How to properly allocate time for a student. way

"I have no time…". This phrase has ruined so many opportunities, because in the end, we always don’t have enough time to do training, interesting things, pay attention to loved ones, relax. Why don’t people know how to plan it so that they have time to complete all the tasks before the evening, which should be devoted to more pleasant spiritual matters? I present to your attention thirteen ways to effectively allocate your time.

  1. Make a to-do list every day and cross them off as you complete them.
  2. From the list, select the most important and urgent things to do for the coming day. And when you deal with them, take on the rest of the list.
  3. Now number the recorded tasks in the order of their execution.
  4. Deal with the most difficult and unpleasant tasks first, so that by the end of the day you can quickly finish your work and go home in a great mood.
  5. Write down the most difficult tasks for the time when your performance is most active.
  6. All tasks should be realistically doable; on the first day, you don’t need to make a huge list of things that you won’t accomplish even in three days. Gradually, when you get used to the list, gradually increase the load and be sure to set aside hours for rest.
  7. Be sure to indicate the required time for a particular task, for example, getting ready for work (hairstyle, makeup, selection of clothes, etc.) takes 35 minutes, tomorrow – 20 minutes, etc. At first, you will be simply stunned by how much extra time is sometimes spent checking just email, and over time you will learn to control the time, and for better efficiency, wear a wristwatch.
  8. Spend less time on distracting activities. These include checking email, social networks, telephone conversations, etc. If you want to distract yourself, it’s better to listen to your favorite songs, take a ten-minute walk outside, look through a magazine, or do a light workout.
  9. Learn to combine several things at once. For example, while you are having breakfast, check your email.
  10. Keep just one diary, where you will write down absolutely all the notes you need - meetings, purchases, holidays, goals, work ideas, etc. Sometimes we are able to miss an important event for the stupid reason that the entry was made in another notebook or noted in the calendar hanging on the refrigerator.
  11. Take into account the fact that time does not stand still, so it may not be enough to solve a complex issue. Don't worry, but take a holistic approach to its implementation, so you can effectively plan your day and do the hard work.
  12. Based on the point described above, there is no need to plan too many things for one day. After all, it is important not only to plan your time correctly, but also to take into account your strengths, otherwise you will already collapse from fatigue in the middle of the list.
  13. Be more flexible - try to find new ways of doing things, look for, invent and use different methods to effectively complete tasks.

Often we are overwhelmed with so many things to do, and it begins to seem that we can only cope with this chaos if we add a couple more hours to the day. However, no magic is needed, it’s better to just master the rules of time management. This will help you learn to do more and get everything done. Proper time planning is the opportunity to do as much as possible, to take care of yourself, education, work, children without harming anyone. In order to master time management and learn how to properly distribute your time, you should take note of simple but very effective rules.

Learn to clearly formulate your goals

Each business must have its own clear name. Record even the smallest things in your diary. And to enhance the effect, these matters should be stated clearly and specifically. For example, “go to the cosmetologist” or “take the cat for vaccinations.” Thus, it is as if you leave yourself no choice and are already obliged to do what you wrote about. This rule will help you properly distribute your time at work.

Nowhere without a diary

To answer the question of how to learn how to properly manage your time, you need to start planning your day from the very morning until bedtime. It takes no more than 15-20 minutes, but the benefits are incredible. After all the tasks for the day are recorded, you will know exactly how much time you have for certain tasks in order to get everything done.

It may simply look like a to-do list, or it may look like a school schedule, that is, each task will take a specifically prescribed hour. Even if it’s 5 minutes to take out the trash, you’ll have to write it down. Don’t rely on your own memory; when everything is clearly written out before your eyes, you will know exactly how much time you have left and when you need to start the next task for the day.

There is no need to spend money on a notepad, although many people think that it is much more convenient. Every phone has an application such as a calendar or notes, and you can also enter all the necessary information there. Are you wondering how to properly manage your time to get everything done? There is no place here without a diary or planner.

Divide large tasks into smaller ones

Do you have one big goal? If you add it to the list as one item, then most likely, on a subconscious level, you will put off doing this task because it will seem so big and overwhelming. There is a way out - break one big task into several small ones, which will ultimately lead to achieving the main goal. For example, in the evening you are going to cook lasagna, if you write this item separately in your diary, we don’t think about the fact that you need to spend time at least going to the store, and this can already cause a deviation from the schedule. Write down every little detail in your daily plan so as not to waste time, which you already don’t have enough, on minor troubles. This way, you won’t have to remember what you have to do and you’ll be able to manage your time correctly.

