How to cultivate a tough character in yourself. What should you consider? Ninth – develop spiritually

Probably, we all, in one way or another, suffer due to the imperfections of our character; it makes no sense to deny this if you look at yourself with an honest look. But you can always make sure that certain character traits, if not changed, are at least corrected. In this article on how to build character, I will tell you about effective, time-tested methods for strengthening character, and also give some recommendations for building the character of a child.

How to develop a strong character

In fact, this is not difficult, but on one condition: you need to eliminate the main factors that prevent you from organizing your life the way you want. And these factors, in most cases, are the same: laziness, absent-mindedness and fear. It is laziness, absent-mindedness and fear that cause almost all of people’s problems in life. Some may think that I forgot to mention bad habits. But bad habits are just a consequence of our laziness. Addictions appear when we are unwilling to put in the effort to achieve our goals. But the most important thing is to get rid of these main enemies. That is why, to develop character, we will consider methods of working with fear, absent-mindedness and laziness. Let's start with laziness. How to defeat her? There is only one piece of advice: just start doing something. If you can’t immediately change your usual way of life, start small, but... at least start with something! What do we need to achieve results? That's right, work. We don't like to work, but we have to. You are reading this article, which means you most likely like to sit at the computer and surf the Internet: why not try to look for a job on the Internet (there are now many options for remote work) and initially devote 3-4 hours a day to this work? Is it really that difficult? Believe me, even 3-4 hours of daily activity (even with a break for the weekend) will significantly increase your self-esteem - once, and bring in some income - twice.

How to develop character and will

Now about distraction and fear. To defeat fear, you need the same thing as to defeat laziness - overcoming. We are often afraid to change something in our usual way of life, which still does not suit us - a paradox. If you are not satisfied, why be afraid? Are you afraid of losing something? Why be afraid if you have nothing to lose? If you need to communicate for work, start small again - the other person won’t bite you. He can be rude, yes, but, firstly, this rarely happens, and secondly, who is stopping you from cutting off the conversation and not listening, or simply sending such an insolent person away - and your mood will improve and you will save time. Are you afraid of looking funny and ridiculous? I’ll tell you a terrible secret: by and large, no one cares about you, and a person will forget these absurdities of yours many times faster than you remember them. Don't pay attention to what impression you make - just do your job. The stupidest fear you can think of is the fear of looking bad in the eyes of others. This is what needs to be eradicated “with fire and sword.” You can act according to justice, according to your conscience, according to your own understanding, but how many useful things were not done because a person was afraid of receiving the disapproval of others. Remember: only you know what and how will be best for you. I have several examples of my peers who still depend on the opinions of their parents - they are afraid to contradict them, study and work where they want. And by the way, everyone is unmarried or unmarried. Of course, there is both fear and laziness. Why strive for anything when your parents take care of everything? But parents are not eternal, and then what? No family, no children, no favorite job... Therefore, stop looking back and build your life according to your own understanding.

How to shape a child's character

And here, in addition to fears and laziness, we will need to work with absent-mindedness. Absent-mindedness is not so much a personality quality as an excessive concentration of the brain on untimely things. Please note: we scold children for being absent-minded and unable to concentrate on lessons. In fact, they are not distracted, they are focused... but on something else. Therefore, it is important to teach them to correctly switch attention, and for this, firstly, it is useful to explain to the child why he needs to concentrate. Well, the main thing is to motivate him correctly, and what is the best motive? That's right, interest. And here you will have to prove yourself as a good teacher. Show your child how interesting this or that subject is, what this knowledge will give him. As soon as you hook him, there will be no trace of absent-mindedness left - he will be incredibly passionate about the new business. Why not make studying interesting - now there are a lot of ways to do this, the same Internet can help you. And now about another sensitive topic - excessive love for your children. This does not mean that children should not be spoiled. It is possible, of course, but in moderation. You can’t satisfy any “want.” Do you know how wisely my friend acted towards his daughter when she told him that she wanted a new cell phone? He told her: “Baby, make some money!” And he gave her a very realistic task of writing several works on her favorite literature. And she wrote, after which he gave her money for her mobile phone. You can give your child any job (of course, one that is feasible for him), let him write something or work in a store - it is important that he earns this money, only then will he learn to appreciate it and will not become a parasite and a loafer. The child cannot I got used to living on everything ready and doing nothing, and even spoiling it by fulfilling every whim, every whim. This is the only way to properly form character. But then you don’t have to worry - your child will definitely settle down in life in the best possible way. By the way, various logical and active games are a great help against absent-mindedness - both for the brain and for health!

