Summary of a lesson on speech development letter m. – chalk – – – –

Open lesson on the subject: Teaching literacy

Subject : Sounds [M] , [M"] andletters M , m.

Goals : clarification of knowledge aboutsounds [M] , [M"]; exercise children in highlightingsounds [M] , [M"] in words and position definitionssounds in words ; acquaintance withletters M , m; learn to read reverse and forward syllables; continue to strengthen graphic skills; develop visual perception, phonemic hearing; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment : toys of Phil and Karkush, colored squares for making word patterns, toys - car, ball; tumblers (blue and green, drawings of a car and a ball, drawings forgames , card withletter , houses forletters , syllabic tables, typesetting, cash registerletters ; on everyone's tableset : mirror, signal cards, word diagram and colored squares forsound analysis , counting sticks, colored pencils, pencil, notebook.

Progress of the lesson:

I Organizational moment :

IN : Guys, today iswe have guests visiting us . Who is this?

Filya and Karkusha.

IN : Where did they come to us from?

From the program"GOOG night kids"

IN : Karkusha and Filya really want to work out with you today. Can?


IN : Then, come in, take your seats. And you guests, please take a seat. And we begin ourclass .

II. Repetition of what has been learned material :

IN : Guys, today we will continue our journey through a magical landsounds and letters , let's meet new onessounds and letters . Tell me what's differentletter from sound ?

+ The sounds we hear , we pronounce, but do not see, butwe see the letters , write, read.

IN : With somesounds and letters we have already met. Name them.

A, O, U, E, I.

IN : What are they?


IN : How are they pronounced?

IN : Look at the diagram of this word. From whichsounds it consists ?

From vowels.

IN : How many are there?


IN : Choose short words for this diagram.

Aw! Wow! Eeyore!

III. Learning new things material :

1) Introduction to the topic.

K.: Guys, can I tell you a riddle?

K.: He drinks gasoline like milk,

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You are familiar with her, of course. /car/

(a toy car is shown)

K.: Jump - jump, jump - jump,

The bun played out,

Ani jumps higher

Our cheerful...


IN : Guys, let's call these words again - guesses.

Car, ball.

IN : Name the firstthe sounds of these words . Mmmachine.

+ [M]

IN : Mmmball.

+ [M"]

IN : Yes, and exactly about thesesounds we will talk today.

2) Clarification of articulationsound .

IN : Take the mirrors, smile. Let's say it firstsound [M] (in chorus, individually) .

IN : And nowsound [M"] (in chorus, individually)

IN : What happens to our lips?

They first close and then open.

IN : Yes, but does the air come out freely?


IN : What's stopping him?


3) Characteristicssounds .

IN : What are they called?sounds , when pronouncing which something bothers us?


IN : Means,what are the sounds [M] and [M"] ?


IN : And we know that consonantssounds may be voiced or unvoiced. Let's determine what ourvoiced or unvoiced sounds . To do this, put your palm to your throat and saysounds [M] and [M"] . ... Do you feel the voice ringing?

IN : Meanswhat are the sounds [M] and [M"] ?


IN : Yes, and also consonantssounds can be soft and hard. Solidsounds What color do we use?


IN : What about soft ones?


IN : Look at our assistants Tumblers. What does the blue Tumbler have in his pocket?

Drawing with a car.

IN : Which one is first?sound in this word ?

+ [M]

IN : And since the blue Tumbler has a car, it meanssound [M] what ?

Solid and will be indicated in blue on the diagram.

IN : What about the green Tumbler, what is written on his pocket?


IN : Which one is first?sound ?

+ [M"]

IN : Is it hard or soft?

Soft and will be indicated in green on the diagram.

IN : So, let's summarize.Sounds , [M] and [M"] what?

Consonants, voiced, [M] - hard, indicated in blue, [M"] - soft, indicated in green.

4) Games for the development of phonemic awareness

F : And in order to remember all this better, I suggest playing a game"Hard, soft"

F : You have signal cards on your tables, one green and the other blue. I will name new wordssounds if you hear hardsound We pick up a blue card, if it’s soft, we pick up a green card.

F : Poppy, frost, broom, honey, milk.(showing pictures)

TO : And I want to play words with you. Name the vegetables withsounds M or M .

Carrot, tomato.

TO : Name fruits and berries with thesesounds .

Currant, tangerine, raspberry, lemon.

TO : Now name the spring months fromsound M .

March, May.

IN : And I know another game, it’s called"Where the sound lives

IN : You must determine the locationsound in a word , in the middle, at the end or at the beginning, and also determine whether it is hard or soft and indicate it in the diagram with its color.

(children take cards and colored squares)

IN : Mask, gnome, catfish, fly agaric, lemon, jellyfish.(showing pictures) .

5) Physical education minute.

IN : Now let's rest a little.(go out onto the mats)

Girls and boys will run in circles,

They bounce like balls. Then they will sit down and rest.

Hands clap, And let's jump again.

They stomp their feet. Well, there’s no way to stop them!

6) Getting to knowletters M m (capital and uppercase) .

IN : Guys, we were talking aboutsounds M and M . We heard them, pronounced them, and what to do to see them. What do we need for this?

+ Letter .

IN : IN : Yes, we needletter , which denotes thesesounds . Here she is.

