Classics about a woman's birthday. Happy birthday greetings poems by famous poets

Title: Happy birthday in the words of the classics. We want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to always be bright and beautiful, wise and strong, to delight your loved ones and friends with blooming beauty and freshness. Today everything is for you: gifts, flowers, and may this holiday give you a good mood and positivity that will last for the whole year. Happy birthday to you, our dear and beloved friend!

Dear sister! You are so fragile, tender, unique! I wish you to shine as a clear star in the sky, illuminating everything around with your unearthly beauty and spiritual kindness! May your birthday give you the most unforgettable impressions and bright moments of happiness among your loved ones and friends!

Happy birthday to a charming woman. I wish you, dear, that you will be fabulously happy, incredibly successful, mysterious for some, and tender for others.

Omar Khayyam has one quatrain: Life will fly by like one moment, Appreciate it, draw pleasure from it. As you spend it, so it will pass. Don’t forget: she is your creation. So let's drink to the fact that the life of our birthday boy becomes one of the best works of art!

On behalf of the entire team, we congratulate you on your birthday to a good worker, a kind person and a wonderful woman! We wish you good health, prosperity, success in work, joy, good luck, happiness, love. Let life be in full swing, let people respect you, and let your home be filled with warmth and comfort.

On your birthday, may you have a lot of jam. Stop, this is a congratulation in prose, not in poetry. But we’ll leave the jam anyway. For the sweet life that I wish for you. And if life suddenly becomes like a zebra, then let the black stripes be very short. Unlike white stripes.

Happy birthday! I wish women's happiness and sincere love, the absence of bad weather in life and the presence of kindness in it.

On your birthday, beloved and dear man, I want to wish you to live for three hundred years, surrounded by loved ones and family. There is no one better for you on this Earth, there is no one more loyal and kinder than you. I wish you that everything in the world will work out, that all the elements, all four corners of the world, God and angels will help you in your career advancement. I wish you always have peace in your heart and hope in your soul!

We congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you the very best that can only be found in fate. Let your mind be sharp, and your voice melodious and sonorous, let your friends be faithful! Always remain in the forefront, because a leader is your calling.

Today I wish you to drink a cocktail of life from joy, happiness, love and success, carefully diluted with ice-cold pieces of fidelity! And I also wish you to wake up in the morning with a bright and cheerful memory and a great mood! Happy birthday!

Brother, happy birthday to you! I wish you the most precious gifts from life! May everything always work out well for you. I wish you great love, heartfelt happiness and material well-being. I wish you to find your path and achieve mind-blowing success in everything!

My dear and beloved brother-in-law, happy birthday! I wish you to be first in everything and everywhere, good health and happiness for the 10 years ahead! May your life be interesting, amazing, smooth and bright, and may there never be any obstacles along the way!

On your birthday, I sincerely wish you immodest wealth, passionate love, rapid career growth, travel after which millions of views on YouTube, and of course, to feel happy!

On this day we want to wish that happiness never leaves you, that your health does not decline over the years. May every new day be more beautiful than the previous one!

Let the aroma of donated flowers and the attention of loving people give pleasant moments and great happiness - both on your birthday and on any other day! May there always be a holiday wherever you are!

Sister, dear, happy birthday! I love you and wish you: to have true feminine happiness, to bask in the comfort of family, to feel the taste of life, to be warmed by light and joy.

I raise my glass to express my warm feeling, warmed by the drinks, to the hero of the evening - N. and congratulate him on his birthday. I wish you to be like light, live for two hundred years, sing songs and be blown away by love. Let's ring out a loud "Hurray!" in his honor.

I wish you to burn like a star and every year more and more brightly, so that there are enough warm and bright rays for all your loved ones whom you would like to warm and protect.

Today I wish the most handsome, kind, smart guy a happy birthday! I wish you to always be the first and achieve everything! Win at everything! May good luck and success accompany you everywhere! But don’t forget about your loved ones and relatives who love you very much!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to successfully overcome temporary spaces, circumstances, obstacles and negativity, desperately fight for your place in the sun and win in the ring of passion.

Let every day be like a beautiful flower: as bright and wonderful!

Mother-in-law, dear, happy birthday to you! Thank you for my wife, for your kindness and understanding, for your kind words, for your care. I wish you to remain young in appearance and in your soul, may the smiles and love of loved ones warm you, health to you, mother!

