How to prepare your child for school after summer. How to prepare your child for school after the holidays? Summer vacation assignment

The holidays are inevitably coming to an end. It’s difficult to switch from vacation to daily study, so it’s advisable to prepare a little in advance. First of all, some time before the first of September it is time to return to a strict daily routine. Put the children to bed early, plan all interesting things for the morning, so that there is motivation to get up on the alarm clock. I am a Parent talks about how else to prepare schoolchildren for the coming school year.

A pre-made weekly schedule will re-accustom the child to a clear routine. It’s good to include in your schedule not only entertainment events, but also homework classes.

Now there are many textbooks on repeating the material covered for each year of study. Spend only half an hour a day on classes, maintaining the student’s confidence in knowledge. Pay special attention to those items that your child has difficulties with, and help them figure it out while there is time. Then he is calm and content.

How to prepare a first grader for school?

Suddenly, grown-up kids proudly try on their schoolbags and school uniforms. After acquisition, it is important to spend time developing in children the skills necessary for school.

Develop self-care skills

First of all, a first-grader needs self-service skills. By first grade, a child needs to be able to quickly change clothes, eat carefully at the table, wash his hands on time, serve himself in the toilet independently, and carefully and quickly pack his briefcase. All these skills need to be trained in a playful way.

Play “the plane leaves in 15 minutes.” During this time, the baby must, for example, get dressed and pack his briefcase. Come up with a reward system. A week or two before the first of September, hang the weekly schedule on the wall and mark with stars the days when the child woke up by the alarm clock, washed himself and got ready.

Practice communication with your future teacher

It is not difficult for children who go to kindergarten to switch from teacher to teacher. It is more difficult for “non-kindergarten” children, especially if they did not attend school preparation classes.

How to teach a child to build a relationship with a teacher?

Play “teacher and student” at home with your child, change roles, offer him different situations during lessons and breaks.

From the very first days at school, new students will prepare their hands for writing. Help your child - develop his fine motor skills.

There are many games for this: a construction set, assembling beads and seed beads, rolling small objects on the table at speed, mosaics, modeling from plasticine, shading and coloring pictures. Not every child is ready to do this alone. Participate in his classes, set an example.

Motivate your child to read

Take your child to the library. They now often host interactive quizzes, celebrations, and introductions to new authors and book characters.

Take time to relax with your child

One of the main tasks of schoolchildren during the holidays is to relax and get enough sleep. Keep a close eye on bedtimes and gradually encourage children to wake up earlier in the morning. Take advantage of the sunny days, go for long walks and bike rides, and swim in the still warm waters.

How to prepare a high school student for school?

For children 15-16 years old, preparation for university gradually begins. In addition, children may still be going through adolescence and require additional adult attention.

Come up with a career guidance plan together.

Think over a career guidance plan, sign up for courses at the institute, and take a close look at the psychological state of the teenager. It may make sense to consult a psychologist before starting your studies. This is necessary both in case of emotional problems and for determining.

Discuss events with your high school student from a position of equality

Discuss world events with your high school student, listen to his point of view on politics, economics, literature, and music. Watch historical or popular science films together and then discuss. At the dacha in the evenings, study the starry sky with your older children, talk about the constellations, and fantasize. Perhaps your child already knows something better than you; he will be pleased to surprise you with his erudition.

Encourage your child to start keeping a diary

Encourage your teenager to keep a diary. Comprehension of personal achievements and defeats, daily recording of events will help develop the skill of formulating your thoughts into texts, and texts into goals and objectives.

Teach your teenager to plan expenses

Prepare a shopping list with your child, for example, items for school. Help him calculate his shopping budget and plan his shopping trips. You undoubtedly know how to do this, but a high school student needs to learn home economics. This is additional training in both mathematics and planning.

is your child ready for school?

