Which event happened before the others? Which event happened before the others? Which of the following events happened earlier than the others?

Test work for the course “History of Russia in the twentieth century - the beginning” XXI V"

Option 1.

Part 1.

    Which event happened before the others?

A) Battle of Tsushima B) entry of NicholasIIto the throne

C) The First Russian Revolution D) the beginning of the First World War

2. Which of the above refers to the results of the Russo-Japanese War?

A) Russia’s loss of South Sakhalin

B) construction of a Russian military base on the island of Hokkaido

C) Russia’s loss of Kamchatka

D) establishing complete Russian control over Manchuria

3. Which of the named events occurred later than the others?

A) heroic defense of the Brest Fortress

B) speech by V.I. Lenin with the "April Theses"

C) the Bolsheviks coming to power D) the Yalta Conference

4. Which event happened before the others?

A) liberation of Prague by Soviet troops

B) appointment of A.F. Kerensky head of government

B) counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow

D) adoption of the first Soviet constitution

5. When did the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian union republics become part of the USSR?

A) in December 1935 B) in January 1939 C) in August 1940 D) in January 1944

6. What event happened in 1980?

A) First Moscow Film Festival B) Olympic Games in Moscow

B) The first piano competition named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky

D) exhibition of avant-garde artists in Manege

7. In what year did M.S. Was Gorbachev elected President of the USSR?

A) in 1985 B) in 1988 C) in 1990 D) in 1991

8. What event relates to the period 1953 – 1964?

A) XX Congress of the CPSU B) fabrication of the “Leningrad case”

B) XIX All-Union Party Conference

D) the creation of nuclear weapons in the USSR

9. The first composition of the Provisional Government began work in

A) March 1917 B) May 1917 C) June 1917 D) October 1917

10. What event happened in Russia in the period 1991 – 2000?

A) creation of economic councils B) beginning of pension payments to collective farmers

C) proclamation of a course to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country

D) carrying out “voucher” privatization

11. What terms are related to the Stolypin agrarian reform?

A) farm, cut B) leaflet, demonstration

C) trust, syndicate D) modernism, abstractionism

12. What was the name of the international association of communist parties?

A) socialist international

B) Communist International

C) Lenin International D) Union of Communists

13. What was one of the results of collectivization?

A) mass famine in the first half of the 1930s.

B) a significant increase in food production

B) adoption of a decree on land

D) introduction of surplus appropriation

14. Indicate the name of the hero of the Great Patriotic War, who on February 23, 1943, during the offensive, rushed into the embrasure of an enemy pillbox and covered it with his body:

A) Ya.F. Pavlov B) A.M. Matrosov V) M.S. Shumilov G) N.F. Gastello

15. What was the name of the artistic style that was declared the only correct one for Soviet literature and art?

A) dialectical materialism B) communist realism

C) socialist realism D) Stalinism

16. What was the name of the department that managed the system of prisons and camps in the Soviet Union?

A) Osoaviakhim B) GULAG C) Komsomol D) KIM

17. Which of the named scientists was an outstanding geneticist?

A) P.L. Kapitsa b) A.V. Chayanov V) N.I. Vavilov G) N.D. Kondratiev

18. What event caused the aggravation of the international situation in the late 1970s?

A) military assistance from the Soviet Union to Angola B) the creation of NATO

C) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan D) the Korean War

19. What event is associated with the XX Congress of the CPSU?

A) removal from leadership positions of members of the “anti-party group”

B) appointment of A.N. Kosygin Chairman of the Council of Ministers

B) annexation of East Prussia (Kaliningrad region) to the USSR

D) report by N.S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences”

20. Which of the named commanders became famous during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945? Please indicate two correct answers.

A) A.A. Brusilov B) K.K. Rokossovsky V) I.S. Konev G) M.D. Skobelev D) M.V. Frunze

Part 2.

    Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and indicate the year in which the events described took place.“...On October 17...under the threat of a strike led by the headquarters of the Bolshevik section of the Social Democratic Party, and agrarian unrest among the peasants who demanded land redistribution, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich persuaded the sovereign to sign... a manifesto that could satisfy only the talkative representatives of the Russian intelligentsia"

A) 1905 B) 1914 C) 1917 D) 1918

2. Read an excerpt from the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of March 21, 1921 and indicate the name of the policy referred to in the document. “To ensure correct and calm management of the economy on the basis of more free disposal of the farmer with the products of his labor and his own economic means, to strengthen the peasant economy and raise its productivity, as well as to accurately establish the state obligations falling on farmers, appropriation as a method of state food procurement , raw materials and fodder, tax in kind. This tax should be less than that imposed hitherto through apportionment of taxes.”

A) “war communism” B) new economic policy

C) industrialization D) collectivization

3.Read an excerpt from a historical document and indicate the concept with which it is associated. “We are moving at full speed towards socialism, leaving behind our centuries-old “Russian backwardness.” We are becoming a country of metal, a country of motorization, a country of tractorization. And when we put the USSR on a car, and the peasant on a tractor, let the venerable capitalists, boasting of their civilization, try to catch up with us.”

