Personal desires long-term goals for 10 years. The main goals in a person’s life

If a traveler, climbing a mountain, is too busy with every step and forgets to check the guiding star, he risks losing it and going astray. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

In this series of articles, I want to tell you how to set goals correctly and achieve them: how famous and successful people do it, like I do.

Why is this question so important?

Everyone knows that running in the morning is good for your health, but only a few do it.

Everyone knows that you need to eat right. After all, poor nutrition is no less harmful than smoking or drinking alcohol. But “until it hits”, most people don’t think about it.

The same situation applies to achieving goals.

We all know that we need to set goals for ourselves, achieve something, improve mentally and physically.

But, honestly, most of us leave our goals “to chance,” thereby completely abdicating all responsibility for achieving it.

It turned out - fortune! It didn’t work out - no luck!

The main reasons why people don't achieve their goals are:

  • lack of priorities in our lives. We don’t know what is more important to us: career or family, health or leisure, etc.
  • There is only enough time for work routine and household chores at home. The goals we want to achieve are pushed back indefinitely on the time scale.
  • the existence of confusion between dreams, ideas, projects and goals. We don't have a clear division of "what is what", so most goals are simply lost
  • our goals do not have clear criteria. It seems that there are goals, but our brain (and the forces helping us from above) cannot understand how we will know that we have achieved them
  • the realism of our goals does not correspond to reality. A lot of people who have worked their whole lives in hired jobs and have not earned a penny on their own write themselves the goal “Create a cool business and earn $1,000,000.” Why not? Really! In such cases I always ask: “Why not a billion? Is a million enough? Completely inconsistent with reality!

What does proper goal setting mean?

Most of the troubles all over the world occur because people do not clearly understand their goals (I. Goethe)

To set goals correctly and achieve them, you don’t need to invent any bicycles.

Everything has already been invented before us!

The most effective way to work with goals is to divide them into long-term, medium-term and short-term goals.

How to set goals correctly - Goal Pyramid

Long term goals

These are vital goals for the next 10 and 3-5 years. And they need to be placed in exactly that order.

When setting goals for 10 years, you can give complete freedom to your imagination and dreams, to simulate any situation as we want to be.

Based on these images, we create long-term goals for ourselves for 3-5 years, which will be either one third or half of the goals for 10 years.

Examples of long-term goals:

  • Become the No. 1 specialist in your industry
  • Build your own house
  • Go on a trip around the world in a hot air balloon

Medium-term goals

These are the goals for the coming year. And they should significantly advance us towards our long-term goals for 3-5 years.

Examples of medium-term goals:

  • Organize all your affairs and tasks, learn effective planning
  • Buy a plot of land of 10 acres to build your own house
  • Learn to fly in a hot air balloon

Short term goals

These are goals for the next 1-3 months. They are formed on the basis of medium-term goals for the coming year.

Examples of short-term goals:

  • Take an individual course on organizing things, tasks, projects, goals using the MyLifeOrganized task planner
  • Consult a lawyer and prepare a list of the complete package of documents for purchasing land
  • Pass a medical examination and go up in a hot air balloon for the first time with an instructor at the Balloon Festival (if there is one, of course)

This results in a chain of goals

We break big goals into small ones in such a way that each short-term goal should move us towards our long-term goals. In other words, to contribute to their achievement.

Well, the definition of vital long-term goals follows from the purpose of each of us on this earth:

  • Why are we here?
  • What should they leave behind for posterity?
  • etc.

This is something similar to being guided by the polar star, which leads us in the right direction.

Striving for a goal in life in itself is meaningless. It is important what the goal leads to, what values ​​are brought to life. There are goals - dreams that everybody wants, and there is little benefit from achieving them. And even more so, there is no point in putting them on – they don’t motivate.

Look at this list of goals on the MYTH blog:

Such goals give rise to flawed motivation. You can’t set goals like that. You can get crazy when you reach them, or it’s not at all clear why someone needs them in the present tense.

