Department of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology. Psychology and Pedagogy

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology dates back to the first years of the existence of our university, which in the early 30s of the twentieth century was called the Moscow State Library Institute.

The heads of the Department of Pedagogy were:

from 1938-1942 - Kuzma Prokhorovich Belsky, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor;

from 1942-1944 - Evgeniy Nikolaevich Medynsky (one of the authors of a textbook on the history of pedagogy for pedagogical universities);

from 1944-1951 - associate professor Lyubov Solomonovna Frid;

from 1953-1980 - Alexander Oskarovich Pint - founder of adult pedagogy and cultural and educational pedagogy;

Over the years, the department was headed by: Gennady Sergeevich Zhuikov, candidate of pedagogy. sciences, professor; Yuri Petrovich Azarov is a famous scientist, doctor of pedagogy. Sciences, professor, writer, artist, worked on the problems of pedagogical art and skill, and the accelerated development of talents; Natalya Konstantinovna Baklanova, doctor of pedagogy. Sciences, professor, specialist in the problems of professional skills of cultural workers; Larisa Sergeevna Zorilova, Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor, member of the Writers' Union, developed the concept of spiritual and creative development of youth.

since 2013, the head of the department is Tatiana Vitalievna Christidis, Doctor of Pedagogics. Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, author of the textbook “Pedagogy of Higher School”, initiator of the development of the concept of art pedagogy and art psychology.

Today the following experienced teachers work at the department:

  • A.G. Kazakova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor;
  • N.F. Spinjar, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor;
  • IN AND. Florya, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor;
  • E.V. Olshanskaya, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor;
  • O.A. Bakovkina, senior lecturer, deputy. head of the UMU;
  • M.S. Novashina, deputy head Department of MMR, teacher.

The goal of the department is to train professionally competent and competitive teachers and psychologists with high moral qualities and communicative culture, taking into account modern achievements in the field of innovative pedagogy, psychology, sociology and management in the context of the dynamically changing needs of the labor market. The department trains teachers of pedagogy and psychology for universities and colleges. Students master the skills of analyzing teaching and educational situations, ways of constructively solving problems, participate in educational (role-playing, situational, business) games, trainings, and perform creative work.

During the period from 2002 to 2010, more than 900 psychologists and teachers graduated who work in educational and medical institutions, in organizations and enterprises in Moscow and other regions of the country. The main activities of the department of "Pedagogy and Psychology" are to train highly professional people who have an education at the level of modern knowledge and are in demand in the labor market.

Composition of the department:

And about. head of department, professor
Shishov Sergey Evgenievich
professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences

Senior Lecturer
Abeldinova Ekaterina Nikolaevna

Andreev Anatoly Nikolaevich
Professor, Doctor of Philology

Assistant professor

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Assistant professor
Dibrova Zhanna Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences

Kalney Valentina Alekseevna
professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences

Assistant professor
Kashchenko Tatyana Leonidovna
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophy

Assistant professor
Ostroukhov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Senior Lecturer
Pisarevsky Konstantin Leonidovich

Prokudina Marina Sergeevna

Assistant professor

Rodinova Nadezhda Petrovna

Scaramanga Vitcheslav Pavlovich
Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences

Assistant professor
Sklyadneva Victoria Viktorovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Khnkoyan Lusine

Assistant professor
Cherepova Tatyana Igorevna


Associate Professor, Doctor of Cultural Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Educational and support staff of the department

Educational programs

The department implements basic educational programs for preparing bachelors, specialists, and masters.

Bachelor's degree:

Master's degree:


Postgraduate studies:

Scientific research activities of the department

  • State educational standards and monitoring of education quality
  • Construction of a new model of two-level professional pedagogical education
  • An innovative model of methodological support for the educational process at a university
  • Diversification of specialist training for small and medium-sized businesses in order to improve the quality of education (regional aspect)
  • Development of a flexible modular system for advanced training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the level of qualifications of teachers and a system for tracking the effectiveness of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff
  • Development of theoretical foundations (principles and methods) for the harmonization of educational standards based on system analysis
  • Preparing teachers to use ICT for the purpose of individualizing and differentiating the educational process at a university
  • Forms and levels of decision-making in systems of higher professional education and science (in the context of the formation of a knowledge-based economy)
  • November 15, 2011 Student scientific and practical conference “Heritage of M.V. Lomonosov and the modern development of Russian society. Venue: Moscow, B. Drovyanoy per., 17 – MSUTU.
    Presidium of the organizing committee: Shishov.S.E., Yulina.G.N.

