Research work "formation of ravines". NPC "ravines" environmental work

The formation of ravines, widespread in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, is the result of water erosion - the process of erosion of soils and loose underlying rocks by streams of water flowing from the slopes from rain and melting snow. The rising elements of the earth's surface form a hydrographic network - a system of interconnected drainage paths for rain and melt water. The formation in certain places of water jets, the volume of which increases as the area of ​​the basins feeding them grows, causes erosion of the ground surface. Erosion processes begin to appear at a slope steepness of 0.5-2°, noticeably intensify on slopes with a slope of 2-6°, and develop significantly at a steepness of 6-10°.
In the process of their formation, ravines go through several regularly changing stages. At the first stage of erosion, a gulley or pothole with a triangular cross-section, its bottom almost parallel to the surface of the earth, is formed on a steep section of the slope. At the second stage, the pothole deepens with a decrease in the longitudinal slope of the bottom. A cliff 5-10 m high is created at the top. The pothole expands and becomes trapezoidal in cross section. By the end of the second stage, a smooth longitudinal profile is developed in the lower part of the ravine - a transit channel, within which the erosion is balanced by the supply of soil. At the mouth of the ravine, where the water, spreading, loses speed, a fan is deposited. At the third stage, the ravine continues to grow towards the watershed and its cross-section expands as a result of erosion and collapse of the banks. Along the side thalwegs, through which water flows to the ravine, about the secondary basins, branch ravines - screwdrivers - begin to form.
The ravine continues to develop until it reaches soil layers that are not amenable to erosion, or the drainage basin feeding its top decreases near the watershed to such an extent that erosion stops. In the fourth stage, deep erosion and erosion of the banks gradually stop, and the ravine stops growing. Its slopes take on a stable shape and are overgrown with grass. The ravine turns into a ravine. The side slopes are steepest at the top. As you approach the mouth, the slopes of the ravine, as a result of soil shedding, become flatter and become covered with a layer of soil.
To reduce and slow down the flow of water from the area of ​​the drainage basin, the most appropriate agrotechnical measures are plowing the soil in preparation for sowing crops across the slopes, strip placement of crops, creating grass cover on steep slopes, growing forest shelterbelts. The top of the ravine is eroded most intensively. To slow down the influx of water to the top during rainstorms, a system of earthen ramparts is sometimes installed on the immediately adjacent strip, slowing down the flow, delaying it, or distributing it between several channels, diverting it to nearby screwdrivers.
To retain incoming water on the roadside, sometimes two or three water-retaining shafts with a height of 1 to 2 m and a width along the crest of 0.5 (narrow profile shafts) to 2.5 m are installed. The shafts after compaction and settlement should be 0.2- 0.5 m above the level of water that may accumulate behind them. The shafts are placed along the horizontal lines, bending their end sections up the slope. The shafts are routed along straight segments; their crest must be horizontal. The shafts can be protective (deaf), when water can leave the pond only after reaching the height of the shaft crest, and open, when a low place is arranged at the end of the bends to drain the water.
The water-retaining shaft closest to the top of the ravine is usually located at a distance of 10-15 m from the top of the ravine, and no closer than two to three depths of the ravine at the top. Every 100 m of the retaining shafts, transverse spurs are made to interrupt the flow of water along the shaft.

This lesson uses research technology to develop new knowledge about the composition of the soil.

ICT tools – to deepen and expand knowledge on this topic.

Group work is used to independently study the material and develop communicative skills.

Lesson type: research (experiments, group work)

Target: acquaintance with the soil, its layers, composition, basic properties and protection.


  • Provide basic knowledge about soil;
  • Introduce to the diversity of soils;
  • Find out the simplest connections between soil, vegetation, animals and rocks.


  • Handouts: boxes with clay, sand, earth
  • Bags of inorganic fertilizers
  • Tripod, alcohol lamp, glass, glasses, funnel
  • Herbariums
  • Crossword

Literature: popular encyclopedia for children “Everything about everything”, “Who is this? What's happened?" Volume 2, “Children's Encyclopedia”

During the classes

I. Introduction to the topic.

Before we start learning new material, let's look at the contents of the boxes (everyone has 3 boxes with sand, clay, and earth on their desks). Discussion

Which box would you like to explore today and why?

General goals and objectives of the lesson are set. (Appendix No. 1, slide No. 1)

So, we have to find out what soil is made of, what it contains, its main purpose, and whether soil can surprise us.

II. Study.

A) Soil composition

Where do we start our research? What is soil and what does it consist of?

Experiment No. 1. Throw a piece of dry earth into a glass with soil. What did you notice? Bubbles.

Conclusion: soil contains air

Experiment No. 2. Hold a cold piece of glass over the heated soil. He became covered with droplets of water.

Conclusion: soil contains water.

Experiment No. 3. Calcination of the soil. We smelled it and smoke appeared.

Conclusion: this proves that there is humus in the soil (remains of plants, dry leaves, remains of dead small animals). In some soils there is little of it, in others there is a lot. The more, the darker the soil and the richer in nutrients.

Experiment No. 4. Place the calcined soil in a glass of water. Let it sit and separate the layers: sand at the top, clay at the bottom.

Conclusion: the soil contains sand and clay.

Experiment No. 5. Make three funnels in cups with earth, clay, sand. Pour the water. Compare water permeability.

Conclusion: soil allows water to pass through worse than clay, but better than sand.

Make a big conclusion: what is soil, what does it consist of? (Appendix No. 1, slide No. 2, 3, 4)

“The Wonderful Pantry” - reading a story by the teacher.

