How to get rid of pessimism. Why is that bad? Light at the end

When there are only gloomy thoughts in your head and you always expect the worst, your body is stressed, tense, and does not know rest. It's like over-throttle in a car: it's good at the start, but it ruins the engine when you abuse it. Researchers unanimously say: pessimists usually have higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels in the blood, and have heart pain more often. A negative outlook on life hits you hard inside. These organs suffer from your pessimism:

1. Liver

To prepare for the upcoming challenge (“fight or flight”), the liver begins to process stored glycine into glucose (fuel for the entire body). Completely useless work if there is actually nowhere to run and no one to hit.

2. Kidneys and intestines

The vessels through which blood flows to the internal organs contract, causing urine production and digestion to slow down. Again: this is only good if you really need to fight or flee.

3. Amygdala

The amygdala, or amygdala, is the processor in your brain that processes emotions. It is she who detects an unpleasant event and sounds the alarm - triggers the “fight or flight” mechanism, the only possible response of the nervous system to a stressful situation.

4. Spinal cord

The alarm literally shoots through the spinal cord, spreading through the nervous system and putting all your internal organs on high alert for anything bad that might happen.

5. Respiratory system

The respiratory muscles (thanks to their work, inhalations and exhalations are made) become more elastic. The airways expand, breathing quickens - in response to the body's request for additional oxygen.

6. Heart

The heart rate quickens, the blood pressure rises. Pro-inflammatory cytokines - molecules that provoke atherosclerosis - enter the bloodstream.

7. Adrenal glands

When the stress caused by a pessimistic mood is at its height, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, cortisol and other hormones that spur the heart to work at increased speed.

But optimists, according to researchers, can be found more often in the gym, their diet is usually healthier, and they smoke less often. Think about it carefully and read on.

Light at the end

“Imagine optimism as another muscle in your body,” Dr. Jeffrey Huffman, head of the department of psychocardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital, instructs all pessimists. “If you train it regularly, it grows and gets stronger.” At least once a week, upgrade your worldview with the help of a mental workout like this.

1. Think about the past

Remember past achievements or just events that pleasantly tickled your pride. “This way you will remember that your abilities lead to positive consequences for you,” says Dr. Huffman.

2. Savor the present

Before you go to bed, think of three good things that happened to you during the day. "This is a great way to get the optimistic genie out of the jar, even if you're generally weighed down by negative emotions," recommends Huffman.

3. Imagine the future

Imagine what your life should ideally look like in five years. The more details you come up with, the better. And then focus on what is achievable. Are you sure you can’t handle the new Touareg? To hell with it, take a used one!

Pessimism (German Pessimismus from Latin pessimus - worst) is a negative, negative outlook on life.

A pessimist is a person who sees only the bad in everything and expects only troubles and troubles from any situation. He is initially sure that all people are evil and selfish, incapable of good deeds. Even praise and encouragement addressed to them are perceived joylessly and plunge them into the abyss of gloomy thoughts.

In the minds of such people, life is full of difficulties that are useless to resist; you can only go with the flow. Psychologists often cite Buddha as a striking example of a pessimistic worldview.

Why do people become pessimists?

There is a saying that a pessimist is the same as an optimist, only well-informed. There is some truth in every joke, since impressionable and suggestible people are often prone to negative thinking. They are fearful, unconfident in their abilities, endlessly expecting a catch in any situation and constantly looking for confirmation of their fears. Negative thoughts eat away at their consciousness like rust Moreover, they are able to infect others with their mood. Pessimism is caused by various reasons:

  • A series of failures in life, as a result of which a person loses faith in his own strength;
  • Personality: melancholic people are naturally characterized by uncertainty and increased anxiety;
  • Resentment towards other people, psychological trauma.

Often, under the mask of a pessimist, there is an ordinary lazy person who justifies his reluctance to act with the words: “I won’t succeed anyway.”

Why is that bad?

According to psychologists, people with a negative attitude most often fail in business. It is he who dooms almost all of their endeavors to failure. A constant feeling of anxiety and a depressed state of mind sooner or later lead to depression. A negative attitude exposes serious test of the cardiovascular system, because under stress, an increased dose of the hormone cortisol is released into the body, which increases blood viscosity. This serves as a prerequisite for the development of strokes, heart attacks, and thrombosis. It is also more difficult for a pessimist to give up bad habits or switch to a healthy lifestyle.

