How does a magnetic field appear? Earth's magnetic field

The term “magnetic field” usually means a certain energy space in which the forces of magnetic interaction manifest themselves. They affect:

    individual substances: ferrimagnets (metals - mainly cast iron, iron and their alloys) and their class of ferrites, regardless of state;

    moving charges of electricity.

Physical bodies that have a total magnetic moment of electrons or other particles are called permanent magnets. Their interaction is shown in the picture magnetic force lines.

They were formed after bringing a permanent magnet to the back of a cardboard sheet with an even layer of iron filings. The picture shows clear markings of the north (N) and south (S) poles with the direction of the field lines relative to their orientation: exit from the north pole and entrance to the south.

How is a magnetic field created?

The sources of the magnetic field are:

    permanent magnets;

    moving charges;

    time-varying electric field.

Every kindergarten child is familiar with the action of permanent magnets. After all, he already had to sculpt pictures of magnets on the refrigerator, taken from packages with all sorts of delicacies.

Electric charges in motion usually have significantly greater magnetic field energy than . It is also designated by lines of force. Let's look at the rules for drawing them for a straight conductor with current I.

The magnetic field line is drawn in a plane perpendicular to the movement of the current so that at each point the force acting on the north pole of the magnetic needle is directed tangentially to this line. This creates concentric circles around the moving charge.

The direction of these forces is determined by the well-known rule of a screw or gimlet with right-hand thread winding.

Gimlet rule

It is necessary to position the gimlet coaxially with the current vector and rotate the handle so that the translational movement of the gimlet coincides with its direction. Then the orientation of the magnetic field lines will be shown by rotating the handle.

In a ring conductor, the rotational movement of the handle coincides with the direction of the current, and the translational movement indicates the orientation of the induction.

Magnetic lines of force always leave the north pole and enter the south pole. They continue inside the magnet and are never open.

Rules for the interaction of magnetic fields

Magnetic fields from different sources add to each other to form a resulting field.

In this case, magnets with opposite poles (N - S) attract each other, and with like poles (N - N, S - S) they repel. The interaction forces between the poles depend on the distance between them. The closer the poles are shifted, the greater the force generated.

Basic characteristics of the magnetic field

These include:

    magnetic induction vector (B);

    magnetic flux (F);

    flux linkage (Ψ).

The intensity or strength of the field impact is estimated by the value magnetic induction vector. It is determined by the value of the force “F” created by the passing current “I” through a conductor of length “l”. В =F/(I∙l)

The unit of measurement of magnetic induction in the SI system is Tesla (in memory of the physicist who studied these phenomena and described them using mathematical methods). In Russian technical literature it is designated “Tl”, and in international documentation the symbol “T” is adopted.

1 T is the induction of such a uniform magnetic flux, which acts with a force of 1 newton for each meter of length of a straight conductor perpendicular to the direction of the field, when a current of 1 ampere passes through this conductor.


The direction of vector B is determined by left hand rule.

If you place the palm of your left hand in a magnetic field so that the lines of force from the north pole enter the palm at a right angle, and place four fingers in the direction of the current in the conductor, then the protruding thumb will indicate the direction of the force on this conductor.

In the case when the conductor with electric current is not located at right angles to the magnetic lines of force, the force acting on it will be proportional to the magnitude of the flowing current and the component of the projection of the length of the conductor with current onto a plane located in the perpendicular direction.

The force acting on an electric current does not depend on the materials from which the conductor is made and its cross-sectional area. Even if this conductor does not exist at all, and moving charges begin to move in another medium between the magnetic poles, then this force will not change in any way.

If inside a magnetic field at all points the vector B has the same direction and magnitude, then such a field is considered uniform.

Any environment that has , affects the value of the induction vector B .

Magnetic flux (F)

If we consider the passage of magnetic induction through a certain area S, then the induction limited by its limits will be called magnetic flux.

When the area is inclined at some angle α to the direction of magnetic induction, the magnetic flux decreases by the amount of the cosine of the angle of inclination of the area. Its maximum value is created when the area is perpendicular to its penetrating induction. Ф=В·S

The unit of measurement for magnetic flux is 1 weber, defined by the passage of induction of 1 tesla through an area of ​​1 square meter.

Flux linkage

This term is used to obtain the total amount of magnetic flux created from a certain number of current-carrying conductors located between the poles of a magnet.

