What the prophetic Oleg looked like. Prince Oleg - the first ruler of Kievan Rus

The bird is red in plumage, but the man is in skill.

Russian folk proverb

In 882, Prince Oleg the Prophet captured Kyiv, killing its princes Askold and Dir by cunning. Immediately after entering Kyiv, he uttered his famous words that from now on Kyiv was destined to be the mother of Russian cities. Prince Oleg did not say these words by chance. He was very pleased with how well the place was chosen for the construction of the city. The gentle banks of the Dnieper were practically impregnable, which allowed us to hope that the city would be reliable protection for its inhabitants.

The presence of a barrier from the water border of the city was very relevant, since it was along this part of the Dnieper that the famous trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks passed. This path also represented a journey through large Russian rivers. It originated in the Gulf of Finland of the Baikal Sea, which at that time was called Varyazhsky. Then the path went across the Neva River to Lake Ladoga. The path from the Varangians to the Greeks continued at the mouth of the Volkhov River to Lake Ilni. From there he traveled through small rivers to the sources of the Dnieper, and from there he passed all the way to the Black Sea. In this way, starting in the Varangian Sea and ending in the Black Sea, the trade route known to this day passed.

Foreign policy of the prophetic Oleg

Prince Oleg the Prophet, after the capture of Kyiv, decided to continue expanding the territory of the state by including new territories that were inhabited by peoples who had paid tribute to the Khazars since ancient times. As a result, the following tribes became part of Kievan Rus:

  • Radimichi
  • clearing
  • Slovenia
  • northerners
  • Krivichi
  • Drevlyans.

In addition, Prince Oleg the Prophet imposed his influence on other neighboring tribes: the Dregovichi, Ulichs and Tiverts. At the same time, Ugric tribes, displaced from the territory of the Urals by the Polovtsians, approached Kyiv. The chronicles do not contain information about whether these tribes passed through Kievan Rus in peace or were knocked out of it. But what can be said for certain is that Rus' put up with their presence near Kyiv for a long time. This place near Kyiv is still called Ugorsky. These tribes later crossed the Dnieper River, captured nearby lands (Moldova and Bessarabia) and went deep into Europe, where they founded the Hungarian state.

New campaign against Byzantium

The year 907 will be marked by a new turn in Russian foreign policy. Anticipating great booty, the Russians go to war against Byzantium. Thus, Prince Oleg the prophetic becomes the second Russian prince to declare war on Byzantium, after Askold and Dir. Oleg's army included almost 2000 ships with 40 soldiers on each. They were accompanied by cavalry along the shore. The Byzantine emperor allowed the Russian army to freely plunder the nearby environs of Constantinople. The entrance to the city’s bay, called Golden Horn Bay, was blocked with chains. Chronicles Nestor describes the unprecedented cruelty of the Russian army, with which they ravaged the environs of the Byzantine capital. But even with this they could not threaten Constantinople. Oleg’s cunning came to the rescue, and he ordered equip all ships with wheels. Further along the land, with a fair wind, set sail in full sail to the capital of Byzantium. And so they did. The threat of defeat loomed over Byzantium, and the Greeks, realizing the grief of the danger hanging over them, decided to make peace with the enemy. The Kiev prince demanded that the losers pay 12 (twelve) hryvnias for each warrior, to which the Greeks agreed. As a result, on September 2, 911 (according to the chronicles of Nestor), a written peace treaty was drawn up between Kievan Rus and the Byzantine Empire. Prince Oleg achieved the payment of tribute to the Russian cities of Kyiv and Chernigov, as well as the right to duty-free trade for Russian merchants.

Prophetic Oleg is a legendary ancient Russian governor.
Prince of Novgorod (879-882)
Prince of Kyiv (882-912)

He received the nickname Prophetic (that is, one who knows the future) upon his return from the campaign against Byzantium in 907. He “refuses to accept poisoned food from the defeated Greeks (this is the gift of the seer, the “Prophetic One”) and nails a shield to the gates of Constantinople, “showing victory.”
The very name “Oleg” is of Scandinavian origin (“Angel”).

Prince Oleg the Prophet

There are two versions about the origin of Oleg: some fragments with confusion in the chronology according to the First Novgorod Chronicle and the traditional one, set out in the “Tale of Bygone Years”, according to which Oleg is a relative of Rurik (brother of his wife Efanda, guardian of a minor). After the death of Rurik in 879, Oleg received rule of the principality, since Igor was still small. For three years, Oleg remains in Novgorod and, after improving his situation, he and his squad go south along the Volkhov-Dnepr river line. Conquering cities along the way and capturing Kyiv by cunning, Oleg established himself here. Unites the two main centers of the Eastern Slavs (northern and southern) into the center of a united state, declaring: “Let Kyiv be the mother of Russian cities.” According to the chronicle, it was the Kiev Prince Oleg the Prophet who became the creator of the Old Russian state (Kievan Rus) and is traditionally dated to 882.

