How to place emphasis. Stress dictionary: Where is the correct stress in words

For task No. 4 “Orthoepic norms”

Rules for placing stress in nouns.

1. Words of foreign origin, as a rule, in the Russian language they retain the place of stress that they had in the source language. In English, stress is most often on the first syllable, while in French it is on the last.
Therefore, English borrowings sound like this:
and the French ones are like this:
engraver, dispensary, blinds, rubber, parterre, music stand, chassis.

2. In words denoting measures of length and ending in -meter, stress falls on the last syllable:
kilometer, centimeter, millimeter, decimeter.

3. In complex words with a second part -the wire with the general meaning of “a device for transporting any substance or energy,” the emphasis falls on the root -water- :
Gas line, water line, garbage line, light line.
BUT: electric wire, electric drive.

4. In words ending in -log, the stress falls, as a rule, on the last syllable: dialogue, catalogue, monologue, obituary.

5. B verbal nouns the place of stress is preserved, which is in the original verb from which they are formed:
(faith) confess – religion
provide - provision.

6. In some nouns the stress is fixed and remains on the root in all cases:
AIRPORT – airports
bow – bows – with bows
accountant – accountant
X - with X - X - X
CRANE - taps
Lecturer – lecturers – lecturers
cake – with cake – cakes – cakes
Scarf - scarf - scarves - scarves.

7. In a noun darling the emphasis falls on the root. In all words formed from this word, the emphasis on -BAL- DOES NOT fall:
pampered, pampered, pampered, pampered, spoiled, pampered.

Rules for placing stress in adjectives.
1. Some adjectives have the same stress as the original nouns from which they are formed:
plum – plum
kitchen – kitchen
SORREL - sorrel.

2. The stressed syllable of the full form of some adjectives remains percussive and in short form:
beautiful – beautiful – beautiful – beautiful – beautiful
unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable.

3. In some frequency adjectives with movable stress it falls on the root in its full form - singular and plural; and also in the short form - in the masculine and neuter gender. In the short form of the feminine gender, the emphasis goes to the ending:
right - right - right - right - right
slim - slim - slim - slim - slim.

4. If the emphasis in the short form of the feminine gender falls on the ending, then in the comparative form it will be on the suffix -E- or- HER-:
sick - sicker, strong - stronger, slimmer - slimmer.
If the emphasis in the feminine gender is on the base, then to a comparative degree it remains there:
beautiful - more beautiful, sad - sadder.

Rules for placing stress on verbs.

1. Emphasis in past tense verbs usually falls on the same syllable as the infinitive:
walk - walked, walked
hide - hid, hid.

2. In another group of verbs, the stress in all forms is fixed, and in the feminine gender of the past tense it moves to the ending:
take - took, took, took, took
lie - lied, lied, lied, lied.
took, took, poured in, burst in, perceived, recreated, drove, chased, got, got, waited, waited, occupied, locked, locked, called, called, lilA, lilA, lied, overstrained, called, poured, picked, started, drenched, hugged, overtook, stripped, departed, gave, recalled, responded, poured, called, poured, understood, arrived, tore, removed, created, tore, removed.

3. Verbs put, steal, sneak, send, send, send accent in form feminine past tense DOES NOT fall on the ending, but remains based on:
put, stole, stole, sent, sent, sent.
The exception is verbs with percussion attachment YOU-, which always takes over the accent:
lila - poured out, stole - stole.

4. B verbs ending in -IT, when conjugating, the emphasis falls on the endings: -ISH, -IT, -IM, -ITE, -AT/-YAT:
turn on - turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on
hand over - hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over over
get through - get through, get through, get through, get through, get through
bleed - bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed.
Verbs are conjugated using the same pattern:
call, exclude, endow, tilt, mess up, call, ease, encourage, encourage, borrow, surround, repeat, call back, call, drill, strengthen, pinch.

5. In the following verbs ending in –IT, the accent does NOT fall on the ending:
to vulgarize - to vulgarize
inquire - you will inquire.

6. In verbs, formed from adjectives, the emphasis most often falls on -IT:
fast - to speed up, sharp - to aggravate, light - to ease, vigorous - to encourage, deep - to deepen.
BUT: verb Angry, formed from the adjective evil, does not obey this rule.

7. B reflexive verbs The emphasis in the past tense form often shifts to the ending or suffix (in masculine past tense verbs):
begin – began, began, began, began
accepted - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.

