How negativity affects a person's life. The influence of emotions on the functional characteristics of the human body from the point of view of Ayurveda and oriental medicine

In the modern world, we often encounter many people whose energy can be negative. Everyone can protect themselves from negative impacts, but to do this it is important to follow some rules.

The human biofield most often copes with negative influences. However, natural protection does not always work. There can be many reasons - from banal fatigue to damage and the evil eye - which means it is important to constantly “keep your eyes open” and learn to identify negative people, as well as strengthen your own defense. The site’s experts know that constant negative influence is fraught not only with a bad mood, but also with very real illnesses, so they advise everyone not to neglect their own protection.

Why are people with negative energy dangerous?

It is important to identify people with bad energy in a timely manner, before interaction with them brings you harm. The most obvious signs:

  • headaches and all kinds of ailments;
  • tingling sensation in different parts of the body;
  • attacks of aggression or loneliness, as well as a depressive mood;
  • Negative thoughts that arise after communication and refusal to live an active life;
  • frequent nightmares;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pressure in the chest area.

Among people with bad energy there are energy vampires. The negative impact of such a person can cause failures at work, financial problems, family discord and all sorts of troubles that happen out of the blue.

How to protect yourself from people with bad energy

Not all people react to negativity, but knowing how to protect yourself is important for inner harmony and health. Resistance to the influence of negative people can be developed if you adhere to the rules listed below.

If there is a person next to you from whom negativity comes, try to abstract yourself from him. Imagine that you are in a place where you feel comfortable and safe. Such a psychological block will allow you to build a mental wall and protect yourself from any evil.

Try to smile more often and get out of conflict situations, rather than aggravate them. A positive attitude creates an excellent barrier against negative energy and prevents it from harming your health and mood.

If a conflict arises, try to keep your emotions under control and under no circumstances succumb to provocations. People who provoke such situations seek a response from you by “feeding” on your energy. It is important to communicate with such people kindly, confusing them with polite answers or compliments. In this case, they simply will not be able to get an outburst of emotions from you, which means they will not get what they are seeking.

For those who constantly complain about life and burden you with their problems, it is important to get rid of the negativity by directing it towards you. In this case, you can refuse to listen to the “whining” or, on the contrary, encourage your interlocutor. However, you should not feel sorry for him: he will sense your weakness and quickly turn you into a personal “vest”. Never transfer other people's problems onto yourself so that negativity does not harm you.

It is better not to have heart-to-heart conversations with people you don’t know, not to share information about your family, work, dreams and plans. For this there are trusted friends and close relatives.

Be sure to use amulets that protect against evil eyes and damage so that negativity cannot harm you. In this case, you will protect yourself and avoid unpleasant effects.

Practice creating a protective barrier, especially if you are in a crowded place. Imagine that there is a shield around you that successfully reflects bad energy, preventing the words and thoughts of negative people from causing you trouble. Such practices will help you protect yourself in any situation and not fall under the influence of manipulators, energy vampires and envious people.

Everyone chooses their own environment, but often people who are pleasant at first glance turn out to be energy vampires. Take a closer look at the people who surround you. Among them may be those with negative energy who can bring a lot of problems into your life. To protect yourself, communication with them should be kept to a minimum. Good luck and health to you, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

06.09.2018 01:22

Every person can be influenced by evil people who emanate negative energy. To avoid this...

Emotions not only make life brighter, help or, conversely, hinder in business and relationships, but also directly affect our health and beauty. How your anger or joy reflects on your skin and hair - read the article.

Our skin is directly connected to the nervous system. Moreover, if everything is more or less clear with the external side of the emotions reflected on the skin (redness with anger or embarrassment, pallor with fear, “goose bumps” with fear), then what then happens inside the body?

During periods of severe emotional stress, blood flow is directed mainly to those organs that the body considers most important for survival, and blood flows away from all others. The last group includes the skin, which immediately feels an acute lack of oxygen, which is why it acquires an unhealthy yellowish tint. Therefore, prolonged stress can greatly disrupt the functioning of the entire body, and this will be especially noticeable on the skin of the face. Dermatologists believe that stress provokes eczema, psoriasis, and leads to the appearance of warts and papillomas. However, the most common skin reactions to negative emotions are rashes, irritations and acne. Due to strong feelings and worries, a person’s sebaceous glands begin to work much harder than usual, and the products of this activity accumulate and clog the pores, which leads to all of the above.

