History science creation of a scientific picture of the world table. Lesson topic: “Science: creating a scientific picture of the world

Study questions:
Concept, signs and types of legal relations.
Composition of the legal relationship.
Legal personality.
Objects of legal relations: concept and types.
obligation as the content of a legal relationship.
Concept and classification of legal
changes and termination of legal relations.

QUESTION No. 1: Concept, characteristics and types of legal relations. Composition of the legal relationship.

this is a social relationship regulated
rules of law, the participants of which have
corresponding subjective rights and
legal responsibilities.
Legal relations do not form an independent type
social relations, but act only as
legal form, reflection and consolidation
actual relations.


right public relation.
connection with the rule of law (arise,
change and terminate on the basis of legal norms).
interconnected through subjective
rights and legal obligations.
character (for the emergence of a legal relationship
the will of its participants is necessary, at least with at least
one side).
attitude arises about the real good,
by the state.


MATERIAL – actual relations,
arising in society and requiring legal
LEGAL – the presence of legal conditions, without
which legal relations cannot arise.
rule of law;
legal personality;
subjective rights and legal obligations;
legal fact.





(implementation of prohibitions)
(implementation of active

(two subjects)
(more than two subjects)

(legal relations of exchange)
(lease legal relationship)

(specifically defined
all parties: plaintiff-defendant;
spouse, etc.)
(defined only
authorized party:
(based on common rights and
responsibilities: right to life;
duty to obey the law)


(subjective rights and
legal responsibilities

QUESTION No. 2: The concept and types of subjects of law. Legal personality.

these are participants in legal relations,
having the corresponding subjective
rights and legal obligations.

(legal entities)



recognized as an organization that owns,
economic management or operational management
separate property and is responsible for its
obligations with this property,
may, on its own behalf, acquire and carry out
property and personal non-property rights,
bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court.
Legal entities must have independent
balance and (or) estimate.
Clause 1 Art. 48 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Legal capacity and capacity. Legal personality.

LEGAL CAPACITY is the ability (opportunity) of a person to have subjective rights and legal obligations.


arises from the moment of birth and ceases
inseparable from the individual and intransferable;
the mental and physical condition of a citizen is not
affect his legal capacity;
is recognized as equal for all citizens, regardless of
gender, race, nationality, etc.;
is not a natural property of man, but
generated by objective law;
acts as a prerequisite for the acquisition of subjective
rights, the basis for the possession of rights;
is an abstract category, unlike
subjective law;
to become a real participant in the legal relationship,
a legal subject must have legal capacity.

fundamental possibility
persons have any rights and
in certain areas of law
(marriage, labor, electoral).
(official, professional).

LEGAL CAPACITY – the ability of a person to independently, through his conscious actions, exercise his rights and fulfill his duties.

the ability of a person to independently, with his own
carry out conscious actions
rights belonging to him and to fulfill
legal responsibilities assigned to him.

(18 years)
- minors (from 6 to 14)
- minors (from 14 to 18)

LIMITED CAPACITY involves restricting (most often by judicial or administrative procedure) the actual capacity of a person

involves restriction (most often in judicial
or administrative procedure) actual
a person's ability to exercise subjective
(Part 3 Article 55 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)
State of health (clause 1 of article 29, clause 1 of article 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
The degree of law-abidingness of the subject.
The degree of relationship of the subjects.
Having the required level of education.

Legal personality is the ability of a person to be a subject of law, determined by the state.

It includes several elements:
1. legal capacity;
2. legal capacity;
3. tort capacity – the ability of a person to bear
legal liability;
4. sanity.
The last two elements are covered by the concept
Legal personality is
legal capacity and legal capacity taken together, i.e.

QUESTION No. 3: Objects of legal relations: concept and types.

this is what rights and responsibilities are aimed at
subjects of legal relations, about what they
enter into legal ties.

The object of legal relations can only be
actions, behavior of subjects regarding
implementation of any social benefits and


goods (things, values, property, etc.);
dignity, etc.);
literature, art, music, science, computer
programs, etc.);
(works and services);
papers and documents
diplomas, certificates, etc.);
legal relations

QUESTION No. 4: Subjective right and legal obligation as the content of a legal relationship.

it is a measure of legally possible behavior,
allowing the subject to satisfy him
own interests.


authorized person;
requirements of the relevant
behavior from the obligated person;
seek protection from
(primarily to court);
social good, value.

it is a measure of legally required behavior,
established to satisfy interests
authorized person.


actions or refrain from them;
respond to requests
him the legal demands of the authorized person;
do not interfere with the counterparty
enjoy the benefit for which he has
liability for failure to comply with legal
requirements of the authorized person.


subjective right is intended to satisfy
own interests of the person, then legal
duty – other people’s interests (authorized
subjective right – a measure of the possible
legal obligation is a measure of what is necessary
behavior (its implementation cannot be refused).

QUESTION No. 5: Concept and classification of legal facts as grounds for the emergence, change and termination of legal relations.

these are specific life circumstances, with
by which the rule of law binds the offensive
certain legal consequences.
Legal facts are prerequisites
legal relations.
Their model is fixed in the hypothesis of legal


(change of position)

(not related to will
legal relations)
(related to will
legal relations)


LEGAL ACTIONS are expressed in the behavior of people that meets legal requirements.

acts - actions performed with
intention to give rise to legal consequences
(transactions, acts of executive authorities,
court decisions, etc.);
actions - actions that lead to
to legal consequences regardless
intentions of the person committing them (find,
creation of a work of art, etc.).

ILLEGAL ACTIONS are actions that violate legal requirements.

There are also objectively illegal acts
those. socially harmful actions committed
innocent or incompetent person.


in military service;
positions, etc.

set of legal facts necessary
for origin, change or termination
legal relations.
EXAMPLE: to receive an old-age pension
facts such as
reaching retirement age,
having the required work experience,
decision of the relevant authority
on the assignment of a pension.