Kyiv Prince Prophetic Oleg

Over the next 25 years, Oleg expands his power. He subjugated the Radimichi, the Drevlyans and the Northerners to Kyiv, and destroyed the dependence on the Khazars. According to legend, Oleg told them: “I am their enemy, but I have no enmity with you. Don’t give to the Khazars, but pay me.” Having strengthened his influence by imposing tribute and protecting the borders from attacks by his nomadic neighbors, in 907 Oleg went to Byzantium on a military campaign to Constantinople. There is not a single mention of the campaign by Byzantine authors, but some modern historians consider it legendary.

According to the Tale of Bygone Years, two thousand rooks, each with forty warriors, took part in the campaign. The Byzantine king blocked the road to the city - he closed the gates and blocked the harbor with chains, but Oleg went on an assault in a different way: “And Oleg ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city.” Frightened, the Greeks offered Oleg peace and tribute, and as a sign of victory, Oleg nailed his shield to the gates of Constantinople. The main result of the campaign was the conclusion of an agreement that ensured duty-free trade for Russian merchants. According to the agreement Oleg for each rowlock he received 12 hryvnia and, in addition, Constantinople undertook to pay tribute to Russian cities. In 911-912, Oleg sent his ambassadors to Constantinople to approve the agreement between the Greeks and Russia, but the mention of duty-free trade disappeared from the agreement. In this agreement, Oleg is called the “Grand Duke of Russia.” The authenticity of the agreement is confirmed by linguistic analysis and cannot be doubted.

In the same year, 912, Oleg dies. There are several conflicting versions of the circumstances surrounding the death of Prophetic Oleg, but everywhere there is a legend about death from a snake bite. According to the legends of the Tale of Bygone Years, the Magi predicted Oleg’s death from his beloved horse. He ordered the horse to be taken away and after four years, remembering, he laughed about the prediction. Deciding to look at the bones of the horse, he stepped on the skull with his foot and said: “Should I be afraid of him?” But a poisonous snake lived in the skull, which bit Oleg.

In the Icelandic saga of Orvar Odd (13th century), the hero receives a prediction from the soothsayer he insulted and kills his horse. Already an old man, he stumbles over the skull of a horse, hits him with a spear, and a snake crawls out and stings Odd.

According to one chronicle version (which served as the plot for Pushkin’s poem “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg”), Oleg died in Kyiv, according to another - in the north and was buried in Ladoga, according to the third - overseas.

After Oleg's death, the process of the subsequent creation of the Rurikovich state became irreversible. It is difficult to overestimate his merits in this.

Great son of the Russian land - Prince Oleg the Prophet- a pagan and a great warrior-priest managed to rise above his own religious limitations in the name of the development of culture, enlightenment and the great future of the peoples of Russia, which became inevitable after they acquired one of their main treasures - Slavic writing and the Russian alphabet.

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Prophetic Oleg - the legendary governor who managed to unite the Slavic tribes into Kievan Rus

The legendary Prince Oleg can rightfully be considered the founder of the ancient Russian state - a huge medieval power centered in Kyiv, the historical cradle of the modern Ukrainian people. His services to his descendants are undeniable, since Prince Oleg became the first omnipotent ruler of the Dnieper lands, whose existence is documented. Unlike the semi-mythical Kyya, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid, as well as the mysterious Askold and Dir, a lot is known about Prince (King) Oleg (Helga): from the dating of his reign to the essence of the reforms he carried out and the results of military campaigns. Why is it worth remembering and honoring Prince Oleg?

1. He created a powerful ancient Russian state, stretching from the shores of the Baltic to the Dnieper rapids.

2. He managed to conquer the tribal unions of the Polyans, Drevlyans and Northerners who lived on the territory of modern Ukraine, which gave him a powerful resource for further conquests.

3. He was able to defeat the mighty Khozar Kaganate, wresting the East Slavic lands from its dependence, which very seriously undermined the strength of the steppe superpower. After Oleg, Kyiv turned from a marginal town, located on the westernmost outskirts of the Khozar Kaganate, into the capital of a new Slavic power.

