Which ancestral tribe is responsible for what. Ancestral curse on the female line: generational conflict

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Caring for children is one of the incentives to stop sinning. In fact, if a sin I have committed affects my child, I would rather not commit it. There is an idea among believers that children can be punished to the seventh generation for the sins of their parents. Is it really?

“I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments,” says the God of Israel to Moses, giving the Ten Commandments. The idea that children up to the third and fourth generation bear the burden of the guilt of their parents' sin is repeated four times in the first five books of the Bible. What is this: an objective law or a pedagogical technique, a way to force listeners to refrain from sin?

It follows from biblical teaching that this is rather a pedagogical technique, but based on an objective law. Scripture is clear that sin has fundamentally corrupted human nature. Adam and Eve were different people in many ways before the Fall. They did not know what illness and death were. They did not see each other as a threat to become an “object” of possession and therefore were not embarrassed by nudity. They could communicate with God directly. These were whole, truly free individuals who truly loved each other and God.

But sin ruined almost everything. Instead of wholeness, man became fragmented. The properties and powers of the human soul and mind fell into discord, and this was reflected in the body. Man has become mortal. Corruption entered his nature, and with it disease. Eastern Christianity views sin this way: it is not so much a guilt that God forgave man long ago, but rather a disease that neither man nor God himself can heal alone.

It is these two aspects - guilt and illness, or corruption of nature - that must be kept in mind whenever we talk about sin and its consequences. Children born of sinful parents bear the consequences of sin. Their nature is already damaged, there is already corruption in it, it is already subject to disease and death. This is what is sometimes called “original sin.”

But children do not bear the blame for their parents’, and especially their ancestors’, sins. Stalin's expression “the son is not responsible for the father” is actually biblical. Several centuries after Moses, the prophet Ezekiel, one of the great prophets of Israel, writes about this. His words are worth quoting at length:

“And the word of the Lord came to me: Why do you use this proverb in the land of Israel, saying: “The fathers ate sour grapes, but the teeth of the children are set on edge”? I live! - says the Lord God, - they will not speak this proverb in Israel. (...) You say: “Why does not the son bear the guilt of his father?” Because the son acts lawfully and righteously, keeps all My statutes and fulfills them; he will be alive. The soul that sins, it will die; the son will not bear the guilt of the father, and the father will not bear the guilt of the son; the righteousness of the righteous remains with him, and the iniquity of the wicked remains with him.”

The objective law is the transmission of the consequences of sin, this ulcer, damage, depravity of nature, because of which babies are born capable of getting sick and dying, and when they grow up, they can sin on their own. But God’s words to Moses about punishing children for the guilt of their fathers to the third and fourth generation are a pedagogical device, an educational tool that was suitable for the rude and “cruel-necked” people who came out of Egypt. Already during the time of the prophet Ezekiel, this educational method was abandoned. The people to whom the prophet addressed no longer needed crude means of persuasion.

Unfortunately, today in the post-Soviet space believers, or rather, those who consider themselves such, are in fact for the most part pagans. We are hardly any better than those people who came out of Egypt, crossed the Red Sea on dry land, and then, being left without Moses for several days, made themselves a golden calf. And therefore, the techniques of those ancient times “work” for us again. Therefore, from the lips of Christian pastors you can sometimes hear phrases about punishing children for the sins of their parents.

Yes, children are flesh and blood from the blood of their parents. If parents lead a life of sin, is it any wonder that their children will not know another way? The worst sin of modern parents is practical lies. You can say the right words to a child, but what good are they if the example of the life of a father and mother states the opposite? Drunkenness, divorce, fornication, and the cult of money have, alas, become the norm in modern society. I have not yet met parents who would like their child to drink, smoke, fornicate, squander money or leave the family. But how often do we allow ourselves to do this, which means we lie to our children. And then we are surprised that the child accepted not the words, but the values ​​by which we lived. For many parents, their children's mistakes in life are a real tragedy. If I had known that this would happen, I would not have done much. It's too late.

