Summary of a pre-school preparation lesson on the topic. Outline on the topic: Lesson summary in kindergarten

Topic: Getting to know each other.
Tasks: organize children’s acquaintance with each other and with the teacher; in a joint
discussion to develop a school rule “Raised hand” for taking turns
Equipment: “Raised hand” sign; personalized medals for each child, soft
a toy as a supposed symbol of class.
Progress of the lesson

together with the children.
Teacher: Hello, children! I am very glad to meet you. Let's play? I'll ask
questions for you, if you agree, clap your hands.
Have you come from home?
Is it spring now?
Who's in a good mood today?
Let me try to guess. Why are you so happy today?
Because you are very elegant and beautiful today?
Because you came to school for the first time today?
Because you met your teacher today?
This is all very good, children, but you probably really want to get to know me.
better right?
Teacher: My name is... If you forget my name, come to me and ask. Fine? I
your first teacher. I dreamed of becoming a teacher since childhood. I love children very much. U
Eat me…. I love... I don’t love... My greatest hobby... You and I will
study together, and I will always be happy to help you.
I'll tell you everything:
Why does there thunder?
And about the north and about the south,
And about everything that is around,
About the bear, about the fox
And about berries in the forest.
I'll teach you to draw,
Build, sew and embroider.
Teacher: What is school? (Children's answers.) Correct! The school is a wonderful palace
knowledge, with lessons, discoveries, students and notebooks, teachers and classmates.
Here you will get acquainted with the amazing World of Knowledge and learn a lot. But
There is also a fabulous World of Knowledge. Do you know where it is? Of course, before
everything, in fairy tales, but in this room too. Although at first glance it seems

ordinary, here real miracles will happen to you. Do you know what it is
miracles? Have you met them? (Children's answers.)
But who is it that is calling me? Can't you hear anything?
The teacher gets up, goes to the closet, takes a soft toy
And this is you... You see, miracles have already begun.
Teacher: Addresses the children:
Guys, this is... he is the owner of this room, and he really wants to meet you. How
will we get acquainted? (Children's versions)
Okay, let's do this: everyone in turn will take it in their hands, touch it,
will consider. (Children pass the toy to each other in a circle.)
What is he like?
- And now let everyone take ... in his hands again and, looking into his eyes, say the following
words: “Hello,..., my name is..., I’ll start first: “Hello.. My name is Nina
Nikolaevna (Maria Ivanovna, Irina Vladimirovna.).”
The teacher passes the toy to the child sitting next to him, who says hello. And passes it on
to the next one, etc. When the toy is again in the hands of the teacher, he says:
And now I want to get to know you better. I know how to do it. Now I'll get up
the center of the circle, and those whom I call will run up to me. Be careful! So,
Boys are running towards me. (The boys run up to the teacher, who has a toy in his hands.)
Thank you, well done, take your seat.
Girls are running towards me.
Those with gray eyes run towards me.
Those who love ice cream run to me.
Those who have bows run to me.
Those who live on the street... (street name) are running towards me.
Those who will study in the 1st grade run to me. (All the children run up to the teacher, he
That's great, now I know which of you likes ice cream and which of you has gray eyes.
Teacher: You met me, and our guardian too, but how can I meet you?
познакомиться? I came up with an idea! Now I'll count to three. and you will all call loudly together
their names.
Agreed? One two Three! I didn’t understand anything, what a Wow!
Let's get even louder! One two Three!
Guys, what's the matter, why can't I hear your names? What to do?
Children offer different options. We must first try to voice everything except
raised hand. During the discussion, the teacher leads the children to this rule.
Teacher: Listen, children, to what ... offers us. raise your hand? Guys, come on
Let's try to get to know each other this way: if you want to answer, raise your hand.