To begin to develop character in yourself, you first need to understand what it is. This term once referred to the minting of coins, but in the modern world it means nothing more than the sum of a person’s personal qualities. These include such characteristics as honesty, courage, friendliness, openness, patience, cunning. They can be both positive and negative. The set of these qualities determines the essence of a person, his personality, what he is. How to develop will and character?

What is a person's character based on?

We should start with the fact that the basic characteristics of a person are laid down at the genetic level. The next stage is raising a child. But you should not adhere to the opinion and say: “What has grown, has grown,” any qualities can be quite consciously instilled. Or even vice versa, get rid of the shortcomings that interfere with life. This is where self-education, character building, and willpower training come into play. Even the most modest and insecure people can become strong personalities, cultivate will and determination. There are many ways to build character.

Where should I start?

To begin to cultivate all the necessary qualities in yourself and figure out what your strength is, you need to determine what this very strength of character consists of. First of all, these are the factors that enable a person to control himself, his instincts, emotions, and resist temptations due to his beliefs. It is worth noting that strength of character is freedom from prejudice, tolerance, respect for others, and so on. Before you begin to develop a strong character, you need to answer two basic questions: why do you need it, and what does strength of character mean to you. Character building activities are based on the following principles.

What should you consider?

To begin to develop character, you need to understand the following:

  • Willpower and character will give you the opportunity to achieve all your goals, help you overcome obstacles along the way, take failures lightly and move forward. Ultimately, you will be able to achieve anything you want.
  • You will no longer want to whine and complain about it and without it, as many do. A strong character will allow you to analyze your condition, mood and eliminate the causes as soon as possible.
  • You will work more productively, since strength of character is the courage to admit, first of all, your own mistakes, analyze your weaknesses and build a new strong-willed personality.
  • Another important life quality is the ability to maintain a sober mind when circumstances turn against us. You will be able to swim against the current and move on, no matter what. All great people did this.

Once you decide which of the listed characteristics are paramount, it will be easier to begin the process of self-education. Step by step, brick by brick. Now you have to work hard on yourself and there will be no turning back.

Learn to empathize with others

Qualities such as empathy and the ability to love people around you no less than yourself help you feel, first of all, harmony with yourself. These qualities should especially manifest themselves in relation to the weaker. But don't confuse empathy with sympathy. The point is that the first option is characterized by participation in a person’s fate, help not in word, but in deed. While sympathy is a passive reaction that involves emotional comfort. As psychologists say, by helping others, you yourself will grow and develop as a person. The developing and nurturing nature of learning is the basis of empathy.

Know how to resist fleeting impulses

This includes such banal things as craving for sweets, constantly putting off until tomorrow, and so on. Aristotle also wrote that every person has the following fundamental qualities: love, hatred, desire, fear, joy, sadness, anger. In fact, each of these qualities is normal for a person. But it’s not so simple here, there is a certain amount of deceit here, because they can even be above our minds. And here we, such smart and highly intelligent individuals, begin to eat everything indiscriminately, make unnecessary purchases, give vent to fleeting anger and emotional impulses. We are all human and each of us has our own weaknesses and passions. And only by developing character and strengthening willpower can you stop being a slave to your habits. Indulging in fleeting desires is a sign of weakness, and only the ability to restrain whims and passions is already a sign of willpower and character. This is the only way to develop character.

Apperciate things which you have

If we constantly think that somewhere the sun is brighter, the grass is greener and everyone around us lives better, happier and richer, we may simply not notice how we will no longer be pleased with what is around us. Remember that each person has their own problems and these are just your assumptions about how great others are living. Don't look at others, focus only on yourself, look only for the good around you. This is probably where character building activities need to begin.

Control your feelings and emotions

Only common sense and rationality can and should guide you in everyday life. Only a person with a strong character can look at everything that happens only from the position of reasonable perception, with a rational attitude to every little thing, and not through the filter of his emotions. Cultivate the ability to leave emotions in the background and control the chaos of sensations that arise. At first it will be very difficult, and at times it will even seem impossible, but even this you can learn to control and suppress. Restraint and common sense are the basis of willpower.

