Beautiful sayings. Aphorisms, expressions, sayings, statuses, quotes, sayings, phrases about a place, about a place

We attract into our lives everything we think about.

One day, the right time will come in the right place.

You need to be able to forgive. After all, someday you will need forgiveness too.

The best road is the one that leads home.

Every “I”, every “you”, must strive for the infinite “we”

Carefully! The doors of the past are closing! Next stop…. "Happy life"!

You should see your future wife in a girl, and if not... Then you shouldn’t keep someone else’s happiness near you...

If one day you don’t want to hear from anyone, call me - I promise to remain silent.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Be yourself. Other roles are already filled.

People always destroy what they love most.

No person deserves your tears, and the one who does will never make you cry.

Nature gives our pets so little time, and most of it they wait for us to return home...

I’m probably old-fashioned, since I value people’s true soul, and not the thickness of their wallet and their cheap show-offs...

When the sage was asked: “Is it worth spoiling children?”, He replied: “Be sure to spoil them, it is unknown what trials life has in store for them.”

And the Gods laughed all morning and evening... The phrase “Chance meeting” made them laugh...

Maternity leave is a time when a trip to the store is perceived as a “going out”, and a trip to the hairdresser is generally perceived as a “business trip to another city”...

There is a small town in my heart where the people who matter most to me live.

You seem to know everything about yourself! But no, there are people who know more about you.

Act while you still have time!

Everything will be as you dream, just wait... Remember that sugar is always at the bottom...

I so dream of returning to the day when I first met you... And passing by...

The best decoration in life is a good mood...

A man must remember that a woman is defenseless. She always needs a man's shoulder, care and confidence in him. Even if she looks strong.

Happiness is when there is someone to wish good morning, good night... and just knowing that they are waiting for you and you have something to hurry...

Our friends are pieces of our happiness.

A girl’s hands should tremble from the weight of a huge bouquet of flowers, and not from stress...

some leave without leaving a trace.
the surf of time erases the traces of others,
and someone leaves a scar in the soul,
and someone takes the very soul.

If after meeting a person you do not smile like an idiot, then this is not love.

There is no happiness without pain.
There is no truth without lies.

An inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where he is, but everyone knows how much it hurts.

The best couple is the one that begins with friendship...

Love is when you give a person freedom of choice, and he chooses you...

Don't be shy about your feelings and desires. There will be no other life for them.

Never return to those places where you felt bad. Never ask from those who once refused. And don’t let those who once hurt you get close anymore.

Some people are like the sea or the ocean. I want to live next to them. Others go to dirty puddles. You’re thinking about how to slip through more carefully...

A loving woman will forgive everything, but will not forget anything.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you...

The best revenge on a person is to prove that you can do without him.

There are a lot of problems with you. And without you there is only one: your absence.

Appreciate people who, under no circumstances, will look for a replacement for you.

Strong people are always a little rude, vulgar, like to be sarcastic and smile a lot.

The heart must be protected. And not only yours...

Learn to enjoy life, it will teach you to suffer itself...

Sometimes even smells can remind you of the past...

From some people they only get experience, but from others they get a whole life...

You can't regret anything in this life! It happened - draw a conclusion and move on with your life.

My Guardian Angel... I’m tired again... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing... Hold me tight so that I don’t fall... And if I stumble, You lift me up...

When you find yours, you don’t even want to look at someone else’s...

And God created a woman... The creature turned out to be harmful, but funny...

Sometimes you need to move forward, leaving people in the past, even those for whom you once lived...

The only one who cannot deceive or betray you is the cat. He simply doesn't need to.

Never cry because of the person who hurt you. Just smile and say, “Thank you for the opportunity to be happier with someone else.”

The winner has many friends, but only the loser has real friends.

Men! Never tell a woman: “Who else needs you?” She will very soon prove you wrong. And believe me, this will be the last thing she does for you.

A new life began unexpectedly. Not from Monday and not from New Year. It just started.

Glory to Russia, glory to Russia!
The red sun is above us again.

Rejoice, rejoice Russian people,
Here comes the second coming - Putin!
You will again take your rightful place,
somehow it was too crowded for you and Medvedev.
You shouldn’t have put Anatolych in the first place,
It would be better if he spat - he would sit down and rule.
We bless you for two new terms,
Or better yet, for life
our clear falcon!

Glory to Russia, glory to Russia!
Poison bubbled up in the “swamp”...

But you can’t blow away our Victory, you can’t write it off,
The rats are running off the ship like mice.
They will not accept our Truth and Faith,
It’s not a noble thing to row galleys!

People perked up at this moment -
V. Putin returned to the stage again.
And they shouted to the whole crowd:
Glory to Russia! Glory to Putin!

You have done much needed
quickly brought the governors back to normal.
Get out, he said, Liberals!
Get out of governments and TV channels!
You poured a lot of dirt on your homeland,
You are all Mossad and Stasi spies.
Soon people will whisper in their kitchens,
and about nothing - about Putin’s miracle!