Stick and stick,

There is a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone at once :

It turned outletter M .

IN : Look at her carefully. What does she look like?

IN : How many elements does it have?

IN : Make it out of sticks.

IN : Now let's write thisletter in the air .

IN : And we also need to settle thisletter to her apartment . Tell me, what house will she live in?

With a blue roof.

IN : That's right, because it's a consonantletter - it means two consonantssound . And since they are loud, the apartment will be on the left side, in the second entrance on the third floor.(Selim letter )

IN : Now open your notebooks and do the same for yourself. First we paint the roof of the house, and then we enterletter to her apartment .

+ (monitor posture and correct task completion, encouragement)

IN : Please note that this apartment will be shared by twosound , which are designated by oneletter .

7) Reading syllables according to the syllable table.

F : Guys, let's read the new syllablesletter .


Oh Oh



And And

(individually, in chorus)

IV. Work in a notebook.

IN : And now I suggest stretching our fingers.

(finger gymnastics)

IN : Well done. Look again how it's writtenletter M . (show on the board) And now we write one line at a time in capital and lowercaseletters M .

V.Sound-letter analysis .

IN : Guys, tell me, what do you think is the favorite word for all children in the world?


IN : Let's take this word apart and make a diagram of it, and then read it.

(drawing up a word diagram, signing itletters from the box of letters (at the blackboard)

IN : Now come up with beautiful sentences with this word.


VI. Bottom line. Generalization.

F : Well done guys, thank you all very much. We really enjoyed your stay. But it’s time for us to say goodbye to you and hurry to film a new program"GOOG night kids" . And we will definitely come to you again. Goodbye!


IN : Here's oursthe lesson has come to an end , tell me which oneswe met through sounds ?


What are they?


IN : Whichthe letters represent these sounds ?


IN : Well done!

Literacy preparation lesson notes. Topic: “Sound and letter N. Visiting a rhinoceros”


1. Teach children to hear the sound N in words.

2. Teach children to characterize the sound N using a reference diagram.

3. Strengthen the skill of phonemic analysis of the reverse syllable.

4. Develop phonemic awareness.

5. Strengthen the visual image of the letter N.

6. Practice agreeing the possessive pronouns mine, mine, mine with nouns.

7. Develop voluntary attention, visual, auditory, tactile perception

8. Develop thinking, constructive praxis, orientation on a sheet of paper, fine motor skills.


Rhinoceros picture, subject pictures for a flannelgraph, the names of which have the sound N and those whose names do not have this sound, flannelgraph, a diagram for characterizing sounds, a diagram for differentiating the concepts of sound-letter, forms for the game “Tic-Tac-Toe”, simple pencils, counting sticks, strips for laying out sound patterns, chips for laying out patterns, plastic letters, “Wonderful bag”, arrows of different colors, sound rulers, boats.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment .

- A guest came to our lesson. Who is this? (rhinoceros) He found out that the kids in kindergarten could tell him about his favorite sound.

2. Isolating a sound from the beginning of a word, characterizing the sound according to the diagram.

- What is the first sound heard in the word rhinoceros? Let's tell the rhinoceros everything we know about the sound N (characteristics of sound according to the diagram).

3. Development of phonemic perception, the ability to hear the sound N in words, development of orientation on a sheet of paper.

- Rhinoceros has prepared a game for you, it’s called “tic-tac-toe.” I will name words, if the word has the sound N, we put a cross, if not, we put a zero (they work with a simple pencil).

- How many words with the sound N did I name? How can this be determined (count the crosses). Let's remember what words with the sound N I named.

4. Physical exercise.

5. Sound analysis of the word OH based on the sound diagram.

- Guys, the rhinoceros heard that you know how to spell out some words with chips, let's teach him too. Let's lay out the diagram of the word OH in squares.

Questions for children (individual)

- How many sounds are in the word OH? Name it.

- How many vowel sounds are in the word OH? Name it.

- How many consonant sounds are in the word OH? Name it.

- What sound is at the beginning of the word OH?

- What sound is at the end of the word OH?

6. Development of phonemic representations.

- Let's give our guest gifts (pictures for a flannelograph), but we will give only those whose names contain the sound N.

7. Agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns.

- Our rhinoceros liked the gifts and he says: “These are my socks,” etc. Let’s teach the rhinoceros to speak correctly. How should I say it? (my socks, etc.).

8. Development of auditory attention, highlighting the first and last sound in sound combinations.

- It’s time for the Rhino to move on to the land of sounds and letters. Do you want to go with him? He will take with him only the most attentive. I need to show on the sound line how many sounds I will make (ANU, NAO, etc.). What's the first sound? What's the last sound?

9. Differentiation of sound-letter concepts. Rhinoceros decided to first go to the letters to find his favorite letter N. What is the difference between sounds and letters? (according to the reference diagram).

10. Consolidating the visual image of the letter N.

- Spin and spin and find yourself in a sound-letter land!

- we will travel along the arrows. First, let's follow the purple arrow. Which way is she pointing (to the right). And here is our letter N, it is denoted by the sound N. What does the letter N look like? Let's stand in pairs and draw the letter H. How many sticks will be needed to lay out the letter H (lay out from sticks).