The subjects of military legal relations are
military personnel,
military organizations (units, formations, etc.).
The object of these legal relations is behavior,
construction and activities of the armed forces
(for example, performing internal service, combat
duty, performance of official duties
military official).
In legal relations arising on the basis of military
legislation reflect the specifics
military organization, military service, patterns
war and armed struggle: unity of command,
dependence of the course and outcome of the war on the ratio
economic forces of the warring states, the nature
military operations.

Seminar No. 17/2: “Legal relations. Peculiarities of legal relations arising on the basis of military legislation."

Study questions:
Legal relations as a special type of social
relations, their concept, characteristics, types and composition.
2. Concept
and classification of subjects of legal relations.
Legal capacity
legal capacity
legal relations.
3. Concept
and the structure of subjective rights and legal
4. Concept
and types of objects of legal relations.
5. Legal
facts: concept, classification.
6. Characteristics and
features of military legal relations.

legal relations.
Armed Forces and military personnel as
special subjects of legal relations.
Military bodies
legal relations.
Monistic and pluralistic
object of legal relations.
Legal presumptions, axioms and fictions.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * What changes have occurred in the development of science What reasons contributed to the development of science and scientific knowledge; How did these studies influence the lives of modern people; Today you will learn: Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

3 slide

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * Reasons for the rapid development of science. "Lord of Lightning." The sensations continue. Revolution in natural science. New science – microbiology. Advances in medicine. Development of education. We are working according to plan: Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * We work with the table Scientific field Year of discovery Name of the scientist Content and significance of the discovery Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * Reasons for the rapid development of sciences Why did various sciences begin to develop so actively in the 19th – early 20th centuries? You will find the answer to the question by reading paragraph 1 on page 39. Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * Reasons for the rapid development of sciences Life itself demanded to know the laws and use them in production 2. Radical changes in the consciousness and thinking of people of the New Age Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * In 1831, Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which made it possible to begin creating an electric motor. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society. “The Lightning Lord” Michael Faraday Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * In the 1860s, he developed the electromagnetic theory of light, which summarized the results of experiments and theoretical constructions of many physicists from different countries in the field of electromagnetism. “The sensations continue” James Carl Maxwell Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * According to his theory, there are invisible waves in nature that transmit electricity in space. Light is a type of electromagnetic vibration. Maxwell with a color top in his hand “The sensations continue” Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. MOU Budinskaya OOSH * In 1883, the German engineer Heinrich Hertz confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves and proved that no material object can prevent their spread “The sensations continue” Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * Hertz established that electromagnetic waves propagate at a speed of 300 thousand km/s. These waves became known as Hertz waves. "The Sensations Continue" Hertz's 1887 experimental apparatus. Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * The Dutch physicist tried to explain Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory from the point of view of the atomic structure of matter “The sensations continue” Hendrik Anton Lorenz Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * “The sensations continue” A revolution was taking place in the natural scientific ideas of mankind, a new picture of the world was being formed, which still exists today Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * At the end of 1895 in Germany, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, based on Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic waves, discovered invisible rays, which he called X-rays. “The sensations continue” Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * Remaining invisible, the rays penetrate various objects to varying degrees. The resulting image can be captured on film. This discovery has found wide application in medicine. “The sensations continue” X-ray images of Antonenkov A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie “The Sensations Continue” Ernest Rutherford Niels Bohr Scientists studying the phenomenon of radioactivity Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * In 1903, Marie and Pierre Curie, together with Henri Becquerel, received the Nobel Prize in Physics “for outstanding services in joint research into radiation phenomena.” Pierre and Marie Curie In the laboratory “The sensations continue” Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * A revolution in natural science was made by the book of the great scientist and naturalist Charles Darwin “The Origin of Species” Charles Darwin “Revolution in Natural Science” Antonenkov A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * In 1885, a scientist saved the life of a young man who was bitten 14 times by a rabid dog. He was working on obtaining a rabies serum. He gave the world a new science - microbiology "Revolution in Medicine" Louis Pasteur Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * Worked with the fermentation process, created a method of sterilization and pasteurization of various products. Developed several vaccinations against infectious diseases. Explained to surgeons the need to disinfect hands and instruments before work. “Revolution in medicine” Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * English doctor, developed the first vaccine - against smallpox. Jenner came up with the idea of ​​injecting the seemingly harmless cowpox virus into the human body. “Revolution in Medicine” Edward Jenner Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * Rene Laennec established that solid bodies produce sounds in different ways. He constructed a tube made of beech wood - a stethoscope. One end was applied to the patient’s chest, and the other to the doctor’s ear “Revolution in Medicine” The first stethoscopes by Antonenkov A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * German microbiologist, discovered the anthrax bacillus, Vibrio cholerae and tuberculosis bacillus. For his research on tuberculosis he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. “Revolution in Medicine” Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist). One of the founders of evolutionary Embryology, phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908). “Revolution in medicine” Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School * “Development of Education” Read the paragraph “Development of Education” on pages 44-45 yourself and answer the question “How did the development of education occur in different countries?” Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. MOU Budinskaya OOSH * Let's summarize the lesson Relate the scientist and his invention 1 Michael Faraday A Invisible X-rays 2 James Maxwell B Electromagnetic waves 3 Heinrich Hertz C Discovery of radioactivity 4 Wilhelm Roentgen D Rabies vaccine 5 Pierre and Marie Curie D Discovery of electromagnetism 6 Charles Darwin E The causative agent of tuberculosis 7 Louis Pasteur J “The Origin of Species” 8 Robert Koch Z Electromagnetic theory of light Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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* Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school * Homework: § 4, questions, notes in notebooks. Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school

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Becquerel, Antoine Henri, French physicist, Nobel Prize winner in physics and one of the discoverers of radioactivity. In 1896, Becquerel discovered radioactivity while working on phosphorescence in uranium salts. Sklodowska-Curie, Maria, experimental scientist, teacher, public figure. Nobel laureate: in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911), the first two-time Nobel laureate in history. Discovered the elements radium and polonium.

