Is it easy to be moral? Is it difficult to be human?

Is it difficult to be human?

And who is this person?

Registration number 0074195 issued for the work:

Is it difficult to be human?

And who is this person?

You know. It’s quite difficult for me to answer this question for you. Probably, not. Or maybe yes. None of us can say with certainty that he is human. Yes, not in the biological sense. And morally and ethically. I can't even say this about myself. Because I'm not sure. You see, speaking from the position of moral and intellectual self-sufficiency. Then maybe I'm human. Yes, I'm good at understanding people. I can speak beautifully. I can understand others. Maybe even give some good advice. But does this give me the right to call myself a human being? Well I do not know. I have a good job. Favorite, I would even say. I know how to work and earn money. I can teach others, explore the world. Help them with this. But am I human? Don't know. Strange question you asked me. You can do this. Why is it that every time I talk to you, you puzzle me? You give me food for thought. In order for me to appreciate myself and others. And most importantly, I understood why it was. For many years I have looked at you and thought, maybe you are the person. The one I should be like. Or at least become approximately like you. May be. I constantly think about many things. And now, at your suggestion, I began to think about Man. I wonder if I serve cripples and homeless people on the street, if I am a good son and a faithful brother. A good husband and a real father. Am I human? is that enough? Is it enough to believe in God and do good deeds? Don't know. I have a hard time believing this. A person, in my opinion, is a huge, even gigantic personality, which combines many qualities: the ability to love, understand, forgive, become, be, be able to. Be able to cry and laugh, be strong and weak. Be honest and a bit of a liar. To be right and somewhere wrong. Make mistakes and admit them, and be able to correct them. The main thing is that you just be yourself. With all the weaknesses and strengths. Just yourself, you know?

I'm not sure I answered your question. But I thought about it. And I began to look more at people and at myself. Seen from the outside, I would say so. But from the outside it’s clearer. What do you think, am I human? You are silent... Well, yes. And I'll keep quiet. And I'll think about it some more.

Mini-essay on the topic “IS IT HARD TO BE A MORAL PERSON”


The kingdom of peace, kindness and mutual understanding will come only in a society of highly moral people. The concept of morality includes rules of behavior, spiritual and mental qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as compliance with these rules. The ability to live with other people is determined by morality, that is, norms of behavior, certain actions designed to express respect, goodwill and attention to a person. A moral person knows how to express attention by external means that are understandable to everyone. He takes care of his appearance, neatness and cleanliness, remembers that sloppiness, negligence and inattention to himself are a form of disrespect for other people, disregard for their opinions; will patiently listen to the speaker without interrupting him and showing interest in his words; will not allow the dignity of a person to be humiliated by his words or actions; uses generally accepted forms of requesting a service and expresses gratitude for it himself

What is morality? On the one hand, this is a very complex philosophical question that requires serious thought. On the other hand, we can usually quite clearly determine whether a person acted morally or not. Well, let's speculate. If we dig deep, we will understand that since time immemorial, the source of morality has been the scriptures. In Christianity, it was the ten commandments of Christ that determined the moral code of man. Why do I speak in the past tense? Probably because there are not so many believing people now, religion no longer permeates all spheres of human existence as before. In addition, as culture and humanity develop, new moral and ethical standards appear in society. But what is morality? Perhaps it should be understood as the spiritual qualities of a person, which are based on high ideals of goodness, duty, honor, justice and are manifested in relation to other people and nature. Morality is how the individual himself evaluates his actions and behavior from the point of view of good. But everyone understands good in their own way. What is good for one is completely unacceptable for another. And where is the truth? I think morality lies precisely in seeing your actions not only as acceptable, but also as good for society. Immoral behavior makes a person promiscuous, ethically ugly and unworthy. Is it possible to talk about the actions of children from a moral point of view? I’m afraid not, because the concept of “good” at a tender age is very vague, a child is simply not interested in analyzing his behavior and looking at it from the angle of some obscure morality. Children's actions are determined by a single criterion - “like”, “dislike”. And it is absolutely not a fact that, as a child grows up, he will acquire moral traits. Here a lot depends on upbringing and environment. Parents and schools become the first teachers of morality for children. I don't think morality can't be learned. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary. A person learns all his life, and it is not only about broadening his horizons, but also about self-education, changing priorities, and mastering new values.

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1. What does it take to become a person with a capital “P”?

2. “Man - it sounds proud!”

a) what it means to be human;

b) hurry to do good.

3. “You were born a man, but you must become a man.”

Whether a bird is born good or bad, it is destined to fly. This is not good for a person. Being born a human is not enough. They still need to become.

E. Asadov

They say that people are not born, but become. What does it take to become a real person? Read some manuals, textbooks? Maybe there are special books that will help shape a person? Of course, you can’t do without reading books. Reading is an important way to learn about life and people. It is books that are a source of spiritual enrichment for a person. But to become a person, you need to work hard on yourself. And no matter what problems we have, no matter how difficult it is for us, we must always remain human, always remember that there are people next to you who must be respected. Every person has the right to respect.

