of the inter-settlement library in advanced training: Pogrebnoy O.V. a consultation was held on “Entering records into an electronic catalog”

Slide 33

Slide 34

According to the targeted regional program “Culture of the Bryansk region”, with co-financing from the administration of the Pochepsky district, a Gazelle vehicle was purchased for the library.

Non-stationary servicing of district residents with literature from the inter-settlement library will be more intensive.

Slide 35

Methodical work

Slide 36

The Pochep Intersettlement Library is a methodological center for 36 libraries in the district. One of the main tasks of the department is to increase the level of professional knowledge of rural librarians. Seminars were prepared and conducted: “Activities of municipal libraries to combat drug abuse”, “Work of libraries in the Pochepsky district on environmental education of the population”, “The role of libraries in improving the legal culture of voters” A workshop “Fundamentals of library work” was held for aspiring librarians

Slide 38

The methodological service developed programs for 3 regional competitions, which were held in 2011.

literary and artistic competition “My A.K. Tolstoy” literary and artistic competition “My best city on earth” For children: Among the district librarians - “The best event dedicated to the Year of the Child” Winners: Albul N.A. – Head of the Domanich Library; Kaukina S.L. - head of the Chopovsky library; Khramkova N.A. - Head of the Rechitsa Library

Slide 39

Library in the media

The regional newspaper “Pochepskoye Slovo” is a reliable partner of the library in promoting books and reading. 95 articles about the library were published on its pages (34 articles by library workers and 61 articles about the library).

Slide 40


from the federal budget - 622 copies in the amount of 121,749-84 rubles; from the regional budget - 216 copies of printed materials in the amount of 68,595-81 rubles; from the local budget - 49 copies in the amount of 20650-00 rubles; from extrabudgetary funds - 2414 copies in the amount of 75630-04 rubles. 208,077 rubles were spent on subscription of periodicals from the local budget (of which for the central inter-settlement and central children's libraries - 677 copies in the amount of 70,574 rubles and in libraries of rural settlements - 1,683 copies in the amount of 137,503 rubles). The main value of a library is BOOKS. In 2011, the library's collection was replenished by 5,808 items. Was received:

Slide 41

Material and technical base

Under the target regional program “Culture of the Bryansk region” (250 thousand rubles) and with co-financing from the administration of the Pochepsky district (306.5 thousand rubles), transport was purchased for the central library - “Gazelle”; furniture for the Central Regional Library was purchased in the amount of 18.5 thousand. rub. a computer was purchased for the acquisition and processing department and a local network with Internet access was installed on 4 computers for 30 thousand rubles. (the library was provided with sponsorship by V.G. Galaganov)

Slide 42

The library mission is carried out by the friendly and creative team of the Pochep Intersettlement Library, whose total experience in library work is 378 years. Each of the employees is a responsible, hardworking, erudite person who is a little romantic at heart. We have new plans ahead and a desire to work to increase the prestige of the library. We hope that our team can handle the further road of initiatives and creative search.

Slide 43

“The road to the library is the path to the heart, soul, goodness. And this path is open to everyone” A.I. Herzen

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Slide captions:

WE ARE GOING TO THE LIBRARY The presentation was prepared by Elena Vladimirovna Dubinina, teacher-librarian of the MBOU “Khomutovskaya Secondary School”

From the outside you look: the house is like a house, But there are no ordinary residents in it. There are interesting books in it, standing in close rows: Chernomor, and Tsar Guidon, and the good grandfather Mazai. What is this house called? Try to guess!

What is a library?

A library is a collection of books that one person or many people have collected with love and stored with care.

Readers are those who read, to whom works of literature are addressed; those who visit the library.

Library form - a standard registration card used in library work

Subscription Reading room Book depository

SUBSCRIPTION – a place where books are issued at home.

READING ROOM - a specially equipped room at the library for reading and studying with books.