For the case when the same current I passes through the winding of a coil with a number of turns n, then the total (linked) magnetic flux from all turns is called flux linkage Ψ.

Ψ=n·Ф . The unit of flux linkage is 1 weber.

How is a magnetic field formed from an alternating electric

The electromagnetic field, interacting with electric charges and bodies with magnetic moments, is a combination of two fields:



They are interconnected, represent a combination of each other, and when one changes over time, certain deviations occur in the other. For example, when an alternating sinusoidal electric field is created in a three-phase generator, the same magnetic field with the characteristics of similar alternating harmonics is simultaneously formed.

Magnetic properties of substances

In relation to interaction with an external magnetic field, substances are divided into:

    antiferromagnets with balanced magnetic moments, due to which a very low degree of magnetization of the body is created;

    Diamagnets with the property of magnetizing an internal field against the action of an external one. When there is no external field, their magnetic properties do not appear;

    paramagnetic materials with magnetizing properties of the internal field in the direction of the external field, which have a low degree;

    ferromagnets, which have magnetic properties without an applied external field at temperatures below the Curie point;

    ferrimagnets with magnetic moments unbalanced in magnitude and direction.

All these properties of substances have found various applications in modern technology.

Magnetic circuits

All transformers, inductors, electrical machines and many other devices operate on this basis.

For example, in a working electromagnet, the magnetic flux passes through a magnetic core made of ferromagnetic steel and air with pronounced non-ferromagnetic properties. The combination of these elements makes up a magnetic circuit.

Most electrical devices have magnetic circuits in their design. Read more about this in this article -

In the last century, various scientists put forward several assumptions about the Earth's magnetic field. According to one of them, the field appears as a result of the rotation of the planet around its axis.

It is based on the curious Barnett-Einstein effect, which is that when any body rotates, a magnetic field arises. Atoms in this effect have their own magnetic moment as they rotate around their axis. This is how the Earth's magnetic field appears. However, this hypothesis did not stand up to experimental testing. It turned out that the magnetic field obtained in such a non-trivial way is several million times weaker than the real one.

Another hypothesis is based on the appearance of a magnetic field due to the circular motion of charged particles (electrons) on the surface of the planet. She also turned out to be insolvent. The movement of electrons can cause the appearance of a very weak field, and this hypothesis does not explain the inversion of the Earth's magnetic field. It is known that the north magnetic pole does not coincide with the north geographic pole.

Solar wind and mantle currents

The mechanism of formation of the magnetic field of the Earth and other planets of the solar system has not been fully studied and still remains a mystery to scientists. However, one proposed hypothesis explains the inversion and the magnitude of the real field induction quite well. It is based on the work of the internal currents of the Earth and the solar wind.

The Earth's internal currents flow in the mantle, which consists of substances with very good conductivity. The source of current is the core. Energy from the core to the surface of the earth is transferred by convection. Thus, in the mantle there is a constant movement of matter, which forms a magnetic field according to the well-known law of motion of charged particles. If we associate its appearance only with internal currents, it turns out that all planets whose direction of rotation coincides with the direction of rotation of the Earth should have an identical magnetic field. However, it is not. Jupiter's north geographic pole coincides with its north magnetic pole.

Not only internal currents participate in the formation of the Earth's magnetic field. It has long been known that it responds to the solar wind, a stream of high-energy particles coming from the Sun as a result of reactions occurring on its surface.

The solar wind is, by its nature, an electric current (the movement of charged particles). Carried away by the rotation of the Earth, it creates a circular current, which leads to the appearance of the Earth's magnetic field.

According to modern ideas, it was formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago, and from that moment our planet has been surrounded by a magnetic field. Everything on Earth, including people, animals and plants, is affected by it.

The magnetic field extends to an altitude of about 100,000 km (Fig. 1). It deflects or captures solar wind particles that are harmful to all living organisms. These charged particles form the Earth's radiation belt, and the entire region of near-Earth space in which they are located is called magnetosphere(Fig. 2). On the side of the Earth illuminated by the Sun, the magnetosphere is limited by a spherical surface with a radius of approximately 10-15 Earth radii, and on the opposite side it is extended like a comet's tail over a distance of up to several thousand Earth radii, forming a geomagnetic tail. The magnetosphere is separated from the interplanetary field by a transition region.