What is the main property of soil? Fertility.

B) Types of soils.

Working with the textbook, p. 21 (“We and the world around us”).

Is the soil the same color in different places?

Under what conditions will soil fertility be higher? The more humus in the soil, the higher its fertility. Plants grow better in fertile soil.

The largest amount of humus is found in chernozem soils (sample shown in box). They grow high yields of the best varieties of wheat, sunflower, sugar beets and other valuable plants. (Work on the map) Chernozems - central Russia: Tula, Kursk, Voronezh, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Omsk. On your desks lies the soil composition that is most often found in our country. What is the color of the soil like? To the ashes.

These are podzolic soils. There is not much humus in them. These are the soils we have in the Urals. There are soils that have a lot of clay. Give them a name. Clayey.

Soils with a predominance of sand... Sandy. Appendix No. 1, slide No. 5,6)

Peat soils, which form in swamps, are also widespread. They are brown. Although they contain a lot of plant remains, there is less humus in them than in chernozems. There is a lot of water in swamps and plants rot poorly. To use peat soils, they are drained. (Showing the location of peat soils on the map: Siberia, tundra)

B) Soil treatment.

We were given a plot of land for a garden. What should we do to get a good harvest? (Discussion in progress)

D) Soil protection.

Soil is one of our main natural resources. Why? (children's answers)

Without it, a person cannot provide himself with food and other items necessary for life. Living plants take nutrition from the soil, thereby reducing its fertility. How to preserve this most important property of the soil?

(Work in groups with additional popular science literature)

The result of the discussion is a table.

Inorganic fertilizers are produced here in the Perm region. Where? City of Berezniki. Potash plant. ( Showing samples of fertilizer).

Soil forms very slowly in nature. (Appendix No. 1, slide No. 7,8)

If the soil grows, is it alive? (Appendix No. 1, slide No. 9)

Soil is formed slowly, but destroyed very quickly. What destroys the soil? (Children's answers) The soil can suffer erosion - destruction. (Children’s performances: “Ravine”, “Wind”. (Appendix No. 2(a), 2(b); Appendix No. 1, slide No. 10,11)

The soil requires care. Severely worn out and depleted soils can become “sick”, i.e. they may lose their vital functions and stop bearing fruit.

The Constitution of our state states: “All land users are obliged to rationally, i.e. Use the soil wisely and expediently, treat it with care, and increase its fertility.” How to protect the soil? (Children's answers. Appendix No. 3)

D) This is interesting.

Plants help determine what the soil is like. If you encounter thickets of liverwort, it means that the soil here is fertile, rich in humus. A lushly grown plantain indicates very acidic soil. It is impossible to grow a high yield of most cultivated plants on it. Lime should be added to such soil or it should be well fertilized with ash. If field bindweed and clover grow among the weeds, such soil does not require liming. Vegetable plants will grow well here. Where bird cherry and oak grow, the soil is good for growing garden plants. (Herbarium display)

III. Consolidation. Crossword.

1.The top layer of soil in which plants grow.

2. One of the components of soil.

3. Substance that increases soil fertility.

4.The main property of the soil.

IV. Reflection.

Who would you like to thank in class today?

Who rates their work as “excellent”?

Who needs help in studying this topic, from whom?

Appendix No. 2(a)

Water can cause great damage to soils. During heavy rains or rapid melting of snow in the spring, the soil cannot absorb all the water that falls on it. It begins to flow downhill, washing away and carrying away first the upper and then deeper layers of soil. This is how ravines are formed. People are fighting against ravines: they plant their slopes and tops with trees and shrubs, and sow them with grasses. To slow down the speed of water flow, and therefore reduce soil loss, dams made of stones, concrete or wood are placed at the bottom of the ravine. Livestock is not grazed near ravines and the soil is not plowed. If the ravine is located in an arable field, then the soil is plowed at some distance from the ravine and always across the slopes. If you do not strengthen the ravines, the water will increasingly erode their bottom and slopes. The ravines will “grow” all the time, taking away fertile soil from fields, vegetable gardens, and orchards. Where there is no fight against ravines, it happens that after one rainstorm the ravine increases by 15–20 m. It is no coincidence that the length of some ravines reaches several kilometers.

Appendix No. 2(b)

Another enemy of the soil is the wind. Strong winds can carry away a layer of soil up to 25 cm thick. After such wind work, plants do not grow in the areas for many years. Where the wind threatens the soil, forest strips are planted at certain intervals and grass is sown.

Appendix No. 3

Earthworms improve soil properties. Moving in the soil, they loosen it, making it more permeable to water and air. Earthworms drag large amounts of plant debris into their burrows. This is how these animals enrich the soil with humus. Therefore, earthworms must be protected.

Kvasova Karina

Study of ravines - literature review, research methodology



Department of Education of the Vyaznikovsky District Administration

Municipal educational institution

"Sergeevskaya secondary school"


"Comprehensive study of ravines"

Completed by a 10th grade student

Kvasova Karina

Head – biology teacher Frolova A.D.




The surface of the Earth is uneven. The totality of all the irregularities of the earth's surface is called relief. Relief has a huge impact on all components of nature and largely determines the appearance of a particular area. The formation of relief depends on various factors, one of which is water erosion. One of the erosive landforms formed by temporary water flows are ravines.

A ravine is a steeply sloped pothole on a hill or valley slope, formed by temporary watercourses - melt or rainwater (6).