Stay, my friend, forever young, strong, cheerful, smart and successful. You are the heart of our company! Congratulations!

I’m not a tractor driver or a construction worker, and not a poet at all, but I want to address the birthday girl with the following poems: Your eyes are bluer than a lake, and maybe even bluer, I love you stronger... than a bulldozer, and maybe even stronger! These words completely convey my feelings for you. Be happy!

A birthday is a great occasion to once again feel how wonderful and unique life is! Let every new day be a pleasant surprise and all your dreams come true!

Dear Director, please accept our sincere congratulations! Fate has already rewarded you with a sharp mind, leadership qualities and excellent leadership talent. We wish that these gifts confidently lead you to even greater life achievements, success and prosperity.

be happy, loved, successful, healthy, cheerful, young in soul and body. I want to see you like this always, both on holidays and on weekdays! Happy birthday!

You taught me a lot! He taught me how to hammer nails, fish, and believe in people! You taught me to enjoy life! Taught me to be kind, honest and sincere! Thank you for all this! Take care of yourself, because I would really like you to teach all this to my children too! Happy birthday!

May you have as much health as your mother wishes for you! May you have as much strength as your wife wishes for you! And when you stay late in the evening, let what your wife thought happen, but not what your mother thought!

Happy birthday! We wish you only winning cases, good luck in your personal and professional life and, of course, polite clients who will never contradict or consider themselves smarter than the lawyer. Well, just in case, good health and strong nerves to endure unpolite clients.

Dear and beloved leader, we congratulate you on your birthday! Do not give up in the face of difficulties, persistently achieve your goal and lead our department to big bonuses for good work! I wish you success, recognition and happiness!

Congratulations! Today is a special day. A birthday is the most personal, most intimate holiday for every person. When assessing the path you have traveled over the years, remember once again all the best things that happened to you, and be sure to take these memories with you into your future life.

For you to always feel like a king on the throne!

We wish you a good mood, the fragrance of your favorite flowers, cheerful smiles and happiness on your birthday!

On your birthday, I wish you, my man, that everything in the world succeeds without the slightest effort, that the career ladder turns out to be flat, and you easily soar to its top, so that your loved ones believe in you!

No one believes it, but I’ll repeat it again - my boss is the coolest of all, and, believe me, there is something to compare with. Our dear, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you such good health that you live to be at least 100 years old; I’m sure you won’t have problems with money even at 100 years old. And may fate be as favorable to you as you are to us, your subordinates.

To know the taste of happiness, you just need to steadily follow your desires. Happy birthday!

I wish you continued growth. Let your authority and respect for you grow even more in the eyes of your subordinates and colleagues. Don't limit yourself to just this leadership position, but strive to grow and reach even greater heights. Personal, status and financial growth to you. Happy birthday!

May life give you thousands of happy opportunities, so that each of them is used to the fullest. Happiness, good luck, prosperity! Happy birthday!

In pursuit of the joy of success and prosperity, do not forget about your friends, because the most valuable thing a person has are the enduring values ​​that cannot be bought: sincerity, love, compassion and support. Be happy, loved and cheerful - happy birthday! — Happy birthday greetings in the words of the classics

Our congratulations to the most beautiful and pure girl on this day. On this bright birthday, may the people and flowers that friends and numerous fans brought to you in armfuls smile at you. And may all your hopes and dreams come true.

Happy birthday! May all the flowers in the world be at your feet today, may all the stars in the world illuminate your path in life with the light of success, and may all the rays of the sun warm your soul with love!

Let a kind artist paint your life with bright colors, and a talented composer write a major melody of your destiny. Sleeping Beauty had fairies, and may your fairy have a benign fate

Happy birthday! Happy days, success in life, bright flashes, true friends and mutual love.

For you, my star, my tender, affectionate and at times prickly flower!

Be happy, always unique, we wish you to be loved and love! May the most beautiful flowers always bloom on your path, and may there always be a holiday wherever you go!

Success, good luck, luck.

My dear hubby! Today is your birthday. Don't get too drunk there, otherwise I'll be very angry! I'll be waiting for you at home no later than eleven. Come and turn me around! Today I will be your gift with a red bow! That's it, let's wrap up! Kisses, Darling!

What can you wish for a person who achieves everything in life through hard work and perseverance? A person who is menacing on the outside, but kind on the inside? A person who helps people and never refuses in difficult times? I wish such an amazing and rare person warmth, love, care, devoted loved ones, health and a little luck! May fate favor you! Happy birthday!!!

