Chronicle of life. II

Russian culture was revived and developed along with the revival and rise of the Russian land, the development of the economic system after the Mongol-Tatar invasion, in the process of unifying the Russian principalities, first around several centers, and then around Moscow. She sensitively reflected all the innovations in Russian life, and most importantly, the changing moods of the Russian people, their patriotic impulse during the struggle against the Horde, on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo and during the creation of a single Russian centralized state.


First of all, chronicle writing was revived and developed, large historical works appeared, in which the story was told about the entire path of the Russian people. New chronicle collections began to be created at the courts of leading Russian princes - in Vladimir, Rostov the Great, Ryazan, Tver, and later in Moscow. Chronicle writing in Novgorod and Pskov was not interrupted.

At first these writings were imbued with local interests. Telling about the events of Russian history since the time of Rurik and including the famous “Tale of Bygone Years”, these chronicles subsequently narrated the deeds of their princes and considered them the main characters of Russian history. The authors connected the history of Ancient Rus', for example, with the history of the Tver or Ryazan principalities and believed that it was their princes who were destined to lead the process of unifying the Russian lands. This was significant: the idea of ​​the unity of Rus' was already on the agenda of history, and the chronicles reflected this idea.

From the second half of the 14th century. The leading role in chronicle writing and in the creation of historical and literary monuments passes to Moscow, which under Dmitry Donskoy took the initiative in the fight against the Horde. They are written in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, in Moscow monasteries. These works convey the idea of ​​the unity of Rus', the commonality of its Kyiv and Vladimir periods, the leading role of Moscow in the unification of Russian lands and in the fight against the Horde. The Moscow “Russian Chronograph” became such a chronicle.

Already at this time: in the Moscow chronicles there is an idea about the right of Moscow to collect all the lands that were previously part of a single Old Russian state. Moscow had only just begun this process, but the ideologists of that time had already formulated the task of the Moscow princes for the future.

It is not for nothing that Ivan III, setting out on a campaign against Novgorod, familiarized himself in advance with the old chronicles in order to find in them a justification for his right as Rurikovich to own all Russian lands, including Novgorod, on the rights of the fatherland of his ancestors, the Kyiv princes.

Lives, legends, "walkings"

Another written genre, reflecting the phenomena of the era and permeated with new mentalities of people, became at this time lives, legends and “walkings”.

Lives are biographies of clergy and secular persons canonized by the Christian Church. Their heroes became only individuals whose activities were truly an era in the history of Rus', or those whose life feats became an example for many generations of Russian people. This was, for example, “The Life of St. Alexander Nevsky,” a monument of Old Russian literature of the late 13th – early 14th centuries. It told about the prince’s remarkable exploits in the fight against the Swedes and Germans, about his titanic and dangerous diplomatic activities in relations with Batu, the Golden Horde, about his mysterious death on the way from Sarai. Russian people, reading this life, were imbued with the ideas of serving the Motherland and patriotism. The author sought to distract readers from everything selfish and vain and awaken in their souls high life ideals of serving people, society, and their country.

Another such famous life was the story about the life and tragic end of Prince Tver, Grand Duke of Vladimir Mikhail Yaroslavin, torn to pieces in the Horde. In it, the author does not idealize his hero, he tells how he desperately fought for power over Russia with the Moscow Prince Yuri Daniilovich. However, the last days of his life, his voluntary appearance in the Horde to die as a martyr in order to save his land, allow the author to highly appreciate the life feat of Mikhail Tverskoy. Martyrdom, in his opinion, washes away everything petty and unworthy from the appearance of the Tver prince.

The Life of Sergius of Radonezh, written by his student Epiphanius the Wise in 1417–1418, also became a favorite reading of the Russian people. From the pages of this work emerges the image of a highly moral, hardworking, deeply religious person, for whom the highest happiness is to do good to his neighbor, to ensure the well-being of his native land.

Legends became especially popular at that time. These are stories dedicated to significant events in the life of the country. “Zadonshchina,” a monument of ancient Russian literature of the late 14th century, became such a legend. (apparently no later than 1393), telling about the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. Its author (about him it is only known that his name was Sophrony and that he was from the Ryazan region) tells step by step about the invasion of Mamai, the preparation of Dmitry Donskoy to fight back the enemy, the gathering of the army, the outcome of the historical battle. Here is just a small excerpt from “Zadonshchina”: “...And the great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich said: “Brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, let’s go there, glorify our life to the world on Miracle, so that the old will tell and the young will remember! Let’s test our brave men and the river We will fill the Don with blood for the Russian land and for the Christian faith...”

The story is imbued with a high patriotic spirit, and it is not without reason that the author more than once turns: mentally to the events and images of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

A special legend was written about the invasion of Khan Tokhtamysh on Moscow, which shook Rus' after a brilliant victory on the Kulikovo Field. In the burned and plundered Moscow, the author writes, there was “a plan and sobs, and the cry of many, and tears, and an inconsolable cry, and much lamentation, and bitter sadness, and inconsolable grief, unbearable misfortune, terrible need, and mortal grief, fear, horror and awe." Historical and literary works reflected the complexity and tragedy of Rus'’s struggle for its unity, against the Horde yoke.

In the XIV-XV centuries. "Walkings" reappear in Rus' - works describing the long journeys of the Russian people. One of them was the famous “Walking across the Three Seas” (meaning the Caspian, Arabian and Black) by the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin (?–1475), in which he told the Russian people about his many years of travel through the countries of the East and about life in India. The beginning of the description is dated 1466, the last lines were written in 1472.

His dream was to visit the East, from where overseas merchants brought expensive and outlandish things - beautiful silk fabrics, precious stones, pearls, spices, gilded weapons. India seemed like a fabulous paradise. But no one knew what the way there was. Nikitin decided to make his way to India with Russian goods - iron products, furs, patterned goods, i.e. fabrics decorated with gold and silver embroidery.

