Interesting things about Korea and Koreans. "Toilet" - theme parks

But even far beyond its borders there are those who are in love with Korean cuisine, music, films, and TV shows. In 2013 Boston Consulting Group appropriated South Korea title of the most innovative country in the world. This is quite good, considering that South Korea has existed as a state since 1948. And this country is full of interesting customs and facts.

Well, are you ready to test how much you know about Korea?

1. Seoul - capital South Korea. The city's population is about 10.5 million people. According to this indicator Seoul is on the 9th place in the ranking of the most populated cities in the world. (Read )
2. Most visited museum Seoul is the Trick Eye Museum. And the Bampo Bridge is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest fountain bridge in the world (more details).

3. From 1910 to 1945 Korea was occupied by Japan, but after World War II the country was divided into North Korea and Southern.
4. North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 with the goal of creating a unified communist state. The UN intervened in the course of the war, as a result of which hostilities were stopped in 1953. Today there are no official ties between the countries, and the border between them is one of the most dangerous and militarized areas in the world. Technically, both states are at war.

5. GDP per capita in 1963 was only $100; in 2015 it reached $27,513. For excellent economic performance and the development of modern technologies South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan are called the "Four Tigers of Asia"!
6. The country is among the TOP 5 largest car manufacturers in the world. The most popular brands are Hyundai and Kia. South Korea is the world's largest shipbuilder. About the company's factories Hyundai read .
7. This eastern state has the most modern and sophisticated IT infrastructure in the world. Also Korea can boast of the world's leading brands in the field of information technology. The most famous companies are Samsung and LG. IN Korea the fastest internet in the world, but cellular communications are quite expensive.
8. Almost all Koreans use Internet Explorer. It seems that they don’t even know about other browsers and, moreover, most don’t even know what a browser is. Korean sites, accordingly, are made only for Explorer, Korean sites may not work correctly in any other browser. Many Koreans, in order to open Google, first open (Korean search engine), type in " Google" in Korean and then click on the link.

9. There are more than 20 national parks in the country (on Doramakune you can read about ,). There are many theme parks, for example in the city of Suwon there is a “toilet” park (more details).
10. Baseball is the most popular sport in South Korea. Everyone plays it, from young to old; almost everyone has a baseball bat. Baseball games, especially big ones, are always sold out. In second place in popularity is golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And when they reach old age, Koreans go to the mountains.
11. Coffee shops can be found at every step, because Koreans are great coffee lovers. And also, there are a lot of themed cafes (,).

12. Korean girls are confidently ready to show off their legs, but not their bust. Until 1979 in South Korea strictly controlled women's clothing. At that time, not only the length of the skirt was regulated, but also the length of the hair.
13. South Korea- the most drinking country in the world. When drinking in Korean company, you need to follow many rules. For example, if the elder pours a drink, then the younger must hold the glass with both hands. If the younger one pours for the older one, then the bottle should also be held with both hands.

14. The word "esports" and all professional video game competitions first appeared in South Korea. It is worth noting that the game "Starcraft" has gained incredible popularity in the country. Championships of all levels were held here, entire leagues and clans were even created. Official statistics say: more than 500 thousand only licensed copies were sold in the country!
15. Koreans love to take pictures. They were the ones who came up with the idea of ​​cramming a camera into the front part of mobile phones, and in general it is believed that the fashion for selfies came precisely from South Korea.

16. Despite the fact that trash cans are extremely rare on the streets, South Korea- a clean country.
17. Dentist services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor their dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often carry a toothbrush with them in their bag, and in some establishments you can find free brushes right in the toilet.
More interesting details about South Korea you can find it in the section. ,

South Korea is a state covered in high-rise buildings and narrow-eyed residents. Well, this is it, briefly, without going into details at all.

How Koreans live, how they work and relax - about all this, read on for interesting facts about Korea

Korea is considered one of the safest countries in the world. In any case, you can safely walk alone at night and not be afraid that some parasite will complain about you or your property.

