Landscaping of the park. Improvement and landscaping of the park


Department of ARChD


"Improvement of the park area"


Student gr. DAS-21-8

Negrova E.S.


Tsitman T.O.

Astrakhan 2009

  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..3
  2. Landscape design………………………………………………………...3

2.1. About landscape design…………………………………………………………….4

2.2. History of landscape architecture…………………………………………….4

3. Design stages………………………………………………………………………………5

3. 1. Composition of the project…………………………………………………………………………………..7

3.2. Geodetic survey……………………………………………………….8

3.3. Soil analysis……………………………………………………………………………….....8

3.4. Hydrological survey………………………………………………………8

3.5. Phytopathological examination………………………………………………………………..9

4. Improvement of the park area……………………………………………………......9

4.1. Inventory of existing plantings…………………………………….9

4.2. Irrigation system…………………………………………………………………………………..9

4.3. Site lighting………………………………………………………………..10

4.4. Paving paths……………………………………………………………………………….10

4.5. Drainage systems of areas………………………………………………………11

4.6. Trees and shrubs…………………………………………………………….....11

4.7. Flower beds and flower beds………………………………………………………………...12

4.8. Lawns and their types.................................................. ........................................................ 12

5. Choosing a landscape style…………………………………………………………….13

6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...14

7. Application. Creativity of Konstantin Melnikov…………………………..…14

1. Introduction

No one will deny that squares and parks are the lungs of the city. Even a small settlement strives to create its own park - a favorite walking place for representatives of all generations. A large metropolis without squares and parks can simply suffocate. On summer days, shady parks provide coolness and an opportunity to relax from the sweltering heat, in the fall they delight the eye with the farewell beauty of fading foliage, and on winter days they are a favorite place for children to play. Parks are popular among amateur athletes, because the paths of the park are an excellent place for jogging and physical exercise. In a word, squares and parks are the most valuable and almost irreplaceable component of the city.

Landscaping a park and maintaining it in a neat, safe, and aesthetically attractive condition is not an easy task. The reasons are clear: trees age and grow over time, and the park can turn into a wild and unkempt place. And the human factor plays an important role in the pollution and littering of the park.

A park of culture and recreation is a complex complex that combines various components and elements. At the same time, an ideal park of culture and recreation should represent a single composition, a complete holistic work, united by a common goal, architecture, and design. Creating such a park is an interesting, exciting and quite complex task.

There are two different directions in the issue of park improvement:

Creation of a cultural and recreation park “from scratch”;

Improvement and landscaping of existing parks, renovation and maintenance of the project.

Each of these tasks has its own characteristics and difficulties and requires the knowledge of specialists in the field of landscape and engineering design, botanists, designers, engineers, and architects.

2. Landscape design

Landscape design is the basis of any landscape design. Designing park improvements is a responsible undertaking and requires a lot of experience, attention to detail, and deep knowledge. In the process of landscape design, as a rule, specialists in various fields are involved - geologists, soil scientists, engineers, designers, biologists, botanists, designers, computer graphics specialists and others. Landscape design does not tolerate an amateurish approach and haste.

Landscape design is certainly a fascinating process. Design allows you to make maximum use of the advantages of the terrain of the territory, create a unique artistic corner based on natural compositions, decorate the territory in a classical, Japanese or Moorish style... Of course, in design, important attention is paid to the zoning of the territory, because you always have to solve not only aesthetic, but also functional problems . The front area and playground, recreation area and utility area - everything requires proper location and arrangement. The design process is quite lengthy and can take several months. The sequence of landscape design stages ends with the provision of all project documentation. During the landscape design process, the customer can make changes at each stage within the specified time frame.

2.1. About landscape design...

Landscape design is a symbiosis of science, technology and art. Over the course of tens of centuries, it not only does not lose its significance in human life, but also strengthens its influence and expands its areas of use, tools, techniques and styles, and creates new compositional ideas. Technological progress has had a huge impact on the human environment - nature has turned from a natural routine into a treasure and luxury. Living beauty is beginning to be valued more and more every year, and humanity is coming up with new opportunities to surround itself with this gift, at least for a short time.

The natural environment is reproduced and created by landscape design specialists in separate spaces of different sizes. This takes into account modern trends, environment, fashion, habits and tastes, worldview and philosophy. Like every art, landscape design has and develops its own schools and directions, styles and techniques. Competition with ideas contributes to the search for more and more sophisticated, stylish, functional and high-quality solutions. The variety is fantastic and makes every landscaping project unique.

The best creations of the great masters of landscape design live for dozens of centuries, reveal their secrets and amaze with their grandeur and beauty. Imitating these wonders, modern landscape architects create new masterpieces. Art, ideas, creativity are impossible without fundamental knowledge and studying the experience of past talents. Of course, it is not always possible to create a project in strict accordance with the canons of a particular style. A garden, like any living creature, has its own birth, development, and maturity. Masters of landscape design are able to calculate how a project will transform throughout its life and ensure the attractiveness of the project for many years.

2.2. History of landscape architecture

The history of landscape architecture is inextricably linked with the history of human civilization. It would not be a great exaggeration to say that as soon as a person learned to create, to create the world around him with his own hands, to transform what nature gives, the era of landscape architecture began. The first man-made landscape projects - strengthening the territory around the home, creating irrigation systems - fulfilled applied, practical and even strategic tasks: they helped save life. But gradually, pragmatic goals were skillfully complemented by aesthetic goals, and landscape architecture projects turned into real works of art. The development of landscape architecture has always been based on the development of science, technology and art.

The history of landscape architecture is the clearest evidence of the achievements of civilization since ancient times. Behind the seemingly young concept of “landscape architecture” (late 19th century) knowledge and splendor are stored for at least 10 thousand years! The valleys of Mesopotamia, India, China, Greece, Rome, Ethiopia are the origins and birthplace of today's architectural styles and trends in landscape design. First agriculture, and then town planning and gardening constantly influenced the formation of landscape architecture as a science and art. Wonders of the world - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (VII century BC), the Colossus of Rhodes (III century BC) - testify to the greatness of the plans of engineers and designers, the significance and value of landscape architecture for contemporaries and descendants. For tens and hundreds of years, many projects have aroused delight and admiration and become the most important cultural treasures of the planet.

Of course, every era and every civilization has contributed its own achievements and its own worldview to the development of landscape architecture. Ancient Greece - Athens, Olympia, Alexandria - gave the world an understanding of the harmony and unity of the natural landscape and artificially created architectural forms. Greek gardens and parks in educational institutions serve as a connective tissue between logical knowledge and direct perception of the world; The Acropolis is crowned with rocks, emphasizing the composition created by nature itself. Ancient Rome offers its own understanding of the world - architectural solutions reflect the power and strength of man, subjugating natural landscapes. Fountains and numerous cascades, alleys with sculptures and benches, and even gardens and swimming pools in the thermal baths - all testify to the magnificent flowering of the art of landscape design.

Landscape architecture of ancient civilizations is the foundation of today's creations. The greatness of dozens of global projects is skillfully embodied in hundreds of thousands of individual, elegant and high-quality landscape solutions of the 21st century.

3. Design stages

Landscape design is carried out in strict sequence, step by step, which allows you to clearly carry out the entire range of work, make timely amendments to each process and effectively achieve an excellent result. When designing, it is important to take into account not only all the individual components of landscape design, but also the complexity and interaction of all elements of the project, to form a single space that is functional and aesthetic at the same time.

Landscape design is divided into the following stages:

Stage 1 – inspection of the territory.

When inspecting the territory, all necessary examinations and measurements are carried out. A site plan is drawn with boundaries, buildings, plantings, communications, reservoirs, etc. Hydrological soil, geodetic, phytopathological analysis, and inventory of plantings are carried out. The climatic features of the territory, the wind rose are studied, the neighboring territory is examined (on which the shading of areas, water outflow, etc. may depend). All data from the first stage is carefully documented and subsequently used to work on the next stages.

Stage 2 – study of the requirements for this site.

At this stage, the customer’s wishes for the functionality and aesthetic appearance of the future project are listened to: a landscape style is selected, necessary and desirable landscape details are expressed - ponds, plantings, small architectural forms, etc. At the second stage, the main goal of the future landscape project, the foundation, the core, is formed.

Stage 3 – accurate measurements.

At this stage, all technical work is carried out - measurements of the entire territory of the site with all elements drawn on the plan in strict scaling.

Stage 4 – sketches.

After a thorough study of the area, clarification of wishes and tasks and drawing the existing situation on the plan, work begins on sketches and implementation of the plan on paper. Sketches of the future landscape project are prepared in several versions. A graphic solution for a future project is the basis for design. After providing the sketches to the client, a solution option is selected, all details are clarified, changes are made, planting material is discussed, etc.

Stage 5 – site design.

Based on the selected sketch option that satisfies all the requirements, the design takes place. Design includes drawing up a master plan, preparing all documentation and drawings.

Stage 6 – drawing up an assortment list.

Taking into account the client’s wishes, a list of all planting materials is compiled.

Stage 7 – drawing up an estimate sheet.

As a rule, several price solutions are offered for the implementation of the project, using different materials. The client has the opportunity to choose the most interesting solution.

Stage 8 – development of working drawings.

Stage 9 – development of technical specifications.

At this stage, all technological processes for each type of work planned in this project are described.

The final stage– delivery of the project, approval of the master plan and project estimate.
After signing all documents, the project becomes the property of the client.

3.1. Project composition

Preparation of all project documentation is the main stage in landscape design. There is a clear list of all necessary documents that are provided after completion of landscape design. Based on these documents, the project executor receives all the necessary data for engineering, installation, planting and other types of work.