Put things in order

We all know that order in the head is impossible without order at home. If you come home and everything is a mess, then at the very least you will spend a lot of time looking for something you need, and on top of that you will also get upset. This time can be spent with greater benefit for yourself, and a bad mood can completely ruin the rest of the day. So keep your house clean! To learn how to properly manage your time, first learn how to keep your workspace in order.

Do what you like

Try to distribute your time so that you can spend it on things that bring you pleasure. For example, if you are a big music lover, spend at least 10 minutes a day listening to it. Such small activities of your favorite things will help you feel harmony with yourself throughout the day.


It doesn't sound very convincing, but it is really possible and even useful. But this only applies to tasks that do not require maximum concentration. For example, you have a long way to go along a busy road by car - turn on an audiobook or a self-instruction manual of a language along with books. When you get there, you will learn at least a dozen new words. Just keep in mind that the rule for doing several things at once only applies to those cases when the task allows it. If you need to write a report or coursework, and at the same time you start studying English, then nothing good will come of it.

Sport is your daily duty

Plan your schedule so that exercise becomes a daily ritual. Start the day with exercise, we all know that this is a boost of energy for the whole day. But that’s not all, in addition to basic morning exercises, try to allocate at least 30-40 minutes for other physical activity. This could be a trip to the gym or even an ordinary evening jog. We all know that a healthy body means a healthy mind.

Praise yourself

Work is, of course, very important and takes up most of our time, but rest is no less important. Make it a rule to “celebrate” each successfully completed item on your task list with a cup of aromatic tea, a couple of pages of your favorite book, and so on. In this way, you can clear your mind again and be as open as possible to the next point in the plan.

To make the most of your time, you can incorporate the following habits into your life:

  • Analyze how your day went before going to bed, this will help you understand what you need to spend more time on, and what it’s better to forget about altogether.
  • How to properly distribute working time? Plan, plan and plan again, but only with prioritization, distribute tasks according to importance, leaving the heaviest things for the morning. Just keep in mind that you need to correctly assess your strengths; if you plan to do more than you can physically do, it will be very frustrating.
  • Keep your workspace tidy, organize files on your computer into folders so as not to waste time searching for them. The same applies to paper documentation.
  • Break big plans and goals into smaller tasks, oddly enough, this way you will come to their implementation faster.
  • Learn to say “no” if you understand that it will harm your plans for the day and will not bring any benefit. Save energy and time.
  • Use every free minute to your advantage. Traffic jam is the best time to improve your English.
  • Keep a diary and don't keep everything in your head.
  • Follow a daily routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, your body will get used to it and getting up in the morning will become much easier.
  • Well, and, of course, nowhere without rest. Allocate free time to do what you love, and don’t forget to take at least one day off a week.
  • Don't be shy to delegate. Don’t try to constantly understand something new, trust a professional and the quality of task completion will increase and time will be saved.

Remember that your time is only in your hands and its competent organization depends solely on you.

The phrase: “I don’t have time for this” has nothing to do with the amount of time, it only reflects that the importance of the task is too small to waste time on.

20 tips on how to manage time correctly and be more productive

1. Find your time before failure (resistance) to the task. You must observe yourself when certain types of tasks cause you reluctance and resistance. Then, when you find out this time, divide the tasks into intervals equal to the time before the resistance begins. You can take a quicker route; ask yourself the question, how long would you be happy to work on the task? For example: 1 hour, no, that’s a lot, 45 minutes is possible, but not that, 30 minutes is a comfortable time. Next, take, for example, a 5-minute break. You can try to alternate tasks, but the main thing is that from time to time your nervous system and mind can rest and relax.

2. Visualization and design before you start making. You can call it planning, you can just write it down. But sometimes it is very useful to imagine everything in great detail. This can seriously save your time as you can find a better solution in the process. From my experience, 3-4 hour tasks can turn into a small 20 minute activity.

3. Perhaps a diary will help you. If you don't understand where your time goes, get into the habit of writing down your daily activities and the amount of time spent on them. You will be surprised how much time is wasted on completely unnecessary things. Finding out the problem is the first step towards solving it.

4. Planning your free time. It will help you spend your time productively and have better rest, which will allow you to be more productive in the future.

5. When planning, set shorter deadlines for tasks than you really need. When we set ourselves time limits, we immediately activate additional resources and do not leave ourselves time for unnecessary activities.

6. Maybe the ideal is not what you need? Think, maybe good condition will suit you no worse than ideal, but it will take you much less time? This applies to those tasks in which a small result is achieved through enormous effort. Maybe spend this time on other tasks?