A) world revolution B) industrialization C) collectivization

D) Red Guard attack on capital

4. Read an excerpt from a historical document and identify the event with which it is associated. “Many women, girls and boys took part in the procession on January 9; family workers went with their sons and daughters. The mood was solemn, religious... They walked with a pure soul, with pure intention, with the hope of seeing the sovereign, so that, in the words of one of the victims, “like children, cry their grief on their father’s chest.”


5. Read an excerpt from the decree of the President of the RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin dated August 19, 1991 and indicate the abbreviated name of the committee mentioned in the decree."1. Consider the committee's announcement unconstitutional and classify the actions of its organizers as a coup d'état, which is nothing more than a state crime.

2. The actions of officials executing the decisions of this committee fall under the scope of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and are subject to prosecution under the law.”

6 . Read an excerpt from a historical document and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR, under whom the events and processes described in the source took place. “The history of the country and the party continued to be distorted and kept silent...Hundreds of thousands, and perhaps millions of people remained slandered and not rehabilitated; Stalin and his associates were, in essence, under the protection of the party and the state as a kind of valuable historical monument; the truth about life – today and yesterday – found its way into the media with difficulty...”


Part III

Test work for the course “History of Russia XX – XXI centuries

Option 2.

Part 1.

    The adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation and the first elections to the State Duma took place in:

A) 1985 B) 1991 C) 1993 D) 2002

2. Which event happened first?

A) uprising on the battleship “Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky”

B) abdication of the throne of Nicholas II C) establishment of dual power

D) Russia's entry into World War I

3. The atomic bomb in the USSR was created in:

A) 1939 B) 1945 C) 1949 D) 1985

4. What offensive operation of the Soviet troops dates back to 1944?

A) Kerch-Feodosia B) Yassy-Kishinev

C) North Caucasus D) Tikhvin

5. The Warsaw Pact organization existed:

A) 1919-1946 B) 1939 – 1945 B) 1955 – 1991 D) 1949 – 1991

6. By the period 1917 – 1930s. applies:

A) launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

B) launching of the first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin"

C) the creation of the Union of Soviet Writers

D) carrying outXXIIOlympic Games in Moscow

7. Which association of states did Russia become a member of in December 1991?

A) Commonwealth of Independent States

B) Commonwealth of Nations C) European Union

D) Union of Sovereign States

8. Overcoming which crisis is associated with the beginning of V.V.’s activities? Putin as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1999?

A) invasions of Islamic militants into Dagestan with the aim of separating it from Russia

B) an armed conflict in Moscow between supporters of the President and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation

C) the collapse of the national currency as a result of the financial crisis - “default”

D) the invasion of South Ossetia by Georgian armed forces

9. To what period does the creation of the Sovremennik Theater belong?

A) 1945-1953 B) 1953-1964 C) 1964-1985 D) 1985-1991

10. The dispersal of the Constituent Assembly in Russia occurred in:

A) 1905 B) 1907 C) 1917 D) 1918

11. The main feature of industrialization in the USSR was:

A) comprehensive development of the national economy

B) high rates of development of heavy industry

B) intensive development of light industry

D) setting the priority development of the sphere of everyday life and services

12. Which of the following refers to the characteristic features of the political life of the USSR in the late 1950s and early 1960s?

A) a retreat from recognizing the leading role of the CPSU

B) the beginning of the process of rehabilitation of victims of political repression

C) reduction in the size of the party apparatus

D) a decline in party discipline

13. The reason for the exclusion of the USSR from the League of Nations was:

A) the introduction of Soviet troops into Poland

B) the war between the USSR and Finland

C) the conclusion of an agreement between the USSR and Germany

D) annexation of Bessarabia to the USSR

14. Partisan, Red Army soldier of a sabotage and reconnaissance group, hanged by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo

A) Zina Portnova B) Liza Chaikina C) Ulyana Gromova

D) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

15. Indicate one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR:

A) an environmental disaster in a large area of ​​the country

B) a deliberate course taken by the ruling elites of most republics to eliminate their subordination to the center

C) consistency and completeness of the reforms being carried out

D) macroeconomic stabilization

16. What were the names of the central government bodies in 1917 - 1946?

A) economic councils B) regional committees C) ministries D) people's commissariats

17. Which of the following political figures was the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in the 1990s?

A) D.A. Medvedev B) S.V. Stepashin V) R.I. Khasbulatov G) M.E. Fradkov

18. Which of the following refers to the characteristic features of the political life of the USSR during the era of “stagnation”?

A) the beginning of mass rehabilitation of victims of political repression

B) reduction in the number of administrative staff

B) the emergence of a multi-party system

D) gradual softening of the personality cult of Stalin I.V.

19. The initiator of the economic reform of 1965 was:

A) G.M. Malenkov B) Yu.V. Andropov V) A.N. Kosygin G) L.I. Brezhnev

20. The concept of “developed socialism” was contained in the Constitution:

A) 1918 B) 1924 C) 1936 D) 1977 E) 1993

Part 2.