Svetlana Balashova

How to prepare your child for school after the holidays. It is not easy for our children to sit down at their school desk after rest. Many parents think that on the very first day of school, the child will automatically tune in to study, concentrate and become attentive. “It’s necessary, then it’s necessary!” - say the adults. They think that they should, like in a fairy tale, cast a spell: “Pot! Cook!”, and your thoughts will tune in to school everyday life, preparing lessons, writing tests. But... it doesn’t cook the “pot”! More precisely, it does not cook as quickly as we would like it to. The child needs time to adapt to school after the holidays.

Of course, the hardest time for children is after the longest summer holidays. During the holidays, the routine of the entire day changes dramatically: sleeping, eating, and walking. Guys, as a rule, “sleep off” until 9–10 o’clock in the morning, then have breakfast, spend a lot of time in the fresh air (at least we hope so), and go to bed late, wanting to watch all the interesting films, of which there are many in holidays. If a child continues to exist in this mode until the last day of the holidays, then, of course, the transition to school is very difficult for him. Unaccustomed to getting up at 7.00, the first days of school he almost sleeps in class. What kind of attention span and good grades are there?

To make it easier for your child to transition from vacation time to school everyday life, you need to adhere to the daily routine during the holidays. Of course, it would be ideal if the previous daily routine were preserved (getting up at 7.00, sleeping at night from 21.30). But this is hardly a feasible recommendation. Try, at least during the last 3-4 days of the holidays, to bring your daily routine closer to that of school. To do this, you may have to insist that the child will not watch a film that ends at 11:30 p.m. Promise that he can watch it tomorrow, during the daytime repeat. Endure all these “Well, mom, please! " and "I'm offended by you." You know that it will really be better this way. Offer an interesting replacement for a movie: for example, play this game before bed.

This game is almost magical. It can help you reach a new level of understanding between you. During the game, both the child and the parents experience very warm feelings. You need to take any soft toy and pass it to each other with the words: “I like that you...”. You can end a sentence with only one thought at a time, for example: “I like that you draw well.” Mom can hear from the child that he likes that mom is “kind, gives candy, buys toys, etc.” And you can tell your child that you like that he is “a good helper, never offends younger ones, loves to read, etc.” The more such statements there are, the better.

It is clear that two win in this game. The next day you can play "I want you to...". Yesterday you set the stage by praising each other greatly, and now you can wish for what you both would like. I think that your child will not regret the missed film at all and will remember how you played for a long time.

During the holidays, as a rule, lessons are assigned. And the parents’ task is to make sure that all tasks are not completed on the last evening before the first day of school. If a child wants to do all his homework at the beginning of the holidays so that he can “rest in peace” later, then so be it. But if he delays the moment when he needs to sit down at the table, then you will have to remind him about the tasks. Don't be lazy, look at the diary and decide together what needs to be done. Then agree on what time he will complete the tasks. If the child understands that he will not need more than 20 minutes a day, he is unlikely to resist much. Moreover, even distribution of the load allows you to maintain educational activity and significantly facilitates the transition to school life.

The best helper for many problems is fresh air. It will be ideal if you make these walks family friendly. A child who spent a lot of time outside during the holidays adapts to school much faster than one who spent all this time sitting near the computer and TV.

How you spend the last evening of the holidays will determine how easy it will be for your child to get used to school in the next quarter.

Make this evening calm. Less reproaches and swearing: “I rested all holidays, but forgot about my assignments!”, “You can’t even pack your briefcase yourself!”

Help your child put together a briefcase

This doesn't mean you have to do it for him. Insist that he open the diary and stack notebooks and textbooks, looking at what subjects will be there tomorrow. Relying on a “good” memory, your child may be missing a couple of textbooks at school. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with checking if everything you need is in place. Help prepare the clothes that will need to be worn tomorrow.

Think through everything down to the smallest detail, hang it in the closet or on a chair, so that on the first morning of the new quarter you don’t have to nervously look for tights, skirts and jackets throughout the apartment.

