How does oge happen? What is OGE and its significance? Features of conducting the OGE in some subjects

The Main State Exam (OGE) is a form of final certification for graduates of the 9th grade of secondary school in the Russian Federation. The OGE is a prerequisite for moving to 10th grade. The exam result affects the certification grades.

Ninth-graders take two core subjects (Russian language and mathematics) and two elective subjects (among them: social studies, history, literature, geography, biology, chemistry, computer science, foreign language).

9th grade students are offered uniform tasks compiled in accordance with the educational standard of the Russian Federation.

Until 2016, the control and measuring materials of the OGE included three parts (A, B, C). Subsequently, Part A tasks that offered a choice of one correct answer from several proposed ones were excluded. Part B is a test-type task where the student must give a short answer. Part C is a detailed answer in the form of a statement, an essay on the problem posed, or a step-by-step solution to a mathematical or physical problem.

How is the OGE conducted in various subjects?

The procedure for conducting the OGE is very similar to conducting the Unified State Exam in 11th grade. The venue must be equipped with a video surveillance system and approved by the local municipality and the Ministry of Education.

At 9.00, graduates are distributed to special examination points (PEP), and at 10.00 the exam itself begins.

Each student is given his own place to perform CIMs. Before the exam, all graduates are given instructions on how to fill out exam forms, the rules for conducting the exam, and the time of certification in a particular subject.

The exam in various subjects has its own characteristics. For example, a physics exam includes an experimental part. Chemistry requires a graduate to choose whether to use a real experiment or not. The foreign language exam has an oral part, where the student’s ability to express himself in the target language is tested. The computer science exam involves the use of computer technology.

What do you need to take with you to the OGE?

For ninth-graders attending the exam, it is mandatory to have an identification document (birth certificate or passport). A few black gel pens are welcome. You must also bring to the exam the tools necessary for certification in a specific subject: rulers for mathematics, geography, physics, a calculator for physics and chemistry, etc.

You can take drinking water, light food, and medications (if necessary) with you. Students with special educational needs may attend the exam with special equipment.

Telephones and other means of communication are not allowed at the OGE. They are located in a specially designated area at the entrance to the PES.

If the exam rules are violated, the student may be removed from the classroom.

If absent from the exam for a valid reason, the ninth grader may take it later.

What happens if you receive an unsatisfactory grade on the OGE?

If a 9th grade graduate received a “D” in one or more subjects at the OGE, he is given the opportunity to retake the exam in the same year at a set time.

If it is not possible to correct the grade in this case, the retake will be postponed to the next year, and the student will receive a certificate of completion. At the request of parents or guardians, the student can re-take classes in 9th grade.

Hello. At a parent meeting, we were told that the school had enrolled graduates of the special 9th ​​grade in the PND. They said that because of the certificate received from the PND, the children would take simplified exams. They said that this would not affect their future in any way and that there would be no hint of simplified exams in the certificate. Could you tell me more about these simplified exams? What do they give? What and how? What benefit does this have for the school? What are the benefits for children? Maybe the school is trying to hide something?


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I heard something like this, I know the main thing about this: it will be bad for teachers if they don’t graduate at least one student from the 9th grade, and with this certificate they won’t take them to the 10th and 11th grades, and they won’t accept them as good technicians either, only not further than a mechanic or machine operator. For example, they can’t take you to a legal or economics technical school, but the certificate will say that you passed the simplified form (weak-minded) and judge for yourself what you should do. I’m taking 4 subjects: mathematics, Russian geography, society, these are all easy subjects except mathematics, if I don’t pass it, I’ll retake it. at your school and there will be options for help. I don’t know how it is with you, if I somehow helped you, you don’t have to write anything (please) if you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate


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2015-2016 academic year





The initial stage of work is diagnosing the level of anxiety of students and psychological readiness for exams. For this purpose, in October 2015, a survey “Are you ready for the Unified State Exam” was conducted in 11th grade, and in November a survey “Readiness to pass the exam” was conducted in 9th grade (source: Chibisova M.Yu. “Psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam” ). The results of the survey showed that the majority of students experience anxiety and fear before exams, and consider their preparation for them to be insufficient.

At the request of the 11th grade class teacher S.N. Makhova, who was concerned about the high level of anxiety among students in her class, additional research was conducted on the emotional-volitional sphere. An analysis of the responses showed that students feel good at school, are satisfied with communication with teachers, and assess the overall preparation for the Unified State Exam in class satisfactorily, however, most of the children experience anxiety and fear in connection with the upcoming exams. A negative attitude towards the Unified State Exam was revealed in 67% of students.