    Read an excerpt from the decree of the President of the RSFSR “On measures to liberalize prices” and indicate his last name . “In accordance with the resolution of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR... I decree:

    To carry out, from January 2, 1992, a transition mainly to the use of free market prices and tariffs, formed under the influence of supply and demand, for industrial and technical products, consumer goods, works and services.

    State purchases of agricultural products should also be carried out at free (market) prices...”


2. Read an excerpt from a work by a modern historian and write who it is about. “This outstanding natural scientist is called the creator of the hydrogen bomb. But all his life he opposed nuclear weapons testing and was one of the leaders of the nascent human rights movement in the country. For his activities in 1980, already a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, (he) was exiled without trial to Gorky. And he was stripped of the title of Hero of Labor three times. Only with the beginning of perestroika was he able to return to Moscow.”


    Read an excerpt from the manifesto and indicate the period to which this document relates. “To grant the population the unshakable foundations of civil freedom on the basis of actual personal inviolability, freedom of conscience, speech, assembly, unions... Establish unshakable rules so that no law can take effect without the approval of the State Duma and that those elected by the people are provided with the opportunity to truly participate in the supervision of the regularity of the actions of the authorities appointed by US.”

A) 1861 – 1881 B) 1881 – 1894 B) 1894 – 1905

D) 1905 – 1917

4. Read an excerpt from the manifesto and indicate what event it is about. “Following its historical covenants, Russia, united in faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special strength, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs awoke in recent days, when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that were obviously unacceptable for a sovereign state. Disdaining the accommodating and peaceful response of the Serbian government, rejecting the benevolent mediation of Russia, Austria hastily launched an armed attack, launching a bombardment of defenseless Belgrade.”


5. Read an excerpt from a speech by a Soviet composer and indicate his last name . “I wanted to create a work about our days, about our lives, about our people who become heroes, who fight in the name of our triumph over the enemy... While working on the symphony, I thought about the greatness of our people, about their heroism, about the best ideals of humanity, about the wonderful qualities of man, about our wonderful nature, about humanism, about beauty... I dedicate my 7th symphony to our fight against fascism, our upcoming victory over the enemy, to my hometown - Leningrad."

A) A.V. Alexandrov B) S.S. Prokofiev V) D.D. Shostakovich

D) D.B. Kabalevsky

6. Who owns the words: “Our cause is just! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"


Part III

Write a historical portrait of a historical figure of the twentieth century, according to plan:

    Years of life / time of activity

    The main directions of its activities (at least 2)

    Characteristics of the main activities

    Conclusion (reflect the role, significance of this person’s activities in history.

Examples of historical and statesmen: S.Yu. Witte, P.A. Stolypin, Nikolai II, V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin, N.I. Vavilov, M.N. Tukhachevsky, L.P. Beria, N.S. Khrushchev, G.K. Zhukov, Kosygin A.N., Alexey Stakhanov, V.M. Molotov, L.I. Brezhnev, Yu.A. Gagarin, M.S. Gorbachev, B.N. Yeltsin…….


Option 1.

Part 1









































Part 2










Bloody Sunday

State Emergency Committee

L.I. Brezhnev

Option 2.

Part 1.









































Part 2.







B.N. Yeltsin

HELL. Sakharov


Beginning of World War 1


V.M. Molotov

Final test for the course “History of the Middle Ages”

Option 1

A1. Which event happened before the others?

1) collapse of the empire of Charlemagne

2) the fall of the Western Roman Empire

3) the emergence of the Frankish kingdom

4) conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy

A2. Noble Germans in the 5th century, in contrast to ordinary community members:

1) had the right to most of the spoils of war

2) participated in the work of the national assembly

3) had a plot of land in use

4) had the right to bear arms

A3. What was common in the activities of Clovis and Justinian?

1) lived in the 7th century

2) were proclaimed emperors

3) defended their state from the Huns

4) participated in the creation of written collections of

A4. A fief is land that:

1) processed by the feudal lord himself

2) transferred by the lord to the vassal for hereditary possession for military service and for the duration of service

3) given for eternal use to the feudal lord

4) after the death of the owner it is transferred to the church

A5. The first Slavic alphabet, created on the basis of the Greek script by Byzantine missionaries, is called:

1) Cyrillic

2) cuneiform

3) Latin

4) scriptoria

A6. The collapse of the Arab Caliphate into separate parts occurred at the beginning:

  • 1) IX century □3) XII century.

  • 2) XI century. □ 4) XIII century.
A7. The holy book of Muslims is called:

  • 1) Bible

  • 2) Koran

  • 3) Sharia

  • 4) Islam
A8. Similarities in the development of culture between Byzantium and the Arab Caliphate:

□ 1) development of icon painting "

2) development of the heritage of Antiquity

  • 3) construction of cross-domed churches

  • 4) use of Latin in worship
A9. What is the name of the feudal duty discussed in the document?

The peasant Vidrad has a full plot of land, for which he pays one pig, a pound of flax, three chickens, 18 eggs; annually carries half a cart of grapes in May and October; delivers 5 carts of manure from his farm; 12 times he brings armfuls of firewood.