Afanasy was the first of the Russian people to travel a long distance from the Tverskaya pier on the Volga to Calcutta. Already on the way to the Caspian Sea, the Russian merchant was exposed to danger, was robbed, and was caught in a storm at sea. As a son-in-law, he passed through Azerbaijan, the Trans-Caspian lands, ended up on the coast of the Persian Gulf, and then sailed to India. There he spent several years. In "Walking" he described in detail his journey and the years spent in India, spoke about Indian land, about the customs and beliefs of Indians, about their cities.

During the long years of Afanasia's life in India, Nikitin lost count of the days according to the Russian calendar; Having lost the church books, I lost track of the church calendar. “I don’t know the great day of the Resurrection of Christ (Easter), but I guess by signs,” he noted in his notes. Longing for the Motherland increasingly gripped the merchant, although he remembered the years of the terrible feudal war: “May the Russian land be protected by God,” he writes. “There is no country like it in this world, although the boyars of the Russian land are unjust. May the Russian land become comfortable and May there be justice in it."

Finally, he sailed from India to Africa, visited Ethiopia, from there he moved to the Iranian Plateau, and then through the Black Sea and Crimea returned to his homeland.

Afanasy Nikitin died not far from Smolensk in a peasant hut, a little before reaching his native Tver. Notebooks with a description of “The Walk” were found in his bag. He turned out to be the first European to visit India and talk about it in detail. Only 30 years later, the famous Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama paved the way to India.

On all written sources without exception, the historian must fully carry out work on criticism of preparatory, interpretation and reliability. But individual groups of written sources also have their own characteristics that should be discussed.

Chronicles, chronicles and lives of saints are the main sources in the study of the so-called. Middle Ages. The vast majority of chronicles, chronicles and lives of saints were compiled by members of the clergy, who were the most educated segment of the population in the Middle Ages. This, however, does not mean that all chronicles, annals and lives of saints have the same ideological direction. The struggle between separate groups of clergy was reflected in the works of individual clergy, and the special political tendencies inherent in each individual work must be clarified by the historian.

The chronicler and chronicler used the works of their predecessors in their works, subjecting them to alterations, additions, amendments and distortions. Often events over several centuries have been invented or distorted in order to prove the events or aspirations of today. Subsequently, other chroniclers and historians accepted fictitious and distorted events as historical reality. Finally, the chroniclers and chroniclers themselves were participants and observers of some historical events; they described other historical events based on unverified rumors, and others “by suggestion from above,” i.e. based on fantasy, dreams, etc. All this forces us to be especially demanding when criticizing the messages of chronicles and chronicles.

Even more fantasy, fiction and lies are found in the lives of saints. Very often they were simply invented to give the monastery a saint with relics, a life, and this was the main thing, with income from pilgrims who wanted to venerate the new saint. In other cases, a believing monk wrote a life, according to his imagination, sincerely believing that everything that comes to his mind and that he writes down corresponds to reality, as it was instilled in him by God or the saint himself. In rare cases, the lives of saints were compiled during the lifetime of the saints themselves by their disciples and provided at least more or less accurate biographical information about the saint. All the lives of saints are naturally filled with all sorts of miracles and supernatural phenomena. These miracles finally made the monks themselves sick, especially since the number of believers in such miracles was increasingly decreasing, and in recent centuries the Catholic and Orthodox clergy began to revise the lives of their saints in order to make them more acceptable. The Jesuits began such a revision in 1643, and this work, carried out by the Bollandists (named after I. Bolland, who was entrusted with this work in 1643), continues to this day. Its result is: “Acta sanctorum quot - quot orbe coluntur.” The same work was partially done in Russia in relation to Orthodox saints.

Despite the lies and fiction that are found in the lives of saints at every step, they can be used as sources that illuminate social relations in the so-called. middle Ages. Reports from the lives of saints about monastic colonization, trade activities, economic systems, crafts, etc. are very valuable when studying the history of the Middle Ages. When using messages from the lives of saints, it is necessary, of course, to first establish the time of their composition, as well as all the changes made to subsequent editions by correctors, scribes and publishers.


V. Klyuchevsky Old Russian lives of saints as a historical source. 1871 Orlov. Liber Pontificalis as a source for the history of the Roman papacy and polemics against it, 1899 M. H. Pokrovsky. Class struggle and Russian historical literature. 1927 Complete collection of Russian chronicles, published. USSR Academy of Sciences (published in separate issues in a new edition). With h. de S m e d t. Introductio generalis ad historiam ecclesiasticam critice tractandam. 1876 ​​(interesting as the work of the head of the Bollandists, outlining the views of the Bollandists on the tasks of criticism when revising the lives of saints). N.K. Nikolsky The Tale of Bygone Years, as a source for the history of the initial period of Russian writing and culture. On the issue of the oldest Russian chronicles Vol. I, 1930

1. The Life of Vladimir, belonging to an unknown author, most likely a Greek, and the corresponding part of the story about the baptism of Vladimir, placed in chronicles.

« Life of Blessed Volodymer”, belonging to an unknown author, in all likelihood, the Greek, as we said above, openly Rev. Makariy; which he first published in Christian. Readings for 1849, - book. II , it was later reprinted by him in the History of the Russian Church (in the appendices to volume I, ed. 2 p. 264 sqq ).

Reverend Macarius accepts two types or two editions of the life (Histor. vol. II, ed. 2 p. 151). But this is not entirely true. One edition of the life itself is known, and then there are later compilations in which the life appears in conjunction with other ancient legends.

At the Reverend Macarius had two lists of his life at his disposal: Sakharov’s 16th century, from which he published it, and Bolotov’s 17th century, from which he put forward variants. We know of a third list - in the RKP. fundamental. libraries Moscow. Spirit. Academy No. 198, l. 232 rev., X VII century 1).

Latest compilations, Owhich we just said, we know two: the first in the Rumyantsev manuscript according to Vostokov’s Description No. 436, fol. 264 fin., page 697 co l. 1 fin ., not the beginning of the 16th century, as he thinks

As for the fact that Vladimir could take the relics from the pope, then, firstly, the pope was still Orthodox at that time (and those who competed between him and the Patriarch of Constantinople for power are a completely different matter), and secondly, a shrine does not cease to be a shrine even in the hands of infidels (let the reader remember the later receipt of the Robe of the Lord from the Shah of Persia).

