What beneficial bacteria are there? Bacteria - what diseases cause, names and types

The entire set of bacteria that live in the human body is called microbiota. Healthy intestinal microflora consists of many bacteria. There are more than a million of them. Each microorganism plays a huge role in normalizing the functioning of the entire body. If the balance is disturbed and there is a lack of any bacteria, this leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. The pathogenic process begins to develop rapidly. All beneficial microorganisms are found mostly in the intestines, as well as on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. The immune system is able to regulate the required amount of beneficial bacteria.

The microflora of the human body is populated by both beneficial and pathogenic organisms. At a certain concentration this is considered normal. There are beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. Of course, there are many more beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. Balance is only achieved when good microflora constitutes more than 95 percent of all microorganisms. There are the following types of bacteria that live in the human body:

  • lactobacilli;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • enterococci;
  • coli.


They are the most common type of bacteria. They are directly involved in the formation of lactic acid and acetate. Bifidobacteria help create an acidic environment, which helps neutralize almost all pathogenic bacteria. In this case, the pathogenic flora can no longer develop further. The processes of decay and fermentation stop in the body.

Bifidobacteria are very important for the child's body. They are responsible for allergic reactions to various foods. They also have a good antioxidant effect and prevent the development of tumors.

This type of bacteria takes part in the synthesis of vitamin C. They help the rapid absorption of vitamins B and D, which take part in the formation of the child’s body. If there are few bifidobacteria in the body, then even synthetic vitamins will not be able to fully replenish their required amount.


These microorganisms also play a fairly important role in the normal functioning of the body. They are able to interact with other good bacteria that inhabit the intestines. At the same time, they block the development of pathogenic microflora and suppress the activity of bacteria that cause intestinal diseases.

Lactobacilli take part in the formation of lysozyme, lactic acid and some vitamins. They are excellent helpers for the immune system. A deficiency of these bacteria almost always leads to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Lactobacilli can often be found not only in the intestines, but also on the mucous membranes. This is a very important factor, especially for women's health. With their help, the necessary acidity in the vagina is maintained. This helps prevent the development of diseases such as bacterial vaginosis.


Appear in the human body in the first days after birth. Promotes good absorption of sucrose. Most often, enterococci are found in the small intestine. By interacting with other good bacteria, they protect the body from the development of pathogenic microflora. However, this type of microorganism is considered to be conditionally safe. If their concentration is exceeded, intestinal diseases develop.

Escherichia coli

Many types of such microorganisms do not contribute to the development of any diseases. In some cases, they also perform a protective function. Their usefulness lies in the synthesis of cocilin, which creates an obstacle to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Escherichia coli takes part in the synthesis of many vitamins, as well as nicotinic and folic acid. This is very important because folic acid is responsible for the formation of red blood cells in the body, which helps maintain hemoglobin levels.

Positive effects of bacteria on the human body

Good bacteria have a lot of useful and necessary properties. The body is able to function normally as long as it maintains the necessary balance between the bacteria that inhabit the intestines and mucous membranes. A lot of them are involved in the most important process of vitamin synthesis. B vitamins cannot be absorbed normally without exposure to beneficial bacteria. Because of this, the level of hemoglobin in the blood may decrease, the skin may suffer, and disorders of the nervous system may occur.

Bacteria are able to break down undigested food components that reach the large intestine. Beneficial microorganisms help maintain water-salt balance in the body.

The intestinal microflora takes part in the formation of local immunity. Helps block the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, people do not feel bloating and flatulence. An increase in the number of lymphocytes provokes the work of phagocytes, which consists of fighting harmful microbes. At the same time, some bacteria actively participate in the synthesis of immunoglobulin A.

Beneficial microorganisms have a positive effect on the functioning of the large and small intestines. With their help, it is possible to maintain the necessary acidity, as a result of which the epithelium becomes more resistant to the effects of harmful factors. Intestinal motility also depends on microorganisms. Bifidobacteria take part in blocking the processes of decay and fermentation in the body. Many bacteria are constantly in symbiosis with pathogens, controlling their effect on the body.

The overall balance of the body is maintained by biochemical reactions occurring in the body with the participation of bacteria. This releases thermal energy. The basis of nutrition for beneficial bacteria is the remains of undigested food.


