Speech therapy room registration to sign benefits. How should the office be decorated? Step-by-step launch instructions

Leitmotif Every morning I come to kindergarten and go into my office. My office is a creative workshop, the entire socio-psychological microclimate of which creates conditions for personal self-realization. I really like it, but I dream that someday it will be equipped with the latest technology... But that will come later. And now I’m walking down the corridor and catching the glances of my kids, so similar and at the same time so different. They are kind and sympathetic, with amazing eyes that catch my every move. They listen to my every word, copy my intonation. And then there are those who are quiet and withdrawn, scared and indifferent, but someday they will also want to communicate, talk about their toys and cartoons. Difficulties, failures, disappointments recede when you see the sparkle in the eyes of your kids. I'm ready to move mountains, throw away my bad mood and move forward. So, I am a speech therapist, or rather a speech therapist teacher. If you take it literally, I am a speech teacher. Or rather, the person who corrects this speech. Moreover, the correction occurs at the level of all speech units, starting with sound and ending with the sentence. The purpose of my activity is to promote the socialization of the child in society.

I strive to be a close person, mentor and friend for my speech therapists, who will not only help correct existing speech disorders, but will also be able to find the “pearl” in every “shell”, teach them to work with full dedication, rejoice in victories and sympathize with each other in failures. Therefore, I build relationships with children on trust, respect, exactingness and fairness. The personality of a speech therapist is multifaceted. It accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture of interpersonal relationships, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness, and a sense of humor also helps me a lot in my work. I consider myself a competent specialist who knows not only traditional, but also non-traditional forms of conducting classes, and effectively uses health-saving technologies. Speech therapy intervention based on the psychophysical and individual characteristics of students allows me to achieve high results. The main thing in speech therapy is that my work is result-oriented. And I not only teach the child to speak, but also restore his self-confidence. This is why speech therapists have very high job satisfaction. Seneca said: “By teaching others, we teach ourselves.” I am happy because I have the opportunity to explore the world again and again. I'm happy because I give away the warmth of my soul. I'm happy because I see the results of my work. Priority areas of my work

This is an important office. A speech therapist works here. Not everyone knows this word, but those who know respect it. This is also the place of the teacher. There are a lot of documents here. And here the child is accepted. This is where intelligence is determined. They will find without any doubt all speech disorders. They will find without any doubt all speech disorders. And once the diagnosis is ready, work is needed, in a word. And there is a moment, it is the most important. For everyone - their own program.

Appointment of a speech therapy room Examination of children (clarification of the etiology of the mechanisms and symptoms of speech disorders) Development of articulation skills Corrective work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation Formation of grammatically correct speech Overcoming difficulties in pronunciation of complex words Formation of coherent speech Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills Advisory and methodological activities for employees MBDOU and parents

Objectives of the correctional educational process Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Study of the level of speech, cognitive, social, personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support , determination of the main directions of work with each pupil. Study of the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support, determination of the main directions of work with each pupil. Assessment of the results of assistance to children and determination of the degree of their speech readiness for school education Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-development environment Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-development environment Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, monitoring the quality of their speech work with children Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, monitoring the quality of their speech work with children Systematic implementation of preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs Systematic implementation of preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs

Methodological support for the speech therapy room I. Manuals and materials for exercises aimed at developing: thinking; different types of memory; different types of attention; imagination and fantasy; visual perception; auditory perception; fine (fine) motor skills of the hands; physiological (diaphragmatic) breathing; sound pronunciations; as well as materials: on teaching literacy; to prevent dysgraphia; on the formation of vocabulary; on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; on the formation of coherent speech. 2. Systematized illustrative material, selected taking into account the passage of lexical topics: subject pictures; pictures with action; story pictures; series of pictures; pictures for writing descriptive stories; toys (soft, fur, wooden, plastic) for composing stories. 3. Card indexes: word games, game exercises; finger games; games to develop communication skills; poems; nursery rhymes; riddles; pure and tongue twisters; texts for automation of the delivered sound (in a syllable, word, phrase, sentence, text); other.

