What types of reactions are possible for sucrose. Occurrence in nature and the human body

Question 1. Sucrose. Its structure, properties, preparation and application.

Answer. It has been experimentally proven that the molecular form of sucrose

– C 12 H 22 O 11 . The molecule contains hydroxyl groups and consists of mutually linked residues of glucose and fructose molecules.

Physical properties

Pure sucrose is a colorless crystalline substance with a sweet taste, highly soluble in water.

Chemical properties:

1. Subject to hydrolysis:

C 12 H 22 O 11 + H2O C 6 H 12 O 6 + C 6 H 12 O 6

2. Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar. It does not give a “silver mirror” reaction, but reacts with copper (II) hydroxide as a polyhydric alcohol, without reducing Cu (II) to Cu (I).

Being in nature

Sucrose is part of the juice of sugar beet (16-20%) and sugar cane (14-26%). It is found in small quantities along with glucose in the fruits and leaves of many green plants.


1. Sugar beets or sugar cane are ground into fine shavings and placed in diffusers through which hot water is passed.

2. The resulting solution is treated with lime milk, soluble saccharate of calcium alcoholates is formed.

3. To decompose calcium sucrose and neutralize excess calcium hydroxide, carbon monoxide (IV) is passed through the solution:

C 12 H 22 O 11 CaO 2H 2 + CO 2 = C 12 H 22 O 11 + CaCO 3 + 2H 2 O

4. The solution obtained after precipitation of calcium carbonate is filtered, then evaporated in vacuum apparatus and sugar crystals are separated by centrifugation.

5. The isolated granulated sugar usually has a yellowish color, as it contains coloring substances. To separate them, sucrose is dissolved in water and passed through activated carbon.


Sucrose is mainly used as a food product and in the confectionery industry. Artificial honey is obtained from it through hydrolysis.

Question 2. Features of the placement of electrons in atoms of elements of small and large periods. States of electrons in atoms.

Answer. An atom is a chemically indivisible, electrically neutral particle of matter. An atom consists of a nucleus and electrons moving in certain orbitals around it. An atomic orbital is a region of space around the nucleus within which an electron is most likely to be found. Orbitals are also called electron clouds. Each orbital has a specific energy, as well as the shape and size of the electron cloud. A group of orbitals for which the energy values ​​are close are assigned to one energy level. An energy level cannot contain more than 2n 2 electrons, where n is the level number.

Types of electron clouds: spherical - s-electrons, one orbital at each energy level; dumbbell-shaped - p-electrons, three orbitals p x, p y, p z; in a shape resembling two crossed ganteas, - d- electrons, five orbitals d xy, d xz, d yz, d 2 z, d 2 x – d 2 y.

The distribution of electrons across energy levels is reflected by the electronic configuration of the element.

Rules for filling energy levels with electrons and


1. The filling of each level begins with s-electrons, then p-, d- and f-energy levels are filled with electrons.

2. The number of electrons in an atom is equal to its atomic number.

3. The number of energy levels corresponds to the number of the period in which the element is located.

4. The maximum number of electrons at an energy level is determined by the formula

Where n is the level number.

5. The total number of electrons in atomic orbitals of one energy level.

For example, aluminum, nuclear charge is +13

Distribution of electrons by energy levels – 2,8,3.

Electronic configuration

13 Al:1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 1 .

In the atoms of some elements, the phenomenon of electron leakage is observed.

For example, in chromium, electrons from the 4s sublevel jump to the 3d sublevel:

24 Cr 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3d 5 3d 5 4s 1 .

The electron moves from the 4s sublevel to the 3d because the 3d 5 and 3d 10 configurations are more energetically favorable. The electron occupies a position in which its energy is minimal.

The filling of the energy f-sublevel with electrons occurs in the element 57La -71 Lu.

Question 3. Recognize the substances KOH, HNO 3, K 2 CO 3.

Answer: KOH + phenolphthalene → crimson color of the solution;

NHO 3 + litmus → red color of the solution,

K 2 CO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + H 2 0 + CO 2

Ticket number 20

Question 1 . Genetic relationship of organic compounds of various classes.