The development of gully-beam systems entails the withdrawal of large areas of arable land from cultivation and therefore requires measures aimed at stopping erosion (7; 11). To successfully combat ravines, it is necessary to carefully and comprehensively study them. The growth of ravines depends on many factors: the composition of the rocks, the steepness of the slopes of the eroding hill, and precipitation. Gullies grow mainly during periods of rainfall or snow melting. The sides of the ravine, under the influence of gravitational and deluvial processes, gradually flatten, approaching the angle of repose. In temperate climates, the sides and bottom of such ravines are overgrown with grass, shrubs or even forest. Such a ravine is called a ravine. If, as the ravine deepens, it intersects a layer of rock saturated with water, springs appear at its bottom, giving rise to a flowing stream - a stream. This leads to further deepening, widening and lengthening of the ravine. Gradually it can turn into a river valley. By draining (collecting) groundwater. ravines lower their level. As a result, the area can become very dry (U1.2.4). How did the ravine form in our area? What plants grow along the edges of the ravine? What animals can you find here? Work on a comprehensive description of the ravine will help me answer these questions.

Goal of the work:

Conduct a comprehensive study of the ravine located in the school neighborhood.


  1. Study the literature on this topic.
  2. Carry out a description of the ravine using special methods.
  3. Make a botanical description of the biotope, which is located along the edges of the ravine.
  4. Draw up a plan map of the study site.
  5. Process research materials.
  6. Draw conclusions and generalizations.
  7. Identify recommendations and suggestions.

Literature analysis

A ravine is a negative form of relief, linearly elongated, with steep slopes. Gullies usually form on the slopes of watersheds and are located in the direction of flow of flowing waters. They can go deep to the aquifer and reach a depth of 10 - 15 m. The ravine has the following parts: bottom, edge, slopes, top, mouth, openings.

Figure 1. General view of the ravine.

The reasons for the formation of a ravine are:
a) the presence of slopes on the earth’s surface;
b) the presence of loose rocks composing the surface;
c) lack of vegetation cover.

Gullies are formed in the process of water erosion in the presence of the above reasons and longitudinal plowing of the slope.

The following stages of ravine development are distinguished:

A ravine is a trace left by a water flow, the width and depth of which is no more than 1 m. Small ravines can be eroded, deepened by flowing waters and transformed into the next stage of the ravine - a pothole.

A pothole is a trace left by a water stream. The depth and width are more than 1 m. At these stages, gully control is most effective and accessible. You can level and create a turf surface.

Young ravine. This stage is characterized by intensive deepening of the ravine bed. The slopes are almost 90% devoid of vegetation. At this stage, dams and dams are created in ravines or water-retaining shafts.

Mature gully - cessation of growth of the ravine in width and depth. The bottom and slopes are gradually overgrown with vegetation. The steepness of the slope can be up to 600. At the top, the slopes are still steep and devoid of vegetation. At this stage, there is no need to build protective structures.

Old ravine - beam. The slopes and bottom are completely covered with turf. Slope steepness up to 400.

The ravine is an old ravine, the steepness of the slopes is up to 150, turfed, overgrown with trees and shrubs.

As is known, the simplest and most scientifically substantiated is the division of all ravines according to their origin into natural and anthropogenic. The appearance of natural ravines is caused by a number of natural processes:

  1. lateral erosion of rivers,
  2. landslides, karst,
  3. catastrophic downpours, etc.

Anthropogenic ravines owe their appearance and development, first of all, to

  1. human economic activity affecting the state of natural landscapes.

If previously the main cause of gully formation was human agricultural activity (expansion of arable land), now the share of man-made ravines is increasing (in populated areas, during the laying of roads, pipelines, mining of minerals). In this group of ravines, according to the nature of the impact, several subgroups are usually distinguished:

1) formed when natural conditions in the catchment area are disrupted - destruction of vegetation, plowing, increased watering of the territory, etc.;

2) arising artificially in watersheds created by new drainage lines - split furrows on arable land, cattle trails, land surveying, embankment; This also includes roadside ravines that destroy ditches and road surfaces;

3) purely man-made ravines that form as a result of industrial water runoff during mining and construction work, waste water from enterprises, and breaks in various pipelines.

As for man-made ravines, three subgroups are distinguished among them - roadside, industrial-sink and urban.

Roadside ravines are classified as man-made, since during the construction of both highways and dirt roads a large number of different equipment is used, and huge volumes of soil and other construction materials are moved. The consequence of the above measures is a technogenic change in the topography and, accordingly, watersheds. There is a redistribution of runoff in the newly formed water collection basins and the appearance of erosion forms.

Industrial drainage gullies are less common. This is due to the more local distribution of objects with industrial water runoff. Accordingly, the organization of monitoring of industrial drainage gullies is simpler than of roadside ones. And besides, as mentioned above, for the formation of such ravines it is necessary to violate the rules for the release of industrial wastewater from the territory of the facility and ignore the topography of the surrounding area, which happens quite often. Regarding the ravines of this group, it should be noted that their formation is confined to industrial areas located outside urban areas, that is, an important condition for their development, in addition to natural factors, is the flow of industrial waters. Examples include oil and mineral extraction sites (quarries), construction sites, pipeline break sites, etc.

Urbanogenic, or city, ravines according to S.N. Kovalev are identified as a separate group, since they are a consequence of processes and phenomena inherent only in urban areas. This group also includes ravines that develop within large rural settlements.