Doctors who study the causes of aging of skin cells generally believe that pimples are anger and anger that come out. This, of course, does not mean that your pimply classmate is the devil in the flesh, maybe he is just a very insecure person, since this also affects the appearance of skin problems.

It turns out that by taking care of the nervous system, we help the skin get rid of various problems, and vice versa - by tidying up the face and body, we have a positive effect on the nervous system. That is, you can get rid of stress with the help of various cosmetic procedures for the skin, for example, with wraps (chocolate, with essential oils, with algae) or massage, soothing and nourishing face masks, and in general any procedures that lift your spirits and positively affect the condition of the skin.

Psychologists have identified several ways to express emotions that will help you get rid of skin problems.

First, learn to express your emotions out loud. Of course, your boss doesn’t need to know what you really think about him, so it’s better to just say what you’ve accumulated out loud, but so that no one hears.

Secondly, you can keep a diary where you will write everything down, but in this case, make sure that no one reads it. Alternatively, you can keep an online diary or, by joining a community of interests, discuss what you have accumulated with strangers - a sort of modernized “fellow traveler syndrome.”

Third, use the experience of King Solomon. He always wore a ring with an engraving on the inside. During the most difficult periods, the king turned the ring over and read: “This too shall pass.”

Excess stress - excess weight

It is believed that with prolonged depression or stress, a person loses a lot of weight. This is due to loss of appetite. However, with age, everything happens exactly the opposite: metabolism slows down, joy hormones are not produced during depression, so when you start to “eat stress,” then chocolates and almond croissants say hello from your rounded hips. Of course, this further aggravates the situation and spoils the mood, so nutritionists recommend not wolfing down food even in the worst mood, so as not to develop the habit of “eating stress.” Instead, go to the pool or gym, for example. Physical activity copes well with a depressed state, allows you to throw out negative energy, relaxes and tones, and also, of course, has a positive effect on your figure, which in itself lifts your mood.


Anti-flu optimism

Experts conducted a study and found that balanced and cheerful people are much less susceptible to viral infections and flu. If they do become infected, the disease progresses much easier and without consequences. Therefore, try to see something positive in any situation, even a very unpleasant one. Did the heel of your favorite shoes break? This is a reason to finally pluck up the courage and meet the cute guy from the shoe shop opposite your office or just buy those cute blue sandals that you spotted in your favorite store last week. Then there will be more joy in life, and your immune system will become stronger.

Retribution for sins

Negative emotions have a negative impact on all organs of your body. Austrian scientists studied the effect of envy on health for five years and found that, for example, envious people are two and a half times more likely than others to become victims of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular diseases. Even if you don’t say out loud that you envy Katya’s career or Masha’s apartment on Stoleshnikov, this doesn’t mean that Masha, Katya and everyone around them don’t feel it. After all, you feel when someone envies you. If you cannot cope with envy yourself, psychologists advise acting on the contrary - give yourself the attitude that the objects of envy will never become yours if you wish harm to the one who has them. Tough, but effective.

But jealousy is especially dangerous for men, as it can easily cause impotence, which is worth unobtrusively informing your boyfriend about when he once again expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that you are going to a long-planned bachelorette party.

The feeling of guilt eats a person in the most literal sense, as it provokes the development of cancer, and the habit of feeling sorry for oneself can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis or ulcers. Beef greedy animals also need to closely monitor their health - they often suffer from constipation and other diseases of the digestive tract.

If you suppress feelings of anger, then you have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Helplessness, despair and depression can seriously weaken the immune system.

Way of thinking

The body is influenced not only by emotions, but by the way a person thinks as a whole. Constructive, that is, positive thinking and an easy-going attitude towards life lead to the fact that a person does not become fixated on his health. According to statistics, such people go to the hospital much less often and suffer less from infections, excess weight, stomach and back pain, and migraines. Nutritionists have noticed that they are in control of their eating and are better able to overcome the habit of overeating, if any.

Therefore, it is important to learn to think differently, ignore the bad and let in more good things, start taking care of yourself not only externally, but also internally.