Let there be a storm of emotions that will make your life unique and incredible!

On this holiday, I'm a little sad. The whole point is that I can’t personally wish Happy Birthday to someone very important to me! But I really want to wish you to celebrate this year brightly, cheerfully and amicably! Let there be victories, good luck, disappointments, joys, shopping, travel, grief, excitement, happiness, love, passionate experiences, smiles, tears, movement. Let there be a storm of emotions that will make your life unique and incredible! Congratulations!

I wish this year to let everything take its course

I wish to let everything take its course this year. Let everything go as usual, and as soon as you stop waiting, happiness will definitely overtake you! It cannot be otherwise, because you are the most worthy representative of the human race! Have a great holiday and never be discouraged, because there are true friends nearby :) Congratulations!

If you ever feel sad this year, just call me

If you ever feel sad this year, just call me and I will definitely cheer you up. If you need money, call me, I will help you in any way I can. If you are torn with anger or joy, write, I will share these feelings with you. If you need company to go to the cinema or theater, or maybe just sit with a bottle of wine at home to discuss the latest gossip - call, I'm nearby! Always and everywhere, remember that you have a faithful friend who is near you every day. And today, on your birthday, I certainly congratulate you and wish you great happiness!

May today you have the best holiday in all your years!

May today you have the best holiday in all your years! Let friends and acquaintances present the best gifts, the largest bouquets, say touching and sincere congratulations, kiss a lot, hug and rejoice with you! Let this sunny day be the beginning of the happiest year of all that has been left in the past! Happy birthday!!!

I've known you for so many years and every time you surprise me

HOORAY!!! Happy birthday!!! I’ve known you for so many years and every time you surprise us with your new talents! Such a multifaceted personality of incredible beauty, with an amazing sense of humor, inspiring us to new achievements and good deeds! With all my heart I wish to always believe in myself, to grow only upward, to finally fly on a private jet, to be the healthiest of all living things and to love the world as much as it loves you! Have a great holiday and lots of flowers!

Happy holiday! Happy birthday!!!

You have one very rare quality - you know how to hear, give, love... These are the values ​​that few people have in the age of selfishness. I not only want, but I desperately want your life to be happy, for good luck and prosperity to accompany you all your life, for your loved ones not to betray you and to support you in difficult times. Remain the same sincere and decent person that we know and love you! Happy birthday!!! Happy holiday!

Today I especially want to congratulate you!

Today I especially want to wish you a Happy Birthday! The past year has brought us closer and for me this day has become something more than a friend’s holiday! I don’t just congratulate you, but I wish with all my heart next year to take from life the maximum that it can give! More health, more money, more positive energy, love affairs, decent people, new pleasant meetings and happy moments! Congratulations*

May you be surrounded by kindness, care, love and understanding!

They say that a person learns the truth in solitude. So I wish you never to know what loneliness is. Let the truth come with wisdom, but without this depressing feeling! May there always be a whirlpool of events, celebration, joy, and loved ones around you. May you be surrounded by kindness, care, love and understanding! Happy birthday!!!

You all know the legend of Icarus. A long time ago, Icarus lived in the world. And he dreamed of flying like a bird. Icarus made himself wings from feathers and broke away from the sinful earth. He decided to rise above the trees - and rose. I wanted to fly higher than the mountains - and I did.

Then Icarus wanted to fly higher than the sun, rose high, high, almost to the sun itself, but the wax that held the feathers melted, Icarus fell to the ground and broke.

I want to wish our birthday boy that he will conquer any heights and that, no matter how high he rises, he will never fall to the ground.

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra,
But not two-colored, but multi-colored.

Let there be a lot of green,
Green - hope and warm summer.
Let the bright sun shine yellow,
Red—lights up life with love,

Blue will lift you above the bustle,
he will be a faithful and kind dream.
I wish you such a variety of colors,
happiness, health, love and longevity!

Each age has its own “flowers”,
Day after day, then autumn, then winter...
Every year the nights get shorter and shorter,
Either insomnia or grief from the mind...
But great things are not done right away.
Both talent and experience are all in years.
Are you celebrating today and the phrase
"Happy birthday!" on the lips of loved ones.
Don't hold on to what has already happened.
Don't chase what's to come.
No matter how biting life hits you,
Everything comes exactly in its turn.
Everything comes, you just need patience.
You can't get a fish without difficulty.
Let it shine not only on birthdays
Lucky star for you.

