What is the root of the word main? Exercises for strong students and home reinforcement


« The more you learn, the stronger you will become."

Why do we have such a motto today?

Do you want to become stronger?

What important skill do you develop in Russian lessons?

Then give a smile and wish each other good luck!

Read an excerpt from the poem

N. Ostrovsky:

The word has roots. And there are relatives.

It is not a foundling under an orphan bush.

When I hear:

-Protect me!

This means:

- Cover me behind the shield!

Can this poem help determine the topic of our lesson?

Is this topic new to us?

What goal will we set for ourselves?

Read the words on the board. What can you say about words?

student teacher

Write down the words, filling in the missing spellings. Place the accent, highlight the root.

Root the teaching is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Read the proverb and explain why they say so.

What is the meaning of the word root in the proverb?

The word root is polysemantic: root is the underground part of the plant; the internal part of a tooth or hair located in the body; root of the word.

What does the meaning of this word have in common?

Listen to the story about the root of the word.

What grows from the root of the word?

What are their names?

Do you think you know how to choose words with the same root?

Then let's playgame "Who is bigger?" pictures (by click)

I am convinced that you are good at choosing words with the same root. - -Open the textbook p.74

Read what questions will we have to answer in class?

What qualities of a student will help in this?

I suggest asking other questions to the root word

What questions can you already answer?

I suggest answering the remaining questions after you have workedin groups . Do some research on a group of words. The research always goes according to plan. I offer it to you.

Students receive the words:

Group I - forest, woods, forest, forester.

Group II - flowers, flower, flower garden, flower.

Group III - mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom picker.

Now I will ask a representative from each group to present the results of the study

And now I propose to compare your conclusions with the conclusions of the textbook on pages 74,75.

So, all the questions asked have been answered. Can we finish the lesson?

I suggest work in pairs didactic games

“The Third Wheel”, “The Tenants Settled”


We work in the workbook p.41 exercise 98

Textbook p.75 ex. 132

At the end of the lesson, work with the reflective card. Place a “+” sign in the box next to the statement with which you agree. In the table, write down the letters corresponding to the answers to the test questions. Use a circle of a certain color to show your level of success in the lesson..

The study of the topic “Word Root” falls according to the program in 2nd grade. Children learn to highlight it in a word and select similar root examples.

In order for the student to master this material well and be able to memorize spelling patterns in the main morpheme in the future, it is necessary to correctly explain what role this part plays.

The process of memorizing rules and spelling patterns will also be important. Many teachers and methodologists advise teaching a child from primary school age not just to memorize the text of the rule, but to apply it in practice. Schemes play a huge role in quick memorization. The child must read the rule and write down the most important thing from it in the form of a diagram. Visual memory, which is most developed in school-age children, makes it possible to reproduce and apply what has been learned in practice.

What is a root and why does a word need it?

Students must clearly know and understand that the root of the word - this is the main morpheme, the common part of related words. It is this that contains the main lexical meaning of the word.

It is important to point out that words with the same root must not only have a common morpheme, but also denote objects, signs, and actions from the same sphere.

For example: say, retell, story, fairy tale, express. The general part is -skaz-, and the words mean “to speak” or “to narrate about something.”

Or: transfer, nasal, skid, bridge of the nose - will not be the same root, since their common morpheme -nose- will give different lexical meanings.

Paired consonants at the root of a word

Having taught children to correctly identify the main part of a word, the teacher should emphasize that in the Russian language there are 12 consonant sounds that form pairs with each other.

These are: d-t, zh-sh, z-s, b-p, v-f, g-k - all of them can alternate at the root of the word, so it is important not only to remember them, but also to learn the rules thanks to which you can check the spelling of the required letter.

You can determine the correct spelling at the root if you select a test variant in which there will be a vowel sound after the questionable letter. For example: frost - frost, garden - gardens, watermelon - watermelons, path - path - these are paired words. After checking, it’s easy to put the desired consonant at the root of a word, because everything immediately becomes clear.

But not every word root ending in a consonant can be checked in this way. Such exceptions are called dictionary exceptions. For example: joke, pharmacy, astronaut, station, zigzag and others.

