It's better to do something and regret it. It’s better to do and regret than to regret what you didn’t do

It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret it!

Dedicated to the memory of Oksanka Dyatlova (Foxik)

Today is exactly seven years since Oksana Dyatlova, a 24-year-old girl, an extreme athlete, who walked on the edge between worlds almost every day and who, to be honest, could give a head start to most guys on a bicycle, and in competitions the 1st podium place was simply not called anything other than “Ksyukhin’s Column”. Almost half the city came to her funeral - all cyclists, hikers, extreme marathon runners and other lovers of fresh air and an active lifestyle knew Ksya.

I still don’t understand why the last word was then spoken by a ritual aunt, in a ritual dress with ritual permanent curls on her head, memorizing artificially mournful words of a pre-written caliche speech. Why did she call our Ksya, our Fox, our Red, our Ksenka - Oksana Igorevna and raved about something that would be more suitable for a 60-year-old grandmother, but not for a young beauty. How I wanted to ask my aunt to shut up, stand in front of everyone and tell her about what she really was like. A sort of “ball lightning”, fast, emotional, beautiful in her physical strength, youth and health, adored by all men and slightly disliked by many girls. She was our star - bright and beautiful and faded away like a star, quickly and rapidly. She didn’t have time to get married, give birth to children, or win all the competitions that she wanted to win so much, and I never dared to say about it.

There are rarely second chances in life. I still regret that I didn’t do what I thought was right. Since then, I know for sure: if you want to do something, you need to do it, no matter what. Because a) you can die right in the next minute, and b) most likely, you won’t have a second opportunity. Foxy will never have a second chance...

How many times has fate sent us a chance, but out of timidity, out of reluctance to make radical changes in our lives, out of fear, out of fear of being misunderstood and rejected, we rejected this chance, and then spent years wondering what would have happened “if”? Think about it, for most people their whole life consists of “what would have happened if I had done it back then.” It is very scary when life is built on unfulfilled hopes, unused opportunities, unrealized proposals.

Once, when I was young, I worked as a social worker, visiting and helping lonely elderly people. Among my charges was a grandmother, very lonely, no one in the whole wide world, but it was still obvious from her figure and face: many, many years ago she would have been considered a beauty in any society. Her story is the clearest example of how you can miss not just that notorious chance, but your entire life. The war began when she was 18; at 20, police dragged her out of her attic and took her on a freight train to Germany, where she was forced to work in a munitions factory. There she met a French prisoner of war, and there her first and last love in her life happened. When the city where the plant was located was liberated by Soviet troops, the Frenchman proposed to his beloved and begged her to go with him straight to his homeland. But Lyuba wanted to see her family and was afraid of a foreign country, and therefore returned to Ukraine. An empty old adobe house was waiting for her at home; none of her relatives survived the war, and she lived the remaining 50 years of her life in the same house, alone, because she was not allowed back to her beloved and he was not allowed to see her. Scary? Very!

That’s why I’m sure that you need to be afraid not of mistakes, not of condemnation, not of unnecessary gestures - you need to be afraid of the fact that the opportunity to ACTION will never present itself again, and the story of your life will consist of one subjunctive mood.

It’s clear that in order to take a step, you need to want to take this step. There is no better motivation and better incentive in the world than desire. A person who wants, craves, lusts is the most powerful battering ram in the world. I know for sure that if you really want something very badly and really strive for it, this something has absolutely no chance of happening. On the other hand, you should always take into account that very often, in order to get what you want, you need to clear a place for it. When a girl dates a married man for several years and at the same time understands perfectly well, and even complains that everything is hopeless with him, but at the same time does not part with her lover because her single fate does not meet her, it’s funny to me. In her worldview, her personal life is wonderfully arranged exactly the way she needs it - after all, she’s not trying to change anything.

George Sand is credited with the wonderful phrase: “If a woman has no one to think about before going to bed, then she has no reason to wake up.” I understand this phrase for myself this way: if a person has nothing to strive for, then why live? From my own experience, I was convinced that if there is no goal, no dream, life becomes boring and somehow useless or something. I think that if the goal does not appear on its own, you need to invent it - and follow it, like a sailor - to the shore. And the shore will definitely appear on the horizon.