Based on the research results, consultations were held with subject teachers and class teachers. A message was made at the teachers' council: “Tactics of psychological support for graduates at the stage of preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam and during training tests.”

One of the significant aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for a graduate, in my opinion, is to familiarize parents with ways to properly communicate with him, provide him with psychological support, and create a favorable psychological climate in the family. Work with parents is aimed at increasing parental awareness and creating a realistic picture of the exam, reducing parental anxiety. Parents of graduates were introduced to techniques for preventing stress while preparing for exams.

Reminders and recommendations have been developed for parents, students and teachers:

What is the Unified State Exam

How to help your child pass the Unified State Exam

How to behave during exams

Ways to relieve neuropsychic stress, etc.

Psychological classes with training elements using ICT were conducted with students in grades 9-11.

With their help, tasks that are relevant for high school students during the period of passing the State Examination are solved: increasing resistance to stress; practicing exam behavior skills; development of self-confidence; development of self-control skills; development of self-regulation skills; training in techniques for relieving neuromuscular tension; assistance in realizing one’s own responsibility for one’s actions and in analyzing one’s attitudes; teaching techniques for effective memorization.

In December 2015, 11th grade students listened with interest to the mini-lecture “Memory and memorization techniques”; drew conclusions about the role stress-resistant behavior plays when passing exams. In February, during a lesson with elements of the business game “I’m going to the Unified State Exam,” 11th grade students demonstrated psychological readiness to take exams and tried to prove themselves in various problematic exam situations. And the comic exercise “The Three-Minute Test” gave a reason to see how important it is to be attentive during the exam, not to rush and read the tasks to the end.

In January 2016, during the lesson “How to prepare for an exam psychologically,” 9th grade students had the opportunity to practice skills of confident behavior, received information about the negative impact of negative emotions on mental activity, and in March 2016 they applied their existing skills in the lesson “How to deal with stress." In the practical part of the lesson, the children independently compiled instructions on how to relieve a stressful situation during the exam.

The classes are aimed at introducing you to the essence, procedure and specifics of the Unified State Exam, understanding your individual style of activity and developing a personal strategy for preparing for the Unified State Exam. According to students' feedback, a good result is obtained by rehearsing the upcoming test in a game state. This helps relieve increased anxiety and identify the student’s problems.

Along with the classes, individual information and consultation was organized for all participants in the educational process on issues related to the OGE and the Unified State Exam. This form of work is more suitable for those children whose difficulties are personal in nature. During the consultation process, they learn the skills of self-regulation and self-control. In total, 5 individual consultations were held with students of grade 11, 4 with students of grade 9-A, 8 with students of grade 9-B, 6 consultations with parents of students of grade 9. Main topics of consultation:

How to increase motivation in educational activities;

How to reduce anxiety;

How to help your child pass the Unified State Exam;

In order to track the results of their work, in April 2016, the guys answered questions in a questionnaire that was already familiar to them.

Monitoring the study of the level of anxiety and psychological readiness for exams showed positive dynamics in relation to the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, and a decrease in the level of school anxiety. Thus, at the beginning of the school year, the negative attitude towards exams was: in grade 11 - 67%, in grade 9A: 65%, in grade 9-B - 70% of respondents. In April, 11% of 11th grade graduates, 35% of 9-A grade graduates, and 47% of 9-B grade graduates had a negative attitude.

The general level of psychological readiness for exams at the beginning of the school year: 11th grade average level - 50%, low level - 50%; 9-A class - average level - 64%, low level - 36%; 9 – B class – average level – 65%, low – 35%.

The general level of psychological readiness for exams for the April 2016 academic year: 11th grade average level - 95%, low level - 5%.

9-A class average level - 86%, low level - 14%.

9B class average level – 100%.

To summarize, I would like to note that psychological preparation for exams helps to increase the level of awareness and psychological readiness of students, parents, teachers in the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination, if this is a large, long-term work not only of a psychologist with children, but also of the entire teaching staff and parents .

Teacher-psychologist _____________ Matvienko S.I.


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or read this: Analytical report

Based on the results of the work of an educational psychologist

For psychological support

Students of grades 9-11 of MBOU Budyonnovskaya secondary school No. 80,

Passing the state final certification.