4. He managed to establish a certain order in all the lands under his control. Of course, it was based solely on the system of collecting tribute, but absolutely all state formations of the Middle Ages began with this.

5. He won the war with the most powerful enemy of that time - the Byzantine Empire. Oleg managed to make a successful campaign into her possessions, approached the gates of Constantinople, forced the Roman emperor to sign a trade agreement with him that was beneficial for Kyiv, and then return unharmed with his army.

The main merits of Prince Oleg.

Arrival in Kyiv. The Norman governor Oleg (Helg), like many of his fellow countrymen, arrived in the Slavic lands from distant Scandinavia in search of fame and wealth. He joined the squad of the mighty king Rurik (Rorkha), who ruled over vast domains in the north of Rus'. After the death of Rurik in 879, Oleg, as the teacher of his three-year-old son Igor (Ingvar), became the Prince of Novgorod. However, he soon became cramped within these limits, and, having gathered a large army of Normans, Slavs and Finns, Oleg went south. By 882, Smolensk and Lyubech submitted to him, and after them Kyiv. An alien from the north treacherously killed the local rulers Askold and Dir, pretending to be a merchant. The residents of Kyiv, “...frightened by his atrocity and strong army, recognized him as their legitimate sovereign.” So Oleg subjugated the entire trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” and now not a single ship could sail along the Dnieper without paying tribute to the mighty Norman.

Establishment of a tribute system and victory over the Khazars. Oleg wished to stay in the south, proclaiming: “Let Kyiv be the matter of Russian cities!” It was from there that he now made his campaigns, and tribute from the conquered peoples flocked there. Novgorod paid Kyiv in silver (300 hryvnia annually), the Drevlyans - with black marten skins, the northerners and Radimichi gave one small coin from each plow. In addition to them, Oleg also subjugated to his power the populous Slavic tribes of the Dulebs, White Croats and Tiverts living in Western Russian lands. In his vigorous activity, the new Kiev ruler affected the interests of the formidable ruler of the eastern steppes - the Kagan of the Great Khazaria. Wars repeatedly broke out between them for the right to collect tribute from the northerners and Radimichi. Oleg said to the latter: “I am their enemy, but I have no enmity with you. Don’t give to the Khazars, but pay me,” and assigned them a completely symbolic amount of tax. After several military clashes with the Khazars, Oleg discouraged uninvited guests from appearing in the Dnieper region. Now most of the Eastern Slavs paid tribute to him and his Vikings. This was hardly a big relief for the local population.

Campaigns against Byzantium. In 907, the huge army of Prince Oleg set off on a campaign against the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the city of Constantinople. 2000 longships, each with 40 well-armed warriors, soon approached the Golden Horn Bay. The Greek emperor Leo the Philosopher was unable to organize any defense; he only ordered the harbor to be blocked off with a chain, leaving the Russians to plunder the city suburbs. The Kiev prince found an unusual way to get close to Constantinople: “And Oleg ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city.” The frightened Byzantines were ready to pay off Oleg at any cost, who, as a sign of contempt for them, nailed his shield on the gates of Constantinople. The prince demanded that the emperor give him 12 hryvnia in silver for each warrior, and also established a separate payment, which was supposed to go to all major cities of ancient Rus'. In addition, Oleg concluded a very profitable trade agreement with the Byzantine ruler, opening up wide commercial opportunities for Russian merchants in the numerous markets of Constantinople.

The prince's return to Kyiv was truly triumphant; his subjects were amazed at the size of the booty brought and in admiration they nicknamed Oleg the Prophetic, that is, a clairvoyant or a sorcerer.

The Grand Duke died in 912, as befits a hero, under mysterious circumstances. A legend has been preserved that Oleg allegedly accepted death from his horse, as the Magi prophesied to him. The attempt to deceive fate ended in complete failure: the prince got rid of his beloved horse and when, after waiting for his death, he came to look at the bones, he was bitten by a poisonous snake that had taken refuge in the horse’s skull. By the way, this plot is also found in later Scandinavian epics, for example in “The Saga of Odd the Arrow”.

Brief biography of Prince Oleg.

879 - after the death of Prince Rurik, he becomes regent under the still small prince Igor.

882 - sails from Novgorod to Kyiv and captures it.

883 - conquered the Drevlyans.

884 - brought the northerners under his rule.

885 - managed to take the Radimichi under his hand.

885 - imposed tribute on the Polyans, Northerners, Drevlyans and Radimichi.

907 - makes his first campaign against Byzantium.

911 – Prince Oleg’s second campaign against Byzantium.