Research methodology

Preparatory stage

  1. Setting goals and objectives
  2. Preparation of materials and equipment for field work (tablet, ruler, measuring stick, compass, paper, identification of plants and animals)
  3. Getting to know the object of study
  4. Drawing up a plan map of the research object
  5. Conducting research

Description of the ravine

Description of the soil

Botanical description of the biotope (using the sample plot method - author Ashikhmina, 2000)

Processing of survey materials

1. Compilation of soil characteristics

2. Filling out the table on the profiles of the ravine under study

3. Filling out forms for the botanical description of the biotope

4. Analysis of the results obtained, formulation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals


Completing of the work.

The location of the study is a forest located in the microdistrict of Sergeevskaya secondary school. village of Sergeevo, Vyaznikovsky district, Vladimir region. The study area is located in the south-west direction from the village of Sergeevo. The relief is gully. The ravine under study goes along the slope of the terrain to the dam in the village of Isaevo.

Date: May 2009

  1. We described the morphometric indicators for studying the ravine (Appendix No.).
  2. Filled out the table on ravine profiles
  3. Conducted a soil description
  4. A test site was laid (size 10*10m)
  5. We described the biotope according to the method (Appendix No.)
  6. The name of this plant community was determined.
  7. Filled out forms for describing the plant community (No. 1, No. 2)
  8. A map of the location of the study site was drawn up.
  9. Draw conclusions
  10. Recommendations identified


1. Description of the ravine.

  1. The ravine is located in a forest area located to the west of the village of Sergeevo, at a distance of 2 km.
  2. The reasons for the appearance of gully landforms are:
  1. The slope of the area towards the dam in the village of Isaevo;
  2. The surface is composed of loose rocks;
  3. Temporary flows of rain and melt water occur;
  4. Weak surface turf. When snow melts, water stagnates in ravines, and precipitation flows down the slopes of the ravines
  1. The ravine is located in the south-west direction from its top. The mouth is located near the Isaevskaya dam. Its length is about 2 km.
  2. The northeastern slope is steep up to 2 m, steep, and there are screes 47 cm high. The southwestern slope is flatter. The width of the section is about 5 m. The depth of the ravine in the upper part is up to 5 m, the slopes are gentle, the width is 5 m, the transverse profile of the ravine is V-shaped. In the middle part of the ravine the width is up to 15 m, the depth is 11 m, the transverse profile also retains a V-shape. The slopes of the ravine are composed of soddy-podzolic soils. The bottom of the ravine is narrow, with clearly defined steps 0.5-0.6 m high. In the lower, near-mouth part, the ravine widens, the slopes become flatter, and the transverse profile becomes U-shaped. The depth of the ravine is 12-15 m, width 19 m. The slopes and bottom are covered with grassy vegetation; at the bottom there is a bed of a temporary watercourse about 0.5 m deep.

Data on the description of the ravine profiles are included in the table.


Valley width (m)

Ravine No. 1

Average width

3) Slope steepness: approximate values ​​for slope steepness

Profile no.

Right Bank

Left Coast


Average value

  1. The table data shows that the left bank (LB) is almost always steeper than the right bank (RB). The main reason for this must be sought in the mechanical composition of the soil. You can compare the steepness of the slopes with the properties of the soil - lighter types of soil (such as sandy loam, sandstone, etc.) have a greater crumbling ability, i.e. capable of forming steeper banks. Therefore, it can be assumed that the left slope of the ravine is composed of light types of soil, and the right slope is composed of heavier types.
  2. There is a groundwater outlet in the ravine; a stream flows almost from the top to the mouth. The stream flows into the Isaevskaya dam (Photo no.)
  3. There are a large number of ravines in this forest area.
  4. Shape of a ravine valley. This indicator depends entirely on the length of the bottom of the ravine. The long bottom is a trough-shaped valley, the short one is V-shaped. By examining the length of the bottom of ravines, it will be possible to determine not the age, but the strength of erosion activity. In the V-shaped valley, the bottom has not yet formed. Consequently, there is an intensive process of development of the ravine under the influence of erosion activity. In the trough-shaped valley the bottom is quite flat, and we can say that erosion activity here is almost complete, i.e. the ravine is almost formed.

2. The soil was studied on natural cliffs of ravines (photo No.). The color is brownish-gray. By moisture content it can be defined as fresh, mainly soddy-medium-podzolic soils. These soils are usually structureless and can easily erode, especially on arable land. We identified the following horizons in the soil outcrop:

Ao – litter (2-5 cm)
A1 – humus horizon (50-70 cm)
B – clay layer (120 cm)
C – mother breed.

3. Description of the species diversity of the object being studied.

The vegetation is very diverse (photo no.). We have identified and described 29 species of herbaceous plants in this territory. The list and some characteristics of the object are presented in the form of tables. In addition to herbaceous plants, we identified shrubs - raspberries, goat willow, rowan, and rose hips. Among the trees we met - Scots pine, warty birch, aspen

Test site (10x10 m). The forest type is mixed. The microrelief is uneven and hummocky. Moistening is high, moisture is retained when snow melts. The soil type is podzolic, the mechanical composition is light sandy loam. In terms of humidity - fresh. The color of the soil is gray. Most of the soil surface is occupied by grass cover, forest litter - about 10%.

Characteristics of the tiers of the trial site.

The following tiers have been identified:
The first tier (A) – pine, birch, aspen.

Second tier (B) – bushes

Third tier (C) – grass

Fourth tier (D) – mosses and lichens

Tree stand formula – 17B 13C 4O5 E

The characteristics of each layer are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Based on the data presented, the test site can be called a birch-pine-aspen-spruce forest with shrubs and undergrowth.