Rules for placing accents in participles.

1.In active past participles with suffix -VSH- the stress, as a rule, falls on the same vowel that appears in the word before this suffix:
light up Vsh yay, nali Vsh oh, look Vsh yy.

2. In passive past participles formed from verbs bend, bend, bend the emphasis falls on the prefix:
bent, curved, bent.

3. In short passive feminine past participles the accent falls on the ending:
busy, locked, populated, acquired, poured, encouraged, removed, created.

4. If the stress in the full form falls on the suffix -YONN- , then in the short form it is retained only in the masculine gender, and in other forms it changes to the ending:
included – included, included, included, included
delivered - delivered, delivered, delivered, delivered
populated - populated, populated, populated, populated.
Participles change according to the same scheme:
endowed, brought down, encouraged, disabled, repeated, divided, tamed.

5. In full forms of participles with suffix -T- formed from verbs with suffixes -ABOUT- And -WELL- In the infinitive, the stress falls one syllable forward:
polo – polo T y, prick - kOlo T oh, bend - bend T oh, wrap it up - I’ll wrap it up T y.

Rules for placing stress in gerunds.

1. Participles often have stress on the same syllable as in the infinitive of the verb from which they are formed:
set - having set, fill - fill, occupy - having taken, begin - having started, raise - having raised, undertake - undertaken, create - created.

2. In participles with a suffix -VSH-, -VSHI- the stress falls on the vowel that comes before these suffixes in the word:
STARTED V, otA V, raise V, profit V,beginning lice s.

Rules for placing stress in adverbs.

1. To the console BEFORE- The stress falls in the following adverbs:
to the top, to the bottom, to the dryness.
BUT: dobela, dobela.
2. To the console BEHIND- the emphasis falls in the words:
beforehand, after dark, before light.
BUT: to envy is envious.

Correctly placed stress in a word is a significant criterion in assessing the literacy of a person’s oral speech.

If you do not want to be branded as an uneducated person, then you should remember where you need to put the emphasis in a particular word.

The Russian language has never been easy to learn. The need to study the placement of stress in words is one of the many facets of this complex, but incredibly expressive and beautiful language.

Below is a list of popular words whose stress placement is not obvious.

Since the list is quite extensive - you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F to enable page search in yours, and then find the word you are looking for, as well as information on how to correctly place emphasis when using it.

TOP - most popular mistakes


Emphasis on the word catal ABOUT g is placed on the letter O in the last syllable.

Incorrect: catA log.

more beautiful

Emphasis on the word beautiful AND falls further on the letter I.

Incorrect: beautiful.


Stress in the word shchav E l is placed with the letter E.

Incorrect: ShA vel.


A very popular mistake. The correct accent in the word should be on A in the last syllable - quartA l.

Incorrect: kVA rtal.

Call, call, let's call, call, call

Stress in the word ringing AND t and its derivatives are placed on the letter I in the last syllable. Try to remember this and not make such an unpleasant mistake. Surprisingly, few people know how the emphasis is placed correctly in this case. This word has become a kind of “litmus test” for determining speech literacy.

There is a simple mnemonic rule for this word.

Calls - says

Call - talk

Remember it and it will be easier.

Incorrect: ringing.

moveSolicitation, moveSolicitation

A typical mistake by employees of the judicial system and law enforcement agencies.

The accent here is on the letter A in the second syllable.

Incorrect: petition, petition.


It is noteworthy, but since 2009, making a mistake when placing the emphasis in the word ensure E h E It became very difficult. In 2009, the Ministry of Education accepted both options as correct.


A rather unobvious option, hence the many errors in pronunciation.

Emphasis on the word don E Lzya is placed on the letter E and nothing else.

Incorrect: it is not possible.

T ABOUT mouths

When talking about this confectionery product in the plural, it is necessary to put emphasis on the letter O in the first syllable - t ABOUT mouths.

Wrong: cakes

draw, exhaust, exhaust

In these words the emphasis falls on the letter E.

Incorrect: scoop, exhaust, exhaust in

pampered, pampered, pampered, pampered, spoiled

As you can see, in verbs the stress is placed on the letter A in the last syllable, and in adjectives - on O.

Incorrect: pamper, pamper, indulge, spoiled, spoiled


Emphasis on I on the last syllable

Incorrect: it hurts.