912 - Prince Oleg dies.

  • The tribute established by Prince Oleg was called polyudye, its size was not fixed, and it was collected from each person once a year. It was precisely because the tribute concerned all, without exception, residents of the territories subject to Oleg, that it was called “polyudye” (i.e., by people). It was only under Princess Olga that the smoke tax (that is, from the smoke or from the house) was introduced, which was much more humane. In fact, the tribute from the times of Oleg and his successor Igor was nothing more than legalized robbery, when it was often decided on the spot how much and what exactly the Kiev prince would take for himself. By the way, Oleg always went to collect tribute in person. And he did this not at all because he did not trust his own warriors (and for this reason too), but in order to demonstrate to his subjects that he was still alive and in power. Otherwise, the Slavic tribes could rebel.
  • There is a version that the pagan nobility of Kyiv was very dissatisfied with Prince Askold, who had converted to Christianity, and therefore invited Oleg, who was a convinced idolater, from the distant northern regions.
  • After the successful campaign in 907 against Constantinople, which ended with the nailing of a shield over the city gates, the Byzantine emperor was obliged to give 150 tons of silver in the form of indemnity to the Russians who defeated him.
  • In 911, the Russian embassy again arrived in Constantinople to confirm the existing interstate treaty on behalf of its prince. The new document began with these words: “We are from the Russian family, Karl, Ingelot, Farlov, Veremid, Rulav, Gudy, Ruald, Karn, Flelav, Ruar, Aktutruyan, Lidulfost, Stemid, sent by Oleg, the Grand Duke of Russia.” As you can see, the entire delegation consisted of Scandinavians, who, however, called themselves exclusively “Russians”. During his reign, Prince Oleg's fellow countrymen constituted a full-fledged elite of the powerful Slavic state of Kievan Rus.
  • An excerpt from the ancient Icelandic saga “About Odd the Arrow” very closely resembles the legendary episode describing the death of the prophetic Oleg from the bite of a snake that had taken refuge in the skull of his horse.
  • “Having said this, Heid began to sing some mysterious song.”

    “That’s what it means, Odd,” she explained. “You will live longer than others - three hundred years, and you will travel many lands and seas, and wherever you come, your fame will grow. Your path lies far from here, but you will die in Berurjod. There is a gray horse with a long mane standing here in the stable, named Faxie, and this horse will cause you death.

    - Tell your tales to old women! - Odd shouted and, jumping up from his seat, ran up and hit the sorceress right in the face, so that blood poured onto the floor...

    After some time, Odd called Asmund with him, and they went to where the horse stood. They threw a bridle on him and led the horse to the seashore, into the hills. There they dug a hole almost twice the height of a man and, having killed the horse, threw it there. Then the foster brothers filled this pit with such large stones as they could lift, and poured many small stones and sand on top, so that a high mound stood over the horse’s grave. And then Odd said:

    “Now the sorceress’s prediction that this horse will cause me death cannot be fulfilled.”

    Having completed all this, they returned home.

    ... they began to hastily go down the stones, and while they were walking along a narrow path, Odd hurt his leg on something and stopped.

    - Why did I hurt my leg? - he said.

    He began to dig up the ground with a spear, and everyone saw a horse’s skull in the ground. A snake crawled out from there, crawled up to Odd and bit him on the leg below the ankle. And from its poison Odd’s entire leg and thigh were swollen.

    Odd saw what had happened, and he ordered his men to carry him down to the seashore, and when they arrived there, Odd said:

    “Well, now go and carve a stone tomb for me, and let others sit here with me and carve runes, writing down a song that I will compose as a keepsake for my descendants.”

    Historical memory of Prince Oleg.

    The image of the prophetic Oleg has repeatedly attracted artists and poets. Among the works of art dedicated to this historical character are the following:

  • drama by A. D. Lvov in 5 acts “Prince Oleg the Prophet”;
  • poem by A.S. Pushkin’s “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”;
  • poem by K. F. Ryleev “Dumas”;
  • novel by B. L. Vasilyev “Prophetic Oleg”.
  • Prophetic Oleg on social networks.

    How often do Yandex users from Ukraine look for information about Oleg the Prophet?

    To analyze the popularity of the query “Prophetic Oleg”, the Yandex search engine service wordstat.yandex is used, from which we can conclude: as of July 4, 2016, the number of queries per month was 5, as can be seen in the screenshot:

    Since the end of 2014, the largest number of requests for “Prophetic Oleg” was registered in November 2015 – 198,524 requests per month.