Table 1. Characteristics of the first tier A.



trunk circumference at ground level



Birch warty

Betula pendula

15 m

64 cm

15 years

18 cm

Scots pine

Pinus sylvestris

17 m

55 cm

15 years

15 cm

Common aspen

Populus tremula

12 m

43 cm

13 years

12 cm

Norway spruce

Picea abies


55 cm

25 years


Table 2. Characteristics of the second tier

Table 3. Characteristics of the third tier C.





Hairy sedge

7-11 cm


Vegetation before flowering

Cereals (species not identified)

8-10 cm


Vegetation before flowering

European swimsuit

30 cm




7-9 cm

Abundant in places

Budding and flowering


7-8 cm


Vegetation before flowering

Veronica dubravnaya

10 cm


Full bloom



Abundant in places





Vegetation before flowering

River gravity




Wild strawberry




cat paws




European hoofweed



Vegetation before flowering

Characteristics of the fourth tier - lichens

Type of lichen



Thallus size (min-max)


Parmelia caperata

On the trunk, on the branches


Cladonia cristatella

Trunk base

1-5 mm

The condition of the lichens is good, the thallus is healthy, there are fruiting bodies

Hypogymnia swollen Hypogymnia physodes

Branches and trunk

1-5 mm

The condition of the lichens is good, the thallus is healthy.

Xanthoria wall

Xanthoria parietina

On the trunk

1-5 mm

The condition of the lichens is good, the thallus is healthy.

Characteristics of the animal world.

As far as possible, I studied the fauna of this territory.

Among the invertebrate animals I met:

  1. red ant
  2. oak bumblebee
  3. cabbage butterfly,
  4. forest bugs
  5. ladybugs
  6. black ground beetle
  7. earthworms
  8. slugs

Among vertebrates the following were found in large numbers:

  1. quick lizard
  2. birds – common bunting, white wagtail
  3. burrows were found
  4. on the upper part of the ravine traces of wild boar activity are visible.

Thus, based on the facts stated above, the following conclusions can be formulated:

2. Reasons for the formation of this ravine:

A) the presence of a slope towards the Isaevskaya dam
b) the presence of loose rocks composing the surface

c) melt water activity

3. This is a mature ravine - the growth of the ravine in width and depth has stopped. The bottom and slopes are gradually overgrown with vegetation. At this stage, there is no need to build protective structures.

4 By origin, this ravine can be classified as a natural ravine.

4. The species composition of plants and animals in the forest and ravine biotope is characterized by significant diversity.

1 Continue studying the ravine network of the forest

2. Conduct a comprehensive description of the ravines formed in the fields and compare them with forest ravines.

3. Conduct excursions with students in geography and biology on the topic “Study of the ravine”

4. Develop routes for educational and educational ecological trails in these areas of the area. In addition, one should continue to study these landscape areas from the point of view of microclimatic factors and their fauna. This will increase the possibility of finding rare and endangered species, the possibility of studying and protecting them.

5. Offer teachers the development of an excursion to study the ravine (Appendix No.)

Appendix No. 1

1. Methodology for describing the plant community

The description of the plant community was carried out according to the standard form “Description of the plant community”

1. To describe the forest phytocenosis, areas measuring 10*10 m are laid out.

2. The characteristics should include:

  1. Geographical position
  2. Type of meadow (upland or floodplain)
  3. Terrain
  4. Soil type
  5. Humidification conditions (precipitation, ground or surface water)
  6. Presence of trees and shrubs (yes or no)

    Appendix No. 2

    Methodology for describing a ravine

    The description was carried out according to a standard method including measurements of the main morphometric indicators of the ravine (3; 14)

    When taking measurements, a tape measure and a measuring rope were used. During the work, photographs were taken for documentary evidence (Appendix No. 1).

    Plan for studying the ravine

     Establish the exact location of the ravine: in what area is it located,
    on the territory of which farm, near which settlement. Draw a route diagram.

     Find out the reason for the appearance of the ravine: improper cultivation of the land, destruction of vegetation, etc.

     Determine the general direction of the main ravine along the horizon.

     Establish the top (beginning) and mouth of the ravine.

     Determine the height and nature of the slopes - steep, steep, gentle in different parts of the ravine.

     Draw a plan, a longitudinal profile of the ravine.

     Describe what rocks are exposed at the top, middle part and mouth of the ravine. Measure the thickness of individual rock layers in outcrops.

     Determine whether there are groundwater outlets in the ravine?
    In what form (seepage, keys).
    Are there wetlands, permanent or temporary watercourses, or swales filled with water? Mark their location on the map or plan.

     Determine whether and where landslides and landslides occur; over what extent are they observed, how wide are they, describe the thickness of the sliding layer.

     Take several photographs of the ravine (at the top, in the middle, at the mouth).

     How many ravines are there in the area you are exploring?

    Appendix No.

    Topic: “Study of the ravine”

    Purpose: to study the reasons for the formation and growth of a ravine and measures to combat its growth used in local practice.

    Equipment: compass, school eclimeter, school level, pegs, tablets, rulers, pencils, erasers, paper, diaries.

    Excursion progress

    When conducting an introductory conversation, the teacher informs the topic and purpose of the excursion, gives a definition of the concept of “ravine,” names the reasons for its formation, the stages of development of the ravine, and introduces the parts of the ravine.

    A general acquaintance with the ravine is carried out with the whole class. Practical work is carried out in groups.

    Stop No. 1. Identifying parts of the ravine.

