Institute of Geoecology E m Sergeev. Sergeev Evgeniy Mikhailovich

Evgeniy Mikhailovich Sergeev(March 23, Moscow - March 23, Moscow) - Soviet engineer-geologist and soil scientist, scientist in the field of engineering geology, professor of the Department of Engineering Geology and Protection of the Geological Environment, Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (, corresponding member), laureate of the Lenin () and State Prizes of the USSR (,), Lomonosov Prize of Moscow State University, head. Department of Soil Science and Eng. geology (, from - department of engineering geology and protection of the geological environment) of the geological faculty of Moscow State University, participant of the Second World War, labor veteran. In his honor, the scientific conference Sergeev’s Readings is held annually.

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    Born into the family of an employee. After graduating from the Moscow Topographical College (), he worked for three years as a topographer in the Far East. In the city, returning to Moscow, he entered Moscow University with which his entire future life was connected. At Moscow State University, he went from a student in the department of soil science (-), an assistant in the same department (, -), an associate professor (-) to a professor (since) and head of the department of soil science and engineering geology (-). At the same time, he was elected dean of the geological faculty of Moscow State University (-, -), was the vice-rector of Moscow State University for scientific and educational work of natural sciences, and the first vice-rector of Moscow State University (-). He was one of the initiators of the construction of a new building for Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills. In - gg. was the rector of the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

    From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, E.M. Sergeev went to the front, in July-August he was the commander of a platoon of reserve command personnel in the southwestern direction. From September to July he served in reconnaissance of the 199th division of the 38th Army and fought on the Southwestern, Southeastern, and 4th Ukrainian fronts. From July to the end of December he took part in the Battle of Stalingrad, serving in the intelligence department of the headquarters of a number of fronts. In June he was seriously wounded, lost a leg, and was demobilized from the front with the rank of major.

    Scientific activity

    Under his leadership, a methodology for engineering geological mapping and mapping of large territories was created. The brilliant conclusion of the work was the 8-volume monograph “Engineering Geology of the USSR”, awarded the Lenin Prize (), in the creation of which, under the leadership of E. M. Sergeev, many prominent engineering geologists of the country took part. Since the turn of the s. E. M. Sergeev developed issues of environmental geology, rational use and protection of the geological environment. He laid the foundations for the doctrine of the geological environment, its rational use and protection; defined engineering geology as the science of the geological environment. These works largely predetermined the modern development of geoecology and ecological geology.

    Scientific and organizational activities

    E. M. Sergeev was the largest organizer of engineering-geological science in our country; he created the Scientific Council on Engineering Geology and Soil Science at the Department of Earth Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences and for about 30 years was its permanent chairman (since, transformed into the Scientific Council on Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology and Geocryology). He was Chairman of the Section of Engineering Geology of the National Committee of Geologists of the USSR, Vice-President (-) and President (-) of the International Association of Engineering Geologists (IAIG); chairman and deputy Chairman of Geology and Geophysics. sections of the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR; Chairman of the Geology and Mining Section of the Commission for Awarding Prizes of the USSR Council of Ministers (-); member of the Bureau of the Department of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Chairman of the Society for Cultural Relations "USSR-Iran" (). He created and was the editor-in-chief of the journal Engineering Geology (-); was the chairman of the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of Moscow University.” Ser. biology, soil science, geology and geography" and the "Geology" series. Thanks to the organizational activities of E.M. Sergeev, engineering geology became an independent science of the geological cycle in our country.