Answer: Scheme of the chain of chemical transformations:

C 2 H 2 → C 2 H 4 → C 2 H 6 → C 2 H 5 Cl → C 2 H 5 OH → CH 3 CHO → CH 3 COOH

C 6 H 6 C 2 H 5 OH CH 2 =CH-CH=CH 2 CH 3 COOC 2 H 5

C 6 H 5 Cl CH 3 O-C 2 H 5 C 4 H 10

C 2 H 2 + H 2 = C 2 H 4,

alkyne alkene

C 2 H 4 + H 2 = C 2 H 6,

alkene alkane

C 2 H 6 + Cl 2 = C 2 H 5 Cl + HCl,

C 2 H 5 Cl + NaOH = C 2 H 5 OH + NaCl,

chloroalkane alcohol

C 2 H 5 OH + 1/2O 2 CH 3 CHO + H 2 O,

aldehyde alcohol

CH 3 CHO + 2Cu(OH) 2 = CH 3 COOH + 2CuOH + H 2 O,

C 2 H 4 + H 2 O C 2 H 5 OH,

alkene alcohol

C 2 H 5 OH + CH 3 OH = CH 3 O-C 2 H 5 + H 2 O,

alcohol alcohol ether

3C 2 H 2 C 6 H 6,

alkyne arene

C 6 H 6 + Cl 2 = C 6 H 5 Cl + HCl,

C 6 H 5 Cl + NaOH = C 6 H 5 OH + NaCl,

C 6 H 5 OH + 3Br 2 = C 6 H 2 Br 3 OH + 3HBr;

2C 2 H 5 OH = CH 2 = CH-CH = CH 2 + 2H 2 O + H 2,

alcohol diene

CH 2 = CH-CH = CH 2 + 2H 2 = C 4 H 10.

diene alkane

Alkanes are hydrocarbons with the general formula C n H 2 n +2, which do not add hydrogen and other elements.

Alkenes are hydrocarbons with the general formula C n H 2 n, in the molecules of which there is one double bond between the carbon atoms.

Diene hydrocarbons include organic compounds with the general formula C n H 2 n -2, the molecules of which have two double bonds.

Hydrocarbons with the general formula C n H 2 n -2, the molecules of which have one triple bond, belong to the acetylene series and are called alkynes.

Compounds of carbon with hydrogen, the molecules of which contain a benzene ring, are classified as aromatic hydrocarbons.

Alcohols are derivatives of hydrocarbons in the molecules of which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by hydroxyl groups.

Phenols include derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, in the molecules of which hydroxyl groups are associated with a benzene ring.

Aldehydes are organic substances containing the functional group CHO (aldehyde group).

Carboxylic acids are organic substances whose molecules contain one or more carboxyl groups connected to a hydrocarbon radical or hydrogen atom.

Esters include organic substances that are formed in reactions of acids with alcohols and contain a group of C(O)-O-C atoms.

Question 2. Types of crystal lattices. Characteristics of substances with different types of crystal lattices.

Answer. A crystal lattice is a spatial structure, ordered by the relative arrangement of particles of a substance, which has an unambiguous, recognizable motif.

Depending on the type of particles located at the lattice sites, they are distinguished: ionic (ICR), atomic (ACR), molecular (MCR), metallic (Met. KR), crystal lattices.

MKR – the nodes contain a molecule. Examples: ice, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, oxygen, nitrogen in the solid state. The forces acting between molecules are relatively weak, so substances have low hardness, low boiling and melting points, and poor solubility in water. Under normal conditions, these are gases or liquids (nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide, solid CO 2). Substances with MCR are classified as dielectrics.

AKR - atoms in nodes. Examples: boron, carbon (diamond), silicon, germanium. Atoms are connected by strong covalent bonds, so substances are characterized by high boiling and melting temperatures, high strength and hardness. Most of these substances are insoluble in water.

IFR – cations and anions in the nodes. Examples: NaCl, KF, LiBr. This type of lattice is found in compounds with an ionic type of bond (metal-non-metal). The substances are refractory, low-volatile, relatively strong, good conductors of electric current, and highly soluble in water.

Met. KR is a lattice of substances consisting only of metal atoms. Examples: Na, K, Al, Zn, Pb, etc. The physical state is solid, insoluble in water. In addition to alkali and alkaline earth metals, conductors of electric current, boiling and melting points range from medium to very high.

Question 3. Task. To burn 70 g of sulfur, take 30 liters of oxygen. Determine the volume and quantity of the substance formed sulfur dioxide.