Options for exercises to reinforce learned material

In order for a student to consolidate the acquired knowledge, be able to identify paired words, and find the letter required for testing at the root, it is necessary to consolidate the studied material with the help of exercises.

For weaker students, it is better to carry out reinforcement in the form of a commented letter, explaining all the rules and showing ways to select a test word.

For example, you could use the following words for a commented post:

Slippery - slide, daring - daring, request - ask, frost - freeze, skirt - skirt.

Exercises for strong students and home reinforcement

An individual approach to each student is the key to the success of each teacher. Considering that in each class there are strong and weak children, the teacher can offer work on cards to a certain group of schoolchildren. The same exercises are recommended for consolidating the material at home.

1. Using only the first syllables of the written words, create a new word and check the doubtful consonant, determine the root of the word.

  • sleeve, shoe, carousel (shirt - shirt);
  • rake, ugly, Karina (riddle - mysterious);
  • mole, cotton wool, porridge (crib - beds).

2. Write down the text and highlight words in which the spelling of paired consonants cannot be checked, but they need to be remembered.

"Alexander always came to school with something tasty: mint gingerbread cookies, bagels and s... in bright and beautiful T-shirts. We saw how the master made a beautiful and large bowl out of a large piece of wood. Our car was moving at high speed, so we all held on to the seats. All the residents of the country watched watching the famous astronomer land on Earth."

Paired consonants at the root of a word are the basic material that will allow the student to write correctly in the future and quickly check dubious options during dictation.

It is known that plants and teeth have roots, but what is the root of a word in Russian? You can understand this using an example from nature.

Second grade students can first ask the question: why does a flower need a root? This is the basis, support, core, something he cannot live without. So in the Russian language, words have a basis that makes up their meaning.

Determining the root of a word online

What is a root in Russian

Returning to the topic, we can derive a definition: a root is an important part of a word that unites related words, their common denominator, which contains the main meaning. If words have the same root, they are the same root.

You should know that there are roots that are written identically, but have different meanings. In order to highlight the morpheme in question, an arc must be drawn over the word from the first to the last letter of the root.

How to determine the root in a word

How to recognize the relatedness of words and determine that they have a common basis? You need to choose a word and find as many “relatives” for it as possible.

In this case, the main rule is that the common root must show the same meaning of the words. That is, it will be possible to explain these words using the root. For example: honey, honey cake, mead, honey.

A word does not necessarily have one, but two roots are possible. Such words are called “complex” and are not difficult to recognize among others ( waterfall, frost-resistant). Roots can interact not only together with other parts of the word, but also separately.

For example: root -put in words parting words, overpass presented together with prefixes, suffixes, endings, and the word path is already independent.

Determine the root of a word online

On special sites, a composite analysis of the word is done, and this means that determining the root of the word online will not be difficult.

You can find a detailed analysis and description of the morphemes of most Russian-language words on the Internet on many resources, for example:

  • http://udarenieru.ru/index.php?word=on&morph_word=online - emphasis.ru;
  • http://wikislovo.ru/morphemic/ - wikislovo.ru;
  • http://morphemeonline.ru/О/online - morphemaonline.ru and others.

Everywhere you just need to enter the required word, and the program will do everything for you. Such help is sometimes very helpful, but usually it is not difficult to isolate the root yourself.

Children are taught this in elementary school, namely in 2nd grade, and with proper explanation, the skill of identifying the stem of a word is usually persistently preserved for many years.

Examples of finding roots in words

As an example, let's conduct several morphemic analyses. To determine what the root is in a word, we select related words to it.

After this, the morpheme we need will certainly become obvious:

Field - fields, field, pole, vole, Chistopol. Root -Paul, ending -e.

More - majority, big, Bolshevik, big. Root - great, suffix -e.

Greens – green, greens, greengrocer, greens, green, turn green. Root -greenery, null ending.

Around - circle, circle, districts, surroundings, round, circular. Root - circle, console - in.

Write - wrote, wrote, wrote, write, write. Root -pis, suffix -A, ending -th.

Water – body of water, waterfall, algae, dropsy, watery, aquatic, waterfowl, water-bearing. Root -water, ending -A.

Short - short, shorten, shorten, short-haired, short. Root -short, ending -y.

Freely - freely, freely, freely, freely. Console -at, root -will, suffixes -n And -O.