So important in any situation
Remain confident in victory,
Whatever happens - be yourself,
And even if it’s difficult, don’t give up!
Let the support of loved ones and friends
Will support and help in every matter,
May your wishes come true soon,
Let all your goals become achievable!

Probably every person on his birthday remembers and analyzes the year he has lived. Actions taken, mistakes, successes, defeats. But don’t overthink it, because on this day you need to take a break from all serious thoughts, thank the Lord for another gifted year, and be happy for yourself.

In life I wish, although not much, that there be people who have been tested by time and actions, on whom you can always rely. May all the congratulations addressed to you come true in your life from the next day. I wish you to have a dream, one, special, most secret dream that will stimulate your success and push you to take serious actions, which will fill your life with meaning.

I wish that if you have problems, then only those that will later turn into invaluable experience. And may everything you need for happiness come into your life very soon. Let the whole world be surprised by your success. Happy birthday.

One hunter dreamed all his life of catching a black and brown fox. All his life he hunted for her, went all the mountains far and wide. In his old age, it became difficult for him to make long treks, and he began to hunt in a nearby gorge, almost near the house. And then he came across a black and brown beauty.

The hunter asked the fox:
-Where have you been hiding until now? I've been looking for you all my life.
“And I’ve lived in this gorge all my life,” answered the fox, “but don’t you know that even if you spend your whole life searching, it still takes one day and even one moment to find it?”

So let's drink to the women who are next to us, and to the moment when we found each other!

In youth it seems that happiness is ahead, in old age it seems that happiness is behind. How not to miss it?
Perhaps the best thing is to enjoy the present.
Here's to the moment, friends!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their lives.”
Happy birthday!

One day Fortune decided to put all her blessings on the table - crowns, big money, marshal's batons, glory - and, calling the sage, said:
- Choose your own good.
Without fussing, trying and weighing every benefit, he chose the golden mean.
We wish our hero of the day to always choose the golden mean in his life!

One wise Georgian said:
If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk.
If you want to be happy for one week, get sick.
If you want to be happy for one month, get married.
If you want to be happy for one year, take a mistress.
And if you want to be happy all your life, be healthy, dear!
So let's drink to the happiness of everyone present - to health!

The philosopher Plato was asked:
— You traveled a lot by sea. What was the most surprising thing that happened to you during these voyages?
“The most surprising thing every time,” Plato answered, “was that in the end I landed safely on the shore.”
Let's wish the hero of the day to sail for a long time on the stormy sea of ​​life, to successfully overcome all storms and waves!

Popular wisdom says that the first wealth in life is health, and the second is a wife. A good wife is half of happiness. There is no better friend than a faithful girlfriend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy. A good wife has no price for her husband.

Do you know who is truly rich? One who does not crave more, but is content with what he has. Let's learn to enjoy life and what it gives us. For our wealth, friends!

What gives us the strength to act and gives us hope? What is it that neither a child nor an old man would be interested in living without? Of course these are dreams! They always inspire, they direct our mind forward, beyond the borders of the reality where our body is located. They point us into the future. Let's raise a glass to the dreams that decorate our lives!

We don’t know what it is, and we don’t stop looking for it throughout our years. For some it lies in material wealth, and for others it lies in love. Let's drink to the meaning of life, which is different for everyone!

We will not argue about anything on holiday. Including what the true meaning of life is. You know, let's live simply according to our conscience, and who knows, maybe there will be meaning in life. Let's raise a glass to the search and simply to life itself!

Do you know that life is like a boomerang? Everything we send is returned to us. Do you want kindness, love and understanding? Let's give them to others, and enough will come back to us. Let's raise a glass to everything beautiful in life - the ability to create it!

Let's now raise a glass to our future selves! So that in eleven years we will meet and be just as active, perky and cheerful. For us, young, beautiful, successful in all years!

You know that everyone wants to live behind a stone wall, but no one likes to run into such a wall. Let's raise our glasses to ensure that the walls of protection are reliable and the walls of obstacles are illusory!

To see all the beauty of the world, you need to look at it with happy eyes. I propose to drink so that we always see the world as beautiful!

Today is a reason to rejoice at your achievements and appreciate your experience. And also a reason to think about new goals and opportunities. Let's raise our glasses to the desire for interesting things and eternal youth of the soul!