The list of goals is typical, which is offered to blog readers. The authors, trying to give readers examples of long-term goals, give a set of loops. To strive for such goals without having anything behind them is an inquisition of the remnants of a healthy psyche.

Vital Goals

The goals that we set for ourselves should develop us, bring us experience, increased awareness and personal responsibility. And don’t send him to a mental hospital, intensive care unit or a cemetery.

Vital goals are those the pursuit of which will develop us. Expand our capabilities, increase our sense of happiness, improve our psyche and relationships with others.

The world needs a hundred space explorers. If someone truly aspires to be an astronaut, go ahead! Better is a happy, wise, responsible person, and at the same time also our messenger from the Earth. What an astronaut is - unhappy, scared, training and tormenting himself, only because he is not ready to love himself and understand his desires.

I am not against struggle and “achievement”, but struggle especially with oneself should not be meaningless. There's no need for a dummy in a spacesuit taking a selfie with the Earth in the background.

The main vital goal of a person is to be healthy physically and psychologically.. There are not so many people who are self-confident, with positive self-esteem, who know their worth and are able to realize their desires. They are able to set a goal in life, to take on the solution of a vital problem for all humanity. They have the courage and strength to solve it and live happily.

Human development goals

To realize the goal of life, a person needs only average abilities, but not enough average courage. Strength of mind is needed less than courage to resist the circumstances and prejudices of others.

A person is ineffective at achieving a goal that does not lead him to something greater than the goal itself. Therefore, it is so important to practice understanding your desires, needs, values, know your strengths and be able to work for pleasure.

Set short-term goals for self-exploration, searching for your untapped talents. Learn to overcome preconceptions about yourself and what you already “know.” Develop self-confidence, form an opinion based on personal experience. Develop courage and ability to work. You will need all this when you are ready to solve an important problem or implement a complex project.

Example: list of 50 goals

Coming up with goals can be difficult if there is little practice and awareness. Therefore, it is useful to look through examples of general development goals and adapt the ones you like.

We offer examples that lead to personal development, to the acquisition of experience, and to the expansion of ideas about oneself and the universe. It is advisable to have something else behind these goals, but they will already develop you if you decide to achieve them. I collected goals that are more environmentally friendly for our little head.

Health, sports

  1. Draw an infographic of your health.
  2. Swim 500 meters. Dive to 8 meters.
  3. Eliminate 2-3 unhealthy foods from your diet.
  4. Run 10 km.
  5. For a whole week, eat only home-cooked food.
  6. Strengthen your position in life: I am ok, others are ok.
  7. Learn to play table tennis and tennis.
  8. Rocking chair. Work out for 2–3 months. Get a rank.

Goals in work, in career. Financial goals

  1. Understand the element of your calling: man - man, man - machine, man - symbols.
  2. Increase your income by 2 times.
  3. Live a week without urgent matters (outside of vacation).
  4. Passive income. 100$+ / month
  5. Work for a company. The company's goals help you realize your dreams.
  6. Financial control. Record expenses and income for six months.
  7. Gain experience in hiring and firing employees.

Surroundings, friends

  1. Public performance. Perform in front of an audience of 30+ people.
  2. Get the hang of getting to know each other.
  3. Be able to listen to your interlocutor.
  4. Organize a board game evening.

Personal relationships, family

  1. Attend a group therapy training session with an experienced psychologist. Make your own opinion.
  2. Loving is life-affirming. Cure neuroticism.
  3. Marry or get married for love.
  4. Take on the role of father or mother. To raise, not raise, a child.
  5. Arrange a “spontaneous” trip.

Rest, brightness of life

  1. Visit another continent.
  2. Swim in two oceans.
  3. Live 2+ months in an unfamiliar country.
  4. Be spontaneous. They are not afraid to look stupid.
  5. King of the hill - climb the pyramid.