Dysbacteriosis is usually called changes in the quantity and quality of bacteria. In this case, a large number of good bacteria simply die, and the bad ones begin to multiply quickly. Dysbacteriosis in many cases affects not only the intestines. It can appear in the oral cavity or on mucous membranes. Strepto- and staphylococci can be detected in the tests.

In the normal state of the body, beneficial bacteria are able to completely regulate the proliferation of pathogens. Usually the airways and skin are protected. But if the balance is imbalanced, a person begins to feel some symptoms of a developing disease. Abdominal pain, bloating, and possible development of flatulence and diarrhea. Later, vitamin deficiency and anemia begin. Due to lack of appetite, weight rapidly decreases. Women may develop sexual dysfunction. Copious vaginal discharge appears. They often have an unpleasant odor. The skin becomes dry. You can find roughness and cracks on it. In almost all cases, dysbiosis is one of the manifestations of long-term use of antibiotics.

At the first signs of illness, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe all the necessary examinations, on the basis of which the most effective treatment for dysbiosis will be determined. Various probiotics are most often used for medicinal purposes.

Most people associate the word “bacteria” with something unpleasant and a threat to health. At best, fermented milk products come to mind. At worst - dysbacteriosis, plague, dysentery and other troubles. But bacteria are everywhere, they are good and bad. What can microorganisms hide?

What are bacteria

Bacteria means “stick” in Greek. This name does not mean that harmful bacteria are meant. They were given this name because of their shape. Most of these single cells look like rods. They also come in the form of triangles, squares, and star-shaped cells. For a billion years, bacteria do not change their appearance; they can only change internally. They can be movable or immobile. A bacterium consists of one cell. On the outside it is covered with a thin shell. This allows it to maintain its shape. There is no nucleus or chlorophyll inside the cell. There are ribosomes, vacuoles, cytoplasmic outgrowths, and protoplasm. The largest bacterium was found in 1999. It was called the "Grey Pearl of Namibia". Bacteria and bacillus mean the same thing, they just have different origins.

Man and bacteria

In our body there is a constant battle between harmful and beneficial bacteria. Thanks to this process, a person receives protection from various infections. Various microorganisms surround us at every step. They live on clothes, fly in the air, they are omnipresent.

The presence of bacteria in the mouth, and this is about forty thousand microorganisms, protects the gums from bleeding, from periodontal disease and even from sore throat. If a woman’s microflora is disturbed, she may develop gynecological diseases. Following basic rules of personal hygiene will help avoid such failures.

Human immunity completely depends on the state of the microflora. Almost 60% of all bacteria are found in the gastrointestinal tract alone. The rest are located in the respiratory system and in the reproductive system. About two kilograms of bacteria live in a person.

The appearance of bacteria in the body

A newly born baby has a sterile intestine.
After his first breath, many microorganisms enter the body with which he was previously unfamiliar. When the baby is first put to the breast, the mother transfers beneficial bacteria with milk, which will help normalize the intestinal microflora. It is not for nothing that doctors insist that the mother immediately after the birth of her child breastfeed him. They also recommend extending this feeding as long as possible.

Beneficial bacteria

Beneficial bacteria are: lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria, E. coli, streptomycents, mycorrhizae, cyanobacteria.

They all play an important role in human life. Some of them prevent the occurrence of infections, others are used in the production of medicines, and others maintain balance in the ecosystem of our planet.

Types of harmful bacteria

Harmful bacteria can cause a number of serious illnesses in humans. For example, diphtheria, anthrax, sore throat, plague and many others. They are easily transmitted from an infected person through air, food, or touch. It is the harmful bacteria, the names of which will be given below, that spoil food. They give off an unpleasant odor, rot and decompose, and cause diseases.

Bacteria can be gram-positive, gram-negative, rod-shaped.

Names of harmful bacteria

Table. Harmful bacteria for humans. Titles
Titles Habitat Harm
Mycobacteria food, water tuberculosis, leprosy, ulcer
Tetanus bacillus soil, skin, digestive tract tetanus, muscle spasms, respiratory failure

Plague stick

(considered by experts as a biological weapon)

only in humans, rodents and mammals bubonic plague, pneumonia, skin infections
Helicobacter pylori human gastric mucosa gastritis, peptic ulcer, produces cytoxins, ammonia
Anthrax bacillus the soil anthrax
Botulism stick food, contaminated dishes poisoning

Harmful bacteria can stay in the body for a long time and absorb beneficial substances from it. However, they can cause an infectious disease.