Leadership skills

Pessimists rarely achieve anything truly great. But it’s not enough to just be an optimist. As they say, a pessimist will whine that the wind has started, optimists will wait for it and only the leader will do everything possible to adjust the sails and be ready for any weather conditions. They say that leaders are born, but psychologists say that this is not true. You can develop a character that suits your lifestyle and your goals.

Move forward no matter what

Absolutely any person always thinks about their interests first. This can happen both on an unconscious level and absolutely consciously. Don't let anyone force their opinion on you and don't do it yourself. Every person deserves to live his life the way he wants, and not according to other people. Just accept for yourself as a basis the fact that every person has the right to his own opinion, to his own truth. As they say, you are not a million dollars to please everyone and it will never be the case that everyone around you will accept your point of view, your opinion. Determine the right course for yourself and follow your goals and principles without retreating.

Learn to avoid conflicts and do good

You can live in harmony with yourself only if there is harmony with the world and others. Strive for this with all your thoughts, your soul. And this can only be achieved by cultivating willpower and character. Going over your head, plotting and ignoring everyone around you is not the best and certainly not the only way to get to your cherished goal. In search of exclusively personal gain, people often enter into conflicts and make enemies, which sooner or later turns against the person. The boomerang law, simply put. To meet your needs 100%, you need to think about what your actions will entail.

Calm, just calm!

First of all, take care of your inner state, only calm will give you the opportunity to concentrate as much as possible and gather your thoughts in order to act rationally. And here everything is interconnected - inner silence and contemplation leads to opportunities, which, in turn, make it possible to achieve success. No matter how strange it may seem, calmness is the first condition for developing a strong character. An excess of emotions, following fleeting weaknesses is the absence of an internal state of silence. This is a kind of regulator of strength and will and an opportunity to develop character.

Only positivity and faith in one’s own strength, and not in the villainous fate

Only positive emotions will bring luck and self-confidence, leave all the negativity behind and remember only the good. Even doctors say that the best thing a patient can do for himself during an illness is not to think about his problems, but to enjoy life and believe in the best. It’s not for nothing that they say that with the help of willpower you can drown out even physical pain, you just need to distract yourself with other things. This applies to every day of life. If you constantly think about the bad, then your everyday life will be so gray and dull. Only with your own hands can you bring color and joy to your every day. Each person is responsible for his own life and how events develop in it. Do not think that everything is predetermined by fate, and that you are not able to change anything for the better. Don't give up on the initiative, change yourself and the world around you. And remember: no one will do this for you.

Be patient and overcome all fears

Only strong character and willpower enable a person to overcome all difficulties no matter what. Do not think about fleeting pleasure, especially if it will be to the detriment of the most important goal. Learn not to indulge your emotions, learn to wait. Try to cultivate fortitude and overcome fears. Unfortunately, many of our fears are the main enemies on the path to success. And we are most often afraid of something far-fetched, based on superficial observations. As soon as you overcome even the smallest fear, faith in your own strength will increase several times. This is how character is developed.

Clear your mind and be honest with others and yourself

Every person can be called a gardener. We all grow ourselves. Therefore, what needs to be done first is to get rid of the weeds in order to allow something pure and beautiful to sprout. Keep yourself busy with something exciting, new and interesting. Something that will help you develop and grow, develop will and character. Be honest with others and with yourself. What kind of character strength can we talk about? The love of telling a lie is, first of all, cowardice.

It's time to act!

Now that we have figured out how to develop a strong character, it’s time to start taking action! Self-education is not an easy task. In any case, when you want to give up everything and give up, remember the following:

  • The principle of nurturing character - try, try and try again! No one will answer the question of how many attempts will have to be made in order to achieve the desired result and cultivate strength in oneself. But one thing is clear - you need to do it until you can achieve your plan.
  • Accept defeat and never give up - the principle of the educational nature of learning. There will be no willpower and character if you do not learn to overcome defeats. The ability not to give up after a series of failures is something that parents should instill in a child’s character. Error or failure is the way to comprehend the truth.
  • Get rid of any negative influence on you from the outside, remember that no situation or event should affect your condition. Set a plan to work on yourself and learn to speak correctly. Lexicon is one of the principles of character education.
  • Surround yourself with people who are similar to you in goals and aspirations so that they help you reach upward.