1) The manuscript is a collection, the second large half of which consists of articles on Russian history, namely: l. 86, Life of Olga, same as in Step. book I, 5; l. 160 vol., Praise to Olga, the same as there p. 44; l. 188, Memory and praise to Volodymer of the monk Jacob, which we print below; l. 202, Sermon on Law and Grace (Metropolitan Hilarion); l. 232 vol., our life. We attribute the manuscript to the 17th century, but its half-written, cursive writing is somehow very vague, and it may very well be that it is even from the 16th century.


Vostokov, a XVII and, probably, the second half (second edition by Rev. Macarius). The compilation is inscribed: “On the 15th day of the month of July, the memory of the blessed Grand Duke Vladimir, named Vasily in baptism.” It consists of: first 11 lines - the beginning of the prologue life, which we print below (This was the son of Svyatoslavl from the Varangian tribe... and an ambassador in all languages, testing the law of how they believe), Then life from the very beginning (Khodisha of his servants), but not to the end, but in the amount of three-fifths 1); the end is again from the Prologue (Rest to the God of the month...). Second compilation in the Milyutin Menaion under the 15th of July, Synod. RKP. No. 807 l. 954. Inscription and a small beginning from the monk Jacob, who is below, and then the life.

“The Life of Blessed Volodymer 2).

A story included in the chronicle.

Sitsa was small before these years, I was the autocrat of the entire Russian land, Volodimer, the grandson of Iolzhin, and the great-grandson of Rurik, but his servants went to the Bulgarians and Nemtsi, and saw their bad deeds; and from there I went to Constantinople and saw the decorations of the church and the rite of the divine service, a fair amount of hierarchical ceremonies, singing and choirs, and the presence of the deacon, and then the priest s sha 8 days. I released Tsar Vasily and Kostyantin with gifts and honor.

“I chose men who are kind and sensible, With break 10, and decide to them: “Go first to the Bulgarians, and first test their faith.” They are on their way, and when they arrive they see the park n These deeds and bowing in ropati, (and) came to their land. And Volodymer spoke to them: “Go back in Him.” ts and, look the same, and from there you go to the Greeks.” They came to Nemtsi and watched their church service, (and) came to Tsar City and went down to the king; The king tested it, for the sake of guilt he came, and they confessed to him everything that had happened. When the king heard this, he was glad and did great honor to them that same day. The next morning he sent an ambassador to the patriarch, saying to his mother: “Rus' has come, torturing our faith, so build the church and krylos, and put yourself in the priest’s vestments, so that they can see the glory of our God.” Having heard the patriarch, he commanded to convene a krylos, according to custom, creating a holiday and burning censer, singing and

1) From five pages in the History of Rev. Macarius, the first three, to death on Berestovoy.

2) So to Sugar. and Akadem., in Bolotovsk.,: Test of Blessed Prince Vladimir.




They came to Rus'. Volodymer summoned his boyars and elders, and said to them: “Behold, our messages have come, let us hear the message from them.” And the servant said: “Look how they bow to the Bolgara in a ropata, standing without a belt, and having bowed, sit down and look at this and ovamo, like beshen; and there is no joy in them, but sadness and great stench, and their law is not good. In Nemtsekh there are many d I go to churches performing services, but I don’t see any beauty in them. We came to the Greeks, to Tsar-Grad, and we knew where to serve our God, and we did not know whether we were in heaven or on earth: there is nowhere such a vision, nor do we know how to describe such beauty; Only then we know that God dwells with people there, and their service is better than all countries. We do not want to forget that beauty: every man, if he tastes sweetness, does not accept sorrow afterwards; “So we, prince, cannot be here, but we are going there.” The boyars said: “If only the law of Greece were not good,”

the faces of Sstavisha. And I went with them to church, and I placed in a spacious place, showing the beauty of the church, the singing and services of the bishop, the deacon, telling them the service of his God; They, in amazement and wonder, praised their service. And I called Tsar Vasily and Kostyantin, telling them: “Go to your land,” and I released them with great gifts and with honor.

They came to their land, and the prince called his bolyars and the elder, (and) Volodymer said: “Behold, the messages of our men have come, let us hear from them what happened.” And he said: “Say this before the squad.” They decided: “As we went to the Bulgarians, we looked at how they worshiped in the temple, they decided in the ropati, standing without a belt; bowing down to sit down and look at this and it as if they were mad, and there is no joy in them, but there is great sadness and stench, there is no good in their law. And rest in Him ts and I saw many services performed in the temples, but I saw nothing of beauty. And we came to the Greeks, and we know where to serve our God, and we are not holy, whether we were in heaven or on earth: there is no such kind on earth, or such beauty, and we are at a loss to say; We only know that God dwells with men, and their service is greater than all countries. We cannot forget that beauty; every person, but sch “If you don’t bite sweetly, don’t accept sorrow after that, so we are not imams here.” Having answered




chesk, then no If only Olga, your woman, would be happy.” Volodymer said: “The will of the Lord, yes.” at child!“ And intentions with e b: “I’ll do this.”

Last summer, e go to Korsul. The Korsunians are fighting hard against the hail. Volodymer e speech: “If you don’t betray me, I will stand as an imam for three years.” They didn’t listen, And standing for six months 2 ). There was a husband in Korsun named Ana-stas;s e write on the arrow and let it go Yu to Volodymer: “to the treasure from the eastern countries of the city in the city” P the water pipes are connected; I'll dig and take over" 3). Prince, Hearing everything, he said: “Gr. P oh my God! If only we will come true, abі e I am baptized." And he commanded a party in defiance of the trumpets and sh a

bolyare rekosha: “asch e If the Greek law were evil, then your woman Olga would not have accepted, even if she were the wisest of all people.” Volodymyr answered: “Where are we going to receive baptism?” They said: “Where are you?”