4. Entertaining material: anagrams, puzzles, charades, puzzles; mnemonic tables; 5. Technical means: tape recorder; audio recordings (street sounds, nature sounds, rain, wind, etc.); 6. Materials of children's speech creativity: stories, stories invented by children; magazines, fairy tales, poems are the result of children's creativity. 7. Diagnostic materials. 8. Methodological literature: comprehensive, correctional programs; methods and technologies of developmental education at the choice of a speech therapist. 9. Materials of creative pedagogical experience. Methodological support for speech therapy room

1. systematic (the material is systematized, a cabinet passport has been drawn up listing all the material and equipment); 2. accessibility (visual and didactic material was selected taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren); 3. variability (visual didactic material and many manuals are multivariate and can be used in different classes in different ways); 4. health protection (there is basic and additional lighting (above the individual mirror), a fire alarm is installed, the walls of the office are warm yellow, there are aids for eye exercises, the office is easily ventilated). When organizing the correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room, I was guided by the following principles:

Exclusive author's poems How difficult it is to be a teacher, believe me, friends. I love my profession, I’ll tell you honestly. Every day in the cold and heat I rush to my favorite garden. I have been greeted by children for many years in a row. I play sounds for the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days pass, years fly by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that the kids always get an A grade at school. Believe me, friends, how difficult it is to be a teacher. I love my profession, I’ll tell you honestly. Every day in the cold and heat I rush to my favorite garden. I have been greeted by children for many years in a row. I play sounds for the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days pass, years fly by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that the kids always get an A grade at school.

Exclusive author's poems I am a teacher - speech therapist Well, I'll tell you a secret. I like to say to kids, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Lev suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that Leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth. Leva is trying so hard. And admire Leva’s sounds. He began to speak beautifully to everyone's surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about it. I'm a teacher - speech therapist. Well, I'll tell you a secret. I like to say to kids, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Lev suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that Leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth. Leva is trying so hard. And admire Leva’s sounds. He began to speak beautifully to everyone's surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about it.

Exclusive author's poems There are many professions on earth I will tell you, friends, But everyone is more important and dearer My profession I am a speech therapist, everyone needs me I am a doctor of sounds, words I will always come to help I am ready as a soldier. Always ready, ready everywhere Like the sun to shine Ready to help the guys Speak beautifully Let the sounds flow like a stream Along the ringing pebbles Let joy bring Every day Giving hope to everyone I love to help people I’ll tell you without hiding I’m proud of myself, of my work My family is proud of me!

Thinking about my profession, I came to the conclusion that A speech therapist teacher is a psychologist, an actor, a musician, and a designer. He must not only teach children to speak beautifully and correctly, but also create conditions for mastering speech. The environment should be attractive and mysterious to maintain interest in the activities. Each item must carry meaning, aesthetic pleasure and mystery in order to invite the child to dialogue.

I offer my opinion on the equipment of a speech therapy room. I think that using simple and effective means of organizing a developmental environment will help beginning speech therapists conduct classes in a more interesting and varied way. ( The presented correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room of a kindergarten was created by the hands of a speech therapist).

The structure of the subject-developmental environment of a speech therapy room is determined by the goals of correctional and educational work, the originality of the spatial arrangement of the necessary objects and materials. The subject environment of the speech therapy room is built in accordance with the program that is being implemented in our educational institution.

Speech material is regularly updated as each new lexical topic is studied. Games and benefits change systematically throughout the year (depending on the time of year). This allows you to organize a developmental environment within the walls of the speech therapy room, creating comfortable conditions for classes and emotional well-being.

Equipment for a subject-spatial developmental environment in a speech therapist’s office:

Speech center.

Mirrors, before which a significant part of the work is carried out that requires the child’s visual control (articulation and facial exercises, production of sounds and their primary automation). Boxes of letters, syllables, abacus, sound rulers, symbols of sounds, syllables for tapping syllables, letter constructor, workbooks with articulation exercises and corresponding entertaining material, rosary beads for forming a measured tempo of speech and developing motor coordination, didactic games, breathing simulators.

Sensory Center(a table with a multi-colored tabletop, objects by color, by shape, cards, board-printed didactic games, toys for the development of tactile sensations, etc.).

Activity Center
presented with a magnetic board, desks, the “Juggling Clown” manual, a variety of materials for group and subgroup activities are attached to the balls.

Motor centerdevelopment. Stencils, outlines, massage balls, lacing, cut pictures, thread printing. A manual with screw-on lids “Amanita”, “Cheerful Pig” and “Hardworking Caterpillar” ( related by me). “The Hardworking Caterpillar” is braiding, flowers on buttons, a pocket with buttons, tying a bow, etc.., multifunctional covers and much more.

Center of visual perception.
While looking at the stars, clouds and sun, children enjoy doing eye exercises. Exercises help control eye movements, relieve mental fatigue, and promote the development of visual perception. I consider this guide necessary and very useful.

speech breathing presented with a card index of breathing exercises, a variety of pinwheels, “wind blowers”, a manual “Gluttonous Fruits”, soap bubbles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, bells, a Christmas tree and many light objects (according to the seasons).