11. Development of tactile perception, fine motor skills.

Let's go further. Now let's follow the orange arrow. Where is she pointing? (left)

- Oh, what kind of bag is this? There are letters in it. It turns out that you need to find the letters N in it by touch.

- Now let’s trace these letters with a pencil (circle). Let's turn them into sailors, put vests on them (shading).

12. Reading forward and backward syllables. Let's go together with the sailor letters across the sea on boats. The ships sail past the islands (the letters A, O, U are on the islands). Children read the syllables (NA, AN, NO, OH, NU, UN, depending on where the boat landed).

13. Summarizing.

- Rhino really enjoyed traveling with you. Now it's time to go back to kindergarten.

- What have you learned? What did you like? What were the difficulties?

Dear readers, if you are interested in this activity, write in the comments and I will post a photo of the visual material.

Lesson topic: “Introduction to the number zero and its corresponding digit”

Goals: 1. Create conditions for the formation of students’ ideas about the number zero as the absence of objects of recalculation, introduce them to the corresponding number and develop the ability to write the number zero. Strengthen students' ability to establish relationships between numbers and write inequalities, write the numbers they have studied.

2. Create conditions for the development of observation, attention, mathematical speech, and mental operations in students.

3. Contribute to the development of friendly relationships, mutual understanding, and the ability to work with each other; nurturing interest in the subject.

Equipment: drawing of the starry sky, stars, posters with a motto and a learning task, a sample of writing the number 0, cards with inequalities, cards with numbers, handouts - cards with images of animals, cut numbers, typesetting canvas, drawings of the sun and the sun with a cloud, cards with children's names, fans with numbers from 0 to 10.

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Organizing time.

ΙΙ. Emotional mood.

- Today in class, “Happy Counting” we will make a fabulous space journey.

Distant stars are burning in the sky,

They invite smart guys to visit.

It won’t take long for us to get ready for the journey -

And now we are ready to fly.

- We will all become astronauts. Let us repeat after me in chorus the words that will become the motto of our lesson-journey.

Do you want to become an astronaut?

Must know a lot!

- During the flight, you will master new knowledge, and a new star will light up in the sky every time.

ΙΙΙ. Updating of background knowledge and problem statement.

(On the children’s desks are sheets of animals (a bird, a bumblebee, a dragonfly, a mouse), cards with the numbers 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, and a blank card.)

- These animals are asking for help. What did you notice? (Children's statements.)

- I suggest working in pairs. Determine how many wings each animal has and place the correct card next to it. If you find it difficult to choose a number, put down a blank card. (Work in pairs.)

(Check using fans.)

- Well done, you helped the animals. We light a star.

- What did you notice while completing this task?

- What can you say about the number of wings a mouse has?

- Yes, the mouse has no wings. Can you write this down using a number?

- Do you know this number?

- What educational task will you set for the travel lesson? (Get acquainted with the new number.)

- Well done, we are opening another star.

(I attach a star to the starry sky.)

ΙV. Learning new material.

- Your thoughts,

- What number will help us indicate the number of wings a mouse has?

- Who thinks differently?

- The number zero is written as 0.

(I show an example of writing the number 0.)

- Guys, what does the number 0 look like? (Children's statements.)

A number like the letter O -

This is zero or nothing.

The round zero is so pretty

But it doesn’t mean anything!

(- I can comment. On the right side of the cell, slightly below the upper corner, we begin to write an oval, which falls to the middle of the bottom side of the cell. Then again we move upward in a rounded manner to the beginning of the oval.)

Children write numbers in a printed notebook.

- I suggest highlighting the most beautiful number, showing it to the teacher and your desk neighbor.

- Amazing! Another bright star lights up on our way.

(I attach a star to the starry sky.)

V. Physical exercise.

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

Bend lower to the right (4 tilts),

Bend to the left too (4 tilts).

Spun around, twirled around

And everyone sat down.

We close our eyes tightly,

We count to five together.

Let's open it. Let's blink

And we start counting.

VΙ. Reinforcing the material learned .

-Listen to the riddle:

I, friends, am not evil at all.

A stranger comes to a stranger’s house and I bark.

Tricky? Bully?

No! Regular... (Dog)

-Who will we take with us on the flight? (Dog.)

- A dog is man's friend. Dogs flew into space before the first human flight. What were the names of these dogs? (Belka and Strelka.)

1.Now let’s see how quickly you can count .

Clap as many times as the dog:

ears; (2)

paws; (4)

tails; (1)

horns (not at all)

- What number will we use to indicate the number of horns on a dog? (Zero)

2. Comparison of numbers.

5*0 0*0 0*3

0*2 4*0 6*0

- Another bright star lights up in the sky. The astronauts can rest a little.

(I attach a star to the starry sky.)

3. Attention distribution task: Find the number.

- Various surprises can happen in space. Imagine that our rocket collided with some kind of cosmic body. She swayed so much that the merry

clowns, all the numbers scattered and got lost. Help the clowns find the hidden numbers.

- What numbers are hidden?

(Children name, I put numbers on the typesetting canvas: 1, 3, 0, 6, 4, 9, 5.)

- I propose to put them in ascending order.

(The student displays it on the typesetting canvas.)

- Did you manage? Well done! Another star has lit up in the sky! All numbers are in place. The problem has been fixed.