And so that it is not too late, Christianity calls for a change in life now. “Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation,” writes the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Corinth. This “now” is a challenge for each of us. How long does it take for us to recognize ourselves as believers? A year, two, ten, twenty or more? Let's ask ourselves one simple question: How does my faith express itself in my daily life? After all, real faith is not the recognition that God exists (this is how demons “believe”), but trust in God and fulfillment of His commandments.

Everyday life. It is with this seemingly small, but in fact very large and difficult, that practical Christianity begins. Then - fasts and holidays, pilgrimages and theological literature. First you need to become honest with God, those around you, your children and yourself. When there are more such people in society than a certain “critical mass”, it will be possible to preach the words of Ezekiel. For now, Moses is more suitable for us.

Archpriest Andrei Dudchenko

Magazine "Home Child" N7, 2009

The traditions of many cultures on the planet recognize the enormous influence of ancestors on the fate of their descendants. This is easily explained by modern genetics, but religious treatises clarify that not only the color of a person’s eyes, the shape of his ears and the timbre of his voice, but also whether he will be happy in life and what kind of energy he will pass on to his children depends on his ancestors. In connection with this aspect, references to seven tribes (generations) are very common.

The ancient sages believed that it was the seven generations of ancestors that played a decisive role in fate. Many centuries and even millennia ago, those who wanted to do the greatest evil to their enemy cursed him to the seventh generation. This was the most terrible curse of all time, among many nations. In the mythology of the ancient Greeks, a case is described of the curse of the descendants of Tantalus to the seventh generation. This was the punishment for infanticide.

Teachings of Zoroaster

The justification for the deep significance of the connection between seven generations of the clan is set out in the “Book of Ancestors” of the great founder of the world religion of Zoroastrianism. The Persian prophet Spitama Zarathustra (or Zoroaster) described the so-called Faravahar family tree (in another reading Fravahar). This concept itself is the central symbol of Zoroastrianism as a religion. Fravahar was depicted as a disk with wings, which symbolized the Guardian Angel or the winged Sun.

The family tree was also depicted in the form of a circle, in the center of which was the person himself, that is, the descendant of the family currently living on earth. From this point, the branches of the family tree - the ancestors of a given person - diverged in different directions. There were 7 tiers in total, including the central point, or the first generation. The Persian sages believed that a person is obliged to know all his ancestors up to the seventh generation. This determines many aspects of a person’s life, character and makes it possible to predict his future.

Fravahar family tree

It is quite simple to imagine and describe the 7 tribes of the Fravahar tree. They look like this:

1. The first generation is myself, living today.
2. The second generation is my parents, consisting of 2 people.
3. Third - my grandparents (four).
4. Fourth - great-grandparents (8).
5. Fifth - great-great-grandparents, great-great-grandmothers (16).
6. Sixth - grandfathers of great-grandfathers (32).
7. Seventh - great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers (64 persons).

Of course, now few people know all their ancestors up to the seventh generation. But for people in ancient times this knowledge was of enormous importance. It is not without reason that even in Russia in the Middle Ages and later times, people from aristocratic circles devoted so much time and effort to confirming their ancestry. This made it possible to confirm the purity of blood, as well as prove the validity of claims to family wealth.

In Ancient Persia, the compilation of the Fravahar family tree had a deeper, mystical and even religious meaning. Each generation of the clan was associated with a certain element and its energy. So the first knee(s) directly interacts with the energy of the Sun. The second (parents) - with the energy of the Moon, which affects our health, immediate environment and emotions.

The third generation - grandparents - pass on to us intellectual potential, talents and communication skills. The fourth shapes the love scenario and material well-being in our lives. The fifth knee supplies us with will and assertiveness. If there was an inflection along this line, then these character traits can turn into aggressiveness.

Curse to the seventh generation. This type of distortion of energy fields is “rewarded” to a race for evil and violence committed by its representative and not worked out or closed by it during its life. This is an evil of significant power, the development of which fell on the entire clan or part of it. The more severe distortions a family has received, the more of its representatives must work off such a curse.