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Pierre Curie - French physicist, one of the first researchers of radioactivity, member of the French Academy of Sciences, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1903. At the age of 16, he received a bachelor's degree from the University of Paris, and two years later he became a licentiate in physical sciences. From 1878 he worked with his older brother Jacques in the mineralogical laboratory of the Sorbonne. Together they discovered the piezoelectric effect. Thomson Joseph John explained the continuous spectrum of X-ray radiation, established the nature of positive ions, and proposed the first model of the structure of the atom. In 1911, he developed the parabola method for measuring the ratio of a particle's charge to its mass, which played a major role in the study of isotopes. Pierre Curie and Marie Skłodowska-Curie. Photo.

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Max Planck, German theoretical physicist, founder of quantum physics. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1918) and other awards, Rutherford, Ernest Known as the “father” of nuclear physics, he created the planetary model of the atom. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908.

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Niels Henrik David Bohr is a Danish theoretical physicist and public figure, one of the founders of modern physics. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1922). Member of the Royal Danish Society (1917) and its president since 1939. He was a member of more than 20 academies of sciences around the world, including a foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929; corresponding member - since 1924). Bohr is the creator of the first quantum theory of the atom and an active participant in the development of the foundations of quantum mechanics. He also made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, processes of interaction of elementary particles with the environment.

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In the 19th century, medicine became a fully established science. Indicators such as average life expectancy and a decrease in morbidity have significantly improved. French hospital of the 19th century. Reconstruction. /

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Scientific advances in medicine: By the 19th century, anatomy’s development was almost equivalent to the modern level, so the main research interest was aimed at studying the anatomy of tissues. At that time, many discoveries were made to explain certain diseases occurring in tissues. In physiology, the structure of individual structures of the brain, nervous arch, sensory organs, digestive and respiratory systems, the functioning of the heart and other mechanisms was actively studied. The process of nerve impulse transmission and much more has been discovered. The method of experimenting on animals began to be widely used. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution contributed greatly to the success of biology. A cellular theory of the structure of living organisms is proposed. The concept of genetics was born and its basic laws were proposed. Chemistry did not lag behind: in 1869 D.I. Mendeleev discovered the periodic law of chemical elements and created their system (table). Great strides have been made in the study of infectious diseases. Pharmacology developed. The 19th century was the century of major discoveries in the field of surgery.

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Louis Pasteur - French microbiologist and chemist, member of the French Academy (1881). Pasteur, having shown the microbiological essence of fermentation and many human diseases, became one of the founders of microbiology and immunology. His work in the field of crystal structure and polarization phenomena formed the basis of stereochemistry. Pasteur also put an end to the centuries-old dispute about the spontaneous generation of some forms of life at the present time, experimentally proving the impossibility of this. His name is widely known in non-scientific circles thanks to the pasteurization technology he created and later named after him. Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895)

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Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch - German microbiologist. He discovered the anthrax bacillus, Vibrio cholera and the tuberculosis bacillus. For his research on tuberculosis he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (1843 - 1910)

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Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (Roentgen) is an outstanding German physicist who worked at the University of Würzburg. From 1875 professor in Hohenheim, 1876 professor of physics in Strasbourg, from 1879 in Giessen, from 1885 in Würzburg, from 1899 in Munich. The first Nobel Prize laureate in the history of physics (1901). Wilhelm Kondrat Roentgen (1845 – 1923)

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Sigmund Freud (full name Sigismund Shlomo Freud) is an Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist. Sigmund Freud is best known as the founder of psychoanalysis, which had a significant influence on psychology, medicine, sociology, anthropology, literature and art of the 20th century. Freud's views on human nature were innovative for his time and throughout the researcher's life they continued to resonate in the scientific community. Interest in the scientist’s theories continues to this day. Despite the fact that the influence of Freud's ideas and personality on psychology is undeniable, many researchers consider his works to be intellectual quackery. Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939)

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Thomas Hunt Morgan - American biologist, one of the founders of genetics, chairman of the Sixth International Congress on Genetics in Ithaca, New York (1932). Winner of the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for his discoveries concerning the role of chromosomes in heredity.” Thomas Morgan and his students (G. J. Meller, A. G. Sturtevant, etc.) substantiated the chromosomal theory of heredity; The established patterns of gene arrangement on chromosomes contributed to the elucidation of the cytological mechanisms of Gregor Mendel's laws and the development of the genetic foundations of the theory of natural selection. Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866 – 1945)

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Charles Robert Darwin, an English naturalist and traveler, was one of the first to realize and clearly demonstrate that all types of living organisms evolve over time from common ancestors. In his theory, the first detailed presentation of which was published in 1859 in the book “On the Origin of Species,” Darwin called natural selection and uncertain variability the main driving force of evolution. The role of the force that shaped Darwin's understanding of changing natural conditions as the driving force of natural selection was played by artificial selection, which had by that time achieved significant development in English agriculture and made it common to view domesticated animals and domesticated plants as the result of such selection. Charles Robert Darwin (1809 – 1882)

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The existence of evolution was recognized by most scientists during Darwin's lifetime, while his theory of natural selection as the main explanation of evolution became generally accepted only in the 30s of the 20th century with the advent of the synthetic theory of evolution. Darwin's ideas and discoveries, as revised, form the foundation of the modern synthetic theory of evolution and form the basis of biology as providing a logical explanation for biodiversity. Orthodox followers of Darwin's teachings develop the direction of evolutionary thought that bears his name (Darwinism). Signature of Charles Darwin

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George Stephenson (9 June 1781, Wylam - 12 August 1848, Chesterfield, Derbyshire) - English inventor and mechanical engineer. He gained worldwide fame thanks to the steam locomotive he invented. Considered one of the “fathers” of railways. The track gauge he chose, 1435 mm (4 feet 8½ inches, the so-called “Stephenson” or “normal gauge”), became the most common in Western Europe and is still the standard on the railways of many countries around the world.