The most dangerous bacteria

One of the most resistant bacteria is methicillin. It is better known as Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). This microorganism can cause not one, but several infectious diseases. Some types of these bacteria are resistant to powerful antibiotics and antiseptics. Strains of this bacterium can live in the upper respiratory tract, open wounds and urinary tract of every third inhabitant of the Earth. For a person with a strong immune system, this does not pose a danger.

Harmful bacteria to humans are also pathogens called Salmonella typhi. They are the causative agents of acute intestinal infections and typhoid fever. These types of bacteria, harmful to humans, are dangerous because they produce toxic substances that are extremely dangerous to life. As the disease progresses, intoxication of the body occurs, very high fever, rashes on the body, and the liver and spleen enlarge. The bacterium is very resistant to various external influences. Lives well in water, on vegetables, fruits and reproduces well in milk products.

Clostridium tetan is also one of the most dangerous bacteria. It produces a poison called tetanus exotoxin. People who become infected with this pathogen experience terrible pain, seizures and die very hard. The disease is called tetanus. Despite the fact that the vaccine was created back in 1890, 60 thousand people die from it every year on Earth.

And another bacterium that can lead to human death is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It causes tuberculosis, which is drug-resistant. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, a person may die.

Measures to prevent the spread of infections

Harmful bacteria and the names of microorganisms are studied by doctors of all disciplines from their student days. Healthcare annually seeks new methods to prevent the spread of life-threatening infections. If you follow preventive measures, you will not have to waste energy on finding new ways to combat such diseases.

To do this, it is necessary to timely identify the source of the infection, determine the circle of sick people and possible victims. It is imperative to isolate those who are infected and disinfect the source of infection.

The second stage is the destruction of pathways through which harmful bacteria can be transmitted. For this purpose, appropriate propaganda is carried out among the population.

Food facilities, reservoirs, and food storage warehouses are taken under control.

Every person can resist harmful bacteria by strengthening their immunity in every possible way. A healthy lifestyle, observing basic hygiene rules, protecting yourself during sexual contact, using sterile disposable medical instruments and equipment, completely limiting communication with people in quarantine. If you enter an epidemiological area or a source of infection, you must strictly comply with all the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological services. A number of infections are equated in their effects to bacteriological weapons.

Most people view various bacterial organisms solely as harmful particles that can provoke the development of various pathological conditions. Nevertheless, according to scientists, the world of these organisms is very diverse. There are frankly dangerous bacteria that pose a danger to our body, but there are also useful ones - those that ensure the normal functioning of our organs and systems. Let's try to understand these concepts a little and consider individual types of such organisms. Let's talk about bacteria in nature that are harmful and beneficial to humans.

Beneficial bacteria

Scientists say that bacteria became the very first inhabitants of our big planet, and it is thanks to them that there is life on Earth now. Over the course of many millions of years, these organisms gradually adapted to the constantly changing conditions of existence, they changed their appearance and habitat. Bacteria were able to adapt to the environment and were able to develop new and unique methods of life support, including multiple biochemical reactions - catalysis, photosynthesis and even seemingly simple respiration. Now bacteria coexist with human organisms, and such cooperation is characterized by some harmony, because such organisms are capable of bringing real benefits.

After a little person is born, bacteria immediately begin to penetrate into his body. They penetrate the respiratory tract along with the air, enter the body along with breast milk, etc. The entire body becomes saturated with various bacteria.

It is impossible to accurately calculate their number, but some scientists boldly say that the number of such cells in the body is comparable to the number of all cells. The digestive tract alone is home to four hundred different types of living bacteria. It is believed that a certain variety can grow only in a specific place. Thus, lactic acid bacteria are able to grow and multiply in the intestines, others feel optimal in the oral cavity, and some live only on the skin.

Over many years of coexistence, humans and such particles were able to recreate optimal conditions for cooperation for both groups, which can be characterized as a useful symbiosis. At the same time, bacteria and our body combine their capabilities, while each side remains in the black.

Bacteria are capable of collecting particles of various cells on their surface, which is why the immune system does not perceive them as hostile and does not attack them. However, after organs and systems are exposed to harmful viruses, beneficial bacteria rise to the defense and simply block the path of pathogens. When existing in the digestive tract, such substances also bring tangible benefits. They process leftover food, releasing a significant amount of heat. It, in turn, is transmitted to nearby organs, and is transferred throughout the body.