Let's try to understand the mechanism for obtaining and working out this type of distortion of energy fields. If someone has committed a negative act, then he will certainly have to work it out. The consequences of this act distort the energy shells of the person who committed it. As a result, he gets into trouble. Conflict between people can essentially be viewed as several negative events.

For example: one thought badly of the other, said something offensive, hit him with his hand or word, etc. The other, in turn, spoke equally unflatteringly about the first, responded to the insult with “exceeding the plan” and launched “improvised means” at the offender , i.e., whatever came to hand. Both were unhappy with each other and harbored a grudge. All of the above are events of varying strength, and each of them distorts energy fields in different ways.

According to the laws existing in nature, each distortion, depending on the intensity, also causes processing of varying degrees. Due to the fact that a person is not perfect in his actions and negative manifestations are almost inevitable, the opportunity is given to close them without working them out. Time is allotted for this and a universal mechanism is provided. The stronger the distortion of the fields, the longer the period for closing it, but if during this period the distortion was not closed, then further processing follows. From what has been said, it is clear: the more significant the offense, the greater the inertia of its processing, but, at the same time, the stronger the blow. The described conflict can be divided into several conflicts of varying intensity. A small mini-conflict will lead to physical training in 1-2 months. A larger one will manifest itself in 2-3 years, and a very large one - in 10-15 years.

It should be noted that no work, no matter how strong, eliminates the problem completely. Part of it becomes the cause of another conflict situation. From this it is clear that our whole life is, as it were, covered with a huge network of “chains” of the emergence and development of various distortions of energy fields. By analogy with the above, it turns out that very strong evil towards others requires very strong punishment, and such force that one person cannot handle it, and the participation of many people is necessary. This task cannot be scattered across just anyone, but is strictly transferred to energetically close people, i.e., across generations. As a rule, the period for closure is about three generations. If during this period the evil is not closed, then already in the fourth generation the first person is born with a family curse up to the seventh generation. His children are the second generation, his grandchildren are the third generation, etc.

In parallel with significant distortions of energy fields, an evil program is also transmitted through the family, which sets the intensity of the development. According to this indicator, ancestral curses up to the seventh generation can be divided into three groups.

The first group of working off the ancestral curse up to the seventh generation includes the first and second generations of descendants. In terms of the intensity of their work, they carry a program of very active evil. Communication with these people is difficult, and conflicts are simply inevitable. There are few such people, they are distinguished by extreme cruelty, but they are characterized by extreme ambition, and if they reach the heights of power, they often become dictators, and this is fraught with serious problems.

As an example of politicians and people who “inherited” in history, from the first generation with family curses up to the seventh generation, the following can be cited: Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Elsa Koch, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Lavrentiy Beria and Saddam Hussein. Examples of representatives of the family curse to the seventh generation from the second generation are Joseph Stalin, Reichsführer Himmler and Gestapo chief Müller. And today politicians who can join this list are striving for power.

The second group in terms of the intensity of working out the ancestral curse includes the third and fourth generations. These people are working out a program of active evil. The evil program of these people is much smaller, but at the same time the processing of the curse itself increases. Communication with them is not as difficult as with people of the first group, but these people have an increasing number of their own problems.

With relatively minor distortions of energy fields, that is, with a generational curse of insignificant strength, in the fourth generation the program of evil can be worked out completely. In this case, they can be classified according to qualitative indicators into the third group. The second group is more numerous, but still not as numerous as the third. The third group includes the fifth, sixth and seventh generations with a generational curse up to the seventh generation. They work out a program of passive evil, that is, they can be passive transmitters of other people's evil. But this largest group also takes the strongest blow of the curse. They have the most intensive training. These people often get sick and have difficulty communicating, although they themselves can be extremely nice and friendly. But they are precisely assigned the leading role in working out the ancestral curse.

Social society is permeated with invisible energy threads that connect, first of all, relatives. They are as if entangled in a web, and any movement in the energy-information field generates responses between these people, even if they have never met.