Anna Golenko
Photo by Michael Omm/ACP

Science has long known that the power of self-hypnosis is almost limitless: numerous studies have shown that a patient is able to alleviate the symptoms of a disease or get rid of, for example, a headache by faith alone. This phenomenon is called the placebo effect.

However, not only positive, but also negative thoughts and emotions of a person have enormous power: in the same way, we can convince ourselves that we have symptoms of a non-existent illness and even hasten the onset of death.

The nocebo effect: when the mind plays against us

Back in the 8th century, Viennese physician Erik Menninger von Lerchenthal told of a student joke that had disastrous consequences. Medical school students, deciding to teach one assistant a lesson, staged an execution: they grabbed him, blindfolded him, put his head on a block and announced his upcoming execution. Of course, the assistant was not beheaded - they just threw a wet rag on his neck. However, the person sentenced to the mock execution unexpectedly died on the spot.

Another interesting case occurred in 2007, when a patient suffering from depression and part of the control group of subjects in a clinical trial decided to commit suicide by taking an entire bottle of pills. Fortunately, the patient soon changed his mind and rushed to the hospital, where doctors noted a sharp decrease in blood pressure and hyperventilation of the lungs. After blood tests, no traces of the medication taken were found in the patient’s body. It subsequently turned out that this reaction of the body occurred after taking a placebo. The patient began to feel much better as soon as he learned that he had tried to take his own life using a placebo.

We can convince ourselves that we have symptoms of a non-existent illness and even hasten the onset of death.

Modern science has other evidence of the influence of negativity on human health. When one group of volunteers is given a drug and the other a placebo during research, both groups are warned about the possibility of side effects (eg, nausea, rash, headache). Therefore, along with the placebo effect (improvement in the condition of patients taking “dummies” instead of drugs), the nocebo effect is very often observed - volunteers on the placebo begin to experience real side effects of the fake medicine.

How do negative thoughts and emotions harm our health?

Scientists are interested not only in the nocebo effect, but also in the influence of the negativity that fills our thoughts and emotions on a person’s physical condition. Thus, during the research it was found that:

  1. Cynicism destroys the brain and harms the heart

Cynicism and distrust of others are a fairly common component of the worldview in our time. In 2914, researchers found an association between cynicism and an increased risk of dementia that persisted even after controlling for other risk factors such as age, gender and bad habits. The study was published in the journal Neurology. Also in 2009, scientists found that cynicism is associated with an increased risk of heart disease in women. The results of the study were published in the journal Circulation.

  1. Hostility leads to strokes

People who are hostile to others have an increased risk of stroke. Experts came to this conclusion after conducting a study published in the journal Stroke in 2014. Scientists have not yet been able to establish the reason for this connection.

  1. Chronic anger causes cancer

It is worth noting that anger is a completely normal emotion, therefore rare outbursts of such negativity do not affect health. However, if a person is angry often, if anger becomes an integral part of our life and worldview, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 19% and cancer by 70%.

Why is negativity detrimental to human health?

What is the reason for the detrimental effect of negativity on human health? Scientists explain this by the fact that our thoughts and emotions influence many processes occurring in the body: metabolism, hormone production, and the functioning of the immune system.

When we are under the influence of stress or negativity, cortisol levels in the body increase, which over time reduces the ability of the immune system to control inflammation and other negative processes. Also, during the “fight or flight” reaction, the heart begins to beat faster, blood vessels constrict, the body devotes all its strength to fighting stressors, so it has no resources left for self-healing under conditions of chronic stress, and accordingly, vulnerability to the effects of pathogenic factors increases.

Our thoughts and emotions influence many processes occurring in the body.

Many doctors believe that the connection between the psyche and somatics is simply impossible to ignore, so the site recommends that you learn to cope with negative emotions, think positively and believe in the best.

Anger, irritation, envy, aggression - negative emotions , which sometimes overwhelm us, subjugate us, sometimes to such an extent that we lose control over ourselves, and then we are ashamed and worried about our actions and words said in an impulseemotions words. Let's learn to control our own emotions. Contact me, I’ll teach you on Skype yristreamlet

Mastering emotions - artistry, confidence

But these feelings also destroy our health. So maybe it’s worth learning to control your emotions?