Given: Find:

m(S) = 70 g, V(SO 2) = ?

V(O 2) = 30 l. v(SO 2) = ?


m=70 G V= 30 l x l

S + O 2 = SO 2.

v: 1 mol 1 mol 1 mol

M: 32 g/mol -- --

V: -- 22.4 l 22.4 l

V(O 2) theor. = 70 * 22.4/32 = 49 l (O 2 is in short supply, calculation based on it).

Since V(SO 2) = V(O 2), then V(SO 2) = 30 l.

v(SO 2) = 30/22.4 = 1.34 mol.

Answer. V(SO 2) = 30 l, v = 1.34 mol.

Chemical properties of sucrose

In sucrose solution, ring opening does not occur, so it does not have the properties of aldehydes.

1) Hydrolysis (in acidic environment):

C 12 H 22 O 11 + H 2 O → C 6 H 12 O 6 + C 6 H 12 O 6.

sucrose glucose fructose

2) Being a polyhydric alcohol, sucrose gives a blue color to the solution when reacting with Cu(OH) 2.

3) Interaction with calcium hydroxide to form calcium sucrose.

4) Sucrose does not react with an ammonia solution of silver oxide, so it is called a non-reducing disaccharide.


Polysaccharides– high molecular weight non-sugar-like carbohydrates containing from ten to hundreds of thousands of monosaccharide residues (usually hexoses) linked by glycosidic bonds.

The most important polysaccharides are starch and cellulose (fiber). They are built from glucose residues. The general formula of these polysaccharides is (C 6 H 10 O 5) n. In the formation of polysaccharide molecules, glycosidic (at the C 1 atom) and alcoholic (at the C 4 atom) hydroxyls usually take part, i.e. a (1–4)-glycosidic bond is formed.

From the point of view of the general principles of structure, polysaccharides can be divided into two groups, namely: homopolysaccharides, consisting of monosaccharide units of only one type, and heteropolysaccharides, which are characterized by the presence of two or more types of monomer units.

From a functional point of view, polysaccharides can also be divided into two groups: structural and reserve polysaccharides. Important structural polysaccharides are cellulose and chitin (in plants and animals, as well as in fungi, respectively), and the main reserve polysaccharides are glycogen and starch (in animals, as well as in fungi, and plants, respectively). Only homopolysaccharides will be considered here.

Cellulose (fiber)− the most widespread structural polysaccharide of the plant world.

The main component of the plant cell, synthesized in plants (in wood up to 60% cellulose). Cellulose has great mechanical strength and acts as a support material for plants. Wood contains 50-70% cellulose, cotton is almost pure cellulose.

Pure cellulose is a white fibrous substance, tasteless and odorless, insoluble in water and other solvents.

Cellulose molecules have a linear structure and high molecular weight; they consist only of unbranched molecules in the form of threads, because the shape of β-glucose residues excludes helicalization. Cellulose consists of thread-like molecules, which are assembled into bundles by hydrogen bonds of hydroxyl groups within the chain, as well as between adjacent chains. It is this packing of chains that provides high mechanical strength, fibrousness, insolubility in water and chemical inertness, which makes cellulose an ideal material for building cell walls.

Cellulose consists of α,D-glucopyranose residues in their β-pyranose form, i.e., in the cellulose molecule, β-glucopyranose monomer units are linearly connected to each other by β-1,4-glucosidic bonds:

With partial hydrolysis of cellulose, the disaccharide cellobiose is formed, and with complete hydrolysis, D-glucose is formed. The molecular weight of cellulose is 1,000,000−2,000,000. Fiber is not digested by enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, since the set of these enzymes of the human gastrointestinal tract does not contain β-glucosidase. However, it is known that the presence of optimal amounts of fiber in food promotes the formation of feces. With the complete exclusion of fiber from food, the formation of feces is disrupted.

Starch- a polymer of the same composition as cellulose, but with an elementary unit representing an α-glucose residue:

Starch molecules are coiled, most of the molecules are branched. The molecular weight of starch is less than the molecular weight of cellulose.

Starch is an amorphous substance, a white powder consisting of small grains, insoluble in cold water, but partially soluble in hot water.

Starch is a mixture of two homopolysaccharides: linear - amylose and branched - amylopectin, the general formula of which is (C 6 H 10 O 5) n.