Try to make him want to go to school tomorrow

Maybe you were on a fascinating excursion or an interesting performance? How great it will be if the child tells his friends about this tomorrow! Did your daughter receive the beautiful blouse she dreamed of as a gift? If the school doesn't have a uniform, have them wear a new outfit tomorrow! In general, set your child up so that he thinks: “It’s nice that he has school tomorrow!”

Create a calm and friendly atmosphere at home It is likely that your grades at the beginning of the quarter will not please you. But laziness and unwillingness to learn have nothing to do with it. It’s just that the whole body has not yet tuned into the learning mood. Instead of lecturing, express confidence that the results will soon improve, because your child has such good potential!

Don't plan any other life changes

Perhaps you've found a new studio to keep your child occupied in his free time, and he's eager to go there. But let him start visiting her after the first 2-3 weeks of the quarter. No matter how positive the changes may be, they require the expenditure of mental energy to get used to them, and it’s already difficult for your student.

Continue to be outdoors

If possible, save your walks on weekdays after school or in the evening when you get home from work. After dinner, you can walk in the yard for 30–40 minutes.

Pay attention to nutrition

Remember to give your child fruits and vegetables every day.

Don't forget about affection

Psychologists say: if a child is not stroked on the head every day, then his brain “dries out.” Of course, this is a figurative expression. But it is not far from the truth. Not only kids, but also middle schoolers and even teenagers need affection. It has been proven that children whose parents often pat their heads, hug, kiss, are more optimistic, smarter, and open in communication. Caress your child, sit next to him for a few minutes before going to bed, read a book, say a few kind words, say good night, and tomorrow’s difficult school day will be much easier!

And one last piece of advice for all those who find it difficult to get up in the morning: do the “Star” exercise. While still lying in bed, clench your hands into fists, and then forcefully straighten your outstretched fingers. Do it several times in a row at a pace that is comfortable for you. You will feel a surge of energy very quickly. Now you are definitely ready to open your eyes and start your work or school day!

Any vacation ends sooner or later. And every time studying is a real shock for us. But maybe we can somehow reduce this shock? To do this, you need to prepare for school after the holidays in advance. And this must be done not only physically, but also psychologically. After all, studying is primarily stressful for the brain, and only then for the body.

Preparing your brain for the holidays

So that you do not immediately experience serious difficulties, you need to start training your memory some time before leaving the holidays. Namely:

  1. Watch scientific videos and programs;
  2. Try to think and analyze the facts;
  3. Open your books and see what you studied before the holidays;
  4. Try to study new topics on your own;
  5. Simulate the situation as if you have already started studying.

Moreover, all this must be done systematically. And then you will begin to gradually “wake up after rest.” It will be much easier for you to return to your previous rhythm. and you will not suffer from the burden that has fallen on you.

How to prepare yourself for school after the holidays?

The main problem of many students is the change in daily routine during school hours. Therefore, you should work more on your schedule during the holidays:

  • Wake up not too late so that this is not difficult for you during school time;
  • Before studying, start walking more often, especially near school. So you kind of accustom yourself to studying;
  • Start eating shortly before school as many times a day as you eat during school;
  • Go to the store and buy the necessary items for your classes.

In general, even before the educational process begins, you should live as if such a process had already begun. That is, your vacation should not be too imposing. Then the difference between him and his studies will be minimal. And this is the best preparation.

A little psychology

The most important thing is psychological preparation for school after the holidays. First of all, you should understand that school is a blessing. Understand that without it you would be working at work or doing another, not the most pleasant thing.

Don't stretch out the holidays in your head. Eternal rest is also bad, it gets boring. Even if you had a good rest, you should work hard, otherwise your next holiday will not be as bright.

Put an end to the holidays in advance. Don't live by them. Accept that you have returned from a dacha, a camp, a resort, or somewhere else. Just do it. It will be better this way.

Do not create an enemy image in the form of a school. If there is a tight schedule, this does not mean that everything is bad. And in general, think positively.

In particular, think about the fact that friends, favorite teachers, classes, fun breaks, new knowledge, life experience, etc. await you at school. and so on.