Life is an amazing thing. The universe is so reasonable in itself and arranged so expediently that if you understand and accept its rationality, it will itself correct all events in the life of each individual person, and entire countries along with their population. Maybe this is fatalism on my part, but it is a fatalism confirmed by many years of experience and scrupulous observation of what is happening in the lives of me and my friends. By and large, the legionary principle “Do what you must and be what will be” is the best commandment that our ancestors left us. Do what you consider necessary/best for yourself and your loved ones, and if the result of these actions does not negatively affect the well-being of other people, the universe will take care of the worthy outcome of such actions. In the sense that the personal freedom of a single individual ends where the freedom of another individual begins. Just as money is just a by-product of doing the right thing, an accomplished person with a good destiny is the result of doing the right thing at the right time.

And yesterday’s conversation with one of my friends. Discussed with Mark mark_y development prospects in the capital, he wrote an excellent phrase with which I completely agree:
“Doubts are like a STOP sign for the Universe.”

Because until you clearly formulate your goal and materialize it in your head, the Universe, unfortunately, will not be able to hear you. And when your head is full of doubts, then the materialization of the goal is put aside, giving the space of thought to other simpler and calmer things!

And in the evening, talking with my friend, we also touched upon the topic of development in another city. He stubbornly proved to me that it’s better to have a salary of 30 thousand and sit on your butt like a bird in your hand than a pie in the sky. But I don’t care about that, because it’s always been in my nature to get involved in adventures. I don’t remember what question we discussed, but in the form of an argument, appealing to the fact that this action is impossible, the comrade said: “It’s the same as if a blind man plays the guitar!”

And then it really dawned on me! I immediately remembered Jeffrey Healy, the blind guitarist and rock and blues legend of the 80s and 90s!

Jeff lost his sight at the age of one and received his first guitar as a Christmas present when he was about three years old. Even then, he realized that he was not destined to fully play those “standard” guitar techniques that others use. Healy began experimenting and quickly realized that it was most convenient to play with the body of the guitar on his lap. At the age of six, Jeff began composing and singing. You could say that he spent his entire childhood listening to others play and learning to play himself.

After graduating from the Branford School for the Blind, Healy formed his first band at age 15, called Blue(s) Direction(s). But the true moment of the beginning of Jeff’s musical career should still be considered 1985, when the legendary guitarist Albert Collins asked nineteen-year-old Healy to play along with him during a performance in one of the clubs in Toronto. Collins was so impressed with the young blind guitarist that he asked to play again with him and another blues legend, Steve Ray Vaughan (who tragically crashed Eric Clapton's helicopter in 1990). And in 1986, B.B. himself King invited Healy to perform with him at the Vancouver Music Festival. Steve Ray Vaughan, who by that time had become a real friend of Jeff's, said nothing less than that "Healy will revolutionize the technique of playing the guitar."

The time has come to record the first album, produced by Jimmy Iovine. The firstborn was called "See the Light" and was released in 1987. The album was accompanied by the single "Angel Eyes", and soon the debut work of the young Canadian received platinum status in the United States.

In 1989, another notable event occurred in the life of the group: participation in the filming and creation of the soundtrack for the film Road House. The main character of the film was played by the popular actor Patrick Swayze, and our heroes played the roles of themselves, that is, a band playing at night in a club with a dubious audience. It must be admitted that the heavy blues, very emotionally and energetically performed by Jeff and Co. (for example, I simply have not heard a more “tasty” version of the classic blues standard “Hoochie Coochie Man”), was the best fit for the spectacular “showdowns”, with an enviable regularity of what happens in the establishment.

After this, he became world famous! Follow the thought?

There are many such examples when the impossible becomes possible in life. You just need to put aside all doubts and try to do what you like. It is very difficult to make your dreams come true, but it says that it is impossible and not necessary!

If you need motivation, just watch Jeff's video!

Why do people like smart quotes about living a meaningful life so much? The best answer to this question is from Polat Alemdar, who said: “Because quotes can express accurately and clearly what we know, recognize, feel, believe, accept, imagine, hope for, fear or desire. . This is a recognizable truth of life.” Well, the popular truth, which lies in the phrase “it’s better to do it and regret it,” opens your eyes to a lot.

What types of quotes are there? Force yourself to think deeper

Quotes can be motivational, funny, uplifting, inspiring. How you use it and when you use it is much more important than the quote itself. When you notice it, read it, and try to internalize it, it often helps and provides the motivation you need. Smart quotes about life with meaning:

  • “Never criticize yourself. Don't walk around all day thinking you're unattractive, slow, not as smart as your brother. God didn't have it when he created you. If you don't love yourself, you won't even be able to treat your neighbor well. You can be as good as you can be.” Julie Austin.
  • “A smart person makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise person finds a smart person and learns from him in order to avoid mistakes altogether.” Roy Williams.
  • “Don’t let the feeling of despondency prey on you, and in the end you will definitely achieve success.” Abraham Lincoln.