And last summer, in the summer of 6496, Volodymer went from his army to Korsun, the city of Greece, and the Korsunians shut themselves up in the city; and one hundred Volodimers about half a hail in Limen, they gave the hail a single shooting 1), and I fought hard from the hail, Volodimer was a hail. The people in the city are exhausted e , and Volodymer’s speech to the citizens: “If you don’t get away, the imam will stand for 3 years.” He And But Volodimer did not listen to him and ordered him to pour into the hail. Let us then, O Korsunians, having dug up the city wall,

1) For the topography of Korsun, see Notes of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities, volume 2, department. 1 page 256 beginning sqq. It was located on a cape between two bays - the current Quarantine Bay on the eastern side and the current Round Bay on the western side (two versts west of Sevastopol). “Limen about half a hail,” that is, on the other side of the city in the direction from Kyiv there is a pier in the Round Bay.

2) If we accept this news as fair, then, as we noted above, it will follow that Vladimir, who took Korsun at the beginning of 989, actually went on a campaign against it in 988, which is in the chronicle.

3) Life needs to be understood: into a well or cistern, which is located in the city on the eastern side or in its eastern part, water is carried through pipes, meaning from the outside. The story, on the contrary, meaning by codes the pools outside the city, from which water was brought into it, hardly makes the correct amendment: in relation to Vladimir’s ships in the pier, the city was east, and in relation to his siege camp on land (which Korsun had on the south side) wells and pools were from the south (about them and about the water supply, see ibid. pp. 258 and 262). The Pole Brovevsky, who described the ruins of Korsun in the second half of the 16th century, agrees with life to say that the reservoirs for the water were located near the eastern wall of the city (Notes of Odessa. General History and Ancient Vol. VI, p. 341).



water. People in the city And I became thirsty for water and gave myself up. He, having taken the city, sent an ambassador to the king to Vasily and to Kostyantin in Constantinople, saying to him: “I have taken your glorious city, and I heard that you have a virgin sister, give her for me; If she doesn’t give it to me, I will do the same for Tsaryugrad.” She answered: “We don’t deserve to give for unbaptized people, but baptism (yes) P remesh; Why don't you do this?, We will not give our sister for you.” Volodimer answered in the words sent: “I’m coming.” e Let me be baptized from you." And the king's ambassador 2) Anna, his sister, and with her the governors and prosvuters, and came to Korsun. And Volodym e I'm sick. The bishop is with the priests of Korsun and with the priests of the king ts others, announced, baptized And in the church of St. Jacob in Korsun city, and named him Vasily. And a wondrous and glorious miracle happened: for the bishop laid his hand on her, and the wound was healed 3 ). He rejoiced in his heart, and was baptized by many of his boyars at that hour: and built a church in Korsun on the mountain of St. Basil 4 ).

skilful, stealing strewn dust and burden to one’s city, sy p fiercely in the middle of the city 1 ); no matter how I sprinkled more powder, but Volodymer stood still. And (here) the husband of the Korsun arrow, named Nastas, wrote to the chest on the arrow: “the treasures that are behind you about T there is a drain, from which water flows through a pipe; digging over them." Volodymer, hearing it, looked up to heaven and said: “If this comes to pass, I will baptize myself.” And Tu Abye ordered to dig the pipes and drink the water; the people were exhausted by thirst for water and gave in. Volodymer and his squad came into the city, and P donkey Volodymer to Tsar Vasil yu and Kostyantin, verb si ce: „s e I took the glorious hail; I hear that I married my sister as a virgin, and if she does not give her to me, I will build your city as I did to this one.” And when you heard the king, you were quickly sad, (and) the news was born, saying: “It’s not worthy”ъ khresteyanom for filthy dates; If you make the sign of the cross, you will receive this too, and ts You will receive the kingdom of heaven, and you will be a fellow believer with us; A more “If you don’t want to do this, we can’t give our sister in marriage.” Si

1) About the custom not only of the Russians, but also of the ancients in general, of taking the walls of besieged cities by means of “spray”, see above p. 51, note. 1.

2) In Acad.: And please send your sister Anna...

3) We draw the reader’s special attention to the story of the miracle in the life and in the story. Since subsequent storytellers never shorten the miracles, then, in our opinion, this is decisive proof that the author of the life in relation to the author of the story is previous, and not subsequent.

4) Regarding the church in which Vladimir married the princess, as we said above, it is most likely to think that it was the Korsun Cathedral - St. Sophia, as it is in the Ipata Chronicle. As for the church that he built, then - in his life - St. Vasily, in Lavrent. letop. - no name,



Volodymer heard a speech to those sent from the king: “Speak to the king this way: for I am baptized, because I have experienced your law before these days, and this is your love for your faith and service, which men have confirmed to us in their message.” And si sly shavshe ts Arya was glad and quickly begged her sister, named Anna, and sent a message to Volodymer, saying: “Be baptized, and then I will send my sister to you.” Volodymer said: “Yes, come with your sister to baptize me.” And he listened to the king, (and) he sent his sister, some dignitaries and prosperers; She didn’t want to go: “As if it’s full,” she said, “I’m going, if only I could die from here.” And her brothers said to her: “What food will God turn the Russian land into by you?” I no, but you will deliver the Greek land from the fierce army; Do you see how much evil there is? ish and Rus' is Greek? And n Nowadays, even if we don’t have ideas, they will also do it to us,” and then they will force us. She sat in a head over heels, ts having eaten his own snakes, he went away crying e across the sea. And he came to Korsun, and the Korsunites went out with a bow, and brought her into the city, and made her sit in the tent. According to God’s arrangement, Vo-

and in Ipatsk. chronicle—St. John the Baptist. The ruins of the Korsun churches remained until later times, and partly remain, it seems, even now (after the siege of Sevastopol); if such thorough excavations had been carried out as other people, and not us, can do (and what we did with the ruins of Korsun, see. Karamz.I, approx. 449), then perhaps something important would have been discovered (Ancient church builders had the custom of cutting out records of their construction in them or making so-called their chronicles; if such a record of Vladimir about the church he built had been found, then it could be a discovery of the greatest importance).