Baseball and golf are the most popular games in Korea. And those whose age no longer allows them to run with a stick - welcome to the mountains. Hiking in the mountains can rightfully be considered the third type of “game”.

Residents of Korea are not just narrow-eyed, they are also in the majority and wear glasses. By the way, absolutely regardless of age. Well, they're not born that way, are they? Although, perhaps they have an altered gene responsible for vision.

The dentist is the most expensive doctor in Korea. Therefore, residents not only constantly chew gum, they also carry toothbrushes with them and can start tidying up their oral cavity in any toilet with a washbasin.

Koreans never rest. And the word “vacation” is generally absent as such in their everyday life.

Maximum - a few days "at your own expense." And then - either study or go to work, please.

Motels in Korea are like ants - at every turn. And all because guys do not have the right to invite a girl to their house.

For Koreans, food is sacred. No one here is interested in how someone is doing or who has been doing what all day. The first question is always "Have you eaten?" And if the answer is “no,” consider yourself to have committed a crazy sin.

Here are more interesting facts about Korea. Family freedom in the form of male infidelity is like “hello” here. Wives almost never work here, and young girls do not shy away from the geisha profession.

In Korean beer bars, you can't just walk in and order a glass of steamy hops. Beer snacks are a must here.

You will never believe what a park there is in Korea! This is not even a park, but an area “strewn” with male phalluses.

Korea is famous for its cult of small dogs. Porket dogs are everywhere here. And they are also necessarily painted in different colors, and in general they do full “dog fashion”.

The male half of the Korean population is very attracted to alcohol. And every representative knows a lot of games “for a feast”, the ultimate “goal” of which is to get drunk and forget.

Korean people are very kind and polite to everyone. Both to tourists and to “our own people”. They, just like us, love to visit coffee corners and treat themselves to good coffee.

But, unlike us, they do this several times more often, after almost every meal. For now, we are clearly inferior to them in this.

How they do it:

South Korea is a country with quite a long history and rich traditions, however, you must agree that literally five years ago many in Russia did not even think about its existence.

And now, just look around, Korean videos are broadcast on television, Korean goods are capturing the market, Korean technologies are ahead of many countries, and you and I use Korean cosmetics and watch dramas! Would you like to know more about the country that is so actively trying to get closer to us? We have selected as many as 60 interesting facts for you, thanks to which you will get to know South Korea better. Let's start!


1. Korean women wear a lot of cosmetics. Very. A lot. If you try to count the number of products for evening care, you will get about ten of them: makeup removing oil, cleansing foam, scrub or peeling, face mask, toner, essence, lotion (yes, this is not the same as tonic ), serum or emulsion, cream, sheet mask and, finally, an overnight mask. Just imagine how much time and money Korean women spend on personal care!

2. Lovers of Korean cosmetics in Russia are sure that nothing can be better than Tony Moly, Etude House, The Skin House and other Korean brands. But Korean women do not notice their happiness and dream of owning the coveted jars of L’oreal and similar brands! The fact is that imported products in Korea are more expensive than their own, and therefore the mass market for us is approaching “luxury” for them.

3. Guys and men also like to take care of themselves. If European brands limit themselves to the production of men's lines with shaving and cleansing products, then Korean brands do everything for men that they do for women - from facial wash to BB and CC cream. And, by the way, carrying a mirror with you is just as common for Koreans as it is for Korean women.

4. In cases where cosmetics are not enough, Koreans and Korean women resort to plastic surgery without any hesitation. “Plastic surgery” in South Korea is the same as for us, for example, going to the hairdresser is a common thing. The phenomenon of plastic surgery “as a gift” to children from their parents upon graduation from school or university is also considered common.

5. It’s hard to believe, but every fifth Korean woman has already had plastic surgery. And the most popular operation is to change the shape of the eyes.