A high-quality project must contain the following drawings and documents:

Plan of the initial site before the start of all work;

Sketches of the master plan, which present several options for landscape solutions (usually two or three) and depict in detail the most important areas and zones;

General plan;

Layout layout drawing;

Drawings for the placement of trees, shrubs, and other plantings (two or three options);

Coating laying schemes (several options);

Assortment sheet (for each option);

Estimate sheet (a table that reflects the cost of all types of work - main and auxiliary, for each option);

Technical specifications;

Warranty table.

In addition to the main ones listed, the project may contain additional drawings and documents. If an extended range of work and research is carried out during the landscape design process, the results of this work are documented. Additional documents include:

Inventory list and diagram of existing plantings;

Plan for cutting and crowning trees and shrubs;

Geobase (in case of geodetic survey);

Scheme of the road and path network;

Schemes of the drainage system and storm sewer;

Lighting and watering schemes;

Vertical layout diagram (in case of processing or changing the terrain);

Relief organization plan;

Layout of small architectural forms.

3.2. Geodetic survey

Geodetic survey is one of the stages in landscape design, which allows you to calculate the vertical layout of the site and helps plan earthworks. Geodetic survey of a site is a rather labor-intensive procedure, the need for which arises under the following circumstances:

If the territory has a complex terrain, with differences in levels, etc.;

If the territory has an irregularly shaped perimeter;

If there are a large number of plantings on the site.

Geodetic survey is necessary when designing a drainage system. Based on the geodetic survey, a geological basis is drawn up. It is included in the list of project documentation.

3.3. Soil analysis

Soil analysis is one of the main studies before carrying out landscape design work. It is important to know the type and composition of the soil not only during landscape design, but also during the construction of structures, because operational characteristics and design features of utility networks may depend on this. Soil analysis will allow you to assess the possibility of implementing certain design ideas and identify what adjustments are required for the chosen style and planting material.

A detailed study of the soil allows us to identify its physical and chemical properties. Detailed soil analysis is carried out by specialists in the laboratory. Samples are taken from soil sections and then examined for acidity, the presence of trace elements, nutrients, other organic compounds, inorganic additives, contaminants, etc. All analysis data is carefully recorded in the report.

Of course, soil analysis will help determine whether the soil is suitable for certain types of plants, give recommendations on organizing a drainage system, etc. Comfortable living conditions for plants is not the only goal for soil analysis. It will allow us to identify harmful substances in the soil and their concentration, and this affects not only plants, but the environmental situation as a whole.

3.4. Hydrological survey

Hydrological survey of the territory is one of the stages of landscape design. This is another method of studying the territory along with geodetic survey and soil analysis. A hydrological survey is necessary to identify the depth of the aquifer layer, groundwater, and the direction of surface water flow. It is impossible to overestimate this event, since it is the hydrological survey that gives a picture of the humidity of the site and allows you to create a high-quality drainage system.

Undoubtedly, shallow groundwater can have a negative impact on the life of trees and shrubs and contribute to waterlogging of the site. To eliminate the negative consequences, it is necessary to have a holistic picture of the site’s humidity and efficiently organize the outflow of excess moisture or, conversely, create an irrigation system.

3.5. Phytopathological examination

No one will deny that good health is the most important value in a person’s life. Plant health is also important. When carrying out landscaping and landscaping work, you should not avoid the stage that allows you to identify possible diseases of plantings - phytopathological examination. This examination helps to detect factors dangerous to plant health - diseases, pests, negative environmental influences, etc.

4. Improvement of the park area

4. 1. Inventory of existing plantings

Inventory of plantings is one of the stages of landscape design. It is necessary if the landscape design site contains valuable trees that represent a landscape, historical landmark, rare or exotic species, etc. The importance of inventorying existing plantings is high when it comes to landscaping and landscaping urban areas - public gardens, parks, as well as suburban areas - estates, gardens, dachas. Moreover, the process of inventorying plantings will allow you to take into account existing trees, fit them harmoniously into a future project or remove unnecessary plantings.

The result of the planting inventory is a site plan, with trees and shrubs accurately marked on it using symbols. On the plan, each plant is listed under an individual number; homogeneous plants have a common number. Not only the name of the breed is indicated, but also the age, sanitary condition of the plant, its height, trunk diameter at a height of 130 cm, crowns, and, of course, decorative characteristics. All data is carefully recorded in the inventory sheet.

Inventory of plantings is important not only in the process of landscaping and landscaping. Many nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, botanical gardens, and other large tracts of trees require regular inventory of plantings to update the flora, remove dead specimens, prevent diseases, etc.

4.2. Irrigation systems

Activities for improvement and landscaping of any territory will be incomplete without the introduction of an irrigation system. Indeed, not only lawns and flower beds, but all green spaces require moisture. Places of public leisure and private property, individual plots and entire villages, medical and educational institutions, city squares and country houses are waiting for high-quality irrigation systems. The variety of irrigation systems is determined by the tasks they are designed to solve.

Irrigation systems - sprinkler, drip, combined, with manual or automatic control - are selected taking into account the size of the territory, the volume of required moisture (to avoid over-watering or under-watering), project features and the possibility of installing this or that equipment.

4.3. Area lighting

Site lighting is the most important component in the complex of measures for landscaping the territory. The combination of the talent of a designer and an engineer makes it possible to transform the park beyond recognition with the help of lighting. A skilled specialist will highlight the best corners of the territory, and highlight its shortcomings and make them less noticeable. It is not for nothing that park lighting is similar to the harmoniously selected wardrobe of a wise woman.

The right light makes the area cozy and allows you to fully enjoy the beauty of the landscape design. Lighting can become a real highlight of the park, a graceful and elegant decoration. But, of course, the lighting of the area carries, first of all, an important functional load. It is simply necessary in the dark, for orientation, but excess light deprives the park of its mystery. Lighting also performs another important function – security.

4.4. Paving paths

Paving paths is an integral element of landscape design and landscaping. The type, style, and design of the path must, of course, correspond to the chosen style of the garden or park, and be in harmony with the surrounding landscape and buildings located on the territory. But the most important thing is that paving paths should be safe, comfortable, resistant to aggressive environments, any weather conditions, temperature fluctuations, and wear.

Paths can be divided into soft and hard according to the quality of the material used for paving: hard paths are made of natural or artificial stone, brick, paving slabs, etc., and soft ones are made of bulk materials (sand, gravel, crushed stone). Granite, flat large pebbles, sandstone and quartzite sandstone, quartzite and some other materials boast good performance characteristics. Modern technologies make it possible to create a fairly wide range of decorative and finishing materials of various colors, which allows you to create a path in full accordance with the design concept.

Paving paths has a number of rules. First of all, an important step is preparing the foundation. It is the foundation that will ensure reliable operation. Marking, taking into account the depth and level of the lawn, soil features, relief - everything matters when designing paving. By the way, after marking the path, the owners of the site should walk to evaluate the convenience. Path drainage is another important point in paving, especially if the site has heavy clay soils.

4.5. Drainage systems of areas

The quality of landscaping and landscaping of a site depends on various factors, and largely on the correct organization of the outflow of excess water. Undoubtedly, waterlogging the site is unacceptable, since this will lead to all sorts of problems, including undermining the foundations of buildings on the site, mold on the walls, swelling and destruction of paving, death of trees, shrubs, flower beds from waterlogging, waterlogging of the area, etc. A properly organized drainage system, the planning of which can be wisely carried out in parallel with the development of landscape design, will help to avoid all these and many other troubles.

The installation of a drainage system is an exclusively individual project, which is developed based on the characteristics of the site. The presence and level of groundwater, the amount and seasonality of annual precipitation, the level of slope of the site, the quality of the soil, the presence of clayey rocks and other factors influence the exact method in which drainage should be organized.

Drainage of a site can be superficial (point, linear) and deep. The first, as a rule, fights with excess water after precipitation or spring melting of snow, the second – with groundwater lying too close to the surface. The technology for organizing a drainage system is simple, and sometimes you can successfully implement it yourself. It is based on water intakes and a system of channels for water drainage. Specialists will help you make a high-quality drainage system, taking into account all the features of the site, and will save the owner from mistakes, unnecessary waste of money and nerves.

4.6. Trees and shrubs are the most important elements of landscape design

It is impossible to imagine landscaping and landscaping without planting trees and shrubs. They are the most important elements of landscape design even in a small space. If we are talking about a garden or park, trees and shrubs, ornamental, fruit, deciduous and coniferous, create the basis and form the style.

The selection of trees and shrubs depends on a whole range of different factors. A lot of details are taken into account: climate, soil composition, design style, size of the territory, compatibility of different species, sizes, tiers, colors, difficulty of care, etc. When it comes to creating a winter garden, the range of significant details expands. A team of landscape design professionals can efficiently implement the site owner’s plans.

The next important stage is the acquisition of high-quality planting material (seedlings), delivery and direct planting of the material into the soil. The process is responsible and requires special knowledge and practical skills. The best time for planting is spring or autumn, but some types of trees take root well in the summer. At the same time, there are certain nuances when choosing the timing of planting: some plants prefer spring to “move”, others prefer autumn; for seedlings it is preferable to plant them with a closed root system - with a lump or container.

Various technical and procedural techniques - minimizing the time between digging a seedling from the nursery and planting it, removing annual shoots, using immunostimulants, enriching the soil, etc. - are used by landscaping specialists to improve the plant replanting process and minimize losses. Post-planting care, especially in the first year of a seedling’s life in a new place, is an important factor for the survival of the plant and its further development.