A deficiency of beneficial bacteria in the body or a change in their number causes the development of various pathological conditions. This situation can develop while taking antibiotics, which effectively destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria. To correct the number of beneficial bacteria, special preparations - probiotics - can be consumed.

Harmful bacteria

However, it is worth remembering that not all bacteria are human friends. Among them there are also many dangerous varieties that can only cause harm. Such organisms, after entering our body, become the cause of the development of various bacterial ailments. These include various colds, some types of pneumonia, and also syphilis, tetanus and other diseases, even deadly ones. There are also diseases of this type that are transmitted by airborne droplets. This is dangerous tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc.

A significant number of ailments caused by harmful bacteria develop due to the consumption of insufficiently high-quality food, unwashed and unprocessed vegetables and fruits, raw water, and undercooked meat. You can protect yourself from such diseases by following the rules and regulations of hygiene. Examples of such dangerous illnesses are dysentery, typhoid fever, etc.

Manifestations of diseases that develop as a result of an attack by bacteria are the result of the pathological influence of poisons that these organisms produce or that are formed against the background of their destruction. The human body is able to get rid of them thanks to its natural defense, which is based on the process of phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells, as well as on the immune system, which synthesizes antibodies. The latter bind foreign proteins and carbohydrates, and then simply eliminate them from the bloodstream.

Also, harmful bacteria can be destroyed using natural and synthetic medications, the most famous of which is penicillin. All drugs of this type are antibiotics; they differ depending on the active component and the mode of action. Some of them are capable of destroying the cell membranes of bacteria, while others suspend their vital processes.

So, in nature there are a lot of bacteria that can bring benefits and harm to humans. Fortunately, the modern level of development of medicine makes it possible to cope with most pathological organisms of this kind.

Help me, I need a brief description of beneficial and harmful bacteria, all of them are not covered, they are not missing, please help me


The danger of bacterial diseases was greatly reduced at the end of the 19th century with the invention of vaccination, and in the middle of the 20th century with the discovery of antibiotics.

Useful; For thousands of years, people have used lactic acid bacteria to produce cheese, yogurt, kefir, vinegar, and fermentation.

Currently, methods have been developed for the use of phytopathogenic bacteria as safe herbicides, and entomopathogenic bacteria instead of insecticides. The most widely used is Bacillus thuringiensis, which produces toxins (Cry-toxins) that affect insects. In addition to bacterial insecticides, bacterial fertilizers are used in agriculture.

Bacteria that cause human disease are used as biological weapons.

Due to their rapid growth and reproduction, as well as their simple structure, bacteria are actively used in scientific research in molecular biology, genetics, genetic engineering and biochemistry. The most well-studied bacterium is Escherichia coli. Information about bacterial metabolic processes has made it possible to produce bacterial synthesis of vitamins, hormones, enzymes, antibiotics, etc.

A promising direction is the enrichment of ores with the help of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, the purification of soils and water bodies contaminated with petroleum products or xenobiotics by bacteria.

The human intestine normally contains from 300 to 1000 species of bacteria with a total mass of up to 1 kg, and the number of their cells is an order of magnitude greater than the number of cells in the human body. They play an important role in the digestion of carbohydrates, synthesize vitamins, and displace pathogenic bacteria. We can figuratively say that the human microflora is an additional “organ” that is responsible for protecting the body from infections and digestion.

It's not entirely short. but I think you can shorten it as you like.

There are bacteria that are very beneficial. Each person’s body contains from one and a half to two and a half kilograms of such bacteria. Communities of bacteria are called microbiota; their number reaches several million. They affect the healthy and normal functioning of the body. Without them, the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract would be destroyed by pathogenic microorganisms.

Beneficial bacteria living in the intestines

The entire immune system of the body depends on the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Protective processes are reduced and the immune system is destabilized if the species composition of the microbiota in the body is disturbed. Beneficial bacteria create an acidic environment in the intestines, which is harmful to pathogens. In addition, beneficial bacteria help digest and absorb plant foods that intestinal enzymes cannot handle on their own. These bacteria are involved in the production of vitamins that support metabolic processes in connective tissue, help extract energy from carbohydrates, regulate the activity of the nervous system, and promote the production of antigens.

