What letters start with the letter j. English-Russian-English dictionary and search with alphabetical index

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Inclusion: 2. Size: 26kb.

Part of the text: Malory T. Death of Arthur / Trans. from English I. M. Bernstein. M., 1974. Nennius. History of the Britons / Trans. from lat. A. S. Bobovich. In the book: Galfrid of Monmouth. History of the Britons. Merlin's life. M., 1984. Robert de Boron. Romance of the Grail / Trans. from fr. E. Kassirova. St. Petersburg, 2000. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight / Trans. from Middle English N. Reznikova and V. Tikhomirov. M., 2006. Aneirin Y Gododdin. Britain's Oldest Heroic Poem / Ed. and tr. A. O. H. Jarman. Llandysul, 1988. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle / Tr. D. Whitelock. London, 1961. Arthurian Sources / Ed. J. Morris. V. 1-6. Chichester, 1995. The Black Book of Carmarthen / Ed. J. Gwenogvrin Evans. Pwllheli, 1906. The Book of Aneirin / Ed. J. Gwenogvrin Evans. Llanbedrog, 1908. The Book of Taliesin. V. 1-2 / Ed. J. Gwenogvrin Evans. Llanbedrog, 1910. Brut y brenhinedd / Ed. J. J. Parry. Cambridge (Mass.), 1937. Chretien de Troyes. Oeuvres completes / Ed. D. Poirion. Paris, 1994. Chretien de Troyes. Perceval/Tr N. Bryant. Cambridge, 1996. Chronica Minora. In: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi. V. 9, 11, 13/Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin, 1892-1898. Clancy J. The Earliest Welsh Poetry. London , 1970. Clancy J. Medieval Welsh Lyrics. London, 1965. Conte del Graal/Ed. Ch. Potvin. V. 1-6. Mons, 1866-1871. Culhwch and Olwen. An Edition and Study of the Oldest Arthurian Tale / Ed. R. Bromwich and D. Simon Evans. Cardiff, 1992. The Four Ancient Books of Wales. V. 1-2 / Ed. W.F....

Inclusion: 2. Size: 34kb.

Part of the text: monographic studies, among them, first of all, those that had a significant impact on this section of knowledge, representing a certain direction in science, final and generalizing, and also used by the authors of the corresponding chapters of this work. Studies in Russian are presented somewhat more fully, and studies from the 1980s and 90s from foreign countries are presented. With regard to the former, the principle of monographism is sometimes violated: monographs in Russian are indicated whenever possible, except for a few clearly marginal ones, and articles - as a rule, only in cases where there are no other works. Sources of texts in the original language are not given, unlike publications of Russian translations of monuments of Italian literature, the selection among which (if possible) was made on the basis of the criteria of completeness and academic quality. HISTORY OF ITALIAN LITERATURE Gaspari A. History of Italian literature. M., 1895-1897 (vol. 1-2). De Sanctis F. History of Italian literature. M., 1963-1964 (vol. 1-2). Carducci D. Essay on the development of national literature in Italy. Kharkov, 1897. Mokulsky S. S. Italian literature. M.-L., 1931. Ovett A. Italian literature. M., 1922. Pinto M. A. History of national literature in Italy. St. Petersburg, 1869 (part 1). Dotti Ugo. Storia della letteratura italiana. Roma - Bari, 1991. Flora F. Storia della letteratura italiana. Verona, 1957 (v. 1-5). Letteratura italiana. Dir. Asor Rosa A. Torino, 1982-1994 (vol. 1-15). Manuale di letteratura italiana. Storia per generi e problemi....

Inclusion: 4. Size: 17kb.