4.7 Flower beds and flowerbeds

Flower beds and flower beds are popular elements of landscape design that decorate most gardens, parks, plots, and territories of any size. A fantastic variety of shapes, shades, compositions and scents allows you to find a unique solution and create an atmosphere of romance, extravaganza, and sophistication with the help of flower beds and flower beds. Flower beds and flower beds, of course, depend on the chosen style, landscape features, climate and a number of characteristics (light and moisture-loving plants, soil, etc.). Making a high-quality, bright, unique flower garden that delights the owner from spring to late autumn for many years is not an easy task. Properly selected annual and perennial plants will allow you to achieve the effect of long-term flowering of the garden.

The most famous and fashionable flower beds are vertical, arabesques, ridges, mixborders, flower beds. Each of these types has its own characteristics and is appropriate in a certain landscape style and performs its own specific functions. Flower beds, for example, have a regular geometric shape, compositions are created from annual plants, located in the center of the site and are widely used in a regular style. An arabesque, in contrast to a flower bed, has a complex geometric shape: an original butterfly, an abstract ornament, and even your favorite car depicted with flowers will make your garden unique. Vertical flower beds successfully divide the garden into zones and decorate the gazebos and entrance. With the help of a ridge - a long ridge - the structure is decorated along the entire perimeter. Mixborders have the longest and most continuous flowering period, since the composition is formed from many plants of different flowering periods.

4.8. Lawns and their types

The lawn is an indispensable decoration of the park. It easily fits into any landscape, dampens noise well, absorbs dust, improves the microclimate, serves as an excellent backdrop for designer decor, and emphasizes the beauty of solitary (single) trees, group plantings of other plants, architectural forms of buildings, sculptures, and water features. It can also be an independent element of the park.

What is a cultivated lawn? This is a specially arranged grass cover in a certain area for aesthetic and practical purposes.

Lawns, being a necessary element of any landscape design, vary in nature and purpose. In modern landscaping, experts use the following types:

- Parterre lawn- this is a lawn of the highest class, the most spectacular and the most difficult to construct and maintain, created in the most important (front) areas of the Garden. Considering the complexity of care (frequent haircut, regular fertilizing, combing, loosening, aeration, etc.), we make it in the form of a circle, oval, square or rectangle. Walking on it, playing, lying around or sunbathing is not recommended - this aristocrat cannot stand being trampled on! It has only a decorative function and is intended for admiring its exquisite beauty.

- Ordinary (simple) lawn- the most common type. It differs from parterre in the quality of tillage, the thickness of the plant layer and lower costs. It can occupy large spaces and can be installed on any side - sunny or shady; however, it requires constant attention - cutting, fertilizing, moisturizing and restoration.

We cultivate areas overgrown with weeds meadow lawn. It consists of various lawn grasses and meadow flowers and seems simple, but its creation requires the presence of design taste, i.e. the ability to see beauty.

- Mauritanian– meadow and is a variegated flowering meadow. An abundance of color for the entire season is achieved using a mixture of cereals with different flowering periods. Such grass stands are mowed once during the entire growing season - after the end of the mass withering phase. We build these picturesque lawns in open sunny areas or along the banks of artificial reservoirs. This kind of lawn (also called oriental, Arabic, Japanese) does not require constant care.

Planted on sports and playgrounds sports turf. To make the drainage layer of soil waterproof and elastic, use a special mixture of cereal grasses. Such a lawn is not afraid of trampling and is quickly restored.

5. Choosing a landscape style

The design of the site involves the artificial creation of an environment using natural components. Of course, much when developing a park project depends on the soil, topography and climate. The key to the success of our work is an understanding of the thoughts, philosophies and ideas that are embodied in the styles of gardening art.

In landscape design, the following varieties are distinguished:

Classic (regular) style: here everything obeys the laws of symmetry, there is a clearly defined main line - the semantic center of the entire composition. As a rule, a small flat area is decorated in this style.

English (landscape) style involves imitation of wild nature: hills and boulders, open meadows and ponds, heterogeneous plantings of trees, shrubs and large plants in groups or arrays.

Mixed style (combination of classical and landscape styles)– the fruit part is combined with decorative arrangements.

Eastern direction. In recent years, in the practice of landscape design in Russia, interest has appeared in the ideas and principles of the oriental style - Japanese and Chinese. The Japanese-style corner is fenced off from the rest of the park with a bamboo fence. The branches of pine, spruce or juniper are formed in the form of horizontals. Decorations include lanterns, sculptures, bridges, and statues. Mandatory condition: dry streams and water, which, according to the concepts of Eastern philosophy, means life and purification. Chinese Feng Shui is considered the most ancient of the home garden arts. It differs from others in its special layout and, depending on the area, in the careful choice of decorative forms.

Feng Shui gives particular preference to four magical animals: the black turtle - a symbol of longevity, the green dragon, which ensures the well-being of the home, the white tiger - a symbol of good luck, and the crimson phoenix, which protects a person from troubles.

Muslim garden (Moorish style) differs from others in its lush splendor, a sense of calm and bliss, and its arrangement must comply with the strict laws of Islam.

6. Conclusion

There is no doubt that even the smallest city strives to create a park of culture and recreation. There are many of them in the metropolis, because each district strives to give residents a place for family recreation, holidays, walks and entertainment, meetings and special events.

The Culture and Recreation Park is a unique, inimitable project. The specific topography of the park, the study of existing soils and the presence of natural or artificial reservoirs, the installation of decorative structures and structures, the creation of fountains, flower beds, planting trees and shrubs - this is not a complete list of all the details that need to be taken into account and combined into a single ensemble.

A stylish park harmonizes the life of city residents, making it more spiritual and healthier.

7. Application. Creativity of Konstantin Melnikov

In the history of world architecture there are masters who present a mystery to researchers. They do not have a creative school and a galaxy of students. They do not always fit into the style of the era, causing misunderstanding and even indignation among contemporaries. They are not built into specific creative movements and seem to oppose them all together. Their creative concept is difficult to comprehend logically; they themselves cannot, and often do not try to systematize it. Such talent is a powerful, continuously operating formative spring that is not subject to any restrictions of a particular movement or school. The artist seems to listen to himself and creates freely, easily and naturally. As a rule, he does not have a painful search for a final solution. During the sketching process, he creates so many options and so different that almost each of them is the basis of an independent project and could be further developed until the final solution. But the author’s thought and imagination continue to work, the spring of ideas keeps flowing, and new original options appear on paper. Such a rare and original talent was possessed by Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov, whose enormous role in the general formative processes of architecture of the 20th century. is now recognized by all serious historians, both domestic and foreign. The contribution to the development of world architecture by such masters as Melnikov does not go down in history along with the stylistic stage, since it is associated with the expansion of the volume-spatial capabilities of architecture as a whole.

If you look at the uniqueness of Melnikov’s creative talent in this way, then it becomes clear that the unusual range of his innovative searches from the general mass of searches of supporters of new trends, which surprised everyone in the 20s, became clear. This gap always amazed Melnikov at competitions. Melnikov's super-innovative projects, by their very presence, seemed to neutralize the differences between many other projects, turning them, as it were, into variants of one or several creative styles. In terms of their degree of originality, Melnikov’s competition projects could be compared not with individual projects, but with groups of projects. The visual impression was created that three or four architects were competing, one of whom submitted a single project, and the rest submitted many options. Such was the range of novelty of Melnikov’s projects.

Melnikov's projects were not only innovative, but also fundamentally unusual for their time. They have always been on the crest of the new and super-original. And this happened not once or twice: almost all of Melnikov’s competition projects had the same quality - they were the most unexpected, the most unusual, the most original. But what was also surprising was that Melnikov’s projects were original in relation to each other.

We can say with complete confidence that in the 20th century. There was no other architect who would have created so many fundamentally new projects and such a level of novelty that their originality not only severely separated them from the works of other masters, but also just as strongly distinguished them from the works of their author himself. If, without paying attention to the authors, we select in the architecture of the 20th century. 100 of the most original works, original in relation to each other, then it is possible that among them there will be more Melnikov’s projects than the projects of any other architect.

This special quality of talent is not only the maximum separation of innovative searches from others, but also the maximum amplitude of the searches of the author himself. Such was Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov, who went through the 20th century, constantly surprising and even outraged many of his colleagues with the unexpected unforeseen novelty of his projects and the “inconsistency” of artistic searches. He always did not fit into any framework, even within the framework of innovative trends. And it seemed that he even “interfered” with the formation of a new style of this stage, constantly disrupted its formation, introduced something unforeseen and unexpected, and at the same time changing the vector of searches, which was generally incomprehensible and seemed abnormal, since in conditions of polemics and creative struggle currents, it was difficult to realize that Melnikov was searching on a different, deeper level, touching on the most general professional problems of architecture. That is why he was not very concerned about the problems that occupied everyone at that time, such as style-forming processes, the capabilities of technology, specific creative discoveries of his colleagues, etc. He created at the level of the volumetric-spatial language of architecture, considering it as great art.

Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov was born in Moscow into the family of a construction worker.

came from a peasant background in 1890. After graduating from parish school, he worked as a “boy” in

to the company "Trading House Zalessky and Chaplin". The prominent engineer V. Chaplin paid attention to the boy’s artistic abilities and took part in his fate, becoming a close person for K. Melnikov. Chaplin helped him enroll in 1905. B Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, and then after graduating from Melnikov in 1913. painting department advised him to continue his studies at the Architectural Department, which Konstantin Stepanovich graduated in 1917.