7. If an action takes a few minutes to complete, just do it right away.. There is no need to plan it or put it off, otherwise you will waste even more time.

8. The amount of energy within us reflects how productive we will be.. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your energy level. In general, there are several points that will help with this:

  • Physical exercise. Yes, you've heard a lot about this, but if you still haven't started spending time on your body, stop reading immediately and start. If you are constantly low on energy and have zero motivation, it means you lack physical energy. Every time you exercise, you deplete your energy reserves; BUT after exhaustion, a phase of compensation and overcompensation begins, and as a result, each time you increase the amount of your internal strength and energy.
  • Stop drinking energy drinks, including coffee, on a regular basis. By doing this constantly, we create a habit, and the energy effect becomes minimal. It’s better, of course, to give them up altogether, but if you decide to use them, then do it wisely: before important events, when you need extra energy. Note: Also read the article -.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and energy drinks before bed. Otherwise, you will not get full sleep, and you may even find it difficult to fall asleep. In the morning you will be exhausted and completely unprepared for full action.

More information can be obtained by reading .

9. Forget about television. Have nothing else to do? People waste years of their lives on empty programs. Don't repeat the mistakes of others. What about the news? Your friends will certainly tell you all the main news. And in our time, television is not the best source of reliable information. Also limit the time spent on the phone and the Internet.

10. Form the right habits. Automating actions helps save time. Watch exactly what habits you implement, get rid of habits that steal your time, energy and health.

11. Make tactical decisions based on how you feel.. When you have high levels of energy and strength, do important tasks; when you don't feel normal, but not too much, work on normal tasks; when you don't feel strong, work on easy ones. The easiest way to demotivate yourself is to start working on a difficult task, with a minimum level of your own energy. Should not be doing that. Note: I recommend reading the article on how, which will help you set the right goals.

12. Start small. A very good way to create a habit or start something is to make small changes every day. Small changes, firstly, bring you closer to your goal, and secondly, they do not take much time and motivate you.

Most of the average person's thoughts are negative. Besides being demotivating, it also creates our reality. Think now in ?

13. Reduce expectations for actions. If you get more, it will greatly lift your spirits, but if you hope for “mountains of gold,” then the slightest setback can lead you astray. When you lower your expectations, it makes you more confident, relaxed, satisfied, and reduces your anxiety levels.

14. Realize that no one cares about you. When you realize that no one ultimately cares who you are or what you have, you begin to look at the world more broadly. People care more about their own well-being, most of their thoughts are about themselves. You will be able to consider more opportunities and become more productive, realizing that no one is interested in you.

15. Control your stress levels. This doesn't mean getting rid of it completely. To fully engage our forces, we must not be relaxed. To fully immerse yourself in a task, it must be worthwhile, which means it must carry some kind of stress load. You need to find a middle ground, on the one hand you should not completely relax, on the other hand stress should not constrain you. By managing your stress levels you can control your productivity and motivation.

The science of how to manage time is extremely important in the modern world. Only with basic time management skills can you feel confident and enjoy your day. There are many books and theories on how to manage everything, but the most important thing is to overcome your laziness and start taking action.

How to properly distribute time to get everything done?

In today's incredibly fast pace of life, it is very important to keep up with everything and at the same time avoid deterioration in the quality of the work done.

So, today an ordinary person is obliged to:

  1. Perform your work duties with high speed and increased dedication;
  2. Deal with everyday family problems;
  3. Do not forget about relatives and friends;
  4. Spend time with your children and your significant other.

And besides this, also find time for your loved one. All this is aggravated by long distances and traffic jams. To prevent your life from turning into a continuous series of disappointments because you didn’t get anywhere, use the following tips:

  • Determine for yourself The most important and global goals. In the bustle of everyday life, take the time and calmly think about what you want from this life, set priorities and put it all on paper;
  • Adjust your daily routine. It is important to know that a person needs about eight hours for normal sleep. If you like to soak in bed longer, then this is your time resource, and if less, then lack of sleep takes away some of your energy to complete the necessary tasks;
  • Start diary, in which you will write down your plans for the coming week. It is important here not to overdo it with plans. Choose the most significant ones; there will definitely be no more than five of them per day. Having completed your plans, you will cross them off with pride;
  • Global affairs that seem impossible or extremely difficult for you, do gradually. Every day, do something towards achieving the desired result, then you won’t even notice how you completed a difficult task;
  • Give up empty pastime on the Internet or phone - this is the most dangerous sink of your time resource.