The emphasis in this word is on I in the first syllable - sl AND new..

Incorrect: plum.


The emphasis in the word meaning the process of painting icons is placed on the first letter I.

Incorrect: ICO writing.

bows, b A nta, bantov

In the name of the beautiful decoration for schoolgirls, the emphasis should be on A in the first syllable.

Incorrect: bows.


The easiest option to remember. The emphasis always falls on E.

Incorrect: beets.


In the word accepted A The emphasis is on the letter A in the last word.

Incorrect: accepted, accepted.


We need to ease your suffering in finding the correct stress; in this word it is placed on I in the last syllable.

Incorrect: lighten.


Unexpected, right? In the word to U It is correct to put the stress on the letter U in the first syllable and nothing else.

Incorrect: kitchen.


A classic of the genre, the famous emphasis on the word agreement. Ignorance of this rule especially fails business people during business negotiations.

Emphasis in the word dogov ABOUT p is placed on the letter O in the last word.

Incorrect: agreement.

This concludes the TOP of the most common mistakes related to stress. In the article you will find words that are in demand for information, but are not as popular as those described above.

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Features of stress in Russian (continuation)

Separate conversation O ra require unstressed words. Function words and particles, as a rule, do not have stress in the Russian language. Some of them are monosyllabic prepositions and conjunctions, b yva They use pre-stress words, so-called proclitics. They will accept yk They are pronounced in pronunciation of the independent words that follow them and have stress: on the water, by the road, from the forest, along the ut I.Others are monosyllabic particles, being ut These are enclitics, that is, post-stress words. They are adjacent in pronunciation to the preceding word, having eat I've got a hit: someone came, tell me, I promised, you opened the door, will they come? neither.In these combinations of particles then, ka, after all, then, whether become enclitics.

Sometimes the excuse takes a hit. on yourself b I, then the significant word that follows it turns out to be unstressed. Most often they pull the blow on themselves. pre d logs ON, FOR, UNDER, BY, FROM, WITHOUT.
ON - on the water, on the mountain, on the hand, on the ear, on
A winter, for a year, for a house, for a floor. But such a transfer of a stressed vowel is not always correct. oi coming off. We are speaking go to the pier(but not nA they say), climb the hill(but not on the hill), decree on the door(but not on the door), run aground(but not stranded).

Shifting the emphasis to the preposition, according to the norms of orthoepy, possibly en when the combination of a noun with a preposition is part of a stable phrase O company or when it appears in a circumstantial meaning and has an adverbial character. In the same case ae when it is important to highlight a noun as the object to which the action is directed, and when it is a noun But e acts as a complement, a blow. does not switch to an excuse. For example:

take A's word for it, but: pay attention ima reference to the word "transformation";
lower the ship into the water, but: because of the glare of the sun it is painful to look at the water;
this man is dishonest, but: dirty
there was bandage applied;
put the load on her shoulders, but: he put his palms on her shoulders;
move the hat to the nose, but: put the juggler
l on nOS cardboard cylinder;
The old man was hard on his ear, but the mother looked at the boy's ear.

We'll say take sin on your soul. This is the foundation first turn, and blow. enshrined in it. But you can't say: so many products per country shu population.We are speaking fall like snow on the goal ov y. This is also a phraseological unit in which the emphasis is traditionally placed on the preposition. But you can't say: he threw the game fe tti on the heads of friends.

Often the emphasis in Russian is transferred
si refers to the preposition NA when combined with numerals: na two, na three, na five, na ten, na hundred, na two, na three. But if there are two numerals next to each other with the meaning of approximate, such movement is a blow. Not about comes from: leave for two or three days, for five or six months, for two or three days. Pronunciation n A two-three, na three-five - incorrect. The preposition remains unstressed even in that case cha e, when two numerals are connected by the conjunction OR: for two or three days, for five or six months, for two or t roe days.

The accent is not transferred in Russian
yk e to a preposition even when there is a clarification at the first numeral. Compare: leave for two months - leave for two months VA months and ten days; business trip for a year - business trip for a year and three months; meet cha scheduled for three o'clock - the meeting is scheduled for three hours and thirty minutes.

Finally, it should be said that sometimes The text suggests the need to save the blow. on a significant word, and not transfer it to the right units log. In a conversation about the work of the famous Russian composer, we talked about the suite for two Russian no topics (not nA two). The presenter specifically highlighted the word two to draw attention to this it orii.