Of course, there is no classic recipe for developing willpower and character. Try, strive, learn.

What will help you on the way to your goal?

Developing one character trait is not an easy task. Take note of the following rules:

  • Overcome difficulties, no matter what. Character is built by difficulties.
  • Read books and not only your favorite ones, experiment with different genres. Grow and develop.
  • Have your opinion and express it.
  • Set goals and, most importantly, achieve them. A person with a weak character does not know what he wants. Contradictions, doubts, hesitations prevent you from living a bright and fulfilling life.
  • Learn to say no. Failure to answer directly is a sign of weakness.
  • Form your environment correctly.

We educate, grow and develop ourselves. Don't get stuck in a corner and build strength and perseverance.

A person who wants to succeed in life must have a strong character. He will help you cope with any difficulties. If a person is not self-confident, then he needs to develop a strong character. People who can't do something important say they don't have willpower. This is wrong. Every person has it, just not everyone wants to develop it. The main thing is to want and become stronger and more confident in yourself.

How to develop a strong character

A strong character helps a person achieve significant heights. A strong character needs to be developed in order to be able to easily communicate with others and restrain emotions. There are situations in which you need to accept criticism; willpower is an indispensable assistant in this.

In order to develop a strong character, you need to start small. Probably no one wants to do something they don’t like. To strengthen your character, you need to overcome laziness and do something you don’t like. By forcing oneself to work, a person develops willpower. If a person is not confident in his abilities, he still needs to fight laziness. As he gains victories, he will become more confident without even noticing.

The next step will be sports. By doing light exercise regularly, you can overcome the psychological barrier. Every day a person overcomes laziness, which strengthens not only health, but also character. You shouldn’t be ashamed of this, it’s absolutely normal and healthy.

The third step will be regulation. To develop character, you need to distribute work correctly. You shouldn't do work on weekends, that's what weekends are for. It's better to plan a vacation. The process of character development has no boundaries. Having rested on the weekend, you can begin to do your work with renewed vigor.

Desire is the final step. The main thing is just to want it. You need to ask yourself the question: “Do I need this?” If the answer is yes, then you need to seriously take on the implementation of your goal.

You need to study constantly without breaks. Well, of course, you can choose your rest days, the main thing is not to go off schedule. As they say, it’s easy to get used to good things. It is possible to develop a strong character. How much time and effort will have to be spent is another matter. But nothing is done just like that.

If you want to develop a strong character, you don't need to wait for instant results, you need to take action. Only through actions can you achieve success. A person with a strong character is very valuable and in demand. Unknown opportunities open up for people of strong character.

How to change your character and become stronger

All people have different principles, hobbies, value systems, and react differently to external manifestations of life. His actions, which make up our life, depend on a person’s character. However, not every person is satisfied with the character that he has. So how to gain character and become stronger?

First you need to understand what character is. Psychologists mean by character a combination of certain personality traits that are manifested in a person’s actions and also determine his attitude towards life.

After thirty years, character changes slightly, but if you want to gain character and become stronger, it is never too late to do so.

A person can always change those character traits that do not suit him. A large number of techniques are used for this purpose, but they are all based on the fact that the desire to change must be internally conscious.

So, the decision has been made. What actions need to be taken to develop character?

Using a systematic approach helps greatly in changing character. Make a list of character traits that you want to get rid of. Next to each quality, write how exactly it manifests itself. This will give you the opportunity to control yourself and prevent such behavior.

If you want to develop a strong character, remember that a person’s character is formed over a long time, so you will not be able to get rid of undesirable characteristics in one day. However, only the first week is the real difficulty, then you will learn to control yourself, and it will be easier for you to monitor your own behavior.

Having a role model gives excellent results when changing character. To develop character, choose a role model and try to be like them. Ask yourself what he would do if he were in your place. By imitating someone's behavior, you will learn to develop useful habits and, thereby, minimize the negative manifestations of your character.

However, remember that you cannot completely copy someone else’s behavior, because you are an individual, and all the copied character traits will still appear with a nuance unique to you.