When they talk about beneficial intestinal bacteria, they mean two types of bacteria - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which make up from 5% to 15% of the total number of intestinal bacteria. Their activity is extremely important because they have a positive effect on other microorganisms and stabilize the intestinal microflora. It is important to maintain the number of fermented milk bacteria by eating kefir and yoghurt, which will promote the reproduction and strengthening of the intestinal microflora. It is extremely important to consume foods containing lactobacilli for dysbiosis after taking antibiotics. Otherwise, it is very difficult to restore immune processes

Biological shield

Many beneficial bacteria inhabit human epithelial tissues, both internal and external. They are at the forefront of defense and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The main such bacteria are staphylococcus streptococci and micrococci.

The human microflora has changed significantly as we move from natural to urban living, and frequently use detergents. Thus, the bacteria of modern humans and humans who lived in the past are significantly different. The body has learned to distinguish dangerous species from non-dangerous ones, but any streptococcus can cause serious illness if it enters the bloodstream. It should be noted that an excess of bacteria both on the skin and in the respiratory tract can cause various ailments and an unpleasant odor. To date, special microorganisms have been identified that can oxidize ammonium. Regular use of preparations with such bacteria promotes the colonization of the skin with new organisms, as a result of which not only diseases and unpleasant odors disappear, but also the structure of the skin changes, for example, pores open.

The microflora of each person changes very quickly depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the environment in which it is located. This can be seen as both pros and cons, since the number and species composition of bacteria can change independently. Different microorganisms require different substances. The more diverse a person’s food is, the more it is tied to the seasonal range of products, the more beneficial microorganisms there will be. But if food is saturated with antibiotics, preservatives, and various chemical dyes, then the bacteria cannot withstand such a load and may die. In this case, both pathogenic and beneficial organisms disappear. As a result, the human microflora is destroyed, which leads to the emergence of various diseases.

However, the body's microbes can be helped. This does not require long months and only a few days. Today, biotechnological production has created a large number of probiotics, which contain live bacteria and prebiotics - products that support the vital activity of bacteria. The only problem is that these substances work differently for each person. Studies show that the use of these products for dysbiosis can improve the body's condition by 80%, or may have no effect at all. As soon as the substances begin to act, a person will immediately feel an improvement in his condition. However, if the situation does not change, then it is worth adjusting the treatment system. There are special tests that are aimed at determining the genome of bacteria. They help identify the necessary nutritional option and additional bacterial therapy to establish the balance of microorganisms in the body.

Often a person does not feel a disturbance in the bacterial microclimate, but if there is drowsiness, frequent illnesses or allergic reactions, then all this indicates dysbacteriosis. Residents of cities and megalopolises are especially susceptible to such disorders of the body's microflora, and if nothing is done, health problems will certainly arise. The microflora is positively influenced by fasting diets, fasting, food enriched with vegetables, natural cereals and porridges, fermented milk products, etc.

Harmful microorganisms

The first microorganisms appeared on Earth several billion years ago. Through evolution, they improved and mastered new habitats. Now prokaryotes are ubiquitous. The high degree of survival is due to the presence of “jumping genes”, which carry acquired achievements. Microorganisms are capable of transmitting such genes to each other from generation to generation.

Human microflora

Man and bacteria exist inseparably with each other. Protozoa can cause both benefit and harm. Of all the known bacteria found on the surface and inside the human body, 99% are beneficial and only 1% are pathogenic microflora. However, it is this small part that causes significant damage to health and therefore the mere mention of the word “bacteria” is negative. Microbes exist everywhere: in the bladder, vagina, respiratory tract, intestines, mucous membranes, etc. The necessary balance is maintained by special bacteria that provide immunity, protecting the human body from the action of pathogens.

Harmful airborne bacteria

Since the air environment is not the natural habitat of bacteria, they remain in the air temporarily, entering it from the soil, from plants and animals. The infection is spread by airborne droplets. This is how bacterial and viral infections, various protozoa, and fungi can be transmitted. These microorganisms cause diseases such as chickenpox, influenza, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, whooping cough, streptococcal infections, etc.