2015-2016 academic year

The relevance of psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam is difficult to underestimate. This is due to the fact that any exam is a stressful situation, and to the fact that the Unified State Examination as a form of examination appeared relatively recently and due to its implementation, the requirements for the examination change every year, and to the fact that this form of examination is unusual for many graduates and frightening. All this led to the need to develop a psychological support program to help the student more effectively prepare for the exam and cope with anxiety.

The purpose of psychological support for graduates of grades 9-11 is to develop strategies and tactics for the behavior of students, parents, and teachers during the period of state final certification, teaching self-regulation and self-control skills; increasing self-confidence and abilities.

Psychotechnical skills for passing exams not only increase the effectiveness of preparing for exams, allow you to behave more successfully during exams, but also generally contribute to the development of mental work skills, the ability to mobilize yourself in a decisive situation, and master your own emotions.

At our school, psychological support for graduates in preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam is provided in the following areas:





The initial stage of work is diagnosing the level of anxiety of students and psychological readiness for exams. For this purpose, in October 2015, a survey “Are you ready for the Unified State Exam” was conducted in 11th grade, and in November a survey “Readiness to take the exam” was conducted in 9th grade (

There are myths circulating online and among schoolchildren that Unified State Exam assignments are written by certain people who can be found and asked for answers to the assignments. It is not true.

Since its introduction in 2001, the Unified State Exam of the Russian Federation has caused rejection and a lot of controversy. Nevertheless, the exam has been held for 17 years. At the same time, entire government structures have appeared that have been working all year to create the USE KIM. CMMs are control measuring materials. The most important thing in creating the Unified State Exam KIM is the assignments on the subject.

KIM Unified State Examinations are created at FIPI. FIPI is the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. At this institute, two teams work for each subject.

The first team is the team of compilers. FKR is the Federal Development Commission. This group of people compiles KIMs, as well as all accompanying methodological documentation. The composition of the FKR is very large; it includes specialists and methodologists from leading educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

FKR carries out activities on:

  • CMM development;
  • hotline counseling during the exam period;
  • preparation of a summary analytical report on the results of the Unified State Examination;
  • developing a methodology for checking tasks with detailed answers;
  • checking USE work outside the Russian Federation;
  • advising subject and conflict commissions;
  • replenishment of the bank of open Unified State Exam tasks.

The second team is a team of experts. NMS - scientific and methodological council. This is a group of people who examines the completed assignments and approves them. The NMS consists of 11-20 members from among leading experts in the subject profile.

NMS carries out:

  • discussion and consultation on the general methodology for compiling the Unified State Exam KIM and conducting the examination campaign;
  • examination of methodological documentation and CMMs;
  • preparation and discussion in the professional community of possible changes and innovations in the Unified State Exam methodology.

Let's talk about the creation of the Unified State Exam KIM in more detail.

Of course, it is very difficult to describe the entire procedure for creating an USE CMM, but we will try.

First stage.

A group of school teachers, university teachers and methodologists create a bank of tasks. There are quite a lot of these tasks. All tasks are recorded and collected in one place.

Second phase.

A group of editors begins proofreading all assignments. Invalid tasks are deleted from the bank.

Third stage

A group of methodologists begins checking all assignments for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard and school curricula in the subject.

Fourth stage

This is testing on control groups of schoolchildren. A task is considered suitable for the exam if, according to certain methods of calculating results, the coefficient of correct answers corresponds to accepted standards.

Fifth stage

A group of developers creates a certain number of options for the Unified State Exam KIM, which undergo examination. The expert council gives an opinion and a decision is made on their approval.

Since 2016, the FIPI journal “Pedagogical Dimensions” began to be published. In this magazine you can learn about the people who head subject commissions.

In this magazine you can find out:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the qualifications of those who create CIMs and analyze the results of the past examination campaign.
  • After reading the magazine, you can get as close as possible to the logic and methodological framework used by the compilers of the Unified State Exam KIM.
  • The magazine also publishes preparations for future changes in the structure and content of CIMs.

As can be seen from all of the above, the Unified State Exam KIMs are some of the best specialists in the country and, nevertheless, as critics of the Unified State Exam note, the tasks are in some cases compiled with errors. We have never encountered any errors.