BOOK DEPOSIT - a room for storing books

School library School library fund 4270 copies. textbooks 9,624 copies. fiction

Arrangement of books in the library collection Books in the library are arranged in a certain order. People have learned to group information, combining it based on common features.

Arrangement of books in the library collection Shelf dividers help you find the right book

A catalog is a collection of cards with any information, arranged according to certain rules.

Rules for using the library You must be quiet in the library, because... noise disturbs other readers. Books must be returned on time, because other readers are waiting for them. You can borrow a book from our library for 10 days. Library books must be handled with special care so that as many children as possible can read them. Library books must not be lost, otherwise there will not be a single book left in the library. Books in the library (from the open access collection) must be placed exactly in the place where you got them. Otherwise, the librarian will not be able to quickly find this book for another reader.

The Otochevo rural library has functioned since 1937 as a hut-reading room. In the first years there were about 100 books. The manager was L.P. Manukhin. There were 1,165 books in the city. 8 newspapers and 8 magazines were subscribed. The number of readers is 99. In 2000, the total book stock was 8842 copies. The number of readers is 600. Serves the following settlements: Irkhkasy, Otochevo, Sinyal-Otochevo, Torinkassy, ​​Yatmankino, Shuposi. Currently the library serves 645 readers. Subscription to periodicals is carried out annually. Library readers have the opportunity to get acquainted with materials from newspapers and magazines.

Belskaya Olga Mikhailovna Since 1950. She worked as a technical employee for 39 years, was a neat, disciplined worker, helped librarians in their difficult work.

Ilyina Zoya Ilyinichna The library was famous for its staff. The head of Ilyina, Zoya Ilyinichna, is remembered with a kind word. She was an energetic professional who knew how to unite people and gained well-deserved popularity among the villagers.

Erzhakova Galina Valerianovna She was an energetic worker and knew her job.

List of librarians who worked in the Otochevo Library. Manukhin Luka Petrovich (1937) Manukhin Nikit Petrovich (1938) Sergeev Guriy Sergeevich (years) Belskaya Olga Mikhailovna (years) Lepeshkin Anton (years) Surikov Alexander Petrovich (years) Sofronov German Egorovich (years) Moiseev Petr Ivanovich (years.) Ershov Leonid Kuzmich (years. Efimov Veniamin Pavlovich (years.) Stepanova Evgenia Stepanovna (years.) Fadeeva Galina Semenovna (years.) Semenov Nikolay Semenovich (years.) Ilyina (Barinova) Zoya Ilyinichna (years.) Erzhakova Galina Valerianovna (years) Krasnov Konstantin Ilyich (years) Ershova Zoya Dmitrievna (1980) Yatmanova Lyubov Andreevna (years) Illarionova Rimma Semenovna ()

As part of the Decree of the President of the Chuvash Republic “On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic,” the Otochevo model library was opened on June 21, 2007. Currently, the library has a computer, printer, scanner, color TV, and DU player available to users. The library has been replenished with traditional electronic resources: periodicals and books, audio-video cassettes, CDs and databases on various media, electronic presentations.

Slide 2

“Let the winds of change blow in the world, But the library will live forever, And oblivion and decay will not touch the books...” Reading room Subscription Department Acquisition and processing Department of legal information Methodological department

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The first mention of the library was in “Description of the Chernigov Province”, vol. 11, 1899, p. 377. 1897: “In Mglinsky district, libraries were opened in the following settlements: ... Krasny Rog, ... the town of Pochep.” In 2012, the Pochep Intersettlement Library will celebrate its 115th anniversary. Over the years of its existence, the library was located in different buildings. In 1966, a new building was built for it, where it remains to this day.