Glory to Russia! Glory to Russia!
Whoever wins will rule!

21.07.2013 08:00:00

It's good when there are places you want to visit again and again. Maybe because they love and wait there. It would be nice for such a place to be home. But alas, this does not always happen. The typical behavior of many household members is such that as soon as some kind of conflict occurs or ripens, household privileges are immediately deprived. For example, they stop preparing food, greeting you at the door or stopping by after work to buy groceries, and denying you sex. And it doesn’t feel so good at home anymore, you no longer feel drawn to it, but in other directions - to stay late at work, to go see friends, and sometimes to the left too. This is how the home sometimes cools down because of some little thing. This is sad. We have to convey with all our might the fact that no matter how much you are in a quarrel or offended by your loved one, do not turn your home into a place of military conflicts. Home is a shelter where you always love and wait. Despite everything.

There are places where you want to return because it’s good! These are like energy sources of our inner strength and at the same time shedding spiritual ballast. For example, meeting friends in “our” cafe, or at the dacha, or somewhere else. When it’s fun and noisy, but maybe deep and important. Or maybe there’s only one person there. Sits on a bench and looks at the sunset. Digging through the car in the garage. He goes into the forest, turns into a snake and hisses - there are many options! And it’s also not worth depriving a person of such an energetic place. Even if there are attractive individuals of the opposite sex. It is so important to receive this mental recharge! Ideally, the family finds common sources of strength. I know a couple who always go out in the evening for decades. In almost any weather and even at night, if there was no time in the evening. It may not be long, but it is so important, pleasant and unifying.

At this very moment I myself am driving or am already in such a magical place where my wildest dreams come true. Not only is there no Internet here, but mobile communications are easily blown away by a light breeze. Just over there, on the shore, there is a small piece of land, which we call a “telephone booth,” where the connection is more or less stable. And she is not needed here. There are mountains (Ural), a river (Inzer) and a lot of things that allow you to escape from the bustle of the city, your own, and take a deep breath. I’ve been coming here for four years now to conduct psychological summer camps for adults. And he’s drawn here every year.

There are still places where you are drawn because something there is not completed, not finished. Maybe it’s disliked, maybe a rude word was said in vain (they say criminals are always drawn to the scene of the crime), maybe someone or something is expected. On the contrary, these are energy-intensive places. They usually take away vital energy, unless a person, of course, knows how to wait lightly and clearly. But this is very rare.

Where else would you like to return? To memorable places where something good happened and, as it were, keeps an imprint of it to this day. I come to Chernikovka, see my favorite birch tree, enter my children's entrance - and I feel at ease.

Surely you know other places and other reasons to return. And let them say that you cannot step into the same river twice, but the very opportunity to drink from the same river can be very important.

In the language of the average modern person there are quite a lot of words that are not prohibited by linguists, but irritate the ear. And more often than not, these words turn out to be truly illiterate, and the person who uses them, pronouncing them, also looks like that. So, let's deal with errors in oral speech.

The fact is that the expression “takes place” is grammatically incorrect. It was formed due to the unsuccessful addition of two bureaucratic expressions - “has to be” and “takes place.” To speak correctly, it is necessary to remove the word “to be.”

The Russian verb “is” is an analogue of the English to be. Its use in Russian looks like a bad translation from English. And although this word is practically not needed in the Russian language, it has quite a lot of fans. It is enough to compare “This school is the best in the city” and “This school is the best in the city” to understand that even without the awkward “is” the meaning is preserved, and the sentence looks much more humane.

Another common stamp that has enslaved our language comes from documents. But only now it can be found in almost every article, even in correspondence. “In this case” can be replaced with “in this case”, and “there was an error in this text” can be written “in this text there was an error”. It’s better to do without demonstrative words altogether: without them, written speech looks cleaner.

The word “concerning” exists in the Russian language, and its use is not prohibited. But this form is considered outdated and colloquial. Instead of “regarding” we use the phrase “as regards” or “regarding”.

“The subscriber is currently unavailable” is the first thing that comes to mind. If you are not an answering machine, it is better to avoid this expression. This word can easily be replaced by the adverb “now,” and clericalism has never embellished oral speech and texts.

The word “extreme” was traditionally used in the vocabulary of people whose profession involved risking their lives. Cosmonauts, pilots, climbers and submariners deliberately avoid the word “last”, fearing that the “last time” will not really be the last. They can be understood. But at some point, the word “extreme” began to be used by all and sundry. This is such a strange philological tendency.

So, how to be bored correctly? In Rosenthal's reference book you can find a remark that with nouns and third-person pronouns it is correct to say: miss someone/what. But in the first and second person it will be “missing someone”: us, you. But “to miss someone” or “to miss something” is impossible - there is no such phrase in the Russian language.