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Robert Fulton At school, young Robert did not shine with success, preferring to spend his free time in local gunsmiths, drawing, sketching and making fireworks. At the age of 12, Robert became interested in steam engines, and already at the age of 14 he successfully tested his boat, equipped with a hand-powered wheel propulsion unit.

Question 01. Explain the reasons for the rapid development of physics and other natural sciences in the 19th century.

Answer. Discoveries in the field of natural sciences immediately found practical implementation in new inventions, which immediately brought fame (as well as money), which stimulated scientists to make new discoveries and young people to engage in science. Research began to require investment, but thanks to the discoveries, both business and government were interested in sponsoring the natural sciences.

Question 02. Fill out the table “The most important scientific discoveries in the 19th - early 20th centuries” in your notebook. Columns of the table: scientific field, year of discovery, name of the scientist, content and significance of the discovery.

Question 03. Prepare a message about a discovery. Also use the text of the document. What qualities do you think a scientist should have?

Answer. Charles Darwin went to his discovery for many years. He traveled on a ship of the English navy, on which he traveled around the world and made many observations as a naturalist, because the voyage lasted five years. For example, in the Galapagos Islands (in the Pacific Ocean) he studied finches. He noticed that with approximately the same body shape, many species of finches have different beak shapes and sizes. He suggested that they descended from the same ancestor, but over time, development separated them into different species. When he returned, he began to study the selection of domestic animals, on the basis of which new breeds appeared. He was especially interested in pigeons. People obtained a wide variety of colors for these birds by selecting from the offspring only individuals with the qualities they desired. Darwin suggested that nature does the same thing: it selects the qualities it needs and allows organisms with only these qualities to leave offspring. He consolidated his conclusions using the example of plants. Thus Darwin's theory of evolution was born, which he published in 1859. But that wasn't the end of the story. Further, Darwin had to endure fierce polemics with opponents of his theory until the end of his life.

Charles Darwin knew how to collect material, draw conclusions from it that others had not thought of, and knew how to confirm these conclusions. He had the industriousness to develop his theory, the determination to publish it, the tenacity to defend it, and the longevity to display the above qualities. This is exactly what, in my opinion, pioneers need (although, I believe, there is no universal set of qualities characteristic of all of them).

Question 04. Describe the successes of medicine at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Think about the reasons for these successes.

Answer. Medicine in the 19th century developed vaccines for many diseases and clarified the connection between public hygiene and epidemics. All this made it possible to deal much better with many mass diseases and laid the foundations for a complete or almost complete victory over them in the twentieth century. Anesthesia was discovered in surgery, and an X-ray machine appeared. Thanks to these and many other discoveries, wounds previously considered fatal were now treatable. In many ways, the reasons for these successes lie in interaction with other natural sciences. The emergence of microbiology and a vaccine against rabies would not have been possible without the development of microscopes (respectively, optics), the X-ray machine was named after the physicist because it would not have been possible without his discovery, the work of chemists made it possible to create new medicines, etc.

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Slide 2

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 2 What changes have occurred in the development of science What reasons contributed to the development of science and scientific knowledge; Today you will learn:

Slide 3

We are working according to plan:

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 3 “Lord of Lightning”. The sensations continue. Revolution in natural science. New science – microbiology. Advances in medicine. Development of education.

Slide 4

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 4 Working with the table

Slide 5

Reasons for the rapid development of sciences

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 5 different sciences? You will find the answer to the question by reading point 1 on page 39.

Slide 6

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 6 Life itself demanded to know the laws and use them in production 2. Radical changes in the consciousness and thinking of people of the New Age

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"Lord of Lightning"

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 7 Michael Faraday

Slide 8

"The sensations continue"

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 8 James Karl Maxwell

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04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 9 Maxwell with a color top in his hand

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04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 10 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

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04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya OOSH 11 Hertz established that electromagnetic waves propagate at a speed of 300 thousand km/s. These waves became known as Hertz waves. Hertz's experimental apparatus from 1887.

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04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. MOU Budinskaya OOSH 12 The Dutch physicist tried to explain Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory from the point of view of the atomic structure of matter Hendrik Anton Lorentz

Slide 13

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 13 A revolution took place in the natural scientific ideas of mankind, a new picture of the world was formed, which still exists today

Slide 14

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. MOU Budinskaya OOSH 14 At the end of 1895 in Germany, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, based on Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic waves, discovered invisible rays, which he called X-rays.

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04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 15 Remaining invisible, the rays penetrate various objects to varying degrees. The resulting image can be captured on film. This discovery has found wide application in medicine. X-rays

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04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 16 Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Maria Sklodowska-Curie Ernest Rutherford Niels Bohr Scientists studying the phenomenon of radioactivity

Slide 17

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School 17 In 1903, Marie and Pierre Curie, together with Henri Becquerel, received the Nobel Prize in Physics “for outstanding services in joint research into radiation phenomena.” Pierre and Marie Curie In the laboratory

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"Revolution in Natural Science"

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 18 Charles Darwin

Slide 19

"Revolution in Medicine"

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 19 Louis Pasteur

Slide 20

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 20 Worked with the fermentation process, created a method for sterilization and pasteurization of various products. Developed several vaccinations against infectious diseases. Explained to surgeons the need to disinfect hands and instruments before work.

