Course of lectures on technical means of informatization. Technical means of informatization

Textbook. — 9th ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2014. - 352 p. — ISBN 978-5-4468-1409-1. The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the specialties: “Computer Networks”, OP.07, “Programming in Computer Systems”, OP.OZ, “Information Systems ( by industry)", OP.08 of the discipline "Technical means of informatization". The physical foundations, hardware, design features, technical characteristics and operating features of modern technical means of informatization are considered: computers, devices for preparing, inputting and displaying information, systems for processing and playing audio and video information, telecommunications, devices for working with information on solid media. Attention is paid to the organization of workplaces in the operation of technical means of informatization. Information is provided on processor production technology, the main characteristics of multi-core processors, modern and future storage media, digital sound systems, 3D sound technology, web cameras, three-dimensional printers and scanners, electronic tablets, touch input devices, wireless communication technologies Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, smartphones and communicators. For students of secondary vocational education institutions. Preface.
General characteristics and classification of technical means of information technology
Technical means of informatization are the hardware basis of information technologies.
Amount of information. Units for measuring the amount of information.
Methods of presenting information for input into a computer.
Classification of technical means of informatization.
Technical characteristics of modern computers
The most important stages in the history of computer technology.
The design and principle of operation of a computer.
Classification of computers.
PC bus structure and standards.
Information storage devices
Basic information.
Floppy disk drives.
Hard disk drives.
CD drives.
Promising technologies of optical storage media.
Magneto-optical disk drives.
Magnetic tape drives.
External storage devices.
Information display devices
Projection devices.
Devices for forming three-dimensional images.
Video adapters.
Video signal processing tools.
Systems for processing and reproducing audio information
PC sound system.
Recording and playback module.
Synthesizer module.
Interface module.
Mixer module.
Digital sound system.
3D sound technology.
Acoustic system.
Information preparation and input devices
Optical-mechanical manipulators.
Digital cameras.
Web cameras.
Digitizers and electronic tablets.
Touch input devices.
Printing devices
Three-dimensional printers.
Technical means of telecommunication systems
Structure and main characteristics.
Local networks and network hardware.
Mobile cellular communication systems.
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless communication technologies.
Satellite communication systems.
Fax communication.
Exchange of information via modem.
Devices for working with information on solid media
Copying equipment.
Document shredders are shredders.
Organization of workplaces and maintenance of technical means of informatization
Organization of professionally oriented complexes of technical means of informatization.
Maintenance of technical means of information technology.

"Siberian State University
Telecommunications and Informatics"

K. I. Dzhogan

Lectures on the discipline
"Technical means of informatization"


K. I. Dzhogan
Course of lectures on the discipline “Technical means of informatization”
for full-time and part-time students.

This course of lectures is compiled as it is given in Khabarovsk
Institute of Infocommunications. It attempts to systematize
material on the discipline “Technical means of informatization” in accordance with the standard program of the academic discipline. When studying the discipline, technical means of informatization are the main tool
textbook "Technical means of informatization" authors E. I. Grebenyuk and
N. A. Grebenyuk. The textbook contains all sections studied in this discipline. It examines the physical foundations, hardware, design features, technical characteristics of technical equipment
informatization. The purpose of this manual was to somewhat supplement the material in the textbook, and to bring the questions that were sufficiently well covered for independent study. At the beginning of each lecture, questions are identified,
submitted for consideration, the literature necessary to study this issue is indicated. At the end of the lecture, additional questions for independent study and control questions for consolidation are identified
studied material. The course is designed for secondary vocational education students studying in
 11.02.09 “Multichannel telecommunication systems”
 11.02.10 “Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television”
 11.02.11 “Communication networks and switching systems”

Lecture 1
Topic: Technical means of informatization
1.1. General provisions.
1.2. Stages of information technology development.
1.3. Technical means of informatization.

Recommended reading:
1. E. I. Grebenyuk, N. A. Grebenyuk “Technical means of informatization” § 1.1 “Technical means of informatization - hardware basis
information technologies".
2. N.V. Maksimov T.L. Partyka I.I. Popov “Technical means of informatization” Introduction.