Show how to raise your hand. How else can you raise your hand, children? Let's
choose the most convenient way to raise your hand. (introducing a sign)
(Thus, together with the children, we established a new rule and immediately stipulated it
Why do we need this rule? (To get to know each other).
Teacher: Let's try. Who wants to tell us their name?
(The teacher asks three or four children using a new rule)
Guys, do you like working under the new rule? So you agree to accept it
our school life?
Boy, what's your name?
The teacher points to the sign and waits from the child not for an answer, but for a raised hand. If the child
immediately answered, then asked the children:
- Did you answer the question correctly? Did he complete my task?
Let's do it again?
Boy, what's your name? (you can ask several guys)
- Did you like answering in school?
What do schoolchildren do when they want to answer? And you can meet people in different ways. Can
get acquainted during the game. Want to try?
Snowball game
Teacher: I’ll tell you my name now. Masha sits to my left, and before naming her
name, she will call mine. The one sitting behind Masha will first say my name, then hers, and
only then yours. And so on. This means that the one who will speak last needs
will first name all the names in order, and only then his own, And one more thing: when
you say someone's name. You need to look this person in the eyes. (The game is played in
in case the children have not yet memorized each other’s names.)
Teacher: Did we play well? Are you satisfied? Are you... a keeper? Can we take a look?
your possessions? After all, the children have never been here.
(The children, together with the teacher, go around the room, carefully examine everything, take something
hands asking questions. Let the children play for a while. This part of the lesson also fulfills
diagnostic function. The teacher watches the children play, their interaction with each other
with a friend.)
Teacher: Our class is our second home, that’s why we made this “house” (Fig. 1),
where everyone has their own window. When you come here you can open the shutters on
your window, and then your photo will be visible. means that you are here with us.
Everyone can decorate shutters in their own way. We will do this soon. At the same time we
we need to discuss how to arrange them so that they are beautiful and come out as a single whole. Under
There is a pocket by the window - this is your mailbox. You can receive emails and when
you will learn to write, you can send letters to each other, but for now I will write to you.

Part of this and subsequent classes can be devoted to decorating the “house” and discussing
who will be next to whom. This technique helps to identify interpersonal
relationships and contributes to their dynamics.
Teacher: Guys, it's time to say goodbye. The toys want to go back to their places, let's get them
put it on the shelves.
Teacher: I know that you want to get to know the inhabitants of my room better. But
it will be next time, I will prepare a surprise for you.
Remember: miracles await you here. Now let's play a game that will help me
better remember your names. It's called "Locomotive"
Game "Locomotive"
All children stand in a circle. The first child takes on the role of the “engine”. It begins
move in a circle, saying his name: Bath, Vanya... Then he chooses someone from the circle,
comes up to him, holds him by the belt from behind, and they are already moving in a circle together, saying
together the name of the second child: Misha, Misha... etc. The game continues until everyone
the children have not played the role of a train. At the end of the game, a long train of
all children.
Lesson summary
Teacher. Did you like the lesson?
Was it interesting?
What is our school rule now?
When should you raise your hand?
What else very important happened in class today? Why do people meet?
What can you do if you forgot to call someone?
Since we have become friends, let's thank each other.


Topic: Schoolchild and preschooler. I am a pupil.
Goal: Awareness of the new status of the student.
Introduce school rules and politeness rules
Introduce children to the school environment.
Familiarization with the school space.
Show in a playful way the difference between the status of a schoolchild and a preschooler.
Introduce the rights and responsibilities of the student.
Equipment: Map route for a school tour, rights and responsibilities
Progress of the lesson

The teacher meets the children, invites them to sit on chairs that are “in a circle” and sits down
together with the children.
Teacher: Hello, children! I am very glad to meet you. I thought for a long time why we
Let's start our lesson and the class custodian suggested reading a poem to you.
And Kondratieva “Hello” (read by teacher)
You tell the person.
He will smile back.
And probably
Won't go to the pharmacy
And you will be healthy for many years.
When people say "Hello", they are not only greeting each other, but also
wish each other health. Any meeting begins with words of greeting.
What greeting words do you know?
(teacher's story about different ways of greeting: bowing, taking off hat,
shake hands, curtsy, gives a brief historical background on
the occurrence of these forms of greeting; invites children to shake hands
boys and girls curtsey).
Do you know how to say hello like at school? Let's try.
(Let the children offer different options.)