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Not only a catastrophe and the grief experienced, but any external irritant, change of environment, offensive remark or loud, sharp sounds can cause a strong emotional reaction, and a negative one.

And the strength of its manifestation depends on the state of our “inhibitory” system, that is, on our self-control.

Expression“all diseases come from nerves” banal, but very accurate: the influence of negative emotions on the body has been studied and proven in ancient times.

Prolonged experiences are especially dangerous for health, not so much the unpleasant incident or conflict itself,

how much are its consequences and our attitude to what happened.

It is not without reason that the ancient Chinese thinker Confucius argued that being robbed and deceived is a much smaller loss than prolonged experiences and memories of it.
The German philosopher Humboldt argued that holding onto negative memories and experiences is tantamount to slow suicide.

A healthy lifestyle begins with strengthening and maintaining the nervous system, as it is the leading physiological system of the body.

It is the nervous system that controls all organs and processes.

Therefore, approximately 80% of diseases are the result of strong negative experiences: they cause overstrain of the nervous system, which, in turn, leads to disruptions in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the internal organs.

Powerful emotions cause the endocrine glands, primarily the adrenal glands, to release an increased amount of stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol, etc.) into the human blood.

A small amount of these hormones received daily does not harm the body and is even necessary, since adrenal hormones, for example, give a feeling of a surge of strength and are responsible for the overall tone of the body.

But, if the amount of stress hormones in the blood goes off scale, this causes a serious blow to almost all organs and systems.

According to the Russian physiologist K.M. Bykov, sadness that does not “shed in tears” makes other organs cry.

For example, long-held irritation and anger keep skeletal muscles tense, which can trigger the development of attacks of cervical or lumbar radiculitis.

Or when a person is constantly depressed and anxious (despondency, depression), he has a predominant pessimistic perception of the world around him.

Such people blame others, a combination of circumstances, and life itself for their failures.
Such people are most often susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, and, as a result, they have highrisk of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.

Strong and long-term negativeemotions, for example, anger, resentment, lead to pathological changes in the body:

  • sodium and water retention occurs in the body, and this leads to edema;
  • the level of blood pressure increases, up to the formation of hypertension;
  • blood sugar levels increase, which can trigger the appearance of symptoms of diabetes mellitus or its development;
  • the leaching of calcium from the body increases, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis;
  • the digestion process is disrupted, which increases the risk of developing gastritis or stomach ulcers;
  • body weight increases, obesity may begin;
  • immunity and resistance to infections decreases, and, as a result, pathogenic microflora (bacteria, viruses, etc.) are activated;
  • the permeability of small vessels - capillaries - decreases, which can lead to impaired blood supply to the brain.

The more a person is overcome by problems, the more stress he experiences and thereby harms his body.

If we hate something, it means we take it to heart.
M. Montaigne

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Trying to hide his anger, he is driven inside...
I recommend that it’s better to slap your servant even inappropriately,
Why pretend to be a sage,
striking in its endurance;
I prefer to discover my passions,
than to hide them to your own detriment:
Having appeared, they dissipate and evaporate, and it is better for them to sting
came out, poisoning us from the inside.

Some people can suffer for a very long time due to banal troubles in life. Meanwhile, a person’s experiences inevitably affect his well-being, the state of the nervous system and his entire life in general. There are people whose experiences draw them into a real struggle for their invented values ​​and ideals. In most cases, such a struggle does not produce any positive results, but only depletes vitality and energy. Thus, instead of finding joy in the process of life, a person only wastes his own time and energy reserves on experiences that have absolutely no common sense. The unpleasantness of experiences also comes down to the fact that they never go away without leaving a trace. Of course, sometimes, as a result of experiences, a certain spice is added to a person’s life. As a result, life in the presence of experiences may seem brighter and richer.

For many, it is no longer habitual and even unthinkable to live without experiences. There are, however, entire nations, according to the culture of which increased emotionality, along with many long-term experiences, is considered a huge disadvantage. This state of affairs can even be perceived as a certain disease. Naturally, experiences can be not only negative. If a person’s life is filled primarily with joyful experiences, then we can confidently say that he lives correctly and with meaning. However, this is extremely rare. Much more often a person is overcome by experiences of a negative nature. Among them, the most common are experiences caused by resentment, feelings of anger, irritation, anger, fear, guilt or even hatred of someone. This list will seem familiar to many people. The unpleasant news about experiences also comes down to the fact that any of our negative emotions, as well as experiences, leave a kind of “record” in our body. A person carries traces of his experiences throughout his life. Of course, with age, experiences only accumulate. But at the same time, their load seems to bend a person to the ground, not allowing him to confidently look forward and upward.