BEHIND - for the leg, for the hand, for the winter, for the soul, for the mountains od , for a night, for a day, for two, for three, for five, for seven, for forty.

But the same restrictions apply here:

hide your hands behind your back - hide that grab your mother's back;
grab hands - grab hands and n
you can get there in two hours -
behind two hours and forty minutes.

ON - by the forest, by the field, by the floor, by but sou, two, three, one hundred, two, three.

The blow cannot be taken. on a preposition when combining eg o with numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... fourty and complex numbers tel nal eleven, twelve, five hundred, six hundred, etc.: for five hours, for six days, for nine rubles le oh, forty kopecks.

The emphasis is not transferred to the description
in the above cases:

TWO-THREE plates, five-six each t Human;
for two or three days, two or
tr And the day;
two or three days, three from to
fishing another day;
about two centners, but two and three tens
you x quintal.

UNDER - Under the feet, under the arms, under the mountain, p One nose, in the evening.
IZ - I from home, from the forest, from sight, from
os u.
WITHOUT - without news, without a year
de la, to no avail.
FROM- hour From hour, year From year, From
ro du.

Some two-syllable prepositions are always a are unstressed. These are FROM BECAUSE, FROM UNDER and prepositions with the fluent O: PODO, NECESSARY, OBO, OTO, ISO - because of le sa , from under the table, under me, about me, from everyone, from everyone.

Weak words- these are the words that That Although some have stress in the phrase, it is weaker than that of independent words. I call this emphasis t p obverse. Many adverbial prepositions are weakly stressed words, such as AFTER, CIRCLE, PAST, AROUND, OPPOSITE, AROSS, KOKO LO and others. The fact that these words receive only a weakened impact is clearly felt when compared with fr basics in which these words, used as adverbs, become carriers of normal hit.:

the mother stood behind the children - the river ost al behind;
the train was rushing through my field - the car about
ex ala mimo;
he waved after the bus - what people
-That shouted after;
we will come after an hour - we will come
To to you after;
there was a spring near the house - it’s enough to go to
okrug yes Around.

Side accent (or second penny oe) is designated by the sign “gravis”, in contrast to the main blow., designated by the sign “acute”. Side kick. usually has the preposition THROUGH: etc search well through the thicket, through the thickets, through the fog. Always carries a collateral blow. etc. e dlog EXCEPT: everyone gathered except him; don’t take anything boring with you except books; except for birch trees, there were and l ips.Some cities are weakly impacted lag single forms and introductory words IT WAS, IT HAD BEEN, IT HAD BEEN: I would like to take up reading; seed We also ate Well, in the evenings we talked together; So he was planning to leave?

However, you should not get carried away with side effects and accents. If the speaker's speech is kept at a moderate pace, the pronunciation of unstressed words is second. P with strong stress, and weakly stressed words with normal stress. will create excessive accentuation, to O which only makes speech more difficult to perceive and disturbs listeners.

Words with side stress attracted to fuck e special attention. For the most part, every independent word is her t just one hit. But there are words with a large number of syllables and complex in composition, which also have a secondary very good noe blow. This is mainly:

words formed by compounding there are two basics: all-metal, cranial-marrow, indefinite leave;
words with some pre
f Xs of foreign language origin: A anti-clerical, ultra-reactionary, dust jacket, re-militarization;
compound words: ze msnarYad
, R and YesSovet, oh blit, ene rgosbyt, partyconference .

If a word has two stresses, then the main stress will be t is located closer to the end of the word, and closer to the beginning is the collateral. Also has knowledge chen ie and the distance of the main blow. from the beginning of the word: man, horseman, spending time with me denie, hl about poop cleaning .

Widely used compound words, if they are not faces usually do not have side stress: vacuum cleaner, drain, garden, water supply, black ozЁ m, grateful, far-sighted, land surveyor, centuries-old . No collateral damage. pronounced and so common with lo wow, how EARTHQUAKE, AGRICULTURAL and others.

Side stresses appear more often in kn words similar in stylistic coloring: ( damn your crime, books of the state guardhouse) and in special words wow: ( electr o NnovAcuumny, galva noacoustics, radio reportAzh, film script, photo correspondent, shahtopodyo mn ik).