1) quitrent

  • 2) tax

  • 3) corvee

  • 4) tithe
A10. A noble owner of a large plot of land called himself:

  • 1) squire □ 3) feudal lord

  • 2) vassal □ 4) herald
A11. Increased agricultural productivity and progress in the development of crafts led to:

  • 1) the emergence of feudal land ownership

  • 2) separation of crafts from agriculture

  • 3) peasant uprisings against feudal lords

  • 4) the beginning of the Great Migration

A12. The trade and political union of German cities on the Baltic Sea was called:

  • 1) Community □ 3) Hansa

  • 2) Order □ 4) Bank
A13. The position of the peasant differed from that of the artisan in that he:

  • 1) paid church tithes

  • 2) belonged to another class

  • 3) participated in tournaments

  • 4) was a member of the community
A14. Merchants took part in the Crusades because they hoped:

  • 1) gain personal freedom

  • 2) conquer new markets for goods

  • 3) spread the Christian faith to the East

  • 4) obtain land holdings and subjects
A15. The compilation of the “Domesday Book” and the introduction of “shield money” are united by the fact that these events were:

  • 1) carried out at the same time

  • 2) held by French kings

  • 3) aimed at protecting the interests of large feudal lords

  • 4) aimed at strengthening the power of the king
A16. The reason for the outbreak of the Hundred Years' War was the clash of interests of England and France in the struggle for possessions in the area:

  • 1) Champagne □ 3) Scotland

  • 2) Aquitaine □ 4) Burgundy
A17 The concept “War of the Roses” refers to history:

  • 1) Spain □ 3) England

  • 2) Italy □ 4) Czech Republic
A18 As a result of the Reconquista, the following happened:

1) reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Arabs

2) Turkish conquest of the Balkan Peninsula

3) revival of ancient culture in Italy

4) unification of Germany

A19. Outstanding Czech thinker and preacher:

  • 1) Jan Hus □ 3) Guillaume Cal

  • 2) Avicenna □ 4) Dante Alighieri
A20. Romanesque temples often also served:

  • 1) castles for kings

  • 2) town halls for the city council

  • 3) shelters in case of danger

  • 4) for university students
IN 1. Place the periods of history in the correct sequence. Provide your answer as a sequence of letter designations for the selected elements.

A) New time

B) Antiquity

In the Middle Ages

D) Primitive

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the concept and definition. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right.




AT 3. What cultural monuments were created in the Middle Ages? Please indicate two correct answers out of five given. Circle the numbers corresponding to the correct answers and write them in the space indicated without additional symbols.

  1. Trajan's Column, Colosseum

  2. Great Wall of China, Acropolis

  3. "The Song of Roland", "Decameron"

  4. tragedy "Persians", poem "Iliad"

  5. Hagia Sophia, Aachen Chapel

Part A

A1. The church reform of Patriarch Nikon refers to

1) change in church rituals

2) convening of the Stoglavy Council

3) establishment of the Holy Synod

4) separation of church and state

1) change in church rituals

A2. Which of the following events happened earlier than the others?

1) Livonian War

2) Smolensk War

3) Ermak’s campaign in Siberia

4) standing on the Ugra River

A3. Which of the above refers to the results of Prince Ivan III’s campaign against Veliky Novgorod in 1478?

1) providing special benefits to the Novgorod merchants

2) expansion of the powers of the Novgorod veche

3) transfer of most of the Novgorod lands to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

4) the Moscow prince receiving large land holdings at his disposal

4) the Moscow prince receiving large land holdings at his disposal

A4. Which prince ordered the construction of the walls of the Moscow Kremlin from red brick and invited Italian masters to Moscow: Aristotle Fioravanti, Aleviz Novy, etc.?

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Ivan the Terrible

3) Dmitry Donskoy

4) Ivan III

A5. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and indicate who the passage is talking about.

“He said to his mother and his boyars: “I don’t like to sit in Kyiv, I want to live in Pereyaslavets on the Danube - for there is the middle of my land, all the good things flow there: from the Greek land - gold, pavoloks, wines, various allods, from the Czech Republic and from Hungary silver and horses, from Rus' furs and wax, honey and slaves.”

3) Svyatoslav

3) Svyatoslav

A6. Of the listed persons, the composer was

1) N.M. Karamzin

2) V.I. Dahl

3) Full name Chaliapin

4) M.P. Mussorgsky

A7. Russia's participation in the Continental blockade of England dates back to the reign of

1) Alexander I

2) Nicholas I

3) Alexander II

1) Alexander I

A8. Russia's goal in the Northern War was

1) accession of Finland

2) gaining access to the Black Sea

3) gaining access to the Baltic Sea

4) reflection of Poland’s claims to Left Bank Ukraine

3) gaining access to the Baltic Sea

A9. Read an excerpt from the historian’s work and indicate the name of the emperor’s brother, heir to the throne, who is discussed in the excerpt.