My fourth graders delight me with their silent greetings. Do you know how?
(children's options)
To silently say hello, you need to stand next to the desk. Let's try,
say hello like schoolchildren.
Guys, you recently came to this class for the first time. Tell me, what do they call you now?
(children answer: schoolchildren, first graders. If the children themselves do not give an answer, answer
teacher.) That's right, now you are schoolchildren, first graders. What were you doing before
got to school? (children answer: they went to kindergarten, stayed at home.) How were you then, before
schools, what were they called? (children answer: preschoolers. If the children do not answer, answer
teacher.) When you didn't go to school yet, you were called preschoolers. Tell me what
Are schoolchildren different from preschoolers? (The children answer, the teacher corrects them,
sums up what has been said. Possible Correct, schoolchildren differ from preschoolers in that
that they go to school, study in class, and do homework at home. What are they doing?
preschoolers? (children answer: play, run.) Can a schoolchild play and run?
(Children express their assumptions.) In fact, a schoolchild can also play and
run. I'll tell you a little secret: each of you can sometimes behave like
schoolboy, and sometimes as a preschooler. You just need to know when you should act like
schoolchildren, and when can they turn into preschoolers again.
Now I will name different situations, and you think about how to behave in this
situations - as a schoolboy or as a preschooler. Whoever wants to answer raises his hand and
waits for me to ask him. We will complete this task like schoolchildren, and we will
use the “raised hand” rule.
(The teacher shows a reminder of the rule. The teacher names the situations, and the children
Teacher: During the lesson on a walk at home. While preparing lessons. At a break. IN
school stop. While playing football. With friends. In the school library. (If
children make mistakes, the teacher explains and comments.)
Game "The sea is agitated once"
Teacher: “Thank you very much, you did an excellent job with this difficult task. You
you know when you can act like a schoolboy and when you can act like a preschooler. And now
let's see if you can quickly transform from a schoolchild to a preschooler and
vice versa. Now we will play a game that many of you probably know. This
The game is called “The sea is agitated, once,” but we will play it in a special way. Instead of
We will depict the figures of a marine figure of a schoolboy and preschooler. The driver will
say: “The sea is agitated, one, the sea is agitated, two, the sea is agitated, three, figure
schoolchild (or preschooler) freeze in place.” While the sea is rough, you can walk on
class, and on the word “freeze” you need to freeze, depicting the named figure. Driver
chooses the most school student or the most preschool preschooler. First
I will be the driver. Please stand up and come to me.
The children get up and, with the words of the teacher, “The sea is worried, since...” they begin to move around the class.
The teacher chooses who will be the next driver and continues to control the progress
games, prompting words or reminding rules as necessary
In a strong class, the driver can complicate the task by naming the roles of the student or
preschooler, and various situations from the lives of children: in class, at home with their mother, etc.

Teacher: “Wonderful, you perfectly know how to transform from a schoolchild to a preschooler and
vice versa. Now let’s check if you know how a student behaves at school. Stand up
Please, stand in a circle and listen to T. Pushkareva’s poem.
When you first come to school,
Immediately, immediately start with football,
Let you have a briefcase instead of a ball,
And instead of a gate, your school door.
Then it would be nice to have a little fight,
Push someone and laugh at them.
Write with chalk on your neighbor's chair,
Stain the notebook with something nasty.
When you have had enough fun,
Lie down calmly, with your feet on the desk.
It's so good to sleep in class
Or dream about something of your own!
How did you like these tips!
Please tell me in confidence.
Teacher: What is a joke in these tips?
Tell us, how should schoolchildren behave?
During the conversation, the rights and responsibilities of the student are announced.
Guessing Game
- Children, do you think you already know a lot about school and schoolchildren? Then let's
Let's play a guessing game. Now you will draw a schoolboy on a piece of paper or
preschooler. But who exactly you will draw is your secret. Children in groups
will have to guess this secret. Agreed?
Children make drawings on their own.
Then a letter arrives with a plan for the school and the children go on a tour of the school.
Lesson summary
Exercise “Pictograms”
Goal: develop the ability to analyze your emotional experiences throughout
the entire lesson.
The presenter, using pictograms, invites the children to remember how their mood changed
during the lesson, choose a face that reflects their state after the lesson, and
explain why each person chose what they did.

Goals: develop communication skills, the ability to cooperate with peers and the teacher; form some methods of educational and cognitive activity, increase the amount of memory and attention; develop curiosity.

Equipment: recording of the song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together,” handouts with images of mittens, seasons, and a bell.

(lesson lasts 60 minutes with a rest break)

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.
Good afternoon everyone, we are starting our lesson. Let's say the magic words together.
- One, two, three - listen and watch!
- Three, two, one - we'll start now!

Updating knowledge.
Let's remember what rules of behavior we learned at school and in lessons?
Why do we need to follow these rules?
Why does a person need school?

Formulation of the problem.
And now I want you to listen fragment of the song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together and, of course, it’s better to sing in chorus.”
— You listened to the song, tell me what’s fun to do together?
— Guys, tell me, do you like to play alone?
-Do you like to stay at home alone - without mom, without dad?
- Today we will learn to work together, amicably.