Personal development goals, intelligence

  1. Read 12+ popular science works in a year.
  2. Get a driver's license. Drive along the serpentine road.
  3. Learn English. Speaking level is above average.
  4. Learn a second foreign language at a basic level.
  5. Live according to your goal plan for the year achieving 70%+.
  6. Write 10 articles.
  7. Dine at the top restaurant in the city and leave no tip.


  1. Learn to draw. Paint 5 pictures.
  2. Choose a hobby and think about how to earn income from it in the future.
  3. Know how to dance. Do a choreographed dance for 1+ minutes.
  4. Sing a song at karaoke or in the studio.
  5. Learn to play a musical instrument. Play a melody on the flute, keys, guitar, drums.
  6. Handmade creativity. Crafts made from paper, fabric, clay, plasticine, leather.


  1. Develop the ability to overcome conviction. Learn something new that I was so sure of.
  2. The ability to overcome an old habit. Retrain yourself in something.
  3. Formulate your purpose.
  4. Practice meditation. Take a course or seminar.
  5. Bring the life balance wheel to 7–10 points.
  6. Read the New Testament. Form an opinion.
  7. Learn to overcome fears. Overcome 5 fears.
  8. Get an unconventional experience. Astrology, out-of-body experiences, constellations.

A man's life goals

Business is the main goal to which a man devotes his time. Idle, he is incompetent.
Ideally, this is some kind of enterprise with a humanistic idea, aimed at helping and developing other people.

It is vital for masculine nature to explore the world, seize territories (markets), compete with others, promote new goods and services. By realizing his undertaking, a man realizes himself in this world. Business is the second face of a real man.

One of the most important goals in a man’s life is his BUSINESS.

List of examples of goals for a man and a guy for 5–10 years:

  1. Explore business management methods from your own experience.
  2. Set 50 intermediate or medium-term goals and achieve them.
  3. Develop the company to a turnover of $1 million
  4. Create a service that makes life easier for other men.
  5. Become an expert in your specialty.

The most important goals of a woman

A woman is not obliged to earn money for her family. This is a man's concern. A woman can also do business. The main thing is that this does not become her main job. She can do her own thing for the soul, but remain true to her feminine nature.

A woman’s vital goals are in the following areas: relationships, beauty, home comfort, giving love to the world, spiritual practices. Family and caring for children are the most important thing for a woman. This makes her happier.

Examples of girls’ long-term life goals:

  1. Become a spiritual midwife. Popularize “Natural Childbirth”.
  2. Open a psychological assistance center.
  3. Help other women, build harmonious relationships.
  4. Inspire a man to achieve feats in his business.
  5. Become a teacher by vocation.
  6. Be an example for girls - what an older woman can be.
  7. Explore alternative perspectives on the question “What does it mean to be a woman.”

List of women's goals for the year:

  1. Lotus birth of a child.
  2. Creative development: dancing, music, painting.
  3. Create a blog. Debunking myths about child development.
  4. Go on a trip and write an adventure novel.
  5. Learn interior design.
  6. Learn to sew. Create a design for your collection.
  7. Become happy. Clear your emotional blocks.

How to write your 50 goals in life - answer

Keep lists of example goals and ideas. Introduce all sorts of different dreams and goals. Break down your goals into categories: short-term (up to 1 month), medium-term (1 year) and long-term (2-5 years). When you have accumulated 50 or more goals, re-sort them and add important ones to your list of goals for the year. I keep lists on Evernote and in a notepad.

To determine your goals, we recommend the exercise “50 goals and 50 desires”. First you need to determine the range of your desires and begin to realize them. Then, where you most want to continue working - look for a more global goal. The ideal is to look for a problem, a need of humanity, and satisfy it.

Formulate not just selfish goals in life, but also those aimed at benefiting people. The goal of “Becoming a famous chef” will not bring as much satisfaction as organizing a children's center. The very wording “Become famous” speaks of an unhealthy psyche, of dislike in childhood. If you suddenly want fame, first satisfy your need for love. So save the world after you save yourself. First, cultivate strong egoism, and altruism will appear on its own, there is no need to force it.

