Ivan Dokukin. Presentation on the topic: "Dokukin Ivan Arkhipovich

If you are going to train employees foreign languages, You need to select not just qualified linguists, but specially trained corporate teachers .

When a company organizes foreign language training for its employees, which is necessary to solve everyday work problems, preference is given not to an ordinary teacher who knows modern and effective techniques (even with extensive and successful professional experience), but to language schools. Training centers that specialize in corporate training offer services corporate training teachers, so-called "corporate people" .

1. What is a “corporate person”?

A teacher familiar with corporate training is focused primarily on to the real work needs of your client. Any language can be studied endlessly - you can learn several thousand words, but you will still encounter just as many unfamiliar ones; you can memorize them, but then you will encounter more, and in even greater numbers - and so on ad infinitum. It’s even more difficult with the use of words: some polysemantic Russian words with different meanings have completely unrelated equivalents in a foreign language. Conversely, a foreign word can have several meanings, each of which corresponds to different analogues in the Russian language. Of course, all these subtleties are very interesting for a student of a foreign language, but are they so important if the goal is communication in a business environment, for business needs, where in order to successfully conduct business you need to clearly express your thoughts, understand your interlocutor, explain or complete a task?

1. Wise strategist

The corporate training teacher will first of all - after the course goals and objectives are set - identify the needs and capabilities of his client. After all, the main thing is to build the course so that it works as best as possible for the final result, and to make it convenient and comfortable for an employee studying a foreign language.

2. Resilient practitioner

Of course, any manager will insist that foreign language classes do not come at the expense of work or take up a lot of productive time. Therefore, classes are scheduled for the morning or evening. The teacher will have to think through a thousand little things so that the client comes to class with joy, is charged with positive energy, and most importantly, does not consider classes to be a burden, something unnecessary and superfluous. And “corporate workers” are accustomed to dealing with such problems, taking into account the specifics of the company’s work, the personal and individual characteristics of each client being trained.

If a group trains employees of various professions and departments of the same company, then the teacher has to delve into the intricacies of the office work of all students, introduce everyone to the vocabulary they need, and look for an individual approach to their clients, taking into account both the ways of perceiving information and the peculiarities of the employees’ memory. The corporate teacher distributes the class time so that any student in the class makes the most of his or her capabilities. If the goal of the course is to activate working vocabulary associated with highly specialized terminology, and the group includes employees from different areas, the teacher will use individual assignments and work with each and everyone.

If an employee is overloaded at work, if his working day lasts from early morning until late evening and he falls asleep with a mobile phone in his hands, solving work issues, then naturally there can be no talk of any homework. A “corporate” teacher works successfully in such a situation.

If the work of the employee being trained involves business trips, traveling, then the corporate training teacher will build an individual curriculum for his student - after all, if classes are held not with one person, but with a group of colleagues, then the absentee, despite the fact that he is not comes to class for operational reasons, you will have to partially fill in the missed material yourself.

What if the business travel schedule is very busy, and the employee spends half the month “on the plane”? Quit foreign language classes? The teacher will help in this case too. After all, teaching any subject consists of the teacher acting as a “guide”. It indicates the direction in which the learner should move in order to achieve the greatest progress, helps to choose the easiest path to mastering the material, memorizing new words and expressions.

3. Skillful presenter

The teacher leads, but at the same time is not a boss giving orders, but an accomplice. He organizes role-playing games, during which employees play out various situations that they have to face or that they may encounter in the future. The teacher strives to remove the so-called “language barrier,” psychological discomfort, and fear of mistakes, so that the employees he trains can reveal their capabilities in a professional environment.

The corporate teacher is ready and - no less important - able to constantly adjust the pace and content of the course so as to achieve goals in the shortest possible time. Corporate foreign language training is faced with intensive courses, tight deadlines, and limited time. In all these situations, the “corporate worker” works for the client with maximum efficiency, thinking through and analyzing dozens of options in order to find the most suitable one.

Well, now you have all the necessary information about a corporate foreign language teacher in your hands! Good luck

Monument to Dokukin in Zverevo

Memorial plate on the monument

Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin(1920-1943) - participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, deputy squadron commander of the 504th assault aviation regiment of the 226th assault aviation division of the 8th air army of the South-Eastern Front, captain of the Air Force.


Born on June 17, 1920 in the village of Znamenka, now Bolsheboldinsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, in a peasant family. Russian.

The father died during the civil war. The mother went to work in Moscow, where in 1932 she took her son. Incomplete secondary education. After graduating from school, FZU worked as a welder in the thermite shop of the Moscow Kalibr plant. In 1939, the Komsomol organization of the plant sent him to the gliding school of the Rostokinsky district, after graduation - to the Tushino, and then to the Serpukhov aviation school.

In the Red Army since 1939. In 1941 he graduated from the Serpukhov Military Aviation School of Pilots. Since June 1941 in the active army. The war found Ivan Dokukin in an aviation unit that was based on the western border. From the very beginning of the war, the pilot took part in battles. Defended the sky of Leningrad.