Slide 21

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 21 English doctor, developed the first vaccine - against smallpox. Jenner came up with the idea of ​​injecting the seemingly harmless cowpox virus into the human body. Edward Jenner

Slide 22

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 22 Rene Laennec established that solid bodies produce sounds in different ways. He constructed a tube made of beech wood - a stethoscope. One end was applied to the patient's chest, and the other to the doctor's ear. The first stethoscopes

Slide 23

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 23 German microbiologist, discovered the anthrax bacillus, Vibrio cholera and tuberculosis bacillus. For his research on tuberculosis he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch

Slide 24

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 24 One of the founders of evolutionary Embryology, phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, the creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908).

Slide 25

"Development of Education"

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 25 Read the paragraph “Development of Education” on pages 44-45 yourself and answer the question “How did the development of education occur in different countries?”

Slide 26

Let's summarize the lesson

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 26 Match the scientist and his invention

Slide 27


04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 27

Slide 28

04/28/2016 Antonenkova A.V. Municipal educational institution Budinskaya secondary school 28 http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D4%E0%F0%E0%E4%E5%E9,_%CC%E0%E9%EA%EB http://ru.wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%8F_%D0%98%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B8%D1%87_%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1 %87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2 http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5 %D1%80%D1%82_%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%85 * http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D1%F2%E5%F2%EE%F1%EA%EE% EF *http://nova.rambler.ru/search?query=%D0%90%D0%BD%D1%80%D0%B8+%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%BA%D0 %B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C Anzhelika Viktorovna Antonenkova, Tver region

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�PAGE � �PAGE �12�

History teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School

Tver region

Goals:- (sl. 2)

How did these studies influence the lives of modern people;


During the classes.

1. Org. start of the lesson.

1) testing

A) the appearance of steam locomotives;

A) Paris

B) London

In Berlin

A) Edison

B) S. Rhodes

B) K. Benz

A) electric vehicles

B) lamp posts

A) L. Dagger

B) Singer

B) r. Hill

A) L. Dagger

B) L. Sholes

B) Singer

A) lanterns

B) kerosene lamps

B) lamps

A) modern

B) classicism

Criteria for evaluation:

Less than 5 – “2”

From 5 to 7 – “3”

From 8 to 10 – “4”

Answer key:

(sl. 3) Lesson plan:

Reasons for the rapid development of science.

"Lord of Lightning."

The sensations continue.

Revolution in natural science.

New science – microbiology.

Advances in medicine.

Development of education.

1) work according to the textbook:

(sl. 5) Why did they begin to develop so actively in the 19th – early 20th centuries?

various sciences?

(sl. 6)

(sl. 7) In 1831, Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which made it possible to begin creating an electric motor. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society.

(sl. 8) In the 1860s, he developed the electromagnetic theory of light, which summarized the results of experiments and theoretical constructions of many physicists in different countries in the field of electromagnetism.

James Clerk Maxwell

(sl. 9) According to his theory, there are invisible waves in nature that transmit electricity in space. Light is a type of electromagnetic vibration.

(page 10) In 1883, the German engineer Heinrich Hertz confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves and proved that no material object could prevent their propagation

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz- German physicist.

(sl. 11)

- (sl. 12)

Hendrik Anton Lorenz

(sl. 13) That.,

Discovery of the rays

(sl. 16)

(sl. 17

(sl. 18) A revolution in natural science was made by the book of the great scientist and naturalist Charles Darwin “On the Origin of Species”

Charles Robert Darwin

(sl. 19) In 1885, the scientist saved the life of a young man who was bitten 14 times by a rabid dog. He was working on obtaining a rabies serum. Gave the world a new science - microbiology

Louis Pasteur pasteurization.

(page 20)

Interesting Facts

(sl. 21)

(sl. 23)

(sl. 24) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist).

(sl. 25)

5. Summing up the lesson:

(page 26) Task on cards

6. Homework(sl. 27)

Paragraph 5, questions, notes in notebooks.

�PAGE � �PAGE �12�

Lesson on New History in 8th grade on the topic: “Science: creating a scientific picture of the world”

History teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School

Tver region

Goals:- (sl. 2)

Find out what changes have occurred in the development of science; what reasons contributed to the development of science and scientific knowledge;

How did these studies influence the lives of modern people;

Develop the ability to find the necessary information from various sources, the ability to compile tabular entries.

Equipment: presentation, computer, survey cards.

During the classes.

1. Org. start of the lesson.

2. Checking homework.

1) testing

1. The development of railway transport in cities was facilitated by:

A) the appearance of steam locomotives;

B) the transformation of cities into industrial centers

C) a great desire to make life easier for citizens

2. The first public transport - the omnibus appeared for the first time in:

A) Paris

B) London

In Berlin

3. The appearance of electric trams is associated with the name:

A) Edison

B) S. Rhodes

B) K. Benz

4. In what year was the first subway opened in London?

5. An integral part of the street landscape of the late 19th – early 20th centuries was (a) the appearance

A) electric vehicles

B) lamp posts

B) boys selling newspapers

6. A machine designed for sewing clothes was invented by:

A) L. Dagger

B) Singer

B) r. Hill

7. The founder of the first method of photography is:

A) L. Dagger

B) L. Sholes

B) Singer

8. Candles and oil lamps were replaced in the 50s by:

A) lanterns

B) kerosene lamps

B) lamps

9. In what year did L. Sholes receive a patent for the invention of the typewriter?

10. During the Napoleonic era, the dominant style was:

A) modern

B) classicism

11. A distinctive feature of the early 20th century in clothing was that:

A) women’s skirts are tapered, and men wear three-piece suits;

B) women's skirts widen, men wear tailcoats

C) women wear low necklines, and men wear tuxedos and tails

Criteria for evaluation:

Less than 5 – “2”

From 5 to 7 – “3”

From 8 to 10 – “4”

Answer key:

1-b, 2-a, 3-a,4-c,5-c,6-b, 7-a, 8-b, 9-a,10 –c,11 –a

3. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

(sl. 3) Lesson plan:

Reasons for the rapid development of science.