Congratulate everyone! The journey to the Sun is over. Look what a beautiful sky we have, how many stars lit up on our way. This means that you have gained so much new knowledge.

VΙ Summary of the lesson.

- What number and what figure did you get acquainted with in class?

- How many objects does the number 0 represent?

VΙ Encouraging children.

- Thanks to all participants in our flight! For excellent work in class, each of you receives a star.


"Wild Animals of Our Forests"


    teach children to answer questions, solve riddles, develop dialogical speech;

    teach children to use adjectives in speech, to correlate words denoting the names of animals with the names of their cubs;

    strengthen the articulatory apparatus, practice the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound “s” and work on intonation expressiveness of speech, teach children to clearly pronounce words and individual phrases.

Progress of the lesson:

Speech gymnastics:

Su-su-su, su-su-su,

We saw a squirrel in the forest.

We pronounce the clear phrase with different voice strengths (quiet  louder  loud):

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa,

Here the fox is running.

The children pronounce the pure phrase first all together, then individually with different intonations (surprised, scared, joyful).

When working with pure tongues, I pay attention to the clear pronunciation of sounds.

- Who were we talking about now? (About the squirrel and the fox.)Are these animals wild or domestic? (Wild.)Why do we call them wild? (Because they live in the forest.)What else do animals live in the forest? (Children's answers.)

Didactic game “Who lives in the forest?”

The teacher asks riddles. The game uses pictures of wild animals and a flannelgraph.

Who is cold in winter

Walking around angry and hungry? (Wolf.)

A “wolf” appears on the flannelgraph.

- What kind of wolf? (Gray, shaggy, big... wild.)

- What is the name of his house? (Lair.)

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In the forest on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel.)

- What kind of squirrel? (Red, fluffy, small....) Next to the wolf I put a squirrel on the flannelgraph.

- What is the name of the house where the squirrel lives? (Hollow.)

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

And in the village he steals chickens. (Fox.)

A fox appears on the flannelgraph.

    Lisa, which one? (Red-haired, fluffy, cunning.)

    What is the name of the fox's house? (Nora.)

A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots. (Hare.)

A hare appears on the flannelgraph.

- Tell me which hare? (Small, cowardly, gray in summer and white in winter...)

- What is the name of the hare's house? Does he have a home? (The hare brings out her cubs in a nest in the tall grass. When the bunny grows up, the whole forest becomes its home.)

In summer he walks without a road

Near pine and birch trees.

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost. (Bear.)

A bear appeared on the flannelgraph next to other animals.

- Tell me about the bear. What bear? (Big, shaggy, club-footed....)

- What is the name of the bear's house? (In winter - the den, in summer - the whole forest.)

Word game “Say a word”

- It's cold in the forest in winter, and hot in summer. In summer, all the animals are looking for somewhere to drink water. Animals with their cubs rush to the watering hole (the teacher reads a poem, the children, finishing the phrases, name the cubs of wild animals). Pictures depicting wild animals and their cubs are used.

On a hot day along a forest path

The animals went to water.

The wolf was following the mother... Who? (Wolf cub.)

Sneaking after the mother fox... Who? (Little fox.)

The hedgehog was following his mother... Who? (Hedgehog.)

He was following the mother bear... Who? (Teddy bear.)

Jumped after the mother squirrel... Who? (Little squirrel.)

Jumped after the mother hare... Who? (Little bunny.)

Children display wild animals and their babies on a flannelgraph.

All the guys are great!

We will clap for you all

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's wave our hands,

We will dance together with you.

Children dance freely to musical accompaniment.

Lesson summary on fiction

Educational region : Communication.

Sections : Fiction.

Subject : Memorizing a poem by Muzafar Alimbaev

"Leaves Are Falling" .

Target : To enrich children’s ideas about the poets of Kazakhstan, to teach them to express a sad mood when reading a poem, to capture the musicality, sonority, and rhythm of poetic speech. Introduce and teach children to memorize the content of a poem according to the scheme, develop memory, thinking, and imagination.

Material to occupation. A box with a crystal key, a portrait of M. Alimbayev, a color illustration about autumn, a diagram of the content of the poem, a didactic game “When does this happen?”

Vocabulary work. Ocher.

Bilingual component :kz, yryek, azan, arasha, zhapratar, aash.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part

1. Playing with a magic box.

The teacher contributes to group magic box.

Tells the children that the queen Literatures Gave the children a magic box. That today she wants to introduce children to something new a work of art.

But in order for the box to open, you need to solve riddles.

The teacher makes riddles about natural phenomena.

(children guess riddles)

I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me!


He came and filled the tubs.

I diligently watered the beds.

He washed the windows noisily.

I danced on the porch.

Wandered around on the roof to my heart's content

And went through the puddles into the field


Knocking loudly

Screams loudly

And what does he say -

No one can understand

And the wise man will not know.


Rooted into the ground for a minute

Multi-colored miracle bridge.

The miracle master made

The bridge is high without railings.


Walking in the field, but not a horse.

It flies freely, but is not a bird.


The teacher praises the children for good answers and draws attention to what is in the box

Something clicked - it was the box opening.

“And in the box, guys, there is a magic crystal key.