Part of the text: Dumville D. Histories and Pseudo-histories of the Insular Middle Ages. London, 1990. P. 6. Part one. IN SEARCH FOR ARTHUR Chapter One. When the legions left 1 For further acquaintance with the topic, the reader can be recommended translations of generalizing works on the history and culture of the Celtic peoples published in recent years in Russia: Rhys A., Rhys B. Heritage of the Celts. An ancient tradition in Ireland and Wales. M., 1999; Dillon M., Chadwick N. Celtic Kingdoms. St. Petersburg, 2002; Birkhan G. Celts: history and culture. M., 2007. 2 Trouble Hon. Church history of the English people. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 211 (hereinafter referred to as Bede the Hon.). 3 Mommsen T. History of Rome. T. 5. St. Petersburg, 1995. P. 134. 4 Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman History, XXVIII, 8. 5 Sanas Cormaic. Calcutta, 1868. P. 111. 6 Trouble Hon. P. 216. 7 Ibid. P. 214. 8 Zosimus. New History, VI, II, 1. 9 Ibid, VI, V, 3. 10 Quoted. by: Morris J. The age of Arthur. London, 1993. P. 45. 11 Trouble Hon. P. 216. 12 Ibid. P. 216. 13 Ibid. pp. 216-217. 14 Ibid. P. 217. 15 Galfrid of Monmouth. History of the Britons. Merlin's life. M., 1984. P. 179 (hereinafter referred to as Galfrid of Monmouth). 16 Trouble Hon. P. 219. 17 Galfrid of Monmouth. P. 190. 18 Trouble Hon. P. 218. 19 Ibid. P. 21. 20 Ibid. P. 219. 21 Ibid. 22 Galfrid of Monmouth. P. 183. 23 Trouble Hon. P. 223. 24 Galfrid of Monmouth. P. 70. 25 Ibid. P. 185. 26 Ibid. P. 83. 27 Trouble Hon. P. 219. 28 Galfrid of Monmouth. P. 187. 29 Ibid. P. 90. Chapter two. The Riddle of Logria 1 Thompson E. A. ...

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Part of the text: us literary monuments. They are written in the Anglo-Saxon language from which the English language developed. Before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, the British Isles were subject to repeated invasions of tribes from the European continent. In the VI century. BC The Celts invaded Britain. In the 1st century AD Britain was conquered by the Romans. The rule of the Roman Empire lasted until the 5th century. Then came the Anglo-Saxon invasion. They pushed the Celts into the western and northwestern parts of the island and settled in the southern, central and eastern regions of Britain. The Anglo-Saxon tribes brought their language, their way of life and their culture to the British Isles, the further development of which took place under the conditions of the decomposition of the clan system and the formation of feudal relations. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes formed seven kingdoms (Kent, Sessex, Essex, Wessex, East Anglia, Northumbria and Mercia), each of which sought to dominate the others. The strengthening of the state unity of the country was facilitated by the process of centralization of power and the adoption of Christianity (VI century). The collapse of the clan system and the emergence of feudalism were accompanied by class differentiation of society. Relations between the Anglo-Saxons and the Celts were characterized by deep national enmity. The subsequent history of England, as the Anglo-Saxons called the country they conquered, determined new and more complex forms of interaction between these peoples and their cultures. Celtic tales formed the basis of medieval chivalric romances about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table; they were the source from which poets of subsequent centuries drew inspiration and plots for their works. Monuments of the runic writing of the Anglo-Saxons have been preserved (inscriptions on swords and household items, an inscription on a cross carved from stone near the village of Ruthwell in Scotland)....

Inclusion: 1. Size: 52kb.