6. To avoid spending on dentists, which in South Korea can hit the pocket quite hard, Koreans take very good care of their teeth. And if you can find anything you want in a Russian girl’s purse, then in a Korean girl’s purse you can find anything you want, including a toothbrush :)

7. Koreans rarely suffer from excess weight, and the main advantage of almost all Korean women is slender and thin legs.

8. Speaking of legs. Korean women love and often wear minis - this is not considered something shameful, but wearing a dress or blouse with a large neckline is no longer permissible.

9. Koreans and Korean women take care not only of their faces, but also of their bodies. One of the favorite rituals in Korea is visiting a bathhouse. In Seoul alone there are about 3,000 bathhouses or, as they are called in Korea, jimchilbans.

10. Appearance is almost in the first place for Koreans. If you look tired and shabby, they will certainly tell you about it, but not to insult you, but solely to help you :)


11. One of the main passions of all Koreans is food. They love to eat tasty and a lot. If you order a dish in a cafe or restaurant, it will probably come with several additional appetizers and salads.

12. Products in Korean stores are quite expensive, so it is often cheaper to eat in cafes and restaurants than to cook yourself.

13. Koreans love to bargain, for them it is something like an integral part of the shopping process! If you know the language and find yourself on the market, then be sure to try to reduce the price of the product you like, if only for the sake of interest, rest assured, you will be able to get the desired product 3-5 times cheaper.

14. If you find yourself in South Korea and want to drink tea, it will be problematic to do so. There is practically no tea there, as we understand it, and instead of it, Koreans usually drink decoctions of various herbs.

15. But here you can find coffee at every step; Koreans adore it.

16. Restaurants and cafes can be divided into four categories: Korean, Japanese, Chinese and European. The most expensive and prestigious ones are Japanese ones, followed by European ones, and Chinese and Korean ones you can find both very expensive and very simple eateries.

17. Tipping is not customary in South Korea, and attempting to do so can greatly offend the waiter.

18. Koreans love to drink and there is even a special ritual called “hoeshik”, according to which colleagues should gather at a bar after work and drink together once a month or even more often. If you refuse to drink on “hoeshik”, then you will be considered a person with oddities :)

19. The main product on the Korean table is rice. It is used as a side dish, and regular rice porridge with water is often eaten instead of bread to take the edge off the spice. You must finish eating the rice, and if you leave it on the plate, you will be considered a very rude person.

20. In Korea it is customary to slurp. Koreans don’t even think about the fact that this might look indecent, because in this way they show the cook that they really liked the dish. Of course, it’s not customary to do this intentionally loudly and provocatively :) But chewing with your mouth open or talking until you’ve chewed the food , is considered bad manners just like ours.

Life style

21. One of the manifestations of friendship for Koreans is touching. Don’t be surprised if you see guys on the streets of Korea patting each other on the shoulder, fiddling with their hair and even giving each other a light neck massage :)

22. In Korea they like to make noise; there it is not customary to complain to the police about neighbors who listen to music loudly. Loud advertising on the streets is also within normal limits.

23. South Korea is a fairly safe country; here you can walk through remote neighborhoods late at night without fear.

24. Popular sports are baseball and golf. Baseball is played by children and adults, while golf is fun for middle-aged people. Another type of physical activity that all Koreans love to do is going to the mountains.

25. When to go to Korea? Depends on what you want to do. If you are a fan of skiing, then winter is the ideal time, but if you prefer to bask in the sun, then go on a trip in the summer, as South Korea has many beaches, and if you just want to admire this country, then plan your trip in the spring, when sakura blossoms everywhere, or in the fall, when the leaves turn yellow.

26. If you decide to write a letter or postcard to a Korean, then put red ink aside, as it is believed that the name written with it will bring trouble and even death to the person.

27. Respect for elders is the most important thing in Korean etiquette. Before going to this country, you should carefully study all types of requests so as not to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

28. Serving in the army in Korea is considered prestigious, so many K-pop stars go to serve even despite their career.

29. Another interesting fact about the Korean army: there is no deferment for Korean students, but those who have only primary school education are not accepted into the army.

30. Young couples in Korea cannot just decide to “live together”, as this is considered immoral. Those who dare to do this will be condemned not only by their elders, but also by their peers. A couple can move into the same apartment only after the wedding.