Harmful bacteria in water

The aquatic environment is a good habitat for various bacteria. There are a million different microbes in one cubic centimeter. Harmful microbes enter water from industrial enterprises, agricultural waste, and emissions from human settlements. Contaminated water is a dangerous source of cholera, dysentery, diphtheria, measles and other dangerous diseases. It should be noted that the causative agents of cholera or tuberculosis can remain in the aquatic environment for a significant amount of time.

Harmful soil bacteria

Soil is the natural habitat of bacteria. In the surface layer (30 cm) of one hectare of land there are about 30 tons of microorganisms. Among them may be useful, breaking down plant residues into amino acids. Thus, they take an active part in the processes of decay. However, many of the bacteria are harmful to humans, for example, they affect food. To prevent spoilage, special processing of products is necessary, for example, sterilization, smoking, freezing or salting. Some species are so active that they can even attack frozen or salted foods, causing dangerous diseases such as botulism, tetanus, various types of gangrene and anthrax.

Harmful bacteria that damage wood

Microorganisms naturally, thanks to the presence of special enzymes, are able to decompose cellulose fiber. Such saprophytes include mushrooms. Some can paint wood in different colors, while affecting wooden buildings, which contributes to their rapid destruction. The activity of such fungi is especially active in wooden agricultural structures.

Harmful food bacteria

Products containing harmful bacteria are dangerous sources of disease and can cause diseases such as salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera and many others. For example, botulism toxins cause severe toxicological damage to the body, butyric acid bacteria spoil cheeses and dairy products, causing them to deteriorate, develop an unpleasant odor, and change color. The vinegar stick causes souring of low-alcohol products, such as beer and wine. Micrococci cause rotting of proteins and the appearance of a putrid odor. Molds are widespread, affecting protein and carbohydrate products manufactured by humans.

The beneficial bacteria that inhabit the human body are called microbiota. They are quite vast in number - one person has millions of them. Moreover, they all regulate the health and normal functioning of each individual. Scientists say: without beneficial bacteria, or, as they are also called, mutualists, the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and respiratory tract would instantly be attacked by pathogenic microbes and would be destroyed.

What should be the balance of microbiota in the body and how it can be adjusted to avoid the development of serious diseases, AiF.ru asked General Director of the biomedical holding Sergei Musienko.

Intestinal Workers

One of the important areas where beneficial bacteria are located is the intestines. It is not without reason that it is believed that this is where the entire human immune system is founded. And if the bacterial environment is disturbed, then the body’s defenses are significantly reduced.

Beneficial intestinal bacteria create literally unbearable living conditions for pathogenic microbes - an acidic environment. In addition, beneficial microorganisms help digest plant foods, since bacteria feed on plant cells containing cellulose, but intestinal enzymes cannot cope with this alone. Also, intestinal bacteria contribute to the production of vitamins B and K, which ensure metabolism in bones and connective tissues, as well as release energy from carbohydrates and promote the synthesis of antibodies and regulation of the nervous system.

Most often, when talking about beneficial intestinal bacteria, they mean the 2 most popular types: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. At the same time, they cannot be called the main ones, as many people think - their number is only 5-15% of the total. However, they are very important, since their positive effect on other bacteria has been proven, when such bacteria can be important factors in the well-being of an entire community: if they are fed or introduced into the body with fermented milk products - kefirs or yoghurts, they help other important bacteria to survive and reproduce . For example, it is very important to restore their population during dysbacteriosis or after a course of antibiotics. Otherwise, it will be problematic to increase the body’s defenses.

Biological shield

The bacteria that inhabit the skin and respiratory tract of humans, in fact, stand guard and reliably protect their area of ​​​​responsibility from the penetration of pathogenic organisms. The main ones are micrococci, streptococci and staphylococci.

The skin microbiome has undergone changes over the past hundreds of years, as humans have moved from a natural life in contact with nature to regular washing with special products. It is believed that human skin is now inhabited by completely different bacteria that lived before. The body, with the help of the immune system, can distinguish dangerous from non-dangerous. But, on the other hand, any streptococcus can become pathogenic for a person, for example, if it gets into a cut or any other open wound on the skin. An excess of bacteria or their pathological activity on the skin and in the respiratory tract can lead to the development of various diseases and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Today there are developments based on bacteria that oxidize ammonium. Their use makes it possible to seed the skin microbiome with completely new organisms, as a result of which not only the smell disappears (the result of the metabolism of urban flora), but also the structure of the skin changes - pores open, etc.