By getting rid of resentments, phobias, nervousness and fears, you will gain self-confidence. Thinking positively does not mean ignoring difficulties. It is necessary to learn to comprehend, experience and cope with life's adversities. Optimism or pessimism is not given to us from birth, it is everyone’s choice. This means that it is also within our power to revise it.

How to deal with your own pessimism?

To the question: “Is it possible to become happy on your own?” The science of psychology answers confidently: “Yes!” What needs to be done to ensure that your eternal skepticism dissolves in a sea of ​​positivity? First of all, refuse any information that creates negative moods. What's the point of giving in to despondency? discussing the topic: “Where is this world coming to” if life is so short. Isn't it better to devote time to communicating with loved ones and friends?

Try to laugh at least 15 minutes a day. Watching a good comedy or humorous program, funny jokes, lift your spirits and disperse sad thoughts. Start every day with a smile, it puts you in a positive mood. Tell your reflection in the mirror: “Today everything will be fine.” Smile at people, even if there is no particular reason for it. People around you don’t need to know about your difficulties.

Peace of mind is one of the conditions for a happy existence. It’s unlikely that you won’t be able to worry about anything at all, but you also don’t need to create a tragedy for any reason. The vast majority of everyday problems tend to be resolved for the better. There is no need to mentally get ahead of events, scrolling through negative scenarios in your head.

Fill your life with new colors. Believe me, you don’t have to go to Goa for this; the neighboring park will do just fine. Learn to look for beauty in the nature around you: autumn foliage, the first snow, a field of dandelions... every moment of our life is unique, unique and worthy of admiration.

Loyal four-legged friends charge us with their energy and love of life. It's hard not to smile while watching a puppy frolic or a kitten play. Pets will relieve stress and loneliness, calm your nerves, and lift your spirits. A dog is an excellent companion for walks in the fresh air, and a cat’s purring is so pleasant to listen to on winter evenings.

What to do if your child is a pessimist?

Optimism is characteristic of most children. A child who is a pessimist is a kind of oxymoron, an unnatural combination of two opposites. The worldview of a young creature has not yet been formed, therefore, behind the negative denial and persistent expectation of an unsuccessful ending in any matter, elementary laziness is most often hidden. However, do not rush to punish your child, because his behavior probably has external reasons. To correct the situation, it is necessary to identify them and eliminate them.

Gently explain to your child that a negative perception of the world around him interferes with his development and condemns him to the status of a loser. Demonstrate, using examples of real people or movie characters, all the advantages of an optimistic worldview. Show how much more interesting it is for those around him to communicate with cheerful and positive peers. Having revealed to your child all the advantages of optimism, help him move to active life position. Play sports together or go on a hiking trip to teach your child how to set goals and overcome challenges.

Perhaps self-doubt is a consequence of the inability to manage one's time, which results in poor academic performance and chronic fatigue. Create a daily routine with your child. Let him have a place not only for studying, but also for his favorite activities, communicating with friends, and walking in the fresh air. Don't forget that children are a reflection of their parents. Analyze your own behavior; it is possible that your child borrowed pessimism from you.


Most of us become skeptics over the years and that's normal. Life experience teaches us to be careful and prudent. A realistic perception of events and their adequate assessment helps to avoid possible negative consequences. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with moderate pessimism, you just don’t need to take the situation to the point of absurdity. Don’t try to become a “total” optimist. Wearing “rose-colored glasses” all the time also does not bode well. Stick to the golden mean.

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And from our window the grapevine is visible

Pessimism has deep roots. We inherit something from our relatives by genes. That is, if your parents and grandparents loudly repeated: “Don’t become an optimist! Never!”, then it will be more difficult for you. It will be even more difficult for you if your parents never thought about an optimistic outlook on life and believed that it was better to think about the bad. Then at least there won't be disappointment if bad things happen. Yet pessimism is not the best life strategy. Because it has long been proven that optimists move through life faster and more confidently and achieve their goals. It’s simply more pleasant to live and communicate with them! Optimists move the world. Pessimists do not let it capsize. How to overcome pessimism? How to become a more optimistic person? I wrote about this in detail. And here you can read about my next experiment about how I tried to overcome the pessimism in me.

Martin Seligman identifies four ways to convince pessimistic thoughts of their inconsistency:

1. Where is the evidence?

2. Don’t cling to yourself - there were probably other reasons for what happened.

3. Trouble has occurred. So what? Learning to “drag”

Over the course of a week, I tried each of them, and more than once! It turned out that I am an incorrigible pessimist! Where is the proof? Serious pessimistic thoughts like “I’m so tired of all this”, “everything is bad for me”, “I’m a useless housewife” visited me eight times in a week! And you can’t even count the little things. So what? I dealt with pessimistic thoughts with one left, that is, one left... hemisphere. And it’s not worth counting the little things, because there was another reason for all this - we were moving!