Melnikov, while still a student, was fascinated and admired by Zholtovsky’s pre-revolutionary buildings and projects, later noting that Zholtovsky, in comparison with stylizers and eclectics, was then perceived as an innovator. He remained grateful to Zholtovsky for the rest of his life for the lessons in understanding architecture as an art that he received from him in 1917-1918. (at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and at talks at the Architectural Workshop of the Moscow City Council).

During his senior years at the School and in the first years after graduation, Melnikov worked in the spirit of neoclassicism. The facades of a number of buildings at the AMO plant were designed according to his design.

However, already in the early 20s, Konstantin Stepanovich sharply broke with various kinds of traditionalist stylizations. This was the time when the rapid process of formation of the architectural avant-garde was underway. It seemed that the search for the new had then reached such a degree of radicalism that it was difficult to surprise the architects who broke with the past and experimented with dynamic compositions.

But even in this situation, the appearance in 1922-1923. Melnikov's first innovative works came as a surprise to many. They did not fit into any schools or movements, causing delight among some, misunderstanding and denial among others.

Such projects of 1922-1923 as the "Makhorka" pavilion, a residential complex of demonstration

workers' houses "Pila" and the Palace of Labor in Moscow, in their forms and style, sharply contrasted with the works of other architects of those years.

One of these projects was carried out - this is the pavilion of the All-Russian Shag Syndicate at the agricultural and handicraft-industrial exhibition in 1923. in Moscow, which was undoubtedly the most interesting architectural object of the exhibition, in the design of which the most prominent architects took part. A complex dynamic composition, cantilever overhangs, corner glazing, an open spiral staircase, huge planes of posters - all this sharply distinguished the "Shag" pavilion from the numerous buildings of the exhibition.

To the three works of Melnikov listed above from 1922-1923, which began his brilliant path in the architecture of the 20th century, one can also add the competition design for the building of the Moscow branch of Leningradskaya Pravda: the four upper floors of the five-story building (a glazed metal frame) rotated independently of each other, as if strung on a round static frame, inside of which there were a staircase and an elevator; cantilevered as part of the volume, these rotating floors created an endless variety of the building's silhouette.

In the "Makhorka" pavilion, Melnikov for the first time applied a new approach to creating the artistic image of a modern exhibition pavilion, which was then developed in the Soviet pavilion at the International Exhibition of Decorative and Applied Arts in Paris in 1925, which brought him world fame. The pavilion was a light frame wooden building, large part of the area of ​​its external walls was glazed. Its composition was unusual: a rectangular two-story building was cut diagonally by a wide open staircase leading to the second floor premises, which was covered with an original spatial structure - inclined intersecting slabs. Paris Pavilion 1925 was the first and at the same time triumphant entry of young Soviet architecture onto the world stage. It fundamentally stood out among other buildings of the exhibition not only by the content of the exhibition housed in it, but also by its modern appearance, sharply different from the pavilions of other countries, which were eclectic stylizations.

K. Melnikov made a great contribution to the development of such a type of public building, born of new socio-economic conditions, as a workers' club. In 1927 alone, in what is called a single creative breath, Melnikov created projects for four workers’ clubs for Moscow, and in the next two years, three more projects. With the exception of one, all projects were implemented, including five clubs built in Moscow (named after Rusakov, "Svoboda", "Kauchuk", named after Frunze, "Burevestnik"), one near Moscow in Dulevo.

Attaching great importance to the most rational organization of the functional process, Melnikov at the same time paid a lot of attention to the search for an expressive external appearance of the club, connecting the volumetric composition of the building with an innovative solution to its internal space. Melnikov’s imagination in creating a three-dimensional composition of clubs is amazing: the “mouthpiece” of the club named after. Rusakov with three projections placed on consoles, a five-petal four-story tower of the Burevestnik club (the tower contains club rooms), the volume of the auditorium in the Svoboda club lying between two high rectangular end parts in the form of a slightly flattened cylinder, the semicircular volume of the Kauchuk club. , a large-scale small club building named after. Frunze with the “forehead” of the main facade hanging over the open terrace. The original form characteristic of Melnikov's clubs was not obtained by squeezing a function into a pre-conceived form. The very unusual form of the clubs was created by the architect simultaneously with the development of the internal organization of the space. Moreover, the most complex composition is typical precisely for those clubs where Melnikov, through a masterly solution of the internal space, managed to use the entire volume of the building so rationally that its useful area significantly exceeded that provided for by the task (while maintaining the volume required by the program).

Architecture is an art where it is impossible to conduct formal experiments in nature without spending significant money on it. At the same time, the period in which avant-garde architecture was in the 20s required experiments not only in the field of the functional and constructive basis of the building, but also in the field of searching for a new artistic form. As is known, the peculiarities of perception of works of architecture do not allow these experiments to be carried out on paper or even on models. Experiments in nature are necessary. And architects often, not wanting to shift the costs of experimenting in the field of a new architectural form onto society, like doctors who inoculate themselves with dangerous diseases while testing new drugs and treatment methods, also prefer to experiment on themselves.

It is enough to analyze the own houses of the largest architects of the 20th century to be convinced of this (Niemeyer, Johnson, Wright, etc.). The same can be said about Melnikov. When, for example, he developed in the project of the club named after. Zuev's compositional technique of combining a series of vertical cylinders embedded in each other was not carried out in real life (the club was built according to the design of I. Golosov), the architect conducts an experiment “on himself” - he builds his own house in the form of two cylinders embedded in each other, since it is very interested in the spatial and artistic possibilities of this form. In a small building, the architect was able to test in reality a number of complex artistic and compositional techniques, turning his apartment into

a kind of experimental platform. For example, in a house there are two rooms of the same shape and size, but one of them (the office) has a huge screen window, and the other (the workshop) is illuminated by 38 hexagonal windows, forming a complex ornamental pattern and creating uniform lighting and an unusual effect. In reality, the appearance of these rooms is sharply different; they are not perceived as the same in size. Konstantin Stepanovich was very fond of citing as an example the difference in impressions from these premises. He said that the difference in the appearance of the office and the workshop convincingly indicates that for architecture it is not so much the absolute value that is important, but the relative one, since much depends on the architectural solution.

In 1925, while constructing an exhibition pavilion in Paris, K. Melnikov created two custom garage projects there. In one of these projects, he put forward an original idea: to place multi-story garages over bridges over the Seine. This project seemed to anticipate the developments that developed in the second half of the 20th century. ideas for cantilever suspension of two intersecting systems of inclined supports and ramps, connected at the top by horizontal stretching floors. The second garage is a square multi-story building with a complex system of curved ramps. The facade of the garage is a grid of square cell panels; part of the cells in the center of the facade, glazed and turned into a kind of screen, reveals a fragment of the interior with an internal ramp along which cars move past the glazing. Already in the project for a garage over the bridges of the Seine, Melnikov uses a new method of placing cars, in which they are placed in and out of the parking lot without using reverse gear. Cars

are installed in one row at a certain angle to each other. This so-called direct-flow vehicle placement system. Melnikov continued to develop in Moscow. He himself submitted a proposal to the Moscow Communal Services, and according to his design, a garage for buses was built on Bakhmetyevskaya Street.

The direct-flow system of placing cars (in a row with a ledge) predetermined the configuration of the plan of this garage in the form of a parallelogram, and the ledge of their rows was identified by Melnikov in the ledges of the outer walls of the garage. The second garage for trucks (on Novo-Ryazanskaya Street) was built on a small plot of irregular configuration. The architect chose a horseshoe-shaped plan with the end facades facing the street. Melnikov is building two more garages in Moscow (for Intourist on Sushchevsky Val and for the State Planning Committee), in the first of which the street facade has a huge round window and a dynamic diagonal stripe - a symbol of a ramp, and in the second the emphasized rhythm of verticals - the flutes of the workshop building - is combined with an almost sculptural design of a large round garage window.

Among the leaders of the Soviet architectural avant-garde, K. Melnikov was perhaps more fortunate than others in implementing projects. Vesnins, I. Leonidov, N. Ladovsky, M. Ginzburg, L. Lisitsky, I. Golosov and other pioneers of Soviet architecture, who created a large number of interesting projects in those years, were able to implement only a few of them in the constructed buildings.

At that time, one and a half dozen structures were built according to Melnikov’s designs, most of which became a phenomenon in the development of architecture of the 20th century. This is important to note because the projects of one of the most inventive architects were implemented. The very fact of the widespread implementation of his works forces us to take a different view of those of his works that remained in the projects and which in the 1920s were often declared “fantastic” in the heated polemics of that period. And one can understand Melnikov when he wrote with bewilderment: “I am accused of being “original,” of being fantastic, of being utopian in my projects. Meanwhile, the science fiction writer Melnikov built dozens of really worthwhile structures.”

From the history of art it is known that everything fundamentally new, as a rule, is met by contemporaries with a greater or lesser degree of skepticism. It sometimes seems to us that someday, in the future, everything new in artistic creativity will be enthusiastically greeted by our contemporaries. However, things are not that simple. Generally accepted criteria for artistic evaluation of works of art are formed under the influence of the creativity of artists and cannot overtake the process of artistic development itself. Therefore, the more radical the novelty of, for example, an architectural project, the greater the contradiction it comes into with the currently existing evaluation criteria.