By the age of fifty, most emotional people are practically hunched over under the heavy weight of accumulated grievances, grief or fears. It is absolutely necessary to get rid of such a burden in a timely manner if a person does not want to bend almost double over the years and carry the heaviest burden of various claims regarding himself and other people. The burden of negative experiences not only tilts a person down, preventing him from fully enjoying the sun and personal success. Things are even worse. Depressing negative experiences tend to provoke the occurrence of various diseases in humans. It is for this reason that among people after forty there are practically no completely healthy people. Of course, health declines not only due to prolonged and intense experiences. Other factors also influence this. However, experiences almost always contribute to an increase or excessive decrease in blood pressure, disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle, depression, and even cancer. Among other things, experiences can leave a visible imprint on people’s faces. Thus, a person who lives his life in a state of constant struggle has a forehead completely covered with deep wrinkles. Such people outwardly age much earlier than expected. Their appearance seems to declare that life has greatly “bruised” them. But as a rule, a person becomes crumpled solely through his own fault.

More precisely, this happens due to the fact that a person failed to learn the skill of timely refusal or getting rid of worries. Often, strong negative experiences cause a person to become overweight. This is due to the fact that subconsciously a person wants to protect himself from the outside world. His body itself forms a kind of “protective shell” that firmly shields a person’s true nature from the “wrong” environment or “unfair” circumstances. You yourself have probably noticed that when you are nervous, you want to eat something. It is not surprising that due to such “calming” measures, the weight becomes appropriate. Even if you are still young and health problems do not really concern you, you still should not deviate from the tactics of saving it. Negative experiences can also aggravate problems caused by the fact that a person is under the influence of bad habits. Most people are accustomed to firmly masking the fact that they have many experiences in their souls. But this only intensifies their negative impact. If you get rid of stressful moments by screaming, experiences inside will also accumulate, but in smaller volumes. Psychologists recommend dealing with experiences by “outputting” them on paper.

You can also observe the people around you who are prone to worry. Think about whether such people are successful, how they live, and whether you would like to live the same life. Answers to questions like these can give you internal tools to deal with your feelings. However, your work in this direction should not end. To live a full life, you still need to rid yourself of already accumulated experiences, or rather, of their persistent traces in your body. It is very easy to do this according to the recommendations of psychologists. Just make a comprehensive list of people who indirectly or directly cause you strong unpleasant feelings and emotions. To your surprise, this list may include your loved ones, along with some of your friends. Next, it is important to do this work with this list. It will come down to the need for sincere forgiveness of everyone on this list. Complete forgiveness allows you to cleanse the body of the negativity accumulated inside. The forgiveness procedure can also be applied to yourself if you really don’t like yourself about something specific. Forgiveness can be boiled down to repeated repetition of a phrase in which you say that you absolutely and completely forgive yourself or another person and accept them into your life with great gratitude.

It is also important to ask for forgiveness from yourself for succumbing to negative feelings and allowing another person to harbor negative and destructive emotions. The more worries a specific person on your list causes you, the more time you need to devote to working with him. This verbal formula acts like an eraser, erasing all dirty and unnecessary stains. Repeat the forgiveness formula until the moment in your memories and thoughts of the person on the list and you yourself do not evoke any of the negative emotions. Naturally, this work should continue for more than one day. But to completely cleanse your energy, it still makes sense to work hard. People who are just beginning to actively introduce the psychological practice of forgiveness into life sometimes notice that the body seems to protest. When repeating the words from the forgiveness formula, some people start to cry or get a headache. There is no need to be afraid of this, because these phenomena indicate that cleansing is actually carried out practically. When you cleanse yourself of negative experiences, try in every possible way to control your own emotions and thoughts. Try in the future to avoid such situations when negativity takes power over you. Try to live and think in a positive way, then physical and psychological problems will not be typical for you.