    Approximate distribution of tasks
    1st group

    Use a compass to determine the general direction of the ravine. To do this, set the compass to the working position: a) open the lever; b) let the arrow calm down; c) align the northern end of the arrow with the letter “C” on the limb; d) write down the compass readings in your notebook.

    Determine the place where the ravine originates (top) and where it flows (mouth).

    Determine the number of holes and where there are more of them (which side of the ravine).

    Draw a drawing of a ravine.

    2nd group

    Measure the length of the ravine in steps.

    Measure the length of one of the screwdrivers.

    Determine the steepness of the slopes: a) at the top; b) in the middle; c) at the mouth using an eclimeter. To do this: a) two students pull the cord along the slope from the edge to the bottom; b) the third student applies the eclimeter to the cord. The steepness of the slope is determined by the deviation of the plumb line. Write down the data in your notebook:
    The top is...
    Middle part - ...
    Mouth - ...

    Determine the nature of the slopes (overgrown with grass, bushes, trees; bare).

    3rd group

    Determine the width of the ravine using a blade of grass: a) at the top; b) near the mouth of the ravine; c) at one of the screws. To do this: a) take a blade of grass at outstretched arms; b) on the opposite bank, notice two objects located not far from each other on the edge of the ravine; c) mark with a blade of grass the distance from one object to another (look with one eye); d) then fold the blade of grass in half; e) move away from the point where you were until half a blade of grass covers the distance between these objects; f) measure the distance from where you stopped to where you stood. This distance will be equal to the width of the ravine. Write down the data in your notebook.

    Determine the stage of development of the ravine; if the ravine is growing, take measures to stop its growth.

    4 group

    Measure the depth of the ravine: a) near the mouth; b) near one of the larger screwdrivers. If the depth is shallow and the slope is steep, you can use a tape measure. To do this, one student is at the edge of the ravine, holding the tape measure at “0”. Another below takes readings of the depth of the ravine. If the slope is gentle, the depth can be determined using a level or eye-measuring tablet (with a plumb line). Leveling is carried out from the bottom to the edge: a) place the tablet at eye level, while the plumb line should be located strictly in the vertical direction; b) direct a horizontal beam (your gaze, look with one eye) at the soles of the feet of the second student, who climbs the slope until the horizontal beam (1st student) is on the same straight line; c) at this point the 3rd student hammers in a peg; d) the 1st student with a visual tablet moves to this point; The 2nd student climbs the slope higher. The operator gives commands for the 2nd student to go up or down the slope; d) shoot up to the edge. Write the data in the table: f) to determine the depth, add up all the elevations of the points.


    The excess is determined by the formula: tenant height (h) - 10 cm (forehead), i.e. h - 10 cm. Such leveling is carried out quickly, but approximately. After finishing the work, each group reports on the work done.

    Information for teachers

    When studying a ravine, the main attention is paid to the reasons that contribute to its formation and measures to combat its growth used in local practice.

    On this excursion, it is advisable to invite students to think through measures to combat the growth of the ravine and carry out practical work to stop the growth of the ravine. These measures include: a) filling small differences in ravines with brushwood, branches and other debris; b) filling gullies with stones and fragments of building materials; c) drainage of flowing water away from the ravine, etc.

    After the ravine stops growing, the area is protected from livestock grazing, and the slopes near the ravine are afforested.


    Ashikhmina T.Ya., School environmental monitoring, 2000, Moscow, ed. AGAR.

    Biology at school No. 6, 1998. Egorova G., Khokhotuleva O. “Description of phytodiversity of biotopes in a comparative aspect.”

    Kozlov M., Oliger I. School atlas of invertebrates. - M., 1991.

    Novikov V., Gubanov I., School atlas - key to higher plants. – M., 1985.

    Samkova V.A. edited by Suravegina I.T. We are exploring the forest. 1993, Moscow, Center “Ecology and Education”.

Central district

MBOU secondary school No. 85 “Crane”

Section: “Physical Geography and Geoecology”

“Study and assessment of NSO ravines using the example of ravines in the village of Nikonovo”

Orlyanskaya Yana Vladimirovna

MBOU secondary school No. 85, grade 10a,

Central district of Novosibirsk

Contact phone: 8-952-930-0595

Scientific director of the project:

Shadurskaya Isolda Vyacheslavovna ,

Geography and Biology teacher

first qualification category

MBOU secondary school No. 85 “Crane”

Contact phone: 8-913-395-5905

Novosibirsk 2015


    Formation of ravines………………………………………………………...5

    1. Measures to combat ravines………………………………………………………………..6

    Research on the territory of the village of Nikonovo………………………...8





The Novosibirsk region is located in the geographical center of Russia, in the southeastern part of one of the greatest plains in the world - West Siberian, from the dry steppes of Altai and Kazakhstan to the southern taiga of Western Siberia. Its area is 178.2 thousand square meters. km, the length from north to south is 425 km and from east to west – 625 km.

The relief of the region is heterogeneous. Within its borders there are lowlands, hilly plains, plateaus and mountains. The region is located between the Ob and Irtysh rivers. In the east of the region there are ridges of the Salair Ridge. A significant part of the territory is occupied by the Barabinskaya Plain, or Baraba. The Baraba Lowland is limited in the east and southeast by the Priobskoye Plateau; it rises above sea level by more than 200 m. The territory of the Karasuk and Kupinsky districts belongs to the Kulunda steppe.

As a result of the external weathering process (erosion), numerous landforms were created, including ravines and ravines. The ravines occupy about 60 thousand hectares of the Novosibirsk region, and the gullies are much larger.