Game “Choose a pair on a signal”

I’ll ring the bell now, and you should choose a pair to play at recess. Look around, look at each other. Ready? Then I give the signal!
- Why did you form just such pairs? Explain.
-Who would you like to play with? Were there people who didn’t want to choose a mate? —Explain why it was difficult for you to make your choice?
-Indeed, without knowing each other it is difficult to make a choice. In order to create a couple, you need common interests and affairs.
- What should we do, how can we get to know each other better? Do you want to do this? I will now pass the bell, whoever has it in his hands must tell him about himself, what his name is, what he loves.
- Children, what did we learn in this game?
Conclusion: We must take a closer look at each other and respect the interests of other children. Of course, it’s hard for us to find out everyone’s character in one lesson, but we still have a lot of time ahead to get a closer look at our classmates.
I ask everyone to go to their places, behind their desks.

Solving a problem situation.

Game “Colorful Mittens”(game taken from the publication “Introduction to School Life” by Zuckerman)

Now we will play the game “Multi-colored mittens”. Children, how many mittens are there in total? Pair. So you and I will play in pairs. Since we don’t know each other well yet, we’ll define the pairs by their desk neighbors. We will need one set of pencils. Before you lies a drawing of a pair of only one mitten. Look how beautiful they are - colorless, without decorations. Your task is to agree with your desk neighbor and choose which drawing you will draw. Each person needs to color their own picture, but your patterns should be similar, identical. Raise your hand those who understood this task? Then let's start working.
-Let's see if you got similar designs on the mittens in pairs. Well done, you worked together.
Working with handouts.
— How you and I worked (in pairs) What happens in life in pairs? Socks, gloves, mittens, boots... How else can you say a couple? This is correct: 2. Find in the picture and color those objects that have two.

What pictures did you color? Why did you get two?
Sometimes we will work in pairs, sometimes in groups, but more often we have to work alone. Now the next task is individual, that is, everyone will work on their own. On your table task sheet.

- Look at the picture, what seasons do you see? Work with a picture that shows the time of year when we will need such mittens. This is winter.
-Now find a picture that shows the time of year that corresponds to our day. It is spring.
- Now circle the lines in the picture that shows the time of year when you can go to the river to swim. This summer.
- And now is the time when you come to school and call yourself first-graders. It's...autumn.

Working with geometric shapes

Look at the geometric shapes on your table, arrange them so that you get a picture. The children have the same set of geometric shapes on the table for the “turtle” applique. The guys lay out the figures in random order, creating any picture.
What great fellows you are, someone got a car, someone got a house, and someone built a boat. You all got different pictures, but now we will make one picture.

Listen poem, then who will be discussed and will be depicted on the application.

A house is driving along the path,
Rides along the ravine
And underneath there are four legs.
Can you guess who we're talking about? What interesting things do you know about this animal?

And now your attention to the board, who do you see on appliqués? (Turtle)

Try laying out the shapes on a landscape sheet so that you can get the same turtle. Happened? Now we need glue to fix these figures on the album sheet.

Interesting Facts:

The turtle is a long-liver - can live more than 100 years.
When communicating with people, turtles can remember their faces.

Summary of the lesson.
- What did we learn today? How did we work?

Educational lesson in a preschool group.

UMK "Pre-school of the new generation"

Subject: Everyone must be saved.

Target: develop the ability to work with paintings.


Educational– acquaintance with the painting, developing the ability to work with the painting.

Developmental – development of observation skills, reasoning skills, forecasting skills, reading skills, coherent speech.

Educational – promoting cultural behavior in the museum, caring attitude towards animals, respect for each other.

Equipment: frames, magnifying glasses, books“Krontik masters sounds” (I. S. Rukavishnikov, T. G. Rajuveit, Moscow, Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015)

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Emotional mood.

Children come in and stand in a semicircle.

Guys, let's smile at each other and start the lesson in a good mood.

2. Statement of the problem. Updating knowledge.

There's a knock on the door.

Oh, someone's knocking.

The postman enters.

Letter for you! (gives the letter)

Thank you!

Guys, we have a letter.

Look at it, who do you think it could be from? (The children assume from the picture on the envelope that the letter is from Krontik and his friends). The teacher takes out a letter and says that our friends are inviting us to the Magic Forest Museum House, they write that there is some kind of trouble there. Shall we go to the Magic Forest? Then let's say the magic words. (Children repeat the movements)

If we close our eyes

And let's spin a little

That of course, certainly

Let's get to the Magic Forest!

We open our eyes. And here we are in the Magic Forest. How nice and calm it is here!