    Abstract topic

    Reign of Prince Oleg

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    2. PREFACE.

    It was from the end of the 9th century. we can talk about the beginning of the formation of a large state, which was called Rus' and appeared primarily as a result of the unification of the two main political centers of the Eastern Slavs - the southern one with Kiev and the northern one with Novgorod. The latter most likely arose at this time, replacing an older settlement, possibly on the so-called Rurik settlement, near Novgorod. Oleg gradually annexed most of the East Slavic lands to Kyiv in one way or another. From the chronicle it is clear that by the end of his reign the Polans, Slovenes (Novgorod), Chud, Krivichi, Merya, Drevlyans, Radimichi, Northerners, White Croats, Dulebs and Tivertsy submitted to him. However, the subordination of the Croats and Dulebs is doubtful, as well as the Western Krivichi (Polotsk). In any case, the “path from the Varangians to the Greeks” with its branches to the Desna and Western Dvina came under Kyiv’s rule. Oleg received the nickname Prophetic, which may simply be a Slavic translation of his (Scandinavian) name Oleg (Sc. Helgi), which means Holy, Prophetic.


    Rurik died in 879, leaving behind an infant son, Igor. All affairs in Novgorod were taken into hands by either the governor or Rurik’s relative Oleg. There are two versions about Oleg’s origins: some fragments with confusion in the chronology of the First Novgorod Chronicle and the traditional one, set out in the “Tale of Bygone Years”, according to which Oleg is relative of Rurik (brother of his wife Efanda, guardian of young Igor). After the death of Rurik in 879, Oleg received rule of the principality, since Igor was still small. For three years, Oleg remains in Novgorod and, after improving his situation, he and his squad go south along the Volkhov-Dnepr river line.

    IN 882 according to chronicle chronology, Prince Oleg, a relative of Rurik, went on a campaign from Novgorod South. Capturing along the way Smolensk And Lyubech, establishing his power there and putting his people under reign. Having sailed to the Kyiv Mountains and not expecting to take a strong fortress by storm, Oleg resorted to military stratagem. Having hidden the soldiers in the boats, he sent word to Askold and Dir, who reigned in Kyiv, that a merchant caravan had sailed from the north and was asking the princes to go ashore. The unsuspecting Kyiv rulers came to the meeting. Oleg's warriors jumped out of the ambush and surrounded the Kievites. Oleg picked up little Igor in his arms and declared to the Kyiv rulers that they did not belong to the princely family, but he himself “was of the princely family,” and Igor was the son of Prince Rurik. Askold and Dir were killed, and Oleg established himself in Kyiv. Entering the city, he declared: “Let Kyiv be the mother of Russian cities.”

    So the Novgorod north defeated the Kyiv south. But it was only a purely military victory.” Economically, politically, and culturally, the Middle Dnieper region was far ahead of other East Slavic lands. At the end of the 9th century. it was the historical center of Russian lands, and Oleg, by making Kyiv his residence, only confirmed this position. A single ancient Russian state emerged with its center in Kyiv. This happened in 882.

    Oleg did not complete his military successes here. Having settled in Kyiv, he imposed tribute on the territories under his control - he “set tribute” to the Novgorod Slovenes, Krivichi, and other tribes and peoples. Oleg entered into an agreement with the Varangians and pledged to pay them 300 silver hryvnia annually so that there would be peace on the northwestern borders of Rus'. In 883, Oleg conquered the Drevlyans and imposed a “heavy” tribute on them, and in 884 and 885. imposed tribute on the northerners and Radimichi, who had previously paid tribute to the Khazars. But Oleg, in fact, exempts the northerners and Radimichi bordering on the Khazars from tribute, imposing tribute on them “lightly”. From now on, these East Slavic tribes ceased their dependence on the Khazar Khaganate and became part of Rus'. The Vyatichi remained tributaries of the Khazars.

    “... 6391 (883) per year. Oleg began to fight against the Drevlyans and, having conquered them, took tribute from them by black marten. Per year 6392 (884). Oleg went against the northerners, and defeated the northerners, and imposed a light tribute on them, and did not order them to pay tribute to the Khazars, saying: “I am their enemy” and there is no need for you (to pay them). Per year 6393 (885). He sent (Oleg) to the Radimichi, asking: “Who are you giving tribute to?” They answered: “The Khazars.” And Oleg said to them: “Don’t give it to the Khazars, but pay me.” And they gave Oleg a cracker, just like they gave it to the Khazars. And Oleg ruled over the glades, and the Drevlyans, and the northerners, and the Radimichi, and he fought with the streets and Tivertsy.”