Relaxation center
. It also contains soft toys, finger games, and a “Dry Pool” with different fillings. The use of the pool is multifunctional. It contributes not only to the development of speech, but also to the stabilization of the emotional state of children. Nyusha toy, which children love very much. She often plays the role of a pillow that you can cuddle and warm your soul.

Information Center
located in the locker room of the speech therapy group. Equipped with a folding folder, a stand “Advice to parents from the Wise Owl”, which contains temporary information on various types of speech disorders, entertaining exercises and other necessary recommendations from a speech therapist, and handouts.
Center for methodological support
is presented with reference and methodological literature, educational plans for the sections of speech correction and development, and manuals necessary for the correction process.

To maintain children's interest and to avoid an overabundance of visuals, the benefits replace each other at certain times of the year. For example, “Window to Nature”: in the fall – we attach colorful leaves, clouds, “rain”; in winter - snowflakes, snowman, Christmas tree; in the spring - migratory birds, a tree with swollen buds, the sun “smiling”. The “Magic Umbrella” manual for breathing development is also changing. Such an unusual calendar develops attention in children; they notice interesting and typical natural phenomena in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Constant updating of the office equipment makes correctional speech therapy activities for children interesting, comfortable, emotionally enriching and, of course, developmental.

The kids love my office. It feels homely and always has a friendly atmosphere. This calms the child and has a positive effect on his nervous system.

All subject content is displayed in the passport of the speech therapy office. This is a photo album with “magnetic” pages, where all the information about the purpose and equipment of the office is classified. There is a guide to the office, in which the color of the circle corresponds to different areas of correctional work. This greatly simplifies the search for the necessary educational or methodological materials.
My experience shows that as a result of using the resources of the described correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room, children’s interest in correctional classes increases significantly. The environment helps in overcoming general speech underdevelopment, promotes the development of spatial concepts and visual-object gnosis, develops cognitive interest, increases speech activity, and promotes children's learning of the elements of literacy; development of lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech, mental functions.

teacher-speech therapist of MDOU “D/s combined type No. 35 “Alyonushka-1”,

Ershov, Saratov region, Russia.

Teacher-speech therapist at MADOOU d/s "Buratino" p. Kyra

Correctional subject development environment for preschoolers

Speech development is the most important condition for the full development of children. To correct speech deficiencies, enrich and improve speech, it is necessary to create a favorable speech environment that would serve the interests, needs and development of children.

The leading place in the preschool education system is given to the implementation of speech tasks. Modern research in this area indicates that most children do not have coherent speech skills by the end of preschool age. Their vocabulary is not rich. Considering that the leading activity of preschool children is play, in the organization of speech therapy work we strived to ensure that each lesson had the character of an educational and play activity and was emotionally charged. In this regard, it was believed that speech therapy work on speech development would be more effective if during training the following were used: techniques that promote the development of motivation, game techniques, competitive games, surprise moments, collective writing of a story, visual aids, diagrams, models, etc. , which will contribute to more successful development of monologue speech.

The speech therapy office operates in four areas and is the best office in the Trans-Baikal Territory in the competition “Speech therapist’s office” - III place, the best office in the all-Russian competition “Speech therapy office”, office for teaching the humanities - III place.

Main areas of the office:

Creation of a correctional and developmental environment and a favorable psychological climate to provide assistance to children in correcting or reducing existing violations;

Conducting an examination of children in order to develop an individual development program;

Conducting group, subgroup and individual correctional classes;

Providing advisory assistance to teachers and parents;

All types of play activities are used for development. Therefore, we divided the area of ​​the speech therapy room into several zones; here is a brief description.

The speech therapist’s office consists of several zones:

Advisory work area;

Zone of organizational and planning activities; helps to effectively organize professional activities.

Diagnostic and corrective work area. Stimulates the mental activity of children. Here are tables for diagnostics and individual correction of children. The area is equipped with cabinets with teaching materials, toys and educational games, specially selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, as well as in accordance with the areas of correctional and developmental work. This area helps children focus and concentrate.

Pronunciation correction zone; equipped with wall mirrors, methodological aids necessary for automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

Play therapy area. Art therapy workshop. The main technique is art therapy, which unites a group of areas based on the artistic activities of the participants, including drawing and music. The purpose of organizing and operating an art therapy workshop is to create effective conditions for psychological support of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, preserving the mental health of students, which corresponds to FGT.