His own - his own, his own, his own, his own, self-willed. Here the word consists of two roots -its And -their, there are null suffix and ending.

Heavy - heavy, heavy, heavy, litigation, heaviness. Root - cord, suffix - ate, ending - y.

In order not to get confused in this topic, let's consider another important point: alternations of sounds are allowed in the roots. For example, vowels: brilliant - brilliant. Vowels can be fluent: flax - flax. Consonants: young - youthful.


What is the purpose of a root in Russian? We see that it means a lot for the word - it helps to understand its origin, meaning - from the point of view of vocabulary, and check the correct spelling.

In search of the root, we understand that the word did not arise on its own, but that it seems to have a family, a whole army of relatives. Studying this topic will help you better understand how words are formed and expand your vocabulary.

Morphemics is one of the most difficult topics for a child. Not every student can correctly divide a word into parts. However, the ability to correctly identify parts of a word is a necessary condition for mastering a number of rules of Russian spelling.

Russian language: what is the root of a word

A morpheme is a significant part of a word. First, during morphemic analysis, the stem and ending are isolated. The stem is the unchangeable part of the word, and the ending is changeable and indicates the form of the word. For example, in the word “cows,” cows are the stem, and y is the ending. The basis of a word includes the following parts of the word (morphemes) - prefix, root, ending. An important morpheme, denoted by an arc when parsing a word, is the root of the word.

What is the root word? The root of a word is the common part of related words. What words are called cognates? Words with the same root are based on one root, but other morphemes are different. For example, tall - height, leaf - foliage, dad - daddy, sister - sister.

How to find words with the same root

  1. There are words that have the same roots, but are not the same root. Thus, in the adjectives “peaceful” and “global” one can distinguish the root -peace-, but the words will not have the same root, since in the first case the adjective is formed from the word “peace” in the meaning “without war”, and in the second - in the meaning “ what’s around, the universe.” Lexical differences between words cannot make words have the same root.
  2. You should not mix words with the same root and forms of the same word. For example, the words “carrot” and “carrot” are cognates, and “carrot” and “carrots” are word forms of the word “carrot”.
  3. Words with the same root do not necessarily belong to the same part of speech. So, if “carrot” and “carrot” are nouns, then “run” and “run” are a noun and a verb, and “fun” and “cheerful” are an adverb and an adjective.
  4. Don't forget that in addition to the root, the word has prefixes and suffixes. If you can highlight them, then finding words with the same root will be much easier. For example, the word "chin". It contains the prefix sub-, the suffix -ok and the root -borod-. Thus, now you can choose the same root words: bearded, beard, beardless.
  5. Difficulties may arise due to historical consonant alternations. Externally, the roots are different, but the meaning remains the same. The fact is that previously the sound of Russian speech was different from what can be heard today. Due to historical changes in the sound structure of a language, the same root may sound differently in different words.

Some examples:

  • k-ch": ruk/a - ruch"/k/a
  • k-ts-ch": l"ik/ - l"its/o - l"ich"/n/y
  • Ms: nog/a - knife/k/a
  • g-z-z: friend/ - friend/i/t" - friend"/ya
  • x-sh: uh/o- ush/i

Although the final consonants in the roots are different, the presented pairs of words are cognate.

What is a root spelling?

Why do you even need to isolate the root of a word and look for words with the same root? The fact is that one of the basic principles of Russian orthography (spelling) is the morphemic principle. It manifests itself, for example, in the rule “Unstressed vowel at the root of a word” or in the rule “Unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word.”

In the first case, you need to find a word with the same root so that the vowel being tested is stressed. For example, v_dyanoy means water, s_stra means sisterly, d_lovoy means business.

In the second case, you need to find a word so that the unpronounceable consonant is clearly audible. For example, garlic is honor, crunchy is crunch.

Not only in these cases is it worth remembering what the root of the word is. Another important rule is based on the ability to isolate the root.

Vowel alternation in the root

Due to the same historical reasons, different vowels are written in some words with the same root. For example, in roots with alternating vowels e-i (-ber- -bir-, -per- - pir-, -mer- - world-, -steel- -steel, -der- -dir, etc.) the letter "i" " is written only when the root is followed by the suffix -a-, for example: to die - to die, to spread - to spread, to tear apart - to tear apart, to shine - to shine.