“Tree of Life”, clan and ancestral karma... Consequences that may affect the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of a person who has committed unseemly acts. Let us remember the curses where the so-called “seventh generation” is mentioned. What is this strange effect that affects seven generations later? Similar beliefs occur in many countries, in different parts of the world.

– this is a general energy reserve and information background of a separate kind. The structure of ancestral karma affects the success and well-being of each subsequent descendant. A person with heavy family karma has to face countless difficulties: from social troubles to serious illnesses. Often such people secretly feel that they are attracting trouble to themselves.

Genus structure

The tree of life has its roots in the depths of history; we can say that ancestral karma is made up of many family egregors, but there is a special seal of seven generations, both on the paternal and maternal lines. In total, the “family seal” is 126 people.

1st generation – ourselves (1 person).
2nd generation – parents (mother and father, 2 people).
3rd generation – grandparents (4 people).
4th generation – 8 people
5th generation – 16 people.
6th generation – 32 people.
7th generation – 64 people.

Generations and their generic functions

From the point of view of teaching and karma and kind, second generation (parents) are responsible for the entry of the first generation (child) into society. Through this generation, the sphere of partner marriage relationships is also becoming clichéd. Obviously, this is why children often copy their parents in terms of building love relationships, approach to creating a family and behavior in the family. And they repeat the same mistakes in this area. Family problems pass from mothers to daughters, from fathers to sons. It is rare when talents and abilities are passed on through second generations, hence the expression: “nature rests on children.” Habits, inclinations and type of thinking are often passed on from the father, and psychology and energy are passed on from the mother.

Third generation (father's parents and mother's parents) carries a much more complex program, forming a “cross” or “magic square”, responsible for the intellectual and creative abilities of the grandchildren and their attitude to the outside world. Grandfathers influence men more, and grandmothers influence women more. The third generation forms rather strict milestones of fate, while little depends on genetics and methods of raising a child in the family. And all diseases, as a rule, are programmed.

The third generation is also called the “guardians of time,” symbolically associated with the four elements or primary elements.
Paternal grandfather is identified with the element of Fire, therefore, the grandson is the heir of the creative principle and its active manifestations, which are based on will and spirit. In terms of life events, Fire is the will to win, creative passion, development and promotion of ideas, initiative and all active endeavors. If the grandfather was an active, cheerful person, with a strong-willed core in his character, then the grandson will also take an active life position. Otherwise, the “fire” will be extinguished, and it will be difficult for the great-grandson to realize himself in life. There are also likely to be problems in choosing the type of activity (profession).

Paternal grandmother is identified with the element of the Earth, and its relationship to material values ​​and family foundations is very important. If she took care of her loved ones, was a good housewife, lived on her own and let others live, then such a “program” predicts a successful marriage for her granddaughter, both financially and personally. A girl (woman) can also become the mistress of a family hearth, about which one can say: “The house is a full cup.” An unlucky grandmother, whose character clearly showed negligence, greed, self-interest, squandering, envy, eternal discontent or indifference towards loved ones, is the cause of her granddaughter’s material and personal troubles. But the main problem often becomes the problem of starting a family.

Maternal grandfather represents the Air element. Responsible for intelligence, contacts and connections. It would be good if he was a sociable person, had many friends and could count on their help. The level of his education or, at least, awareness and ability to correctly express his thoughts is also important. The listed potential is passed on to the grandson, shaping his ability to perceive and process information, separating the wheat from the chaff, and helping to attract friends, partners and patrons. If the representative of the third generation was a closed, limited or scandalous person, then the grandson’s problems will be concentrated in this area. In his life there may be a series of loud quarrels, lies, deceptions, gossip and slander, betrayal of friends and relatives, as well as litigation and litigation over property or inheritance between spouses or relatives.