31. To get an education in South Korea, you will have to pay a tidy sum; it is really expensive. By the way, unlike Russia, legal education is much less popular in South Korea.

32. Education is taken very seriously in this country. Even the school day is more like a work day, since along with all the classes, additional, but practically obligatory, clubs and courses it ends late in the evening.

33. The academic year in a Korean school is divided not into quarters, but into semesters and, accordingly, schoolchildren rest not four, but twice a year: in the summer from mid-July to the end of August and in the winter from mid-February to early March.

34. In almost all Korean schools, students wear uniforms.

35. Physical education is not considered a compulsory subject in many schools in South Korea; it is usually introduced as an additional discipline.

36. Koreans study in elementary school for 6 years, in middle and high school - for 3 years. Then you can go to college for 2 years, and then to university for 4.

37. Although you can study at school for only 12 years, you will not be able to literally become a “twelfth grader.” The fact is that after the 6th grade of primary school there is the first grade of secondary school and education ends, accordingly, after the 3rd grade of high school.

38. Exams at Korean universities are a serious test. It even goes so far that newspapers publish reminders so that girls do not overdo it with perfume and do not wear high-heeled shoes, so as not to distract themselves and those around them from fateful exams.

39. A unique form of our Unified State Exam is also available in Korea. Almost all exams and tests take the form of tests and students just need to remember a huge list of correct answers.

40. The high school program in Korea prepares the student for further study in a specific specialty, however, it is not necessary to complete it.


41. Koreans are very hardworking. The school daily routine continues at work - the working day begins at 7.30-9.00 depending on the company and ends late in the evening. Although officially the working day should last until 18.00, many Koreans try not to leave before their boss.

42. By the way, it is customary for only men to wait for their bosses to leave; women can leave earlier.

43. A 30-day vacation for Koreans is an unaffordable luxury. Some companies literally force their employees to go on vacation for one or two weeks, as stubborn Koreans refuse to rest in order to prove their professionalism to their superiors.

44. Living in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is quite expensive, so many who work in this city buy housing in the suburbs, where everything is comparatively cheaper, but saving money comes at the cost of travel time.

45. There are only 11 official days off in Korea.

46. ​​If public holidays fall on Saturday or Sunday, they are not moved to Monday, so some years are especially difficult for Koreans.

47. Koreans spend their single weekends with their families - they go to visit each other or go out into nature together.

48. It is difficult for bank employees to stay in one place for a long time. The fact is that many bosses believe that in 2-3 years an employee has too many acquaintances and connections and they become higher for him than the interests of the company.

49. Competition in South Korea is very strong. If an employee nevertheless decides to go on a long vacation, then when he returns, he will most likely find his place occupied.

50. Even in a small family business, the same strict rules apply as in large corporations: exactly the same long working hours and exactly the same short vacations.


51. A marriage proposal in Korea is usually made purely formally, when a restaurant has already been booked and a guest list has been drawn up. Why then do this at all? It’s simple - to please the future bride :)

52. Wealthy families hold two weddings - in a European style and in a traditional Korean one.

53. The head of the family in Korea is always a man, this is not discussed.

54. A husband and wife should not quarrel and scold friends in the presence of older relatives.

56. Even within a family circle, it is not customary to address each other by name; this amounts to an insult. There is a special respectful treatment for each family member.

57. A pregnant wife is treated very carefully in a Korean family; all close relatives try to look after her and show all possible care. But the meeting from the maternity hospital is not as festive as in Russia.

58. It is customary for children in Korea to be greatly pampered; they are not denied practically anything, but in return they are required to give a lot of effort in terms of their studies.

59. Children are raised mainly by mothers, since fathers spend most of the day at work and return closer to night and communicate with their children mainly on weekends. However, the father is still the authority for the child.