Lecture 1
Technical means of informatization
1.1. General provisions
Before talking about technical means of informatization, it is necessary to define the concepts of informatization and information society.
Informatization - policies and processes aimed at building and developing telecommunications infrastructure,
uniting geographically distributed resources.
The policy of informatization determines the transition from an industrial society to an information society. Information society is a society in which the majority of people are engaged in production, storage, processing
information. In the information society, the process of production activity, way of life, and value system are changing. In industrial
In society, everything is aimed at the creation and consumption of goods. In the information society, intelligence and knowledge are produced and consumed, which leads to
increase in mental work.
The following processes can be distinguished as processes that determine informatization:
 Information process - a process that provides representation
information in a form accessible for processing, storage and transmission
by electronic means.
 Cognitive process - a process aimed at forming
a holistic information model of the world.
 Material process - a process that forms the global infrastructure of electronic storage, processing and transmission
The material process actually determines the material and technological base of the information society. The basis of the material and technical base is information technology and telecommunication networks.
Information technology is a process that uses a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary
information) to obtain information of new quality.
Telecommunications - remote data transmission using
computer networks and modern technical means of communication.

Information technologies and telecommunications determine the construction of information systems that are necessary for the creation and development
information society
A set of technical and software storage and processing tools

Figure 1.1 - Modern information system

And the transmission of information, as well as political, economic and cultural
the conditions for the implementation of informatization processes determine the information environment. You can learn more about the concept of “information society”

Stages of information technology development
When defining the concept of information technology, it is instructive to recall the stages of their development.

Stage 1 (until the second half of the 19th century) “manual” information technology, the tools of which included: a pen, an inkwell, a book. Communications were carried out manually by forwarding
Figure 1.2 - symbols of the 1st
stage: pen, inkwell, book

Through the mail of letters, packages, dispatches. The main purpose of technology is to present information in the required form.
Stage 2 (from the end of the 19th century) - “mechanical” technology, tools
which consisted of: a typewriter, a telephone, a voice recorder, equipped with more

Figure 1.3 - Telephone
Edison (on the wall)

Figure 1.4 - Writing
Underwood machine

The perfect means of delivery is mail. The main goal of technology is to present information in the required form using more convenient means.
Stage 3 (40s - 60s of the XX century) - “electric” technology, tools
mainframe computers and related software,
electric typewriters, photocopiers, portable
voice recorders. The goal changes
technologies. The emphasis in information technology begins
move from the information presentation form to the form Figure 1.4 - The first ENIAC computer.
“Programs” were entered by laboratory employees (the so-called “ENIAC girls”) using plug panels and switch blocks.

Worlding its contents.
4th stage (from the early 70s)
- “electronic” technology, the main tools of which are

Figure 1.5 - IBM System/370

Large computers and automated control systems (ACS) created on their basis are becoming a swarm and
information retrieval systems
(IPS). Center of gravity of technology
shifts even more towards the formation of the content side of information for the management environment
various spheres of public life, especially on the organization of analytical work.

5th stage (from the mid-80s) “computer” (“new”) technology,
the main tools of which
is a personal computer with
a wide range of standard software products for various purposes. In connection with the transition to a microprocessor base, technical
household, cultural and
other appointments. Global and local computer networks are beginning to be widely used in various fields.

Figure 1.6 IBM PC/XT

Modern development of information technology
The development of information technologies today is determined by their implementation in all spheres of human activity. Here are just a few
examples of the development of informatization in our country:
 Maintaining an electronic journal in schools;
 Ordering and purchasing railway and air tickets via the Internet;
 Management of railway and air transportation;
 Road safety system;
 Electronic Government program;

 Accounting for the volume of medical care provided in medical institutions;
 Purchasing goods through online stores;
 Development of IP telephony.
This list can be continued many times.
Let us specify some of the listed examples.
Electronic government
Electronic government is a way of providing information and
provision of an already formed set of public services to citizens,
business, other branches of government
authorities and government officials.
E-government minimizes personal interaction between the government and the applicant while using information technology as much as possible. Electronic government is an electronic document management system for public administration based on automatic Figure 1.7 - Reference information for the entire set of management
informational portal
processes throughout the country and employees"PUBLIC SERVICES"
aiming to significantly improve the efficiency of public administration.
Rail transportation management
The SIGNAL-L system, developed
Design Institute of Information, Automation and Communications in Railway Transport (NIIAS), allows
conduct based on the declared cargo Figure 1.8 - “Signal - L” system