List of Inspirational Leadership Quotes

A quote in the fewest possible words can convey powerful emotions that ultimately help us think smarter, live smarter, and be smarter.

  • “The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is integrity.” Zig Ziglar.
  • “Lead people, but follow them.” Lao Tzu.
  • “The task of a leader is to look into the future and see the organization not as it is, but as it should be.” Jack Welch.
  • “Leadership is the ability to translate a vision into reality.” Warren G. Bennis.
  • “One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.” Arnold H. Glasgow.
  • “Happiness is not just the possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • “You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Christopher Columbus.

List of inspiring underdogs. “It’s better to do it and regret it..”

Quotes clearly express our feelings, thoughts and current state at different stages of life. During periods of failure, such statements are especially encouraging and helpful. At such moments, the proverb “It is better to do and regret than ...” has a special meaning, and it can be ended in different ways.

  • "I didn't fail, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Thomas Edison.
  • It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.” David Ferty.
  • “To succeed at anything, you have to fail because you learn what not to do next time.” Anthony J D'Angelo.
  • “Failure is success if we learn from it.” Malcolm Forbes.
  • “Cultivate success from failure. Frustration and failure are two of the surest steps to success." Dale Carnegie.
  • “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind.” Henry Ford.
  • “All misfortune is just a stepping stone to wealth.” Thoreau.
  • “In a nutshell, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” Robert Frost.
  • “It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and then regret it all your life.”

Quotes about a beautiful life. “Life is short, you have the power to make it sweet”

Life is a true gift in which lies your freedom to think creatively and be the designer of your life. With every sunrise, you look for an opportunity to fill your days with meaning—to live the life you chose. Motivate yourself to live the life you want with these inspirational quotes.

  • “I think loving life is the key to eternal youth.” Doug Hutchison.
  • “You're only here for a short visit. Take your time. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” Walter Hagen.
  • “If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and would be without taste.” Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • “All life is an experiment. The more experiments, the better.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  • “My mission in life is not just to survive, but to thrive and to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style.” Maya Angelou.
  • “No matter how difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed.” Stephen Hawking.
  • “Life is like riding a bicycle. To maintain balance, you must move.” Albert Einstein.
  • “The most important thing to enjoy life is to be happy. That's all that matters." Audrey Hepburn.
  • “I enjoy life when something happens. I don't care if things are good or bad. This means you are alive.”
  • "I've always liked to look at the optimistic side of life, but I'm realistic enough to know that life is a complicated matter." Walt Disney.
  • "The truth is, you don't know what will happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed."

Money and financial quotes

Such smart quotes about life with meaning will help you believe in possible financial well-being and motivate you to achieve it. The main thing is to remember that everything depends only on you.

  • “Wealth is the ability to experience life to the fullest.” Henry David Thoreau.
  • “The real measure of your wealth is what you would be worth if you lost all your money.”
  • “Money is a terrible master, but a great servant.” T. Barnum.
  • “I'll tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. Try to be greedy when others are afraid. And try to be afraid when others are greedy.” Warren Buffett.
  • “Buy when everyone else is selling and holding. This is not just a catchy slogan. This is the essence of successful investing." Getty.
  • "Too many people spend the money they earn to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." Will Rogers.
  • “Investing in knowledge brings the best results.” Benjamin Franklin.
  • “Poor is the one who thirsts for more, and not the one who has little.” Seneca.
  • “A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.” Jonathan Swift.

"Life is what you make it."

"Life is what you make it. You're bound to mess something up. But the truth is, it's up to you to decide how you mess it up. And remember, some come, some go. Those who stay with you through everything, they are your true best friends. Don't let them go and take care. Also remember that sisters and brothers are the best friends in the whole world. As for lovers, they will come and go too. And I hate to say it, but most of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up, because if you give up, you will never find your soulmate. You will never find the half that makes you whole and that goes to any lengths for you. Just because you failed once is not means it will always be like this. Keep trying, keep trying, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't believe then who will? So keep your head high, lift your chin up and most importantly, keep smiling , because life is a beautiful thing and there is so much in it that makes you smile.” Marilyn Monroe.