Wednesday was spent under the motto “Who is faster” - I stack the boxes or Daniel (my youngest son) lays them out. At first I was faster, but Daniel improved his tactics. He began to climb into the boxes, and all I saw after that was his hand throwing out all the contents and sly eyes peeking out from time to time from the defensive structure.

“I’ll take both children to sports,” my husband took pity on me, and you can pack in peace.

Great! Only Alexander doesn’t like to go to sports in the evenings.

And I will offer him to ride on his own bicycle without pedals, he will not refuse.

And so it happened. With anxiety in my soul, I watched my husband on a bicycle with a trailer, in which Daniel was sitting, and Sasha, weaving along the road next to him. Nothing will come of it. He won't make it! It will fall and break!Where is the proof? They are not and cannot be, because they have never traveled so far in such a configuration! But there is no evidence, there is no point in making a mountain out of a molehill. March to collect boxes! And I trudged to the fourth floor. And the disturbing thoughts disappeared as soon as I plunged into getting ready.

I never thought that this process could be such a pleasure when no one interferes :) Ah, the children arrived safe and sound, happy and smiling, two hours later.

Since this morning I have been haunted by the thought of participating in the competition “What has changed in my life after I became a blogger.” What a competition! Need to pack! And faster than Daniel unpacks! Everything should be ready on Saturday and I only have one room packed into boxes! I won't be able to do anything! Where is the proof? There are none. I have moved many times already, including several times abroad and back to Russia, and it’s okay, I didn’t miss the plane and didn’t pay much extra for the excess. But then I didn’t have Daniel. Yes... These 12 kilograms greatly outweigh me. I will have time to do everything if I refuse this competition. Great. My thoughts calmed down and inspiration awoke. Giving up something is my favorite technique. After it, I always returned to what I had planned with a great energy charge. This is what I needed. You have already read about the result

My husband's parents came to my aid. My mother-in-law repacked several boxes for me and did it four times faster than me. Everything turned out smooth and smooth for her. And everything in my boxes is crooked and askew. I'm a lousy housewife. Ding-ding! I’m really not the best housewife, but I have a PhD degree! Moreover, legal sciences, not household sciences. The pessimistic enemy is defeated and flees the battlefield.

Saturday. Moving day.

We get up at seven in the morning. A car with loaders should arrive at half past seven. My biggest fear is that they won't come. They probably won’t come... We’re starting to “detragize.” Even if they don't come, we still have two weeks left to move. Let's find others. Without worrying at all, I poured myself some tea and stood by the window, looking at the road. Why not look at her one last time. Especially when a red truck pulls up to our entrance.


Hurray! We moved! Everyone is equally happy - we finally have our own home! And they are dissatisfied in their own way. The husband is racking his brains over how he will connect the Internet to his work area. I look at the overgrown garden with three cacti and think how I will dig everything out there and create a patriotic flowerbed! Daniel loudly complains that he can no longer stand on the toilet and splash in the sink - it's too far away.

Daniel! - I shout to him to the place of his new splashing - at the sink in the kitchen. - You'll be all wet again!

Thoughts went in the right direction without any direction there. Pessimism, comrade mother. The child keeps himself occupied while you are here unpacking boxes, and you also appear! Really, let him do his own thing. And if he gets wet, it won’t be all of him, but only his sleeves and stomach. Let's change and dry. And so - 20 minutes of time to put everything out of the boxes, without fear that Daniel will put it all back again :)


For the second night in a row, before going to bed, Daniel stands in bed like a toy soldier and yells. I calm him down, but at least he cares! How tired I am of all this! What exactly? Only that Daniel does not want to fall asleep in his crib in a separate room. He can be understood. If I were now forcibly torn away from my bed and placed in another room, albeit with a stunning view from the window, I would be upset too. Moreover, the window is closed at night. And I didn’t have time to get tired of everything else. We just moved the day before yesterday :)

The next morning I woke up on my own, sleepy and cheerful. For the first time in the last two years, the children slept all night without waking up!!! Keep it up, stalwart tin soldier!