Earth's magnetic poles

The axis of the earth's magnet is inclined relative to the earth's rotation axis by 12°. It is located approximately 400 km away from the center of the Earth. The points at which this axis intersects the surface of the planet are magnetic poles. The Earth's magnetic poles do not coincide with the true geographic poles. Currently, the coordinates of the magnetic poles are as follows: north - 77° north latitude. and 102°W; southern - (65° S and 139° E).

Rice. 1. The structure of the Earth’s magnetic field

Rice. 2. Structure of the magnetosphere

Lines of force running from one magnetic pole to another are called magnetic meridians. An angle is formed between the magnetic and geographic meridians, called magnetic declination. Every place on Earth has its own declination angle. In the Moscow region the declination angle is 7° to the east, and in Yakutsk it is about 17° to the west. This means that the northern end of the compass needle in Moscow deviates by T to the right of the geographic meridian passing through Moscow, and in Yakutsk - by 17° to the left of the corresponding meridian.

A freely suspended magnetic needle is located horizontally only on the line of the magnetic equator, which does not coincide with the geographical one. If you move north of the magnetic equator, the northern end of the needle will gradually descend. The angle formed by a magnetic needle and a horizontal plane is called magnetic inclination. At the North and South magnetic poles, the magnetic inclination is greatest. It is equal to 90°. At the North Magnetic Pole, a freely suspended magnetic needle will be installed vertically with its northern end down, and at the South Magnetic Pole its southern end will go down. Thus, the magnetic needle shows the direction of the magnetic field lines above the earth's surface.

Over time, the position of the magnetic poles relative to the earth's surface changes.

The magnetic pole was discovered by explorer James C. Ross in 1831, hundreds of kilometers from its current location. On average, it moves 15 km in one year. In recent years, the speed of movement of the magnetic poles has increased sharply. For example, the North Magnetic Pole is currently moving at a speed of about 40 km per year.

The reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles is called magnetic field inversion.

Throughout the geological history of our planet, the Earth's magnetic field has changed its polarity more than 100 times.

The magnetic field is characterized by intensity. In some places on Earth, magnetic field lines deviate from the normal field, forming anomalies. For example, in the area of ​​the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA), the field strength is four times higher than normal.

There are daily variations in the Earth's magnetic field. The reason for these changes in the Earth's magnetic field is electric currents flowing in the atmosphere at high altitudes. They are caused by solar radiation. Under the influence of the solar wind, the Earth's magnetic field is distorted and acquires a “trail” in the direction from the Sun, which extends for hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The main cause of the solar wind, as we already know, is the enormous ejections of matter from the solar corona. As they move towards the Earth, they turn into magnetic clouds and lead to strong, sometimes extreme disturbances on the Earth. Particularly strong disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field - magnetic storms. Some magnetic storms begin suddenly and almost simultaneously across the entire Earth, while others develop gradually. They can last for several hours or even days. Magnetic storms often occur 1-2 days after a solar flare due to the Earth passing through a stream of particles ejected by the Sun. Based on the delay time, the speed of such a corpuscular flow is estimated at several million km/h.

During strong magnetic storms, the normal operation of the telegraph, telephone and radio is disrupted.

Magnetic storms are often observed at latitude 66-67° (in the aurora zone) and occur simultaneously with auroras.

The structure of the Earth's magnetic field varies depending on the latitude of the area. The permeability of the magnetic field increases towards the poles. Over the polar regions, the magnetic field lines are more or less perpendicular to the earth's surface and have a funnel-shaped configuration. Through them, part of the solar wind from the dayside penetrates into the magnetosphere and then into the upper atmosphere. During magnetic storms, particles from the tail of the magnetosphere rush here, reaching the boundaries of the upper atmosphere in the high latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is these charged particles that cause the auroras here.

So, magnetic storms and daily changes in the magnetic field are explained, as we have already found out, by solar radiation. But what is the main reason that creates the permanent magnetism of the Earth? Theoretically, it was possible to prove that 99% of the Earth’s magnetic field is caused by sources hidden inside the planet. The main magnetic field is caused by sources located in the depths of the Earth. They can be roughly divided into two groups. The main part of them is associated with processes in the earth's core, where, due to continuous and regular movements of electrically conductive matter, a system of electric currents is created. The other is due to the fact that the rocks of the earth’s crust, when magnetized by the main electric field (the field of the core), create their own magnetic field, which is summed with the magnetic field of the core.

