How will the pole shift occur? What is a pole shift

Pole shift

Catastrophic pole shift- a theory not recognized by academic science, according to which, under certain conditions, it is possible to change the position of the Earth’s geographic poles (i.e., its axis) in a geologically short time, for example, due to a change in the position of the planet’s crust relative to its internal layers under the influence of certain forces. The theory predicts the possibility of a catastrophically rapid shift of the poles (with a linear speed that can reach about 3500 km/h in some hypotheses), which should be accompanied by large-scale disasters covering the entire planet, such as floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, seafloor uplift and land withdrawal under water and so on.

The theory of a catastrophic pole shift should not be confused with such phenomena recognized by science as precession of the earth's axis, changes in the position of the Earth's magnetic poles and continental drift - these phenomena occur over a geologically long time and do not, according to modern scientific ideas, lead to any large-scale natural disasters , although they are reflected, over time, on the nature of the planet’s climate and its appearance.

Description of the phenomenon

Proponents of the theory, sometimes differing on the details, describe the pole shift based on the following assumptions:

  1. A model of the structure of the planet is used, in which the solid crust is separated from the core by a layer of substance in a liquid or semi-liquid state.
  2. It is indicated that the uneven distribution of land and changes in the amount of ice in the polar regions cause an imbalance in the crust, creating inertial forces that tend to “rotate” the crust relative to the planet’s core. A similar effect can be caused by gravitational and tidal forces that arise when the Earth approaches massive celestial bodies.
  3. The impact of these forces can lead to a shift in the earth's crust relative to the underlying layers. As a result, the planet's physical poles will suddenly shift relative to the underlying surface within a geologically short period of time.
  4. Naturally, a rapid change in the position of the crust will lead to significant disturbances in the hydrosphere and atmosphere (caused by ordinary inertia), which should lead to hurricanes, floods, and giant tsunamis on a planetary scale. In addition, the very movement of some layers of the planet relative to others will cause increased volcanic activity and widespread earthquakes.
  5. In one rotation, which will take from several hours to several days, the linear position of the poles relative to the Earth's surface can change by several thousand kilometers or even more.

This hypothesis is almost always discussed not only in relation to the Earth, but also to other planets in the Solar System that may have experienced axial reorientation during their existence.

In relation to the Earth, the catastrophic pole shift hypothesis is used as an explanation for the disappearance of hypothetical prehistoric highly developed civilizations, as well as a number of other phenomena.

Scientific assessment

There is no research within the scientific community indicating a rapid change in the positions of the rotation axis. There is evidence of precession and changes in axial tilt, but this change is much longer on a time scale and is not related to the relative motion of the spin axis with respect to the planet. However, in so-called true poles, the solid Earth can rotate about a fixed axis of rotation. Research shows that during the last 200 million years the overall position of the poles has changed by about 30°, but this is not a very rapid change on Earth, and no example of rapid change has been found during this period.

The characteristic (natural) speed of movement of the poles [ style!] is 1° per million years or less. Between approximately 790 and 810 Ma, when the supercontinent Rodinia existed, 2 geologically rapid phases of pole movement may have occurred. In each of them, the Earth rotated approximately 55°.

Definitions and clarifications

Geographic poles of the Earth- are points on the surface of the planet where the surface intersects the axis of rotation. Shift hypothesis describes changes in the location of these poles relative to the underlying surface - a phenomenon distinct from changes in axial orientation relative to the ecliptic plane that are caused precession And nutation.

Pole shift hypothesis should not be confused with plate tectonics, a widely accepted geological theory that states that the Earth's surface is composed of solid plates that shift due to the flow of the underlying liquid asthenosphere, resulting in continental drift. The consequence of plate tectonics will be a slow change in the position of the continents and, accordingly, the poles, the gradual divergence and/or sticking together of continents and the emergence of new ones over millions of years, which as a result changes the face of the planet.

Pole shift hypothesis It is also not to be confused with geomagnetic reversal, which causes periodic shifts in the Earth's magnetic field (an actual reversal of the north and south magnetic poles). Geomagnetic reversal, supported by numerous geological studies, has much greater acceptance in the scientific community than the pole shift hypothesis.

Scientific research

It has now been established that the location of the poles was different in different periods of time and changed at a rate of 1°/million. years or less. Analysis of the evidence does not support Hapgood's assumption that the layers of the Earth are rapidly shifting. Although Hapgood greatly overestimated the effect of changing the distribution of masses throughout the Earth, calculations show that changes in the distribution of masses both at the surface and in the mantle can lead to changes in the position of the geographic poles.