Main State Exam (OGE) - This is the main type of exam for 9th grade graduates in Russian secondary schools. Passing the OGE is required to enter 10th grade. The results of the OGE influence the grades on the certificate. Graduates of 9 classes of general education institutions take 2 required exams(Russian language and mathematics) and 2 exams in elective subjects. According to the new Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, students take exams in other academic subjects on a voluntary basis of their choice.

New form of OGE (GIA-9)

Since 2004, the GIA has been tested in a new form in Russia. People call it the Unified State Exam for ninth-graders, since graduates solve tasks in a standardized form. According to the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” state final certification for grade 9 is mandatory. Since 2014, the GIA has become main state exam (OGE). This means that ninth grade graduates will no longer be able to take final exams in the traditional form (using tickets).

Since 2015, the OGE KIMs are no longer divided into parts A, B and C: the exam paper is divided into 2 parts, and the tasks are continuously numbered. However, this does not mean that tests have completely disappeared from exams. The tasks to choose one correct option from several offered remained. It’s just that now you will need to write down the correct answer on the answer form with the corresponding number, and not with a cross.

The GIA can be taken in 14 general education subjects.

Required items:

  • Russian language
  • mathematics

Optional subjects:

  • social science
  • story
  • physics
  • biology
  • chemistry
  • literature
  • computer science and ICT
  • geography
  • English language
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

Students studying the languages ​​and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (native language and literature) have the right to choose these subjects to take the OGE (State Examination) form.

Features of conducting the OGE in some subjects

  • OGE in physics includes an experimental part
  • The OGE in chemistry can be taken in one of 2 options: with or without a real experiment
  • OGE in foreign languages ​​has an oral part
  • Personal computers are used in the computer science exam

Who participates in the OGE?

The following are allowed to take the OGE:

  • graduates of the 9th grade of general education institutions of the Russian Federation with annual grades in all subjects not lower than “3”;
  • graduates with one “2”, with the condition that they will take an exam in this subject;
  • foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons studying in a general educational institution;
  • graduates of previous years who did not receive a certificate.

OGE results

Final grades in compulsory OGE subjects are included in the certificate as follows:

  • if the annual mark and the mark received at the OGE differ by 1 point, a higher mark is entered into the certificate;
  • if the difference between the annual mark and the mark received on the OGE is more than one point, then the arithmetic average of these marks is entered into the certificate.

Since 2017, the results of the General Examination (including unsatisfactory ones) in two elective subjects affect the grades in the certificate of basic education.

The region may introduce, in addition to the certificate, a document confirming the results of the OGE.

The results of the OGE can be taken into account by the school when forming specialized 10th grades.

If you received a “D” on the OGE

If a graduate receives an unsatisfactory grade in one or two subjects at the OGE, he is allowed to retake these exams at additional times.

If the graduate fails to pass the test even within the additional time frame, instead of a certificate he will be given a certificate of completion of training. The certificate indicates the subjects in which “D” grades were received. It will be possible to retake these subjects only next year. At the discretion of the parents (legal representatives, guardians), the graduate may be retained for repeated studies.

The time for final exams has already begun. Every summer, after the final bell rings and before graduation is celebrated, students in grades 9 and 11 take exams.

OGE - what it is, and how students prepare for such a responsible period of life - this is what our article is about.

What is OGE - transcript

What is OGE? This abbreviation stands for Main State Exam. Absolutely all ninth grade graduates are required to take it, regardless of whether the graduate will continue their studies or not.

How to pass the OGE

Graduates are required to take four subjects. Russian language and mathematics are compulsory, and the student chooses two more subjects himself.

March 1 is the deadline for selecting items to submit. Students with disabilities have the right not to take additional subjects.

To pass the OGE, the graduate is given the opportunity to choose an additional course. items. The school administration enters the student’s choice into the general register, in which the results are compiled. Based on them, a certain number of packages with tasks will be sent.

Schoolchildren write exams in their schools, with their teachers as examiners. Having written the exam, students can only wait for the results, which are announced within a week.

What do they take in 9th grade?

Required subjects for 9th grade are mathematics and Russian language. If a student does not plan to enter 10th grade, then these two subjects will be enough for him.

If, after all, a graduate wants to continue his studies in grades 10 and 11, he needs to pass not only mathematics and Russian, but also two additional subjects of his choice.

The easiest subjects to pass the OGE

The easiest subject to pass in the humanities is social studies. More than half of graduates take it.

This subject is the easiest to understand and remember. The science of social science is aimed at studying life, therefore the student can take part of the information from life experience.