It happens when forming a complex word by compounding the main blow. moves closer to the center of the word and ends up on the wrong syllable That ry falls in a word used independently. So, we say:

a fighter - but a hammerman, swa fuck Oets;
WAVE - but short wave, d
whether newwave;
factory - but elegant
Ods cue;
Forest - but Malole
sn y;
Imported - but long-distance
Oz ny;
wired - electrically;
seller - but the book is a state seller;
raftable - but timber raftable;
creator - but poetry
T inOrets;
ear - but oh ear;
colored - but monochromatic.

Compound adjectives and compound adjectives cyclic numerals, in the first part of which there are 3, 4, from 11 to 20, as well as 30, 40, 50, 60... 100, are often pronounced with two accents (by barrel noe - on the numeral): one eleven meter, fifteen And Liter, seven-ten-kilometer, nine-century, one-hundred-thousandth.

With two side kicks. on the lane
V oh part and with the main emphasis on the second part, complex words are pronounced four xso pipes, electric machinery, and volume o togOnschik .
Always have a side effect. complex layers
va , written with a hyphen: Kontr-admiral, kayu t-company, pla sch-tent, i ht-club.

Side stress may fall on some when st. awki: OVER-, AFTER-, INTER-. But here, too, the degree of use of the word plays a role. For example them er, with a side kick. words are spoken according to sleubOrochny, according to post-operative, according to slerodo th. But it is missing from words day after tomorrow, afternoon, afterword. And in words with the prefixes MEZH- To SUPER-side blow. always put: INTERNATIONAL, INTERINDUSTRY, INTERPLANETARY; sve R xdeep, super mobile, super speed .

Side stress is necessary for rights or Correctly pronounce the corresponding vowels in the word. If you say the word xo zmag without a secondary blow., then oh But will sound like this: hazmaq. The listener may not guess the meaning of this lo va. Hence, collateral damage. performs an important semantic function. In addition, it also plays a significant role And listical role. The appearance of a secondary blow. where it is not necessary, evidence TV talks about vernacular style, for example: O hostel, at seven o'clock, nine o'clock. In addition to the unacceptable vernacular surroundings ac ki, such excessive stress makes speech tedious and difficult to sp riy.

Visual and expressive capabilities accents are widely used find comfort in journalistic and artistic works. The author gives persons as much he has a vivid description, showing the originality of his blow. and pronunciation. Social ts ional, professional affiliation of the character and the degree of his education. But, in a stylistically neutral speech, an indentation n not from literary norms is unacceptable. Normative verbal stress contributes to correct perception and action TV the meaning of the sounding word.

Correct speech is of great importance in our life. After all, even if a person looks decent, but makes a lot of mistakes in stress when pronouncing words, then the attitude towards him cools down. It is much more pleasant to communicate with an educated interlocutor with a correctly delivered speech. But not everyone knows how to correctly place emphasis on a particular word, and this greatly confuses them.

The Russian language is very difficult. It is not enough to be a well-read person to know how to pronounce words correctly. Accents in fiction books, for example, are not marked, so to understand where exactly they need to be placed, you have to turn to Russian language textbooks. Remember that there are the following features of stress placement. For example, in foreign words, the stress when pronounced in Russian remains in the same place where it was originally placed (marketing, blinds, genesis). If the word denotes a measure of length and ends in “meter,” then know that in this case the stress will fall on the last syllable (centimeter, decimeter, kilometer). Stressed vowels are similarly emphasized in words such as kilogramAmm and miligramAmm.

It is worth noting that stress in Russian can be of several types. It can be mobile or immobile. If in the same word, when used in different cases, there is always one syllable under stress, then this stress is called fixed (break, break, break). And when, when pronouncing a word in different forms, it “runs” over it, then such an emphasis is considered movable (board - boards, take out - take out). Orthoepic and linguistic dictionaries, as well as special Internet portals, help in setting stress. Such services provide users with the opportunity not only to see how to correctly place stress in a word, but also to listen to its sound if necessary. This is very convenient, since almost every resident of the country currently has access to the Internet. But hardly anyone will find free time to visit a library or store in search of the right dictionary. Moreover, if a word urgently needs to be checked for the correct accent, then such an Internet resource will be very useful.

If you have excellent memory and imagination, then you can come up with a consonant, rhyming word with the one in which you need to remember the emphasis. Write a funny short poem. By associating words, you will forever remember how to correctly place emphasis in a particular case. Here are some examples of funny rhymes:
  • If you can't fit into shorts, it means you like to eat cakes.
  • I lost the contract, it was probably stolen by Or.
  • Someone is standing nearby, his phone is ringing.
  • It's hard to drag the package - you need to lighten the load.
  • The quarter has already ended, but you haven’t turned in your work.

