Blood moon on August 7th. Bloody Eclipse

The moon will go into shadow on August 7th. As you know, the Earth's satellite shines not with its own light, but with reflected light. When our planet blocks the sun's rays, a shadow falls on the surface of the moon. This time it will cover only part of the satellite, which is why such eclipses are called partial.

Even our ancient ancestors looked at the Moon with respect and caution. At the same time, not only the moment of the eclipse itself was considered important, but also the three days preceding it, as well as the three days after the event itself.


One of the ancient signs calls for avoiding financial transactions at this time: do not give or borrow. This rule probably applies to loans as well. However, it is unclear whether, for example, it is possible to pay for purchases in stores with a credit card. It’s probably better to hold off on this too.

Modern astrologers are no less categorical. During these six days, people will become more irritable and vulnerable. The slightest dissatisfaction or reproach can lead to a serious, painful quarrel. Scandals are fraught with nervous breakdowns. The boss will be more picky, and the children will be even more capricious than usual. The moon will provoke disputes, but the truth is unlikely to be born in them. A week from now, you're unlikely to remember why standing up for your reasons against all odds seemed so important a few days ago. But by that time, the relationship with another person may already be irrevocably damaged. So restraint in the coming days will definitely not hurt.


At risk are people prone to emotional instability and mental disorders. Communication with them should be avoided if possible. But if these are family and friends from whom you can’t hide, then you shouldn’t turn on newscasts or thrillers for them at night.


A few more tips concern potentially dangerous situations. For example, if possible, you should avoid driving a car, yacht, airplane or manned spacecraft. It has long been known that stress provokes road accidents. So, if you really have to get behind the wheel, you need to try to calm down and turn on relaxing music.

Particular caution should be exercised by pregnant women and people with hypertension.

Representatives of alternative medicine are confident that meditation and contrast showers will help cope with negative factors. Moreover, men need to start and end with cold water, and women - with hot water. The exact temperature is usually not indicated.


And many are also sure that it is during the lunar eclipse that you can forever change your life for the better. It is recommended to postpone new beginnings, but there is a good chance to part with old bad habits. Alcoholics, drug addicts and gambling addicts will suddenly have additional internal resources to fight. You can also put an end to harmful psychological dependencies and unhealthy attachments.

In general, doctors and scientists are not inclined to exaggerate the impact of lunar eclipses on humans. So the vast majority of people most likely will not even notice that anything unusual was happening in the sky. However, vigilance certainly won’t hurt.

Alexander Sablin

There will be a partial lunar eclipse on this day

This coming Monday, after eight o'clock in the evening Moscow time, residents of the capital can see the moon partially acquire a burgundy-red hue. In addition to Moscow, an unusual phenomenon can be observed over most of the other Russian regions, with the exception of Chukotka and Kamchatka, where by that time it will already be morning. As experts from the Moscow Planetarium note, the moon will become “bloody” as a result of a partial eclipse.

A partial, or partial, lunar eclipse occurs when the natural satellite does not completely enter the cone of the “total” shadow cast by the Earth, and sunlight continues to fall on part of the lunar disk. A complete shadow is an area of ​​space in which no sunlight falls at all, while an area shaded only from some of the sun's rays is called penumbra.

Experts explain that changes in the color of part of the lunar disk to burgundy-red are a common phenomenon during partial eclipses. It is also noted that the Moon will be located quite low above the horizon, but this should not interfere with observing the eclipse through a telescope. It will be possible to see the astronomical phenomenon between 20:24 and 22:19 Moscow time - naturally, provided that there are not too many clouds in the sky that day.

As reported on the official website of the Moscow mayor, the next lunar eclipse will occur on January 31, 2018 and will be total, and if weather conditions are favorable, it will be possible to observe it in most of Russia, except for the western and southwestern regions.

Let us remind you that it was recently reported that on August 21 there will be a solar eclipse, which, according to astronomers, will be the longest in the history of observations. However, only residents of some regions of the United States will be able to see it - darkness will completely cover thirteen states. The nearest total solar eclipse that can be observed in Russia will occur on August 12, 2026, and the previous one took place on March 20, 2015.

Another one, the last one this year moon eclipse will happen in the evening on Monday, August 7. In clear weather, a beautiful and fairly frequent astronomical phenomenon will be available for observation throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The August eclipse is expected to reveal to the world the so-called "Blood Moon"- due to the peculiarities of light refraction of solar rays through the Earth’s atmosphere, our satellite will be painted in purplish-reddish tones.

Where in Russia will you be able to observe the eclipse on August 7?

The partial lunar eclipse, which will occur on August 7, will be available for observation throughout Russia, with the exception of Chukotka and Kamchatka, since by the time it begins there the Moon will already be hidden behind the horizon.

What time will there be an eclipse

Features of the eclipse on August 7

As astronomers explained, on August 7, Russians will observe a partial lunar eclipse, during which the disk of the Moon will be blocked from the northern part of the Earth’s shadow for an observer on Earth for about two hours. At the maximum phase of the eclipse, the lunar disk will be covered by the earth's shadow by about a quarter.

When is the best time to watch the eclipse in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

In both capitals, the most favorable moment for observing the Moon in the Earth's shadow is approximately 21.20, when our natural satellite plunges deepest into the Earth's shadow.