Rulers of car transportation volumes8

Tized calculation of the daily demand of freight locomotives, monitor the technical condition of the machines and, based on the received
data, determine the optimal timing for maintenance and repairs.
Electronic journal
The electronic magazine “3T: Chronograph Magazine” allows you to:

Maintain an electronic equivalent of a classroom
magazine, with the ability to display and record dates and topics held
lessons, homework.
Promptly record absences
students in class.
Promptly display current and
final assessments of students' knowledge in
accepted for general education Figure 1.9 - Student’s diary
institutions scale, with opportunities
indications of the types of educational activities being assessed and the justification for the grades awarded.
 Keep a notebook (notepad)
teacher, containing the necessary comments and notes.
 Analyze the current performance of students’ educational activities and make informed decisions.
 Organize accounting and control of thematic and lesson assignments
 Promptly analyze the current and final results of educational activities of students and teachers
and make appropriate decisions.
 Optimize and expand the interaction of administrative and content components of information Figure 1.10 - Electronic
tional educational management systems
process of general education institutions9

Organize the prompt generation and presentation of data on
progress of specific students in an electronic analogue of a student diary.
Promptly inform parents of students about class attendance and current and final grades received by their children.
Ensure confidentiality of data provided to parents
specific students in relation to the data of other students in the class, as well as the protection of the processed personal data of students in
in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation.

Figure 1.11 General view of a magazine page

1.3 Technical means of informatization
Technical means of informatization are a set of systems
machines, instruments, mechanisms, devices and other types of equipment,
designed to automate various technological processes
computer science, and those whose output product is precisely
information (information, knowledge) or data used to satisfy information needs in various areas of the subject activity of society.
The universal technical means of informatization is
a computer that plays the role of an amplifier of human intellectual capabilities. The emergence and development of computers is a necessary component of the process of informatization of society.
All technical means
informatization depending
the functions performed can be divided into seven groups (Figure 1.12):
1. Information input devices.
2. Information output devices.
3. Processing devices
4. Transmission devices and
receiving information.
5. Information storage devices.
6. Copy devices
7. Multifunctional
As follows from the above
most modern
technical means of information

Figure 1.12 - Classification of technical
information means

Tization is, to one degree or another, associated with electronic computers - personal computers (PCs), which, in fact, combine many technical means that provide automated
information processing. For example, input and output devices (input/output) are an indispensable and obligatory element of any computer,
starting from the very first one and ending with modern PCs, because it is
these devices provide user interaction with the computing system.
On the one hand, the user enters commands or data into the computer through input devices for processing them, on the other hand, the computing system provides the user with the results of its work through
output devices.
All input/output devices of a personal computer belong to
peripheral devices, i.e. connected to the microprocessor via
system bus and corresponding controllers. With the development of computer technology, they have received significant development. To date
There are entire groups of devices (for example, location devices,
multimedia) that provide efficient and convenient user experience.
The main device of a computer is a microprocessor, which in the most general case provides control of all devices and information processing. To solve specific problems, for example, mathematical calculations, modern personal computers
equipped with coprocessors. These devices are classified as information processing devices.
Devices for transmitting and receiving information (or communication devices) are essential attributes of modern information systems,
which are increasingly acquiring features of distributed information
systems in which information is not stored in one place, but is distributed across
within some network, such as an enterprise network or wide area network
Depending on a number of parameters (type of communication line, type of connection, remoteness of information resource carriers, etc.), various communication devices are used.
Modem (modulator-demodulator) - a device that converts information into a form in which it can be transmitted over telephone lines