And then we took the queen and Anastas and the priests of Korsun, with the relics of Saint Clement and Thebes, his disciple, having taken selected icons and

Lodimer had his eyes on him and did not see anything (and) did not think of anything to do, and the velmi became more anxious, and the queen sent to him, roaring: “If you want to get rid of this disease, then be baptized quickly, otherwise, then you will not get rid of this.” . Hearing Volodymer, he said: “If the truth is true, then God will be truly great and baptized,” and he commanded to be baptized. The Bishop of Korsun and the Tsarina’s priest announced the crosses of Volodymyr; If you lay your hand on her, you will see clearly. Seeing this vain idea, Volodimer glorified God, saying: “I have first brought to light the true God.” And when his squad saw him, they were baptized many times. I was baptized in the church of St. Basil 1), and there is a church that stands in the city of Korsun, in the middle of the city, where the Korsun people trade: Volodymer’s payment from the edge of the church stands to this day 2), and the Tsarina’s payment is behind the altar. After baptism, bring the queen to the wedding. It is not right to say that I was baptized in Kiev, and then decide: Vasilevo, but friends should say otherwise.

Volodymer, therefore, we eat the Tsarina and Nastas and the priests of Korsun, with the relics of St. Clement and Fifa 3), his disciple, taking the loan

1) To Ipatsk. chronicle: “Being baptized in the church of St. Sophia, and there are churches...”

2) Bronevsky mentions some kind of royal palace (Notes of Odessa. General History and Ancient Vol. VI p. 342): shouldn’t this be understood to mean that the house in which Vladimir lived received from the time of his stay name of the palace and was known under this name until later times? Bronevsky locates his palace in the eastern part of the city.

3) There is no saint Thebes in the Greek calendar; our Thebes was probably a local Kherson saint.




Books. And the city of Korsun will be given to the Tsar for wine, and the sisters will share it. And he himself entered Kiev and ordered the idols to be damaged and beaten, some were destroyed 3), and others were burned; and the Hair of the idol, his name of the cattle god, was thrown into the Second River; He commanded that Jerun be tied to the horse’s tail 4), and dragged from the mountain along Borichev to the stream, and the servants were ordered to beat the idols with a rod. This is not as one who smells wood, but as a reproach to the demon, who has deceived us in this way. And what is worse than his unfaithful people is that they have not yet received holy baptism. And attracting the idol of Perun, the river plunged into the Dnieper, and the rapids flowed, the eruption and the wind rushed to the shore, and from there Perun Mountain passed through 5). And lay the commandment throughout the whole city, so that in the morning everyone will be found in retaliation, whether rich or poor, poor or laboring. And when the people heard it, they flowed joyfully, saying: if this had not been good, the prince and the boyars would not have accepted it. The next morning Volodymer went out from the Tsarina’s priest and with the Korsunskys, and saw 6) the insanity of the people: they climbed into the water up to their necks, and some to the Persians, young people along the shore, and their wives

church (and) icons for your blessing. Build a church in Korsun on the mountain 1), even though I was falling asleep in the midst of the hail, I will stealthily sleep, and the church will stand to this day. I took the two temples of copper and the 4 horses of copper 2), who even now stand behind the Holy Mother of God, since I do not know how to remember the existence of marble. The Greek gave Korsun for marriage to the queen again, and he himself came to Kiev. As soon as he came, he ordered the idols to be destroyed, some to be destroyed, and others to be set on fire: Perun commanded that the horses be tied to the tail, and dragged from the mountain along Borichev to the stream, 12 put the husband to the aunt’s rod. Behold, not as one who smells wood, but to reproach the demon, who in this way deceives people, so that he may receive retribution from people. Great are you, Lord, wonderful are your deeds! Yesterday we honor people, but today we scold them. He is drawn to the Dnieper, and his unfaithful people lament, since they have not yet received holy baptism; and attracted Vrinush to the Dnieper. And Volodymer ordered the river: “As soon as there is a place to land, you tear it off from the shore until you can cross the rapids; then ooh-

1) To Ipatsk. years: “build the Church of St. John the Baptist in Korsun on the mountain”...

2) “Temple temples”—statues, actually idols: two bronze statues and four bronze horses (Aren’t these statues and horses still lying in the ground in Kyiv?)

3) Academician: sit down.

4) Academician: to the horse's tail.

5) Academician: Perun city.

6) Bolotovsk. and Academician: and with the Korsunskys to the Pochaina River and came...




baby holding; and the popes are on the verge of prayer. And there was great joy among the people who were baptized, and each one went to his own home. Volodymer was glad that he and all people knew God, and prayed: “God, who created heaven and earth and the sea and everything that is in them!” Look at your people and let them know you ( Swamp. true God), and establish in them an unblemished faith, and help me against my enemies, so that I can escape.” And he commanded the peasants to build churches in those places where the idols stood; and you yourself built the Church of St. Basil on the hill where the Perun idol stood. And the priest commanded the town and village to bring people to baptism and teach children to read and write 1).

Beat him." They are the commanded creature. Like a wasteland and passed through the rapids, the eruption and the wind on and off the passage of Perun began, as it is to this day. Therefore, Volodymer sent ambassadors throughout the city, saying: “If someone does not appear in the morning on the river, whether rich, or poor, or poor, or a worker, let him be disgusted with me.” The people heard it and went with joy, rejoicing and saying: “If this had not been good, the prince and the nobles would not have accepted it.” The next morning, Volodier left the Tsarina’s priest and with the Korsunskys on the Dnieper, and appeared without number of people: getting into the water and standing up to the neck, and friends to the Persians, young people from the shore, friends holding the youth, accomplishments of the vagabond: priest it's worth it I make prayers. And now I see joy in heaven and on earth, only the soul of those being saved; and the devil said: “Woe is me, for I am driven out of here!” where I have a dwelling place, because here I am not the essence of the teachings of the apostles, nor the essence of the knowledge of God, but rejoice in their service, even as I serve me, and behold, I am already defeated by ignorance (this), and not from an apostle, nor from a martyr, no longer an imam reign in these countries." The people who were baptized each went to their own homes. Volodymer was glad, as he knew God himself and his people, and looked up to the sky and said:

1) In Rumyants. compilation No. 436 instead of: „children learn to read and write“ reads according to the chronicle: “children began to borrow from the deliberate and give bookish things to study“.