From October 9 to October 13, 1941, Ivan Dokukin made 5 combat missions on an Il-2 aircraft to destroy enemy ground forces. As a result, together with other pilots of the unit, he destroyed up to a battalion of enemy infantry, several tanks and guns. In May 1942, near Kharkov, Dokukin, as part of the eight, made repeated raids on enemy airfields where fascist fighters were stationed. Acting boldly and decisively, he and his comrades in a short time destroyed 15 German Me-109 aircraft on the ground and in air battles. From mid-summer 1942, Dokukin fought at Stalingrad. On July 21, 1942, he made 9 combat runs on an enemy convoy, destroying 9 vehicles.

By September 25, 1942, the deputy squadron commander of the 504th assault aviation regiment, Lieutenant Dokukin, destroyed 8 aircraft, 15 tanks, 110 vehicles with military cargo, 15 motorcycles, 3 anti-aircraft guns, 4 gas tanks and many other enemy equipment.

In the summer of 1943, Ivan Dokukin fought over the Mius River and in the skies of Donbass. On July 8, 1943, he was killed in an air battle.

He was buried in the village of Zverevo, Rostov region.

  • In Moscow, the name of the Hero is borne by a street and a brigade at the Caliber plant, on the territory of which his bust is installed.
  • The name of I. A. Dokukin is engraved on a stele on the Alley of Heroes in Volgograd.
  • In 2010, a monument to I. A. Dokukin was unveiled in Zverevo. A street and a children's library in the city are also named after him.
  • In Bolshoye Boldin, one of the village streets is named in honor of I.A. Dokukin.
  • By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 8, 1943, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism displayed, Lieutenant Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal "(No. 833).
  • Awarded the Order of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, and medals.
see also
  • List of Heroes of the Soviet Union of the Rostov region.
  1. Bust of Hero of the Soviet Union I. A. Dokukin.
  2. Opening of the monument to Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin.
  3. Administration of the Bolsheboldinsky village council. Chart of electoral districts.

Partially used materials from the site http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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(1920 - 1943), pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1943), captain. He worked as an electric welder at the Kalibr plant. During the Great Patriotic War in attack aviation, flight commander, squadron; made 55 combat missions, destroyed 8 aircraft, 15 tanks and over 100 vehicles. Killed in air combat. A street (formerly Bolshaya Leonovskaya) in Rostokin was named after Dokukin in 1964. A bust of Dokukin was installed on the territory of the Kalibr plant.

Meanings in other dictionaries

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Born on June 17, 1920 in the village of Znamenka, Bolsheboldinsky district, Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) region in a peasant family. Russian. The father died during the civil war. The mother went to work in Moscow, where in 1932 she took her son. Incomplete secondary education. After graduating from school, FZU worked as a welder in the thermite shop of the Moscow Kalibr plant. In 1939, the Komsomol organization of the plant sent him to the gliding school of the Rostokinsky district, after graduation - to the Tushino, and then to the Serpukhov aviation school.

In the Red Army since 1939. In 1941 he graduated from the Serpukhov Military Aviation School of Pilots. Since June 1941 in the active army. The war found Ivan Dokukin in an aviation unit that was based on the western border. And from the very beginning of the war, the pilot took part in battles. Defended the sky of Leningrad.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 8, 1943, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown, Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. (833). In the summer of 1943, Ivan Dokukin fought over the Mius River and in the skies of Donbass. On July 8, 1943, he was killed in an air battle.

Conversation for children 5-9 years old: “Hero of the Soviet Union - Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin.”

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU School No. 1499 named after Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin DO No. 7
Description: The conversation will introduce children of senior preschool and primary school age to the fate and feat of the hero of the Soviet Union - the pilot
Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin.

Purpose of work: The conversation is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age, preschool teachers and parents.
Target: developing a sense of patriotism and active citizenship in children of senior preschool and primary school age.
1. Instill in children a love for their Motherland, for their Fatherland
2. Introduce children to the exploits of heroes of the Great Patriotic War
3. Foster a sense of pride in the heroic history of our country
4. Expand children’s ideas about the Great Patriotic War, about the courage and bravery of the country’s defenders.

Poem dedication
Hero of the Soviet Union - Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin

Dvoretskaya T.N.

Guy from our area
The guy from our yard.
About the real hero
It's time to tell!

He studied, he worked.
He was handsome and young.
The sky captivated him
And the height beckoned!

I studied at the flight club
I didn't waste my time.
And the air spaces
He conquered with a smile.

But the war came unexpectedly.
Black and brown as pitch.
She brought suffering
Terrible grief and pain.

All men were called to the front

Each of them was a hero.
They stood until the last
General and private.

Ivan Dokukin was brave
He was the first to go into battle.
He aimed at the target
Despite being young.

The brave pilot led the assault
Iron plane.
Hanging over the enemy
Flew over the abyss.

He is without fear and reproach
The Germans were furiously bombed.
Protecting our sky
With the last of my strength.