Maternal grandmother– the most mysterious link of the Family Tree. Associated with the element of Water, it conveys the level of intuition, secret abilities and capabilities, which are also called paranormal. It is no coincidence that “magic keys” are passed down along this family branch if the grandmother was a fortune teller, witch, healer, etc.
The maternal grandmother is also designated as the “guardian of the Family,” a symbol of the protective feminine principle. But the instinct of destruction also flows through it. The “inheritance” may include anxieties, fears and complexes... It is important that she is mentally and spiritually healthy and does not have any manias or vices.
Another function of this link is connection to home, homeland, place of residence. If the grandmother moved from place to place and felt restless everywhere, then her granddaughter may have similar problems.

Lately I have often been asked the question of what the “Seven Tribes” consultation is.
In Natalia Ladini’s method there is a calculation “Seven tribes of the clan”; people familiar with the method have most likely heard of it. Its essence is that the keys of unprocessed energies are calculated for each of the seven generations of ancestors of the maternal and paternal clans, the points of their reconciliation are calculated, and the main spiritual lesson is calculated for each of the seven tribes. All this is done in order to work out the keys of energies, bringing them to the “plus” with the help of meditation.
It’s difficult to call it a consultation in the usual sense: during it I explain how to work with keys, without telling anything about the generic events. The main point is to find the keys and further transform the negative into a resource.
Theoretically, constructing Matrices based on keys provides information, but it is difficult to verify its accuracy due to the small number of people who know about their roots and, accordingly, are ready to participate in verification. At least, I have not yet carried out such an analysis: there was no request from me personally or from any of my clients. From the point of view of obtaining information, you can consider the meaning of each of the keys, but, in my opinion, there is no point in doing this in advance - I voice the keys “verbally” as support during the study, if any questions arise in this particular place.
While working with my keys, I had so many realizations and changes on the material/physical level that it would be simply impossible to combine all the information into one story, which is also one of the reasons why I have never written about the calculation, despite for its extraordinary effectiveness.
It is difficult to say how working on the keys of the 7 tribes of the genus PRACTICALLY affects a person’s life - I always did this calculation for people who had already completed the necessary minimum of work with the Matrix of Fate, and were ready to continue. Those. it was impossible to separate where the results and changes caused by working through, for example, the main karmic lesson ended, and where the results from working with childbirth began. I mean global awareness and changes, for example, in building a career, harmonizing relationships or having a child after problems with conception.
Speaking about more private manifestations of this practice, which already follows from the name, we can clearly talk about a change in relations with relatives: all the clients who underwent work in 7 generations noticed that they began to understand their parents better, some even managed to forgive old grievances that have not given peace for many years; relationships with children or brothers/sisters changed and improved...
For me personally, another significant advantage of working with birth using Natalia Ladini’s method, in addition to its effectiveness, was its safety. Some time ago, I dealt quite deeply with generic issues, attending seminars, trainings and constellations, so I fully understand the existing set of tools in this area. I’ll show you with a simple example what I mean by security. Suppose there is a person whose life is not going well, then he hears that “cleansing the family” solves ALL problems! Of course, he runs to a wonderful training, where he is provided with the tools to connect to the unprocessed karma of his mother and father. No one considers it necessary to warn that such a practice, from the point of view of the Higher Powers, is an official notification of readiness to pass all the tests INSTEAD of their ancestors... And the poor fellow is hit with a barrage of situations that his ancestors were unable to cope with... But after all, he was taught exclusively how to declare that he is ready to cope, and not how to SOLVE problems!.. Obviously, in this situation, the best option would be, paradoxically, if a person, having gone to the training, is not going to seriously implement the recommendations .
When working on the calculation of the 7 tribes of the clan, a person corrects the undeveloped programs of his ancestors that are present in him. It turns out, in my opinion, a much more correct situation: by correcting negative programs in oneself, thereby a person helps his family and receives support from it.
I primarily recommend calculations and, accordingly, completion of testing to people who have indications in the Matrix of Fate that they are closely dependent on their gender - for them this is vitally important. But ALL the situations that a person can find himself in have already been repeatedly experienced by his ancestors, which means that the answer to any question is stored in the birth canal, which makes the calculation useful for every person.