Last year, the intention was to create the Church of the Holy Mother of God, sending a master 1) from the Greek. Having completed it, decorate it, and 2) surprise it with icons, and entrust it to Anastas Korsun, and the priests of Korsun to serve in it, and give everything to them, even if he took it in Korsun, and crosses, and give a tenth of the entire estate 3) that church and from the city.

“God who created heaven and earth!” look at this new people, and let them, Lord, lead You to the true God, just as you led the peasant countries; confirm that my faith in them is right and not lying, and help me, Lord, against the opposing enemy, so that, trusting in You and in your power, I will overcome his intrigues.” And behold, he ordered the churches to be cut down and idols to be placed in places where they stand; and build the Church of St. Basil on the hill, where the idol of Perun and others stood, where the prince and the people created the needs; and began setting up churches and priests throughout the city, and bringing people to baptism throughout the city and village. Having sent the children to take children from the children, they began to give them for book learning; The mother of these children weeps for them, because they have not yet established themselves in faith, but like they weep for the dead.

In the summer 6497 (989) 4). Therefore, Volodymer, living in the law of peasantry, thought to create the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (and) in glory brought the masters from the Greek. And I will begin to build the building and, as life has passed, decorate it with icons, and entrust it to Nastas Korsun, and the priests of Korsun to serve in it, giving in everything that he took in Korsun: icons and vessels and crosses.

1) This is true in all three lists.

2) In Acad.: And No.

3) “Part” is not in all three lists.

4) So to Laprentevsk. sp., in Ipatsk: in summer 6499 (991).




I am merciful, according to the word of the Lord, who said: bliss of mercy, for you will be shown mercy 1); I beg the beggars to come to his court all day long and receive someone who demands something from you, and for the sick who cannot walk, he commands the servants to bring them to their houses 2); and create many virtues.

I will die on Berestov, and hide, for Svyatopolk is in Kiev; and at night, between the cages, she took 3) a platform, hid it in a carpet, and hung it on the ground and

(Under the year 996, after the story about the consecration of the Kyiv Tithe Church, about the construction of the Church of the Transfiguration in Vasilevo and about the celebration of the feasts of the Transfiguration and the Dormition) Without loving bookish words; Hearing this one gospel: Blessed are you in mercy, for you will receive mercy, and again: sell your property and give to the poor, and again: do not hide your treasure on earth, where aphids corrupt and dig up thieves, but hide your treasure in heaven, even aphids to decay, nor a thief to steal, and David saying: Blessed is the man who has mercy and gives, and hearing Solomon say: Give to the poor, and give to God to lend; eating and eating from cowgirls kunami. Set up and behold, the rivers: “For the weak and sick cannot dwell in my courtyard,” - I commanded to build a stake (and) storehouses of bread, meat, fish, various vegetables, honey in beans, and in others kvass, to carry around the city for those who ask : “Where is the sick and the poor, unable to walk?” thus distributing to the needs.

(Under the year 1015). I’ll die on Berestov. and hid and, for Svyatopolk Kiev; at night, between the cages, he made a platform, wrapped in a carpet and snakes of light -

1) Matt. 5, 7.

2) In Academician: they bring their needs.

3) In Akadem.: missing.



having placed 1) (th) on a sleigh, he had better placed it in the Holy Mother of God, and created it himself. Having seen the people, they descended endlessly and cried for him, the bolyar as the intercessor of their land and the misfortune as and 2) a nourisher.

Ole miracle! Like the second Jerusalem appeared on the earth, Kiev and the second Moses Volodymer appeared. He is the wall law in Jerusalem, excommunicating from idols, and behold pure faith and holy baptism, leading into eternal life. He commands to come to the one God in law, and by faith and holy baptism to enlighten the entire Russian land and lead to the Most Holy Trinity - to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and through virtue receive eternal life and people, having taught the same, lead them into the kingdom of heaven. The Lord said to one apostle: Fear not, my little flock 3), here it is also said to everyone. After 40 days and 8 Moses and 4) he gave up the law and was buried on the mountain, and after 30 years and 3 being in holy baptism, he had pure faith 5) he kept the commandments of the Lord, he reposed, commending his soul into the hand of God. And his honest body was placed in a marble coffin and preserved with the tears of the noble prince.

Sisha to the ground; I put it on the sleigh, put it on the sleigh and in the Holy Mother of God, I created it myself. Behold, the people who have taken away, without number. condescending and crying for him, the bolyar as the protector of their land, the misfortune as the protector and nourisher. And he put it in the crust of the Moromorian, preserving his body with tears, the blessed prince.

1) In Academician: and laid.

2) In Acad.: AndNo.

3) Bow. 12, 33.

4) In the Academy: And No.

5) In Akadem.: I’ll be honest.



And there was a second Kostyantin in the Russian land, Volodymer, behold, the new Kostyantin of the great Rome, who, having been baptized himself, baptized his people: so and so did like him. Even though I was still in the filthiness of foul lust, desiring, but afterward being diligent to rest, as the apostle prophesies 1): Wherever sin abounds, it abounds 2) grace 5). If in the ignorance of the future there were sins, after repenting 4) by repentance and alms, as if to say: whatever I find you in, I will judge you, as if by a prophet to say: I live as Adanai of the Lord, for I do not want to die as a sinner, but to turn from your evil path 6), for many are righteous, but 7) those who do what is right, while living, perish. It is marvelous, behold, how much good the Rusty of the earth did by baptizing it; We are peasants, after all. We do not pay respects against this tribute. If he had not baptized us, then now we would have fallen into the deception of the devil, just as our ancestors perished. Yes, if we had labor and prayer, we would bring God a prayer on the day of his repose, as if 8) God would glorify our diligence for him, so that we would be worthy of praying to God,

(Directly following the previous one).