Saving the microworld

The microcosm of each person changes quite quickly. And this has undoubted advantages, since the number of bacteria can be updated independently.

Different bacteria feed on different substances - the more varied a person’s food is and the more it matches the season, the more choice beneficial microorganisms have. However, if food is heavily loaded with antibiotics or preservatives, bacteria will not survive, because these substances are precisely designed to destroy them. Moreover, it does not matter at all that most of the bacteria are not pathogenic. As a result, the diversity of a person’s inner world is destroyed. And after this, various diseases begin - problems with stool, skin rashes, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions, etc.

But the microbiota can be helped. Moreover, it will take only a few days for a slight correction.

There are a large number of probiotics (with live bacteria) and prebiotics (substances that support bacteria). But the main problem is that they work differently for everyone. Analysis shows that their effectiveness against dysbacteriosis is up to 70-80%, that is, one or another drug may work, or it may not. And here you should carefully monitor the progress of treatment and administration - if the remedies work, you will immediately notice improvements. If the situation remains unchanged, it is worth changing the treatment program.

Alternatively, you can undergo special testing that studies the genomes of bacteria, determines their composition and ratio. This allows you to quickly and competently select the necessary nutritional option and additional therapy, which will restore the fragile balance. Although a person does not feel slight disturbances in the balance of bacteria, they still affect health - in this case, frequent illnesses, drowsiness, and allergic manifestations can be noted. Every city resident, to one degree or another, has an imbalance in the body, and if he does not do anything specifically to restore it, then he will probably have health problems from a certain age.

Fasting, fasting, more vegetables, porridge from natural cereals in the morning - these are just a few options for eating behavior that beneficial bacteria love. But for each person, the diet should be individual in accordance with the state of his body and his lifestyle - only then can he maintain an optimal balance and always feel good.

A person often treats his body relatively frivolously. Yes, many people know where the heart, kidneys, intestines, etc. are located. Some have a deeper knowledge of the structure of the human body. But few people dare to look at themselves not only as a person, but as a biological mechanism that works according to certain laws and lives its own complex and multidimensional biological life. For example, not everyone clearly understands how valuable our biological cohabitation with protozoa is and how terrible the bacterial threat is.

Bacteria without which humans cannot survive

The human body is inhabited by a huge number of bacteria, without which a person cannot survive. Total weight – from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. Such a useful stable symbiosis has formed:

  • in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • on the skin;
  • in the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

The basic principle of how bacteria work in the body is to create an environment on organ tissues in which harmful microbes cannot survive. Accordingly, when pathogenic microbes get on the skin, nasopharynx or gastrointestinal tract, they simply die, since the environment already formed by beneficial microbes on the tissues of these organs is lethal for virulent (dangerous) prokaryotes.

This is a general picture of the influence of beneficial bacteria, but the local effect of microbes has characteristics depending on the organ in which such a symbiotic interaction occurs.

Gastrointestinal tract

Bacteria inhabiting the human gastrointestinal tract perform several functions at once, thanks to which a person has the opportunity to survive as a biological organism:

  1. Microbes create an environment in the intestine that is antagonistic to pathogenic microbes. This role of beneficial microorganisms comes down to the fact that they create an acidic environment in the intestines, and pathogenic microbes do not live well in an acidic environment.
  2. The same beneficial bacteria digest plant foods that enter the intestines. Enzymes synthesized by the human body are not able to digest plant cells containing cellulose, and bacteria feed on such cells unhindered, thereby playing another important role.
  3. Beneficial bacteria also synthesize vitamins of groups B and K that are necessary for humans. The role of vitamins of group K is to ensure metabolism in bones and connective tissues. The role of B vitamins is global. These low molecular weight organic compounds are involved in a huge number of processes: from the release of energy from carbohydrates to the synthesis of antibodies and regulation of the nervous system. Despite the fact that B vitamins are present in many foods, it is thanks to their synthesis by the intestinal microflora that the body receives the amount of these vitamins that is necessary for normal human life.

The main part of the beneficial intestinal microflora is lactic acid bacteria. Although these bacteria may have different names, they have the same type of effect on the body. Lactic acid bacteria ferment natural sugars, resulting in the formation of a product called lactic acid.

The most popular lactic acid microorganisms today are the ones that are advertised as the main probiotic agent in healthy products.