In the speech therapy room, manuals have been selected, including hand-made ones, didactic games, illustrative material on sections of correctional work, corners have been equipped to stimulate the speech and personal development of children:

“Rechegrad” (games with letters, words, didactic material for the development of coherent speech);

“In the kingdom of ingenuity” (game exercises to develop the psychological basis of speech);

“Nimble Fingers” (game material for developing fine motor skills);

“Bookman” (visual didactic material for teaching basic reading skills);

“Let's get to know the world” (educational and visual aids for the development of cognitive activity);

“Kingdom of Mirrors” (sets of game exercises for the development of facial muscles).

The correctional and developmental environment plays a very important role in the speech development of children with speech disorders. The main purpose of a speech therapy room is to create the necessary conditions for the correctional education of preschoolers with speech defects.

We widely use homemade games and exercise equipment when working with children, these are:

Office interior design;

Speech therapy corner “House of Sounds”;

- “Rechegrad” (game exercise “Tiger cub with the letter “R”;

Attributes of breathing exercises: “Sun”, “Cloud”, “Butterflies”;

Target: development of sensations of movement of the respiratory organs;

Material: colored self-adhesive film.

- “Nimble fingers” Exercise equipment "Sun";

Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands, attention, imagination, ability to observe;

Material: ordinary plates, self-adhesive film, glue, clothespins.

Game exercise “What does it look like?” It is proposed to examine the model, disconnect the rays and answer the question “What does it look like?” (on a circle, ball, clock, moon, bun).

Finger exerciser “Hedgehog”;

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to attach and detach clothespins, develop speech.

Material: clothespins, wallpaper, glue.

- “Nimble fingers.” Simulator “Nature Calendar”;

It is a large circle (ordinary plate), divided into four sectors.

Each sector has its own color, which corresponds to a specific season of the calendar year: blue (winter), green (spring), red (summer), yellow (autumn).

For each season there are colorful illustrations and colored clothespins - symbols of the months of the year.

The calendar is multifunctional: it is used (for acquaintance with nature, speech development, logic), in didactic games, and in individual work with children. Children really enjoy manipulating the colored clothespins and developing fine motor skills. The introduction of such a calendar develops children's attention; they notice interesting and typical natural phenomena in spring, autumn, winter and summer.

- “In the kingdom of ingenuity.” Didactic manual “Rebuses”;

Description: A clown works in the circus, he inflates balloons with puzzles, you should solve the puzzles: chair, thunderstorm, tigers, mole, smoke, kidney, Julia, varnish.

Didactic panel “Journey of the Word”;

Target: to activate and enrich children’s active and passive vocabulary, increase the level of proficiency in grammatical structures, improve the ability to coherently and consistently express their thoughts.

Material: paper, self-adhesive film, colored paper, glue, stencils of figures.

Didactic panel “Movement coordination” - “Palms”;

Target: Practice the ability to distinguish up, down, between, left - right, work on visual-motor coordination of hands and accuracy, accuracy of execution. Learn to play fast palms little by little. It is important to show all the exercises strictly in order, faster and faster, without looking back.

Speech therapy corner “Word Garden” for parents and children;

Didactic panel "Flowers". Game "Fun Counting";

Children practice agreeing numerals and adjectives with nouns.

Didactic panel “Family of mushrooms”,

Margarita Andreeva

The only way to get to the top of a ladder is to take it one step at a time. And in the process of this ascent, you will suddenly discover in yourself all the necessary qualities, skills and abilities needed to achieve success, which you seemingly never possessed.

Margaret Thatcher

Greetings, dear colleagues!

It is with great pleasure that I present my work speech therapist's office in MBDOU d/s"Berry" With. Alexandrovsky, Tomsk region. Speech therapist This is only my second year working. In my work I use innovative technologies:

I am working on developing auditory attention;

Speech and phonemic hearing;

Physiological and speech breathing;

Formation of correct sound pronunciation, automation and differentiation of various sounds;

Development of the grammatical structure of speech;

Development of coherent speech (dialogues, retellings, stories).

I pay special attention to the formation of phonetic-phonemic perception.

I introduce children to sounds, develop sound skills syllabic analysis, synthesis.

I am working to prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia.

This is what I managed to do with my own hands, the hands of my children and parents during this period.


On the front door cabinet sign« Speech therapist» , work schedule speech therapy

office and« The secret from the speech therapist» :

How to speak both clearly and understandably -

Qualified master - SPEECH THERAPIST.

