How can you quickly learn Russian? Where to start teaching Russian

This is not just a website, but an entire social network for foreigners to learn Russian. There are a lot of Russians on the site (~ 5000 people) who will be happy to help you learn the Russian language. You can also create your own group on the site, where you can invite those interested in learning your language (for love, meeting Russians, go here - - ->>

Go to registration on - - - >> .

2. Project Modelino

A good site for learning Russian from scratch and for those who already know a little something. The site has many links to audio books, films in Russian with subtitles, audio tutorials, audio lessons, audio courses, television, radio, dictionaries, libraries of subtitles and scripts, electronic dictionaries, computer programs for learning the Russian language.

3. LearnLanguages.Ru

The site contains a variety of teaching aids, articles, tests and other auxiliary materials necessary for learning the Russian language: courses, reference books, dictionaries, tutorials, textbooks, audio courses, tests, dictations, articles. High-quality educational materials are presented for different categories of students: young children, schoolchildren, students, as well as for the older age group - everyone who has just decided to start learning the Russian language or wants to improve their existing knowledge acquired earlier. All educational materials on the Russian language that are available on the resource are available for free download.

4. Time to speak Russian!

The site is available in several languages: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian. Very interesting, game design. The site contains free materials for foreigners to learn the Russian language: a basic course, a grammar reference book, a media library, dictionaries, testing, and a library.

5. Learn Russian for free

An interesting site for English speakers with an abundance of free materials, dialogues, courses for different levels of Russian language proficiency, language games, and cartoons.

“On the boardwalk terrace, the well-known freckled Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate assessor Apollon Ippolitovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes.” This tricky dictation was written by our grandmothers to prove their literacy. As a rule, few people managed to get by without making mistakes the first time. But the examinees remembered for the rest of their lives the spelling of those words that they failed. Today, children need to first translate a passage from classical Russian to modern Russian. Because, as philologist teachers assure, the vocabulary of today's children and teenagers is rapidly declining.

Recently, in one of the Moscow schools, eleventh-graders, while recording a passage from dictation, unanimously wrote “with the rokobes” instead of “Griboyedov fought with the obscurantists.” Because “rock” and “demons” are somehow understandable, but no one has heard of “obscurantists.” As well as about “threshing” or, say, about “brochure”.

So if you want to raise a literate child, first of all inspect your home bookshelves: after all, in addition to the spelling dictionary ed. V.V. Lopatin, it would be good to include, at a minimum, an explanatory dictionary and an orthoepic one. And, of course, teach the child to use them.

But let's return to the unforgettable freckled Agrippina: it turns out that the relevance of the text remains to this day. After all, almost every word in this dictation is based on some specific rule.

Judge for yourself:

  • “cobblestone” - suffix -chat- (the suffix -schat- does not exist);
  • “not unknown” is written together, because it can be replaced with the synonym “known”. And after Russian prefixes on consonants, instead of and, it is written ы;
  • “regaled” - if in the 1st person the verb ends in -y (I regaled), then we choose the suffix -eva-.

Well, you need to know the spelling of such names and patronymics as Agrippina Savvichna and Apollon Ippolitovich, because today old names are in great fashion. So, in 20 years, this knowledge may come in handy when you have to write to your partners, colleagues, and even more so to your superiors.

Comment on the article "Russian language: how to become literate. 9 ways and fun memories"

02.12.2017 15:36:44, Rezada

Very good and instructive article. It will be very useful for young mothers, and not only for them, but for many others who want their children to study well and know their native language.

16.02.2014 13:52:58,

Total 3 messages .

More on the topic “How to learn Russian”:

There is some bright and visual meme for remembering when mushrooms are fried and when they are fried. Like “stockings, but socks” and “dressing Nadezhda, putting on clothes”

Student of the Lyceum Physics and Mathematics, 7th grade, started Russian. There is no way to spend money on a tutor yet. A huge problem is time. Almost every day there are 7 lessons, I spend a lot of time at home studying basic subjects, computer science, Saturday is school, Sunday is all day doing homework (I still have 1.5-2 hours for a walk). Previous knowledge helped me survive in 6th grade, now I see that have arrived, as they say. Please help me with advice. Which is better and more effective

Good afternoon everyone. Happy New Year everyone! Wanted to know. Is it possible to reach Russian to 5 without a tutor? The child is in 8th grade. Wants to study until 11th grade. The grades are 4 and sometimes 5. Should I buy him a textbook and use it to consolidate what he has learned? Or dictate dictations? I plan to study for an hour 2 times a week. Or is it useless? Only a tutor?

Girls, please recommend a good collection of rules in Russian for beginners, but it is possible up to 11th grade. Thank you!

My son is in 4th grade. In Russian, a solid 2. There are consistently more than 10 errors in the dictation. You begin to ask verbally - how is such a word spelled and why? The answers are always correct and reasonable. During dictation, just guard. When self-testing, he doesn’t see his mistakes... Everything is fine with other subjects 4-5, except English. The handwriting is very bad, the letters jump. The first word in the sentence, name, is also written with a small letter every other time. What can be done about this?