60. In Korea, the husband’s parents are called “in-law” in relation to the child, and the wife’s parents are called “external”. But these are just names; usually both “relative” and “external” grandparents communicate with children equally enthusiastically

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Of course, I would like to see and find out everything in person, but unfortunately there is no such opportunity yet. Therefore, it is quite interesting to read about the people, traditions and characteristics of certain countries from the people who are there.

For example, South Korea is a country with quite a long history and rich traditions. Now, just look around, Korean videos are broadcast on television, Korean goods are taking over the market, Korean technologies are ahead of many countries! Would you like to know more about the country that is so actively trying to get closer to us?

Here are some details...


1. Korean women wear a lot of cosmetics. Very. A lot. If you try to count the number of products for evening care, you will get about ten of them: makeup removing oil, cleansing foam, scrub or peeling, face mask, toner, essence, lotion (yes, this is not the same as tonic ), serum or emulsion, cream, sheet mask and, finally, an overnight mask. Just imagine how much time and money Korean women spend on personal care!

2. Lovers of Korean cosmetics in Russia are sure that nothing can be better than Korean brands. But Korean women do not notice their happiness and dream of owning the coveted jars of L'oreal and similar brands! The fact is that imported products in Korea are more expensive than their own, and therefore the mass market for us is approaching “luxury” for them.

3. Guys and men also like to take care of themselves. If European brands limit themselves to the production of men's lines with shaving and cleansing products, then Korean brands do everything for men that they do for women - from facial wash to BB and CC cream. And, by the way, carrying a mirror with you is just as common for Koreans as it is for Korean women.

4. In cases where cosmetics are not enough, Koreans and Korean women resort to plastic surgery without any hesitation. “Plastic surgery” in South Korea is the same as for us, for example, going to the hairdresser is a common thing. The phenomenon of plastic surgery “as a gift” to children from their parents upon graduation from school or university is also considered common.

5. It’s hard to believe, but every fifth Korean woman has already had plastic surgery. And the most popular operation is to change the shape of the eyes.

6. To avoid spending on dentists, which in South Korea can hit the pocket quite hard, Koreans take very good care of their teeth. And if you can find anything you want in a Russian girl’s purse, then in a Korean girl’s purse you can find anything you want, including a toothbrush :)

7. Koreans rarely suffer from excess weight, and the main advantage of almost all Korean women is slender and thin legs.

8. Speaking of legs. Korean women love and often wear minis - this is not considered something shameful, but wearing a dress or blouse with a large neckline is no longer permissible.

9. Koreans and Korean women take care not only of their faces, but also of their bodies. One of the favorite rituals in Korea is visiting a bathhouse. In Seoul alone there are about 3,000 bathhouses or, as they are called in Korea, jimchilbans.

10. Appearance is almost in the first place for Koreans. If you look tired and shabby, they will certainly tell you about it, but not to insult you, but solely to help you :)


11. One of the main passions of all Koreans is food. They love to eat tasty and a lot. If you order a dish in a cafe or restaurant, it will probably come with several additional appetizers and salads.

12. Products in Korean stores are quite expensive, so it is often cheaper to eat in cafes and restaurants than to cook yourself.

13. Koreans love to bargain, for them it is something like an integral part of the shopping process! If you know the language and find yourself on the market, then be sure to try to reduce the price of the product you like, if only for the sake of interest, rest assured, you will be able to get the desired product 3-5 times cheaper.

14. If you find yourself in South Korea and want to drink tea, it will be problematic to do so. There is practically no tea there, as we understand it, and instead of it, Koreans usually drink decoctions of various herbs.

15. But here you can find coffee at every step; Koreans adore it.

16. Restaurants and cafes can be divided into four categories: Korean, Japanese, Chinese and European. The most expensive and prestigious ones are Japanese ones, followed by European ones, and Chinese and Korean ones you can find both very expensive and very simple eateries.

17. Tipping is not customary in South Korea, and attempting to do so can greatly offend the waiter.

18. Koreans love to drink and there is even a special ritual called “hoeshik”, according to which colleagues should gather at a bar after work and drink together once a month or even more often. If you refuse to drink on "hoeshik", then you will be considered a person with oddities :)

19. The main product on the Korean table is rice. It is used as a side dish, and regular rice porridge with water is often eaten instead of bread to take the edge off the spice. You must finish eating the rice, and if you leave it on the plate, you will be considered a very rude person.