I've been trying to get Daniel to sleep after lunch for two hours. The results are still the same as in the evening. It's 15.30. He should have gotten up by now, but he still hadn’t fallen asleep. I'm tired of sorting through boxes and thinking about how to keep this living space in order? My husband is sleeping after a night shift. Daniel jumps between us, happy to be back in his parents' bed. I close my eyes and think how bad things are for me. And to be more specific? The question pops up by itself. Daniel can’t fit in, there’s no Internet, the TV doesn’t work, the phone doesn’t work either, I can’t write, I can’t check my email, I’m also not able to order the missing furniture. Look like that's it. While she was listing, Daniel snuggled up to his dad and fell asleep :) How good! Well, now let's get to work!

My conclusions about the fight against pessimism:

  1. Most of my pessimistic thoughts came to me in the afternoon or evening, when I was tired. As soon as I managed to rest, the pessimism disappeared.
  2. Most of my pessimistic forecasts did not come true. If I said something like “nothing good will come of this” or “Daniel, you're going to fall off your chair,” it ended up being the opposite. Everyone remained alive and well.
  3. You can and should fight pessimistic thoughts. Pessimism has nothing to respond to worthy counter-arguments, and he raises his hands and leaves :)

Successful fight against pessimism!

Your Masha

Guard: here you can order and purchase signs in Moscow.

Is your life not going as smoothly as you would like? So know that it is very easy to rejoice and enjoy life - become an optimist!

But how to become an optimist?- you ask.

After all, for many, as soon as problems and difficulties arise along the way, a pessimistic mood immediately begins to awaken. The optimist leaves and the pessimist comes out.

How can you fight pessimism?

You can fight pessimism yourself. How? Thinking about the positive, tuning into a wave of optimism and enjoying life! As soon as a problem arises, we find it difficult to bear, saying: “Here we go again.” It is with this word “again” that we, without suspecting anything, program the transformation of an event into a repetition of failure.

You just need to change your attitude towards the world around you and everything that happens in it. It is worth trying to replace the negative with the positive. Only after this can you easily find solutions to problems of varying degrees of complexity.

The following advice from a psychologist will help you become an optimist:

  1. Be positive!

It’s a shame that we often have to program ourselves with our negative thoughts and words for the worst-case scenario, repeating statements such as “I’ll be unlucky again,” “I can’t do this,” “what if I don’t succeed?”

It turns out that from the very beginning we are deprived of everything bright and positive, driving luck away from ourselves with our own thoughts. Let failure never slow you down, because there are many opportunities to achieve the desired result.

If you always perceive problems in your life as an obligation, and not just an accident, then getting rid of a pessimistic attitude will be very, very difficult. After all, pessimists are those people who often use words such as “never” and “always” in their everyday life.

  1. Make friends with optimists!

Very often, our worldview involuntarily adapts to the opinions and mood of the people around us. After all, it turns out that if there are only pessimists and people around you who constantly complain about their problems, where will a good mood come from?

Optimists fill the atmosphere around them with a good mood; such people are called “sun people.” After all, negativity is transmitted to others much faster than optimism and good mood.

Therefore, it is better to avoid communicating with pessimistic people, because after a while you will see how your internal state is deteriorating more and more day by day, and just like that, you can reach a depressive state.

Therefore, it is extremely important to strive to communicate with people who have a positive charge - optimists in life, because this is not only kindness, positivity, but also the desire to help loved ones in difficult situations. It turns out that a team of optimists always moves forward, helping each other - because they do not know the obstacles in their way.

  1. Stop beating yourself up

It is quite easy to distinguish a pessimist from an optimist; you just need to find out who exactly he blames for his failures. An optimistic person always believes that everything bad that happens to him happens to everyone, and there is nothing terrible about it, while a pessimist blames everyone around him, including himself, for the troubles that happened to him.

People with a pessimistic attitude and low self-esteem find it quite difficult to solve the problem that they become fixated on. Optimists, on the contrary, constantly leave themselves the right to make mistakes.

As the life of relatively optimists shows, they always achieve the results they strive for, albeit not always the first time. First, you need to change your attitude towards yourself and others, start repeating to yourself about how smart, talented, beautiful, purposeful you are, and the like.

Make a rule for yourself that requires you to praise yourself for any achievements, leaving yourself the right to make mistakes. Start loving your own family, which can support you in any difficult moment.

  1. Play classical music more often

The tendency to depression is directly related to the functioning of the hemispheres of our brain, which lack coherence. There are many methods and techniques that improve brain function. For this purpose, meditation, acupressure, and development of coordination of movements are used. Scientists have long concluded that classical music has a beneficial effect on our mood, improving our memory and other important body functions.