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This place is historical. In the 19th century, the palace of Count Kirill Razumovsky, which housed a rich library, stood here. Alexei Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, cousin of A.K. Tolstoy, one of the creators of the image of Kozma Prutkov, was born here, a poet who left in Russian literature “a trace of sublime dreams, and sincere sorrow, and human thoughts.” There is a plaque on the library commemorating this event. Palace of Kirill Razumovsky. .G. Pochep Intersettlement Library of Pochep 2011

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At all stages of its development, the library has fulfilled and continues to fulfill an important educational mission; it is constantly at the center of public life. The main mission of the library is to create a convenient, comfortable space for reading, communication, education, development of information culture, as well as spiritual and cultural development of the individual. Goals and objectives of the library: Promotion of books and reading in accordance with the goals and objectives of the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading; Organization of exhibitions, information materials about the activities of government bodies and the implementation of national projects in the country, region, district; Collection and provision of various types of information for the population of the municipal area. Information support in the formation of local self-government; Educational work to help legal, environmental, patriotic education. Local history activities. Propaganda of books and libraries Research work within the framework of the library program “Study, promotion of the life and work of the Russian poet and playwright A.K. Tolstoy”; Creating comfortable conditions for communication and leisure time in the library;

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Popular wisdom says: “One book teaches a thousand people” “From time immemorial, a book raises a person” “A mind without a book is like a bird without wings” This is the motto of our library. The library has great wealth. It has 53,648 copies of various publications. Every year, 3,844 users are served, who are issued about 80 thousand copies of various documents. . The library is the custodian and promoter of books. And in books is the wisdom of centuries, the experience of generations, dreams of the future. With a book we find a way to the heart, soul, goodness of each of our readers. Our social partners provide us with an invaluable service in this regard:

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We promote the book using various forms of reader service. The doors to the library are open to everyone.

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One of the main areas of work is patriotic education. Together with the whole of Russia, the residents of Pochepka walked the thorny path of the Great Patriotic War. The Pochep partisan detachment named after Furmanov, numbering up to 400 people's avengers in its ranks, gave no rest day or night. Seven glorious sons of the Pochep land were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The glorious military traditions were continued by sons and grandsons, fulfilling their civic duty in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus. Our task, through books, meetings with veterans and combat participants, participation in regional events, is to convey the concept and awareness of the involvement of everyone present in understanding the essence of the phenomenon “war”

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The children's book of memory is a family work of our young readers, their parents, grandparents. The presentation of the exhibition “Holy Memory of the War” took place on the central square of Pochep. It traditionally gathers around itself the residents of the city and region, because it presents rich local history material.

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On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, an information day “Chernobyl: 25 years later” was held in the inter-settlement library, to which participants in the liquidation of the accident living in the Pochepsky district were invited. The library took part in the regional virtual scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Maslenko S.M., “The work of libraries to help the social adaptation of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident”).

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Research work The brochure “Holy Memory of the War” is a collective work of librarians of the Pochepsky district; it contains all the information about the war monuments located on the territory of the Pochepsky district.

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The library initiated a round table on the topic “Preservation and development of cultural traditions of the Pochep region.” The round table brought together a variety of public representatives, clubs, associations, leaders, local historians, and invited the district leadership to participate. The outcome of the event is the need for a programmatic, targeted solution to the problems of preservation and development of cultural heritage.

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It has become a tradition to celebrate Orthodox Book Day with the participation of the dean of the Pochep district, Archpriest Father Vitaly, museum staff, and school students. An exhibition of Orthodox literature, performance of sacred music, reading of Orthodox poetry, presentation of church books - all this can be seen and heard at the theme evening in the library “Those who enlightened the Slavic land” COLLABORATION WITH THE ORTHODOX CHURCH

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“Happy is he who is happy at home” L.N. Tolstoy The library systematically promotes literature praising family values, and since the establishment of the holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (July 8), it initiated a regional event dedicated to this day. It is traditionally held jointly with the district leadership, the departments of the registry office, guardianship and trusteeship, the Center for Children's Creativity, and representatives of the clergy.

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“Let’s touch the universe that Tolstoy left us...” For many years, as part of the regional program, the library has been working to study and popularize the life and work of A.K. Tolstoy. This name is known and dear to every resident of the Pochepsky district, because the village of Krasny Rog is the spiritual homeland of the wonderful Russian poet, prose writer and playwright. The literary lounge in the library is a favorite place for events.