Girls, help with advice, please. The eldest son writes very poorly - he knows the rules, but makes a huge number of mistakes, often stupid ones. He re-reads what he has written and doesn’t catch his mistakes; he can still achieve this at home, but certainly not at school. All dictations and tests are C grades. He can write Zhy-shy, skip letters, and so on. Well, his handwriting is terrible, he can’t write beautifully and quickly (he also draws disgustingly).

Girls, while your son doesn’t mind pulling up his tail (he finished 5th grade), please advise, maybe someone printed out the assignments, someone maybe invented their own system :))) in general, I would like to go over the topics, the most important, the key ones without much tension and routine.

We were assigned to learn the rule over the weekend. I learned it, but I can’t understand it. In general, our Russian language is not very good, but as far as the analysis of composition, cases comes, and now it comes to declensions, in general, come and go. To be honest, I'm very nervous. Tell me something - a book, a website, on your fingers how to explain, calm down and drink valerian? :))

Is there any way to improve literacy? The child knows the rules and knows how to apply them, but in Russian there are even more threes than fours. I myself always knew the rules well, I read a lot, but I never got above 4 in Russian: I always made small mistakes. Are there methods to develop literacy?

How can I do some extra work? Can anyone recommend any benefits? 2nd grade, if anything... Errors in dictionary words, hyphenations, those that can be checked with the same root word, etc. Mathematics is somehow more understandable, there are a lot of problem books, simulators, but I have little idea how to teach Russian, given my innate literacy... I don’t really know the rules, somehow everything is intuitive. Therefore, I simply fall into a stupor at the sight of such “stupid” mistakes and in such numbers as my daughter’s:(((

We need to choose a textbook. Our Russian language is only spoken, we don’t live in Russia. The girl can read and write, but she needs grammar and speech development. Please advise a textbook and author, we can’t find a competent Russian teacher, we’ll have to teach ourselves. Probably , a textbook for grades 1-2, you will have to start with the most basic.

Please help me explain to a child (daughter’s friend) a foreigner studying Russian the difference between 1st and 2nd conjugation of verbs. Simply put, Yandex explains it very cleverly. Thank you.

Dividing words into syllables. Please help me explain to a 1st grade child how words are divided into syllables. They do test work - they have to use pencil lines to divide words into syllables. Lyubka makes a lot of mistakes in this. We know (she and I) how many vowels there are, so many syllables. But how can we explain the principle of attaching a consonant to a syllable if the syllable has more than 2 letters? For example, why bunny and not bunny? Is there a rule or a fun memory to remember? And another question about the methodology - why such a task? How is this knowledge used next?

We wrote a quarter dictation in 3/3. And in general he does not write competently, he rewrites poorly. We study in the second grade. Can you recommend some manuals so that he can use them to study Russian? What should I dictate to him? Make him rewrite the texts. What else?

I make a lot of mistakes, it’s quite possible that there will be 20 or more mistakes in this article, but one of mine is to get rid of this problem. To do this, I really need to improve my grammar, especially the placement of commas, because Chrome helps to avoid the most primitive errors.

LinguaLeo offers English language learning with interactive grammar courses. It is a pity that there is no such service for the Russian language. As if I was hinting, do a startup to learn the Russian language! I would do it myself, but I'm not a startup person.

So, there are not many sites on the Internet that teach grammar in an interesting way. I have found several effective ways to learn grammar using the Internet and offline. Perhaps the Russian language should not be learned on the Internet, but simply at school? Rhetorical question, I myself am sorry that I did not study well in Russian and literature classes. Now I’m studying what seventh graders go through.

Before publishing the article, I carefully conducted research and chose the best ways to improve my grammar in the Russian language.

Read books

The most popular advice was to read books. Absolutely everyone recommends this method (even those who can’t read), always adding “I didn’t learn the rules, but I always write without mistakes.” Something like memorization combined with intuition. I believe and also read. I can’t say that it helps me very much, I just don’t notice it, but reading is never harmful, unless it’s “50 Shades of Gray.”

Rewrite books

There were also people who advised rewriting the entire War and Peace. Even with examples of how one student wrote all night and died and passed all exams with 5 marks in the Russian language. In my opinion, this is not the best way; it’s better to learn and practice the rules.

Re-read the rules of the Russian language for grades 5-9

They gave me a book with the theory of the Russian language for schoolchildren for all grades. And I tried to learn a little every day.

But I lost something in search of a better way; it’s quite hard to learn.

In addition to the above methods, we will look at some sites on the Internet that help improve grammar and get rid of spelling errors, improve punctuation, and so on.

Rosenthal Directory

A book from offline, which has many online versions, the link is one of them. It is a large collection of all the rules, a lot of chapters.


The most popular site dedicated to the Russian language. What a website there is, there’s a whole portal with a ton of information. You can even ask a question and get an answer.