In addition to the magnetic field around the Earth, there are other fields: a) gravitational; b) electric; c) thermal.

Gravitational field The earth is called the gravity field. It is directed along a plumb line perpendicular to the surface of the geoid. If the Earth had the shape of an ellipsoid of revolution and masses were evenly distributed in it, then it would have a normal gravitational field. The difference between the intensity of the real gravitational field and the theoretical one is a gravity anomaly. Different material composition and density of rocks cause these anomalies. But other reasons are also possible. They can be explained by the following process - the equilibrium of the solid and relatively light earth's crust on the heavier upper mantle, where the pressure of the overlying layers is equalized. These currents cause tectonic deformations, the movement of lithospheric plates and thereby create the macrorelief of the Earth. Gravity holds the atmosphere, hydrosphere, people, animals on Earth. Gravity must be taken into account when studying processes in the geographic envelope. The term " geotropism" are the growth movements of plant organs, which, under the influence of the force of gravity, always ensure the vertical direction of growth of the primary root perpendicular to the surface of the Earth. Gravity biology uses plants as experimental subjects.

If gravity is not taken into account, it is impossible to calculate the initial data for launching rockets and spacecraft, to carry out gravimetric exploration of ore deposits, and, finally, the further development of astronomy, physics and other sciences is impossible.

There are a lot of topics on the Internet dedicated to the study of the magnetic field. It should be noted that many of them differ from the average description that exists in school textbooks. My task is to collect and systematize all freely available material on the magnetic field in order to focus a New Understanding of the magnetic field. The magnetic field and its properties can be studied using a variety of techniques. With the help of iron filings, for example, Comrade Fatyanov conducted a competent analysis at

Using a kinescope. I don't know this man's last name, but I know his nickname. He calls himself "Veterok". When a magnet is brought close to the kinescope, a “honeycomb pattern” is formed on the screen. You might think that the “grid” is a continuation of the kinescope grid. This is a magnetic field imaging technique.

I began to study the magnetic field using ferromagnetic fluid. It is the magnetic fluid that maximally visualizes all the subtleties of the magnetic field of the magnet.

From the article “what is a magnet” we found out that a magnet is fractalized, i.e. a reduced-scale copy of our planet, the magnetic geometry of which is as identical as possible to a simple magnet. Planet earth, in turn, is a copy of that from the depths of which it was formed - the sun. We found out that a magnet is a kind of induction lens that focuses on its volume all the properties of the global magnet of planet earth. There is a need to introduce new terms with which we will describe the properties of the magnetic field.

An inductive flow is a flow that originates at the poles of the planet and passes through us in the geometry of a funnel. The north pole of the planet is the entrance to the funnel, the south pole of the planet is the exit of the funnel. Some scientists call this flow the ethereal wind, saying that it "has galactic origin." But this is not an “ethereal wind” and no matter what ether, it is an “induction river” that flows from pole to pole. The electricity in lightning is of the same nature as the electricity produced by the interaction of a coil and a magnet.

The best way to understand that there is a magnetic field is to see him. It is possible to think and make countless theories, but from the standpoint of understanding the physical essence of the phenomenon, it is useless. I think that everyone will agree with me if I repeat the words, I don’t remember who, but the essence is that the best criterion is experience. Experience and more experience.

At home, I did simple experiments, but they allowed me to understand a lot. A simple cylindrical magnet... And I twisted it this way and that. I poured magnetic fluid on it. There is an infection, it doesn’t move. Then I remembered that I read on some forum that two magnets compressed by like poles in a sealed area increase the temperature of the area, and vice versa lower it with opposite poles. If temperature is a consequence of the interaction of fields, then why shouldn’t it also be the cause? I heated the magnet using a 12 volt "short circuit" and a resistor by simply placing the heated resistor against the magnet. The magnet heated up and the magnetic fluid first began to twitch, and then became completely mobile. The magnetic field is excited by temperature. But how can this be, I asked myself, because in the primers they write that temperature weakens the magnetic properties of a magnet. And this is true, but this “weakening” of the kagba is compensated by the excitation of the magnetic field of this magnet. In other words, the magnetic force does not disappear, but is transformed due to the excitation of this field. Excellent Everything is spinning and everything is spinning. But why does the rotating magnetic field have exactly this rotation geometry, and not some other? At first glance, the movement is chaotic, but if you look through a microscope, you can see that in this movement there is a system. The system does not belong to the magnet in any way, but only localizes it. In other words, a magnet can be considered as an energy lens that focuses disturbances within its volume.