Gullies are a negative linear form of relief formed by the erosion of loose deposits of loess, loam and other rocks by temporary streams of rain and snow waters; it is an active erosive form that increases in size after each rain.

Beams are a dry hollow or with a temporary watercourse with a gently concave bottom. Typically, a beam is the final stage of development of a ravine.

An object: ravines


The formation of ravines leads to a shortage of agricultural land, so it is necessary to promote the ideas of protecting the soil cover and the entire environment as a whole.


In connection with Western sanctions, our country needs to improve agriculture! But currently, a decrease in the area under agricultural land is predicted, so the following are becoming relevant:

Science-based fight against soil erosion and degradation.

Introduction of soil-protective processing technologies and rational farming methods.

Promoting soil conservation

Soil erosion leads to siltation, pollution and ultimately degradation of rivers.


To study and evaluate the multifactorial and negative natural and anthropogenic process of gully formation.


    To identify the reasons for the formation of ravines in the Novosibirsk region.

    Explore the surroundings of the village of Nikonovo, study the ravines, describe their features.

    Consider the basic measures to combat ravines.

Basic research methods:

    Observation of natural objects.

    Description of natural objects.

    Conversation with old-timers of the village about the peculiarities of the formation of ravines.

    Working with printed sources.

    Practical work: determining the height of a ravine, measuring water temperature, describing the properties of water and species of plants and animals.

In the vicinity of the village of Nikonovo, one of the relief forms is ravines, so the main purpose Research work is: study and assessment of the natural - anthropogenic process of gully formation.

    Formation of ravines

The process of formation of ravines is carried out as a result of soil erosion; water erosion of soils and wind erosion are distinguished. Water erosion of soils is divided into planar (slope) and linear. Slope soil erosion occurs as a result of the combined activity of melt and rainwater over the entire surface of the plowed layer, which leads to soil failure and a decrease in the thickness of their upper most fertile layers.

Linear erosion is carried out by concentrated jets of water. Their activity causes soil erosion and the formation of microrelief. Initially, ripple erosions form on the arable slope. Raindrops, falling on the surface of the arable land unprotected by vegetation, form unique impact craters, while the knocked out fine particles of soil are splashed down the slope. The streams merge with each other, their eroding power increases, and then larger gullies appear, several tens of centimeters deep and more than a meter long, which give rise to ravines.

Once formed, the ravines begin to live an independent life, cutting their tops even higher up the slope after each rain, deepening the bottom, widening the sides. They destroy and dismember fields, destroy buildings and roads. Gully blowouts silt up ponds and rivers and damage meadows on the floodplains of river valleys.

Very often, overgrazing of livestock also leads to the formation of ravines. In the 60-70s of the 20th century, the rural settlement system underwent consolidation; most rural settlements were “written off” as reserve lands. Large farms with hundreds of heads of cattle appeared on the central estates of collective and state farms. Meanwhile, a cow is not a horse; you cannot drive it into a distant meadow at night; The herd's daily journey rarely exceeds the first few kilometers, therefore, the entire grazing load falls on nearby lands. As a result of overgrazing, a breakthrough occurs in the turf horizon of floodplain soils, and windows of exposed soil appear, open to the processes of erosion and blowing, which contributes to the formation of ravines in the area.

Accelerated erosion develops on arable slopes due to improper plowing. When cultivating fields along slopes along arable furrows, water flows erode the soil more strongly, which further contributes to the formation of ravines.

Another factor contributing to soil erosion is anthropogenic. Sedimentary minerals are widespread in the Novosibirsk region, which are used as raw materials for the production of building materials and fertilizers: sand, clay, coal, granite, marble, etc. As a result of human removal of rocks, quarries are formed, which under the influence of flowing waters can be destroyed, which in some cases leads to the formation of ravines.

Currently, erosion processes on non-agricultural lands are developing more and more intensely (erosion reaches several cm/ha, which amounts to hundreds and thousands of tons of washed away soil per hectare per year!) - during the construction of roads for various purposes, pipelines, product pipelines, during construction work, during logging , with inept reclamation, etc., which in turn provokes and intensifies other denudation, soil-destroying processes - collapses, screes, landslides.

      Measures to combat ravines

The fight against erosion comes down to reducing surface runoff by increasing the infiltration of water into the soils and into the underlying soils. This is achieved by agrotechnical, forestry and hydraulic engineering methods.

    Agrotechnical methods include tillage of soils and crops across a slope (horizontally). Water absorption capacity is also increased by loosening, creating closed irregularities on the surface of the arable land, and deep plowing. The same goals are pursued by snow retention in fields and regulation of snowmelt. In addition, in fields susceptible to erosion, special soil-protective crop rotations are used. At the same time, annually plowed areas alternate with fields occupied by perennial crops. In this case, concentrated flows of water are not formed as it moves down the slope. It is advisable to sow the steepest areas of slopes with arable land with perennial grasses, under which, as under natural vegetation, erosion occurs extremely slowly.

    Forestry methods of combating soil erosion include the creation of a system of forest strips on interfluves and slopes, and forest plantations in ravines and ravines. With their help, a significant part of the surface runoff is transferred to underground. Thus, water erosion is suppressed.

    Hydraulic methods are used mainly to combat linear erosion; various embankments, ditches, etc. are used. This method includes contour reclamation treatment of slopes; zero tillage of soil cover, targeted application of fertilizers.

    Chemical methods of soil protection: widespread use of liming, introduction and use of chemical stabilizers, which reduce slope runoff and washout tens of times, without reducing the quality and fertility of soils.