A person cannot live alone. Every day we meet each other at school, on the street. We look into each other's eyes, trust our secrets, argue, rejoice; Sometimes we get upset. It is our life. Everyone wants to be taken into account, to have their opinion listened to, to be respected. Some people put their interests and desires above others. They can humiliate another person and laugh at him. And at the same time they consider themselves an individual. But a person is called not one who is capable of decisive actions, regardless of anyone, but one who, with all his determination and strength of character, will not elevate himself above other people. And if a person does not respect another person, if he does only what he wants, then such a “personality” cannot be called a real person. To be a real person means to give a piece of your heart and soul to other people. So that there is more kindness, warmth, and beauty around us. So that in every person with whom we communicate, something good remains from us and our soul. Mercy and kindness should always warm our lives. An angry, indifferent person will never become a real person, although he can reach certain heights in his career.

Kindness is the most valued thing in life. Kindness begins with a small thing - the desire to help your loved ones: say a kind word, support, smile. Remember the proverb: “A kind word pleases a cat”? The main thing is not to pass by, not to be indifferent, not to look away and not to pretend that you didn’t see anything. Tomorrow you will need help. Probably, any good deed leaves a mark on our own soul, bringing a feeling of satisfaction.

In our difficult world it is difficult to be a real person. But it is impossible to live without such people. Money, career, concern for one’s well-being make people cruel, indifferent, and angry. Some became embittered because of money, others grew up in a family where there was no love and mutual understanding. And someone had a tragedy. There can be different situations in life. And if we do not support each other, we think only about ourselves, our world will turn into a concentration of evil. But a person is born for happiness, in order to realize himself, in order to leave his mark on planet Earth.

A real person is an honest, fair, noble and selfless person, for whom the concept of “conscience” comes first. He is a man of his word, you can always rely on him. Such people will never let us down; as they say, we can go on reconnaissance missions with them. After all, it often happens that we promise something, and then don’t fulfill it, citing ill health, forgetfulness, or some of our own problems. For some, broken promises become a habit, a norm of behavior. A real person, if he promised something, will always fulfill it, even if it is very difficult. Who says that becoming a human is easy?

Becoming a real person is not easy because we live in a difficult world. V. Sukhomlinsky argued: “You are born a man, but you must become a man.” We can do without a lot. But kindness and mercy, mutual understanding and respect, honesty and decency - this is what our lives are based on. Therefore, a person cannot have any other goal other than the desire to become a real person.

Some phenomena of life can be called unmanifested. Let's explain with an example. Until there was smoking, people DIDN'T KNOW that they were non-smokers. That is, smoking as an action, with various attributes. There is no smoking as an action. Therefore, there is no direct word. In other words, the phenomenon of non-smoking is unmanifested. Since people did not smoke out of ignorance, and not based on moral principles and reason, there was neither strength nor morality in their non-smoking.

Same with drunkenness. Until people drank, they did not know that they were teetotal. That is, drunkenness as an action, with various attributes. And there is no drunkenness as an action. That is, it is not drunkenness that is an unmanifested event. But if non-drinker is a weak position, since one may not drink out of ignorance, for example, or for strict medical reasons, then the direct word “teetotaler” is a strong position, since this is already a conscious choice. Therefore, being a teetotaler is moral.

Until there was faith in God, people did not know that they were unbelievers. And again, a non-believer is a weak position, for example, someone does not believe in some god out of ignorance. But an atheist is a strong position, because this is already a conscious choice: refusal to believe in the supernatural.

Thus, people are born non-drinkers, non-smokers, non-believers. Since all this is a weak position, the example of adults is enough for a child to accept smoking, drinking and belief in God as the norm of life. And again he remained in a weak position, but with a negative sign. And since deep down, most people understand the stupidity of such behavior, the only thing that somehow justifies them to themselves is the fact that everyone does it. And therefore, actively non-smokers, actively non-drinkers and actively non-believers are perceived as something annoying, incomprehensible, suspicious and causing rejection, even hatred. It is difficult to be in a strong position. This means, among other things, resistance to one's surroundings. It’s much easier to give up, which is what many people do. As the Japanese say, “there is a sword walking over our heads—keep your head down!”

Why do I put smoking, drinking and believing in God on the same level? Because all these aspects of human life are connected, firstly, with the weakness of the human spirit, secondly, with the reluctance to think with one’s own head, thirdly, with the constant desire to involve as many people as possible in this activity, fourthly, with a business built on the cultivation of these vices, fifthly, with an obsessive need to justify one’s passion for these strange actions, sixthly, it is not easy with their absolute uselessness, but also harmfulness to the point of self-destruction (I foresee objections about religion: they say, it is necessary! obviously, there is I mean, does it have a psychotherapeutic effect? ​​So there are direct ones for this, and so on).

Has at least one world problem been solved by the above actions? No. But the problems they created are countless. Alcohol, nicotine, and belief in God are waging an undeclared war against humanity. Moreover, not only on the physical level. Alcoholism, nicotine addiction and faith addiction invade the human information environment. If the first two manias act at the genetic level, destroying the information structure of DNA - the basis of human health, and partially influencing human behavior, then faith mania tends to completely subjugate a person to itself. Obvious facts of real life seem to fall out of the consciousness of the believer. Incoming information is distorted and ignored by the believer, even to the point of hysterical behavior of the latter. The environmental consequences of these hobbies need to be discussed separately.