How to gain character and become stronger? For a person who wants to change something in his life, nothing is impossible. It doesn't matter which system you use. The main thing is your sincere desire, which will make any goal possible, even a difficult one.

How to improve your character

Do you love yourself? Love, that's for sure, you don't even have to deny it. This is quite typical for any person. But are you completely satisfied with your own character? The answer here is unlikely to be definitely in the affirmative. It’s very easy to notice various shortcomings in yourself, but not everyone can eliminate them.

Before you consider yourself an extremely difficult person to communicate with others, be sure to answer yourself only one question - what does not suit you about your character?

Be sure to determine which qualities you definitely don’t like in yourself. But at the same time, be somewhat kind to yourself. Indeed, in such egoism lies also confidence, but in greed there is a significant amount of frugality. Understand and accept exactly and, best of all, write down exactly which properties in your own personality you would like to get rid of.

Have you always dreamed of becoming more merciful and simpler? Separately, you need to write down the qualities that you would like to acquire. But remember that you don’t need to make a significant list. While it is still possible to conquer yourself, on the contrary, instilling a completely new trait is incredibly difficult. Then limit yourself to the most significant qualities.

Don’t expect that what will follow next is one of the popular recipes like “Do 15 good deeds, and you will certainly treat the people around you better,” “Read 20 stories, and you will definitely become much more cheerful.” There are no correct instructions for improving your character in nature. But at the moment when you know very precisely what qualities you need to work with, the business will then have a definite chance of significant success.

To develop character, constantly remind yourself of this desire. Character tends to show up systematically in your typical behavior. It has no exceptions, it cannot be somehow postponed until tomorrow. If you are going to change, start now, right now.

Keep a simple diary - it will certainly allow you to record your achievements and thereby monitor yourself. It's like you're looking at yourself from a different perspective. If you want to develop a strong character, place in your imagination your perfect image of your ideal self.

If it is quite difficult for you to imagine in your mind a person with an impeccable character, imagine your real friend whose behavior you incredibly like. And in any very difficult situation, just imagine how this person would act if he were in your place. You now know how to improve your character.

The best way to build character is through difficulties, users of The Question project are sure. “At a minimum, the most obligatory condition is to get out of your comfort zone,” says Dmitry Richter. “As a rule, strong people overcame such barriers and experienced such events that we never even dreamed of.”

“You can never truly taste success if it comes too easily,” confirms Elizabeth Lutes. Also, you should not blame others for your failures and failures, but accept them with your head held high.

2. Read books

Users recommend reading books of completely different genres. Autobiographies - to draw on the experience of great people, strong in spirit. Fiction - to develop imagination and play out difficult situations that may ever happen to you. And books on self-development - to get motivation and learn useful psychological techniques.

Dmitry Sergeev proposed a list of three main works, in his opinion: Robin Sharma “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”, Dale Carnegie “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” and Stephen Covey “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.

3. Have your own opinion

Strong and mature individuals are not afraid to express their opinion, even if it is very different from the generally accepted one. In addition, they adhere to their own views, despite criticism. “In our century, people themselves become slaves to other people’s opinions, so it is very difficult to preserve individuality of thinking. Learn to let go of other people's opinions and form your own objective judgment,” says Elizabeth Lutes.

Dmitry Sergeev advises you to think about what you do in life because you really want it, and what you do under pressure from others or circumstances. “The ability to walk away from a film that you don’t like, and not finish watching it because money was paid for it. Don't eat a dish in a restaurant that you don't really like, and don't choke because you paid a considerable amount for it. During an unpleasant conversation, get up, turn around and leave, or just remain silent at the moment when you just want to “blurt out” something or do something, without thinking that someone will think something “wrong” about you.” , he gives examples.

4. Set goals and achieve them

A goal is needed to know where to go. Write a list of what you want to achieve in a certain period of time - a week, a month, a year. Then compare the results, draw conclusions and write new goals. “More specifics, which can be expressed in terms and numbers, less abstract reasons and phrases,” advises Dmitry Sergeev.

“A person with a weak character does not know what he wants. He is contradictory, disorganized and constantly fluctuates,” says Artem Ivanov. Start from the opposite.