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The library operates interest clubs, where employees invite each club member to learn new things and discover their talents.

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LOCAL HISTORY CLUB “NEMIGA” The library works to preserve and develop national culture, cultivate love for one’s country, native land, and family. In order to identify and popularize local history information and support the initiatives of amateur local historians, the library has created a local history club “Nemiga”, the name of which is associated with the name of the Nemiga river, which fed the ancient inhabitants of Pochep with its waters. The club hosts events throughout the year

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literary and musical evening “...My heart remains in the sadness of my native home...”, dedicated to the work of V. Sapunov

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Literary and musical evening “Small Motherland, or Point in the Universe”, dedicated to the literary, poetic, musical, performing, and artistic creativity of Pochep residents.

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Literary and musical evening “How can a restless life continue”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Grigory Isaevich Stafeev, a native of the village of Setolovo, Pochepsky district. Tatyana Grigorievna Emelyanova, daughter of G.I. Stafeev, took part in the evening

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Presentation of the book “Righteous Rus'” by Nikolai Feofilovich Nikitin, a native of the village of Setolovo. The purpose of the event is to introduce young people to reading historical literature and increase historical knowledge.

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The work of the Nemiga club is coordinated by the leading bibliographer of the inter-settlement library, Svetlana Mikhailovna Maslenko. Thanks to research work, the library received materials and photographs from the personal family archives of local residents. The card index of creative people, natives of the Pochepsky district, has been replenished with 25 new names. The previously published book “Pages of History of the Pochepsky District” (compiled by S.M. Maslenko) was republished in 2011 due to its popularity.

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CLUB "GARDENER" The club "Gardener" successfully operates in the library. It is very popular among city residents. Its meetings are held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Club members at meetings are offered not only topics related to gardening and vegetable gardening, but also educational information hours dedicated to the work of readers, poets, and composers.

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CLUB “SOBESEDNIK” In our work with young people, we place emphasis on activities that contribute to the formation of an active civic position among young people, increasing the level of legal knowledge that young people need in all spheres of public life.

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CLUB “OVERCOMING” The library has become a place of communication for people with disabilities. Since 2001, the “Overcoming” club has been operating for them, which hosts literary and musical evenings, reviews of new books, information hours, and conversations. Participants are looking forward to the next meetings at the club.

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Throughout the year, librarians conduct conversations with visually impaired people at meetings of the VOS Society. Together with the Bryansk Regional Library for the blind and visually impaired, a special literature lending point was opened and is operating in the inter-settlement library

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CLUB "Father's Land" Lyudmila Grechko reads her poems The oldest member of the "Father's Land" club A.N. Revonenko Since 2003, for lovers of the poetic creativity of local authors, the popularization of books by writers of the Bryansk region and our fellow countrymen living outside the region, the library has operated a club " Father's Land", the name of which is consonant with the Pochep literary association "Father's Land" (headed by A.T. Kozyar)

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The new is the well-forgotten old. The same can be said about out-of-station reader service, in the sense that this work began to be carried out in a new format. The district's librarians have always worked as book carriers, delivering books to the homes of those who cannot visit the library. In 2011, 43 readers were served at home. The 21st century has made its own adjustments to non-stationary services: a complex of information library services (KIBO) appeared in the Tyutchev BONUB, with the help of which the city of Pochep and the village of Alekseevsky were served in the Pochepsky district. In 2011, 355 documents were issued to 65 readers. With the help of the KIBO information base and the ability to access the Internet, residents of the village of Alekseevsky were able to satisfy information requests for coursework and school reports. DVDs and CDR discs were especially popular among children and teenagers. Older readers use social networks. Employees of the out-of-station service department of the BONUB named after F.I. Tyutchev provided assistance to the employees of the inter-settlement library in advanced training: Pogrebnoy O.V. a consultation was held on “Entering records into an electronic catalog”