Some value women who are attractive in appearance, other men need intelligence, and others need housewives with worldly wisdom. I think it’s worth drinking to the beautiful, wise, and intelligent!

Eastern wisdom says:
Only he will conquer his age,
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
He will pour more glasses,
And he won’t drink for a year,
That they flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future.
And the more fully and often you drink,
The more years you can live!

Life is like a New Year's garland - once one light bulb burns out,
as everyone else goes out. If one thing doesn’t work out for a person, everything falls out of hand. So let's drink so that the garland of bright events in our lives shimmers
all colors and never burned out!
Here's to not burning out next year!

What is love?
It's such a sweet, bittersweet, exciting, timeless, wicked, bright, high, exhausting, funny, stupid, tragic and beautiful thing that one day isn't enough for, even if it's Valentine's Day. If you're lucky, it takes your whole life. So may we be lucky!

It’s like the light is an obsession,
And all the flowers in the world are blooming:
You are celebrating your birthday,
And you and I are here together.

We celebrate the beauty in you -
Beautiful as a flower, you too.
There is no soul in you.
And everyone, looking like a jester,

He is in a hurry to serve you -
Kiss, hug...
And we praise you, friend,
Sister, daughter, grandmother and mother!!!

And life goes on without stopping,
Without giving us an iota of leniency

Happy and joyful days,

And the main lights will not go out!

Happy birthday
And with all our hearts we wish:
So that old age does not creep up,
So that youth remains,

So that there is happiness in the house,
To make your heart ache less,
To make life more and more beautiful -
These are my wishes!

Today is an ordinary day.
There was morning in it, there will be evening.
But this clear, bright day
Marked by fate for you!

And many years have passed since then
How your cry rose above the ground
And he immediately notified everyone that
That a person was born.

We sincerely congratulate you,
Good health to you
And we wish you personal happiness!!!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful.
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,

And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love, faith, hope, goodness to you!

Let the stars shine in your eyes,
Let happiness sparkle like champagne,
May tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on your heart.

Let this day be like the song of a nightingale,
Bad weather will erase all the gloomy days.
May your life be like the May dawn
Brings happiness in the palms of your hands every day!

And there will be a holiday - a happy birthday!
When you wake up in a good mood,
You are waiting for miracles and impressions,
And I can’t hide the thrill of excitement!

Yes, everything will come true, once a year this date:
Dreams come true from dawn to dusk.
Gifts, congratulations, beautiful words,
So good it makes your head spin!

May your life become fuller,
And every day you become wiser.
Let youth not fade for a long time,
And life is more fun.

Let there be joy and fun,
After all, this is the only thing we live for.
And we say: happy birthday!
Have a bright and happy day!

Many years have passed since then
How your cry rose above the earth
And he immediately notified everyone that
That a person was born.

And so, today, on your holiday
We sincerely congratulate you,
Good health to you
And we wish you happiness!

Birthdays come and go
And life goes on without stopping,
Without giving us an iota of leniency
In a series of downs, ups and worries.

But let them smile at you more often
Happy and joyful days,
And only good people meet
And the main lights will not go out!

Congratulations on your birthday
Today we hurry in verses,
We would like to note in congratulations
Your soul has a powerful scope!

Your life path is grandiose,
You are not walking on a path, but on a highway.
Anyone can work!
Everyone admires you!

You don't know envy or malice,
You value and love your friends.
Do you respect your mother-in-law
(Pour it separately for your mother-in-law!).

The owner of the family is excellent,
As a navigator you are on a ship.
We will say “thank you” to the Universe
For being on Earth!

Hot birthday light
It will flare up and the dawn will come!
That's it - it's time to give gifts,
The holiday will be noisy and bright!

Congratulations to all friends,
Wishing you long days.
And it's nice to wait again
Birthday again!

How to run barefoot
Along the sunny road!
And feel with your body
The breath of summer is on the doorstep...

Drink the trembling spring
Crazy sips
And the first star of the sky
Quarrel with the clouds.

Be able to perform at random
Any of the desires
May this day
There will be no promises.

Be able to say thank you to the one
the one you love
And experience spring in winter
You will be able to do it with her!

Let the sun shine
Today he will be nearby
I wish to live in love,
And happiness as a reward.

Health and luck,
Lucky friends.
And just moods
And new ideas!

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May your heart be forever young
Greeting kindness with kindness!

And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Health, happiness, long years,
And may fate give only joy,
Keeping your home from all troubles!