Although at this moment the Moon will be located quite low above the horizon, the beautiful celestial phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye, as well as through binoculars and telescopes. Also, without additional optics, it will be possible to observe the burgundy-red - “bloody” - color of the “hidden” Moon.

Why the Moon will be “bloody”

The lunar disk takes on a blood-red hue during an eclipse for physical reasons. The fact is that the sun's rays, which pass tangentially to the earth's surface, are not completely dissipated in the earth's atmosphere. Some of these rays reach the Moon through the Earth's atmosphere. At the same time, the Earth’s atmosphere is most transparent to rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, therefore, during a lunar eclipse, it is these rays that mainly reach the surface of the Moon, giving it a red-burgundy color.

Where to see the eclipse through a telescope on August 7

The Moscow and St. Petersburg planetariums invite astronomy lovers of all ages to admire the partial lunar eclipse through telescopes.

As reported in Moscow Planetarium, visitors are expected there from 19:00 to 23:00.

Tickets for the event can be purchased on August 7 from 19.00 to 22.00 at the box office of the Moscow Planetarium. Several telescopes will operate at the astronomical site to observe this amazing natural phenomenon; in addition, astronomers will give all the necessary explanations and give fascinating lectures on solar and lunar eclipses.

The entrance to the astronomical site of the Moscow Planetarium closes at 22.00, and the event will end at 23.00.

The astronomical site for observing the lunar eclipse will be open only in clear weather, so it is advisable to check everything in advance on the Moscow Planetarium website.

St. Petersburg Planetarium also provides the opportunity to observe the eclipse through telescopes.

Observations of a partial lunar eclipse through telescopes will be available at the planetarium observatory on August 7 from 21.00 to 21.50.

It will also be possible to observe the starry sky through a telescope even after the end of the eclipse - from 22.30 to 23.20. Both adults and children over the age of seven are invited to both events.

When will the next lunar eclipse occur in Russia?

The next lunar eclipse, accessible for observation in Russia, will occur next year - January 31, 2018. The winter eclipse can be observed in all Russian regions, except for the western and southwestern ones. Follow the information on the website Federal News Agency.

On January 21, Europeans will be able to observe one of the most impressive astronomical phenomena - the “blood” Moon. The red disk will be visible in the night sky for three hours, and will next appear only in 2021. This year the spectacle will be even more exciting, since it will coincide with the supermoon: the night star will approach the Earth at a minimum distance. the site tells you how and where best to look at the “blood” moon.

Scientific explanation

The “Bloody” Moon is an unusually beautiful astronomical phenomenon that every person should see at least once. Within a few hours, the Moon has a rich, bright red color and looks truly mesmerizing!

There is no mysticism in this event. The night luminary becomes “bloody” during its eclipse. To do this, the Earth, Sun and Moon must line up in one line. When the lunar disk enters the Earth's shadow, it still continues to be illuminated. The sun's rays reaching the Earth are scattered in the atmosphere and reach the Moon. Since red-orange rays are best visible in the earth’s atmosphere, it is they that are displayed on the surface of the Moon during an eclipse: this is why the earth’s satellite appears red. Already in our time, this phenomenon has been unofficially called the “blood” Moon, because the night luminary has always attracted attention with its mystery!

The shade of the lunar disk is different at each eclipse. It can be either bright or pale red, orange copper. This depends on the state of the Earth's atmosphere and the area through which the Moon passes.

Moreover, during an eclipse, from the shadowed part of the Moon one could see the eclipse of the Sun by the Earth.

Super blood moon

The next lunar eclipse will take place on January 21. It will last about three and a half hours, and its maximum phase will occur at 08.16 Moscow time. This year the eclipse will coincide with the so-called “supermoon” - the day when the Moon will come closest to the Earth and will appear larger than usual.

In Russia, the eclipse will be best seen from St. Petersburg, Karelia, the Murmansk region, Moscow and the cities of the central country: here you can follow the change in the color of the Moon. Residents of Siberia will see the initial phases of the eclipse, and in the northeast they will be able to watch its end.

In any case, such an event cannot be missed, because the next time the “blood” Moon will appear in the night sky will only be on May 26, 2021.

How to observe correctly?

To observe the “blood” moon, you will not need any special instruments: the red disk will be visible in the dark with the naked eye and will begin to fade only at 08.40, with dawn. Tall buildings and trees may prevent you from seeing this rare phenomenon, so it is important to find a suitable location without bulky objects. Since the Moon will come as close as possible to the Earth - 357 thousand kilometers (maximum distance - 406 thousand kilometers) - it will even be possible to photograph it.

While a solar eclipse cannot be viewed without special eye protection, viewing a lunar eclipse is completely safe. But a supermoon can cause exacerbation of diseases in people with mental disorders, but it will not cause any harm to a healthy person.

Experts warn that you should not try to see the night star through a telescope: this can be dangerous for the retina. It’s better to just admire the incredible spectacle and take photographs of the red disk in the sky.

A prerequisite for observing the Moon is clear weather. Unfortunately, it will be quite difficult to see anything through the clouds. Those for whom the weather prevents you from enjoying the spectacle will be able to watch the eclipse broadcast on the NASA website.