In Russian there is indeed a verb “resolve,” but it can only be used in the sense of “decide over a period of time.” For example, solve a problem and quit. But today, more and more often, the expression “let’s resolve this issue” is used to mean “resolve the issue.” It's wrong to say that. This is jargon, as in "tell me about him" meaning "tell me about him." In a cultural society it is not customary to use such phrases.

Another common speech error is “pay for travel.” You can pay for travel, but only pay for travel – prepositions are not allowed here, since according to the rule, a preposition is not needed for a transitive verb.

Perhaps everyone has heard” the awkward “take a seat” as an invitation to take a sitting position. For some reason, the word “sit down” is associated with the criminal world and prison. But the verb “sit down” has a specific lexical meaning - “to lower yourself on half-bent legs” or “to sit on something somewhere for a short time.” Therefore, the correct option is “please sit down.” And only so.

If you need to ask someone to borrow money, it is correct to say “can I borrow money from you?” or “lend me some money.” But you can’t ask someone else to “borrow” money for you, since “borrow” means borrowing. In other words, you definitely don’t owe anything to those who ask to “borrow money before payday.”

Today, the Internet has gone beyond the Internet, and not very literate girls have come to the Internet who use words with diminutive suffixes. “Little man”, “sadness”, “sweets”, “vinishko”, “dnyushechka” - at home, of course, it’s not forbidden to talk like that, but in a company or at work it’s not advisable. These words are beyond literary norms.

You'll definitely recognize them when you see them. It's arrogant people with an arrogant attitude towards others that can easily ruin your day, unless of course you are armed with one or more of these 9 answers.

For some reason, an arrogant person is sure that he is somehow superior to you, although, in fact, we are all equal people, and the difference between us is completely insignificant. How you react to these people when you encounter them can affect your mood. Your response to an arrogant person is a reflection of your integrity, your ability to stand up for yourself.

9 phrases that will put an arrogant person in his place

Arrogant people share personality traits with people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, used to diagnose psychological problems:

They believe that they are special and unique, so they can only be understood by people with a special or high status, with whom they should only communicate.

They require excessive admiration for their personality.

They are in an unreasonable belief that everything should happen exactly as they wish or assume.

They carry out interpersonal exploitation, that is, they use others to achieve their own goals.

They lack empathy: that is, they are unable to recognize or identify the feelings and needs of other people.

Show arrogance through arrogant behavior or attitude.

1. - What makes you think so?

This phrase is intended to help an arrogant person understand that he is in captivity of stereotypes, that he is simply generalizing everything, as a result of which he will stop speaking in such a way. We hope that such people can realize that they are saying bad things. And after this is pointed out to them, they will stop expressing such thoughts.

2. - Oh-oh-oh!

If they hurt someone's feelings, whether they are yours or someone else's, call it like you see it. We are talking about offensive expressions that are used by an arrogant person. And this exclamation will help them realize the harm they are causing.

3. - You know, my mother too...

An arrogant person is likely to identify groups of people based on race, sexual orientation, education received, etc., which allows him to express his negative stereotypes. The whole point is that by humiliating others, an arrogant person tries to elevate himself in comparison with them.

You can quickly stop negative talk by hinting that one of your loved ones is also part of the group that the arrogant person is trying to ridicule. In this way, you will let him know that such gossip is offensive to you personally and you are not going to put up with unfair slander. Most likely, after this the rude person will apologize, which will be the best way out of the situation for him.

4. - Do you know that there are other points of view?

You and everyone else have the right to your own opinion. But arrogant people should understand that their negative comments should not affect other people.

5. - Tell me again, why are you better than him?

Arrogant people think they are better than others. So ask them to explain why we should treat these other people differently. He can give quite interesting answers to this, but most likely he will just start squirming. And you will put him in a completely uncomfortable position if you say that he is not higher than other people.

6. - I would be grateful if these were the last words you said on this topic.

End this arrogant man's chatter as rudely as he started it. This phrase will put an end to his slander. But, again, an arrogant person, accustomed to hearing only himself. Therefore, you will have to say this in the most intelligible way for him.

7. - Shut up, finally.

The easiest way to end a conversation with an arrogant person is to simply walk away. And the best thing is if at the end you say some rather sharp phrase that will make him think. But it is quite possible that you will not be able to influence an arrogant person even in this way. They think too highly of themselves, despite all the evidence of their meanness.

8. - I'm sure you didn't mean for it to sound so arrogant, right?

This phrase conveys good intentions, even if you are not at all sure that the person is so inclined. This formulation actually gives the arrogant person a chance to correct himself, since he will be able to answer that he really did not mean to seem rude. She will also make it clear that you refuse to support his game of belittling others.

9 . “Do you realize how arrogant you look when you say things like that?”

Point out their arrogant behavior and let them know that you find it completely unacceptable. Psychologists who specialize in studying character say that modest people are not at all concerned with themselves, but arrogant people have an inflated opinion of themselves. Representatives of society with such a character are also characterized by manipulative actions towards other people.