And the one who goes first, who breaks many traditional ideas with his innovative projects, certainly helps to overcome the psychological barrier of perceiving a new form. But he himself often finds himself at a disadvantage, since, expanding the range of formal-aesthetic searches, he is always, so to speak, on the extreme left flank, and the laurels sometimes go to his more moderate followers, who, in comparison with the “extremes” of the pioneer, look “realistic.” innovators." It is enough to give an example of the use of a cantilever extension above the facade of the auditorium balcony volume. This technique was first used by Melnikov in the club named after. Rusakova. How many harsh words were written at one time about the “formalism” of this technique! However, now this technique is widely used in all modern architecture, both in Soviet (Russia cinema in Moscow, auditorium of the Sochi sanatorium) and foreign (swimming pool in Wupperstal, Germany, city hall in Vienna).

The existence of a certain psychological barrier in assessing innovative searches in the field of architectural image is clearly seen in the example of the attitude of contemporaries to Melnikov’s work. Many of his projects were declared unrealistic and fantastic, and no technical and economic calculations were carried out to substantiate such assessments. It was believed that the “fantastical nature” of Melnikov’s search was clearly visible to everyone, even in the very appearance of the building.

As if not noticing that a significant part of Melnikov’s projects were carried out in kind, critics linked the proof of the “fantasticity” of his works with the unrealized competition projects of large public buildings. These are, first of all, such works by Melnikov as the projects of the Palace of Labor (1923), the monument to Columbus (1929), the Palace of Peoples of the USSR (a counter project of the competition for the Palace of Soviets, 1932) and the building of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry on Red Square in Moscow (1934). The last project was especially harshly criticized as “fantastic”.

For Melnikov, the most important quality of any architectural work was its artistic uniqueness. It seemed completely natural to him that, by creating a project, an architect creates a new work, and that only in this case can he justifiably be considered the author. He simply did not understand how one could design using what others had found (in this he agreed with Leonidov). In Melnikov’s projects, one is struck by the degree of uninhibitedness of the master’s creative imagination in matters of form-building.

Stylistically, all avant-garde architecture is outwardly very different from previous styles. However, an analysis of the means and techniques of artistic expression of new architecture shows that much of it not only has a continuous connection with the past, but also does not go beyond the boundaries of established stereotypes.

Stereotypes in architecture are associated with the most different levels of professional creativity: a figurative stereotype of a functional type of building, a stereotype of a set of acceptable geometric shapes and compositional techniques, etc. Ultimately, the degree of innovation of an architect is determined by how radically he broke and overcame established stereotypes. Moreover, he broke and overcome first and in a new direction. In this regard, Melnikov has no competitors in the architecture of the 20th century. in general, his creative courage in defining stereotypes was uninhibited to the highest degree.

The most famous implemented architectural works:

1915-1917 - living and working premises of the Moscow automobile plant AMO (not preserved)
1923 - “Makhorka” pavilion at the All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Exhibition (not preserved)
1924 - sarcophagus for the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin (implemented in a slightly modified version, lost during the evacuation of V.I. Lenin’s body to Tyumen)
1924-1926 - Novo-Sukharevsky market in Moscow (not preserved). Office building of the market (Bolshoy Sukharevsky Lane, 9)
1926-1927 - Bakhmetyevsky garage (under restoration)
1927-1929 - “Golden period” of K. Melnikov’s creativity:
House-workshop, Moscow, Krivoarbatsky lane, 10
House of Culture for Chemists of the Kauchuk Plant, Moscow, st. Plyushchikha, 64
House of Culture named after. I. V. Rusakova, Moscow, st. Stromynka, 6
Club of the Burevestnik factory, Moscow, st. 3rd Rybinskaya, 17/1
Club of the factory "Svoboda", Moscow, st. Vyatskaya, 41
Palace of Culture of the Porcelain Factory in Likino-Dulyovo
Club named after M. V. Frunze, Moscow, Berezhkovskaya embankment, 28
Garage on Novoryazanskaya street, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 27
1930-1931 - Reconstruction of the facade of the Moscow Chamber Theater (now the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin)
1933-1934 - Intourist Garage
1934-1936 - Gosplan Garage

Unrealized architectural projects:

1924-1924 - Competition project for the building of the Moscow bureau of the Leningradskaya Pravda newspaper (the Vesnin brothers won, was not built)
1925 - Project for garages in Paris (were not built)
1927 - Competition project of the Palace of Culture named after. Zuev in Moscow (built by I. Golosov)
1929 - Project for the monument to Christopher Columbus in Santo Domingo (was not built)
1934 - Competitive project for the construction of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry building (was not built)
1934-1936 - planning of Luzhniki, Kotelnicheskaya embankment

Any modern city needs parks. It is parks with their green spaces that are able to at least slightly maintain the ecological state of megacities in a normal state. Any park area needs not only the allocation of territory, but also the improvement of this territory.

Any park without landscaping will resemble an abandoned wasteland. That is why all parks need improvement of their territory.

Improvement of parks is a very complex process that includes not only planting trees, but a whole range of other tasks.

The improvement of the park territory can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Clearing and tidying up the area. Since there are practically no clean areas without bushes and weeds, before starting any work it is necessary to clear and remove the area. Cleaning is most often done using. Using this special equipment, you can not only clean up areas, but also load all the garbage onto dump trucks.
  2. Territory planning. Everyone knows that level land does not exist in nature. For this reason, any park area requires mandatory planning. Such work is carried out using excavators and motor graders.
  3. Laying utility networks. Quite an important stage in the improvement of parks, which involves laying pipelines and electrical cables in trenches. This stage is very important. After all, if you make the slightest mistake, then in the future there will be a need to dig up paths and green areas. Utility lines are laid, most often, using.
  4. Construction of additional facilities. Before developing pedestrian paths and landscaping the main area, it is necessary to build all the main pavilions, shopping and entertainment facilities, and attractions. At this stage, it is necessary to construct all capital structures in order to minimize the presence of large equipment in the park area in the future.
  5. Arrangement of paths. Only at this stage can the construction of pedestrian paths begin. To do this, soil is excavated using backhoe loaders to a certain depth. Next, a sand and gravel cushion is made, which is compacted very carefully. And only after this the asphalt covering or paving slabs are laid.
  6. Landscaping. All types of trees and shrubs are planted. If earlier this was done manually, now for such purposes there are special attachments that are installed on special equipment. With the help of such equipment, you can speed up the process of planting trees several times. After planting the trees, you can begin to sow the main area with lawn. In some cases, a rolled lawn is laid.
  7. Installing auxiliary objects. At this stage, a variety of benches, trash cans, and lighting lamps are installed. Other objects that are not capital construction projects can also be installed. Almost all work at this stage is carried out manually.
  8. Cleaning the area. After all work has been completed, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the entire territory of the park. Manual labor is used for this. In some cases, it is possible to use small special equipment, such as a mini loader.

Landscaping the park is not as easy a task as it seems at first glance. This is not just planting trees and bushes, it is a full-fledged construction process, which not all companies can do.

Almost every park can be divided into several zones:

  • Entertainment and public events area. They are located near the main entrances to the park. The optimal distance for placing such zones from the park entrances should not exceed 150 meters. Most often it contains an area for holding public events, an open stage, various attractions and entertainment facilities.
    Around such a zone it is customary to landscape a special noise-insulating strip due to dense landscaping with tall plantings.
  • Sports and recreational area is located on flat areas of the park. Includes a variety of horizontal bars and sports equipment. In addition, running tracks, roller skating areas and various sports grounds are being installed. If possible, such zones are placed near bodies of water. It is customary to develop such zones near the entrances to the park from residential buildings.
  • Children's recreation area includes different playgrounds, which are divided by age categories. Must contain at least three different sites. Each playground must correspond to a certain age category of children.
  • Rest zone- This is an area for walking. Includes green spaces, a variety of canopies and gazebos. Such zones are located deep in the park area. Usually located at the maximum distance from roads.
  • Economic zone– a mandatory zone, which includes administrative buildings, warehouses, workshops and other premises. Park employees work in the economic zone. In addition, tools, equipment and other equipment necessary for caring for the park area are stored on the territory. A vehicle entrance must be provided to the economic zone. From the economic zone there is an exit to park paths.

These are just the main areas that are present in most parks. In fact, there may be many more possible zones, depending on the type of park.

What companies are engaged in landscaping parks?

There are a very large number of companies that provide individual services. One company, for example, may be engaged in construction work, another in road work, and a third in landscaping.

Our company is an exception. We are ready to carry out all the work in full. We always have the necessary special equipment and highly qualified specialists in stock. We are ready to landscape a park of any complexity on a turnkey basis.

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In August 2002, the Moscow Territory Improvement Rules were approved, which impose certain requirements on city facilities - courtyards, blocks, parks, alleys, city streets, recreational facilities, children's and sports grounds, technical, security zones and others - in order to create a comfortable and attractive urban environment. The rules cover the entire range of work from design and examination of projects to monitoring the implementation of activities and operation of landscaped areas.

Design of landscaping and landscaping elements

In areas where paved surfaces predominate and there is a high building density, compensatory landscaping of the surface of roofs, facades, blind areas should be used, designed taking into account:

1. Safety requirements regarding soil consolidation, installation of mobile tanks, placement of water pipelines, hydro and vapor barrier work on load-bearing structures and premises. When vertical gardening, measures must be taken to preserve the external decoration of the facade (grids, cables, supports for plant pots).

2. Fire safety – automatic fire extinguishing and lightning protection systems, fire-resistant materials.

3. Strength of load-bearing structures. If they are insufficient, reinforcement is performed.

Types of coatings and surface requirements

When landscaping areas, 4 types of coatings are used: hard (concrete, stone), soft (sand, crushed stone, expanded clay), lawn (grass layer) and combined - mixed type, combines different options. The main requirements for coatings are strength, maintainability, non-slip, and environmental safety. The color of the coating must match the color of the surrounding urban environment.