“It was no secret to him that Constantine...feared the throne. This means that the conversation with (Alexander) was hardly a surprise for him. But it was natural to be afraid of power in his position, even secretly dreaming about it. (Heir to the throne) ... understood that he was not ready ... to govern the state. Meanwhile, after a remarkable conversation in 1819, Alexander, repeatedly returning to this topic, did nothing, however, to prepare his brother for the throne.”

1) Pavel Petrovich

2) Nikolai Pavlovich

3) Alexander Nikolaevich

4) Alexander Alexandrovich

2) Nikolai Pavlovich

A10. What event relates to the war of 1877-1878?

1) Tsushima battle

2) Tarutino march maneuver

3) defense of Sevastopol

4) defense of Shipka

A11. As a result of the monetary reform S.Yu. Witte

1) the basis of the monetary system was the gold ruble

2) the silver ruble became the basis of the monetary system

3) paper money was withdrawn from circulation

4) circulation of paper money was restored

1) the basis of the monetary system was the gold ruble

A12. Read an excerpt from the work of historian S.G. Pushkarev and determine the name of the creative association that is discussed in it.

“Passionate opposition to the classical, academic style of opera came from [this association]. Pianist M.A. Balakirev became the inspirer and leader of this group of young innovators who rebelled against ossified canons simultaneously with the “populists” in literature and the “Wanderers” in painting. The [association that arose] between 1857 and 1862 included engineering officer Caesar Cui, army lieutenant M.P. Mussorgsky, chemist A.P. Borodin and naval officer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. All of them became outstanding composers. They strived for realism and nationalism in music.”

1) “The Mighty Handful”

2) “Left Front”

3) "Arzamas"

1) “The Mighty Handful”

A13. What concept arose in connection with the process of democratization of culture in the 1870-1890s?

1) classicism

2) romanticism

3) academicism

4) peredvizhniki

A14. At the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets in October 1917, it was decided to

1) proclamation of Soviet power

2) concluding a separate peace with the Germans

3) proclamation of Russia as a constitutional monarchy

4) creation of the Provisional Government

1) proclamation of Soviet power

A15. Which of the following was one of the reasons for the rapid pace of collectivization of agriculture in the late 1920s?

1) material interest of wealthy peasants in the creation of collective farms

2) the success of peasant cooperatives in previous years

3) violent actions by the authorities against peasants

4) massive ruin of individual peasant farms as a result of falling food prices

3) violent actions by the authorities against peasants

A16. What was the name of one of the largest “death camps” created by the Nazis, in which many Soviet prisoners of war and Jews died?

1) Erfurt

2) Auschwitz

3) Nuremberg

2) Auschwitz

A17. Read an excerpt from an interstate agreement signed by the USSR in July 1941 and determine which country it was concluded with.

"1. Both governments mutually undertake to provide each other with assistance and support of all kinds in the present war against Nazi Germany.

1) France

2) Great Britain

2) Great Britain

A18. Active development of virgin lands in the second half of the 20th century took place under

1) I.V. Stalin

2) N.S. Khrushchev

3) L.I. Brezhnev

2) N.S. Khrushchev

A19. Which of the above refers to the consequences of the beginning of the Cold War in the internal political life of the USSR in the second half of the 1940s?

1) widespread development of the dissident movement

2) repressions against prominent military leaders during the Great Patriotic War

3) establishment of army control over the party and state apparatus

4) campaign against cosmopolitanism

4) campaign against cosmopolitanism

A20. What was the name of the Soviet writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958, but was forced to refuse it under conditions of persecution organized by the authorities?

1) B.L. Parsnip

2) M.A. Sholokhov

3) A.A. Fadeev

1) B.L. Parsnip

A21. Which association of states did Russia become a member of in December 1991?

1) Commonwealth of Independent States

2) Commonwealth of Nations

3) Union of Sovereign States

1) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Part B

IN 1. Arrange the names of cultural figures in the chronological order of their lives. Write down the numbers that indicate the names in the correct sequence in the table.

1) Marco Ruffo

2) Simeon of Polotsk

3) Andrey Rublev

4) Vasily Bazhenov

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the terms and the time of their appearance: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.


A) Supreme Privy Council

B) Zemsky Sobor

B) Palace and Treasury

D) Order of secret affairs

Appearance time

AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the events of the second half of the 19th century and their dates: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.


A) adoption of the law on zemstvo chiefs

B) zemstvo reform

B) Berlin Congress

D) accession of Alexander III


AT 7. Which three of the following documents were adopted in the 1920s?

2) resolution “On Party Unity”

3) the first Constitution of the USSR

5) the law “On the entry of Western Ukraine into the USSR”

6) the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR

AT 8. Establish a correspondence between the names of the leaders of the USSR and the periods of their stay in power: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.


A) Yu.V. Andropov

B) N.S. Khrushchev

B) M.S. Gorbachev

D) K.U. Chernenko


1) 1953-1964

2) 1964-1982

3) 1982-1984

4) 1984-1985

AT 9. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee N. Baibakov and write the name of the period of national history to which they relate.