Be more mature

And the most important thing is to behave like a real adult. Namely, you should prepare yourself for school yourself, choosing what exactly you need.

Don't be capricious and don't fall into unrealistic dreams. No man can rest forever. All people are busy with something. For example, you are busy with school.

Think business-like, with a serious approach. And then you can quickly wake up from a lazy sleep and begin to conquer new heights.
And since you still have no other choice, you will do it anyway. It's better to do it with pleasure.

Ekaterina Morozova is a mother of many children, editor of the “Children” section in Colady magazine


During the 3 long summer months, children, regardless of who they are with and where they are, get used to a free sleep and rest schedule, when they can go to bed after midnight, rest in the morning and eat normal food only in between games. Naturally, the beginning of the school year becomes a cultural and physical shock for children: no one is able to quickly adapt. The result is lack of sleep, headaches, reluctance to go to school, etc.

To avoid such overloads, preparations for the school year should begin long before September 1. Especially if the child goes to school for the first time.

How to mentally prepare your child for school - let's get ready for the new school year together!

Is it necessary or not to prepare your child for school? Contrary to the opinion of some careless parents, it is definitely necessary! If, of course, the physical and moral health of the child is important to you.

Timely preparation will allow you to avoid those popular problems that haunt children throughout September, who immediately stepped into school from a free, regime-free summer.

  • We eliminate interference. Not all children are eager to go to school. It happens that for a child this is a reason to remember the problems that he will face again in the school year (self-doubt, poor mathematics, first unrequited love, etc.). All these issues should be resolved in advance so that the child does not have fears before school.
  • We hang up a funny calendar with a countdown - “until September 1 - 14 days.” Let him write on each piece of paper, which the child tears off and puts in his folder, about his achievements for the day - “read a story for school,” “started to get up an hour earlier,” “did some exercise,” etc. Such a calendar will quietly help you set your child up for school routine.
  • Let's create the mood. Remember what your child loves most about school and focus on that. Prepare him for new achievements, communication with friends, and gaining new interesting knowledge.
  • We create a schedule. It's time to change your summer habits. Together with your child, think about what time to leave for rest, and what time to review materials covered over the past year or to prepare for new ones, what time for sleep, what time for walks and games, what time for exercise (you also need to prepare for physical activity !). My hand probably forgot how to write in beautiful handwriting, and some columns disappeared from the multiplication table in my memory. It's time to tighten up all the “weak points”.
  • We replace empty time (useless games on the computer and fooling around on the playground) with useful family walks– excursions, hikes, visits to zoos, theaters, etc. After each walk, be sure to make a beautiful presentation with your child (on paper or in a program) about the wonderful day you spent together. Give your child a camera and let him take pictures of the best moments of your family cultural holiday.
  • We buy school uniforms, shoes and stationery. All children, without exception, adore these moments of preparation for school: finally, a new backpack appears, a new beautiful pencil case, funny pens and pencils, fashionable rulers. Girls are happy to try on new sundresses and blouses, boys try on solid jackets and boots. Do not deny children the pleasure - let them choose their own briefcases and stationery. If most Russian schools have a very strict attitude towards uniforms, then you can choose pens and notebooks based on your own wishes.
  • Special attention to children if they are in or in the 5th . For first-graders, everything is just beginning, and waiting for school can become too exciting, and for children who are going to 5th grade, difficulties are associated with the appearance of new teachers and subjects in their lives. It is also worth especially supporting the child if he has been transferred to a new school - in this case it is doubly difficult for him, because even old friends will not be nearby. Set your child up for positivity in advance - he will definitely succeed!
  • – it’s time to remember about improving the body’s health, outdoor games, and useful activities.
  • It's time to start reading books! If your child refuses to read the stories assigned according to the school curriculum, buy him one. Let him read at least 2-3 pages a day.
  • Talk with your child more often about what he wants from school, about his fears, expectations, friends, etc. . This will make it easier for you to “lay out the straws” and prepare your child in advance for a difficult academic life.