The magnetic field is excited not only by an increase in temperature, but also by a decrease in temperature. I think that it would be more correct to say that the magnetic field is excited by a temperature gradient rather than by any specific temperature sign. The fact of the matter is that there is no visible “restructuring” of the structure of the magnetic field. There is a visualization of the disturbance that passes through the region of this magnetic field. Imagine a disturbance that moves in a spiral from the north pole to the south through the entire volume of the planet. So the magnetic field of a magnet = local part of this global flow. Do you understand? However, I am not sure which thread exactly... But the fact is that it is a thread. Moreover, there are not one, but two threads. The first is external, and the second is inside it and moves together with the first, but rotates in the opposite direction. The magnetic field is excited due to the temperature gradient. But we again distort the essence when we say “the magnetic field is excited.” The fact is that it is already in an excited state. When we apply a temperature gradient, we distort this excitation into a state of imbalance. Those. We understand that the excitation process is a constant process in which the magnetic field of the magnet is located. The gradient distorts the parameters of this process so that we optically notice the difference between its normal excitation and the excitation caused by the gradient.

But why is the magnetic field of a magnet stationary in a stationary state? NO, it is also mobile, but relative to moving reference systems, for example us, it is motionless. We move in space with this disturbance of Ra and it seems motionless to us. The temperature we apply to the magnet creates a local imbalance of this focused system. A certain instability will appear in the spatial lattice, which is a honeycomb structure. After all, bees do not build their houses from scratch, but they cling to the structure of space with their building material. Thus, based on purely experimental observations, I conclude that the magnetic field of a simple magnet is a potential system of local imbalance of the lattice of space, in which, as you already guessed, there is no place for atoms and molecules that no one has ever seen. Temperature is like the “ignition key” in this local system, includes imbalance. I am currently carefully studying methods and means to manage this imbalance.

What is a magnetic field and how does it differ from an electromagnetic field?

What is a torsion or energy information field?

This is all the same thing, but localized by different methods.

The current strength is a plus and a repulsive force,

tension is a minus and a force of attraction,

a short circuit, or, say, a local imbalance of the lattice - there is resistance to this interpenetration. Or the interpenetration of father, son and holy spirit. We remember that the metaphor of “Adam and Eve” is the old understanding of the X and Y chromosomes. For understanding the new is a new understanding of the old. “Current strength” is a vortex emanating from the constantly rotating Ra, leaving behind an informational interweaving of itself. Tension is another vortex, but inside the main vortex of Ra and moving with it. Visually, this can be represented as a shell, the growth of which occurs in the direction of two spirals. The first is external, the second is internal. Or one inward and clockwise, and the second outward and counterclockwise. When two vortices interpenetrate each other, they form a structure, like the layers of Jupiter, which move in different directions. It remains to understand the mechanism of this interpenetration and the system that is formed.

Approximate tasks for 2015

1. Find methods and means to control imbalance.

2. Identify the materials that most influence the imbalance of the system. Find the dependence on the state of the material according to Table 11 of the child.

3. If every living being, in its essence, is the same localized imbalance, therefore it must be “seen”. In other words, it is necessary to find a method of fixing a person in other frequency spectra.

4. The main task is to visualize non-biological frequency spectra in which the continuous process of human creation occurs. For example, using a means of progress, we analyze frequency spectra that are not included in the biological spectrum of human feelings. But we only register them, but we cannot “realize” them. Therefore, we do not see further than our senses can perceive. This is my main goal for 2015. Find a technique for technical awareness of the non-biological frequency spectrum in order to see the information basis of a person. Those. essentially his soul.

A special type of study is a magnetic field in motion. If we pour magnetic fluid onto a magnet, it will occupy the volume of the magnetic field and will be stationary. However, it is necessary to check the experiment of “Veterok” where he brought a magnet to the monitor screen. There is an assumption that the magnetic field is already in an excited state, but the volume of liquid is held in a stationary state. But I haven't checked it yet.

A magnetic field can be generated by applying temperature to a magnet, or by placing a magnet in an induction coil. It should be noted that the liquid is excited only at a certain spatial position of the magnet inside the coil, making a certain angle to the axis of the coil, which can be found experimentally.