5. Say no

The inability to give direct and honest refusals reveals weakness of character in people, users of The Question are sure. It is important to learn to save your time and set personal boundaries. “The ability to decisively say “no” to unimportant things will give you the strength to say “yes” to something important,” says Dmitry Sergeev. “It is very important to focus on one thing, discarding all external factors. They just destroy you. Give them up in favor of truly important things,” advises Elizabeth Lutes.

6. Take a closer look at your surroundings

Unfortunately, not everyone will like it if you suddenly start changing for the better. For some you will no longer be “convenient”, others will simply be jealous. If you want to be strong, change your unpleasant environment. “If there are people around you who don’t want to get better and “drag” you down with them without developing, then it’s better to reduce the limit of communication with them. Or cut them out of your life. Find those who are on the same path with you, those who will help you and, thanks to you, become better every day,” says Dmitry Sergeev. “If you don’t want to ruin your life, stay away from those who have already ruined theirs.”

A person can be physically strong, and such heroes have always caused admiration. But most often it is another group of people who are admired. They are said to be a person with a strong character. Physical strength, of course, is also good, but there are circumstances in life when only the ability to cope with the situation, no matter how difficult it may be, can save you. It is this skill that is called internal strength.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the character of a leader. Some people are naturally strong, while others, on the contrary, are called weak-willed. And here the question arises: is it possible to develop this quality in oneself and, if so, how to develop a strong character?

Developing a strong leader character

The first step is the most difficult. And it consists of stopping complaining about fate, and thinking about what qualities manifest themselves most clearly in you. After all, you are not a faceless shadow, but a person. And in the character of any person there is at least one, but clearly expressed feature. It will help you decide on your image of power. We didn't make a reservation. Psychologists distinguish between two types of strong character: in the first case, they say about a person that he is “explosive,” that is, his strong will manifests itself as if in waves.

The second type of strong character is usually resilient but flexible, like the ancient Greek Stoic philosophers. Try to figure out what traits of your character indicate one type or another, and start working on them.

Well, you’ve taken the first step, figured yourself out and found out that by nature you are more of a “dynamite” than a hardy stoic, move on. Do... sports. “How about sports? But how to develop character? - you ask. The fact of the matter is that sport is the best “educator” of character.

In your case, barbell or sprinting would be ideal. But don't try to break records right away. Start small. For example, when working out with a barbell, take a light weight, but repeat the exercise 15-20 times. After a couple of weeks, increase the weight, but do fewer reps, such as eight to twelve. After a month of training, increase the weight again to the maximum (for you). And again reduce the number of repetitions to six, ten times. Train two to four times a week.

If you decide to run, start with two hundred meters and add one hundred meters to it once a week. Having reached a distance of two kilometers, you can not increase the distance, but start working on your speed. Be sure to record your results and try to improve them every day. But the most important thing is don’t give up training, even if something doesn’t work out for you. Believe me, if your classes are regular, after some time you will not recognize yourself in every sense.
By the way, sport is also the answer to the question of how to develop the character of a leader. After all, if your friends see that you have turned from a weakling into a strong-willed and purposeful person, they will involuntarily begin to respect you and recognize you as their leader. And the position of a leader is not based on brute force, but on respect.
The second, hardy type of character can also be developed through sports, but in a slightly different way. Marathon running is the best option here. At first glance, it’s boring and monotonous. But that's the whole point. When it is not obvious to understand how to develop strength of character, you need to use sports and turn monotonous activities into interesting and exciting ones. For example, start running long distances with friends. Friends don't run? Then take with you another “friend” - a player with an interesting audiobook or good music. Good for both mind and body.

Start with a kilometer run and gradually increase the distance. And keep in mind that speed is not important here. Distance is important. The more endurance you become, the further distance you can run. Run in your free time, but at least three to four times a week. After a while, you will notice that the routine work you hate is not so hateful, and the excess fat has completely disappeared somewhere.
And one last piece of advice. When your character is formed, try to master the qualities of another category that is not typical for you. Believe me, it will come in handy in life.


Some people are born with natural leadership talent, and some are weak in life. I think this also largely depends on the upbringing of the parents; some children are spoiled too much by their parents and they grow up to be their mother’s children, and often these people have little character. As for developing the character of a leader, I think it is quite difficult and for many it is not even possible.

oh, how I was born...
if you're a sucker, then the hunchbacked grave will fix it
If you’re a normal person, then everything is in your hands.