He is the new Kostyantin of the great Rome, who himself and his people were baptized: do this and that like him. Even though we were already desiring foul lust, we were then diligent to repentance, as the apostle said: Wherever sin abounds, grace abounds. It is marvelous, behold, how much good he has done in the land of Russia by baptizing it; We, being peasants, do not pay homage to this mount. If he had not baptized us, then today we would have fallen into the deception of the devil, just as our ancestors died. Yes, if we had labored and brought prayers to God on the day of his repose, and if God had seen our diligence for him, he would have glorified us, so that we would be worthy of praying to God, and thereby know God. But the Lord grant you according to your heart and fulfill all your requests, his ( var. hedgehog) desires the kingdom of heaven: may the Lord grant you a crown with the righteous, in the food of heaven joy and rejoicing with Abraham and with the other patriarchs, just as Solomon said: if a righteous man dies, his hope will not perish. This is in memory

1) In the Academy: broadcasts.

2) In Academic: abounds.

3) Rom. 5, 20.

4) In Akadem.: crumbling.

5) In Acad.: And No.

6) Ezek. 33, 11.

7) In the Academy: Not No.

8) In the Academy: I would know.




before we know God. But Lord grant 1) according to your heart and fulfill all your requests, even if you desire the kingdom of heaven; May the Lord grant you a crown with the righteous, in the food of heaven there will be joy and rejoicing with Abram and with the other patriarchs, as Solomon said: For a righteous man who dies, his hope will not perish. For this reason, in memory of the people, remembering holy baptism, they glorify God in prayers and in songs and psalms, singing to the Lord’s new people, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, hoping to reward the hope of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, 2) against everyone with unspeakable labor May joy be enjoyed by all the peasants.

O saint of the Tsar, Kostyantina and Volodymyr! Help the opposite relatives of Vayu and save people from the troubles of the Greeks and Russians, and for me, a sinner, pray to God, as if I have boldness towards God, may I be saved by Vayu’s prayers. I pray and treat you kindly 3) with the writings of this little literate, and I praise you 4), written with an unworthy mind and ignorant meaning. You, holy one, praying for us, for your people, will accept in prayer to God the holy voyage of your son - Boris and Gleb, so that all together you will be able to beg the Lord, with the help of the power of the honest cross and with

keep Russian people remembering holy baptism, and glorify God in prayers and in hymns and psalms, singing to the Lord, new people, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, hoping for the hope of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, to give untold joy to everyone who endures labor, please improve to all peasants."

(This conclusion is not in the chronicle).

1) That is, but may the Lord grant.., may he fulfill...

2) Should imply the missing: having?

3) In the Academy: and I am praying.

4) In Academic: praising Vayu.



with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, our Lady, and with all the saints (in Academician: Amen).”

The page was generated in 0.14 seconds!

Goals: summarize students’ knowledge of the section; learn to listen to the opinions of your comrades, make the right decision in a team, and defend your point of view; develop speech, mental operations and creative abilities.

Comments for the teacher. The lesson is based on the television game "Job". The difference is that the guys play not individually, but collectively. The class is divided into 2 teams or 3 teams (in rows).

Equipment: there is a scoreboard on the board.

Chronicles, epics, legends, lives

1. Time machine 10 20 30 40 50

2. Bogatyrs 10 20 30 40 50

3. Live picture 10 20 © 40 50

4. Wheel of History 10 20 30 40 50

5. Cultural monuments 10 20 30 40 50

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Today we will play “Our Game”. You will play as a team. Before you give an answer, you should discuss it as a team. In order for the game to be organized, select a team captain. He will name the theme the team is playing and then voice the answer.

The points earned are added up by team and counted at the end. The winning team is revealed.

II. Carrying out the game

1. Time machine.

10 In what century did they first begin to record information about events in Rus'? (In the 11th century.)

20 One of the first Russian chroniclers was... . (Monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor, a gifted person.)

30 In what year did Rus' first hear about the Tatar-Mongol raids on the land? (In 1224.)

40 Does this date begin the passage from the chronicle “And Oleg hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople,” given in the textbook? Name it. (Summer 6415 (907) and summer 6420 (912).)

50 Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich defeated the hordes of Khan Mamai on the Don, for which he was nicknamed Donskoy. How did we know this? (From the chronicles.)

2. Bogatyrs.

10 Go straight and you'll be killed! To go to the left is to be married! Go to the right - to be rich! All this is prescribed by fate! Where do these lines come from? (From the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips.”)

20 “Bogatyrs”, “Knight at the Crossroads”. Who is the author of these paintings and who is depicted in them? (Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and Ilya Muromets are heroes of Russian epics.)

30 The epic tells how Ilya Muromets is captured. And who actually gets captured? (Russian people.) What is this technique called in literature? (Allegory or allegory.)

40 Why did the chronicler consider it important to preserve the memory of Prince Oleg? (In 822, most of the tribes were united by Prince Oleg, who had the strongest squad and ruled in Kiev. In 907 he made a campaign against Byzantium, in 907 and 911 he concluded treaties with it. They began to call him the Grand Duke and pay him tribute. This is how it arose Old Russian state.)

50 Remember what you know about Russian folk fairy tales. How are fairy tales and epics about Ilya Muromets similar? How are they different?

3. Live picture.

10 Read expressively a passage you like from any work you have read.

20 One day the boy Bartholomew met an old monk who helped him get out of the forest. And this boy also decided to become a monk. What new name did he receive and become famous throughout Rus'? (Sergius of Radonezh.)

40 We are at the walls of the Church of St. Sophia, joyful Novgorodians are greeting the winners. The prince himself, wearing iron armor and a bright red cloak, climbed onto the high wooden platform. The whole square fell silent. Alexander Nevsky raised his hand, pointed to the captured knights, and said... . What did he say? Voice it out. (“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword! The Russian land stood, stands and will stand on that!”)