When starch is processed with warm water, it is possible to isolate two fractions: a fraction soluble in warm water and consisting of amylose polysaccharide, and a fraction that only swells in warm water to form a paste and consisting of amylopectin polysaccharide.

Amylose has a linear structure, α, D-glucopyranose residues are linked by (1–4)-glycosidic bonds. The unit cell of amylose (and starch in general) is represented as follows:

The amylopectin molecule is built in a similar way, but has branches in the chain, which creates a spatial structure. At branching points, monosaccharide residues are linked by (1–6)-glycosidic bonds. Between the branch points there are usually 20-25 glucose residues.


As a rule, the amylose content in starch is 10-30%, amylopectin - 70-90%. Starch polysaccharides are built from glucose residues connected in amylose and in the linear chains of amylopectin by α-1,4-glucosidic bonds, and at the branch points of amylopectin by interchain α-1,6-glucosidic bonds.

An amylose molecule contains, on average, about 1000 glucose residues; individual linear sections of the amylopectin molecule consist of 20-30 such units.

In water, amylose does not give a true solution. The amylose chain in water forms hydrated micelles. In solution, when iodine is added, amylose turns blue. Amylopectin also produces micellar solutions, but the shape of the micelles is slightly different. The polysaccharide amylopectin is stained red-violet with iodine.

Starch has a molecular weight of 10 6 -10 7. With partial acid hydrolysis of starch, polysaccharides of a lower degree of polymerization are formed - dextrins, with complete hydrolysis - glucose. Starch is the most important dietary carbohydrate for humans. Starch is formed in plants during photosynthesis and is deposited as a “reserve” carbohydrate in roots, tubers and seeds. For example, grains of rice, wheat, rye and other cereals contain 60-80% starch, potato tubers - 15-20%. A related role in the animal world is played by the polysaccharide glycogen, which is “stored” mainly in the liver.

Glycogen− the main reserve polysaccharide of higher animals and humans, built from α-D-glucose residues. The empirical formula of glycogen, like starch, is (C 6 H 10 O 5) n. Glycogen is found in almost all organs and tissues of animals and humans; the largest amount is found in the liver and muscles. The molecular weight of glycogen is 10 7 -10 9 and higher. Its molecule is built from branching polyglucosidic chains, in which glucose residues are connected by α-1,4-glucosidic bonds. There are α-1,6-glucosidic linkages at the branch points. Glycogen is close in structure to amylopectin.

In the glycogen molecule, there are internal branches - sections of polyglucoside chains between branch points, and external branches - sections from the peripheral branch point to the non-reducing end of the chain. During hydrolysis, glycogen, like starch, is broken down to first form dextrins, then maltose and, finally, glucose.

Chitin− structural polysaccharide of lower plants, especially fungi, as well as invertebrate animals (mainly arthropods). Chitin consists of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose residues linked by β-1,4-glucosidic bonds.

It is useful to know the chemical formulas of substances common in everyday life not only as part of a school chemistry course, but also simply for general erudition. Almost everyone knows the formula for water or table salt, but few can immediately get to the point about alcohol, sugar or vinegar. Let's go from simple to complex.

What is the formula of water?

Everyone knows and drinks this liquid, thanks to which amazing wildlife appeared on planet Earth. Moreover, it makes up about 70% of our body. Water is the simplest compound of an oxygen atom with two hydrogen atoms.

Chemical formula of water: H 2 O

What is the formula for table salt?

Table salt is not only an indispensable culinary dish, but also one of the main components of sea salt, the reserves of which in the World Ocean amount to millions of tons. The formula for table salt is simple and easy to remember: 1 sodium atom and 1 chlorine atom.

Chemical formula of table salt: NaCl

What is the formula for sugar?

Sugar is a white crystalline powder, without which not a single sweet tooth in the world can live a day. Sugar is a complex organic compound whose formula is hard to remember: 12 carbon atoms, 22 hydrogen atoms and 11 oxygen atoms form a sweet and complex structure.

Chemical formula of sugar: C 12 H 22 O 11

What is the formula of vinegar?

Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid that is used for food and also for cleaning metals from plaque. The acetic acid molecule has a complex structure, consisting of two carbon atoms, to one of which three hydrogen atoms are attached, and to the other two oxygen atoms, one of which has grabbed another hydrogen.

Chemical formula of acetic acid: CH 3 COOH

What is the formula of alcohol?

