Research work "children victims of terror in recent history." Bloody history of terrorism

History of terrorism horrifies. It is especially horrifying when children become terrorists. The history of terrorism is still being written.

When dusk falls, thousands of barefoot children in northern Uganda leave their villages for the big cities of Gulu, Kitgum or Lira. Having arrived there, some go into buildings, others into courtyards, parks or bus stops. But when dawn comes, they return home. What does all of this mean?

Beginning in 1095 and for two centuries, the armies of the Crusaders more than once passed along the roads of Europe and the Middle East. They were opposed by Muslims from North Africa and Asia. Both sides sought to conquer Jerusalem at any cost. These “holy warriors” cut each other to pieces in numerous battles. Civilians also suffered from axes and swords. The twelfth-century cleric William of Tire described the Crusader invasion in 1099 in these words:

“They ran around with spears and drawn swords. They knocked down everyone who got in their way and cut them to pieces, sparing no one - neither men, nor women, nor children. There were so many dead that all the streets were littered with corpses, and it was impossible to walk without stepping on dead bodies. Blood flowed like a river, all the gutters and gutters of the city were filled with it, and piles of dead bodies lay everywhere.”

Over time, terrorists began to use firearms and explosives, which led to even greater tragic consequences.

Millions of victims!

The history of terrorism is terrifying in its scale.

One young student shot and killed the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This happened on June 28, 1914. This year is considered a turning point in the history of Europe. The First World War began, where twenty million people died.

The Second World War was marked by atrocities. These include bombings of civilians, massacres of innocent people and concentration camps. But the atrocities did not end with this war. In Cambodia, more than a million people were victims of massacres in the 1970s. In Rwanda, more than 800,000 people died in carnage in the 1990s.

Bloody history of terrorism. Children are terrorists.

Terrorism is rampant to this day. The history of those days did not teach us anything. Terrorists continue to kill in cold blood. Bombs explode in markets, people die, women are raped, children are taken into slavery, entire villages are burned to the ground. And there is no end to these atrocities. No laws or generally accepted norms help.

Some want to achieve political freedom and religious purity through violence. They think that this method is the most effective. Even governments resort to terror to establish order. But if terrorism were an effective way to solve problems, then peaceful conditions, stability and prosperity would have arrived long ago. But in fact, the opposite is true - it gives rise to new repressions, which causes a backlash.

The path of terror is a wrong path. Terrorism did not bring freedom and happiness, but suffering, disappointment and death. It is precisely these sad fruits that terrorism brought XX and XX| century. One girl shared:

“Every day I think with horror that one of my family or friends might die... We one can only hope for a miracle».

Many also came to the same conclusion. People can't cope on their own. Only able to solve all the problems of humanity, including terrorism. The history of terrorism will come to an end!

"Terrorism and Children".

Life dictates its own rules of the game, in which joy goes hand in hand with misfortune. And sometimes trouble is literally three steps away from happiness and no one notices it...

After another series of tragic events in our country, we began to look in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television, and on the Internet for information on how to behave in an emergency situation. What to do if you find yourself a victim of a hijacking, a terrorist attack, or a disaster, in order to preserve the most valuable thing we have - our life. And the lives of our children.

According to psychologists, it is almost impossible to teach a small child to take independent, adequate actions in an emergency situation. Emotions in children take precedence over reason, and memory at this moment “knocks out.” Not a trace remains of our instructions. The psyche of adults works on the opposite principle: at the moment of danger, defense mechanisms are triggered, and advice read somewhere on how to escape comes to mind.

Only adults can help a child control himself in case of great danger, protect, calm, and encourage. And it doesn’t matter whose children may be nearby: as a rule, trouble and danger bring them together. So, each of us needs to know and always keep in mind the “survival instructions”.

The most important thing is to reassure the child, demonstrate to him your confidence and calmness. It's not what you say that matters, but how you say it. In such situations, physical contact is very important: hold the baby close to you. If possible, take him on your lap and stroke his head. At least just take your hand. All kinds of “finger games” also calm children down: fingering, light massage of the palms. It is useful to play “words” and talk about abstract topics from everyday life.