“The conversation took place over a cup of tea, as they say, in a confidential atmosphere. Brezhnev spoke about the difficult situation in the country, about the need to strengthen the centralization of management and planning, since the economic councils would be liquidated and the ministries would be restored...

“Black gold” and gas from Siberia became the main base of the country’s fuel and energy complex and a major source of foreign currency. Then a fierce struggle broke out over the choice of the most effective direction for laying a gas pipeline from Western Siberia. Kosygin himself flew to the place - to the Tyumen region - to make sure which option is more profitable: the northern one - in underdeveloped territory or the southern one - in densely populated areas.”

Period of stagnation

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Below is a list of terms. The appearance of all of them, with the exception of one, dates back to the 19th century. Find and write down a term whose appearance dates back to another historical period.

Decembrists, populists, Petrashevites, Trotskyists, Marxists, March First.


AT 11. Write the missing concept (term).

The form of economic management that was established everywhere in rural areas in the USSR as a result of the “Great Turning Point,” in which the means of production (land, equipment, livestock, seeds, etc.) were jointly owned and under the public management of its participants, is called

collective farms

AT 12. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the information provided in the list below. For each lettered cell, select the number of the desired element.

1) Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

2) Emperor Alexander I

3) A.D. Menshikov

4) M.M. Speransky

5) 1645-1676

6) 1741-1761

7) 1762-1796

8) Andrey Zhelyabov

Part C

Read an excerpt from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3.

From the memoirs of Soviet party leader V.A. Medvedev

“On June 11... a meeting was held at the CPSU Central Committee on issues of accelerating scientific and technological progress. The report of the [Secretary General] implemented to the maximum extent the developments that were carried out during these years in preparation for the Plenum of the Central Committee.

The meeting deepened the critical analysis of the previous period of development. At the same time, it was clearly discovered that the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, and therefore the socio-economic development of the country, rests on the economic mechanism inherited from the past. Further practice confirmed that even carefully developed extensive programs for the development of science and technology, the modernization of domestic mechanical engineering ... cannot count on success under the conditions of the old economic mechanism, therefore the center of gravity and attention in the economic sphere began to constantly switch to the development of the economic mechanism. And behind this, the whole chain gradually followed.

Upon in-depth analysis of the problems of improving the economic mechanism, it turned out that it is unthinkable without reforming the entire political system, and this, in turn, dictates the need to reconsider the role of the party itself.”

C1. Indicate the name of the period of national history to which the memoirs relate. What is the name of the Secretary General mentioned in the text?

1) period – perestroika; 2) surname of the Secretary General – M.S. Gorbachev

C2. Name at least three characteristic features of the “old economic mechanism” mentioned in the text.

1) lack of private ownership of the means of production; 2) the planned nature of the economy; 3) command (bureaucratic) methods of economic management; 4) lack of material interest of workers in the results of their work; 5) mismanagement, irrational consumption of resources; 6) state control over pricing; 7) state monopoly on foreign trade.
Other characteristic features may be mentioned.

C3. Name at least three economic reforms, transformations aimed at changing the “old economic mechanism” and carried out during the period to which the memories relate.

1) introduction of a state acceptance system; 2) expanding the independence of enterprises, 3) introducing cost accounting; 4) development of the cooperative movement; 5) permission for individual entrepreneurship; 6) creation of farms (recognition of five main forms of farming in rural areas); 7) creation of commercial banks.
Other reforms may be mentioned.

C4. The discussion about the role of the Varangians in Russian history and their nationality, the dispute between Normanists and anti-Normanists began in the middle of the 18th century and continues to this day. Explain how the views of supporters and opponents of the Norman theory differed (give three explanations).

1) supporters of the Norman theory believed that the state of the Eastern Slavs was created by the Varangians (Normans); the Slavs themselves could not create a state due to their backwardness; 2) opponents of the Norman theory believed that the state of the Slavs arose as a result of the development of East Slavic society (by the time the Varangians were called, the Slavs already had their own reigns); 3) supporters of the Norman theory believed that the word Rus is of Norman origin, opponents of the Norman theory - the word Rus is of Slavic origin; 4) supporters of the Norman theory believed that the Varangians (Normans) were residents of Scandinavia, and opponents - the Varangians (Normans) - Slavs from the southern shore of the Baltic Sea.
Other explanations may be given.

C5. Below are two points of view on the policy of P.A. Stolypin:

1. Politics P.A. Stolypin was aimed at protecting the interests of noble landowners.
2. From politics P.A. Stolypin was won by the best part of the Russian peasantry.

Which point of view do you prefer? Using historical knowledge, provide three arguments to support your chosen point of view.

When choosing the first point of view, it can be said that : 1) Stolypin’s agrarian reforms did not directly affect the property rights of landowners; 2) Stolypin’s agrarian reforms distracted peasants from the idea of ​​​​dividing landowners’ lands; 3) thanks to Stolypin’s reforms, the poor who sold their land replenished the number of agricultural workers whose labor was used on landowner farms; 4) the electoral law, amended on June 3, 1907, provided more advantages to the noble landowners (including to the detriment of peasant rights); 5) with P.A. In Stolypin, the Noble Bank continued to operate, providing preferential loans to landowners.