"Lord of Lightning."

The sensations continue.

Revolution in natural science.

New science – microbiology.

Advances in medicine.

Development of education.

(page 4) - draw a table to be filled out during the lesson.

4. Learning new material:

1) work according to the textbook:

(sl. 5) Why did they begin to develop so actively in the 19th – early 20th centuries?

various sciences?

You will find the answer to the question by reading point 1 on page 39.

(sl. 6)

Reasons for the development of science in modern times:

1. Life itself demanded to know the laws and use them in production

2. Radical changes in the consciousness and thinking of people of the New Age.

(sl. 7) In 1831, Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which made it possible to begin creating an electric motor. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Let's find out more about him.

Michael was born on September 22, 1791 in Newton Butts (now Greater London). His father was a poor blacksmith from the London suburbs. His elder brother Robert was also a blacksmith, who in every possible way encouraged Michael’s thirst for knowledge and at first supported him financially. Faraday's mother, a hardworking and uneducated woman, lived to see her son achieve success and recognition, and was rightfully proud of him. The family's modest income did not allow Michael to even graduate from high school; at the age of thirteen he began working as a supplier of books and newspapers, and then at the age of 14 he went to work in a bookstore, where he studied bookbinding. Seven years of work in a workshop on Blandford Street became for the young man years of intense self-education. All this time, Faraday worked hard - he enthusiastically read all the scientific works he bound on physics and chemistry, as well as articles from the Encyclopedia Britannica, and repeated the experiments described in books on homemade electrostatic devices in his home laboratory. An important stage in Faraday’s life was his studies at the City Philosophical Society, where Michael listened to popular science lectures on physics and astronomy in the evenings and participated in debates. He received money (a shilling to pay for each lecture) from his brother. At the lectures, Faraday made new acquaintances, to whom he wrote many letters in order to develop a clear and concise style of presentation; he also tried to master the techniques of oratory.

Gradually, his experimental research increasingly shifted to the field of physics. After the discovery in 1820 by H. Oersted of the magnetic effect of electric current, Faraday was fascinated by the problem of the connection between electricity and magnetism. In 1822, an entry appeared in his laboratory diary: “Convert magnetism into electricity.” Faraday's reasoning was as follows: if in Oersted's experiment the electric current has a magnetic force, and, according to Faraday, all forces are interconvertible, then magnets should excite the electric current. In the same year, he attempted to find the polarizing effect of current on light. By passing polarized light through water located between the poles of a magnet, he tried to detect the depolarization of light, but the experiment gave a negative result.

In 1823, Faraday became a member of the Royal Society of London and was appointed director of the physical and chemical laboratories of the Royal Institution, where he conducted his experiments.

(sl. 8) In the 1860s, he developed the electromagnetic theory of light, which summarized the results of experiments and theoretical constructions of many physicists in different countries in the field of electromagnetism.

James Clerk Maxwell) - British physicist and mathematician. Scottish by birth. Member of the Royal Society of London (1861). Maxwell laid the foundations of modern classical electrodynamics (Maxwell's equations), introduced the concepts of displacement current and electromagnetic field into physics, and obtained a number of consequences from his theory (prediction of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic nature of light, light pressure, and others). One of the founders of the kinetic theory of gases (established the distribution of gas molecules by speed). He was one of the first to introduce statistical concepts into physics, showed the statistical nature of the second law of thermodynamics (“Maxwell’s demon”), and obtained a number of important results in molecular physics and thermodynamics (Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations, Maxwell’s rule for the liquid-gas phase transition, and others). Pioneer of quantitative color theory; author of the principle of color photography. Among Maxwell's other works are studies on the stability of Saturn's rings, the theory of elasticity and mechanics (photoelasticity, Maxwell's theorem), optics, and mathematics. He prepared manuscripts of Henry Cavendish's works for publication, paid a lot of attention to the popularization of science, and designed a number of scientific instruments.

(sl. 9) According to his theory, there are invisible waves in nature that transmit electricity in space. Light is a type of electromagnetic vibration.

(page 10) In 1883, the German engineer Heinrich Hertz confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves and proved that no material object could prevent their propagation

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz- German physicist.

Graduated from the University of Berlin, from 1885 to 1889. was a professor of physics at the University of Karlsruhe. Since 1889 - professor of physics at the University of Bonn.

The main achievement is the experimental confirmation of James Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light. Hertz proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. He studied in detail the reflection, interference, diffraction and polarization of electromagnetic waves, proved that the speed of their propagation coincides with the speed of propagation of light, and that light is nothing more than a type of electromagnetic waves. He constructed the electrodynamics of moving bodies based on the hypothesis that the ether is carried away by moving bodies. However, his theory of electrodynamics was not confirmed by experiments and later gave way to the electronic theory of Hendrik Lorentz. The results obtained by Hertz formed the basis for the development of radio.

In 1886-87 Hertz was the first to observe and describe the external photoelectric effect. Hertz developed the theory of a resonant circuit, studied the properties of cathode rays, and investigated the effect of ultraviolet rays on electric discharge. In a number of works on mechanics, he gave the theory of impact of elastic balls, calculated the time of impact, etc. In the book “Principles of Mechanics” (1894), he deduced the general theorems of mechanics and its mathematical apparatus, based on a single principle (Hertz’s principle).

Since 1933, the frequency unit Hertz, which is included in the international metric system of units SI, has been named after Hertz.

(sl. 11) Hertz established that electromagnetic waves propagate at a speed of 300 thousand km/s. These waves became known as Hertz waves. It was on the basis of these discoveries that Marconi and Popov created the wireless telegraph. In 1897 A.S. Popov sent the first telegram, consisting of two words: “Heinrich Hertz”

- (sl. 12) Nevertheless, discoveries continued. Back in 1878, the Dutch physicist Hendrik Anton Lorenz tried to explain Maxwell's electromagnetic theory from the point of view of the atomic structure of matter

Hendrik Anton Lorenz

Lorenz studied physics and mathematics at Leiden University. His astronomy teacher, Professor Frederick Kaiser, had a great influence on him as a future physicist. At the University of Leiden from 1878 he then worked as a professor of mathematical physics. In 1880, together with his almost namesake Ludwig Lorentz, he derived the Lorentz-Lorentz formula. He developed the electromagnetic theory of light and the electronic theory of matter, and also formulated a self-consistent theory of electricity, magnetism and light. The name of this scientist is associated with the Lorentz force, known from school physics courses (the concept of which he developed in 1895), a force acting on an electric charge moving in a magnetic field. In electrodynamics, the method of calculating the local field, first proposed by Lorentz, and known as the “Lorentz sphere”, is widely used.

He developed a theory about transformations of the state of a moving body, describing the decrease in the length of an object during translational motion. The Lorentz transformations obtained within the framework of this theory are a major contribution to the development of the theory of relativity.

For his explanation of the phenomenon known as the Zeeman effect, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1902 together with another Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman

(sl. 13) That., A revolution took place in the natural scientific ideas of mankind, a new picture of the world was formed, which still exists today

(page 14) At the end of 1895 in Germany, physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, based on Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic waves, discovered invisible rays, which he called X-rays.

Discovery of the rays

Despite the fact that Wilhelm Roentgen was a hardworking man and, as the head of the physics institute at the University of Würzburg, he used to stay late in the laboratory, he made the main discovery in his life - X-rays - when he was already 50 years old. November 8, 1895, Roentgen's experiments showed the basic properties of previously unknown radiation, which was called X-rays. As it turns out, X-rays can penetrate many opaque materials; however, it is not reflected or refracted. X-ray radiation ionizes the surrounding air and illuminates the photo plates. ((page 15) Also, Roentgen made the first photographs using X-rays.

The discovery of the German scientist greatly influenced the development of science. Experiments and studies using X-rays helped to obtain new information about the structure of matter, which, together with other discoveries of that time, forced us to reconsider a number of principles of classical physics. After a short period of time, X-ray tubes found application in medicine and various fields of technology.

Representatives of industrial companies approached Roentgen more than once with offers to profitably purchase the rights to use the invention. But Wilhelm refused to patent the discovery, since he did not consider his research a source of income.

By 1919, X-ray tubes had become widespread and were used in many countries. Thanks to them, new areas of science and technology emerged - radiology, x-ray diagnostics, x-ray measurements, x-ray diffraction analysis, etc.

(sl. 16)- A whole group of scientists - Henri Becquerel, Pierre Maria Sklodowska - Curie, Ernest Rutherford, Niels Bohr - studied radioactivity and created the doctrine of the complex structure of the atom.

(sl. 17) In 1903, Marie and Pierre Curie, together with Henri Becquerel, received the Nobel Prize in Physics “for outstanding services in joint research into the phenomena of radiation.”

(sl. 18) A revolution in natural science was made by the book of the great scientist and naturalist Charles Darwin “On the Origin of Species”

Charles Robert Darwin- English naturalist and traveler, was one of the first to realize and clearly demonstrate that all types of living organisms evolve over time from common ancestors. In his theory, the first detailed presentation of which was published in 1859 in the book “On the Origin of Species,” Darwin called natural selection and uncertain variability the main driving force of evolution. The existence of evolution was recognized by most scientists during Darwin's lifetime, while his theory of natural selection as the main explanation of evolution became generally accepted only in the 30s of the 20th century with the advent of the synthetic theory of evolution. Darwin's ideas and discoveries, as revised, form the foundation of the modern synthetic theory of evolution and form the basis of biology as providing a logical explanation for biodiversity. Orthodox followers of Darwin's teachings develop the direction of evolutionary thought that bears his name (Darwinism).

(pp. 42 – 43 – textbook statement by Darwin)

(sl. 19) In 1885, the scientist saved the life of a young man who was bitten 14 times by a rabid dog. He was working on obtaining a rabies serum. Gave the world a new science - microbiology

Louis Pasteur- French microbiologist and chemist, member of the French Academy (1881). Pasteur, having shown the microbiological essence of fermentation and many human diseases, became one of the founders of microbiology and immunology. His work in the field of crystal structure and polarization phenomena formed the basis of stereochemistry. Pasteur also put an end to the centuries-old dispute about the spontaneous generation of some forms of life at the present time, experimentally proving the impossibility of this (see The Origin of Life on Earth). His name is widely known in non-scientific circles thanks to the technology he created and later named after him pasteurization.

Pasteur began studying fermentation in 1857. By 1861, Pasteur showed that the formation of alcohol, glycerol and succinic acid during fermentation can only occur in the presence of microorganisms, often specific ones.

Louis Pasteur proved that fermentation is a process closely related to the vital activity of yeast fungi, which feed and multiply at the expense of fermenting liquid. In clarifying this issue, Pasteur had to refute Liebig's view of fermentation as a chemical process, which was dominant at that time. Particularly convincing were Pasteur's experiments with a liquid containing pure sugar, various mineral salts that served as food for the fermenting fungus, and ammonium salt, which supplied the fungus with the necessary nitrogen. The fungus developed, increasing in weight; ammonium salt was wasted. Pasteur showed that lactic fermentation also requires the presence of a special “organized enzyme” (as living microbial cells were called at that time), which multiplies in the fermenting liquid, also increasing in weight, and with the help of which fermentation can be caused in new portions of the liquid.

At the same time, Louis Pasteur made another important discovery. He found that there are organisms that can live without oxygen. For some of them, oxygen is not only unnecessary, but also poisonous. Such organisms are called strict anaerobes. Their representatives are microbes that cause butyric acid fermentation. At the same time, organisms capable of both fermentation and respiration grew more actively in the presence of oxygen, but consumed less organic matter from the environment. Thus, it has been shown that anaerobic life is less efficient. It has now been shown that from the same amount of organic substrate, aerobic organisms are able to extract almost 20 times more energy than anaerobic organisms.

(page 20)

Study of infectious diseases

In 1864, French winemakers turned to Pasteur with a request to help them develop means and methods of combating wine diseases. The result of his research was a monograph in which Pasteur showed that wine diseases are caused by various microorganisms, and each disease has a specific pathogen. To destroy harmful “organized enzymes,” he suggested heating the wine at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. This method, called pasteurization, is widely used in laboratories and in the food industry.

In 1865, Pasteur was invited by his former teacher to the south of France to find the cause of silkworm disease. After the publication of Robert Koch’s work “The Etiology of Anthrax” in 1876, Pasteur devoted himself entirely to immunology, finally establishing the specificity of the causative agents of anthrax, puerperal fever, cholera, rabies, chicken cholera and other diseases, developed ideas about artificial immunity, and proposed a method of preventive vaccinations , in particular against anthrax (1881), rabies (together with Emile Roux 1885), involving specialists from other medical specialties (for example, surgeon O. Lannelong).

The first vaccination against rabies was given on July 6, 1885 to 9-year-old Joseph Meister at the request of his mother. The treatment was successful, and the boy did not develop symptoms of rabies.

Interesting Facts

Pasteur spent his entire life studying biology and treating people, without receiving either a medical or biological education.

Pasteur also painted as a child. When J.-L. Jerome saw his work years later, he said how good it was that Louis chose science, since he would have been a great competitor to us.

In 1868 (at the age of 46), Pasteur suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. He remained disabled: his left arm was inactive, his left leg dragged along the ground. He almost died, but eventually recovered. Moreover, after this he made the most significant discoveries: he created a vaccine against anthrax and vaccinations against rabies. When the scientist died, it turned out that a huge part of his brain was destroyed. Pasteur died of uremia.

According to I. I. Mechnikov, Pasteur was a passionate patriot and a hater of the Germans. When they brought him a German book or pamphlet from the post office, he took it with two fingers and threw it away with a feeling of great disgust.

Later, a genus of bacteria, pasteurs, causing septic diseases, to the discovery of which he apparently had nothing to do, was named after him.

Pasteur was awarded orders from almost all countries of the world. In total he had about 200 awards.

(sl. 21) At the end of the 18th century, an English doctor noticed that milkmaids did not get smallpox, which at that time was killing thousands of people. Jenner quite correctly explained this by saying that milkmaids in a weak form become infected with smallpox from cows and this creates immunity in them. Therefore, he developed the first vaccine - against smallpox. Jenner came up with the idea of ​​injecting the seemingly harmless cowpox virus into the human body.

(f. 22) At the beginning of the 19th century, Jean Corvisart “listened” to his patients using a special stick and determined the condition of the lungs and heart by sound. Rene Laenne, a student of Jean Corvisart, discovered that solids produce sounds in different ways. He constructed a tube made of beech wood - a stethoscope. One end was applied to the patient's chest, and the other to the doctor's ear.

(sl. 23) German microbiologist, discovered the anthrax bacillus, Vibrio cholerae and tuberculosis bacillus. For his research on tuberculosis he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905.

Koch later made attempts to find the causative agent of tuberculosis, a widespread disease at that time and a leading cause of death. The proximity of the Charite clinic, filled with tuberculosis patients, makes his task easier - every day, early in the morning, he comes to the hospital, where he receives material for research: a small amount of sputum or a few drops of blood from patients with consumption.

However, despite the abundance of material, he still fails to detect the causative agent of the disease. Koch soon realizes that the only way to achieve his goal is with the help of dyes. Unfortunately, ordinary dyes turn out to be too weak, but after several months of unsuccessful work, he still manages to find the necessary substances.

Institute of Microbiology on Dorotheestrasse in Berlin - here Robert Koch discovered the causative agent of tuberculosis

Koch stains the crushed tuberculosis tissue of the 271st drug in methyl blue, and then in the caustic red-brown dye used in finishing leather, and discovers tiny, slightly curved, bright blue colored rods - Koch's rods.

On March 24, 1882, when he announced that he had isolated the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, Koch achieved the greatest triumph of his entire life. At that time, this disease was one of the main causes of death. In his publications, Koch developed the principles of “obtaining evidence that a particular microorganism causes certain diseases.” These principles still form the basis of medical microbiology.

Koch's study of tuberculosis was interrupted when, on instructions from the German government, he went to Egypt and India as part of a scientific expedition to try to determine the cause of cholera. While working in India, Koch announced that he had isolated the microbe that causes this disease - Vibrio cholerae.

(sl. 24) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist).

One of the founders of evolutionary embryology, phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation.

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908). He created the original doctrine of protecting organisms from microbes.

(sl. 25) Read the paragraph “Development of Education” on pp. 44-45 yourself and answer the question “ How did education develop in different countries?”

5. Summing up the lesson:

(page 26) Task on cards

Match the scientist and his invention

6. Homework(sl. 27)

Paragraph 5, questions, notes in notebooks.

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