    Under 907, the chronicle reports Oleg’s campaign against Byzantium. Under the banner of Oleg came the Varangians, Slovenes, Chud, Krivichi, Merya, Drevlyans, Radimichi, Polyans, Northerners, Vyatichi, Croats, Dulebs and Tivertsy. Having equipped 2000 rooks with 40 warriors each ( The Tale of Bygone Years), Oleg went on a campaign to Constantinople. Byzantine Emperor Leo VI Philosopher ordered to close the gates of the city and block off the harbor with chains, thus providing Varangians the opportunity to plunder and destroy the suburbs of Constantinople. However, Oleg launched an unusual assault: “And Oleg ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city." . The frightened Greeks offered Oleg peace and tribute. Byzantium at that time was in a difficult situation. Negotiations for peace with the Arabs were not completed, despite the brilliant naval victory won by the Byzantines over the Arab fleet in the Aegean Sea. Soon after this success, the ruler of the Asia Minor border region, who sided with the Arabs, rebelled against Emperor Leo II. Under these conditions, it was especially important for the Byzantine government to maintain peace with Kievan Rus, whose military assistance against the Arabs was urgently needed by the empire.
    The chronicle preserves the texts of two treaties between Oleg and Byzantium: a fragment of the treaty included in the chronicle story dated 907, and a treaty of 911. Most researchers consider the treaty of 907 to be part of the treaty of 911. It is very possible that as a result of Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople, completed around 907, a preliminary verbal agreement on peace and alliance was established, which in 911 was included in the written text of the treaty. first written contracts in 907 And 911 , which provided for preferential terms of trade for Russian merchants (trade duties were abolished, ship repairs and overnight accommodation were provided), resolution of legal and military issues
    Byzantium was especially interested in the military assistance that Rus' could provide it. According to the treaty of 911, the Russian prince agreed not to prohibit the soldiers of Rus' from entering the service of the empire at will. Back in the summer of 910, the Byzantine government sent a large naval expedition against the Arabs under the leadership of the commander Imerius, who led a fleet of 177 ships with 47,000 oarsmen and warriors. On the ships there was a Russian detachment of 700 people.
    According to the agreement, Oleg received 12 hryvnia for each rowlock, and Byzantium promised to pay tribute to Russian cities (Kyiv, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Lyubech and others, in which the “grand dukes” sat). As a sign of victory, Oleg nailed his shield on the gates of Constantinople. The main result of the campaign was a trade agreement on duty-free trade Rus' V Byzantium. Oleg also ordered sails to be sewn for his boats, not simple ones, but from expensive materials - from wool and silk. The Greeks carried out the will of the Kyiv prince, and the Russian boats returned to Kyiv under rich sails.

    The text of this agreement is significant. First of all, the treaty only talks about the Rus, and not a word mentions the Slavic tribes. Secondly, the Rus are shown as a multi-ethnic conglomerate - “the Russian race”. This is evidenced by the names of the ambassadors “from the Russian family”: Veremud (Velmud), Karla, Farlof, Rulav, Stemid, Frelav, Aktevu, Gudy, Troir, etc. These names for the most part can be explained mainly from Celtic, Illyrian, Iranian, Frisian and Finnish languages. But it is characteristic that this treaty of Oleg, as well as the later treaty of Igor, was written in Slavic, which indicates the Slavic-speaking nature of the princely squads.

    A beautiful legend has been preserved about Oleg's death in The Tale of Bygone Years. Even before the campaign against the Greeks, the Kyiv prince had a favorite horse. But one day the prince asked the pagan sorcerer: “Why will I die?” And the sorcerer answered him: “Prince! You will die from your beloved horse, on which you ride - you will die from him!” These words sank into Oleg’s soul, and he said: “I will never ride this horse and see him again.” And he ordered the horse to be fed, but he himself did not mount it again. Several years passed, and Oleg remembered the sorcerer’s prediction. Then the prince called the groom and asked him: “Where is my horse, which I ordered to feed and take care of?” And he answered: “The horse died.” Oleg laughed: “The wise men told a lie, the horse has already died, but I am alive.” And Oleg went to look at the place where the remains of the horse lay - bones and a skull. Seeing the horse skull, Oleg stepped on it with his foot and laughed again: “Isn’t it from this skull that I will die?!” And then a snake crawled out of the skull and bit the prince on the leg. The prince fell ill and soon died. This legend finds parallels in the Icelandic saga about the Viking Orvar Odd , who was also fatally stung at the grave of his beloved horse . It is unknown whether the saga became the reason for the creation of the Russian legend about Oleg or, on the contrary, the circumstances of Oleg’s death served as material for the saga. However, if Oleg is a historical character, then Orvar Odd is the hero of an adventure saga, created on the basis of some oral traditions no earlier XIII century.