In the technical direction, the easiest, according to graduates, is computer science and ICT. This, like social studies, is passed by the majority of students.

Computer science is simple due to the monotony of its tasks. But no one cancels the fact that you need to know the school base. On the contrary, you need to understand and learn it, and together with it, be able to solve many options.

How many points do you need to score to pass the OGE?

Each subject has its own passing scores. In the Russian language, the passing minimum is 15 points, and for mathematics it is enough to score 8.

Is it difficult to get that amount? It’s better to ask the graduates themselves about this.

OGE grading system - scoring by subjects

Behind Russian language if you receive from 0 to 14 points, a score of “2” is given. From 15 to 24 – score “3”. From 25 to 33 – score “4”. From 34 to 39 the mark “5” is put.

Behind mathematics when receiving from 0 to 7 points, the mark “2” is given. From 8 to 14 points – score “3”. From 15 to 21 – mark “4”. From 22 to 32 - the graduate receives a grade of “5”.

By physics The following scale is adopted: if there are from 0 to 9 points, a score of “2” is given. From 10 to 19 points – score “3”. From 20 to 30 – score “4”. If there are more than 30 points, the graduate receives a “5” mark.

By typing biology less than 13 points, the graduate receives a “2”. From 13 to 25 - the score is “3”. If there are 26 – 36 points, the graduate will receive a “4” mark. If a graduate scores over 36, he will receive a “5”.

By geography To pass the threshold, you must score more than 11 points. To get a “4” you need to get from 20 to 26. To get the highest mark, you need to score more than 26 points.

Passing minimum computer science and ICT- 5 points. To get a “4” you need to score from 12 to 17. To get a “5” you need above 17 points.

To be enrolled in grade 10, you need to score 31 points in Russian, 19 in mathematics, 24 in geography, 15 points in computer science and ICT, 30 in physics, and 33 points in biology.

What is the difference between the OGE and the Unified State Exam?

These two methods of testing knowledge are very similar. The significant difference lies in two aspects:

  1. The first is how the knowledge test is administered. Students take the OGE at their schools. And the examination committee is the teachers of the given school. To write the Unified State Exam, students are invited to other schools in the city, where other teachers will be the supervisors. The work of graduates is checked by an independent commission, organized by the district education committee.
  2. The second difference is admission to the exam. In 9th grade, anyone who does not have a failure in the subjects taken is allowed to take the exam. In the 11th grade, admission to the exam is not only positive grades, but also, more recently, the final essay. His students write in early December. It is assessed according to five criteria, for each of which you can score a maximum of five points. The evaluation criterion is the correspondence of the written essay to the given topic. The criteria also include the presence of argumentation, and one of the arguments must be taken from literary sources.

The third evaluation criterion is the composition of the essay and the presence of logic in the text.

The fourth is the quality of writing. The student must clearly and clearly express his thoughts using different grammatical structures.

The fifth criterion is literacy. If five or more errors are made, 0 points are given for this item. If points 1 and 2 are given 0 points, then the essay is not checked further and the graduate receives a “failure”.

What happens if you don’t pass the OGE

If a student fails the exam and receives an unsatisfactory grade in the core subjects, he is given the opportunity to retake these exams on reserve days.

But if the graduate does not score the required points the second time, then instead of a certificate he will receive a certificate of completion of training. Retaking these subjects is possible only next year.

How to pass the OGE well in 9th grade

To successfully prepare for the OGE, you can turn to tutors for help. For a very expensive fee, the student will be purposefully prepared to pass a certain subject.

If, after all, the student decides to prepare for the upcoming exams on his own, he should follow some tips:

  1. It is necessary to determine what form of memorization the graduate has. Perhaps visual, then you should take more notes on the material, highlight information with all kinds of markers, and divide it into blocks. If the student has a more developed auditory form of memorization, then he should read more and speak out loud the information he has read.
  2. It is better to spend one or two hours preparing every day than to spend the whole day studying textbooks.
  3. To prepare, you need to organize self-discipline. It is very important to start preparing at least six months in advance. If a student cannot independently organize his work, parents need to help and try to control the preparation.


Once again about what OGE is. This abbreviation is translated as the main state exam and means a form of testing the knowledge of 9th grade students.

In turn, the Unified State Exam, called the Unified State Exam. exam, tests the knowledge of 11th grade graduates and opens the way for them to obtain higher education.