  • Bifidobacteria– filamentous lactic acid microorganisms that cover the surface of the intestine and prevent harmful microbes from gaining a foothold and multiplying on its walls. The total weight of lactic acid bifidobacteria in relation to other symbiont bacteria is about 80%.
  • Lactobacilli– gram-positive lactic acid rods, the main role of which is not only the digestion of plant foods and the creation of an antagonistic environment, but also the stimulation of antibody synthesis. These are microorganisms that have a huge impact on the human immune system.

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In addition to beneficial lactic acid prokaryotes, there are also conditionally harmful ones in the gastrointestinal tract -. Despite the fact that they can also have a beneficial effect, for example, E. coli bacteria also synthesize vitamins K, when their amount in the gastrointestinal tract increases, the effect becomes harmful: E. coli poison the body with toxins.

The total weight of E. coli that are present in the human body is very small compared to two kilograms of beneficial microorganisms.

Bacteria on the skin, mouth and nasopharynx

Microorganisms that inhabit human skin play the role of a natural biological shield; they also do not allow harmful bacteria to develop active activity on the skin and thereby have a toxic effect on the entire body.

The main bacteria that control the safety of the skin, mouth and nasopharynx are:

  • micrococci;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci.

Streptococci and staphylococci have harmful (pathogenic) representatives in their genus that can poison the body.

Causes of diseases

A logical question arises: if a person is protected from all sides by a biological shield, then why do people still get sick, why does this shield not work?

The body's resistance to pathogenic agents largely depends on the immune system. Therefore, it is important how much work is done to ensure that the immune system is sufficiently active.

The second important circumstance is the characteristics of the harmful agent itself and the ways in which it affects the body.

Thus, for a long time typhus was a mortal threat to humans.

Typhoid is a collective name for several deadly diseases that claimed a lot of lives until ways to treat them were found.

Common features characteristic of all types of typhus:

  • a person loses weight quickly;
  • against the background of intoxication and weight loss, severe fever begins;
  • All of these painful manifestations cause severe nervous breakdown and the person dies.

Despite the common symptoms, the causes of typhus are different each time.

Disease-causing bacteria

There are a large number of rickettsiae in the intestines of lice. However, the likelihood of infection does not depend on how many lice are in close proximity to a person, but on how actively the person begins to fight lice. Scratching lice on yourself is the main cause of typhus infection. It is from the crushed intestine that rickettsia lice enter wounds on the skin and then into the human bloodstream.

The main symptoms of typhus:

  • fever (body temperature above 40ºС);
  • backache;
  • pink rash in the abdomen;
  • the patient's consciousness is inhibited almost to the point of coma.

Treatment of typhus, as well as treatment of any bacterial infections, is based on antibiotics. To treat this type of typhus, antibiotics of the tetracycline group are used.

Another terrible type of typhus - returnable It is carried by ticks and lice. But the causative agents are the spirochete borrelia bacteria. Infection occurs during a tick bite.

Main symptoms of infection:

  • vomit;
  • the spleen and liver enlarge;
  • mental disorder and hallucinations begin.

The same symptoms occur if the carriers were lice.

Treatment is antibiotics of the penicillin and chloramphenicol groups, as well as arsenic drugs.

Typhoid fever. The causative agent is a pathogenic bacterial bacillus from the genus Salmonella. This type of typhus is dangerous only for humans; animals do not suffer from typhoid fever. Pathogens enter the stomach with food. Main symptoms:

  • the appearance of bacteria in the urine (bacteremia);
  • general symptoms of intoxication (pallor, headache, irregular heart rhythms);
  • bloated stomach;
  • delusions, hallucinations and other mental disorders.

Treatment is also carried out with antibiotics of the chloramphenicol and penicillin groups and is accompanied by restorative therapy.

In addition to typhoid pathogens, humans are threatened by a host of other pathogenic microbes, the timely detection of which, as well as the determination of the symptoms of infection, its identification and treatment, can cost a person’s life.

The same plague is a disease with high mortality, the cause of which is the plague bacillus. Symptoms include weight loss, fever and dehydration. A person dies from dehydration.

Carriers of the plague bacillus can be rodents, pets, and insects.

Treatment of plague is carried out using antibiotics of the streptomycin group. Prevention and general strengthening of the body play an important role.