    Research in the village of Nikonovo

For the second year now, a group of schoolchildren under the guidance of geography and biology teacher I.V. Shadurskaya. goes on a scientific expedition to the village of Nikonovo, former state farm "Nikonovsky", Maslyaninsky district, NSO.

On the territory of the village of Nikonovo there are several ravines of various stages of development.

1. The Talitsa ravine is located 100 meters north of the northern end of Partizanskaya Street and has a length of 2 kilometers (Appendix 3). The ravine is characterized by the last stage of development, i.e. it can be called a beam. The ravine has not grown over the past 20 years (according to old-timer O.Ya. Terekhova). Along the slopes of the ravine, significant areas are occupied by willow bushes, forming plant groups such as thickets. Of the herbaceous plants, sedge communities are most widespread; higher up the slope of the ravine, bluegrass, fescue, timothy, and clover are found. The average depth of the ravine is 5 meters; a stream flows along the bottom, which subsequently flows into the Berd River. Average width 270 cm, depth 30 cm. The stream is winding. The soil at the bottom is clay and sand, covered with a thick layer of silt. The water is clear, tº=+9º (at the time of observation). Aquatic vegetation: algae, arrowhead, filamentous (mud). The low water temperature is explained by the fact that the stream is formed due to the release of groundwater to the surface, as well as by the darkening of willow thickets.

2. The second ravine is located in the southwestern part of the village (Appendix 5). This is a growing ravine. Its upper part is V-shaped, in the lower part the ravine is represented by a beam overgrown with vegetation. The Ukrop River flows along the bottom of the ravine; on the slopes there are numerous springs that are used in the economic activities of the village residents. The ravine is blocked by an earthen dam along which an asphalt road runs. A reservoir has formed in front of the dam. To the south of the ravine there are lands - badlands (areas devoid of vegetation cover, with disturbed soils). Every day during the summer, a herd of cows (100 heads) is driven through this territory to the summer pasture. The entire surface has been trampled, the ecosystem of soils and flora has been disturbed. Here, breakthroughs in the turf appeared and “windows” of exposed soil appeared, open to the processes of erosion and blowing. Plant roots, which prevent soil erosion, are currently unable to cope with erosion. This area has a general slope towards the ravine, so these lands are prime candidates for the formation of ravines here.

3. The third ravine formed in the late 70s east of Nikonovo (Appendix 6). This is a young, growing V-shaped ravine. Its length is 100 meters, depth from 1 meter at the beginning to 3 meters at the confluence with the river. Straight. It was formed as a result of a violation of the integrity of the turf due to overgrazing of cattle in this area and, as a consequence, the destruction of rocks of sedimentary origin due to water erosion of the arable slope of the river floodplain. The slopes of the ravine are composed of clay and sand, which during rains and snow melting are carried away by water flows into the Berd River.

The removal of riverine forests, which were common along rivers in the 17th and 18th centuries, led to intense basin erosion. Almost all ravines located in the vicinity of the village of Nikonovo flow into rivers. As a result of the loss of soils and other rocks, rivers become silted and eventually degrade.

To the north of the village of Nikonovo, along the road, there is a site - a quarry from which residents of nearby villages, as well as the Maslyaninsky DOK and brick factory, take sand. Over the past 5 years, this area has expanded to 5 square meters. meters. The formation of a quarry may subsequently lead to the formation of a ravine here.


The project is not finished. In the summer of 2015, our geoecological group wrote a letter - a proposal to the Chairman of the Village Council L.N. Popova. on measures against the formation of ravines. The letter has been reviewed, and we are expected in the summer for negotiations and cooperation.

Currently, the growth of ravines continues in the Novosibirsk region. In the context of the proposals for new progressive policies and savings proposed by our President V.V. Putin, it is necessary to preserve fertile lands for the country's agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate ravines and prevent their formation. In Japan, they proposed this method: they fill the ravines with household waste, and then the leveled areas are sold for cultivating crops. But in our area this method is not acceptable, because... Streams flow along the bottom of ravines, flowing into rivers, and all waste can get into them, causing the death of living organisms. Therefore, we can use old-fashioned methods to prevent the growth of ravines: fill in the beginning of the ravine spurs and plant trees along the slopes of the ravine.

Popova Lyudmila Nikolaevna – Chairman of the Village Council

Contact phone: 8-963-944-6308


1. Sergienko K.L. The ravines are the reasons. M.: 1979

2. Geography of the NSO. M.: 2003

3. Laptev P.D. The main features of the relief of the Novosibirsk region. M.:2010

4. Geological structure of the Novosibirsk region.

5. Nature of the Novosibirsk region. Maslyaninsky district.

Annex 1

Letter to the chairman of the village council of the village of Nikonovo.

Dear Lyudmila Nikolaevna, we schoolchildren of city school No. 85 “Zhuravushka” fell in love with the area and nature of your village! We are worried about the growing ravines. The ravines in the former fields of flax and wheat are of particular concern. We know that this land produced rich harvests of high-quality flax and wheat.

As part of the state program for raising agriculture and preserving arable land, we offer free assistance and cooperation in preserving our fertile lands!

For a meeting and discussion, we are waiting for your consent and invitation.

Sincerely, students of MBOU Secondary School No. 85 “Zhuravushka”

Appendix 2

Novosibirsk region

Appendix 3

Scheme of the ravine

Appendix 4

Ravine Talitsa

Appendix 5

Ravine on the right bank of Berdi village. Nikonovo

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Appendix 8