Before heading to the Museum House, let's remember how to behave in a museum. (Calm down, don’t shout, don’t touch anything with your hands, carefully look at the paintings, observe) That’s right, only by following the rules can we see the beauty of the paintings and learn their secrets.

Let's go to the Museum House. Let's look at the paintings. True, they are very beautiful! What pictures are familiar to us? Show. What are their names? Guys, where is the trouble that our friends wrote to us about? I don’t understand something! Don’t you see any trouble here, among the paintings?

(Children find the picture independently or with the help of the teacher.)

That's right, guys! The picture shows trouble... Everyone is very scared!

Do you want to figure out what's going on here? And learn the secrets of this picture? What do you want to know? Then let's go to the tables.

3.Working with a painting

Do you remember, in order to understand the secret of the painting, we must be observant, reason and be able to listen to each other.

What tools will we use while working?

Find in the books the picture that we saw in the Museum House. Let's look at it carefully.

What's going on here? (Forest fire) How did you guess?

Take the Farsight and show fire and smoke. Are there many birds here? Show them using different tools. How do they behave? Why?

What wild animals do you see? What about those at home? How do animals behave? Why?

Why did animals that usually cannot be seen together end up nearby? (They were united by a common misfortune, the desire to escape the fire)

Guys, you didn’t notice anything unusual among the animals. Look closely at the heads of the animals. Do you see animals with human faces? Show their faces with the Vigilant Eye. Name these animals.

Why did the artist depict it this way? How do you think? Let's speculate.

What situation did the animals find themselves in? How do they behave? Why? And if people found themselves in such a situation, how would they behave? So what do animal and human behavior have in common? (Fear, desire to escape)

The artist wanted to show that everyone has a soul. That everyone knows how to worry. And animals also experience like people. On a human face it is simply more noticeable.

This is the main secret of this picture.

What discovery have we just made? What secret was revealed?

4. Gymnastics for the eyes

Our eyes were very attentive. Let's get up and do some eye exercises.(Commands are carried out only by the eyes)

One to the left, two to the right,

Three up, four down,

And now we look in circles,

To see the world better.

5. Working with a painting. Continuation.

Let's continue. Find a big cow. Examine the cow's head through a magnifying glass. You can prove that she is worried, nervous. Do you see those who help animals escape from fire? Show them with pointers.

Do you think the animals will be saved?

6. Reading words

We'll check this now. Let's go to the easel and read.

have time




What conclusion can we draw from the words we read? (Everyone will definitely be saved.)

Look at the words again. How many parts does each word have? Is there an identical part? Where is it in words? Say it.

7. Compiling a story “How I help animals”

Guys, have you ever had to help animals? Let's sit down in the clearing and talk about it.

Children talk about how they help animals.

Well done boys! It's very good that you are helping animals.

8. Reflection. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, did you like our lesson?

What was interesting?

What's difficult?

And what secret did we discover in class while looking at the picture? (Animals know how to worry just like people. They have a soul, they feel pain. People should take care of animals and help them. After all, animals are our little brothers.)

Guys, for your good work in class and for helping animals, you deserve a reward.

Presentation of medals.

Let's go back to kindergarten.

We'll close our eyes again

And we won't peek

We'll go back to kindergarten

Let's not forget the Magic Forest!


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Lesson in preschool class.

on the subject of fiction Droplet

Topic: “In the world of fairy tales”

Goals: Repeat and generalize children's knowledge of Russian folk tales

Tasks:1.To clarify and enrich children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Learn to recognize a fairy tale by assignment.

2. Develop children's memory through repetition of read fairy tales.

Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking

3. Foster a love of fairy tales.

During the classes:

Lesson steps


Teacher activities

Student activities.

I. Preparatory

1 min

Invites you to create a circle of joy and greet each other, the teacher and guests.

Circle of joy.

Greeting each other and guests.

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello my friends!

Hello, all my land!

II.Determining the topic of the lesson.

2 minutes

- Dear guys, you and I live in a huge world where you need to decide everything and do things yourself. But sometimes you really want magic to happen, but this is only possible…………….

Correct, of course, only in a fairy tale.

What kind of fairy tales are there?

Which ones do you already know?

And today a goldfish swam to our unusual lesson dedicated to fairy tales with its own tasks. She really wants to know how well you remember the fairy tales you studied.

But first we need to divide into groups to make it more interesting to complete the tasks that the fish has prepared for us.

For each correctly completed task, groups will receive stars.