The ideal goal of a person’s life is when you give yourself to the universe and get high from it. All you need is the freedom to do what you like. You don't have to get approval, recognition and fame. You don't need to know five languages ​​to earn respect and admiration. You feel good both alone and in a team, doing what you think is right.

Choose your vital goals and go on your way to yourself.

What are the most interesting goals in a person's life? Everyone chooses for themselves, in this post we have collected some interesting goals in our opinion.

Scientists have long proven that a person who has a dream or goals in life is happier than one who has not yet decided. A purposeless life is simply a waste of time, resources and spiritual energy.

In this article we want to introduce you to 30 interesting goals in life for the next 10 years. Perhaps some will interest you and you will write them down in your notebook or.

Or maybe, while reading this post, inspiration will come to you and you will come up with your own!

#1 Visit a new continent. This is an invaluable experience that will significantly push you towards personal growth. A different culture, new emotions and impressions will become wonderful memories of the adventures you have experienced.

#2 Visit at least 20 countries. To better understand yourself and your culture, you need to get to know someone else’s. Only in comparison does a person realize his values, mentality, set of views and beliefs. Traveling to other countries broadens your horizons and worldview.

In addition, this can have a beneficial effect on professional activities. In the article, we talked about why a frequent traveler should be the most desirable candidate in a company.

#3 Make at least one acquaintance in each country. Traveling anywhere without making connections can be a serious waste of time. If you have found the money and time to travel a long distance, then take the time to make friends in a new country. This way you will better understand the socio-cultural environment around you.

New friends can give valuable advice about interesting places to see (which are often not included in guidebooks), where to have lunch, etc. In addition, if you ever return to this country, you will already have connections here and perhaps even free overnight accommodation.

#4 Learn a new language. This is not only an interesting but also a useful goal. Do you know what Bill Gates' greatest regret in life is? His answer to this question, which was asked a few months ago by one of the members of the Reddit community, sounded like this: “I feel pretty stupid that I don’t know any foreign languages.”

By learning a new language, you develop, train your brain, memory, develop new and improve old skills. Knowledge of a foreign language will help not only when traveling, but also in reading foreign web resources, books, and watching films. It will also add weight to your resume both at work and in life in general.

#5 Take a spontaneous trip

Without pre-planning every detail, pack everything you need and venture into the unknown. You don’t even have to leave the country, the key point here is to do everything spontaneously, quickly, without thinking.

Life circumstances do not always give us a lot of time to make important strategic decisions, and this kind of “training” will strengthen you and teach you how to act in unfamiliar situations. This trip will give you a much better life experience than an all-inclusive tour.

#6 Try some extreme sport. This could be bungee jumping, skydive, water skiing, mountain river descent, etc. A surge of adrenaline will invigorate you, add variety to your routine, and give you a lot of new sensations, emotions and impressions. This is also a good reason to step out of your comfort zone.

#7 Try to overcome your worst fear. This goal can make you much stronger. Regardless of what you fear most, it is likely that the fear is irrational in nature and has nothing to do with the real threat.

There are countless phobias that people suffer from. Overcoming your phobia will take you to a whole new level, increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

#8 Climb to the top of the mountain. The view that opens from the top of the mountain is unique and priceless. You will literally feel the power of nature and realize how small a person really is compared to the forces of nature. In addition, the mountains are a great place to take a break from the bustle of civilization and think about the eternal.

#9 Increase your financial security

To enjoy life and live the lifestyle you dream of, achieving financial independence is an almost mandatory goal.

#10 Create your own emergency fund. Regularly saving some money is a habit that can save you in case of financial problems. Many personal finance experts agree that a person should have a reserve of money that will cover his living expenses for at least 3 months, preferably for a year.