He teaches verbal communication,

Grammar and vocabulary are his subject.

Breathing, phonation, articulation

He will teach you knowledgeably SPEECH THERAPIST.

He is an educator, teacher and psychologist,

He is a philologist, and he is a linguist,

He is a teacher, doctor, defectologist,

Actor, speaker is SPEECH THERAPIST.

Researcher, methodologist, innovator,

He is a diagnostician, corrector and expert,

Both consultant and observer -

A versatile specialist - SPEECH THERAPIST.

Speech therapist's office.

Card files of games and exercises, as well as other material for classes.

1. Workplace speech therapist.

2. Located under the shelf "Clue speech therapist» : Schedule of individual work with children; Schedule speech therapist(general); Reminders "Vowel sounds and letters", “Classification of consonant speech sounds”, "Structure of the dental system".

3. On the same wall there are wall mirrors and "Cobweb"(a place to attach demonstration material for repetition with children, as well as tips for speech therapist for classes).

4. To the left is the area for breathing development "Carousel" and hand motor skills "Colorful braids".

5. There is a small one here "Shop for finger development", where a child in free activity can take the following benefits and games:

5.2. Didactic games, insert games, lacing.

5.3. Massage balls (Sujok therapy).

5.4. Collection of shells, animals of the seas and oceans.

5.5. Fruits and vegetables.

5.6. A game "Guess what's making noise in the egg?"

5.8. Breezes; "Snake Repeat"; "Talking Frog".

5.9. Dry pool for hands from kinder eggs.

6. « Speech therapy assistants» - massage balls (soft and hard to the touch).

7. And on the shelf are our favorites « Speech therapy assistants» (in special jars): pebbles, shells, beads, colored strings, balloons, whistles, small toys from Kinder surprises, magnets, magnetic letters of different colors for a magnetic board, crumbs, buttons, puzzles and much more.

9. In the closet are « speech therapy keys» - probes and probe substitutes; aromatherapy oils; spatulas; alcohol; cotton buds; cotton pads; napkins; tubes; cotton wool

10. On the closet there are children’s toys and containers for developing breathing. "Snowfall".

11, 12. In the closet there are teaching materials, “Treasury of methodological material speech therapist» , as well as literature and other teaching aids.

13. B there is a computer in the office(I actively use modern ICT tools in my work with children).

14. Next to the training area there is a place for individual speech therapy work with children(equipped with various games, exercises).

15. Study area speech therapy room: board, magnetic board, place for attaching visual aids.

16. Handouts for literacy classes for preparatory speech therapy group(card chips for drawing up a sentence diagram, counting sticks, chips for stress and games "Traffic lights", colored woolen threads for laying out letters on velvet paper).

Speech therapy a corner for parents located in the hallway of the group.

Svobodina N.G.,
teacher-speech therapist, practical psychologist GBOU secondary school No. 913, member of the Organizing Committee of the Russian Association of Dyslexia, Moscow

In a huge amount of specialized literature, in journal articles, and on the Internet, one can find seemingly all the information about what a modern speech therapy office should be like. You read and think - how great! Everything you need to eat. It’s beautiful, there’s a lot of everything, it’s dizzying.

I look at my office - the sensations are the same. I remember 1980, when I started working in the Volgograd region (today’s Kuzminki) in a kindergarten as a speech therapist. The stores did not have the abundance that we see today. They grabbed everything that appeared on the book shelves. We went for specialized literature to Minsk and Kyiv, where things were a little better. They boasted to each other about the books and didactic material that they managed to get. There was some kind of unspoken competition - who has more, better, more interesting. But among us there was one middle-aged woman, as it seemed to me then, who had worked as a speech therapist in a kindergarten for more than 10 years. We knew that many parents asked to refer their child with speech therapy problems to her. And so she, looking at our rushing around in search of literature, once said at a methodological association: “Girls, I only have one box. It contains everything necessary for the work of a speech therapist: a mirror, a minimum of pictures, improvised means, a book with speech material. The rest I find around us. And you know what the result is.” For a long time I could not quench my thirst to buy something new for my office. But I still remember her words. And in my, as they say, ideal office, I see books that I bought many years ago, looked through, but never opened again. I find games that I only managed to cut up, but never used. There are illustrations, including for frontal exercises, which were never useful.

  • Conclusion one: The most important rule for the office is the “golden mean.” Everything should be in moderation. Excess is not always good.