Connections Internal modems have a PCI interface and are connected directly to the motherboard. External modems are connected via ports
COM or USB. Modems perform digital-to-analog conversion of digital PC signals for transmission over a telephone communication line or analog-to-digital conversion of analog signals from a communication line to digital ones
signals for processing in a PC. Modems transmit data over regular telephone lines at speeds of up to 56,000 bits per second. Modems also compress data before sending it and, accordingly, their actual speed may exceed the maximum speed of the modem.
Network adapter (network card) - an electronic device made in the form of an expansion card (can be integrated into the system board)
with a connector for connecting to a communication line. Network adapter is in use
to connect a PC to a local computer network.
Information storage devices occupy not the last place among
all technical means of informatization, since they are used for
temporary (short-term) or long-term storage of processed and accumulated information.
Multifunctional devices began to appear relatively recently. The distinctive feature of these devices is the combination
a number of functions (for example, scanning and printing or printing and binding of hard copies, etc.) to automate user actions. TO
multifunctional devices include publishing systems,
devices for copying and reproducing information.
We will consider in more detail the principles of operation of a computer and peripherals in the following lectures.
Control questions
1. Define the information society.
2. What is information technology?
3. What is the role of telecommunications?
4. Determine the stages of development of information technology.
5. What is the role of computers in the development of information technology?
6. What are technical means of information used for?
7. What is included in the technical means of information technology?
8. Determine the purpose of information input/output devices.
9. What is the role of information transmission devices?
10. List devices for copying information.

1. E. I. Grebenyuk, N. A. Grebenyuk “Technical means of informatization” § 1.1 - 1.4 Chapter 1 “General characteristics and classification
technical means of informatization"
2. N.V. Maksimov T.L. Partyka I.I. Popov “Technical means
informatization" Introduction.

Lecture 2
Topic: Classification of computers


Computer classification
2.1. General concepts
When talking about computer systems, you must have
a generalized view of the computer technology available in
at a person's disposal. In other words, a classification is necessary,
to then consider each species and its subspecies in more detail. IN
The basis for the classification of computers is laid by:
 Productivity;
 Dimensions;
 Principles of construction.
So, for example, based on the design principle, computers
can be divided into vector and scalar data processing.

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the specialties: “Computer Networks”. OP.07, “Programming in computer systems”, OP.OZ, “Information systems (by industry)”, OP.08 discipline “Technical means of informatization”.
The physical foundations, hardware, design features, technical characteristics and operating features of modern technical means of informatization are considered: computers, devices for preparing, inputting and displaying information, systems for processing and reproducing audio and video information, telecommunications, devices for working with information on solid media . Attention is paid to the organization of workplaces during the operation of technical means of informatization.
Information is provided on processor production technology, the main characteristics of multi-core processors, modern and future storage media, digital sound systems, 3D sound technology, web cameras, three-dimensional printers and scanners, electronic tablets, touch input devices, wireless communication technologies Bluetooth and Wi -Fi, smartphones and communicators.
For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Creation of electronic computers (computers) in the middle of the 20th century. rightfully considered one of the most outstanding achievements in the history of mankind. Computing technology has expanded human intellectual capabilities and has become one of the decisive factors in scientific and technological progress. Moreover, its development is inextricably linked with the development of engineering and technology in a number of industrial sectors.

The history of the use of mechanical and semi-automatic means for arithmetic operations goes back more than one millennium. The first computing devices were created in Ancient Greece. In 1642, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) created a mechanical adding machine that made it possible to perform four arithmetic operations. The German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646 -1716) invented a mechanical adding machine that performed addition and multiplication. The Englishman Charles Babbage (1792-1871) developed the concept of a computer with a flexible programming circuit and a storage device. Programs were entered using punched cards - cards made of dense material on which information was presented as a combination of holes and stored in a “warehouse” (memory) in the form of data and intermediate results. The machine was powered by steam, the calculation process was automated, and the calculation results were printed in the form of tables.