I conducted dozens of experiments with moving magnetic fluid and set myself the following goals:

1. Identify the geometry of fluid movement.

2. Identify the parameters that affect the geometry of this movement.

3. What place does the movement of fluid occupy in the global movement of planet Earth.

4. Does the spatial position of the magnet depend on the geometry of movement acquired by it?

5. Why "ribbons"?

6. Why do ribbons curl?

7. What determines the vector of ribbon twisting?

8. Why do cones shift only through nodes, which are the vertices of the honeycomb, and only three nearby ribbons are always twisted?

9. Why does the displacement of the cones occur abruptly, upon reaching a certain “twist” in the nodes?

10. Why is the size of the cones proportional to the volume and mass of the liquid poured onto the magnet?

11. Why is the cone divided into two distinct sectors?

12. What place does this “separation” occupy in the context of interaction between the poles of the planet.

13. How does the geometry of fluid movement depend on the time of day, season, solar activity, intention of the experimenter, pressure and additional gradients. For example, a sudden change from cold to hot

14. Why the geometry of cones identical to Varja geometry- special weapons of the returning gods?

15. Is there any information in the archives of the special services of 5 machine guns about the purpose, availability or storage of samples of this type of weapon?

16. What do the gutted storehouses of knowledge of various secret organizations say about these cones and is the geometry of the cones connected with the Star of David, the essence of which is the identity of the geometry of the cones. (Masons, Juzeites, Vaticans, and other uncoordinated entities).

17. Why there is always a leader among cones. Those. a cone with a “crown” on top, which “organizes” the movements of 5,6,7 cones around itself.

cone at the moment of displacement. Jerk. “...only by moving in the letter “G” will I get to it.”...

To understand the concept of a magnetic field, you need to use your imagination. The earth is a magnet with two poles. Of course, the size of this magnet is very different from the red-blue magnets people are used to, but the essence remains the same. Magnetic force lines emerge from the south and go into the earth at the north magnetic pole. These invisible lines, as if enveloping the planet with a shell, form the Earth's magnetosphere.

The magnetic poles are located relatively close to the geographic poles. Periodically, the magnetic poles change location - every year they move 15 kilometers.

This “shield” of the Earth is created inside the planet. The outer metal liquid core generates electrical currents due to the movement of the metal. These currents generate magnetic field lines.

Why is a magnetic shell needed? It holds ionospheric particles, which in turn support the atmosphere. As you know, layers of the atmosphere protect the planet from deadly cosmic ultraviolet radiation. The magnetosphere itself also protects the Earth from radiation by repelling the solar wind flows that carry it. If the Earth did not have a “magnetic shield,” there would be no atmosphere, and life on the planet would not have arisen.

The meaning of the magnetic field in magic

Esotericists have long been interested in the earth's magnetosphere, believing that it can be used in magic. It has long been known that a magnetic field affects a person’s magical abilities: the stronger the influence of the field, the weaker the abilities. Some practitioners use this information by influencing their enemies with the help of magnets, which also reduce witchcraft power.

A person is able to sense a magnetic field. How and with the help of which organs this happens is still unclear. However, some magicians who study human capabilities believe that this can be used. For example, many believe that it is possible to transfer thoughts and energy to each other by connecting to streams.

Practitioners also believe that the earth’s magnetic field affects a person’s aura, making it more or less visible to clairvoyants. If you study this feature in more detail, you can learn to hide your aura from prying eyes, thereby strengthening your own protection.

Healing magicians often use ordinary magnets in healing. This is called magnetic therapy. However, if it is possible to treat people using ordinary magnets, then the Earth's giant magnetosphere can provide even greater results in treatment. Perhaps there are already practitioners who have learned to use the general magnetic field for such purposes.

Another direction in which magnetic force is used is searching for people. By adjusting magnetic devices, a practitioner can use them to detect the place where a particular person is located without resorting to other dimensions.

Bioenergetics also actively use magnetic waves for their own purposes. With its help, they can cleanse a person of damage and aliens, as well as cleanse his aura and karma. By strengthening or weakening the magnetic waves that connect all people on the planet, you can perform love spells and turnarounds.

By influencing magnetic fluxes, it is possible to control the flow of energy in the human body. Thus, some practices can influence the psyche and activity of a person’s brain, instill thoughts and become energy vampires.