Philosophy of language and non-divinity of commandments

We do not always think about the philosophy of a word, its ability to form a worldview based on its linguistic meaning. Similar to what was written in the first paragraph, not all words have action antonyms. Let us consider from this point of view the commandments declared divine. Note that the words “murderer,” “envious,” “thief” do not have antonyms. This means, in particular, that Adam was not a murderer, an envious person and a thief, based not on moral principles, but solely on the impossibility of such actions. There is no direct indication of decency and there could not be, because the very concepts of positive behavior did not exist. To explain to a person that he should not kill, it was necessary to first demonstrate this action. Perhaps that is why Cain was not punished, and even founded a city, because someone had to set an example of unworthy behavior? A purely human approach. Not at all divine. Or did God not know direct positive action? And instead of the “do this” principle, the “don’t do that” principle? An echo of this can be heard in the speech of some parents of errant children: “We didn’t teach bad things!” It’s not enough just not to teach bad things. We must teach good things.
Therefore, many commandments begin with a negation: do not kill, do not steal, do not covet... Why a prohibition, and not a statement: protect, give, increase? Why, instead of a strong position of conscious action, a weak position of not... not... not...? (This means, by the way, that morality is by no means embedded in a person, for it requires a person’s work on himself. And goodness requires constant work and action. I once read an interesting interpretation of a good person: a person is kind when he does not do evil. Then the kindest - these are the dead. They definitely do no evil.)

Because the commandments were not given by God, but were written by people striving for power over their own kind, because a prohibition is much simpler than moral permission, which requires fortitude and conscious understanding. But if a person is perceived as a slave, then there are only prohibitions. Not teaching freedom of action, but restraining it with prohibitions. Therefore, the commandments do not contain the concept of action. Only inaction. Oh yes, of course, Tolstoy also wrote that a calm fool is better than a restless fool, and in general, make a fool pray to God... But it turns out that the commandments are initially aimed at beings who are unreasonable, unreasoning and incapable of living with their own minds. As a result, for example, some believers refuse to join the army because the weak position of “thou shalt not kill” does not allow them to rise to a strong position of defender.

So, how to protect a child from smoking, drunkenness, religiosity and other similar phenomena that have not yet appeared in full, but are dormant and waiting in the wings to enslave a person? The first thing is not to be an example of such slavery. And the second is to teach the child the ability to use freedom, the ability to limit oneself, the ability to see the boundaries beyond which another person’s freedom begins, the ability to be responsible for one’s own actions without shifting responsibility to others. This is the work of the human mind of the individual, the collective mind, the mind created by the titanic labor of previous generations. And souls. Human.

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What is the spiritual guideline that guides us when making any decision, thinking about the right thing to do? Why can we easily justify some actions, while we consider others immoral? It is difficult to give a precise definition of morality, since this concept is very broad. It is also unclear why it is needed, what it should be, because a person determines for himself what is acceptable for him, and what he will never be able to step over and considers immoral. A person has to adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world, adjust his character and disposition to a certain framework of laws
society. A person can commit bad deeds and not repent at all, because he does not consider himself immoral, does not see or does not think about what he is doing.

How can he remain moral in our world, when society dictates “different rules of the game?” We all see how outdated the concept of a traditional family is, young people no longer treat veterans and the older generation with due respect, they have lost interest in the history of their country... many more examples can be given. Of course, what was not accepted by society before is now considered quite normal and a person cannot change his views and principles at lightning speed; he remains faithful to most of them until the end of his life. Hence the eternal ideological struggle between generations - what one takes for granted, another considers unacceptable. Maybe a person is used to feeling impunity for an immoral life? Under any conditions, a person must remain a person, and having lost morality, we risk becoming worse than an animal, because even with reason and speech, a person sometimes commits terrible acts that contradict all accepted norms. Our own conscience and desire to change can become the starting point to the life we ​​dream about. We must not forget about other people; their interests must be taken into account.

Even if people were not brought up correctly, it is not worth constantly pointing out their shortcomings, hitting moral feelings with your freedom, and they will perceive it as licentiousness. Is it easy to become moral? What is moral and what is not can be very difficult to determine. Probably, this question can only be answered by understanding yourself and defining your goals in life. I use the golden rule of morality, which is: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” I do not call obscene or immoral what goes beyond my usual framework of understanding morality, I try not to be aggressive and not to label others. Do my decisions and actions lead to happiness, are there any benefits from them? If yes, then that means I’m on the right track and I should work on myself further to
become even better. And if I remain dissatisfied with the outcome of my actions, then I wonder: do my actions correspond to my beliefs, where did I go wrong? For me, the concept of morality is not limited to norms of behavior in society, moral
Property is a state of mind, and there should be no immorality in the soul. Need to educate
yourself, developing the best qualities of your character, and not putting up with shortcomings, hiding them
under the guise of his understanding of morality.