  1. Have sex regularly with your loved one

Long-term sexual abstinence, which disrupts our sexual function, has a very bad effect on a person’s health and well-being. If a woman is not satisfied sexually, then she looks and feels much worse than a woman who has a constant and stable relationship in bed with a man who brings her pleasure.

It is recommended to have active sex as often as possible. As you know, the same part of our brain is responsible for aggressiveness and sexual arousal. It has been proven that even kissing helps to calm down and relieve headaches, and when having sex, the human body produces a hormone of happiness, which improves mood and relieves nervous tension.

  1. Participate in positive training!

In the modern world, visualization techniques are becoming increasingly popular. The concept is that all thoughts come true. All this means that we can attract good luck to ourselves, achieving positive results.

So stay positive! To start practicing this method, it will be enough to spend five minutes a day. You need to tune in as best as possible, relax and try to imagine what you want to receive and achieve in the near future.

You can give an example that you want to evoke positive emotions in everyone around you. It’s worth thinking about how you walk down the street, smiling at passers-by who sincerely smile back at you. Start going over everything in detail in your head, how passers-by show warm feelings towards you, joy when they see you.

As a result, when going out into the street, remember the picture you have created in your imagination. By regularly repeating this exercise, you will soon really get the desired result.

  1. Enjoy life to the fullest!

Lack of life goals is often the reason for lack of optimism in life. Start getting involved in something, find a hobby for yourself, because a busy person has no time for the blues. You need to start managing your personal time correctly so that stressful situations do not arise.

A person spends most of his time at work - so find a job that can bring you pleasure and joy. But it is worth remembering about rest - this is a good option to restore strength and recharge with a positive mood for a long time. You need to try to deny yourself your desires as little as possible, remove all restrictions and restraining boundaries, because this way you can easily get a nervous breakdown.

  1. Relax with pleasure!

To restore your strength, replenish your energy, and tune in to the positive, you should use the technique of meditation. After all, knowing how to properly relax during meditation can provide enormous benefits.

It is worth choosing a place for meditation where no one will disturb you; it is preferable to conduct the session in the morning, at sunrise. Calm music will help create a harmonious environment. With regular meditation practice, you will notice significant improvements in your emotional state and gain peace of mind.

  1. Don't get carried away with exhausting diets

You shouldn’t count the calories of the food you eat every day, because according to statistics, much more depression, resentment, and inexplicable melancholy occur in thin girls with model parameters.

Don't eat processed foods and avoid fast food - this is not the best way to get rid of the feeling of hunger, and besides, such food is a direct path to memory loss, depression and other brain problems.

You need to set limits for yourself wisely. If you still have to eat on a diet, then you need to know and eat the right, healthy foods that benefit our body and prolong life.

  1. Smile as often as possible!

A person's sincere smile can prove to everyone around you about your benevolent intentions, attracting people to you. It's worth smiling even when you're in a bad mood, even when you're not in the mood. You will notice that after a while this smile will turn into a real one, and your mood will become better.

It has long been no secret to anyone that optimists get sick much less often, and if they do get sick, they cope with the illness much faster, and also live much longer than pessimists.

If you want to develop optimism in yourself, you will need to make efforts to avoid negative and destructive thoughts. It is difficult to resist oneself, but it is still possible. You need to stop blaming others for your problems, you need to stop whining, complaining and thinking negatively.

Advice on how to become an optimist— I highly recommend taking our free training “Purple bracelet or How to change your life in 21 days” .

To do this, go to our article:

I assure you that having completed this training at least halfway, the question “How to become an optimist?” will disappear by itself.

Look at life in a rainbow light!

Arthur Golovin


Pessimists see everything in black: life is dull, work is hateful, loved ones are callous and ungrateful. In medicine, this condition is called “dysthymia”. What causes it and how to deal with it?

Do you feel constantly tired, complain about sleep disturbances, are dissatisfied with yourself and those around you, your memory fails you and you no longer hope for anything good? Many have become accustomed to the feeling of constant dissatisfaction and do nothing. But it’s too early to despair - there are ways to overcome chronic blues! You will say: but life is really difficult! It's easy to remain optimistic when everything is going well for you, but if you're short on money, can't get a job, or haven't found love, what joy can we talk about?..