Let's start with the fact that there are different types of alcohols. The alcohol that is used to make wine, vodka and cognac is scientifically called ethanol. In addition to ethanol, there are also a bunch of alcohols that are used in medicine, automotive and aviation.

Chemical formula of ethanol: C 2 H 5 OH

What is the formula for baking soda?

Baking soda is scientifically called sodium bicarbonate. From this name, any novice chemist will understand that the soda molecule contains sodium, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.

Chemical formula of baking soda: NaHCO 3

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Scientists have proven that sucrose is a component of all plants; it is found in large quantities in consumer products such as sugar beets and cane. The role of sucrose in the nutrition of any person is quite large.

Sucrose is a disaccharide (part of the class of oligosaccharides), which, under the action of the enzyme sucrose or under the influence of acid, is hydrolyzed into glucose (all major polysaccharides consist of it) and fructose (fruit sugar), more precisely, the sucrose molecule consists of residues of D-fructose and D- glucose. The main product available to everyone that serves as a source of sucrose is regular sugar.

In chemistry, the sucrose molecule is written with the following formula - C 12 H 22 O 11 and is an isomer.

Hydrolysis of sucrose

C 12 H 22 O 11 + H 2 O → C 6 H 12 O 6 + C 6 H 12 O 6

Sucrose is the most important of the disaccharides. As can be seen from sucrose leads to the formation of elements such as glucose and fructose. Their molecular formulas are the same, but their structural formulas are completely different:

CH 2 (OH) - (CHOH) 4 - SON - glucose.

CH 2 - CH - CH - CH -C - CH 2 - fructose

Physical properties of sucrose

  1. Sucrose is a colorless taste that dissolves well in water.
  2. 160 °C is the temperature characteristic of melting sucrose.
  3. Caramel is an amorphous transparent mass that is formed when molten sucrose solidifies.

Chemical properties of sucrose

  1. Sucrose is not an aldehyde.
  2. Sucrose is the most important disaccharide.
  3. When heated with an ammonia solution, Ag 2 O does not produce a so-called “silver mirror”, just as when heated with Cu(OH) 2 it does not form red copper oxide.
  4. If you boil a solution of sucrose with 2-3 drops of sulfuric acid or then neutralize it with any alkali, and then heat the resulting solution with Cu(OH)2, a red precipitate will form.

Composition of sucrose

The sucrose molecule, as is known, consists of fructose and glucose residues, which are closely connected to each other. Among the isomers that have the molecular formula C 12 H 22 O 11, the following are distinguished: maltose (malt sugar) and, of course,

Foods that are rich in sucrose

The effect of sucrose on the human body

Sucrose provides the human body with the energy necessary for its full functioning. It also improves a person’s brain activity and stimulates the protective functions of his liver from the effects of toxic substances. Supports the life support of striated muscles and nerve cells. That is why sucrose is one of the most important substances contained in almost all human consumption products.

With a lack of sucrose, a person experiences the following conditions: depression, irritability, apathy, lack of energy, lack of strength. This condition can constantly worsen if the sucrose content in the body is not normalized in time. Excess sucrose leads to the following: caries, excessive fullness, periodontal disease, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, the possible development of candidiasis and itching of the genital organs, and there is a risk of developing diabetes.

The need for sucrose increases in cases where the human brain is overloaded as a result of vigorous activity, and (or) when the human body is exposed to severe toxic effects. The need for sucrose consumption decreases sharply if a person has diabetes or is overweight.

The effect of fructose and glucose on the human body

As it turned out earlier, as a result of the interaction “sucrose - water”, elements such as fructose and glucose are formed. Let's consider the main characteristics of these substances and how these elements affect human life.

Fructose, a type of sugar molecule found in fresh fruits, gives them their sweetness. As a result, many believe that fructose is the most beneficial because... is a natural component. Fructose also has a minimal effect on glucose levels (since it has a low glycemic index).

Fructose itself is very sweet, however, fruits known to man contain relatively small amounts of it. As a result of this, a small amount of sugar enters our body, which is processed very quickly. However, you should not introduce large amounts of fructose into the body, because Excessive consumption can lead to consequences such as obesity, cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), gout and heart disease (increased uric acid levels), fatty liver and, of course, premature aging of the skin, resulting in wrinkles.