Educational advanced training programs

“Modern educational technologies in the activities of a higher school teacher”
"High school teacher"
"Pedagogy (social and communicative competence)"
"Human Resources Management"
“Formation of a modern image of a school teacher”
“Formation of a modern image of a teacher of non-profit and secondary vocational education”
“Monitoring the quality of general education within the municipal education system”
“Monitoring the quality of general education at school”
"Modern teaching technologies"
"Military pedagogy"
“Technology for developing giftedness in others and in oneself”
“Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research”
"Business as self-realization"
"Pedagogy of creativity"
“Training of professional and pedagogical communication”
“Ethnopsychology and ethnoculture of the Cossacks”
"Innovative methods of teaching pedagogy"


In psychology, it is necessary to attach greater importance to the problem of studying the individual’s resources, allowing her to consciously and purposefully cope, act, predict life events and the results of her actions.

The main practical goal of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Psychological Training is the systematic collection and scientific processing of information about the individual psychological characteristics of applicants and students of MSUTU named after K.G. Razumovsky in the field of professional inclinations; intersubjective personal characteristics; as well as justification, effective control and optimization based on the data obtained, decisions made and actions arising from them.

Main activities:

  1. Diagnostic (studying the individual psychological characteristics of University students in order to identify criteria for professional suitability);
  2. Prognostic (forecasting the development of behavior and the possibility of introducing a particular model of preventive measures);
  3. Organizational (facilitating students’ scientific research and scientific-practical conferences; attracting specialist consultants from various fields of science);
  4. Scientific and methodological (development of youth programs in the Laboratory’s profile, including preventive ones; development and conduct of training seminars);
  5. Information and advisory (creation of an information bank and activities of an advisory service).

The main tasks in connection with the set goals in the structure of the identified areas of psychodiagnostic work are:

  1. Study, analysis, selection and implementation of scientifically based methods of psychodiagnostics;
  2. Organization of scientific and methodological work, incl. carrying out publishing activities, developing specialized youth programs and organizing training seminars;
  3. Creation of an information and advisory service;
  4. Involving students in carrying out scientific and practical research and holding student scientific and practical conferences.

The Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Psychological Training consists of two computer classes, one of which provides general control for displaying the necessary information, and several services that provide the actual laboratory component of the project.

Competitions and Olympiads of the department

From April 5 to April 10, 2010, events took place as part of the “Student Science Days”. I and II year students of specialty 050701 “Pedagogy” and I year students of specialty 030301 “Psychology” took an active part in the Section Meetings.

On April 5, 2010, prize-winning places in the meeting of the section of the NSO “Inflorescence” on the topic “Humanitarian Research in the 21st Century” were taken by: second-year student of the specialty “Pedagogy” Olga Aleksandrovna Sushenkova; 1st year student of the specialty “Pedagogy” Fesenko Olga Igorevna; 1st year student of the specialty “Pedagogy” Khrushcheva Irina Sergeevna.

On April 6, 2010, prize-winning places in the meeting of the section of the NSO “Inflorescence” on the topic “Historical Heritage: Events and Facts of the Great Patriotic War” were taken by: first-year students of the specialty “Pedagogy” Budzhurova Dilyara Remievna, Osieva Victoria Valerievna; II year student of the specialty “Pedagogy” Yakovleva Evgenia Aleksandrovna.

On April 8, 2010, prize-winning places in the meeting of the section of the NSO “Inflorescence” on the topic “Civil Patriotic Education in the Development of a Student’s Personality” were taken by: first-year student of the specialty “Pedagogy” Lipunova Alevtina Vladimirovna; 2nd year students of the specialty “Pedagogy” Natalya Viktorovna Goryunova, Anastasia Vladimirovna Samoilova; 1st year students of the specialty “Psychology” Mukhina Maya, Lomeiko Svetlana, Kapustina Victoria Nikolaevna, Samokhvalov Valentin Yurievich, Kornetskaya Lyubov, Romanova Elena, Orlova Kristina.

Activities and events of the department

Students of the department regularly organize bright and interesting performances on Teacher’s Day, combining the strengths of all courses and demonstrating their talents in different areas of creative activity.

Students of the department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” held a charity concert based on the fairy tale The Town Musicians of Bremen, for disabled children, at the Social Service Center “Chertanovo-Yuzhnoye”.

Students visited the museum of Anton Semenovich Makarenko, a Soviet teacher and writer, got acquainted with his work, methods of teaching pedagogy and learned a lot from the biography of this man, and at the same time about the sciences that he researched.