Stay in constant contact: talk to your baby, ask him questions, be sincere with him, set him up in a positive way with your emotional state, tone of speech, and facial expressions, let the little person understand that “everything will be fine.” Try to avoid violent emotions and sudden movements of the child.

When you find yourself among hostages, it is vitally important to calm down first. Calmness and a sober look at what is happening will help you assess the situation and take all possible measures to preserve your own life and the lives of the children who are nearby.

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Summary: What to do if a child is afraid of terrorists. How to talk to your child about terrorism. How to help your child cope with fears.

Unfortunately, terrorism is part of our reality today. Even if we ourselves and our loved ones live in relatively safe regions. We are unable to hide from our children what is happening on the other hemisphere (the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York). Or what happened in our capital (hostage-taking in a concert hall in October 2002).

We have to think - how do our children react to what is happening? How to talk to them about this?

Of course, the reactions of different children vary in severity. And yet there are common points in how children feel when acts of terrorism break into our lives.

Perhaps the main reaction is fear. And for yourself, and for your loved ones, and for those who are in immediate danger. It is aggravated by uncertainty and lack of information about current events. If the child has previously experienced other losses or traumatic events, memories of these events may surface now.

A feeling of loss of stability is also typical. This is very unsettling. Terrorism disrupts the usual course of events, destroys trust in people, and deprives people of emotional balance and a sense of security. Confusion, a feeling of helplessness - these feelings can be transmitted from an adult to a child.

Anger is a natural reaction to what is happening. Children can experience it in relation to terrorists and their compatriots. They need to be allowed to express these feelings. But anger can also be directed at those with whom children feel most safe - their loved ones.

How to talk to a child.

Acknowledge your children's feelings Try to put it into words. For example: “I see you are shocked by this.”

Sometimes it's hard to find the right words. Then just hug your child and say, “This is really hard for you and for us.”

Tell your child that it is normal to fear for your own safety. At the same time, try to reassure him that the necessary measures are being taken to ensure this safety. This is done by the government, the army, and other adults.

Children, especially younger children, may experience overwhelming fear that is difficult for them to express in words. If one of the parents needs to leave, they may worry both for him and for themselves (“What will happen to me if dad (mom) doesn’t come back?”). Discuss possible situations with your child: who will take care of him if this or that loved one leaves? Who can I turn to for support if necessary?

If we simply tell a child, “Don't cry, everything will be okay,” we are not acknowledging the seriousness of his emotional reactions. At the same time, while helping the child express his feelings, we do not forget to express the hope that everything will work out.

Is it worth discussing in detail what happened with the child? It depends on his age. If you are talking to a preschooler or elementary school student, limit yourself to only the most necessary details. Your teen may need detailed information. Not out of idle curiosity, but so that he could answer his own question: “Who can do anything about this?” Try to help your teenager refrain from immature reactions and actions (“Muslims are to blame for everything,” “revenge on terrorists,” etc.).

Help your children cope with their fears.

Help children ensure their personal safety. Explain that precautions are being taken to prevent terrorism. For example, security at airports and places of public events is being strengthened, documents and luggage of airplane passengers are carefully checked, there are modern technical means to ensure security, etc.

Reinforce your usual family rituals, such as bedtime (telling a story, reading; stuffed animals, a favorite blanket, etc. will help). This increases the child's sense of stability and security. The smaller the child, the more time you need to spend with him now. At the same time, set aside a special time (even if it’s a small one) that will be devoted to games or communication only with him. Try to make communication as warm as possible.

Children's usual fears may intensify at this time (fear of the dark, sharp sounds, etc.). The child may be afraid to fall asleep alone. Sit next to him for several nights, waiting for your son or daughter to fall asleep. Allow dim lights to be kept on. If children in the family slept in different rooms, they may want to sleep together, allow them to do so. Gradually return to normal routines until the child feels safe again.