As a result of research, scientists have come to the conclusion that fructose, unlike glucose, accumulates signs of aging much faster. What can we say about fructose substitutes?

Based on the material previously proposed, we can conclude that eating a reasonable amount of fruit is good for human health, since they contain a minimal amount of fructose. But concentrated fructose should be avoided, as it can lead to real illness.

Glucose - like fructose, is one of and is a form of carbohydrates - the most common form. made from starches, it quickly raises blood sugar levels and supplies our body with energy for a fairly long period of time.

Consistently eating highly processed foods or simple starches, such as white rice or white flour, will cause your blood sugar levels to rise significantly. And the result of this will be certain problems, such as a decrease in the level of the body's defenses, which, as a consequence, leads to poor wound healing, kidney failure, nerve damage, increased levels of lipids in the blood, the risk of nerve disease (peripheral department), obesity, as well as the occurrence of heart attack and (or) stroke.

Artificial sweeteners - harm or benefit

Many people who are afraid to consume glucose or fructose turn to artificial sweeteners like aspart or sucrapose. However, they also have their drawbacks. Because these substances are man-made chemical neurotoxic substances, substitutes can cause headaches and also pose a high risk of cancer. Therefore, this option, like the previous ones, is not 100%.

The entire world around us affects the human body, and not one of us can protect ourselves from all diseases. However, based on some knowledge, we can control the processes of occurrence of certain ailments. The same applies to the use of sucrose: you should not neglect it, just like you should constantly use it. You should find a “golden” mean and stick to the best options. Options that will make your body feel great and thank you so much! Therefore, choose which type of sugar you should use and glow with energy all day long.

Physical properties

Pure sucrose is a colorless crystalline substance with a sweet taste, highly soluble in water.

Chemical properties

The main property of disaccharides, which distinguishes them from monosaccharides, is the ability to hydrolyze in an acidic environment (or under the action of enzymes in the body):

C 12 H 22 O 11 +H2O> C 6 H 12 O 6 + C 6 H 12 O 6

Sucrose glucose fructose

The glucose formed during hydrolysis can be detected by the “silver mirror” reaction or by reacting with copper (II) hydroxide.

Obtaining sucrose

Sucrose C 12 H 22 O 11 (sugar) is obtained mainly from sugar beets and sugar cane. During the production of sucrose, no chemical transformations occur, because it is already available in natural products. It is only isolated from these products in as pure a form as possible.

The process of extracting sucrose from sugar beets:

Peeled sugar beets are turned into thin chips in mechanical beet cutters and placed in special vessels - diffusers through which hot water is passed. As a result, almost all sucrose is washed out of the beets, but along with it various acids, proteins and coloring substances that need to be separated from sucrose pass into the solution.

The solution formed in the diffusers is treated with lime milk.

C 12 H 22 O 11 +Ca(OH) 2 > C 12 H 22 O 11 2CaO H 2 O

Calcium hydroxide reacts with the acids contained in the solution. Since calcium salts of most organic acids are poorly soluble, they precipitate. Sucrose with calcium hydroxide forms a soluble saccharate of the alcoholate type - C 12 H 22 O 11 2CaO H 2 O

3. To decompose the resulting calcium saccharate and neutralize excess calcium hydroxide, carbon monoxide (IV) is passed through their solution. As a result, calcium is precipitated as carbonate:

C 12 H 22 O 11 2CaO H 2 O + 2CO 2 > C 12 H 22 O 11 + 2CaСO 3 v 2H 2 O

4. The solution obtained after precipitation of calcium carbonate is filtered, then evaporated in a vacuum apparatus and the sugar crystals are separated by centrifugation.

However, it is not possible to isolate all the sugar from the solution. What remains is a brown solution (molasses), which still contains up to 50% sucrose. Molasses is used to produce citric acid and some other products.

5. The isolated granulated sugar usually has a yellowish color, as it contains coloring substances. To separate them, sucrose is redissolved in water and the resulting solution is passed through activated carbon. Then the solution is evaporated again and subjected to crystallization. (see Appendix 2)

Application of sucrose

Sucrose is mainly used as a food product and in the confectionery industry. Artificial honey is obtained from it through hydrolysis.

Occurrence in nature and the human body

Sucrose is part of the juice of sugar beet (16 - 20%) and sugar cane (14 - 26%). It is found in small quantities along with glucose in the fruits and leaves of many green plants.