Which today will reveal a new work to us, but for this we will now all say the magic words together”:

(children say magic words)

"Crystal key"

We love poetry

The poet composed them -

Find it!”

The teacher opens the magic book with the help of a key and magic words.

“Guys, today the magic book wants to introduce us to the poets

Muzofaram Alimbayev.

2. Look, queen Literatures sent you a portrait of the poet, she wants you to remember the poet and recognize him.

Poet Muzofar Alimbayev is a very talented and respected poet. He is one of the authors of our main song - the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He wrote a lot of beautiful poems about the Motherland, about nature, for children.

Composers write music based on the words of his poems.

Today our magic book "Droplet" I prepared a poem for us about autumn.

What can you guys tell us about autumn?

- What autumn months do you know?

Who can tell me what autumn is in Kazakh? (kz)

What are the months of autumn in Kazakh? (yryek, azan, arasha)

What is the mood of autumn in our city today?

What poems about autumn do you remember?

What kind of dress do trees have in autumn?

Tell me what is the Kazakh word for tree, leaves? (aash, zhapratar)

Guys, we're tired. Come out and stand in a circle, physical minute "Aashtar"

Terbeledi, aashtar

Aldymnan zhel esedi

Kip-kishkentai, aashtar

lken bolyp sedi

The teacher draws the children's attention to an illustration depicting autumn.

“Guys, look at the illustration and describe her :

What is shown in the picture?

What's the sun like in autumn? (not bright, does not heat much) .

What happened to the sun? (the sun is less in the sky)

Why did it become worse at heating?

What kind of rain happens in the fall?

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Why do the leaves fly off?

What can autumn leaves be compared to? (with gold coins) .

What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall? (leaf fall)

Guys, today we will get acquainted with a poem by Muzafar Alimbaev

"Leaves Are Falling" ", in the poem he talks about all the natural phenomena that occur in the fall."

3. Working with a poem.

The teacher reads a poem.

(children listen carefully to the teacher)

The rain just wants to be angry

Leaves are falling. They sparkle.

It can be seen that the yellow leaves

They want to go back to the branches

Autumn. Dreary and wet

So it goes day after day

Bright, yellow ocher

Shines with cold fire.

Then the teacher conducts a short conversation on the content of the poem.

What was the poet's mood when he wrote this poem?

What is the tone of the poem?

In what voice and at what tempo should this work be read?

The teacher introduces children to a new technique for memorizing a poem according to the scheme

(you can create your own diagram together with the children) .

Working with the diagram. Reading in chorus according to the symbolism depicted - 2-3 times.

Then individual reading in parts and at the end reading of the whole text.

Didactic game “when does this happen?”

Final part.

Summing up classes. Encouraging active children. Closing the book with a crystal key.


Consolidating the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds [M], [M’].

Introduce the letter M.


Correctional and educational:

Reinforce the skill:

- determine the position of a sound in a word;

Analysis and synthesis of the word “mother”;

Find a given sound in words,

Differentiate between hardness and softness of sound,

Strengthen the connection between the sound image and the visual (graphic);

Improve the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Clarify the articulation of sounds [M], [M’];

Agree nouns with possessive pronouns my, mine, mine, mine.

Corrective and developmental:


Auditory memory, attention, perception;

Ability to concentrate;

Auditory-speech memory, phonemic perception, facial expressions, prosodic components of speech (rhythm, stress, intonation expressiveness);

Speech breathing.

Identify a plant by smell.

Correctional and educational:

Bring up:

Ability to work in microgroups and groups;

Desire to help each other;

Interest in playing with sounds.

Vocabulary work: poet, letterer.

Preliminary work: Facial massage, watching and talking about the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, playing “Make a Picture”, learning physical education lessons, massage with a large bead

GCD integration:“Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Physical development”, “Safety”, “Health”.


Heroes of the animated series Masha and Misha, crocodile, letter reader;

6 envelopes with one part from the whole painting;

Two daisies with green and blue centers, petals with object pictures in the name of which there are sounds [M], [M’];

- “magic” beads;

Bags with the aroma of lemon and fir;

Cash registers;

Sheets with letters M that are missing some elements;

Basket for chips;

Chips for reflection;

Raspberry jam.

GCD move.

Organizing time.

A) – Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet “Good morning.”

Good morning! I'm glad to see you! Let's warm up our palms, greet each other with our palms.

Face massage.

Performing massage together with a speech therapist

The sun woke up stroking movements

The forehead was touched

Spent rays of light

And it stroked, and stroked.

B) Listen carefully to the riddle and guess who will come to visit us today.

An animated series about a girl who gives no rest to anyone, and first of all, to her own friend. All the living creatures in the house are afraid of her! You might think that she is a real hooligan. However, she is driven not by a simple desire to do something, but by ordinary curiosity. And if it turns into something unpleasant, the girl always tries to improve the situation. She made jam and cured the wolves. The girl's friend in the cartoon is also kind. Instead of eating or scaring the girl, he tolerates her every day.

Masha and the Bear from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

Masha comes up with different games every day. So today she wants to play with you.

Masha and Misha brought envelopes, the envelopes contain part of the whole picture, in order to collect the picture you need to unite in groups of three people.

Take each envelope for yourself, look at the picture on the envelope, go to the table on which the same picture is located.