Participation of the department in scientific conferences

  • Round table on the topic “Current problems of tourism development in the Russian Federation”, May 21, 2009, RMAT
  • International scientific and practical conference "Philological readings", October 8-10, 2009, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education OSU
  • Fifth Congress of the All-Russian Pedagogical Assembly. October 28, 2009, Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
  • Scientific and methodological conference “Innovative methods and forms of development of a regional university network”, October 28, 2009, Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. Lomonosov
  • All-Russian meeting “Design of basic educational programs in the direction of “Psychological and pedagogical education” based on the new generation Federal State Educational Standard”, November 23-24, 2009, MSUPE
  • XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Quality of Distance Education: Concepts, Problems, Solutions”, December 4, 2009, Moscow State University
  • Parliamentary hearings of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, April 13, 2010, State Duma of the Russian Federation
  • International scientific and practical conference “Modern model of professional tourism education and its legislative support”, May 20, RMAT
  • International scientific and industrial complex “Methodology for research of human activity”, M. Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2009.
  • City scientific and industrial complex "Training of teaching staff in the capital's education system." M. MPGU. – 2009
  • International scientific and practical conference “Higher school: experience, problems and prospects”, M. RUDN University. – 2010.
  • International scientific and practical conference "Early teaching of foreign languages: strategic goals and priorities", May 27-28, 2009, Makhachkala. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education DSPU
  • Regional scientific and practical conference March 30, 2009, State Educational Institution Pedagogical Academy
  • International scientific and practical conference “Continuous technological education in the conditions of innovative development of Russia” March 1-3, 2009, Moscow State University
  • International scientific and practical conference “Science and Modernity - 2010” April 16, Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation, Novosibirsk
  • All-Russian scientific and practical conference “125 years of the Moscow Psychological Society” March 26 – 28, 2010, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov
  • XV International Conference “Problems of technological education at school and university” 2009, MIOO
  • Interregional scientific and practical conference of young scientists, June 3-10, 2010, MSUTU
  • International scientific and practical conference “Early teaching of foreign languages: strategic goals and priorities” May 27-28, 2009, Makhachkala. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education DSPU
  • All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Problems of modern organization and content of vocational education in Russia: theory, methodology, methodology” (edited by V.N. Ivanova). October 22-24, 2009, MSUTU
  • First Moscow International Congress of Teachers, April 28, 2010, Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. Lomonosov
  • Seminar-meeting of rectors of pedagogical higher educational institutions of Russia “Modernization of pedagogical education in the context of the transition to federal state educational standards of general education and higher professional education”, February 25, 2010, Moscow State Pedagogical University
  • II Interregional student scientific and practical conference "Innovative and information technologies in education, economics, business and law" April 30, 2010, Volokolamsk Volokolamsk branch of MSUTU.
  • Second student scientific and practical conference “Youth, science, strategy 2020” April 5, 2010, MSUTU
  • University-wide theoretical seminar on the topic “Programs for the prevention of drug addiction in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, enterprises, public organizations: practice and legislative support” November 19, 2009, MSUTU
  • V Russian Philosophical Congress “Science. Philosophy. Society" August 25-28, 2009, Novosibirsk, NSU
  • Round table “Crisis in modern society” October 6, 2009, Moscow, MGIMO
  • V All-Russian Congress of Political Scientists on the topic “Changes in politics and the politics of change: strategies, institutions, actors”, November 20-22, 2009, Moscow, State University - Higher School of Economics, Russian Association of Political Science
  • V interdepartmental seminar (conference) “Border security in the conditions of information war” March 24, 2010, Moscow, Border Academy
  • Round table “Personal and national identity” June 17, 2010, Moscow, Institute of Effective Technologies
  • XI All-Russian Forum “Educational Environment 2009” September 29 – October 2, Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center
  • University theoretical seminar on the topic “Local self-government in modern conditions: status, problems, prospects” December 14, 2009, MSUTU
  • University-wide theoretical seminar on the topic “Modernization of education - Russia’s participation in the Bologna process” January 20, 2010, MSUTU
  • Interregional videoconference “Structure of the annual report of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the national educational initiative “Our New School” June 2, 2010, MSUTU
  • International scientific and practical conference "Higher school: experience, problems, prospects" May 25-26, 2010. Moscow State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RUDN University
  • All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Russian history of the XX - early XXI centuries: socio-economic, socio-political, cultural aspects of research." 2009 Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow State Regional Institute for the Humanities.
  • IV International Congress - Exhibition “Global education - Education without borders 2010” 04/15/2010, Expo Center
  • Meeting of the state-party club of the WPP “United Russia” on the topic: “Today children, tomorrow – people.” "The state and prospects of publishing children's educational literature in Russia." February 10, 2010 Moscow, RSL
  • “Round table” of the UPU with the aim of developing proposals to ensure objective teaching of historical science and to prevent the penetration of textbooks with falsified facts into educational standards and history textbooks. March 2, 2010 Moscow, Center for Social Conservative Policy
  • Interuniversity theoretical and methodological seminar of scientific and pedagogical workers in Moscow: “Problems of demography of modern Russia in the context of the development of social and labor relations.” May 19, 2010
  • University-wide theoretical seminar on the topic: “Problems of demography of modern Russia in the context of the development of social and labor relations” June 16, 2010. MSUTU
  • International scientific and practical conference: “Problems of modern organization and content of professional education: theory, methodology, methodology” November 18-19, 2010 MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky.