While you are pursuing your dreams, remember that anything can happen. Creating a reserve fund for unforeseen cases can become that lifeline “if something happens.”

#11 Create an online business. Today there are a huge number of ways to earn extra money on the Internet. Every person has some skill or experience that they can describe in an educational course or book and then sell.

Perhaps even over time you will be able to leave your 9-5 job and lead a free lifestyle, earning money from anywhere in the world, traveling for your pleasure. An online business can not only provide you with money, but also excellent income, in which further efforts are kept to a minimum. So this goal can make you richer.

#12 Get into the habit of doing exercises. In addition to finances, personal relationships and other areas, health occupies one of the central places in a person’s life. Performance and mood depend on the level of health. It is unlikely that a person will be able to enjoy wealth or recognition if he is not feeling well.

To avoid future health problems, start taking care of it as early as possible. You can start with at least the basic thing - get into the habit of doing exercises.

#13 Start eating healthy foods. Today there are countless recommendations and theories on how to eat properly. This is an entire industry in which an army of specialists speculates. Determine for yourself what it means to you to eat healthy food, based on the opinion of a specialist who is authoritative for you.

What a person eats is important, as it affects the condition of his body in the long term. Therefore, take this issue seriously.

#14 Create your ideal look. We all want to look our best, but not everyone wants to invest time, effort and possibly money into it. Our appearance is very important for positioning in society. It says a lot.

Think about how you would like to look? Pumped up? — sign up for a gym. Stylish? — read the latest fashion news, start to navigate this topic. Create your ideal image and then sign up for a photo shoot. Years will pass, and you will be proud to show your grandchildren how great shape you were in when you were young!

#15 Become a disciplined person. Self-discipline is an essential skill in order to realize your goals in life. Without this quality, it is extremely difficult to fulfill your obligations, meet deadlines, and get everything done on time. In addition, a disciplined person evokes more respect and trust.

#16 Get into the habit of getting up early. We all love to lie in bed a little longer in the morning and soak up some time - especially if we don’t have to travel or go somewhere. However, it should be remembered that the vast majority of successful people have the habit of getting up early and getting down to business while others are still dreaming.

Whether it's a corporate executive, a top athlete, or a musician, all successful people value time as their most important resource.

#17 Read at least 100 books. This interesting goal will make you smarter. The fact that books contain wisdom and knowledge is already a well-worn truth. It's amazing how little people read today, preferring TV, the Internet or video games.

At the same time, reading books promotes intellectual development and personal growth. This habit will make you a more interesting conversationalist and person in general. If you don't know which book to start with, we recommend David Schwartz's The Art of Thinking Big (read its review).

#18 Write a book

81% of the world's population believes they could write a book, but only a minority dare to get started. The truth is that once you start writing, you are already a writer. Finishing your work can sometimes be difficult, but the satisfaction from the work done is worth it.

When we wrote the first part about the adventures of private detective Kevin Chris, we got a lot of great impressions and emotions. Composing a plot, thinking through characters, making a chapter breakdown - all this was not easy. But it was fun. We wrote the book for our own pleasure and did it as we saw fit, without looking at any rules, laws, or canons of writing.

Today, the e-book industry is developing so dynamically that anyone can publish their book online and sell it in leading stores such as Amazon, BN or Kobo.

#19 Write a letter to your future self. Don't forget to describe your dreams, goals, plans, expectations. Describe yourself, your environment, where you will be and live. You can attach a picture.

Be sure to indicate the date when the “envelope from the future” will be opened. This will be the moment of truth. You will have an excellent opportunity to check whether you have become what you wanted to become.

#20 Forget about the Internet for a month. No Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki. No computers. For greater effect, turn off the television. 30 days of life in the real world. Great time with family, friends, relatives.

A wonderful opportunity to read books, go into nature, and be alone with yourself. No more information overload—your mind will become clearer and brighter than ever before. This is probably one of the most necessary goals today in conditions of total dominance of the Internet.