50 Before the Battle of Kulikovo, Prince Dmitry came to him for advice. To whom and what did they tell the prince? (This was Sergius of Radonezh. He blessed Dmitry Ivanovich for this feat and sent two heroic monks with the prince - Peresvet and Ooslabya.)

4. Wheel of history.

10 Explain what an epic is. (Bylina- one of the types of oral folk art. They tell about the exploits of heroes - selfless defenders of their Motherland, all the offended and disadvantaged people, their amazing strength, courage and kindness.)

20 Explain in your own words what a record is. Where did this name come from? Why were chronicles created?

30 I cleared that path


He dug up a treasure, but without a treasure he returned and was poor again! And I catch fate by the mane, I ride around the restive one, And fate for me is by the horse!”

Whose words are these and where were they written down? (Ilya Muromets carved a new inscription on the stone.)

40 What did the Magi prophesy for Prince Oleg? Did their prediction come true? Tell me. (They prophesied that Oleg would die from his beloved horse. The prediction came true even after the death of the horse.)

50 There was such a great groan, There was a battle with such blood, That the Don was painted crimson To the very bottom. And Prince Dmitry... Since then the people have nicknamed him, and the good glory behind him lives on to this day.

What was Prince Dmitry's nickname? (Donskoy.) 5. Cultural monuments.

10 The first printed book. (Bible.)

20 A beautiful hand-drawn letter with which the text in the book begins. (Initial letter.)

30 They covered the walls of the temple. This is the name given to images made with paints on wet plaster. These images told about the life of Jesus Christ and the saints. What are we talking about? (The walls of the temple were covered with frescoes.)

40 He founded a monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity. Who is this person and name the monastery. (Sergius of Radonezh founded the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra.)

III. Summarizing

A card with a © icon remains on the scoreboard (see the scoreboard at the beginning of the lesson). This is a gift to the participants of the game. You can include “The Heroic Symphony” by A.P. Borodin or present pre-prepared prizes. The number of points for each team is calculated, and the winners are awarded.


Quiz “Chronicles, epics, legends, lives”

Goals: learn to listen to the opinions of your comrades, make the right decision in a team, and defend your point of view; develop speech, thinking and creativity.

Planned results:

subject: the ability to choose a book for independent reading, focusing on thematic and alphabetical catalogs and recommended bibliography, evaluate the results of one’s reading activity, make adjustments, use reference sources for understanding and obtaining additional information, independently compose a short summary;

meta-subject: P - analysis of the text read, highlighting the main idea in it, K - answers to questions based on the literary text, discussion in a group of answers to the teacher’s questions, proof of your point of view;

personal: showing respect for the art book, accuracy in its use.

Equipment: there is a scoreboard on the board.

Quiz progress:

1 Organizing time

Today we will play “Our Game”, competing in teams. Before the captain answers, you must discuss the issue as a team. Choose captains. The captain will name the topic and price of the question, selecting them on the board.


Price issue

Time Machine


Live picture

Wheel of History

Cultural monuments

Carrying out the game

    Time Machine

10 In what century did they first start recording information about events in Rus'?(In the 11th century)

20 One of the first Russian chroniclers.(Monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor.)

30 In what year did Rus' first hear about the Mongol raids on its lands?(In 1224)

40 “Love a book - a source of knowledge.” Whose words are these?(M. Gorky.)

50 Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich defeated the hordes of Khan Mamai on the Don, for which he was nicknamed Donskoy. How did we know this?(From the chronicles.)

2. Bogatyrs

10 Go straight ahead and you'll be killed!

To go to the left is to be married!

To go to the right - to be rich!

All this is prescribed by fate!

Where do these lines come from? (From the epic “Ilya’s Three Trips.”)

20 “Bogatyrs”, “Knight at the Crossroads”. Who is the author of these paintings and who is depicted in them?(Artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. In his paintings the heroes of Russian epics are Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and Ilya Muromets.)

30 The epic tells how Ilya Muromets is captured. Who's really in captivity?? (Russian people.) What is this technique called in literature? (Allegory, or allegory.)

40 Name your favorite epic hero. Justify your answer.

50 Remember what you know about Russian folk fairy tales. How are fairy tales and epics about Ilya Muromets similar? How are they different?

3. Live picture

10 Read expressively your favorite passage from any work you have read.

20 Tell us why Troy died.

40 Name the heroes of Ancient Hellas you know.

50 Name the main qualities of the Greek and Russian heroes! hero.

4. Wheel of History

10 Explain what an epic is.(Bylina is one of the types of oral folk art that tells about the exploits of heroes, selfless defenders of their Motherland, about their amazing strength, courage and kindness.)

20 Explain in your own words what a chronicle is. Where did this name come from? Why were chronicles created?

I dug up a treasure, but no treasure back

He returned and was poor again!

And I catch fate by the mane,

I go around the restive one,

And fate for me is for the horse!

Whose words are these and where were they written down?(Ilya Muromets wrote these words on a stone.)

40 What did the Magi prophesy for Prince Oleg? Did their prediction come true? Tell me.(They predicted Oleg’s death from his beloved horse. The prediction came true even after the horse’s death.)

50 There was such a great groan,

There was a battle with such blood,

That the Don was painted crimson

All the way down.

And Prince Dmitry...

Since then the people have nicknamed

And good glory is behind him

He still lives to this day.

What nickname did Prince Dmitry receive?(Donskoy.)

5. Cultural monuments

10 The first printed book.(Bible.)

20 A beautiful hand-drawn letter with which the text in the book begins.(Initial letter.)

30 This is the name given to the images in the temple made with paints on wet plaster. These images told about life

Jesus Christ and saints. What are we talking about? (About the frescoes.)

40 He founded a monastery in honor of the Holy Trinity. Who is this man? Name the monastery.(Sergius of Radonezh founded the Holy Trinity Lavra.)

50 Name the author of the Trinity icon.(It was created by the great icon painter Andrei Rublev.)

III Summing up

A card with an icon remains on the scoreboard

This is a gift to the participants of the game. You can include “The Heroic Symphony” by A.P. Borodin and present pre-prepared prizes. The number of points for each team is counted and the players are awarded.