Time flies inexorably forward. It’s not just us and the children who change. Things around are changing. A picture of a teapot from the 70s. XX century, causes bewilderment in the child. In the 90s XX century in test drawings with half-drawn objects from the well-known technique that psychologists and neuropsychologists use today, there is a spout from a teapot. Many children called it chicken leg. Children today will not recognize scales for weighing food from the same times. And that's okay. How many pictures we have that are irrelevant today. Some people can’t part with them, others got them from senior colleagues. And how much space do they take up...

  • Conclusion two: All didactic and illustrative material in the classroom must correspond not only to the age of the children, but also to the time. Rare manuals - for a museum shelf, so that sometimes we can feel nostalgic, telling our young colleagues about how difficult it was for us to work.

Today, no matter what kindergarten group you go to, everywhere you can see toys that we never even dreamed of as children, because we didn’t know such things existed. If you want to play in the hospital, please, there are ready-made sets at your service, which even include a wheelchair and a mini-X-ray machine. In the store there are counters, goods, a cash register, and money. In “Mother and Daughter” there is a multi-storey doll house with furniture, dishes, family members from three generations and even different skin colors. And so - on all topics. But here's an observation from life...

It took me two years to assemble a doll house with all the attributes. The granddaughter was five, then six years old. When she came to visit, I let her play. But for some reason the girl did not share my enthusiasm for this toy miracle. She took all the stuffing out of the house, filled it with toy animals and pretended to do something with them. Once I told her how we made doll houses as children: we took a large box from under boots, cut out windows and doors, found beautiful colored pieces of paper and glued wallpaper. Furniture was made from paper and small boxes. Dishes, food, etc. were made from plasticine. The child’s eyes lit up: “Grandma, let’s make a house like this.” Looking longingly at the beautiful three-story doll mansion, I got down to business. We spent a whole week looking for materials and making various items for our home. And then she played with this homemade house with much greater desire than with my purchased miracle.

  • Conclusion three: One of the prerequisites for the formation of writing and reading in children is the development of abstract methods of activity, which is possible with their gradual transfer from actions with concrete objects to actions with abstraction.

There is no need to constantly give children toys where there is no room for imagination. From time to time, give him a box with “various things” from which he will choose what he needs for the hospital, and for the store, and for other games. I also keep such a box in the speech therapy room, because it is impossible to develop a child’s speech without developing his imagination.

Over many years of work, I have never had a case where a child, thanks to my manipulations with speech therapy probes, received any diseases, such as stomatitis, etc. Once upon a time, in Soviet times, we were prescribed medical alcohol for cleaning instruments. Many people, from old memory, continue to process instruments by purchasing disinfectants in pharmacies. But this has not yet become widespread practice. But in vain. Many different sets of speech therapy probes have appeared on sale, both for sound production and for speech therapy massage. This means there is demand.

Today, many speech therapists take speech therapy massage courses. Sometimes you can hear objections: they say, speech therapists do not have the right to do any massage. Those who have completed “speech therapist courses” or studied at an institute using an accelerated or simplified system, of course, do not. They can’t even call themselves defectologists. But those who have truly studied and received a high-quality education are not only able, but also obligated to do speech therapy massage. Children with dysarthria, of whom there are more and more, and cerebral palsy, cannot do without this type of corrective intervention. And here the question is for higher education - the quality of special education.

So, processing the tools...

A lot has been written on the Internet, but there is no single approach. SanPin is silent about this. There are more and more children in need of speech therapy help. The tools available to speech therapists are increasingly diverse. There are no processing rules or regulations.

  • Conclusion four: it is necessary to develop rules for processing speech therapy instruments that are adequate to reality, give recommendations for the use of these rules and regulations for manipulations (how often, for how long), provide a list of certified processing devices that can be purchased for a speech therapy room. Moreover, the rules should be mandatory for everyone.

Any teacher at any time of the day or night can give a whole lecture about the benefits, necessity, and imperativeness of developing motor skills, both fine and general, for any child, and especially for a child with delayed speech development. But what do we see in reality?

For the most part, speech therapy rooms, even if it is a separate room and not a table and closet in a kindergarten dormitory or a classroom corner at school, are very small. The size of the room only allows the speech therapist to sit in front of the mirror with the child and place two or three tables for subgroup classes. What about movement? Where to play? Ideally, only when we sit in front of a mirror, or when we write or draw. The rest of the activity is carried out either in motion, or transferred to another place. But how to do this if there is no space? And they won’t give you another room to study. Many people don’t even have that.