To improve the urban environment, different types of fencing are used. For example, in the central part of the city, roadside areas, and near houses, forged, cast iron, and steel fences are recommended and solid reinforced concrete ones are prohibited. In places where lawns adjoin roads and parking lots, metal structures up to 50 cm high with a margin of 20-30 cm are used; for trees growing in heavy traffic pedestrian areas, fencing elements up to 90 cm high are used.

Small architectural forms (SAF)

Small architectural forms - decorative elements, landscaping devices, water features, furniture, play and sports equipment, lighting systems, etc. To create a comfortable urban environment, a number of requirements must be taken into account:

  • landscaping should be done with the help of flowerpots, trellises, flower beds, trellises, etc.;
  • fountains must have drainage pipes, and the approach to them must be a hard surface;
  • decorative ponds should have a smooth bottom for ease of cleaning and be located on a flat surface;
  • installation of urban furniture is carried out on a hard surface or foundation (exception - forested areas, children's playgrounds);
  • play equipment (swings, carousels, modular elements, sports complexes) must have a safety certificate;
  • lighting (architectural, functional, lighting information) must provide the required level of light for pedestrian areas, roads, school areas, kindergartens, adjacent areas, and devices must have an aesthetic appearance and vandal-proof protection.

Non-permanent structures

The design of non-stationary (non-capital) objects - pavilions, trade tents, tents, kiosks, above-ground toilets, box garages is carried out in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements and fire safety rules. The shape and appearance of structures must comply with urban design and operational requirements, and their placement should not impede pedestrian traffic. The installation of structures is carried out on a hard surface, a standardized set of landscaping elements - trash cans, garbage containers, lighting fixtures.

Buildings and constructions

The basic requirements for the design of buildings and structures relate to the color of the exterior, entrance lobbies, plinths, gutters, placement of antennas and other elements:

  • exterior color schemes must correspond to the general concept of the street and the city;
  • it is advisable to use finishing materials with high wear resistance;
  • antennas should be placed on the yard side;
  • house signs are required to be placed on the building - street name, house number, building number;
  • Entrance areas should be equipped with a canopy, lighting equipment, surface interface elements, ramps, fences, railings, in some cases, protective nets should be installed at the level of the second floor, etc.


When carrying out landscaping of urban areas, areas for games, sports, and dog walking should be provided. The main requirements relate to the location of site boundaries, their size, isolation from vehicle traffic, pedestrian traffic, waste collection areas and car parking.

Children's playgrounds are equipped with soft surfaces, and recreation areas are equipped with hard surfaces. Areas for walking dogs must have a level, clean surface that prevents injury to animals; a metal mesh with a height of at least one and a half meters is used as a fence; landscaping, furniture, and lighting equipment must be provided.

Pedestrian paths, sidewalks, alleys

Pedestrian communications must ensure unimpeded pedestrian movement, safety and convenience. Slopes are designed taking into account the movement of disabled people, alternating horizontal and inclined sections, and installing stairs with ramps.

Transport passages

The design of driveways must be carried out while preserving the features of the landscape and the condition of the surrounding areas. To improve transport passages, hard surfaces, adjacent surfaces, landscaping elements and lighting systems are used. Green spaces should not reduce the size of roads or interfere with drivers' visibility.

Design of comprehensive landscaping in residential areas

The design of residential areas - residential areas, local areas, schools, gardens, neighborhoods, garages, parking lots, etc. - is carried out according to the principle of unity and accessibility of space. Territories must be equipped with sidewalks, parking lots, and in some cases, fences; different types of coverings, trash cans, garbage containers, street furniture, lighting fixtures, landscaping and landscaping elements must be used.

Individual requirements apply to certain types of residential areas. For example, adjacent spaces must have free passages for transport, pedestrian zones, children's and playgrounds, recreation areas, landscaping, fences, a pre-house area, elements of adjacent surfaces, etc. The territories of school and preschool institutions are equipped with playgrounds, sports grounds, places for sports activities. In dense buildings, landscaping and placement of children's and sports grounds on the roof or in underground/semi-underground structures are allowed.

Design of landscaping of recreational areas

Improvement of recreational facilities - parks, squares, gardens, beach complexes, as well as specially protected areas of natural and national parks, forest parks - includes reconstruction/restoration of monuments, replenishment of green spaces, disturbed natural layers, plant care and much more. The set of required landscaping elements depends on the purpose of the object. In particular:

  • for recreation areas, the maximum length of the beach and pond line is regulated, the placement of rescue stations, medical stations, paths, shelters, and toilets is mandatory;
  • for parks and forest parks - organization of passage of mini-transport, placement of stopping pavilions, pedestrian paths, alleys, attractions, gazebos, landscaping systems and decorative compositions, water features, lighting, non-permanent structures, as well as the creation of separate viable ecosystems;
  • parks in residential areas - placement of alleys, paths, playgrounds, sports and play complexes, landscaping, waste collection devices, enclosing structures;
  • gardens - equipping with benches, waste collection devices (bins, containers), landscaping, lighting, as well as the use of water devices, fences, non-permanent structures, information diagrams;
  • boulevards and squares should be equipped with hard-surfaced paths and platforms, have benches, trash cans, garbage containers, planting strips, fountains, flower beds, and recreation areas in appropriate colors.

Improvement of production areas

Landscaping of industrial areas (pre-factory areas, parking lots, recreation areas, pedestrian communications, recreational facilities), landscaping of sanitary protection zones is carried out using mating surfaces, hard surfaces, information stands, flagpoles, pedestrian communications, lighting equipment, non-stationary (non-capital) objects , street equipment. Recreational facilities are located in areas protected from the impact of industrial activities. Landscaping of sanitary areas should be carried out in the form of picturesque compositions with elements of surface matching and plant protection.

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1. Comprehensive landscape and architectural analysis of the site area

1.3 Planning structure

1.4 Relief

1.5 Vegetation

1.6 Engineering communications and equipment

1.7 Small architectural forms

2. Project proposal

2.2 Improvement of small architectural forms and arrangement of short-term recreation areas

2.3 Landscaping. Drawing and Pivot Table

2.3.2 Compositional planning and dendrological structure of the formed plantings

2.3.3 Territorial balance





The purpose of this course work is a comprehensive landscape analysis of the territory of the park in order to create a project for its improvement and landscaping. The square itself is located at the intersection of two streets, Nakhimov and Sovetskaya. The work consists of two stages: pre-design (analytical) and design. To complete the assigned tasks, it is necessary to perform a number of basic works:

In the pre-design (analytical) part of the work, the following tasks are carried out:

Measurements of trees and shrubs (diameter, height and distances) are taken at the park site.

Assessment of the decorativeness and condition of the park's plantings

The following tasks are carried out in the design part of the work:

Determination of the functional zoning scheme of the territory;

Formation of the architectural and landscape environment;

Selection of assortment of plants;

Caring for plants and trees.

Chapter 1. Comprehensive landscape and architectural analysis of the site area

1.1 Urban planning situation

This land plot with a total area of ​​2200 m2 is located in the central part of the city, at the intersection of Nakhimov Street and Sovetskaya Street. On the northern side, the square is limited by a temporary fence; behind the fence, construction is underway. On the southern side of the square there is the roadway of Nakhimov Street.

1.2 Functional content of the object

This square is a small green area in the city, which has the function of a walk-through park in a residential area. The square is intended only for transit traffic, as it does not have places for short-term recreation. The square has aesthetic and compositional significance. The site is equipped with asphalt paths and natural trails. Shrubs grow in a dense line along the southern side of the square.

1.3 Planning structure

The total area of ​​the park is 2200 m2. The organization of pedestrian traffic is of significant planning importance; all pedestrian paths are paved. Towards the northeast, the intersection of three paths form a triangle. The condition of the paths is assessed as satisfactory, as some paths have destruction, cracks and overgrowth. In addition to the main pedestrian paths, there are additional paths on the site created by pedestrians to reduce the distance, which entailed disturbance of the lawn. There is one lantern on the territory of the square, but its illumination falls on Sovetskaya Street, so at night the square has no lighting.

1.4 Relief

The terrain of the area is relatively flat, with slight elevations and depressions.

1.5 Vegetation

1.5.1 Dendrological structure of plantings

The existing composition of plantings is represented by both tree and shrub species (Table 1). The range of tree species includes: silver birch (Bуtula pindula), small-leaved linden (Tнlia cordbta), ash-leaved maple (Acer negъndo), willow (Sblix).

Shrub species: lilac (Syrнga), Manchurian apple tree (Malus manshurica), Siberian hawthorn (Crataеgus)

Table 1 - Species composition of plantings

On the territory of the park there are plantings with different physiological conditions and decorative properties, but mostly with average decorative properties (Tables 2; 3; 4).

Table 2 - Quantitative and qualitative indicators of existing landscaping elements

Decoration, specimen

Condition, copy

Silver birch

Small-leaved linden

Ash maple

White willow

Manchurian apple tree


Table 3 - Physiological state of trees and shrubs

Breed name

Physiological state

good, copies (%)

satisfactory, copies (%)

unsatisfactory, copies (%)

1 Ash maple

2 Sagging birch

3 Small-leaved linden


1 Manchurian apple tree

3 Siberian hawthorn

3 specimens of the Manchurian apple tree (5.7%) are subject to demolition

Breed name

Decorative condition

decorative, specimens (%)

medium decorative, specimens (%)

non-decorative, specimens (%)

1 Ash maple

2 Sagging birch

3 Small-leaved linden


1 Manchurian apple tree

3 Siberian hawthorn

1.5.3 Compositional and planning structure of plantings

The planning composition of this park is mixed. The placement of trees is random, shrubs are placed in groups, in row plantings and also randomly.