#21 Take a photo of yourself every day for a year. You will have unique archival material - a photo report of how you changed throughout the year. Watching this 20 years later will give you an indescribable feeling.

#22 Make a list of what truly makes you happy. Do this exercise as often as possible. You can have all the wealth on the planet or be the most successful manager of a major company and still feel like crap. This is because it is not what actually makes you feel happy.

Talk to yourself alone. Look as deep within yourself as you can and ask one simple question: “What makes me happy?” Write down the points on a piece of paper. When you are sad or feel bad, take this list and start doing something from this list.

It can be the most banal thing - eat a cake, walk with the dog, listen to music - if it really makes you happy, you will certainly feel better, and bad emotions will go away.

#23 Challenge yourself

To expand the boundaries of your comfort zone, choose a task that makes you feel uncomfortable, set a time frame and complete it religiously, without skipping a single time! For example, 30-minute yoga classes for 90 days.

Such a test will allow you to get to know yourself better, know your strengths and weaknesses, instill discipline and endurance, and increase motivation and self-confidence.

#24 Help a homeless person get his life back on track. Our life is not only about how to satisfy our needs and self-realization. It is also important to help others. Helping another person regain faith in themselves and become a self-sufficient member of society is an extremely noble goal that will require real leadership qualities and charisma from you.

#25 Donate to charity. The amount of money does not matter, the fact itself becomes of great importance. Remember, what seems like a trifle to you, a little money, can save someone else’s life.

In the documentary “Money,” the process of giving is described as a factor in accelerating the circulation of money in society and returning to the donor many times over. If you do this sincerely and with good intentions, then you will be rewarded many times over.

#26 Stop looking for approval from others. This is a very useful goal that really improves your psychological state! We definitely care too much about how others perceive us, which lowers our self-esteem and confidence.

Because of this, we are afraid to make simple decisions and simple choices. For motivation, read one of our quotes:

#27 Learn to say no. The ability to say no at the right time will definitely improve your life. We say yes too often and too quickly, which leads to unnecessary obligations and responsibilities that do not positively impact our lives.

#28 . Entrepreneurship is not only an opportunity to improve your financial situation, but also to develop organizational, creative skills, the ability to navigate, etc., which will significantly increase and enrich your life experience.

#29 Spend the night under the stars. You will receive a lot of impressions, perhaps inspiration, new ideas. At the end of the day, it's just a good way to relax and connect with nature.

#30 Make your own furniture. Today, the Do it yourself movement is gaining momentum in the West. The point is to make something with your own hands that you often use in everyday life - for example, a bed, a bookshelf, a chair. The feeling of using an item that you have made yourself is incomparably different than from a mass-produced product in China.

What other interesting goals do you know in life?

Good day, dear readers of my blog! We discussed the need for goal setting many times, learned to do it correctly and point by point, adhering to the plan and classification. And today, for example and motivation, I have prepared a list of 100 goals in a person’s life, some points of which may be useful and inspiring to you. After all, if you remember the article “”, such an irresponsible and unconscious way of life can lead to depression. And so, when there is a plan for many years, there is no time to even get sick.

Basic Rules

For successful , harmonious development and advancement, and this is precisely why a person sets a goal, I have identified 5 main areas, ignoring which will not provide a feeling of fullness and quality of life. The main rule is not to keep this list in your head; you must put it on paper. This will add responsibility to the process, and will also remind you of some things that can easily be forgotten when trying to fulfill your most pressing dreams for a given period.

The list can be hung in your room or office so that it is in front of your eyes, or kept from prying eyes if there is information that you do not want to share with others. I wrote down other people's goals, they can serve as examples for you, because everyone has different interests and needs. Just try on each item for yourself and listen whether it suits you or not.

Let me remind you that I write about my goals.


1.Spiritual development

To better understand why we need it, I recommend reading the article. In short, I can say that it is thanks to him that we can call ourselves not just a person, but an individual, and raise our self-esteem and level of self-confidence.