20. In Korea it is customary to slurp. Koreans don’t even think about the fact that this might look indecent, because in this way they show the cook that they really liked the dish. Of course, it’s not customary to do this deliberately loudly and provocatively :) But chewing with your mouth open or talking until you’ve chewed food is considered bad manners, just like with us.

Life style

21. One of the manifestations of friendship for Koreans is touching. Don't be surprised if you see guys on the streets of Korea patting each other on the shoulder, fiddling with their hair and even giving each other a light neck massage :)

24. Popular sports are baseball and golf. Baseball is played by children and adults, while golf is fun for middle-aged people. Another type of physical activity that all Koreans love to do is going to the mountains.

25. When to go to Korea? Depends on what you want to do. If you are a fan of skiing, then winter is the ideal time, but if you prefer to bask in the sun, then go on a trip in the summer, as South Korea has many beaches, and if you just want to admire this country, then plan your trip in the spring, when sakura blossoms everywhere, or in the fall, when the leaves turn yellow.

26. If you decide to write a letter or postcard to a Korean, then put red ink aside, as it is believed that the name written with it will bring trouble and even death to the person.

27. Respect for elders is the most important thing in Korean etiquette. Before going to this country, you should carefully study all types of requests so as not to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

28. Serving in the army in Korea is considered prestigious, so many K-pop stars go to serve even despite their career.

29. Another interesting fact about the Korean army: there is no deferment for Korean students, but those who have only primary school education are not accepted into the army.

30. Young couples in Korea cannot just decide to “live together”, as this is considered immoral. Those who dare to do this will be condemned not only by their elders, but also by their peers. A couple can move into the same apartment only after the wedding.


31. To get an education in South Korea, you will have to pay a tidy sum; it is really expensive. By the way, unlike Russia, legal education is much less popular in South Korea.

33. The academic year in a Korean school is divided not into quarters, but into semesters and, accordingly, schoolchildren rest not four, but twice a year: in the summer from mid-July to the end of August and in the winter from mid-February to early March.

34. In almost all Korean schools, students wear uniforms.

35. Physical education is not considered a compulsory subject in many schools in South Korea; it is usually introduced as an additional discipline.

36. Koreans study in elementary school for 6 years, in middle and high school - for 3 years. Then you can go to college for 2 years, and then to university for 4.

37. Although you can study at school for only 12 years, you will not be able to literally become a “twelfth grader.” The fact is that after the 6th grade of primary school there is the first grade of secondary school and education ends, accordingly, after the 3rd grade of high school.

38. Exams at Korean universities are a serious test. It even goes so far that newspapers publish reminders so that girls do not overdo it with perfume and do not wear high-heeled shoes, so as not to distract themselves and those around them from fateful exams.

39. A unique form of our Unified State Exam is also available in Korea. Almost all exams and tests take the form of tests and students just need to remember a huge list of correct answers.

40. The high school program in Korea prepares the student for further study in a specific specialty, however, it is not necessary to complete it.


41. Koreans are very hardworking. The school daily routine continues at work - the working day begins at 7.30-9.00 depending on the company and ends late in the evening. Although officially the working day should last until 18.00, many Koreans try not to leave before their boss.

42. By the way, it is customary for only men to wait for their bosses to leave; women can leave earlier.

43. A 30-day vacation for Koreans is an unaffordable luxury. Some companies literally force their employees to go on vacation for one or two weeks, as stubborn Koreans refuse to rest in order to prove their professionalism to their superiors.

44. Living in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is quite expensive, so many who work in this city buy housing in the suburbs, where everything is comparatively cheaper, but saving money comes at the cost of travel time.

45. There are only 11 official days off in Korea.

46. ​​If public holidays fall on Saturday or Sunday, they are not moved to Monday, so some years are especially difficult for Koreans.