Try to show your children that a sense of control over a situation can be gained by supporting other people and taking action. For example, by sending necessary things, toys, letters with words of support to those who suffered. This can be done through the relevant organizations.

If one of the family members needs to leave for a while, provide some action for this case. Gather with the families of those whose loved ones also left for some reason (for example, on a joint business trip with your relative).

Don't let your children spend too much time watching TV waiting for news about a terrorist attack. Direct their attention to their favorite activities. Try to spend less time on the news and spend more time with your family.

If you notice your child has an overreacting or prolonged reaction to sad events, seek outside support. For example, with the help of a child psychologist, and, if necessary, a doctor. In large cities, special crisis services have been created for children and adolescents. There are other organizations that can provide support - public or religious.

Form: Classroom hour

Target: 1) Define the concept of “terrorism”, “terrorist”.

2) Cover the problem of terrorism in Russia.

3) Determine the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of terrorist attacks.

During the classes

I.Org. stage.

II.Main part.

In recent years, the word “terrorism” has begun to appear more and more often in newspapers, magazines, on television and in real life. Terrorism has swept our country.

What is “terrorism”? (Terrorism is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people, property or other dangerous consequences.)

Guys, what do you think is the purpose of these actions? (These actions are committed for the purpose of violating public safety, intimidating the population, or influencing the authorities).

People who are called terrorists commit explosions, take hostages, sparing neither women nor children. There are various terrorist groups operating in our country, consisting mainly of residents of the Chechen Republic. The interests of their activities are in putting pressure on the authorities of the Russian Federation with the aim of separating the Chechen Republic from the Russian Federation. These terrorist groups are financed by the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

Terrorists are trained in camps on the territory of the Chechen Republic and in the countries of the Middle East. Terrorists are mainly Muslim (religion). They are not afraid to go to death, since according to religion, after death they will find a “second life” and ascend to God. Often there are women among terrorists.

The history of the emergence of terrorism in Russia dates back to the war in the Chechen Republic (since 1994), which began due to an attempt by the republic’s authorities to declare independence from the Russian Federation. Since that time, a number of terrorist attacks have occurred in Russia: explosions in the Moscow metro, residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, the seizure of a hospital in Budenovsk, and passenger planes. Let's take a closer look at recent events.

On October 22, 2003, in Moscow on Dubrovka, terrorists seized the theater building where the musical “Nord-Ost” was being performed. They held hostage several hundred people who came to the performance for several days. To free the hostages, special units had to storm the theater building; as a result of the assault, there were a large number of casualties, including women and children.

On September 1, 2004, there was a monstrous attack on a school in the Republic of Dagestan, Beslan. Children went to the Day of Knowledge holiday with their parents, brothers and sisters. It was a happy day for many - the first day of school. However, terrorists captured defenseless, unarmed people, and held them in a school building for 3 days without food, water, and subjected them to violence. More than 300 people died as a result of this tragedy. The entire population of the country was outraged by this seizure of the school. The whole country tried to provide all possible assistance to the victims of this tragedy, as well as other countries. But even after this terrible tragedy, terrorism cannot be stopped.

Let's look at a few situations. Now we will play with you the game “If…”. I will describe the situation, and you will offer me a way out of it.

1. If they called the school and warned that the school building was mined. Your actions.

2. If you walked into the entrance and saw a suspicious object (a package, a box, a toy lying unattended). Your actions.

3. If you were returning from school and met a stranger standing at the entrance. Your actions.

Let's define rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

1. Remember - your goal is to stay alive.

2. Do not touch, open, or move detected suspicious objects, as this may lead to an explosion.

3. Notify adults or the police by calling 02.

4. If you do find yourself a hostage, do not allow actions that could provoke terrorists to use violence or weapons.

III. Bottom line.

You cannot be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is exactly what terrorists achieve, but you need to be vigilant and careful in any situation.

The entire civilian population of the planet hopes that someday this will end and the word “terrorism” will disappear from the dictionary forever.

I suggest everyone draw a picture on the theme “No to terrorism.”

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