In this video, Thomas Frank will talk about a three-step model for competently planning your time and correctly setting priorities:

Basics of competent time management

There are many theories of time management. However, they are all united by essentially the same thoughts: everything is accomplished not by the one who constantly goes without sleep and rest in his dream, but by the one who competently sets priorities and plans everything in advance.

One of the good science of time management techniques is Eisenhower matrix. It looks like a large square divided into four smaller ones:

  1. The first square is important and urgent matters;
  2. The second is important, but not urgent;
  3. The third, which is located under the first, are not important, but at the same time urgent tasks;
  4. The fourth includes tasks that are not important or urgent.

So, with a little planning, you'll break down the tangled mess of your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly tasks into the designated squares in the matrix. This way, it will become very clear to you what you need to devote time to right away, what you can leave for later, and what you should exclude from your to-do list completely.

Basic principles of the Eisenhower matrix:

  • IN first the square should contain things to do, failure to comply will result in direct negative consequences for you. Experts say that ideally this square should be empty, as this indicates that you are using your time wisely and avoiding burning situations;
  • All major daily tasks, as a rule, are contained in second square. This is what is important to you: exercise, proper nutrition, etc., but not urgently, that is, failure to do these things will not result in specific troubles;
  • IN third includes tasks that distract you from movement towards the main goal, but at the same time they must be completed as quickly as possible. Starting from washing dishes to unnecessary visits;
  • Among the cases recorded in fourth the square should be thoroughly inspected to see if they are being implemented at all. If you can’t give them up completely, then leave them in case when all other tasks are completed.

How to properly distribute working time?

Having learned how to properly manage time in your personal life, you can easily apply the same methods at work with minor amendments:

  1. When you come to work, be focused specifically on your job responsibilities. Put off all tea parties and heart-to-heart conversations with a colleague. Make the most of your morning;
  2. Stop using the Internet and mobile phone unless it conflicts with your work responsibilities. Since these are the main time sinks;
  3. Put things in order on the table and around you, so you will know where and what you can take and look at in time, your head will be in order;
  4. Keep a diary. Enter your daily responsibilities and tasks set at the planning meeting there and assign priorities to them;
  5. In the morning, it is best to do something that you have been putting off for a long time or that you do not like;
  6. You should not take on multiple tasks at the same time. It takes energy and time;
  7. Having your own pile of plans, you don’t need to help your colleagues with their affairs. In this case, it is better to learn how to refuse competently once;
  8. If possible, divide tasks into those that you need to do yourself and those that you can delegate to subordinates or colleagues.

Remember that in the evening your energy dries up and much more resources are spent on completing the task. Therefore, plan your working day wisely.

If you are always late, catch dissatisfied glances from your superiors, and even worse receive open comments, do not get to the hairdresser at the appointed time and end up without a haircut, then you should listen to the following tips:

  • Keep a diary;
  • Plan your day in advance, for example the night before or at breakfast in the morning;
  • Write things down in a detailed form in your diary. If your list of tasks for today includes a trip to the supermarket, immediately indicate what you need to buy there;
  • Wake up early - then you will have more opportunities to do everything you plan. But remember that this should not be at the expense of eight hours of sleep. It's better to go to bed early the night before;
  • Do not leave things that can be done in five minutes for later;
  • Choose as a priority what will bring you the greatest results;
  • There should be no more than five important tasks per day;
  • Leave time for unforeseen situations;
  • Consider ways to make certain tasks easier or delegated. For example, ask your spouse to go grocery shopping and your daughter to wash the dishes.

How to find time to relax?

In order to cope with all tasks efficiently, a person needs have a quality rest. With a reduced amount of time:

  1. Plan your vacation in advance. However, you should not tell your family that you only have half an hour to walk in the park with them, this may offend them;
  2. Put aside all problems and questions, even if they are urgent and important. Dedicate this time to family and relaxation;
  3. Choose active recreation, walks, sports, reading. This way you will get the greatest amount of emotions in a short time.

With this approach to planning your vacation, you can easily fit it into your weekly to-do list, and your family won’t feel like you’re constantly busy and focused on solving endless problems. And your body, in turn, will be ready for new achievements.

Thus, knowing how to allocate time, you will easily cope with all problems, global tasks and have time to have a decent rest with your family. The most important thing to remember is that you are a person, not a machine for resolving complex issues.

Video: how to learn not to waste time?

In this video, Vitaly Rodionov will tell you how to learn how to effectively and distribute time throughout the day to increase productivity: