History of the school. Novomoskovsk Music College

The history of the school began with a small room in the club of the repair company at the Vnukovo airport, one piano and 12 children who dreamed of learning to understand the language of music. It was 1962. Over the course of 6 years, a studio was created, which became the basis for the opening of music school No. 51 in the Gagarinsky district of Moscow in 1968, and the head of first the circle and then the studio, Tamara Aleksandrovna Karaeva, was appointed director of the school. These were difficult years of formation, years of searching for ways to develop the school. In 1970, the school director made a proposal to the Main Directorate of Culture of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council to open a Children's School on the basis of the Evening Music School No. 51, to divide the schools and to relocate Children's Music School No. 58 to the Lublin district. In 1972, Children's Music School No. 58 was relocated to the Lyublinsky district and was located in secondary school No. 846 in the Pechatniki district. Then there was a new school building 519 and in 1985, by decision of the Lublin District Council, the school received a warrant for its own premises at 74 Shosseynaya Street.

The school staff went through difficult years of renting premises for classes, through the flood of incessant school reform, and when they finally found their own roof over their heads, it very soon turned out that this “roof” was not ours at all, but was transferred to the new owner - Nikolo- Perervinsky Monastery. So suddenly the school turned into a tenant with annual rent paid from the Moscow budget.

In 1993, the school was named after the great Russian composer M.I. Glinka, and in 1994 the school became the author and organizer of the cultural and educational project “Russian Children's Piano Competition named after M.I. Glinka”. The competition was held in Moscow once every 4 years. Founders of the competition: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, State Museum of Musical Culture named after M.I. Glinka, Interregional Foundation “New Names”, Moscow Government, Prefecture of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. The project was included in the Federal Program “Support for Young Talents” and the Moscow City Program “Culture and Children”. The geography of the competition is extensive. The Far East and the Far West, the European North and the North Caucasus, Western Siberia and the Urals, Central Russia and the Volga region, St. Petersburg and, of course, Moscow. The school held 3 competitions and a Russian festival.

In 2006, the school became the author of a new project “Choral festivals for students of secondary schools, art schools and additional education institutions in the South-East Administrative District of Moscow.” Choir festivals are held with the financial support of the Prefecture of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow and the Pechatniki District Administration. In April 2014, the next, sixth festival dedicated to the Year of Culture in the Russian Federation will take place. The festival “Float a Song Over Russia” will unite 1000 participants into a combined choir. The gala concert will take place in the large hall of the Moskvich cultural center.

The main direction of the school’s work is pre-professional. From the first days of the school’s founding to the present day, the staff of the M.I. Glinka Children’s Music School confidently leads the school along this time-tested path. Every year, the school prepares its students for admission to secondary specialized (musical) educational institutions in Moscow: Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow College of Performing Arts. F. Chopin, college named after. A. Schnittke, college named after. Gnessins, ten-year school named after. Gnesins, college named after. Ippolitova-Ivanov.

In 2015, the State Budgetary Educational Institution for Additional Education of Children in Moscow “Children’s Music School named after. M.I.Glinka" turns 45 years old. All these years, the school has been raising young musicians and doing a lot of work on aesthetic education and education of children and adolescents. Concert performances by students, ensembles, and musical groups enjoy well-deserved success outside the school. Over the past year, 210 students have become laureates and diploma winners at international, Russian, and Moscow city competitions and festivals.

Over the past five years, 19 graduates of our school have entered secondary specialized educational institutions in Moscow:

Konstantinova Tatyana (piano) – Music College of MGIM named after A.G. Schnittke

Petrova Anna (piano) – Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after. F. Chopin

Yakukhin Alexander (flute) - Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after. F. Chopin

Dolgopolova Natalya (flute) - Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after F. Chopin

Konina Alexandra (piano) – Gnessin College

Olga Shulgina (piano) - Gnessin College

Sysoev Igor (accordion) - Gnessin College

Makarov Ivan (accordion) - Gnessin College

Kornutyak Evgeniy (accordion) - Gnessin College

Ilyin Nikolay (accordion) - Gnessin College

Bednyakov Gleb (violin) - Gnessin College

Rafikova Vasilisa (cello) - Gnessin College

Smyslova Svetlana (cello) – Academic Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky

Kirillenko Viktor (cello) - Academic Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky

Starshinov Vasily (violin) - Academic Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky

Anna Zhuravleva (piano) – Music School at MGIM. Ippolitova-Ivanova

Khraponov Vladimir (piano) - Music School at MGIM. Ippolitova-Ivanova

Morozova Maria (folk singing) - Music School at MGIM. Ippolitova-Ivanova

Salkina Dinara (folk singing) - Music School at MGIM. Ippolitova-Ivanova

Ruslana Medvedev (piano) - Music School at MGIM. Ippolitova-Ivanova

Nikita Krylov (guitar) – Moscow Regional Music College named after. S.S. Prokofieva

The school generously shares its work experience. Frequent guests are teachers and directors of music schools in Russian regions: Smolensk, Kaliningrad, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Pyatigorsk, Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Orenburg, Rostov-on-Don, Tula, Belarus. School director: Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation Karaeva T.A., teachers: Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation Petrova N.A., Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation Blank S.I., Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Zagorinsky A.I., Honorary Cultural Worker of the city of Moscow Rabin T. .G., Excellent student of culture of the Russian Federation Zaitseva N.D. conduct master classes in regions of Russia and neighboring countries.

Novomoskovsk Music College

Year of foundation



Skudnov Alexander Valentinovich




Novomoskovsk Music College named after M. I. Glinka- state educational institution of secondary vocational education in the city of Novomoskovsk, Tula region.

Director - Skudnov Alexander Valentinovich, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, artistic director and conductor of the symphony orchestra of the Novomoskovsk Music College.


Currently, this is a municipal educational institution for additional education of children " Children's music school No. 1" Children's music school is the first stage of music education and prepares professionally gifted students for admission to a music school.

Stalinogorsk Music College was opened in the summer of 1959 on the initiative of the director of the Stalinogorsk children's music school L. G. Skvortsov with the support of the director of the Moskvougol plant D. G. Onik. L.G. Skvortsov became the first director of the school; he opened music schools in Donskoy, Uzlovaya and Kimovsk. The school is located in a new building on Berezovaya Street. In front of the building of the educational institution there is a monument to M. I. Glinka.

L. G. Skvortsov formed a creative teaching team, mainly from graduates of the Moscow Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnessins, Moscow, Saratov and other conservatories. In 1963, a concert was held in Moscow on the occasion of the first graduation of the school, in which soloists, orchestras and ensembles took part. The concert was highly appreciated by the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR and E. F. Gnesina, one of the founders of the Gnessin School.

Since 1994, the school has held All-Russian competitions, and in 2001, 2004 and 2008, International youth competitions of chamber ensembles and piano duets were held, in which young musicians from the USA, Spain, China, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and various regions of Russia took part. .

In September 1997, the school was created Special music school, the main task of which is to identify and attract especially gifted children for further professional education. In the opening year, 29 students were admitted. Currently, the school has three departments, in which 96 children study on a competitive basis.

In connection with the 50th anniversary of the educational institution, on July 13, 2009, the college was renamed into a state educational institution of secondary vocational education in the Tula region " Novomoskovsk Music College named after M. I. Glinka» .

Over more than half a century of history, the educational institution has trained about three thousand specialists, 389 of them with honors. More than 60% of graduates enter music higher education institutions and continue their studies at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins, Saratov State Conservatory named after. L. Sobinov, Kazan State Conservatory named after. N. Zhiganov, Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory named after. M. Glinka, Voronezh State Academy of Arts and other specialized universities. Hundreds of graduates have become highly qualified teachers in children's music schools and children's art schools. In the Tula region alone, 445 teachers and accompanists work in children's music schools and art schools, and their teams in the cities of Novomoskovsk, Uzlovaya, Donskoy, Severo-Zadonsk and Kimovsk are 80-90% college graduates. College graduates also work as directors of music schools, art schools and secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia, near and far abroad.

Dear friends!

Welcome to our page!

The educational institution "Minsk State Music College named after M.I. Glinka" is one of the oldest educational institutions in the republic, a real forge of musical personnel.

We have the most capable and talented students, with whose participation a lot of interesting concerts, conferences and other events are held at the school and beyond.

We welcome new meetings, ideas, creative projects and are open to cooperation.

I wish you all success, good luck, high achievements, inexhaustible energy and inspiration.

With respect, college director V.M. Chernikov.

One of the most important events in the musical life of our country was the opening in 1924 of the Minsk College of Music, which was later renamed the Minsk College of Music. In 1957, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BSSR named the school after the great Russian composer M.I. Glinka. In 2011, the school was transformed into a college.

It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of the college to the development of the musical culture of Belarus and the national system of music education. It became the cradle from which grew the Belarusian State Choir Chapel, the symphony orchestra at the radio committee, which later became the State Academic Symphony Orchestra, the Belarusian State Conservatory, the State People's Orchestra of the BSSR, the State Opera and Ballet Theater of the BSSR. From the first years of the college’s existence, the musical and propaganda activities of teachers and students and their active participation in the musical life of the republic became a tradition.

A graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, A.L., was appointed the first director of the college. Immortal. Over the years, the institution was headed by G.M. Grishanov, A.I. Kolondenok, I.B. Myslivchik, V.L. Avramenko, N.V. Proshko, E.N. Borovsky, V.P. Rylatko, V.I. .Zaretsky, V.I.Bashura, R.G.Safonov. Each of them contributed to the development of the college and left a piece of their soul.

Minsk State Music College named after. M.I. Glinka today is a friendly, creative, highly professional team. Here, 455 students receive professions in specialties and areas of specialization: conducting (academic and folk choir), piano and orchestral string instruments, wind and percussion instruments, musicology, academic vocals, folk orchestra instruments and pop art. More than one hundred young specialists graduate every year. The high level of their professional training is evidenced by the fact that 80-82% of college graduates enter higher educational institutions in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Europe. College students constantly become laureates of prestigious, republican and international competitions. More than 50 students and 3 creative teams were awarded the titles of laureate, diploma winner, became scholarship holders or were awarded incentive prizes from the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the support of talented youth. The team is rightfully proud of its graduates. Let's name just a few of them: L. Aleksandrovskaya, I. Zhinovich, A. Bogatyrev, N. Sokolovsky, I. Tsvetaeva, V. Olovnikov, E. Zaritsky, Y. Evdokimov, V. Vuyachich, M. Finberg, V. Skorobogatov, A. Solodukha, G. Zabara, O. Melnikov, Y. Naumenko, V. Tkach, S. Trifonov, I. Silchukov, V. Babarikin, A. Vysotsky, Y. Igonina, Y. Skorokhodov, V. Tikhevich.