If I come to a speech therapist, either as a colleague, or as part of a commission, and I see a small room where it is impossible to turn around, I ask the question: “Where do you play games from the “Speech and Movement” series?” The most common answer: “Children stand behind the back of their chair and do exercises accompanied by speech.” These are not movement exercises.

  • Conclusion fifth: Speech therapists cannot rebuild the building, cannot expand the premises at their own expense, but they must be prepared for the question: “Where do you play?” This means that it is necessary to provide for all possible options using other rooms and sites at different times of the year, where a full-fledged speech therapy session can be conducted using motor exercises.

I am convinced that today not a single speech therapist alone can cope with the speech disorders that preschoolers and schoolchildren demonstrate. Many technologies and methods have appeared in educational kinesiology, psychophysiology, psychology, and neuropsychology. Without the help of doctors, we are often simply powerless.

Any speech therapist has two options:

— assemble a team; know which specialist you can send your child for help, be confident in the competence of this specialist, and maintain contact with him. This can happen as mini-consiliums, by phone, on Skype, in person - whatever you like;

- continue your education. It is quite possible for any specialist to obtain a second higher education in psychology. Not year-long courses, but full-fledged training. Knowing the age characteristics of children and the problems of parent-child relationships will help you organize your work correctly, both with children and with parents. And you need to look for doctors in whom you can be confident.

  • Conclusion six: To work successfully, a speech therapist must be aware of new research, methods and technologies in the field of defectology, and be able to use knowledge of related sciences. Subscription to a specialized magazine is required. Advanced training every three years should not be a simple tribute to instructions. The acquired knowledge must be used in work.

There are a lot of interesting and unconventional things in photographs of speech therapy rooms on the Internet. There's a lot to learn. But, as a rule, users consider the most successful rooms to be the ones with a lot of toys and various bright pictures on the walls. You walk in and your eyes widen. Now imagine that a child comes to you with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and now there are many more of them. And how to keep his attention? How to help you focus and concentrate? Until he looks at everything that is standing, lying or hanging in your office, he will not calm down.

In the first year of the defectology faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin, teachers of special psychology taught us that for children with developmental problems (disabilities, as we usually talk about them today) it is necessary to create a special environment and atmosphere in the classroom. Nothing should distract him, especially in the first stages of work. And only much later, having achieved certain results, can you begin to use the technique of “making noise” during class.

  • Conclusion seventh: in the speech therapy room there should be a minimum of illustrations and toys on the walls and in the public domain. Only to create comfort and mood. Everything else needs to be removed. When a child comes to your lesson, he should not be distracted by extraneous things. I'm not talking about the fact that the speech therapist's office is an empty, miserable room. No! Everything in moderation, the “golden mean” - this is how you can characterize the environment around the child.

So here are a few conclusions I have drawn from my experience. I think there will be more, and others for the school office. In any case, I have not read about these aspects of organizing speech therapy work in books and textbooks.

Let's repeat it again.

  • Everything should be in moderation. Excess is not always good.
  • All didactic and illustrative material in the classroom must correspond not only to the age of the children, but also to the time and realities.
  • There is no need to constantly give children games and toys where there is no room for imagination. It is impossible to develop a child’s speech without developing his imagination.
  • It is necessary to develop adequate real rules for processing speech therapy instruments, give recommendations for the use of these rules and regulations for these manipulations (how often, for how long), provide a list of processing devices that can be purchased for a speech therapy room. Moreover, the rules should be mandatory for everyone.
  • The speech therapist should include in his plans all possible options using other rooms, sites at different times of the year, where he can conduct a full-fledged speech therapy session using motor exercises.
  • To work successfully, a speech therapist must be aware of new research and be able to use knowledge of related sciences. Subscription to periodicals is required. Advanced training every three years should not be a mere tribute to instructions. The knowledge gained should take the specialist’s work to a new stage. And this should be reflected in the work: plans, printed works, presentations, speeches, etc.
  • In the speech therapy room there should be a minimum of illustrations and toys on the walls and in the public domain. Only to create comfort and mood.

And now about what a speech therapy room should be like.

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, where a lot of attention is paid to correctional education, there is a need to revise some positions regarding the organization of space for speech therapy work.

Despite the fact that the regulatory documents and Programs note the relevance of the problem of working with children with disabilities, there is no clarity in the requirements. There are no methodological recommendations not only for specialists, but also for other participants in the correctional process: educators, teachers, heads of educational organizations, which creates a false feeling among the latter that such a staff unit as a speech therapist (psychologist) is not necessary.

Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education, both preschool and school, we will try to transfer them to the correctional area.