What not to do:

  1. Prohibit walking and meeting with friends.
  2. Driving a child behind textbooks, against his wishes.
  3. Overload your child with lessons.
  4. Abruptly end the usual summer routine and switch to a “strict” one - with early awakening, textbooks and clubs.

Don't overdo it in preparing for school! After all, the school year will begin only on September 1, do not deprive your child of summer - guide him in the right direction gently, unobtrusively, in a playful way.

Daily routine and nutrition when preparing a child for school after the holidays

The child is not able to “spur himself” and correct his sleep and eating patterns. Only parents are responsible for this moment of preparation.

But, as life shows, it is impossible to keep a child whose holidays have begun. Therefore, the child will have to return to the regime, and this must be done with minimal stress on his psyche and body.

So, how do you get your sleep patterns back to normal before school?

  • If a child is used to going to bed after 12 (an hour, two...), do not force him to put him to bed at 8 pm - it is useless. Some parents think that the ideal way is to start raising their child early. That is, even if you go to bed late, get up at 7-8 in the morning, they say, “it will endure it, and then it will get better on its own.” It won't get better! This method is very stressful for the child’s body!
  • Ideal method. Let's start gradually! In 2, but still better than 3 weeks, we start going to bed a little earlier every evening. We shift the regime back a little bit - half an hour earlier, 40 minutes, etc. It is also important to get your child up earlier in the morning - for the same half an hour, 40 minutes, etc. Gradually bring the regime to a natural school one and maintain it by any means.
  • Remember that a child in elementary school just needs to get a good night's sleep. A minimum of 9-10 hours of sleep is a must!
  • Find incentive to wake up early. For example, some special family walks for which the child will get up early on his own and even without an alarm clock.
  • 4 hours before bedtime, exclude everything that can interrupt it : noisy games, TV and computer, heavy food, loud music.
  • Use sleep aids : a ventilated room with cool fresh air, clean linen, a walk and a warm bath before bed and warm milk with honey after it, a bedtime story (even schoolchildren love their mother’s fairy tales), and so on.
  • Don't let your child fall asleep listening to TV, music or lights . Sleep should be complete and restful - in the dark (maximum small night light), without extraneous sounds.

4-5 days before school, the child’s daily routine should already fully correspond to the school one - with getting up, exercising, reading books, walking, etc.

What about diet?

Usually in the summer, children eat only when they pop home between games. In any case, if no one forces them to lunch strictly on time.

Well, to be honest, all healthy eating plans collapse under the onslaught of fast food, apples from the tree, strawberries from the bushes and other summer delights.

Therefore, we adjust the diet at the same time as the sleep mode!

  1. Immediately choose a diet that will be at school!
  2. By the end of August, introduce vitamin complexes and special supplements that will add stamina to the child for September, improve memory, and protect against colds, which begin to “fall” on all children in the fall.
  3. August is fruit time! Buy more of them and, if possible, replace snacks with them: watermelons, peaches and apricots, apples - fill your “founty of knowledge” with vitamins!

Homework for the summer and repetition of material - is it necessary to study during the holidays in preparation for school, and how to do it correctly?

Children for whom September 1 is not the first time have probably been given homework for the summer period - a list of literature, etc.

Starting from the first day of the last summer month, gradually do your homework.

  • Spend about 30 minutes a day on lessons. An hour or more is too much for a child on vacation.
  • Be sure to read out loud. You can do this in the evening, while reading a book before bed. The ideal option is role-playing reading with mom or dad, this will bring you closer to your child and help overcome “literary” fears before school.
  • If a child gets new items in a new class , then your task is to prepare the child for them in general terms.
  • Choose the same time to study , develop the habit of studying in your child - it’s time to remember perseverance and patience.
  • Conduct dictations - at least small, 2-3 lines, so that the hand remembers what it is like to write with a pen, and not with a keyboard, to return the handwriting to the desired slope and size, to fill the gaps in spelling and punctuation.
  • It will be great if you work with your child in a foreign language. Today there are many options for learning through play that your child will definitely enjoy.
  • If your child has real problems with learning, then a month before school, take care of finding a tutor. It is advisable to find a teacher with whom the child will be interested in studying.
  • Distribute the load evenly! Otherwise, you will simply discourage your child from learning.