Children unite in microgroups and assemble whole pictures from three parts.

Each microgroup shows and pronounces the name of its subject in chorus.

With all the children we determine which identical sounds are repeated in words.

III. Post topic GCD.

Have you guessed what sounds Masha and Misha are offering to play with today?

(With sounds [M], [M’]).

Children give a description of the sounds “M”, “M” based on the questions of the speech therapist and the demonstration material “House of Consonant Voiced Sounds” and the table “Characteristics of Sounds”:

Is the sound “M” a consonant or a vowel? Why?

Is the sound “M” voiced or unvoiced? Why?

Is the “M” sound hard or soft?

What color chip represents the sound “M”?

Is the sound “M” a consonant or a vowel? Why?

Is the sound “M” voiced or unvoiced? Why?

Is the sound “M” hard or soft?

What color chip do we use to indicate the sound “M”?

V. Game No. 2. "Poets"

Masha really likes to write simple sayings and wants to play poets with you.

Do you know who poets are? Poets write poetry.

For example: MA-MA-MA - I’m at home myself.

I pronounce the syllable and the last word of the pure phrase, and you compose the entire pure phrase.

ma - ma - ma - winter will come to us soon

mu - mu - mu - milk to whom


mo - mo - mo - we love popsicles

mi-mi-mi - take us into the game

VI. Game No. 3 “Daisies for Masha and Misha”

Next game, we need to collect daisies. One chamomile has a green center, the other has a blue center. Children take petals.

Assignment: Look carefully at your object, determine what sound is heard in the word “M” or “M” and place the petal to the corresponding middle.

The first team must make a flower with a blue center (from the petals, choose those in the name that have a hard sound “M”).

The second team must make a flower with a green center (from the petals, choose those in the names that have the hard sound “Mm”).

Name the object, determine the position of the sound in the word.

VII. Physical exercise.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We stomp our feet:

Top - top - top.

We give up:

Clap - clap - clap.

We'll spread our hands

Let's all go in circles.

VIII. Game No. 4 “Let’s teach Masha and Misha to speak correctly.”

Mastering the pronouns MY, MY, MY, MY.

One day Masha came to visit Misha, he decided to treat her with honey and said:

Drink tea with honey.

What did Misha say correctly?

Misha doesn't know how to play with words, let's teach him!

Look at your item and think about how you can say MY, MY, MY, MY about it.

Sample: My furniture.

Working with individual pictures.


Masha and Misha, no matter how sick they are, drink tea with honey. And I also know a magical remedy that you should definitely drink tea with - lemon.

There are magic bags on the tray. Take each bag for yourself, and we will determine (using our noses) where the lemon is.

We will give magic bags with lemon to Masha and Misha.

I suggest sitting down at the tables and listening to the story that happened to Masha.

One day Masha went fishing and caught a fish. Suddenly a crocodile came out of the river and said: “Masha, I will eat you.” Masha was frightened and wanted to shout: “Mom!”, but from fright she mixed up everything and shouted “Am-am.” The crocodile heard and was also scared. At first he wanted to shout “Am-am,” but out of fear he also mixed everything up and he managed to say “Mom.”

So they stood and talked. Masha said “Am-am”, and the crocodile said “mother”.

B)Manipulations with letters.

How did Masha scream? "Am - am."

Lay out these two syllables from the letters of the split alphabet.

How did the Crocodile scream? "Mother".

Rearrange the letters to make the word "mother".

How many syllables are there in MAMA?

How many vowel sounds?

How many consonants are there?

Let's label each sound with sound chips.

I roll circles with a bead,

I drive it back and forth.

I'll stroke her palm

And then I’ll squeeze it a little.

While Masha and Misha were making jam, the evil Bukvoezhka ate the elements of the letter “M” and the letter broke. Help Masha - fix her, please.

Remember how many elements a letter consists of.

Well done, you coped with all the games of our guests. If during the game it was easy for you, give Masha and Misha a gnome, and if it’s difficult - Luntik and tell me what you found difficult (chips in the basket).

A surprise from our guests - real raspberry jam!

List of references and addresses of Internet resources:

1. Nishcheva N.V.. Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the preparatory school group of the kindergarten for children with ODD.

2. Zhurova L.E., N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya“Teaching preschool children to read and write”
3.A.V.Nikitina"33 lexical topics"
4. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina“Elimination of OHP in preschool children”
5.E.V. Borodina“The use of modeling and symbolism in preparing preschoolers to learn literacy in a kindergarten setting”


Company Olesya
Literacy lesson “Sounds [M], [M’]. Letter M"

Subject: Sounds of M, M. Letter M.

Goals: Introduce children to M sounds, My, s letter M.


Correctional educational:

Children's ability to characterize M sounds, My

Consolidating children's knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs;

Correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic hearing and perception in children

Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills

Expansion and refinement of the active dictionary

Correctional and educational:

Developing self-control of speech in children

Equipment: albums by literacy; pencils; kits for drawing up diagrams; poster with the image of pets; pictures that have a title M sound, Мь; counting sticks; toy bear with a backpack on his back and marmalade.