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This publication is a workshop on the discipline “Technical means of informatization” and includes 10 practical works. Each work corresponds to the chapter of the textbook for technical schools Grebenyuk E.I., Grebenyuk N.A. "Technical means of informatization." The test questions given at the end of each chapter are used. Can be used to conduct practical classes for basic and elective groups, as well as for individual improvement of existing skills in working with computer software products. Each practical work lasts two hours. The material is compiled in accordance with state educational standards. The textbook can be used when studying the general professional discipline “Technical means of informatization” in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the specialties: 230111 “Computer networks”, OP.07, 230115 “Programming in computer systems”, OP.OZ and 230401 “Information systems ( by industry)", OP.08. enlarged group of specialties 230000 “Informatics and Computer Science”. For students of secondary vocational education institutions. May be useful for students of primary vocational education institutions and specialists in the field of computer science and information and communication technologies.


Books and textbooks on the discipline Computer and telecommunication systems:

  1. J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos. Algorithms: development and application. Classic Computer Science - 2016
  2. A.P. Pyatibratov, L.P. Gudyno, A.A. Kirichenko. Computers, networks and telecommunication systems - 2009
  3. Stepanov A. N.. Architecture of computer systems and computer networks - 2007
  4. Izbachkov Yu. S., Petrov V. N.. Information systems - 2006
  5. V. G. Olifer, N. A. Olifer. 54 Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols: Textbook for universities. 3rd edition - 2006
  6. / E. B. Belov, V. P. Los, R. V. Meshcheryakov, A. A. Shelupanov. Fundamentals of information security. Textbook for universities - 2006

Technical means of informatization. Grebenyuk E.I.

9th ed. - M.: 2014. - 352 p.

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the following specialties: “Computer Networks”, OP.07, “Programming in Computer Systems”, OP.OZ, “Information Systems (by Industry)”, OP.08 discipline “Technical means of informatization” " The physical foundations, hardware, design features, technical characteristics and operating features of modern technical means of informatization are considered: computers, devices for preparing, inputting and displaying information, systems for processing and reproducing audio and video information, telecommunications, devices for working with information on solid media . The focus is on organizing workplaces during the operation of technical means of informatization. Information is provided on processor production technology, the main characteristics of multi-core processors, modern and future storage media, digital sound systems, 3D sound technology, web cameras, three-dimensional printers and scanners, electronic tablets, touch input devices, wireless communication technologies Bluetooth and Wi -Fi, smartphones and communicators. For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

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Technical means of informatization. (SPO) Grebenyuk E.I., Grebenyuk N.A. (2014, 352 pp.)

Technical means of informatization. Workshop. (SPO) Lavrovskaya O.B. (2013, 208 pp.)