At the moment the square is not used for recreation. Plantings along the edge near the road are necessary to isolate the area from noise and dust; in addition, some plantings serve a decorative role. The main part of the bushes is planted along the route, the rest of the bushes are located in different orders. There are no flower beds.

1.5.4 Types and conditions of lawns

An ordinary garden lawn grows in this area. It is most resistant to mechanical damage, durable, decorative, and shade-tolerant. The turf is tear-resistant. The condition of the lawn is assessed as “satisfactory”, since there are areas with sparse grass (up to 40%) and areas with a small presence of weedy broad-leaved vegetation (up to 10%).

1.6 Engineering communications

There are practically no engineering communications on the territory of the park. Along the edge of the park near the road, over the bushes that are planted, there are hardly any electric cables running through. There is no storm sewer outside the park, no water supply, no wells.

There are no benches available either. The only lamp is located near the fence, and its illumination falls on the Soviet street.

1.7 Small architectural forms and equipment

Small architectural forms are an integral element of the territory of specialized landscape architecture objects. In this area, small architectural forms and equipment are practically absent. There are only 2 elements of a low wrought iron fence located along Sovetskaya Street.

The square at the intersection of Nakhimov and Sovetskaya streets is an important recreational and decorative urban facility. It is located in the central part of the city, or rather at the entrance to the city. As a result of the analysis of the vegetation (decorative and physiological state) of this square, it was revealed that the square requires careful reconstruction in order to increase its decorative and functional significance. It was also noted that a small number of bushes were in poor condition and would need to be demolished. A large number of shrubs and trees satisfy the requirements, but sanitary pruning and maintenance are necessary. The lawn also requires care: elimination of areas with sparse grass and removal of weeds. Pedestrian paths require repairs.

Chapter 2. Project proposal

2.1 Architectural and planning solution

I consider the architectural and planning solution of this park to be not entirely successful and not aesthetically pleasing; reconstruction measures are at a maximum. In the eastern part of the square, pedestrian paths will be redesigned; in addition, decorative elements will be added to the territory of the square in the form of: rock gardens, flower beds and flower borders. Small architectural forms will also be added throughout the park.

Smooth terrain, straight pedestrian paths crossing each other, creating many sharp corners; in the southwest and north of the square, the corners will be cut off and rounded inward, thereby resembling an ellipse-shaped area. This place is also freed up for a rock garden. But to the southeast and northeast, this site again acquires angular shapes, all this for the convenience of transit traffic and the preservation of existing plantings. Trees growing in different orders, shrubs planted along the route and in groups will all remain in their places, with the exception of only those shrubs that are subject to demolition, and a group of shrubs will be planted in the north-west of the square to maintain the overall composition and landscape style!

2.2 Landscaping and small architectural forms

landscape park dendrological architectural

Some of the pedestrian paths should be changed, since due to the existing construction near the square, some of them have lost their purpose. At the site of the trampled path in the north-eastern part of the square, a path for transit traffic should also be added, since a large number of people walk in this direction, and if this place is re-planted with lawn, it will be trampled again. The territory of this square is not used for recreation due to the lack of benches and trash cans, this needs to be corrected. There will be four benches around the rock garden, and five more along the main pedestrian path, with one trash can near each bench. You should also add lighting, in the form of lanterns, for pedestrian traffic at night. Five of which will be as well as benches along the main pedestrian path, and another four will be dispersed throughout the park so that at night the lighting is maximum.

2.3 Landscaping

A set of landscape works has been developed for this park to improve its condition and plant plants.

The lawn needs care, elimination of areas with sparse grass and removal of weeds. Some shrubs need to be removed and some tree species, such as maple, need to be pruned. Manchurian apple and lilac bushes planted along the highway also need pruning. A group of bushes will be added to the northwest.

Also, for better decorative landscaping, it is planned to add a rock garden to the center of the square, or rather a little northeast of the center; several flower beds, one northwest, the other east of the center. Flower border along the main footpath, on its northern side.

2.3.1 Reconstructive measures

As a result of the analysis of existing plantings, taking into account their viability, emergency hazard, and general state of decorativeness at a given time, measures were selected to improve their condition and increase their decorativeness. The composition of reconstructive measures is selected individually for each tree and shrub. The bushes to be demolished will not be replaced, as pedestrian traffic will be redesigned in that area and a decorative element in the form of a flower garden will be added. Some trees and shrubs need pruning of branches, such as maple, lilac and Manchurian apple tree, hawthorn. In this area, most of the trees are in good condition, so reconstruction work will be minimal (Table 5).

It is also necessary to sow lawns in trampled and sparsely planted areas. Composition of an ordinary lawn: perennial ryegrass - 30%, fescue - 30%, meadow bluegrass - 20%, meadow timothy - 20%, small-leaved bentgrass - 10%

The pedestrian paths in the eastern part of the park need to be redesigned. Some of them will be eliminated, and some will be added in place of natural trails. Also, some of the existing paths should be repaired, since some of them are damaged and overgrown.

The construction of a rock garden involves the use of stones of the most natural tones - gray, beige or yellow. This will create a beautiful color scheme when plants take up residence in the rockery.

In the case of this rockery, sandstone will be used - a clastic sedimentary rock. The plants that will be used are: cat's paw, coleus.

A small flower border along the entire main footpath will be planted with Helichrysum bractae. The same plants will be used in both flower beds: coleus, alyssum and also helichrysum bract.

In addition, the following will be added to the territory of the park: benches for short-term rest in the amount of 9 pieces, trash cans and lanterns in the same quantity. The two existing fence elements should be eliminated as they do not play any role

Table 5 - Quantitative indicators for reconstructive measures

2.3.2 Compositional and planning structure

The placement of plantings on the territory of the park is mixed and group. Three groups of plantings of lilac bushes, the remaining tree species are placed in different orders. Manchurian apple bushes, part of the lilac bushes and a couple of hawthorn bushes are planted in a row along the route along the street. Nakhimov.

In this park, which according to the project is used not only for the passage of pedestrians, but also for recreation, plantings are necessary to protect the site from noise and dust, and in addition to create shaded areas. Consequently, the plant species selected are environmentally sustainable, durable and decorative.

The presence of designed flower beds, rock gardens and flower borders in this park play an important decorative role. They also have an aesthetic and compositional solution. Around the rock garden, on all sides of the path, for the most convenient transit traffic. The rockery itself is located northeast of the center of the square, and has the shape of an ellipse. The assortment of plants is selected so that they have a decorative appearance at any time from late spring to early autumn. The first flower garden is located closer to the eastern side of the square, is located on a triangular area and occupies 1/4 of the entire area of ​​​​this area. The second flower bed is located in the opposite direction, i.e. The northwestern part of the square, also located in a triangular area, occupies approximately 1/7 of the area of ​​this area. The assortment selected for both flower beds is identical. And the flower border, which is located on the south side of the square. Opposite it are benches for rest and lanterns for illumination at night. Benches and lanterns are also planned around the rock garden.

2.3.3 Territorial balance

Most of the territory is occupied by lawn and a pedestrian network. The balance of the territory is shown in Table 6.

Table 6 - Balance of the park territory

Item name

Area, m

Paths and platforms



Trees and shrubs

Flower beds

Flower border

After practically carrying out reconstruction and planning activities on this site, the square takes on a well-groomed and decorative appearance. The square becomes aesthetically pleasing and more functional in its purpose. Tree species have been put in order, unnecessary branches have been trimmed and tree species have been demolished. The lawn was sown in places with sparse grass and in trampled areas. Flower beds, a flower border and the center of the entire composition, a rockery, have been created. Places for short-term rest and lighting of the park have also been added.

Chapter 3. Green building technologies

Types of work provided for by the project: Trimming (sanitary, molding, trimming of tops)

The degree of pruning can be very different - from pinching out faded flowers or new growths to removing large skeletal branches. In all cases, pruning should be done to healthy tissue, and where possible, to a growth bud (or pair of buds), which will then produce a new shoot. Pruning to maintain a healthy plant includes the removal of all crossing, undeveloped, thin and weak shoots that often appear in the center of unpruned trees and shrubs due to lack of light and air. In addition, pruning destroys possible foci of infection and allows the development of healthy leaves and full-fledged inflorescences.

Pruning and shaping shrubs

Pruning of shrubs can be different: forming the crown, stimulating flowering, sanitary and rejuvenating, as well as light, medium and strong. To achieve uniform annual flowering when pruning ornamental shrubs, in the spring, before the start of the growing season, part of the flower shoots is removed. Only in this case will flowering be annual and lush.

After pruning ornamental shrubs, all plants should be sprayed with anti-stress preparations, fed with complete mineral fertilizer and, if necessary, watered.

Trimming begins at a time when the young branches from the upper axillary buds have already grown sufficiently, and the renewal shoots (from dormant buds) are still too short. In such cases, the removal of numerous growth points stimulates the already powerful growth of renewal shoots. As a result, after a few days the renewal shoots outgrow the cutting level. The hedge loses its shape and decorative appearance, and you have to trim it again. To avoid this, the first cutting should be carried out when the renewal shoots outgrow the given level by the amount of two or three internodes.