    In fact, different chronicles indicate the time and place of Oleg’s death differently. Some report the death of Oleg in Kyiv, others report that Oleg ended his days in the north, in the city of Ladoga, or even overseas.

    According to information from the Bohemian chronicles, it is possible that Oleg the Prophet had a son, also named Oleg. This Oleg, after the death of his father, waged war with Igor, who captured Kyiv, and then fled to Moravia, where he became famous as a warrior and commander.


    “A manual on the history of the Fatherland for those entering universities” Orlov A.S., Polunov A.Yu., Shestova T.L., Shchetinov Yu.A.

    “History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century” Bokhanov A.N., Gorinov M.M.

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      Crisis. Accompanied by popular uprisings, boards impostors, destruction of state power, ... 12. Creation of Kyiv: 1) prince OLEG,years board(879-912); twice... dethroned by rebels. During the period board

    The founder of the great Kievan Rus, Prince Oleg the Prophet, went down in history as one of the most significant persons for the Russian people. Numerous campaigns, a trade route with Byzantium and the introduction of writing for the Russian people, all these are the merits of the prince, who, according to legend, could foresee his future, which was the success of his reign.

    One of the most famous and to this day princes of ancient Rus' is Prince Oleg the Prophet. Who replaced the no less great Rurik and brought quite a few victories to his people. One of the most famous achievements of the hero Prophetic Oleg is the creation of Kievan Rus itself and the appointment of the great city of Kyiv as its center. Oleg began to be called the Prophetic, only because he could predict the future. He spoke very skillfully about future events, and this was most likely not because he had supernatural powers, but because he thought logically and was a good psychologist. The prince was not only the sovereign of his state, but also a kind of sorcerer and sorcerer for the people, because people believed that the power to rule the Russian people was given to him from above. There is a legend that a snake brought death to the Prophetic Oleg and he died from its bite. It was the death of the great king that became the reason for the composition of many songs and legends. Not only songs about his exploits, but also about his death, have become obligatory in history, because it is very disappointing that such a great Russian sovereign became a victim of a snake.

    Legend has it that the reign of the prince passed when Rurik was dying. It was on his deathbed that he said that he would bequeath the rule to him, because his son was still small, and the Prophetic Oleg was his guardian and confidant of the family. Only to him could Rurik entrust his two most expensive treasures. This is his still very young son and the state for which he had big plans. And he did not let his comrade down, he became a great commander, he earned the love of his people and served Rus' for almost 33 years. If we take a superficial look at the achievements of the Russian commander, then his greatest victories in life were the rule in Novgorod, Lyubich and the creation of Kievan Rus. But no less important events in his life were the campaigns against Byzantium, the imposition of tribute on the East Slavic tribes and the trade routes that the campaign against Byzantium opened. This very campaign opened up a lot of new and interesting things for the Russians, not only in terms of trade, but also in art.

    His exploits began with the campaign against the Krivichi in 882, during which he captured Smolensk. Afterwards, his path was set down along the Dnieper. Which brought him the capture of Lubitsch. And subsequently, he deceived both the life and the throne of the Russian princes Askold and Dir, who ruled Russia before him. After which the Prophetic Oleg became not only the prince of Novgorod, but also the prince of Kyiv. It was from this moment that, according to historical facts, it is believed that the creation of the great Kievan Rus began.

    Further, the year 907 became a significant date for the Prince of Novgorod and Kyiv Prophetic Oleg. When he led the army of Kyiv and the Varangians on a long campaign to Byzantium. The army completely devastated the city of Constantinople, and after that a treaty was drawn up and adopted, very beneficial for Rus', according to which the Russian people who went to Byzantium with trade affairs had privileges even greater than those of the citizens of the state.

    No less famous was the agreement between the Prophetic Oleg and the Greek rulers, which was concluded in 912, after Constantinople was besieged, and the Byzantines had since capitulated. But even there there was still not a word about the real heir and actual ruler of Rus', Igor. Even during the reign of the Prophetic Prince, all the people understood that it was he who was the founder of their state. History also understands for certain that Oleg first created the state, then expanded its borders, showed everyone that the Ruriks were a completely legitimate power of the Russian people. And most importantly, he dared to challenge the Khazars. Before Igor's guardian began to rule, the Khazars collected huge tribute from the entire Slavic people. Not only did they steal from people, they also wanted Russians to practice their religion, Judaism.