Table of contents
Preface 4
Chapter 1. General characteristics and classification of technical means of informatization 7
1.1. Technical means of informatization - hardware basis of information technologies 7
1.2. Amount of information. Units for measuring the amount of information 9
1.3. Methods of presenting information for input into a computer 9
1.4. Classification of technical means of informatization 12
Chapter 2. Technical characteristics of modern computers 16
2.1. The most important stages in the history of computing 16
2.2. Design and principle of operation of a computer 19
2.3. Classification of computers 27
2.4. Motherboards 31
2.5. PK 36 bus structure and standards
2.5.1. Main characteristics of the tire 39
2.5.2. PC 39 bus standards
2.5.3. Serial and parallel ports 45
2.6. Processors 47
2.6.1. Production technology and main characteristics 48
2.6.2. Features of processors of different generations 51
2.6.3. Multi-core processors 55
2.7. RAM 64
2.7.1. Characteristics of memory chips 65
2.7.2. Common memory types 66
Chapter 3. Information storage devices 70
3.1. Basics 70
3.2. Floppy drives 72
3.3. Hard disk drives 75
3.3.1. Design and principle of operation 76
3.3.2. Main characteristics 79
3.3.3. Hard drive interfaces 81
3.4. CD drives 83
3.4.1. CD-ROM media and drives 83
3.4.2. Drives with write-once CD-WORM/CD-R and write-once CD-RW 88
3.4.3. DVD drives 90
3.4.4. HD DVD and Blu-Ray 96 optical disc standards
3.5. Promising technologies for optical storage media 99
3.5.1. Holographic discs 99
3.5.2. 3D fluorescent technology 102
3.6. Magneto-optical disk drives 104
3.7. Tape Drives 107
3.8. External storage devices 112
3.8.1. LS-120 technology 112
3.8.2. Removable hard disk drives 113
3.8.3. Flash memory 114
Chapter 4. Display devices 119
4.1. Monitors 119
4.1.1. Monitors based on CRT 119
4.1.2. Multimedia monitors 127
4.1.3. Flat panel monitors 128 LCD monitors 128 Plasma monitors 135 Electroluminescent monitors 138 Electrostatic Emission Monitors 139 Organic LED monitors 140
4.1.4. Touch monitors 142
4.1.5. Selecting a monitor 143
4.2. Projection devices 143
4.2.1. Overhead projectors and LCD panels 144
4.2.2. Multimedia projectors 146
4.2.3. Selecting a Projector 153
4.3. Volumetric imaging devices 154
4.3.1. Virtual reality helmets (VR helmets) 157
4.3.2. ZO points 160
4.3.3. 3D-MOHHTopu 161
4.3.4. ZO projectors 167
4.4. Video adapters 167
4.4.1. Video adapter operating modes 170
4.4.2. 2D and 3D accelerators 172
4.4.3. Design and characteristics of the video adapter 173
4.5. Video signal processing tools 178
Chapter 5. Systems for processing and reproducing audio information 181
5.1. Sound system PC 181
5.2. Recording and playback module 183
5.3. Synthesizer module 187
5.4. Interface module 189
5.5. Mixer module 190
5.6. Digital Sound System 191
5.7. ZE sound technology 194
5.8. Speaker system 196
Chapter 6. Devices for preparing and entering information 201
6.1. Keyboard 201
6.2. Optical-mechanical manipulators 205
6.2.1. Mouse 205
6.2.2. Trackball 208
6.2.3. Joystick 209
6.3. Scanners 210
6.3.1. Operating principle and classification of scanners 210
6.3.2. Photosensors used in scanners 211
6.3.3. Types of scanners 214
6.3.4. Color rendering mechanism in 220 scanners
6.3.5. ZE scanners 222
6.3.6. Hardware and software interfaces of 225 scanners
6.3.7. Characteristics of scanners 226
6.4. Digital cameras 227
6.5. Web cameras 233
6.6. Digitizers and electronic tablets 237
6.7. Touch input devices 240
Chapter 7. Printing Devices 244
7.1. Printers 244
7.1.1. Impact Printers 244
7.1.2. Inkjet printers 245
7.1.3. Photoelectronic printers 249
7.1.4. Thermal printers 254
7.1.5. Recommendations for choosing a printer 258
7.2. Plotters 259
7.3. 3D printers 265
7.3.1. Purpose and general principles of three-dimensional printing 265
7.3.2. Classification of three-dimensional printing materials 266
7.3.3. Basic technologies and printers for 3D printing 267
Chapter 8. Technical means of telecommunication systems 273
8.1. Structure and main characteristics 273
8.2. Local networks and network hardware 280
8.3. Mobile cellular communication systems 288
8.4. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless technologies 294
8.5. Satellite communication systems 300
8.6. Fax 305
8.7. Exchange of information via modem 307
Chapter 9. Devices for working with information on solid media 313
9.1. Copying equipment 313
9.1.1. Electrographic copying 314
9.1.2. Thermographic copying 324
9.1.3. Diazographic copying 325
9.1.4. Photographic copying 325
9.1.5. Electronographic copying 325
9.1.6. Screen and electroscreen printing 326
9.2. Document shredders - shredders 330
Chapter 10. Organization of workplaces and maintenance of technical means of informatization 333
10.1. Organization of professionally oriented complexes of technical means of informatization 333
10.2. Maintenance of technical means of information 338
Glossary 341
References 346

This textbook is part of the educational and methodological set for the specialties: “Computer networks”, OP.07, “Programming in computer systems”, OP.OZ, “Information systems (by industry)”, OP.08.
The textbook is intended for studying the general professional discipline “Technical means of informatization”.
New generation educational and methodological kits include traditional and innovative educational materials that allow for the study of general educational and general professional disciplines and professional modules. Each set contains textbooks and teaching aids, training and control tools necessary for mastering general and professional competencies, including taking into account the requirements of the employer.