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday!
On this nice spring day
You can't count your wishes,

They contain everything hidden!
And most importantly - so that spring and love,
Always stirred the feeling and the blood!
To live with your dullness

Didn't overshadow your every day,
It was only sunny!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings

Throughout our lives, we repeatedly have to congratulate people on their birthday. These could be our relatives, brothers and sisters, children and of course parents. Sometimes you have to congratulate classmates, friends, work colleagues or even neighbors. Words can be different - touching, funny, penetrating into the heart.

Some prefer unusual and bright congratulations, while for others it is important to express their attitude towards the birthday person. However, beautiful birthday greetings will not leave anyone indifferent. After all, they emphasize the attention that you give to the birthday person. Such congratulations are remembered for a long time, in contrast to the banal cliched phrases that guests often say at celebrations out of ignorance or not wanting to devote their time to the birthday person.

It's no secret that there are many options for transforming ordinary words into original and beautiful birthday wishes. For example, a person can be congratulated in poetry - although, what is there to hide, not everyone has the necessary creative talent to compose a coherent and sincere text for the special date. However, anyone can use ready-made poems by modern authors or turn their attention to the classics.

Few people understand poetry these days, so knowing the poems of famous poets can impress your loved one. It is not necessary to turn to poetry if you need to compose beautiful birthday greetings. No one is stopping you from doing this in prose.

The main thing is to write and pronounce them from the bottom of your heart, and then the right words will appear on their own and form a single harmonious composition. Heartfelt, sincere, kind congratulations always turn out to be especially heartfelt when they come from the depths of the soul. In this case, the birthday boy will definitely like them, he will remember them for a long time and will make a good impression on the guests.

Have you ever thought about the origin of the slang word “class”, which is now so popular among young people? Cool - first-class - classic - exemplary. Poems of the classics of all times and peoples are the very sample of thoughts, feelings, themes that reflect the entire human world with its contradictions, pain, happiness. Anyone who not only knows real classical poets from hearsay is a truly cultured person.

Poets of antiquity

Many cultural scholars rightly equate the concept of classical with ancient Greek. Indeed, the culture of Antiquity became the model on which world poetry was guided for many subsequent centuries.

  • Lucius Annaeus Seneca is an ancient Roman poet who lived around the 4th century BC. e. ("On the Ruins of Greece")
  • Horace is an ancient Roman poet who lived around the 8th century BC. e. ("Odes")

The high, solemn style of the poems of these classics became an example to follow for many later poets.

Renaissance lyrics

The immortal classical poetry of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio brings to the forefront the personality with his inner experiences. Culture finally broke away from heavy topics and turned its gaze to the soul of the common man, restless in search of love and truth. The poems of the classics of this era are sensuality and lightness: “Poems about the Stone Lady” by Dante, magical sonnets by Petrarch, “O woman, the delight of delights...” Boccaccio.

European classics

The names of European classical poets are known throughout the world: Shakespeare (famous plays), Byron ("Carnelian"), Goethe ("Faust"), Shelley ("The Devil's Walks"), Heine ("Stray Rats"). Continuing the poetic tradition of the Renaissance, these poets continued to worship the cult of personality, but this worship was intensified by philosophical searches. Their romance turns to tragedy as a result of this search for the meaning of life and human purpose.

Poems of the East

Haiku and tanka, the genres of Japanese poetry in which many poets try themselves, have become truly classic. The poems of the classics of the East are very life-affirming and philosophical. They make you think about the deepest problems of human existence.

  • Babarakhim Mashrab - an Uzbek poet who lived at the end of the 17th century, wrote poems in the genre of so-called ghazals - graceful and light, like these wild animals
  • Takuboku is a Japanese classic of the late 19th century, whose poems are known by heart to any Japanese schoolchild.

Russian classics

Russian classical poetry originates from the poems of the great Pushkin, which were written in an easy and understandable language. The poems of the classics of the “golden age” of Russian literature were distinguished by their originality, since they could absorb everything: romance, realism, tragedy, and humor.

  • Pushkin's epigrams are caustic and mocking: “On Arakcheev”
  • Lermontov's poetry is deep and tragic: "Duma"
  • Fet's lyrics - encyclopedia of the philosophy of existence: cycle of poems "Snow"
  • In Tyutchev’s poems there are two polar worlds - night and day: “What are you howling about, night wind?..”

A century later, the difficult historical situation in Russia provoked a new surge in poetry.