Work on your speech and try to speak competently always and everywhere. It’s nice to feel like an educated and cultured person. Correct placement of accents will give you the opportunity to gain respect in society, and will also increase your chance of passing a difficult and serious interview when applying for a job in a reputable organization.

Russian language is one of the most difficult in the world. And if you are looking on the World Wide Web for an answer to the question of how to put stress in words, this means that even Russian-speaking people sometimes experience certain difficulties in mastering the norms of the language. And if your profession involves frequent speaking in front of an audience, then you need to speak as correctly as possible in order to convey the information correctly. How to correctly put emphasis in words so as not to distort their meaning? This will be discussed in this article.

Features of Russian accent

Where to put the emphasis? A special section in linguistics called accentology will help answer this question. So, according to this science, there are no clearly defined rules for stress in the Russian language. Each word has its own rules. How to put emphasis correctly? When answering this question, you need to remember that the Russian language is characterized by the so-called free or variable stress. This means that different parts of a word can become stressed syllables - a root, a prefix, a suffix or an ending. We decided to highlight several points, the understanding of which will help you figure out how to put emphasis on words.

  • In Russian the stress is free and therefore can fall on any syllable.
  • The accent can be movable or stationary. Where should the emphasis be placed in this case? Let's say that in different forms of one word the stress falls on the same part, this will mean that it is motionless: you speak, you speak, you speak. But if the stress falls on different syllables of the same word, then it is called mobile: grass - herbs, run out - run out.
  • How to put emphasis? It must be remembered that emphasis may change over time. For example, if previously it was considered correct to say: metallurgy, printing, now the norm is: metallurgy, printing.
  • Dictionaries will also tell you where to put the emphasis. In them, you will be surprised to find that sometimes some variants of stress are considered equal. For example: Augustovsky - Augustovsky, Cossacks - Cossacks, Keta - Keta and others.
  • Sometimes, so that there is no doubt about where to put the emphasis, you just need to learn words with fixed accents. Here are some of them: cake, scarf, bows, call and others.

Lexical, grammatical, stylistic differences

Where to put the emphasis to correctly convey your idea? When preparing your speech, remember that the difference in stress is due to the fact that in practice there may be two or even more accent options. They will differ from each other in lexical, grammatical or stylistic terms.

  1. Lexical difference suggests that with a change in the place of stress, the meaning of the word also changes. For example, ugly and ugly or characteristic and characteristic. How to put accents correctly and not make mistakes? Consider the lexical meaning of the word and the context in which it sounds.
  2. Varying stress also allows you to distinguish between grammatical forms. These can be forms of the same word, for example, stress in different places of the words - strings and strings indicates that in the first case we have the genitive singular case of the word stringA, and in the second case it is the nominative plural of the same the word itself. Otherwise, different stresses in the same word may indicate forms of completely different words. For example, pali is the past tense of the verb “to fall”, and palI is already the imperative form of the verb “to burn”.
  3. How to put emphasis? In some cases, the science of stylistics will help you answer this question. Words such as bogatyr, well done or silky may sound differently - bogatyr, well done, silky. The difference in stress is associated with the folklore origin of these words.

How to put emphasis in names correctly? Here you can apply the following rule: in women's syllables the stress is placed on the penultimate syllable - MarIna, Inna, Valentina, etc. But in men's, everything is a little different. In short male names, the emphasis is on the penultimate syllable - KOLYA, ZHENYA. Where should the emphasis be placed in long names? On the last syllable (Mikhail, AntOn, Valentin). True, there are quite a few exceptions regarding accents in names. But that, in general, is what distinguishes our great and mighty Russian language - exceptions to the rules.

How to put stress correctly in other languages? For Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese, there are tonic and musical accents. They involve highlighting a syllable by changing the pitch. How to put stress on words in such an unusual way? This question is best addressed to speakers of Asian languages. There are also dynamic, forceful stresses, when a stressed syllable is emphasized with greater pronunciation force. These types of stress are typical for English, French, Russian and others. To be understood correctly, speak correctly! Where should the emphasis be placed so that the meaning is conveyed correctly? Learn Russian, and if you have questions, look in a special dictionary.