47. Koreans spend their single weekends with their families - they go to visit each other or go out into nature together.

48. It is difficult for bank employees to stay in one place for a long time. The fact is that many bosses believe that in 2-3 years an employee has too many acquaintances and connections and they become higher for him than the interests of the company.

49. Competition in South Korea is very strong. If an employee nevertheless decides to go on a long vacation, then when he returns, he will most likely find his place occupied.

50. Even in a small family business, the same strict rules apply as in large corporations: exactly the same long working hours and exactly the same short vacations.


51. A marriage proposal in Korea is usually made purely formally, when a restaurant has already been booked and a guest list has been drawn up. Why then do this at all? It's simple - to make the future bride happy :)

52. Wealthy families hold two weddings - in a European style and in a traditional Korean one.

53. The head of the family in Korea is always a man, this is not discussed.

54. A husband and wife should not quarrel and scold friends in the presence of older relatives.

56. Even within a family circle, it is not customary to address each other by name; this amounts to an insult. There is a special respectful treatment for each family member.

57. A pregnant wife is treated very carefully in a Korean family; all close relatives try to look after her and show all possible care. But the meeting from the maternity hospital is not as festive as in Russia.

58. It is customary for children in Korea to be greatly pampered; they are not denied practically anything, but in return they are required to give a lot of effort in terms of their studies.

59. Children are raised mainly by mothers, since fathers spend most of the day at work and return closer to night and communicate with their children mainly on weekends. However, the father is still the authority for the child.

60. In Korea, the husband’s parents are called “in-law” in relation to the child, and the wife’s parents are called “external”. But these are just names; usually both “relative” and “external” grandparents communicate with children equally enthusiastically :)

Anyone who is familiar with South Korea and has lived there, will you correct me? Or add...

There are many interesting and extraordinary nations living on our planet, each of which is unique and inimitable in its own way. However, if relatively much is known about some in Russia, at least at the level of stereotypes, then almost nothing is said about others. For example, offensively little is known about Koreans...

Interesting facts about Koreans, by the way, concern their entire lives. More precisely, that it is completely regulated. Tradition prescribes food in each season, clothing, and typical activities. In the summer, for example, they always eat hot soup... but to try it in January or February is unthinkable for a Korean.

However, the soup is just a small thing. In summer, if it rains, Koreans eat spicy noodles; if there is a bucket, then you can’t eat it at all. Moreover, during the summer months you are supposed to watch horror films (to shiver and cool down, apparently).

The Korean attitude towards tanning is radically different from the European one. Just imagine: it’s a hot sunny day, and it seems like it’s time to leave a minimum of clothes. But no, in general, that’s when everyone pushes it to the maximum. You walk down the street, all you see are long sleeves, hats with long visors or even masks; people do not walk along the streets, but quickly run from one place to another, in such a way that there is as much shade as possible along the way. There is not a single window where the blinds are not closed; the curtains are closed on all buses.

There is nothing surprising about this. Until recently, by historical standards, people all over the world tried to avoid tanning in every possible way. It was a symbol of intense physical labor in the open air (and therefore low social status, poor intellectual development). Korea, in which traditional ideas of this kind are preserved to this day, has practically become a “reserve” of the anti-tanning tradition.

It must be said that traditionalism in many respects is not a minus, but a plus of Korean society (including for tourists). Criminal crime, including murder, robbery, theft, and drug trafficking, is almost exceptional here. Cases of car theft become newspaper sensations.

As in Japan, Koreans avoid the number four because it sounds the same as the word for death. What they almost never eat is dairy products, which are a delicacy on the Korean Peninsula.

Since, according to the same traditions, the left side is honorable, then road traffic is on the left. It is interesting that in Korea there are three hundred surnames, and many thousands of given names.

Many traditions are associated with shoes. For example, when entering a house, it is immediately removed; and on New Year's Eve they hide it. If the “spirit” walking around the house at this time takes away the shoes you like in some mystical way, then the whole next year will be unsuccessful.