According to statistics, dysthymia is prevalent mainly among lonely people. An additional factor is low income. Often these people experienced a difficult childhood, grew up in a pessimistic family, or spent a lot of time with a person suffering from depression. In most cases, the first symptoms of dysthymia appear already in adolescence, and over the years the negative attitude towards the world only gets worse. In a conversation with a doctor, such patients explain their depressed mood by “the hardships of life.” They don’t see any problems in the fact that life is not nice to them: after all, the world is so imperfect!

However, in this imperfect world there live thousands of other people who enjoy life, fall in love, write beautiful poems about love, laugh, raise cheerful and happy children... Anything can happen in life - ups and downs, good luck and troubles. Man is designed in such a way that he is able to survive the inevitable alternation of happy moments with dramatic ones. But for thousands of people, the state of depression, fatigue, and despair lasts for many months.

Doctors say that this is not just a bad mood, but a disorder, and it is called dysthymia. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can stop the disease and restore the joy of life to a person. The word "dysthymia" comes from the Greek "dys" ("disturbance") and "thymos" ("mood", "feeling"). The term dysthymia was introduced into psychiatry in 1869 to describe a rare, chronic form of melancholia. The opposite syndrome – the absence or decrease in emotional reactions to the environment – ​​is called “atymia”.

In the past, people with chronic low mood were treated in the same way as depression, but in the 1980s dysthymia began to be treated as a disorder in its own right. What jumps out at you when you interact with someone with dysthymia? He is depressed all the time, he is constantly in a bad mood, he complains of insomnia or, conversely, of a constant tendency to sleep. He has some kind of “wrong” appetite: some people with dysthymia are hungry all the time and constantly eat something, others, on the contrary, refuse food.

Add to this low self-esteem, apathy, fatigue, reluctance to make decisions, lost interest in work and study, a feeling of hopelessness, lack of pleasure in life, reluctance to communicate with people - and you get the full picture.

Russian psychiatrist P. B. Gannushkin (1875-1933) described the mood of patients suffering from dysthymia this way: “Reality seems to be covered with a mournful veil for them, life seems meaningless, they look for only dark sides in everything. These are born pessimists. Every joyful event is immediately poisoned for them by the thought of the fragility of joy, they expect nothing from the future except misfortunes and difficulties, while the past only brings remorse over real or imaginary mistakes they have made. They are extremely sensitive to all sorts of troubles, sometimes reacting very sharply to them, and in addition, some vague feeling of heaviness in the heart, accompanied by an anxious expectation of misfortune, constantly haunts many of them. Eternally gloomy, gloomy, dissatisfied and silent, they involuntarily alienate even those who sympathize with them. In their external manifestations, in their movements, in their facial expressions, for the most part, traces of some kind of inhibition are visible: drooping facial features, limply hanging hands, a slow gait, stingy, sluggish gestures, all of this reeks of hopeless despondency. Any kind of work or activity is for the most part unpleasant for them, and they soon get tired of it. In addition, they notice mainly mistakes in what has been done, and so many difficulties in what lies ahead that they involuntarily give up in anticipating them. In addition, most of them are usually incapable of prolonged volitional tension and easily fall into despair. All this makes them extremely indecisive and incapable of any effective initiative. Intellectually, these kinds of people often stand very highly, although most of their mental work is accompanied by a feeling of great tension.”

At first glance, dysthymia resembles ordinary depression, but this is not so: people with dysthymia continue to carry out their duties - they work, study, take care of others, but they do this in a state of habitual depression.

For many years, those suffering from this disease were not given any medicine, and the main method of treatment was long-term psychotherapy, during which the doctor and patient tried to find out the roots of the conflict with the outside world.

Later, the practice of cognitive treatment was developed. Instead of the long excursion into the past that is customary for psychoanalysis, the patient was simply explained that his worldview was wrong. Finding such errors and developing alternative thinking significantly improves the patient's condition. And in recent years, medications have been added to cognitive treatment.

Research shows that in 70 percent of cases, the combination of medications and psychotherapy produces positive results.

Some people with dysthymia do not remember being different. From an early age, they are constantly in a bad mood and perceive pessimism as part of their personality. They take the advice to consult a doctor with hostility, but in vain. Proper treatment will change their perception of reality, give them joy and optimism, and increase self-esteem. No matter how many years a person has suffered from dysthymia, it is never too late to address the problem and make positive changes in their life.

Dysthymia is not a death sentence; you can overcome it, achieve success and stop seeing the world in black terms. Correct treatment will change the perception of reality, give joy and optimism, and increase self-esteem