    “The Tale of Bygone Years” is the most reliable source of information about the Prophetic Sovereign of the Russian people, but only the most basic deeds of the hero are described there. A huge gap of a whole 21 years exists in the chronicle and for what reason the clerks bypassed this year of the prince’s reign is not known to this day. But even since that time, many things that were significant for history happened, because every decision of the prince changed the course of all history and the entire people. A very important factor, which was revealed many years later, was that from 885 to 907 in this period there was not only a campaign against the Khazars, but also the defeat of the Radimichi.

    Video: Documentary about Oleg the Prophet

    But the chronicle was written by purely Russian people and therefore they considered it necessary to record those events that only 100% concerned the Russian people and Oleg. A very important detail was the passage of the emigrating people of Hungarians (Hungarians) near Kiev in 898. No less important was the arrival of Igor's future wife, Princess Olga, in 903. By birth the bride's name was Beautiful, but by the will of the Prince of Novgorod they began to call her first Volga, and then Olga. Few people knew that the girl was actually the daughter of the Prophetic Oleg, and so that no one would know the truth, they began to call her by a different name. The girl was not only the daughter of Prophetic Oleg, but also the granddaughter of Gostomysl, it was he who invited Rurik many years ago to become the head of the government of Rus'.

    Rurik handed over the rule of the state to his son on his deathbed, and thus Oleg continued the Gostomysl dynasty through his wife, and took Rurik’s place. It turned out that neither the line of rule of the Rurik dynasty nor Gostomysl was ever interrupted.

    As a result, an important question always arose about who had more rights to rule the Russian state, Oleg or Gostomysl. No one knew for sure whether it was true or rumor that Olga is Oleg’s daughter and Gostomysl’s granddaughter, because if this is true, then it turns out that the husband of that same daughter is Oleg. And he can compare with anyone from the Rurik dynasty. And it turns out that he has completely legal rights to inherit the throne, and not just a verbal donation of Russian land by Rurik. But they always tried to avoid this fact in the chronicles, so that the Novgorod retinue would not lay claim to significant government positions in Kyiv.

    And the most unexpected and pleasant event that the reign of the Prophetic Tsar brought was that, with his help, the Russian people learned what writing is. Cyril and Methodius, also in the Tale of Bygone Years, are recorded as the creators of writing among the Slavs. Such an act of the prince was truly great; only 90 years later could he surpass in importance the prince, Vladimir, who adopted Christianity for the Russian people. Oleg accepted written reforms, ABCs and the alphabet, which is still present in people's lives to this day.

    During the period when Rurik appeared in Novgorod, the brothers Cyril and Methodius appeared on Ladoga. There is no difference in time, only a difference in territorial space. Cyril began his mission in the south; in 860-801 he reached the Khazar Kaganate. There he tried to introduce writing, but not entirely successfully, and then he retired to a monastery for a while, where he began to create the alphabet and one of the brothers carried out these deeds in 862. This year was never even questioned, because then the campaign of both brothers took place already on hands with the alphabet to Moravia.

    These events in the next few years would lead to the fact that both Bulgaria and Serbia began to use Slavic writing, but this happened 250 years later. But only the creation of writing could not lead to people becoming more literate; the sovereign’s decision was needed that this was a necessity and his authority was directly needed.

    The hero sorcerer was very adamant, and although he accepted the alphabet from the missionaries, he categorically rejected their teachings. At that time there was only one faith, pagan, and the pagans treated Christians very badly; the people even then were simply not ready for such a faith. Catholic missionaries suffered a lot from the Baltic Slavs. After all, they indiscriminately carried out reprisals against them. Then there was a big confrontation, and the guardian of young Igor played an important role in this struggle.

    Even when the Grand Duke died, he became the one who launched the process of creating a great state and this process was no longer reversible, since the ground for him was already so solid that it could not be crushed. Even Karamzin once said that Russia had many worthy rulers and sovereigns in its history, but none of them achieved such services to the state as Prince Oleg did for Rus'.

    The great ruler Prophetic Oleg deserves that to this day people bow their heads with gratitude before his person and deeds in the name of Kievan Rus. He became the one who created the state of Rus' from scratch. He paved the most profitable trade routes in the history of the Russian people, he was the prince of two states at the same time and married his daughter to the legitimate heir of Kievan Rus. Not to mention the introduction of writing, which became the beginning of literacy training for ordinary people.