  • Proposed change of the Earth, change in the location of the poles Analysis of specific evidence used for the dispute about the location of the poles
  • Traces of the Gods An analysis of arguments made for a Late Pleistocene Pole Shift, based in the ideas of Rand Flem-Ath, by Graham Hancock in his 1995 book
  • Minds in Ablation Part Five Addendum: Living in Imaginary Worlds More about interpreting ancient maps and ideas of Charles Hapgood.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Time shift
  • Shirography

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During a flight on the Soyuz T-13 spacecraft, I discovered an interesting effect quite by accident. When transporting cargo into space, things are packed in bags, which are secured with metal straps, secured with screws and “wings” - nuts with “ears”. When dismantling the cargo in zero gravity, just hit the “lamb” with your finger and it flies off. Having unscrewed the next “lamb”, Vladimir Aleksandrovich noticed how the nut, having flown 40 centimeters, suddenly turned around its axis and flew further. Having flown another 40 centimeters, it turned over again.

Dzhanibekov twisted the “lamb” back and repeated the experiment. The result is the same. Then the astronaut tried to repeat it with another “lamb”. Its flight to the “turning point” was 43 centimeters. Dzhanibekov decided to try with some other object. The launched plasticine ball, having flown some distance, turned over on its axis in the same way and flew on.

After experiments with a plasticine ball, which behaved similarly to nuts, the conclusion suggests itself that our planet Earth, too, at some point can sharply change its poles of rotation. The consequences of such a phenomenon could have apocalyptic proportions. But the most interesting thing is that the theory of the pole shift arose much earlier.

Catastrophic pole shift- a theory not recognized by academic science, according to which, under certain conditions, it is possible to change the position of the Earth’s geographic poles (that is, its axis) in a geologically short time, for example, due to a change in the position of the planet’s crust relative to its internal layers under the influence of certain forces. Some sources suggest that there is the possibility of a catastrophically rapid shift of the poles (with a linear speed that can reach about 3500 km/h in some hypotheses), which would be accompanied by large-scale disasters covering the entire planet, such as floods, earthquakes , volcanic eruptions, raising the seabed and sinking land under water, and so on.

The theory of a catastrophic pole shift should not be confused with such scientifically recognized phenomena as.

By the way: the 2011 earthquake in Japan, which became one of the most powerful in the country’s history, according to preliminary calculations, shortened the Earth’s day by 1.6 microseconds.

This was stated by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) specialist Richard Gross. According to his calculations, today's earthquake of magnitude 8.9 has shifted the planet's axis by about 15 centimeters.

“According to my calculations, the length of the day should be reduced by 1.6 microseconds (millionths of a second - ed.). The Chile earthquake gave, I think, a reduction of about 1.2 microseconds,” said the scientist, who carried out similar assessments of the effects of the Chile earthquake in 2010.

He said that, according to his calculations, the so-called figure axis of the Earth should have shifted about 15 centimeters towards 139 degrees east longitude, which is twice as much as during the Chilean cataclysm of 2010 - then the axis shifted eight centimeters towards 112 degrees east longitude.

Proponents of the theory, sometimes differing on the details, describe the pole shift based on the following assumptions:

  1. A model of the structure of the planet is used, in which the solid crust is separated from the core by a layer of substance in a liquid or semi-liquid state.
  2. It is indicated that the uneven distribution of land and changes in the amount of ice in the polar regions cause an imbalance in the crust, creating inertial forces that tend to “rotate” the crust relative to the planet’s core. A similar effect can be caused by gravitational and tidal forces that arise when the Earth approaches massive celestial bodies.
  3. The impact of these forces can lead to a shift in the earth's crust relative to the underlying layers. As a result, the planet's physical poles will suddenly shift relative to the underlying surface within a geologically short period of time.
  4. Naturally, a rapid change in the position of the crust will lead to significant disturbances in the hydrosphere and atmosphere (caused by ordinary inertia), which should lead to hurricanes, floods, and giant tsunamis on a planetary scale. In addition, the very movement of some layers of the planet relative to others will cause increased volcanic activity and widespread earthquakes.
  5. In one rotation, which, according to various theories, will take from several hours to several millennia, a change in the linear position of the poles relative to the Earth’s surface can occur by several thousand kilometers or even more.

This hypothesis is almost always discussed not only in relation to the Earth, but also other planets in the solar system that may have experienced axial reorientation during their existence.