Start family tradition– celebrate this day with your family, and give gifts to the schoolchild in connection with the new school year.

How to prepare for school over the summer.

Future first-graders have no idea what awaits them ahead. We decided to figure out how to spend the summer profitably, not lose the knowledge gained and acquire new ones!

1. Follow the regime

Vacations do not mean “going to all the troubles.” Sleep until noon, play until midnight - no one says that this is absolutely impossible to do. It is possible, but only if this is an exception to the rule. Even during rest, you should follow a routine - get up at the same time, go to bed on time, devote time to active and quiet games, and also control the time spent with gadgets. According to psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, children can use the Internet for a maximum of one and a half hours a day and no more than four hours on weekends - these are schoolchildren from the fourth grade, and preschoolers - no more than 40 minutes a day. The psychologist advises strictly following the rule, to the point that parents should take away gadgets and turn off Wi-Fi in the house. Parents have the power to offer their child interesting and exciting games instead of gadgets. For example, 3D puzzles. Using a special kit, you can make a three-dimensional figure of a bright object or structure. This game helps the child to understand the world around him, develops logic and intelligence.

Closer to September 1st, the regime should look more and more like a “school” one. After all, a sharp transition from a state of rest to work mode is a great stress for both children and adults.

2. Learn

It is important to understand here that we are not talking about cramming, memorizing rules or sitting over textbooks. Over the summer, it is important not to lose the skill of learning. During the summer months, in any case, there will be a “reset in knowledge,” but starting school in September will not be so difficult if the child spent the whole summer learning, for example, a foreign language or attending a book club (parents can organize such a club themselves and actively participate in it ). You should also not leave homework until the last minute: they are given so that the child remains at least a little in the “learning process.”

3. Circles and sections

The child can stay in this “learning process” and also acquire new skills and make acquaintances in all kinds of clubs and sections. Now is the time to implement what you didn’t have enough time and energy for during school. This can range from various clubs to a summer language camp. Nowadays, the choice of additional activities for a child is limited only by his interests and the parents’ budget. If you plan to introduce some kind of clubs or sections for your child during the school year, then it is better to attend them in August.

4. First time - in first grade

A particularly exciting last “children’s” summer awaits future first-graders. In September they will become schoolchildren, and this is a different life and a different level of responsibility. Preparatory courses or regular classes at home will help give your child an idea of ​​what to expect during school. But it is also important to come to school before the first of September, wander the corridors, and enter the classroom. Even better is to meet future classmates. This will help minimize the stress of starting the learning process.

6. Getting ready for school

Buying school supplies can be turned into a real ritual. New notebooks, pens, a diary with a favorite cartoon character, a beautiful pencil case and even a cup for pens and pencils - give your child the opportunity to choose for himself, he already has little choice in life.

Board for schedules TM "1Veresnya"

Pencil case TM "1Veresnya"

Glass for office TM "1Veresnya"

Backpack TM "1Veresnya"

Backpack TM "1Veresnya"

Diary TM "1Veresnya"

Pencil case TM "1Veresnya"

Psychologists also say that you need to put an end to the summer holidays and tune in to a new wave. Such a unique point can be the choice of a new backpack. The child will spend the entire school year with him. That’s why it’s so important to choose a backpack together: so that the child likes it, and parents must make sure that it meets all sanitary standards. For example, backpacks from TM 1Veresnya are bright, with a comfortable orthopedic back, complemented with reflective elements and made of water-repellent materials. Be sure to let your child try on a new backpack so that he feels like a schoolboy again (or for the first time!).

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