Conditions for internship

Pedagogical practice is aimed at solving the problems of adapting students to the real conditions of educational institutions of different types and levels (school, college, university, educational institutions of further education), creating conditions for the practical application of knowledge of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, and developing basic professional and pedagogical skills and abilities. Practice programs are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education. The educational and methodological manual presents programs of professional pedagogical practice, scientific and pedagogical (pre-diploma) practice, a description of educational tasks and recommendations for their implementation, samples of educational and methodological materials. The manual is intended for students of specialty 050701 Pedagogy, 050700 Bachelor of Pedagogy, all forms of education and teachers-supervisors of teaching practice.

The Department of Pedagogy has entered into agreements on internships with: children's health camp "Levkovo" (Pushkinsky District); health complex "Staraya Ruza"; children's health camp "Friendship" and many other institutions.


A collection of selected materials from participants in the competitions of the All-Russian Pedagogical Assembly for the Year of the Teacher “Russia is famous for its teachers” and “Our new school: stages of growth.”

Collection of selected materials from participants in the conference “Problems of modern organization and content of vocational education in Russia”: “Formation of a new generation of professional personnel”, “Materials of the scientific and practical conference on November 18-19, 2010”

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Head Department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” Rabadanova R.S. published the following scientific works:

  • Dynamic construction of the educational process at a university (brochure) printed, electronic. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.08 – theory and methods of vocational education. Microdistrict Skhodnya, Khimki, Moscow region, RMAT. 25s. 25 p.
  • Information and educational environment of advanced training for professional training of university students (article) printed, electronic. Open and distance education. Tomsk, 2011. No. 1 (41).P. 22-26 4p.

Schedule of department meetings

No. Name of questions Review date Responsible executor
1 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Consideration of the student consultation schedule. 3. Approval of individual plans - reports of educational, educational - methodological, scientific - research, organizational work of the teacher for the 2011 - 2012 academic year. August
2 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Participation of teaching staff in advanced training courses. 3. Organization of content and methodological support for students’ independent work in the leading disciplines of the department. September Head department, deputy head department
3 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Preparation of a collection of scientific works of teaching staff and graduate students of the department. October Head department, deputy head department
4 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Discussion of the topics of dissertation research of graduate students and applicants of the department, approval of topics for candidate dissertations and certification of graduate students. 3. On readiness for the winter session 2011 (approval of test and examination materials). 4. Postgraduate students’ reports on the results of the academic year. 5. Discussion of the topics of dissertation research of graduate students and applicants of the department, approval of topics for candidate dissertations and certification of graduate students. november Head department, deputy head department
5 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Information about fire safety and measures to prevent emergency situations on the territory of ISHT departments. 3. Report on the results of career guidance work of the Department of Pedagogy. 4. Re-approval of test and examination questions. December Head department, deputy head department
6 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Consideration of the student consultation schedule. 3. Summing up the results of the 1st half of the 2010-2011 academic year. of the year. January Head department, deputy head department
7 February Head department, deputy head department
8 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. March Head department, deputy head department
9 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. On readiness for the 2012 summer session (approval of test and examination materials) April Head department, deputy head department
10 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Information about fire safety and measures to prevent emergency situations on the territory of ISHT departments. 3. Breakdown of teaching staff by courses and disciplines. 4. Consideration of the issue of: the composition of the State Examination Committee for the conduct of the state exam for 2011; composition of the State Examination Committee for the defense of final qualifying work for 2011; composition of the SAC for 2011. 5. Postgraduate students’ reports on the results of the academic year. 6. Discussion of the topics of dissertation research of graduate students and applicants of the department, approval of the topics of candidate's dissertations and certification of graduate students. 7. Postgraduate students’ reports on the results of the academic year. May Head department, deputy head department
11 1. Career guidance work of the department to attract applicants for the areas of training: “Psychology”, “Psychology-pedagogical education”, “Pedagogical education” 2011-2012 academic year. year. 2. Report on the results of career guidance work of the Department of Pedagogy. 3. Consideration of the issue of: the composition of the State Examination Committee for the state examination for 2011; composition of the State Examination Committee for the defense of final qualifying work for 2011; composition of the SAC for 2011. 4. Distribution of teaching staff by courses and disciplines. 5. Summing up and reviewing the report of the department’s work for the 2011 – 2012 academic year. 6. Approval of the department’s work plan for the 2012 – 2013 academic year. 7. Approval of individual plans - reports of teachers for the 2011 – 2012 academic year. June Head department, deputy head department