Alternating roots also include:

lag-lozh, kas-kos, plav-pilaf, clan-clone, tvar-tvor, mak-mok, gar-gor, zar-zor, jump-skoch, equal-level, rast-ros-rasch.

It is necessary to know what the root of a word is in order to accurately perform morphemic analysis. In addition, the correct spelling of many spellings depends on this concept of the Russian language, because the rules state that it is necessary to select words with the same root. What it is? We'll tell you in this article.

Root word: definition of concept

Any word in the Russian language can be divided into morphemes - significant parts. Some of them contain grammatical content, others - lexical. The latter is the root. It is in this part that the lexical meaning is contained.

The root of a word is its main part. Indeed, a lexeme can exist without a prefix, suffix, and have zero inflection. But without a root, it will be a meaningless set of letters or symbols.

Let's give an example: in the words “backwater” and “water” there is a prefix and a suffix, respectively. If we remove them, the meaning "something related to water" remains. But if you remove the root -water-, then they will cease to be such. Thus, we have proven that it is the root that is the bearer of the main meaning.

This morpheme can be free (exist without other parts) and bound (make no sense without prefixes, endings and suffixes). Thus, the root of the lexeme “run” is free (run - the meaning of the word can be determined), but the root of the lexeme “twist” is bound -in-, because without inflection and suffix it is simply a meaningless syllable.

Word without root

There is one unique word in the Russian language that does not contain a root: “take out”. Knowing what the root of a word is, it’s hard to imagine such a thing! However, this was not always the case.

Etymologically, this word has a root, however, it was lost in the process of language evolution. It used to be written differently - “take out”. Over time, the language developed, and verbs such as “stick”, “blow”, “touch” began to appear. By analogy with them, “take out” also changed - it began to be written and pronounced as “take out.” So now formally this lexeme consists only of the prefix you-, the suffix -nu- and the inflection -т. The root is distinguished only etymologically.

What words have the same root

Cognate words are those that have the same root and their lexical meaning is also similar. The lexemes “trouble” - “poor” - “poverty” - “become impoverished” are the same root, because they have the same root -bed-, denoting misfortune, deprivation.

Let's give another example: the root of the word “search” coincides with the morphemes in the words “search”, “search”, “search engine”, “ingratiate”. Thus, all these lexemes are of the same root.

Cognate words are fraught with the threat of making a mistake when identifying them. It should be clearly understood that in addition to the same common part, they must also have a similar meaning. For example, in the words “to drive” and “submariner” the root is the same, -vod-. However, the meaning of these words varies: to drive is to control a vehicle, and a submariner is someone who works under water. Thus, these homonymous roots do not form a pair of cognate words.

It would also be a mistake to single out forms of the same word as cognate words: “nurse” - “nanny” - “nursed”. This is just the verb to nurse, used in singular or plural form and feminine gender.

How to look for the root of a word

In order to correctly identify the main morphemes, it is not enough just to know what the root of a word is. Here you need to competently be able to select words of the same root and related words.

Such words do not necessarily belong to a specific part of speech; they can be all significant. Thus, the lexemes will have the same root: “light” - “light” - “shine” - “light”; "green" - "green" - "green" - "green"; "peace" - "global" - "to reconcile" - "peacefully."

How to highlight the root of a word? The rule says that you should delve into its lexical meaning, select related words and observe which parts are repeated. This way you can easily understand where the main morpheme is. Sometimes it helps to initially “cut off” the prefix, inflection and suffix, especially if they have one variant.

For example, in the word “plantain” there is a prefix po- (it has no other variants and is easily visualized) and a suffix nik-, which is also very characteristic of nouns. The root -road- remains. Let's prove this by selecting words with the same root: path, road.

The last example also shows that alternation occurs in the roots. This is dictated by historical changes in language. Both consonant and vowel sounds can vary.

The road is a path.

Dry - dry.

Hand - pen.

Collect - collect - collect.

To die is to die.

Brilliant - to shine.

Knowing what the root of a word is and how to look for it correctly, you can safely do a morphemic analysis of such words without fear of making mistakes.