In relation to Earth, the catastrophic pole shift hypothesis is used as an explanation for the disappearance of hypothetical prehistoric highly developed civilizations, as well as a number of other phenomena. In popular literature, the most dramatic versions of the theory are often cited, which involve a displacement of the earth’s axis in a very short time (from hours to days), since such speeds imply, in fact, a global catastrophe, which should completely destroy, if not all life on the planet, then at least the entire technical infrastructure of modern civilization.

The popular literature most often describes hypotheses that suggest a very rapid pole shift. A slow polar drift would result in only subtle changes, while a rapid shift would be much more dramatic, involving dramatic changes in geography and widespread destruction due to earthquakes and tsunamis.

Mention of the possibility of a shift in the earth's axis can be found in the 1872 article "Chronologie historique des Mexicoins" by Charles Etienne Brassier de Bourborg, a specialist in the literature of pre-Columbian America, who interpreted some myths of the Indians of Mexico as evidence of four periods of global cataclysms that allegedly took place since 10.5 thousand years BC.

In 1948, electrical engineer Hugh Brown put forward another hypothesis for a catastrophic pole shift. He argued that the accumulation of ice at the poles causes “tipping of the earth's axis”, repeating at intervals of the order of seven thousand years.

In 1950, in his work Worlds in Collision, Immanuel Velikovsky, based on his own interpretation of historical sources, argued that due to a series of cosmic influences, the nature of the Earth's rotation first changed radically around 1450 BC, and then returned to its original state. These changes caused earthquakes and tsunamis that led to the division of the Red Sea. Later, due to the approach to Mars, supposedly occurring between 776 and 687 BC, the Earth's axis again first rotated 10° and then returned back. His interpretations of the sources were rejected by the scientific community, and his scientific argumentation was refuted.

Charles Hapgood is now perhaps the best known of the early proponents of the pole shift hypothesis. In his books The Earth's Shifting Crust (1958) (including a foreword by Albert Einstein) and Path of the Pole (1970), Hapgood, building on Adhémar's earlier model, proposed that the accumulation of ice at the poles causes a mass imbalance in the planet's crust, causing “slippage” of all or most of the cortex relative to the core, which maintains its position relative to the axis of rotation. Based on his own research, Hapgood suggested that the shifts occur over approximately 5 thousand years each, interspersed with periods of 20-30 thousand years during which the poles do not move. According to his calculations, the angular displacement of the crust during one shift does not exceed 40°. According to Hapgood, the last locations of the north pole are: Hudson Bay (60˚N, 73˚W), in the Atlantic Ocean between Iceland and Norway (72˚N, 10˚E), Yukon (63˚N, 135˚W). True, already in the book The Path of the Pole, Hapgood recognized the validity of Einstein’s calculations, which show that the weight of the polar ice is insufficient to shift the crust. Instead of this explanation, Hapgood suggested that the movement was caused by certain internal forces, the sources of which were located below the surface of the Earth. Hapgood turned to Canadian librarian Rand Flem-Ath with a request for help in finding scientific evidence for his hypothesis and its further development. Flem-Ath published the results of his research in 1995 in When the Sky Fell, which he co-authored with his wife.

In 1974, engineer and researcher Flavio Barbiero suggested that the pole shift occurred 11 thousand years ago and was reflected in mythology as “the death of Atlantis and the continent of Mu.” In his opinion, the cause of this cataclysm was the collision of the Earth with a comet, and the disappeared Atlantis must be looked for under the Antarctic ice sheet.
Later appearances

In the 1970-1980s, reporter Ruth Schick Montgomery published a series of books, not presented as science fiction, in which he gave interpretations of the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, linking the latter's predicted global geographical and climate changes precisely with the pole shift.

In 1997, Richard W. Noon published 5/5/2000, ICE: The Ultimate Disaster, which predicted a cataclysm that would occur on May 5, 2000, due to the displacement of the Antarctic polar cap caused by a parade of planets and increased solar activity.

In 1998, retired engineer James G. Bowles proposed a pole shift mechanism in the journal Atlantis Rising, which he called the "Rotation-Bending effect" or "RB effect." He suggested that the combined gravitational influence of the Sun and Moon leads to the appearance of a force acting on the Earth's crust at an acute angle, leading to the formation of a “plastic zone” in the mantle, allowing the crust to shift relative to lower-lying layers. The reason for the displacement itself, as in the early hypotheses of other authors, is the centrifugal forces acting on the ice masses at the poles and leading to their displacement to the equator.