The difference in the equipment and equipment of a preschool and school speech therapy room is only in the size of the furniture for children and the age gradation of didactic aids. Therefore, we will talk about the average classroom, making, as necessary, indications of the age of the children.

One of the main requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions is the creation of a special subject-development environment.

The subject-development environment in preschool educational institutions is considered as a system of conditions that ensure the complete development of the child’s activities and his personality. This is part of the educational environment, represented by specially organized space, materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and strengthening of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development.

Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education

  • A developing subject-spatial environment ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of space, materials, equipment and equipment for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and strengthening of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development.
  • A developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy.
  • A developing subject-spatial environment should ensure the implementation of various educational programs; in the case of organizing inclusive education - the necessary conditions for it; taking into account the national, cultural and climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out; taking into account the age characteristics of children.
  • A developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

All these provisions, expressed in “book” formulations, were reflected in the old editions of instructions, reference books and textbooks - regarding the organization of correctional work. But they expressed themselves in different words. So, in my opinion, there is almost nothing fundamentally new for us in this part of the Federal State Educational Standard.

However, we cannot simply transfer the “old” to new soil, because time has changed, the children have changed, and their problems have changed.

The purpose of a speech therapy room is to create the most favorable environment and conditions for the correction of speech problems of a preschooler and problems with oral and written speech of a schoolchild.

Based on today's reality, taking into account not just the increase in the number of children in need of correctional assistance, but also the transformation of disorders towards more complex defects, the presence of associated problems of various etiologies, the functions and range of services of a speech therapist as a defectologist (and speech therapists with basic education are initially defectologists) are expanding and become more complicated.

It is necessary to take into account, and possibly revise, the basic requirements for the equipment, content and functioning of a speech therapy room, both in a preschool institution and at school.
Let's see what from the old arsenal needs to be preserved.

First of all, the presence of the office itself, i.e. rooms for classes. This is the “weakest link” of a speech therapist. There are many options for providing a place for a speech therapist to work: from a corner in the bedroom to 2-3 rooms with a total area of ​​20-40 m2. The latter option, by the way, is recommended in many reference books. But it still remains only a dream for many specialists.

Today it is not possible to solve the problem of providing all speech therapists with the same premises. This is from the realm of fantasy. It is only necessary to note that the minimum of 10 m2, which is included in SanPin for schools, and simply indicating the need for an office for a speech therapist in SanPin for preschool educational institutions (without indicating the footage) are clearly insufficient.

It must be remembered that speech therapy work does not boil down to “sitting” with a child in front of a mirror and making sounds, but includes working with groups of 3 to 6-8 people, conducting frontal classes, and organizing not only outdoor games, but also dynamic motor gymnastics with speech accompaniment. Today, SanPin for preschool educational institutions offers only one way to expand the space, specified in paragraph 1, paragraph 6.14: “In existing preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to use the sleeping quarters provided for by the project as group rooms or classrooms for additional education.”

This is not enough.

There is only one way out - expanding the space by using other rooms, using moments of “passing” (when children go to a lesson with a speech therapist, sometimes through a long corridor of the building), etc. However, novice specialists and those who still have little experience need not only “advice”, but also clear recommendations: where, when and how this can be done.

A speech therapy office should not be office-like or academic. All material that is used in a certain period of time: games, toys - must be available for use by children and is constantly changing as they progress through lexical topics. You should try to avoid overloading the classroom with methodological and didactic materials.

In the speech therapy room there should be a minimum of illustrations and toys on the walls and in the public domain. Only on the current topic and to create comfort and mood.

The child should have the desire and desire to go to the speech therapist’s office: it’s interesting, unusual, and you won’t be bored! And how to create an unusual interior, what its “zest” may be - this depends on the creativity of each specialist. The office should be clean, comfortable, and cozy.


  • speech therapy cards for each child (with the results of intermediate diagnostics);
  • annual work plan;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • working time cyclogram;
  • calendar and thematic planning;
  • notes of frontal classes;
  • plans for individual and subgroup lessons;
  • a notebook for individual work for each child;
  • notebook for interaction with teachers;
  • report on the results of work;
  • passport of the speech therapy office;
  • specialist's portfolio;
  • regulatory documents (Law on Education of the Russian Federation, SanPin, a selection of orders and instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Department of Education concerning special education).

These are the main provisions regarding speech therapy rooms.

Of course, every specialist, and among speech therapists the vast majority of people are creative, with an artistic, design “vein,” will find their own zest, something that will make their office desirable for children, parents, and interesting for colleagues.