When choosing the second point of view it can be said that : 1) the reforms contributed to the strengthening of private peasant ownership of land (transforming peasants into land owners); 2) Stolypin freed the economic peasants from the oppression of the community; 3) under him, the activities of the Peasant Bank to issue loans to peasants were intensified; 4) reforms accelerated the transfer of part of the landowners' lands into the hands of peasants through purchase and sale; 5) resettlement policy made it possible to solve the problem of land shortage among peasants in the Central region; 6) Stolypin’s reforms made it possible to solve the problem of striped peasant lands; 7) during the reforms, peasant cooperation received significant development; 8) the productivity of peasant lands and the marketability of peasant farms have increased; 9) when reforming the system of local self-government, Stolypin planned to provide more rights to peasant owners.

C6. Below are three historical figures from different eras. Choose from them one and complete the tasks.

1) Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich 2) Nicholas II 3) E.T. Gaidar

Indicate the lifetime of the historical figure (accurate to a decade or part of a century). Name the main directions of its activities and give a brief description of them. Indicate the results of its activities.

In the case when the answer correctly indicates the lifetime of a historical figure or there is no indication of the time of life, and the facts used to characterize the main areas of activity significantly distort the meaning of the answer and indicate a lack of understanding by the graduate (applicant) of the era in which the historical figure lived, the answer is evaluated 0 points.

a) adoption of the “Conciliar Code”; b) accession of the Romanov dynasty;

c) annexation of Left Bank Ukraine to Russia; d) the uprising of Stepan Razin.

What is the name of an enterprise based on the division of labor, specialization and the use of hired labor?

a) factory; b) monopoly; c) manufacture; d) guild.

49. The main opponent of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon was:

a) Sergius of Radonezh; b) Metropolitan Alexy; c) Patriarch Job; d) Archpriest Avvakum.

What is the name of the peace agreement that ended the war of 1654-1667? with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

a) Stolbovsky world; b) Deulin truce;

c) Truce of Andrusovo; d) Peace of Bakhchisarai.

51. The “Grand Embassy” was sent to Europe:

a) in 1695-1697; b) in 1696-1697; c) in 1697-1698. d) in 1692-1693.

Which of the presented government institutions does not belong to the 18th century?

a) Senate; b) His Majesty's Own Office;

c) Holy Synod; d) Order of merchant affairs.

53. Peter I’s decree on succession to the throne had the consequence...

a) stabilization of the internal political situation in Russia in the middle of the 18th century;

b) frequent changes of monarchs on the Russian throne, often through palace coups;

c) dethronement of the son of Peter I, Tsarevich Alexei;

d) weakening of the influence of the guards regiments.

In what year was Russia declared an empire?

a) in 1711; b) in 1721; c) in 1725; d) in 1727

55. Which country was not an ally of Russia in the Northern War?

a) Saxony; b) England; c) Rzeczpospolita; d) Denmark.

The Northern War ended with the signing of which peace treaty?

a) Friedrichsgamsky; b) Aboskiy c) Nystadtskiy; d) Verelsky.

What is the name of the document designed to limit the power of the emperor (empress) in the era of palace coups?

a) regulations; b) rescript; c) condition; d) charter.

Which event does not relate to the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna?

a) restoration of hetmanship in Ukraine; b) foundation of Moscow University;

c) Seven Years' War; d) publication of the Manifesto “On the Liberty of the Nobility.”

What is secularization?

a) a system of punishments for the lower ranks of the army;

b) the right of the landowner to exclusive ownership of the land and peasants;

c) transfer of church land holdings into state ownership;

d) labor service for urban residents.

Which of the listed figures was not a favorite of Catherine II?

a) G.A. Potemkin; b) E.I. Biron; c) G.G. Orlov; d) P.A. Zubov.

61. Check the incorrect statement:

a) one of the reasons for the uprising led by E.I. Pugachev was the dissatisfaction of the peasants with the strengthening of serf exploitation;

b) the uprising of E.I. Pugachev is also called the peasant war;

c) one of the driving forces of the uprising of E.I. Pugachev was a Cossack;

d) uprising led by E.I. Pugachev was caused by the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774.

62.With which country did Russia conclude the Kyuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty?

a) with Austria; b) with Turkey; c) with Sweden; d) with Poland.

What foreign policy event occurred during the reign of Paul I?

a) Italian campaign of the Russian army; b) Seven Years' War;

c) the third section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; d) Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791.

64. About which Russian emperor A.S. Pushkin wrote: “The ruler is weak and crafty, accidentally warmed by glory...”?

a) about Nicholas I; b) about Paul I; c) about Alexander I; d) about Peter III.

Which event happened before the others?

a) Establishment of the State Council b) creation of military settlements

c) a decree banning all secret organizations d) the adoption of a decree on “free cultivators”

What parts of the territory of the Russian Empire in the first quarter of the 19th century. had autonomy?

a) Poland and Finland; b) Ukraine and Eastern Georgia;

c) Courland, Livonia and Estland; d) Belarus and Lithuania.