The Russian language rightfully takes the place of the most complex language in the world. Russian-speaking students of language schools who stubbornly study German, French, English and other languages ​​probably do not fully understand how complex and extensive the language they already know is. It is worth approaching the study of Russian in a multi-faceted way and with all the attention.

Learn Russian Language

The channel contains detailed materials for learning Russian as a foreign language, which are suitable for beginners in the Russian language and those who already have basic knowledge. The channel boasts a rich archive of educational videos with subtitles, which is updated weekly. Videos are provided in the form of a monologue by the presenter or in the form of understandable presentations. These lessons are suitable for those who have just started learning and want to learn Russian without rushing. For those who have mastered the basics of the language, there may also be useful materials. The channel's presenter actively practices speaking and dialogues.


Channel of the authors of the Russian as a foreign language textbook. Here you can find several educational lectures recorded in the classroom with students and an experienced teacher. Students act as students, during the lecture they answer the teacher’s questions and complete pronunciation tasks. For advanced students. During the lectures, the student will be able to correct pronunciation and expand the vocabulary necessary for a foreigner planning to visit Russia or Belarus.

RCT for everyone

The main emphasis in the material presented is on the most difficult thing - the grammar of the Russian language, which is presented in illustrations and clear examples. The authors of the channel try to present the material in such a way that it is understandable to students with different levels of knowledge. Information is conveyed through clear presentations with audio. Students will study numbers, cases, pronouns, adjectives.

Free apps for learning Russian as a foreign language

To make language learning as effective as possible, you should devote every free minute to the process of learning or repetition. Mobile apps can help with this.

Mondly: Learn Russian FREE- a versatile application that trains writing, speaking, reading and listening skills. Both those with elementary and advanced levels of study will find the application interesting; it will be useful when traveling and in business. Download the application for, for

Learn English with Babbel– offers to study Russian through short lessons designed to qualitatively improve the level of language proficiency of a potential student. It will be useful for beginners and continuing students. The authors of the lessons are experienced teachers and native speakers. Pronunciation training is possible through the speech recognition function. Download the application for, for

6000 Words - Learn Russian Language for Free- an application created to replenish a student's vocabulary and has a rich vocabulary library. For ease of use in the application, the words are divided into difficulty levels and topics; you can listen to a new word. Mini-games have been created to make memorization easier. Download the application for, for

Knowledge and skills

Learn Russian grammar.

I write with mistakes. And this worries me. I started studying Russian language textbooks many times, but abandoned and forgot all the rules I had learned.

For this goal, I will pay attention to grammar and punctuation; I will take on stylistics after completing this goal.

Lesson format:

On Monday, repeat all the material from the previous week. (1 exercise for each rule without repetition + work on mistakes. (Checking completed exercises)

Repetition of the previous lesson. (1-2 exercises)

Learning a new rule

Completion Criteria

Write a complex dictation without errors.

  1. First lesson

    I will teach the first lesson on November 27, 2014. In the morning. The lesson will be decisive. I will understand how much time I will have to devote to studying grammar.

  2. Choose a textbook that I will use

    Choose 1-2 textbooks that will be convenient for me to study.

    Determine the time it will take me to study the textbook.

    Keep a notebook for notes

    Keep a notebook for exercises

    Keep a notebook for writing down vocabulary words

  3. Divide the training program into stages (weekly)

    I will study from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

    On Monday, repeat all the material from the previous week. (1 exercise for each rule without repetition + work on mistakes.

    Lessons from Tuesday to Friday are structured as follows:

    Repetition of the previous lesson, checking exercises from the previous lesson and working on mistakes. Because I check myself using the Internet, this will greatly facilitate the assimilation of the material. And of course, before I go online, I will explain to myself why I chose this particular spelling option.

    Learning a new rule

    Reinforcing a new rule (1-2 exercises)

    And good luck to me.

  4. Week 1. from 12/1/2014 - 12/5/2014 Let's remember the basics.

    12/1/2014 - Parts of speech. noun, adjective, verb, participle, gerund.

    12/2/2014 - Parts of speech. adverb, preposition, postposition, particle, numeral, etc.

    12/3/2014 Case, declensions, tenses (well, let it be?)

    12/4/2014 Prefix, suffix, ending, root.

    5.12. 2014 - still free

  5. Week 2. 12/8/2014 - 12/13/2014 Vowels

    12/8/2014 Repetition of week 1. (Checking exercises)

    12/9/2014 Unstressed vowels at the root of a word

    10.12 Unchecked unstressed vowels

    11.12 Alternation of vowels in the root

    12.12 Vowels о-е(е) after sibilant consonants

    13.12. Vowels after the letter c

  6. Week 3. 12/15/2014 - 12/20/2014 Vowels and consonants

    15.12 - Review of week 1. (Checking exercises)

    16.12 - Letter e

    17.12 - Letters th -i

    18.12 Spelling of consonants: Voiced and voiceless consonants

    19.12 Unpronounceable consonants