Schedule of presence of teachers at the department

FULL NAME. Number of hours of consultations Time, hour.**) Discipline


Sigaev Sergey Yurievich


2.3 hours per month


Neurolinguistic programming; Transpersonal psychology; Processual psychotherapy

Muratova Maya Davlatovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

2.3 hours per month

16.00 - 17.00

Russian language and culture of speech

Anishcheva Lyudmila Ivanovna

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

2.3 hours per month


Psychology and pedagogy

Rabadanova Raziyat Sulaybanovna

Deputy head department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

2.3 hours per month

10.30 – 12.30

Information modeling of educational systems; Fundamentals of andragogy; Imageology in the practical activities of a teacher


Kondratyeva Olga Viktorovna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

2.3 hours per month


Developmental and age psychology; Social Psychology; Experimental Psychology;

Humanistic psychology

Mukhin Mikhail Ivanovich Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

2.3 hours per month


Health-saving technologies in education; Education theory


Chueva Marina Yurievna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

2.3 hours per month

14.00 – 15.00

Theories of human relations; Social Psychology; Psychology of stress.

Artemyeva Svetlana Ivanovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

2.3 hours per month

14.00 – 15.00

History of education and pedagogical thought; Religious Studies.

Orlova Inga Konstantinovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

2.3 hours per month


Psychology and pedagogy; Social

pedagogy; Law in Education;


Milyaeva Maria Vladimirovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

2.3 hours per month

16.00 – 17.00

Psychoprophylaxis of professional personality deformation; Psychological counseling

Bazylevich Tatyana Fedorovna

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

2.3 hours per month

15.00 – 16.00

Methodological foundations of psychology; Basics of psychogenetics; Differential psychologists


Yulina Galina Nikolaevna Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department

2.3 hours per month


Pedagogy of vocational education; Self-determination and professional guidance of students

Bikbulatova Valentina Petrovna

candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department

2.3 hours per month


General psychology; Psychology of children of primary school age.

Shafazhinskaya Natalia Evgenievna

Ph.D. in Psychology, Doctor of Cultural Sciences, Professor

2.3 hours per month


Existential psychology; Psychology of higher aspirations; Basics of counseling psychology

It's no secret that in modern Russian society the demand for certified psychologists significantly exceeds supply; a full-time psychologist or even an entire psychological service is an integral part of any company, any enterprise. The constantly changing socio-economic situation and stressful pressure have a negative impact on the human psyche, and more and more people are turning to psychologists-consultants, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts for help.

The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of MGTA is engaged in professional training of specialists to solve complex problems in the field of education, healthcare, culture, social assistance and other fields of activity.

The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy is a graduating department in the following areas of training:

Direction 37.03.01 Psychology (Bachelor)

Direction 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (Bachelor)

Form of study: full-time, part-time and part-time.

The training of psychology students involves, along with lectures and seminars, practical and laboratory work, training and training programs: “Personal growth training”, “Public speaking workshop”, “Creativity training”, “Communicative competence training”, “Self-confidence training” , “Leadership Training”, “Training an Effective Leader”, “Training Pedagogical Skills” and others.

The department organizes master classes as part of postgraduate professional training in various areas of psychological practice: “Cognitive psychotherapy”, “Art therapy”, “Gestalt therapy”, “Psychodrama and sociodrama”, “Symbol-drama”, “Creative drama”, “Body-oriented psychotherapy”, “Neuro-linguistic programming”, “Group psychotherapy”, “Transactional analysis”, “Sanogenic reflection method”, “Management psychology”, “Psychological consulting”, “Psychology of management decisions”, “Training of trainers” , “School of Game Technicians” and others.

Future psychologists have the opportunity to undergo internships in state educational and administrative institutions, social services, psychological assistance centers, public and charitable organizations involved in helping orphans, and in the government of the Southern Administrative District.

A student scientific society has been created at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, within which students conduct scientific research in accordance with their professional interests and participate in scientific and practical student conferences.

A psychological service operates within the department.

Upon graduation from the Academy, graduates of the department can work in government and commercial structures involved in providing psychological and consulting services to individuals and organizations, and also have the right to work as teachers.