Hero of the Soviet Union
In a fierce battle he was shot down...
But a feat of valor and honor
The Russian land protects!

Ivan Dokukin - brave pilot
Brave, brave man.
Settled in our heart.
In our memory forever.

Progress of the conversation

Presenter: Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin was born on June 17, 1920 in the village of Znamenka, Bolsheboldinsky district, Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod region) into a peasant family. Russian. The father died during the civil war. The mother went to work in Moscow, where in 1932 she took her son.
Ivan Dokukin came to Moscow as a 13-year-old boy. After graduating from 7 classes, in 1937 he entered the Factory Apprenticeship School (FZU) and worked at the Moscow Caliber plant. A year later he was transferred to the thermal workshop as an electric welder.
The young worker systematically fulfilled production standards by 300 - 350 percent. In 1939, the Komsomol organization of the plant sent him to a school in the Rostokinsky district. In his free time he studied at the flying club. In 1941 he graduated from the Serpukhov Military Aviation School of Pilots.
The war found Ivan Dokukin in an aviation unit that was based on the western border. And from the very beginning of the war, the pilot took part in battles. Defended the sky of Leningrad. From October 9 to October 13, 1941, Dokukin made 5 combat missions in an Il-2 to destroy enemy ground forces.

As a result, together with other pilots of the unit, he destroyed up to a battalion of enemy infantry, several tanks, and guns. On October 28, 1941, while on a combat mission, Dokukin saw an enemy Junkers plane rushing towards our ground troops. He immediately attacked the Yu-88 and shot it down. Then, taking his place in the formation, he continued his flight to the target. Soon our pilots attacked the enemy, blew up and set fire to 3 tanks, 5 fuel tanks and 10 enemy vehicles with ammunition.
He fearlessly fought at the walls of Leningrad, on the banks of the Volga, defended Stalingrad, and fought in the region of Bryansk and Kharkov.
Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin said to his comrades in the service: “I am a Moskvich! And not only a Muscovite - a Caliberite!” In part, he was famous as a person who worthily maintained not only the honor of his native city, but also the enterprise (Caliber plant) where he worked.

Since June 1941 in the active army. By September 25, 1942, deputy squadron commander of the 504th Assault Aviation Regiment (226th Assault Aviation Division, 8th Air Army, Southeastern Front)
Lieutenant I.A. Dokukin made 55 combat missions, destroyed several aircraft, a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery pieces, vehicles, and other military equipment.
In January 1942, a front-line newspaper wrote:
“The young pilot Dokukin is loved by all the personnel of our unit because he knows no fear in the fight against enemies... Comrade Dokukin has the largest number of combat missions. He, regardless of anything, sparing his strength and life, deals mortal blows to the German fascist hordes."
In May 1942, hot battles broke out near Kharkov. Dokukin, as part of the eight, then made repeated raids on enemy airfields where fascist fighters were stationed, acting boldly and decisively, he and his comrades in a short time destroyed 15 enemy aircraft on the ground and in air battles.

From mid-summer 1942, Dokukin fought at the front near Stalingrad. On July 21, 1942, he made 9 combat runs on an enemy convoy, destroying 9 vehicles. On August 12, 1942, Dokukin took part in a massive raid on an enemy airfield. Appearing at dawn, our attack aircraft took the enemy by surprise and destroyed 40 fascist aircraft.
By September 25, 1942, the deputy squadron commander of the 504th assault aviation regiment, Lieutenant Dokukin, destroyed 8 aircraft, 15 tanks, 110 vehicles with military cargo, 15 motorcycles, 3 anti-aircraft guns, 4 gas tanks and much other enemy military property.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 8, 1943, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown, Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. .

The flights of squadron commander I.A. Dokukin were an example of high skill and personal heroism.

The story of one feat

Having received the next task from the center: destroy enemy resistance nodes and firing points. Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin went on a mission. Approaching the target, he found himself in continuous clouds. The pilot descended to a height of 15 - 20 meters, found the target and accurately dropped the bomb load on the enemy's trenches, dugouts, and concentrations of enemy troops. The enemy's losses this time were especially great, because he never expected a bombing in such unfavorable weather conditions. On the way back to the airfield, I. A. Dokukin’s plane became icy, and visibility was completely lost. It seemed that disaster was inevitable. But thanks to his skill and composure, the pilot landed the car safely at his airfield.
In the summer of 1943, Ivan Dokukin fought over the Mius River and in the skies of Donbass.
On July 8, 1943, he was killed in an air battle. He was 23 years old. He was buried in the village of Zverevo, Rostov region.

The government highly appreciated the services of I. A. Dokukin.
In 1959, on the territory of the Caliber plant, where Ivan Arkhipovich worked before the war, a memorial bust was erected on the Alley of Heroes. For a long time, one of the brigades of this plant bore his name.

In Moscow, in honor of the hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Ivan Arkhipovich Dokukin, in 1964 Bolshaya Leonovskaya Street and the new street attached to it were transformed into a street named Dokukin Street.