Children: In a fairy tale.

magical, fairy tales about animals, everyday stories.

Divide into groups using colored stickers.

III. Main stage

Phys. just a minute

Phys. just a minute

Dramatization of fairy tales.






Exercise 1 . “Guess the fairy tale” (and find an illustration that matches the fairy tale).

1. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke…………………..

2. Ivan Tsarevich became confused, there was nothing to do, he took the frog and brought it home. …………………………….

3. Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come-

I brought milk! ……………………………………

4.Sweet apple flavor
I lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it’s light all around, like during the day.

5.Both the little hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

6.Who is the great washbasin,
The head of the washbasins?
Who is the commander of the washcloths?
This is kind...

7. Mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
Round side, ruddy side

8. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in that swamp someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
She instantly became beautiful and comely.

9. What a very strange thing this is
wooden man,
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key
He sticks his long nose everywhere...
Who is this? ...

10.And this one was friends with Buratino himself,
Her name is simply, guys, ....

11. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies higher than everyone else.

12. Grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.

13..The bear came and knocked.

Whose house-teremok. Who lives in the mansion?

I am a fly - a grief

I'm a squeaky mosquito.

« The wind blows……….."

Task 2. “Fairy Tale Trouble.”

The names of the fairy tales are mixed up.

Guys, our fish’s book with fairy tales got wet, and everything in it got mixed up.

She asks for help putting everything in its place. I’ll read it to you, and you listen carefully and tell me what the author got confused and what fairy tales he used for this.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a mischievous boy named Kolobok. One day he got bored and he went to visit the little mouse, the bunny, the little bunny, the little fox, but on the way he met the Gray Wolf and said,

Have you met Little Red Riding Hood on your way? No, says Kolobok and rolled on. On the way he was met by the Fox, where are you going, I'll eat you. Don’t eat me, I’ll give you my bast hut. The fox agreed and released Kolobok.

The phonogram “Aram – zam-zam” is played.

Task 3. Game “The letters crumbled” (task for groups)

Task 4. “How many heroes are there in a fairy tale”


3 bears?...................................

3 little pigs?:…………………


Finger gymnastics "Favorite fairy tales"

Let's count fingers
Let's call fairy tales
Mitten, Teremok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,
Three bears, wolf - fox.
Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,
Our prophetic kaurka.
We know the fairy tale about the firebird,
We don't forget the turnip
We know the Wolf and the kids.
Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

Task 5 . “Which fairy tale is the hero from” (pictures on the board)

1 The boy who thinksthat he knows and can do everything, but in fact he can’t do anything.

2.A hero who loves jam.

3. The girl who was at the ball

4. A boy who is made of logs.

6.A hero who heals animals.

7.The girl who went to her grandmother.

Task 6. “Add the name”

Fairy-tale characters and objects have double names

and names. I say the first word, and you say the second.

Task 7. (for groups).

Collect the puzzles and prepare a dramatization of the fairy tale.

Dramatization of the fairy tales “Turnip”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”. Final part. Poems about a fairy tale

"Ryaba Chicken"

"Princess Frog".

"The Wolf and the Little Goats."


"Dr. Aibolit".



"Princess Frog".




"Little Red Riding Hood".


Children perform movements.

Children's answers:

(“Kolobok”, “Teremok”,

“Zayushkina-hut”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Little Red Riding Hood”).

Children perform movements to an audio recording.

Make a word from letters. Letters are rearranged

"Aibolit", "Teremok".

7(Kolobok, woman, grandfather, hare, wolf, bear, fox)

4(3bears, girl)

Teremok -8 (fly, mosquito, frog, mouse, hare, fox, wolf, bear)

4(3 pigs, wolf)

6(grandfather, woman, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse)

( Children take turns bending their fingers. At the last line they clap their hands.)






(Little Red Riding Hood)

Koschey - (immortal) Serpent (Gorynych)

Elena (beautiful) Little Humpbacked Horse

Ivan (prince) Princess (frog)

Brother (Ivanushka) Boy (about the size of a finger)

Collecting puzzles.

Children put prepared masks of fairy-tale characters on their heads and act out the plot of the fairy tale.






Final part. Poems about a fairy tale

Well done, you did a great job.

Were you interested?

At the end of our lesson, choose that fairy tale or fairy-tale character and attach a sticker to it.

Children tell poems about the fairy tale (prepared).

Children attach stickers to their favorite fairy tale character. (Illustrations are attached in advance throughout the class).