Books on the same topic have been published by geologist William Hutton, including Coming Earth Changes: Causes and Consequences of the Approaching Pole Shift, which contrasts geological history with Edgar Cayce's interpretations and predicts catastrophic climate change before the end of 2001. In 2004, Hutton co-authored with Jonathan Eagle the book Earth's Catastrophic Past and Future: A Scientific Analysis of Information Channeled by Edgar Cayce, which describes hypothetical mechanisms of the pole shift and predicts the timing of these events in the future.

As Einstein showed, Hapgood greatly overestimated the influence of changes in the distribution of masses on the Earth's surface. Calculations show that a change in the distribution of masses both on the surface and in the mantle can, in principle, lead to a change in the position of the geographic poles, but there is no reason to believe that the speed of such changes can be catastrophically high. There are no studies recognized by the scientific community that would confirm the fact of a catastrophically rapid change in the position of the Earth’s rotation axis ever during its entire existence. It has now been established that the location of the poles in different periods of time was different and changed, but the rate of this change was of the order of 1°/million. years or less (whereas, according to Hapgood, during the period of change in the position of the poles, the rate of this change is up to 40 ° in 5 thousand years, which is equivalent to 1 ° / 125 years, and later “catastrophic” theories operate at rates of the order of 1 ° / day or more ). Analysis of the evidence does not support Hapgood's assumption that the layers of the Earth are rapidly shifting. At such a speed, obviously, during the existence of man as a biological species, the displacement of the poles could not lead to any noticeable changes in the environment (climatic effects from continental drift are much more noticeable). In addition, available data show that over the past 130 million years (that is, since the heyday of the dinosaurs, when modern mammals did not yet exist), the true geographic poles have moved no more than 5 °.

There is research that suggests that in earlier times, between approximately 810 and 790 million years ago, when the supercontinent Rodinia existed, two relatively rapid (on geological scales) phases of pole movement may still have occurred; in each of them, the Earth's rotation axis rotated by approximately 55° (which corresponds to an average speed of pole movement of less than 1°/180 thousand years). There is no physical evidence that the pole shift has occurred faster at any time in the history of the Earth.

Pole shift. What it is?

To explain this term, we use the real position of the North Pole in its current and past positions. For the South Pole, the construction is not difficult to imagine in central symmetry.

Everyone knows that the North Pole is located here, not far from Greenland.

We are accustomed to this position of his. Let us denote this position as "0" , zero in quotes. The exit point of the mental axis around which the Earth rotates, the geographic pole of the Earth. The rotation of the Earth from this angle is counterclockwise.

The North Pole (don’t forget about the South) has been in this position known to us for not so long ago. By scientific standards - since yesterday.

Having patience about times and timing, let's get acquainted with the previous position of the North Pole, which was on the North American continent. The location was not determined by me, memocode oh, but all my independent research led to similar results. This information is even more valuable, since its reliability has been double-checked.

So, the preceding current, past position of the North Pole.

We will denote this position as "-1".

Let's also look at the rotation of the Earth in this case.

Very unusual. But to say so is the same as saying nothing. Rave! No, not like that. RAVE!!! BULLSHIT!!! - Now it looks)) like your true feelings. While maintaining the level of emotions, we will not ignore the interest that many have already shown. Interest requires continuation, regardless of feelings, and this magazine, called “Pole Shift,” will try to meet all expectations: both critics and well-wishers.

Let's draw a straight line connecting the previous position with the current one.

Along this line, the movement of the lithosphere occurred in the recent past. The mechanism of such movements will be verified in the journal, as well as the generally accepted model of the internal structure of the Earth.

Let's popularize this mechanism with the help of an orange. Let us mentally separate the peel of the fruit with its underlying white, loose layer from the pulp - now the orange skin can move freely in any direction, regardless of the core

Now we can repeat this thought experiment on the familiar earthly model. The “core” of the globe is also motionless here.

At any speed of movement at the junctions (and not only), due to the inertia of the lithospheric plates, overvoltages arise, leading to the lowering and rising of the earth's surface: the seabed can become land, and mountains can become the seabed.

Some areas may disappear completely, as if they never existed, and new territories may appear. The rotation of the poles will be accompanied by almost universal earthquakes. Eruptions of old volcanoes and the appearance of new ones, hyperwinds and, finally, the most dangerous phenomenon - a mudflow that rushes many hundreds and thousands of kilometers inland from the coast, washing away and overwhelming with cubic kilometers of rock of different sizes - all these real dangers require a careful study of the circumstances of the pole shift.

Let's continue.