Progress of the lesson:

1 Organizational moment

Guys today lesson we have a guest, but to find out who, you need to guess riddle:

He's furry, he's big,

He sleeps in a den in winter,

In summer he chews berries,

Takes wild honey from bees,

Can roar menacingly

The clubfooted beast…. (bear)

Our bear came to learn from you how to write and read, because he will also go to school next year.

2 Consolidation of what has been learned material:

Today, together with Teddy Bear, we will continue our journey through the magical land sounds and letters, let's meet new ones sounds and letters. Tell me what's different letter from sound? (sounds we hear and pronounce, and we see the letters, write, read).

With some sounds and letters We have already met, list the AUIYO - what are they? (vowels); PTKH (consonants). What is the difference between a consonant vowel sound? (when pronouncing consonants sounds the air meets an obstacle, and when pronouncing vowels sounds the air comes out freely and you can sing them).

A game "Guess sound by articulation» - U A O I Y

3 Topic message classes

Mishka has riddles in his scratchy paws, and he asked me to guess their:

Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far

Carries goods and people

Of course you know her (car)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

The bun played out,

Ani jumps higher

Our cheerful... (ball)

Let's call these guess words again and highlight the first ones sounds in every word.

The car is M, the ball is M. Exactly with these we'll get to know each other through sounds. These are the names of the older and younger brother, and their last name is EM. When pronouncing these sounds Does the air come out freely or does it encounter an obstruction? (with an obstacle, our lips are in the way). So this one consonant sound may be hard (blue) and soft (green). And also consonants sounds can be voiced and unvoiced, check and tell us which one it is sound? (voiced).

4 Communication letters and sounds:

Stick and wand

There is a tick between them

And it’s clear to everyone at once

It turned out letter M.

Count how many elements are in this letter? (4)

Laying out letters made from counting sticks:

And there is another poem about this letter, stand in pairs, holding hands, facing forward.

Holding hands we stood up

And they began to look like M.

You have three funny men on the tables, you need to use them to lay out syllables: WE - we-we-we are catfish swimming in the river, MO-mo-mo-mo - Masha ate a popsicle, MI - mi-mi-mi the bird flaps its wings.

Get ready to work in albums, do not forget about correct posture.

5 Work in albums by literacy education O. S. Gomzyak

We open the albums on page 22. Masha and Misha came to visit your page; it’s their birthday, they need to give gifts, take blue and green pencils, we will draw paths to gifts for Masha with a blue pencil, and for Misha with a green pencil.

6 Fizminutka

We walk on our toes

And then on your heels

We look like guys

And like a clumsy bear.

7 Game to develop phonemic awareness "Hard, soft"

You have signal cards on your tables, I will say the words if you hear a soft sound you will raise the green man, the solid one will raise the blue man.

M-cars, feeder, smoke, bags, plane, ants

M – chalk, tomato, comets, mill.

8 Sound-letter analysis:

Guys, tell me, what is the favorite word for all children and people in the world? MOTHER

How many syllables does this word have? sounds M A M A let's print this word using two blue pencils (consonant sound) and red (vowel sound) .

Finger gymnastics:

The horned goat is coming,

There's a butted goat coming.

The little goat runs after her,

The bell rings.

After all, not only people have mothers, animals also have mothers, look at the poster, list the baby and name its mother. Guide the mother to her baby in your albums.

9 Summary classes:

With which sounds did we meet today? Describe these sounds.

Well done guys, you did a really good job. Oh, it seems to me that the bear has moved, he is probably very pleased with you and has prepared something for you, come here Misha and look at what is in the bear’s backpack. (marmalade). Thank you Mishutka, how delicious and sweet it is letter M, guys, let's try your marmalade!

Literacy lesson notes

in the preparatory school group

"Sound and letter M"

Objectives: 1. Educational: Teach children to identify the first consonant sound in a word; introduce the letter M; consolidate the skills of sound analysis, drawing up the sound diagram of a word; consolidate the ability to restore a deformed sentence.

2. Developmental: Development of phonemic hearing and auditory-verbal memory; development of logical thinking, attention, memory.

3. Educational: cultivate a friendly and respectful attitude towards your family members.

Equipment: paintings “House”, pictures: ball, mouse, raspberry, flour, bear, smoke, car; sound houses; letters M, split alphabet; blue and red circles to indicate sounds; cards with syllables and words: am, om, um, ma, mo, mu, mom.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Good morning. Look how many guests came to us, say hello to them.

Now stand in a circle. I have a magic ball in my hands, it gives everyone who holds it in their hands a good mood. We will pass it around and wish each other good morning.

II. Report the topic of the lesson. Q: Guys, today we will continue our journey through the magical land of sounds and letters, we will get acquainted with new sounds and letters. Tell me, what is the difference between a letter and a sound?

We hear and pronounce sounds, but we do not see them, but we see, write, and read letters.

Q: We have already become familiar with some sounds and letters. Name them.

A, O, U, I.

Q: What are they?


Q: How are they pronounced? +Free, easy, with voice.

Q: Look at the diagram of this word. What sounds does it consist of? + From vowels.

Q: How many are there? + Two.

Q: Choose short words for this diagram. Aw! Wow! Eeyore!

Q: What are the names of sounds when something interferes with us when pronouncing them? + consonants.

What is this? (the painting “Home” is exhibited)

What was the last sound you heard in this word?