  1. Practice positive affirmations
  2. Start/finish learning a foreign language
  3. Deal with accumulated grievances, realize them and let them go
  4. Read the 100 best books for development
  5. Listen to your feelings and sensations in order to correctly recognize, every evening remembering at least 5 feelings that you experienced during the day
  6. Learn to concentrate for a long time by practicing meditation daily
  7. Take a driving course
  8. Create a collage with wishes
  9. Attend church once a week
  10. Practice the alpha visualization method daily
  11. Learn to come to terms with the imperfections of other people, accepting them for who they are.
  12. Realize the meaning of your purpose
  13. Get to know yourself better by researching using various techniques and noticing your mistakes and analyzing them
  14. Watch 50 films based on real events and motivating achievements
  15. Start keeping a diary, writing down the most significant events and thoughts
  16. Meet a new and interesting person once a week
  17. Conquer your fear of public speaking
  18. Learn to argue your opinion
  19. Learn sign language and basic manipulation techniques
  20. Learn to play the guitar

2.Physical development

In order to have enough energy for accomplishments, it is very important to monitor your health and maintain physical fitness.
  1. Do the splits
  2. Learn to walk on your hands
  3. Visit the gym at least 2 times a week
  4. Stop drinking, smoking
  5. Add healthy foods to your diet and minimize the consumption of fatty and sweet foods
  6. Take a self-defense course
  7. Take a contrast shower daily
  8. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day
  9. Learn to swim in different styles
  10. Go to the mountains and snowboard
  11. Visit the sauna once a week
  12. Try yourself as a vegetarian for a month
  13. Go camping all alone for two weeks
  14. Pass a full medical examination
  15. Once every three months, arrange a cleansing diet
  16. Do exercises for 10 minutes in the morning
  17. Learn to do push-ups with clapping and on one hand
  18. Stand in plank position for 5 minutes
  19. Take part in a marathon
  20. Lose 5 kilograms of excess weight

3.Financial development

  1. Buy a car
  2. Create an alternative, passive source of income (rent out an apartment, for example)
  3. Increase your monthly income several times
  4. Pay off your last bank loan and never take out a new one
  5. Make repairs in the apartment
  6. Buy a plot on which to build a summer house
  7. Control waste by making only necessary and intentional purchases, without reacting to supermarket marketing tricks
  8. Create your own business
  9. Save money and put it in the bank at interest
  10. Invest in a good idea
  11. Save money for a trip around the world
  12. Start additional work in the IT field, in your free time, creating and promoting websites
  13. Give parents a ticket to a sanatorium
  14. Give children a good education
  15. Buy a house on the seashore and rent it out
  16. Travel with loved ones to a sanatorium every year
  17. Do charity work (donate money for treatment to those in need, distribute toys and unnecessary things)
  18. Purchase food for nurseries once a month
  19. Start a charity organization
  20. Purchase several hectares of land and rent it out to farmers

By the way, if you have financial problems, I highly recommend watch this "series". It will take your financial knowledge to the next level. If you want, you can even make this a goal.

21. Improve your financial literacy. (Take a course on financial literacy).

4.Family development

The role of the goal is to strengthen relationships with the family, not only your own, but also your parents’. This is the foundation, so to speak, the foundation thanks to which we accomplish feats and survive during the difficulties that fate presents.

  1. Give your wife a small gift or treat every day
  2. Celebrate your wedding anniversary by the ocean
  3. Get together with the whole family for every holiday
  4. On weekends, visit parents and help with household chores
  5. Babysit grandchildren
  6. Celebrate your golden wedding with your wife
  7. Raise happy and loving children
  8. Travel with family
  9. Be sure to spend every weekend with your family outside the home, in nature, on a trip or to the cinema.
  10. Help my son master martial art and support him at championships
  11. Play games with family on Saturday nights
  12. Teach children to ride a bike
  13. Once a month, arrange a romantic evening for your wife
  14. Teach children to drive and repair a car
  15. Together with my wife and children, draw a family tree and tell the kids stories about their ancestors that we ourselves remember
  16. Several times a week, instead of my wife, helping the children with homework
  17. Once a month, my wife and I rent a hotel room so that the two of us can relax and have a change of scenery.
  18. Write letters of gratitude to your relatives for some holiday
  19. On weekends, go to a restaurant, or cook lunch and dinner with the whole family
  20. Go with your sons to the kennel and choose a dog for them