Part of the text: 1956, p. 33, cf. pp. 312, 377. 6. H. Frankfort, The Birth of Civilization in the Near East, London, 1951, p. 20. 7. J.-P. Vernant, Mythe et pensee chez les grecs. Etudes de psychologie historique, Paris, 1965, p. 22 ss., 57, 71 ss., 99 ss. 8. A.F. Losev, History of ancient aesthetics (early classics), M., 1963, p. 50. 9. Ibid., pp. 38, 55. Cf. A.F. Losev, History of ancient aesthetics. Sophists, Socrates, Plato, M., 1969, pp. 598-600, 612-613, etc. 10. V. A. Van Groningen, In the Grip of the Past. Essay on an Aspect of Greek Thought, Leyden, 1953. 11. W. den Boer, Graeco-Roman Historiography in its Relation to Biblical and Modern Thinking. - "History and Theory", vol. VII, No. 1, 1968, p. 72. Wed. E. Ch. Welskörf, Gedanken ubor den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt im Altertum. XIII. Internationaler Kongress der historischen Wissenschaften. Moskau, 1970. 12. M. M. Bakhtin, The Work of Francois Rabelais and the Folk Culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, M., 1965. 13. N. I. Conrad, West and East, M., 1966, p. 79. 14. O. Spengler. Decline of Europe, vol. I, M.-Pg., 1923, pp. 126 next, 170 next. 15. D. S. Likhachev, Poetics of Old Russian Literature, Leningrad, 1967. 16. J. Le Goff. La civilization de l"Occident medieval, Paris, 1965, p. 126, 440. 17. E. Male, L"art religieux du XIIIe siecle en France, Paris, 1925 (6, ed.), p. 1-5. Macrocosm and microcosm 1. O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya. Western pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. Pg., 1924, pp. 49 et seq.; Ch. H. Haskins, Studies in Mediaeval Culture, New York, 1929, p. 101; M. N. Boyer, A. Day's Journey in Mediaeval France. "Speculum", vol. XXVI, 1951; Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Vol. Ill, Cambridge, 1963, p. 128. 2. O. Szemerenyi, The Etymology of ...

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English-Russian-English dictionary and search with alphabetical index

The site has an English-Russian dictionary in which you can search for any words with any letter required at the moment. To find the desired translation of a word, you should study the options and synonyms for it provided by the online translation, and, having selected what you need, click on the word from the dictionary.

Modern linguistic courses do not always allow us to study language from a theoretical point of view, since spoken language is a priority. But let's figure it out, what do you lose by learning a language only in a practical direction?

  • the integrity of the language is lost, the student develops an incomplete picture;
  • there is no understanding of the culture of the target language.

Leading linguists claim that a student makes significant progress if the educational process is not only determined by the goal, but also brings pleasure to the future Englishman.

First, let's look at some interesting facts about the origin of the English alphabet. From previously published articles, you have probably already noticed that behind every letter there is a story. “J” is no exception. Many centuries ago, this symbol sounded equivalent to “i”. Only in the 16th century did their differences begin to be observed from a phonetic point of view. In the same century, two more letters appeared: “U” and “W”. Today, the tenth letter of the English alphabet has a fixed pronunciation. As for the frequency of use, here “J”, alas, has nothing to brag about - it occupies far from a leading position. According to statistical studies, its use in relation to other symbols in digital equivalent is 0.15%.

Words starting with j with translation

In fact, there are not as many words starting with the letter “J” as, for example, starting with “A”. But still, some of them simply need to be known. We offer you a list of the most common lexemes with transcription and translation:

  • joke [ʤəʊk] – joke;
  • jacket [ˈʤækɪt] – jacket;
  • January [ˈʤænjʊəri] – January;
  • July [ʤu(ː)ˈlaɪ] – July;
  • June [ʤuːn] – June;
  • jaw [ʤɔː] – jaw;
  • junior [ˈʤuːnjə] – junior;
  • Job [ʤɒb] – work;
  • jeans [ʤiːnz] – jeans;
  • juicy [ˈʤuːsi] – juicy;
  • jam [ʤæm] – jam, jam;
  • jump [ʤʌmp] – jump;
  • jaguar [ˈʤægjʊə] – jaguar;
  • just [ʤʌst] – simple;
  • jingle [ˈʤɪŋgl] – jingling;
  • jeweler [ˈʤuːələ] – jeweler
  • justice [ˈʤʌstɪs] – justice;
  • justly [ˈʤʌstli] – fair;
  • judge [ˈʤʌʤ] – judge, judge