Cutting down bushes. Sanitary felling is necessary to improve the health of the site; in this case, individual sick, damaged and drying bushes are cut down. They always start with a hem. The depth of the cut is from 1/4 to 1/3 of the diameter of the tree. After completing the cut, they begin cutting down the tree. Then the tree is pushed with a hand, an ax or a pole (sixth), resting it against the tree at a height of 3-4 m. For safety reasons, the presence of people is unacceptable

Planting shrubs. After completing the territory preparation work, transferring the improvement plan into reality. Based on the landscaping layout drawing, the locations for woody plants are determined in accordance with the planting list. The dimensions of the seats are set depending on the size of the root systems, in accordance with the technical conditions of the work.

Lawn mowing. Regular lawn mowing is the most important element of lawn care. After all, you not only prune shoots that are too long, but also purposefully stimulate the vegetative processes of plants. From a physiological point of view, mowing the lawn provokes various plant diseases. At the cutting site, the plant loses a lot of moisture, metabolism in the leaves stops, and nutrients do not reach the roots. Therefore, the grass needs to be watered abundantly and fed properly in order to replenish losses and restore vital processes. On the other hand, mowing the lawn does not pose a threat to the life of the plant.

Lawn mowing can be done until autumn. And even until October, if the weather is warm and the grass continues to grow. The last lawn mowing should be the lowest of the year. Then you need to collect the mown grass and fallen leaves and be sure to remove them from the lawn so that fungi do not appear.

Removing weeds from the lawn

The mechanical method involves weeding by hand or using simple tools that help pull out the weeds by the roots.

Rock garden arrangement. They are made of stone in combination with plant groups of herbaceous and woody plants. On relatively calm terrain, stones are laid asymmetrically, sinking them into the soil without disturbing the natural landscape. It is recommended to use stones covered with moss. Before laying stones on the site, arrange drainage. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least 15-20 cm. A layer (30-40 cm) of loose, finely lumpy vegetable soil is spread on top of the drainage for laying stones. Plant soil should be rich in humus (up to 10%). In free, illuminated areas between large stones, carpets of low forms of plants are provided.

Sowing seeds with mulching. When sowing in the ground, if the seeds are sown scattered, they are lightly pressed into the soil, placing a board flat on top, the crops are mulched with rotted manure or peat, and the thickness of the layer depends on the size of the seeds. Small seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, medium-large seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm, large seeds are sown to a depth of 3 cm. When sowing in rows, the seeds are first covered with soil from open furrows, then the crops are mulched with rotted manure and peat soil. Arrangement of flower beds. Includes the following steps:

1) Carrying out the flower garden project in nature according to the planting drawing (M1:50)

2) Preparation of planting sites - planting sites should be prepared 1.5-2 weeks before planting. First, I plan and clear the area, and then dig a pit (10-15 cm). The bottom of the pit is loosened and the previously cleaned and prepared soil is filled in. The plant soil should be light loamy and contain substances including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

3) Planting - before planting, the surface of the planting area is leveled with a rake. Then the territory is divided into areas of various sizes, depending on the plant species. The lines of the design are applied to the planned and watered surface of the flower bed. The number of perennial plants planted per unit site area depends on the type or variety of plants and the size of the root system.

Arranging a flower border. Borders are narrow (0.1-0.5 m wide) strips used as edge borders. They create borders from row plantings of annual or perennial floral and herbaceous plants.

Construction of new and repair of existing pedestrian paths.

First, preparatory work: dismantling the old asphalt concrete pavement and base at the work site is carried out mechanically with manual finishing.

Laying of asphalt concrete mixtures is carried out using an asphalt paver and, as a rule, over the entire working width. In areas inaccessible to the asphalt paver, manual laying is permitted. The thickness of the laid layer depends on the granulometric composition of the asphalt concrete mixture, binder content and temperature of the mixture and is selected by trial rolling. The thickness of the uncompacted layer should be 10-15% greater than the design one: with a design layer thickness of 50 mm, the thickness of the uncompacted layer is 5.5-5.75 mm.

When working with mixtures containing highly plastic binders, it is possible to use a vibrating plate, which does not lead to surface defects.

Compaction of mixtures should begin immediately after they are laid.

Arrangement of small architectural forms and lighting

Benches are used for short-term (without backrests) or long-term rest (with backrests) for visitors to the park. For legs it is recommended to use: stone, concrete. For backs and seats: wooden slats with rounded top edges and a convex surface, which facilitates the rapid release of precipitation from the slats and drying the surface of the backs and seats.

Benches without backs are installed on metal supports, which are embedded in concrete cups. The seat is attached with screws from the bottom or a clamp on the side. Benches with backrests are attached with screws.

Bins are special containers designed for collecting and short-term storage of random household waste in order to ensure the cleanliness of the area. The trash can should be inconspicuous and small, consist of two parts: a shell and a removable garbage container. Place bins along the edges of paths and platforms at a distance of at least 0.8 m from the benches.

Lanterns are designed to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians in the evening along paths and alleys, stay on sites, illuminate plants and create comfortable conditions for evening walks.

To illuminate city squares and boulevards, lamps on high supports made of reinforced concrete are used. The remote consoles on which the lighting lamps are mounted are made of metal. Excavation and planning of trenches, laying of electrical cables, installation of electrical equipment, connection to the power source for switching on is carried out by a specialized construction and installation organization.


Based on the results of work on the project, all the assigned tasks for landscaping and landscaping the park area were completed. The necessary measures for caring for plantings are noted: pruning trees and shrubs, demolishing some species of shrubs, sowing and caring for the lawn, and an assortment of designed plantings is selected. Measures were also taken to reconstruct, repair and install the necessary elements: benches, bins and lanterns were added to the territory, existing pedestrian paths were repaired and new ones were installed; In addition, decorative elements of the park were arranged: rock gardens, flower beds and flower borders. All drawings containing ideas and proposals for landscaping have been completed.

List of references and used Internet resources

1. Nikolaevskaya I.A. Landscaping - M.: Publishing center "Academy"; Mastery, 2002


3. Rubtsov L.I. Design of gardens and parks - M.: Stroyizdat, 1979



6. V.S. Teodoronsky. Landscape construction and farming. M: "Academy", 2010

7. Architectural composition of gardens and parks. Center n.i project. Institute for Urban Planning, under the general editorship of A.P. Vergunova, - M.: Stoyizdat, 1980





Annex 1

List of existing green spaces

Breed name

Phys. state



Ash maple

medium decorative

Dry branches

Silver birch


Silver birch


Silver birch


Ash maple

medium decorative

broken branches

Ash maple

medium decorative

broken branches

Ash maple

medium decorative

broken branches


Ash maple

medium decorative

Ash maple

medium decorative

Ash maple

medium decorative

Ash maple

medium decorative

Ash maple

medium decorative

Many trunks and dry branches

Small-leaved linden


Small-leaved linden


Ash maple

medium decorative

Small-leaved linden


Ash maple

medium decorative

Strong tilt

Lilac, group


Lilac, group


Manchurian apple tree


Almost dried out planting

Manchurian apple tree


Almost dried out planting

Manchurian apple tree


Almost dried out planting

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative

medium decorative


medium decorative


medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative

Manchurian apple tree

medium decorative



Appendix 2

Assortment of plants used in rockeries, flower beds and borders

Cat's paw dioecious (lat. Antennbria diуica) is a species of herbaceous plants of the genus Cat's paw (Antennaria). A perennial herbaceous plant 10-30 cm in height with a thin rhizome, from which numerous shortened, recumbent vegetative shoots arise, bearing alternate leaves collected in rosettes and several straight, unbranched, flower-bearing, tomentose-pubescent stems. The leaves are entire, bare on top, green or silvery on both sides, tomentose-pubescent, basal - spatulate. The flowers are small in baskets, collected in corymbose inflorescences; apical basket 5-6 mm in diameter. The plant is dioecious, the baskets with female flowers are oblong, usually pink. The fruits are cylindrical, oblong achenes (up to 1 mm long) with a tuft of jagged hairs.

It blooms from mid-May to the end of July, the fruits ripen in June - August.


Belongs to the cabbage family. About 100 species of perennial and annual plants of this genus are known. This herbaceous perennial plant is used as an annual, up to 20 cm in height with creeping, densely branched stems and oblong-lanceolate leaves. The flowers are small (four-petalled), honey-scented, white or purple, collected in racemes. It blooms profusely and for a long time from June to severe frosts (October). The fruit is a pod. The seeds ripen gradually. Honey plant.

Helichrysum bracteatum

Helichrysum is a large genus of herbaceous perennial plants of the Asteraceae family. About 500 species are found in nature. Flowering occurs from July until frost, 3 months after the first shoots. Grows well in an open, sunny place. Helichrysum loves warmth and cannot tolerate even light frosts. The soil for immortelle is light, slightly acidic and well fertilized. Easy to care for. It only requires timely weeding and loosening, and can easily tolerate delays in watering. Helichrysum is a valuable flowering plant for flower beds; it withstands the conditions of open sunny places well. It is a popular cut plant, often used as a dried flower.


Garden plant. Annual. Location: Coleus grow quickly. They require a sheltered, sunny or diffused shade location. The soil is light, permeable, rich, slightly acidic. Care consists of regular and abundant watering and spraying. Otherwise, coleus easily becomes prey for spider mites, and indoors also for scale insects and whiteflies. In addition, it is necessary to carry out regular, formative pruning, in which elongated shoots are cut out, giving the plants a compact shape. Constant feeding is also required every 12-14 days, in June with nitrogen, and later with full mineral fertilizer with microelements.

Appendix 3

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