67. The following were not among the commanders who led the Russian troops in the Patriotic War of 1812:

a) P.A. Rumyantsev; b) N.N. Raevsky; c) P.I. Bagration; d) A.P. Tormasov.

68. The results of the anti-Napoleonic wars were summed up:

a) Gulistan Peace Treaty; b) Peace of Bucharest;

c) the Genoa Conference; d) Congress of Vienna.

Political system in Russia in the 19th century. - This

a) parliamentary monarchy b) constitutional monarchy c) republic

d) autocracy

Ownership of land and serfs, class self-government, exemption from conscription, taxes and corporal punishment were a privilege

a) nobility b) philistinism c) merchants d) Cossacks

Which of the following events occurred during the reign of Alexander 1

A) Patriotic War B) Peasant War led by E. Pugachev

C) the creation of military settlements D) the abolition of serfdom

D) the second and third sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth E) the creation of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

Please indicate the correct answer:

1) HEV 2) GD 3) AVE 4) AGE

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Which of the following caused World War I?

Attention! In all questions there is only one correct answer.

World History assignments, 9th grade

Please provide a name. After Napoleon's first abdication in 1814, this scion of the Bourbons was awakened by a messenger who brought the long-awaited news: “Sire, from now on you are king!” - “Wasn’t I a king before?” - objected with dignity………. and went to bed.

Which state in Africa in the mid-19th century was organized from slaves freed in the United States?

A) Nigeria;

C) Ethiopia;

D) Liberia.

12. This American president was born into a lumberjack family, was a farm laborer, a raftmaker, and a postmaster. After being elected president, he advocated the limitation and abolition of slavery. This…

A) George Washington;

B) John Brown;

C) Theodore Roosevelt;

D) Abraham Lincoln.

13. National hero of Italy. A. I. Herzen wrote about him: “He and a handful of people defeated the army, liberated the whole country and was released from it, like a coachman is released when he has driven to the station.” This:

A) Giuseppe Garibaldi;

B) Giuseppe Mazzini;

C) Camillo Cavour;

D) Victor Emmanuel.

14. The movement to abolish slavery in the United States was called:

A) Chartism;

B) abolitionism;

C) impressionism;

D) racism.

A) Louis XVIII;

B) Louis XVI;

C) Louis Philippe d'Orléans;

D) Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.

Student's name ______________________________________

A) Assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand;

B) England’s desire to destroy France, its main competitor;

C) Russia's desire to become a colonial power;

D) Germany’s desire to begin the struggle for the redistribution of colonies.

2. Which states joined the Entente bloc at the beginning of the twentieth century:

A) USA, UK, France;

B) Russia, Great Britain, France;

C) Germany, Italy, Japan;

D) Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary.

3. Indicate the chronology of the Second World War:

4. In August 1945, the USSR, fulfilling its obligations towards its allies, declared war:

A) Germany;

B) Spain;

C) Japan;

D) Finland.

5. The confrontation between the USSR and the USA, which lasted from the mid-1940s. until the mid-1980s, was named:

A) “Cold War”;

B) “regional conflict”;

C) “nuclear dialogue”;

D) “undeclared war.”

6. In the 60s, pacifism (an anti-war movement whose participants oppose any war.) gained rapid development among American youth. This phenomenon was called:

A) “Middle East crisis”;

B) “cold war”;

C) “Vietnamese syndrome”;

D) "Carribean crisis".

7. Soviet military specialists in the 1960-1970s. participated in hostilities in:

A) Hungary;

B) Afghanistan;

D) Vietnam.

A) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan;

B) formation of the State of Israel;

C) the removal of US President Nixon from power;

D) boycott of the Moscow Olympics by the United States and its allies.

9. The feminist movement in the twentieth century advocated:

A) against environmental pollution;

B) for the equality of whites and blacks;

C) for full equality of women and men;

D) for establishing an 8-hour working day.

10. This US President was a former famous comedian:

A) George W. Bush;

B) Ronald Reagan;

C) John Kennedy;

D) Richard Nixon.

11. Discrimination is:

A) mass extermination of people on racial and religious grounds;

B) expulsion of immigrants from the country;

C) infringement of the rights of any population group on racial or religious grounds;

D) granting preferential political rights to national minorities.

12. Indicate the chronology of the First World War:

A) 1905 - 1907;

B) 1914 – 1917;

C) 1914 – 1918;

D) 1818 - 1920

13. Which state adopted the Lend-Lease law, according to which assistance was provided to states fighting against fascism:

B) Great Britain;

14. Which state and in what year participated in the aggression against Finland, for which it was excluded from the League of Nations:

A) Germany, 1941;

B) USSR, 1939;

C) Japan, 1940;

D) USA, 1939

15. Which event marked the end of the process of détente in international tension in the 1970s:

A) Introduction of ATS troops into Czechoslovakia;

B) the Vietnam War;

C) Suppression of the Hungarian revolution;

D) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.