Even if nature does not endow you with talents and character, I believe that everyone has the opportunity to develop strong leadership character. You just need to strive to become better, and not stop in your development, coming up with different reasons.

if a person is a “no-knuckle”, then at least develop or not, I tell you there will be no one. He will look for a leader, a wife, a friend who doesn’t care and rely on someone else’s strength, that’s all. and he himself will adapt to it. stick like melted butter
I’m telling the truth - I’ve lived 30 years, I already know

znupi1, Tell the truth, if I’m not mistaken Tatyana.) You have to be born a leader, and it’s difficult to develop something, but nothing is impossible, everything is laid down for us by our parents from childhood. If there are constant mushi-pusi, then this will be the musi-pusi.

I agree with you that being born a leader and becoming a leader are not the same thing. Only 10% of people are born with the makings of leaders. But still, if a person wants to become a leader, he can become one. After all, there is also such a thing as personal development. It is possible to change over time and develop a strong character, you just have to want it and learn it.

Excellent advice that is very necessary for anyone who wants to become a leader. But I would like to add here that I understand leadership in the broad sense of the word. Lead first of all over your qualities that hinder you. Defeat yourself. Why beat someone? And compare with someone?

It is absolutely impossible to develop the character of a leader; you can only be born with this character. But this is my subjective opinion. I reason this way because I myself am not a leader and I don’t need it.

You can try it in sports, such as boxing. I think it will be good for the spirit. That is, the main thing is not to hit the face, but the way out to the enemy.

It is possible to become a leader, but without natural abilities, it is extremely difficult!... In my opinion, probably, in order to prove something to someone, there is a clear bias!
You can become a competent specialist in some specific field, having knowledge and experience, simply following your opportunities... and the opinion of a good specialist is much more valuable, in my opinion, than some kind of conditional leadership...

To begin with, forget about all the minor problems that were, are and will be in the future. Forget about public opinion. Believe in yourself, in your strength. Become a leader in some small things, and gradually grow. Don’t be afraid to communicate, communicate a lot, get to know each other. An idea comes to you, do it right away, don’t put it off, go for it. This is the only way you will become a leader.

A leader is a person, first of all, who knows where he is going and knows how to lead other people. Leadership is cultivated along with personality development. There is an excellent book on leadership training “The Boss and His Team” by John Maxwell. To succeed in life, you need to become a leader, because you will always have to defend your positions and interact with other people.

I was born with the makings of a leader, but until a certain (already quite old) age I did not know at all what to do with it. As a result, she was consistently in the group of “emotional leaders.” Actually, I became a leader-organizer after 20 years. And every year this trend is only intensifying. The character was rather not developed, but rather tempered. I have absolutely no idea how to become a leader without having the inclination to do so. And is this really necessary?

From personal experience, a leader in yourself can be developed through sport, absolutely any sport you like, the main thing is consistency. Also, always finish what you start. And of course, high self-esteem, which needs to be strengthened every day, because if you don’t love and respect yourself, others won’t do it, and what is a leader without a team.

Indeed, sport can help develop a strong leader's character. In general, any type of activity where there is a spirit of competition helps to develop leadership qualities.

I agree with you, but the point here is that when you are able to overcome your laziness, you can handle any problem, and our main competitor is ourselves. As they say, a healthy mind in a healthy body, and by the way, a sick person in a hospital bed is a dubious leader in my opinion, so sport (any physical activity that uses your body) and once again sport is the norm of life for a leader, like brushing your teeth and combing your hair.

It also seems to me that a lot depends on the initial data and upbringing. If a child was not initially raised with leadership qualities, then it will be more difficult for him to develop them on his own. However, it's still worth a try, in my opinion)

You can be a soft, intelligent person and at the same time, a leader.
It depends on what circles a person moves in. Of course, the leader of the street punks will not become a leader in the society of art critics, and vice versa. And you can develop any qualities in yourself if you set a goal and clearly understand that you need it.

If you carefully observe the children in kindergarten, you will immediately understand which of them is the leader and which of them acts passively behind those around them. Upbringing in the family plays an important role, where the foundation of leadership qualities is laid.