In order to feel joy and have an interest in life, it is important to take care of yourself, do unexpected things and allow yourself to relax. In this case, there will be enough energy to realize other goals, and the level of pleasure and value of life will go through the roof. Allow yourself to fulfill even minor fantasies, some childhood dreams, and you will feel how your well-being changes. You can see what they are like in my examples:

  1. Visit Antarctica
  2. Feed the sharks
  3. Ride in a tank
  4. Swim with dolphins
  5. Go to a desert island
  6. Visit some festival, for example, Oktoberfest in Germany
  7. Swim in 4 oceans
  8. Hitchhiking
  9. Visit the base camp at the summit of Everest
  10. Go on a cruise
  11. Fly in a hot air balloon
  12. Live in an eco village for a couple of days
  13. Milk a cow
  14. Jump with a parachute
  15. Ride a horse yourself
  16. Travel to Tibet and chat with the Dalai Lama
  17. Visit Las Vegas
  18. Ride through the desert on quad bikes
  19. Try scuba diving
  20. Take a general massage course


Each checkmark placed opposite an item will bring satisfaction, joy and pride from the fact that I was able to achieve what I wanted. Life is very multifaceted, so add your own areas, your own options, and to speed up the process of realizing your desire, I recommend reading the article. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates.

Whenever possible, I write reports on achieving my goals, perhaps you will be interested or you will simply decide to support me with a comment on the article. to my articles about moving towards goals. Good luck to you and make your dreams come true!

It is customary to say about some people - he is purposeful, he will definitely achieve his goal. But how did it happen that some people have goals, while others’ lives are more like a meaningless existence? In fact, the purpose of life and human destiny is a philosophical question. Many great sages sought answers to this question, and everyone had their own view on this question. Let’s try to figure out what the role of purpose is in a person’s life, and what goals and values ​​are considered to be the main ones.

The main goal of human life

First, let's figure out what the goal is? At its core, it is a desire or motive. The goal can be conscious or unconscious. For example, the desire to travel to distant countries is a completely conscious goal. However, in a moment of danger, we may instinctively strive to perform some action in order to avoid this danger. Such a goal is unconscious. When talking about a person’s life goals, we will mean the first option, that is, only those motives that we are aware of.

The main goals in a person’s life are a set that ultimately should lead to the realization of the main goal. In other words, any of our goals consists of small subgoals. But how to determine what is the main goal in a person’s life? There is a special algorithm to find it:

  1. Think of any current goal that you are pursuing at this point in your life and is considered extremely important.
  2. Find the motive that gave rise to this current goal. Those. the answer to the question why you have this goal.
  3. If you were able to find a motive that preceded the birth of this goal, then go again to point 2 and check the motive itself in the same way.
  4. If your motive does not have any subgoal, then it is the main goal in your life.

The main goals in a person’s life are a combination. There are always several of them. And many of them are born thanks to our basic needs: food, nourishment, sleep, recognition, love, etc. Such a desire for happiness, prosperity, social recognition, and gaining faith in oneself and in God is usually called the meaning of a person’s life. Let's consider the main goals that almost every person pursues.

List of human life goals

You probably won't see anything new on this list. The life of each of us is filled with such goals, since their importance specifically for each of us cannot be overestimated.

Life needs can be completely individual. And each of us can continue this list ourselves. Only one thing remains common - the purpose of a person’s life is to achieve all the key needs that arise in the process of his existence.