However, the most important area of ​​magic, the development of which will be helped by understanding the force inherent in the magnetic field, is levitation. The ability to fly and move objects through the air has long excited the minds of dreamers, but practitioners consider such skills quite possible. Correct appeal to natural forces, knowledge of the esoteric side of geomagnetic fields and a sufficient amount of strength can help magicians fully move in the air.

The Earth's electromagnetic field also has one interesting property. Many magicians suggest that this is also the information field of the Earth, from which one can glean all the information necessary for practice.


A particularly interesting method of using the power of magnetic fields in esotericism is magnetotherapy. Most often, such treatment occurs through conventional magnets or magnetic devices. With their help, magicians treat people both from diseases of the physical body and from various magical negativity. This treatment is considered extremely effective, as it shows positive results even in advanced cases of the harmful effects of black magic.

The most common method of treatment with a magnet is associated with the disturbance of energy fields at the moment of collision of the same poles of the magnet. Such a simple effect of magnetic waves of the biofield causes a person’s energy to shake up sharply and begin to actively develop “immunity”: literally tearing apart and pushing out the magical negativity. The same applies to diseases of the body and psyche, as well as karmic negativity: the power of a magnet can help cleanse the soul and body of any impurities. The magnet's action is similar to an energy drink for internal forces.

Only a few practitioners are able to use the forces of the vast earthly information field. If you learn to work competently with the energy-information field, you can achieve amazing results. Small magnets are extremely effective in esoteric practices, and the power of the entire earthly magnet will provide much greater opportunities for controlling forces.

Current state of the magnetic field

Realizing the significance of the geomagnetic field, one cannot help but be horrified to learn that it is gradually disappearing. Over the past 160 years, its strength has been declining, and at an alarmingly fast pace. So far, a person practically does not feel the influence of this process, but the moment when problems begin is getting closer every year.

The South Atlantic Anomaly is the name given to a huge area of ​​the Earth's surface in the southern hemisphere, where the geomagnetic field is weakening most noticeably today. Nobody knows what caused this change. It is assumed that already in the 22nd century there will be another global change of magnetic poles. You can understand what this will lead to by studying the information about the field value.

The geomagnetic background is weakening unevenly today. If in general on the surface of the Earth it fell by 1-2%, then in the place of the anomaly - by 10%. Simultaneously with the decrease in field strength, the ozone layer also disappears, which is why ozone holes appear.

Scientists do not yet know how to stop this process, and believe that as the field decreases, the Earth will gradually die. However, some magicians are confident that during the period of decline in the magnetic field, people's magical abilities are steadily growing. Thanks to this, by the time the field almost completely disappears, people will be able to control all the forces of nature, thereby saving life on the planet.

Many more magicians are confident that due to the weakening geomagnetic background, natural disasters and strong changes in people’s lives occur. They associate the tense political situation, changes in the general mood of humanity and the growing number of cases of the disease with this process.

  • The magnetic poles change places approximately once every 2.5 centuries. The northern one takes the place of the southern one, and vice versa. No one knows the reasons for the origin of this phenomenon, and how such movements affect the planet is also unknown.
  • Due to the formation of magnetic currents inside the globe, earthquakes exist. The currents cause the movement of tectonic plates, which cause high-magnitude earthquakes.
  • The magnetic field is the cause of the northern lights.
  • People and animals live under the constant influence of the magnetosphere. In humans, this is usually expressed by the body's reactions to magnetic storms. Animals, under the influence of an electromagnetic flow, find the right path - for example, birds navigate along them when migrating. Also, turtles and other animals sense where they are thanks to this phenomenon.
  • Some scientists believe that life on Mars is impossible precisely because it lacks a magnetic field. This planet is quite suitable for life, but is unable to repel radiation, which destroys all life that could exist on it.
  • Magnetic storms caused by solar flares affect people and electronics. The strength of the Earth's magnetosphere is not strong enough to completely resist flares, so 10-20% of the flare energy is felt on our planet.
  • Despite the fact that the phenomenon of reversal of magnetic poles has been little studied, it is known that during the period of change in the configuration of the poles, the Earth is more susceptible to radiation exposure. Some scientists believe that it was during one of these periods that dinosaurs became extinct.
  • The history of the development of the biosphere coincides with the development of electromagnetism on the Earth.

It is important for every person to have at least basic information about the Earth’s geomagnetic field. And those who practice magic should especially pay attention to this data. Perhaps soon practitioners will be able to learn new methods of using these forces in esotericism, thereby increasing their power and giving the world new important information.