Today we will study the sound and letter “M”

Yes, we need a letter that represents these sounds. Here she is.

A stick and a stick, with a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone right away: the result is the letter M.

Holding hands we stood up

And they began to look like M. Do guys look like the letter M?

Q: Look at her carefully. What does she look like? Q: How many elements does it have? Q: Now let's write this letter in the air.

III. Characteristics of sound by articulatory and acoustic characteristics. When pronouncing the sound [m], the lips are closed, there is an obstacle in the path of the air stream, the air stream seems to tear the lips.

What sound is this? (consonant)

And I want to play word games with you. Name vegetables with the sound M (carrot, tomato).

Name fruits and berries with this sound (currant, tangerine, raspberry, lemon).

Now name the spring months with the sound M (March, May).

Q: I know another game, it’s called “Where does sound live? »

Q: You must determine the place of the sound in the word, in the middle, at the end or at the beginning.

B: Mask, gnome, catfish, fly agaric, lemon, jellyfish. (showing pictures).

Physical education moment.

Sound-letter analysis.

Q: Guys, tell me, what do you think is the favorite word for all children in the world?


Q: Let's analyze this word and make a diagram of it, and then read it.

(drawing up a word diagram).

IN: - What affectionate name do children call their mother? (Mommy, mummy, mummy, beloved, dear)

IV. Development of phonemic hearing.

Now we will play the game “Who is attentive?

- (the girl's name, invented by the children) is learning to say words, but misses sounds. Let's help her: .alina, .ukha, .edved, dy., .ashina, do..

Children determine the location of the sound m

Speaking in chorus, in subgroups, individually

VI. Physical education minute.

VII. Development of visual attention and memory.

Maya and Mitya love to play the game “What’s missing?” You and I will play it too.

Toys are on display: a car, a mosaic, a pyramid, a nesting doll.

Remember where the toys are. Close your eyes.

The toys are rearranged.

Now open your eyes. What changed? (The toys have been rearranged. Previously, the nesting doll stood between the car and the pyramid, but now it stands...).

VIII. Development of phonemic representations.

The whole family is going on vacation to the sea. What will they drive? (by car). Will they fly? (by plane). What is the first sound in the word "car"? Where did you hear the sound [m] in the word “airplane”?

What did they take with them? Name only those objects whose names contain the sounds [m].

IX. Restoring deformed sentences.

Mom suggested Mitya make sentences. Listen to what he did:

“Mom, wash Mitya.”

“There are poppies blooming near the house.”

“Dima wash his hands with soap.”

Let’s help Mitya compose these sentences correctly.

Finding the letter M in the box of letters

Find the letter that represents the sounds [m]. Paint it over.

XI. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did you encounter today?

What else did you learn during the lesson?

What was difficult for you in the lesson?

Thanks everyone for your work.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the senior group Sound “M”, letter “M”

Program content:

1. Develop the skill of clearly pronouncing the sound “m”.

2. Form the concept of “consonant sound”.

3. Develop auditory attention.

4. Introduce the letter “M”.

5. Develop fine motor skills, visual attention, memory, thinking.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

White snow lies all around

Snowflakes are falling

Oh! Frost is behind the tree

Sit down, children, hide your nose.

Guys! Do you like to solve riddles?

It's getting cold

The water turned to ice.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? That's right, guys, this happens in winter.

2. Main part:

Game “What do the words have in common?”

Fly – soap – raspberry – skein 3 – 4 chain options

Let's remember what sounds are? (This is what we hear and say).

Let's pronounce the sounds [m], [m].

How did we pronounce these sounds?

Articulation of sounds (position of lips, teeth, tongue, passage of air, voice).

Let us denote the sound [m] with a sound circle.

We denote the sound [m] with a sound circle.

We put our finger on the blue circle – we “revitalized” this sound, now on the green circle – we “revitalized” it.

Characteristics of sounds by acoustic characteristics.

Guys, what can we tell you about these sounds?

The sound [m] is a consonant, hard, sonorous, denoted in blue.

The sound [m] is a consonant, soft, voiced, denoted in green.

How are these sounds different?

How are they similar?

Guys, how is a sound different from a letter? That's right, we hear and pronounce the sound, but we write and see the letter.

Listen to the syllables and

Repeat after me

I sewed the dress myself


It just went into the closet


I don't understand anything


Maybe I'm dreaming


No, it's hanging, look


Game “Sit down when you hear the sound [m]” p, n, m, k, l, m, pa, na, ma, po, mo, mi.

Ball game “call it affectionately” (finch, tit, pigeon, sparrow, starling, crow, swallow)

Game “Stone and Cotton Wool” (Sea, world, monkey, ant, subway, bowl, March, car, soap)

Introducing the letter m.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know that the sounds [m], [m"] are denoted by one letter?

Children: No.

Speech therapist: They are denoted by the letter m (I show it on the board: m).

Speech therapist: Guys, how many elements does the letter M consist of?

Children: The letter M consists of 4 sticks.

Speech therapist: What size are the sticks?

Children: Two long and one short.

Speech therapist: Take the sticks and lay out the letter M. (Children lay out the letter).

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What new sounds and letters did we meet?

Children: We got acquainted with the sounds [m], [m"] and the letter M.