Let us designate the positions of the poles, past and current, and indicate the direction of movement of the pole with a white arrow: The North Pole will “move” from position “-1” to position “0”.

This is what the movement looks like for the poles. And for sushi - everything will happen in the opposite direction

It's better to see it in motion.

The day before.

The lithosphere has moved. Oceans and seas cannot remain within their shores, and water from the Arctic Ocean (I will keep all the current names for the sake of brevity) went like a wall to the shore, in the direction of the movement of the pole, to Siberia.

When moving forward, the land seems to dive under the sea surface and the water falls on it by inertia.

I used to call it water hammer. It is this that is the main danger for a number of territories. In the recent past, in the Northern Hemisphere, all power fell on the Eurasian territory, primarily on the territory of Siberia.

By extending the white line connecting the poles, we obtain the equator of movement, along which the speed and power of the water hammer is maximum. Accordingly, as the displacement moves away from the equator, the power of the water hammer decreases in a quadratic (not linear) dependence. Gaul, for example, received one third of the Siberian capacity.

This article is introductory.

Pole shift. What it is?

To explain this term, we use the real position of the North Pole in its current and past positions. For the South Pole, the construction is not difficult to imagine in central symmetry.

Everyone knows that the North Pole is located here, not far from Greenland.

We are accustomed to this position of his. Let us denote this position as "0" , zero in quotes. The exit point of the mental axis around which the Earth rotates, the geographic pole of the Earth. The rotation of the Earth from this angle is counterclockwise.

The North Pole (don’t forget about the South) has been in this position known to us for not so long ago. By scientific standards - since yesterday.

Having patience about times and timing, let's get acquainted with the previous position of the North Pole, which was on the North American continent. The location was not determined by me, memocode oh, but all my independent research led to similar results. This information is even more valuable, since its reliability has been double-checked.

So, the preceding current, past position of the North Pole.

We will denote this position as "-1".

Let's also look at the rotation of the Earth in this case.

Very unusual. But to say so is the same as saying nothing. Rave! No not like this. RAVE! BULLSHIT!!! - Now it looks)) like your true feelings. While maintaining the level of emotions, we will not ignore the interest that many have already shown. Interest requires continuation, regardless of feelings, and this magazine, called "Pole Shift", will try to justify the hopes of well-wishers and withstand the criticism of those who disagree

Let's draw a straight line connecting the previous position with the current one.

Along this line, the movement of the lithosphere occurred in the recent past. The mechanism of such movements will be verified in the journal, as well as the generally accepted model of the internal structure of the Earth.

Let's popularize this mechanism with the help of an orange. Let us mentally separate the peel of the fruit with its underlying white, loose layer from the pulp - now the orange skin can move freely in any direction, regardless of the core

Now we can repeat this thought experiment on the familiar earthly model. The “core” of the globe is also motionless here.

At any speed of movement at the junctions (and not only), due to the inertia of the lithospheric plates, overvoltages arise, leading to the lowering and rising of the earth's surface: the seabed can become land, and mountains can become the seabed.

Some areas may disappear completely, as if they never existed, and new territories may appear. The rotation of the poles will be accompanied by almost universal earthquakes. Eruptions of old volcanoes and the appearance of new ones, hyperwinds and, finally, the most dangerous phenomenon - a mudflow that rushes many hundreds and thousands of kilometers inland from the coast, washing away and overwhelming with cubic kilometers of rock of different sizes - all these real dangers require a careful study of the circumstances of the pole shift.

Let's continue.

Let us designate the positions of the poles, past and current, and indicate the direction of movement of the pole with a white arrow: The North Pole will “move” from position “-1” to position “0”.

This is what the movement looks like for the poles. And for sushi - everything will happen in the opposite direction

It's better to see it in motion.

The day before.

The lithosphere has moved. Oceans and seas cannot remain within their shores, and water from the Arctic Ocean (I will keep all the current names for the sake of brevity) went like a wall to the shore, in the direction of the movement of the pole, to Siberia.

When moving forward, the land seems to dive under the sea surface and the water falls on it by inertia.

I used to call it water hammer. It is this that is the main danger for a number of territories. In the recent past, in the Northern Hemisphere, all power fell on the Eurasian territory, primarily on the territory of Siberia.

By extending the white line connecting the poles, we obtain the equator of movement, along which the speed and power of the water hammer is maximum. Accordingly, as the displacement moves away from the equator, the power of the water hammer decreases in a quadratic (not linear) dependence. Gaul, for example, received one third of the Siberian capacity.

This article is introductory.