    Pedagogical activity

    E. M. Sergeev has established himself as a talented teacher. He devoted almost 50 years to the development of higher university education and the training of highly qualified geological personnel at Moscow University and in the country. In - gg. he was a member of the administrative council of the International Association of Universities. Repeatedly spoke at the boards of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education on the problems of developing higher education and improving geological education; was a member of a number of commissions of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education; chairman of scientific and methodological Council for Higher Geological Education of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education; member of the Plenum of the Higher Attestation Commission at the USSR Council of Ministers, member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission, member and chairman of the geological section of the Higher Attestation Commission at the USSR Ministry of Higher Education. He created and taught the course “Soil Science” at Moscow State University for decades (c). E. M. Sergeev is the author of the textbooks “Soil Science,” which was awarded the State Prize, and “Engineering Geology” (two editions). E. M. Sergeev created a university school of engineering geologists, numerous graduates of the department of soil science and engineering geology and students of |. Sergeev became the largest scientists in the leading engineering and geological organizations of our country. Among his direct students are Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. Osipov, professors V. T. Trofimov, S. D. Voronkevich, R. S. Ziangirov, Yu. B. Osipov, V. A. Korolev, K. A. Kozhobaev, as well as doctors of science V.N. Sokolov, E.N. Kolomensky, V.I. Sergeev, N. Than and others.

    E. M. Sergeev trained about 70 candidates of science in the field of engineering geology: among them G. A. Kuprina (1953), A. V. Minervin (1959), A. S. Gerasimova (1960), B. S. Pavlov (1961), Zhao-Tse-San (1963), N. S. Krasilova (1963), Yu. A. Seregina (1964), M. V. Slonimskaya (1967), Yu. D. Matveev (1970) , S. B. Ershova (1971), L. A. Kotseruba, V. N. Kolomenskaya (1974), N. I. Barats (1974), V. M. Semenov (1976), Kh. L. Rakhmatullaev, B T. Trofimov (1977), S. D. Filimonov (1979), D. V. Borodulina (1979), S. K. Nikolaeva (1982), Z. V. Kulikova (1983), T. V. Maksimova ( 1984), N.V. Kolomiytsev (1985), N.G. Mavlyanov (1986), S.D. Balykova (Efremenko) (1991), etc.

    E. M. Sergeev formed a large team of researchers and teachers at the department - students, associates and like-minded people in the field of engineering geology. Among them are Abalikhin I. A., Abramova T. T., Afonskaya L. G., Badu Yu. B., Balashaitis E.-S. I., Balykova S. D., Baranova V. I., Barmin E. N., Bakhireva L. V., Bezruk V. M., Belousova L. G., Berezkina G. M., Biryukova O. N. , Bolotina I. N., Vasilyeva V. I., Volnukhin V. G., Voronkevich S. D., Gerasimova A. S., Golodkovskaya G. A., Goncharova L. V., Gruzdov A. V., Dementieva O. V., Demidyuk L. M., Divisilova V. I., Evdokimova L. A., Emelyanov S. N., Ershova S. B., Ziangirov R. S., Ziling D. G., Zlochevskaya R. I., Zolotarev G. S., Ivanov M. M., Ilyinskaya G. G., Kagner (Polteva) M. N., Kadkina E. L., Kalachev V. Ya., Kalini E. V., Kashperyuk P I., Kovalko V.V., Kolomenskaya V.N., Kolomensky E.N., Komissarova N.N., Konopleva V.I., Kopteva-Dvornikova M.D., Korolev V.A., Kotlov V. F., Kotseruba L. A., Krasilova N. S., Krivosheeva Z. A., Kropotkin M. P., Kudryashov V. G., Kuprina G. A., Kurinov M. B., Kutepov V. M. ., Ladygin V. M., Larionova N. A., Lipilin V. I., Makeeva T. G., Maksimov S. N., Mamaev Yu. A., Makhorin A. A., Melnikov P. F., Minervin A. V., Nikitin V. N., Nikolaeva S. K., Novik N. K., Ogorodnikova E. N., Ozmidov O. R., Ornatsky N. V., Osipov V. I., Osiporv Yu B., Panasyan L. L., Petrenko S. I., Piotrovskaya T. Yu., Polyakov S. S., Pometun V. D., Popov I. V., Ragozin A. V., Rekshinskaya L. G. ., Reutskaya N. N., Root P. E., Rumyantseva N. A., Samoilov V. G., Sasov A. Yu., Selivanov V. A., Semenov V. M., Sergeev V. I., Seregina Yu. A., Soklov B. A., Sokolov V. N., Tankaeva L. K., Tereshkov G. M., Tereshkova L. P., Troitskaya M. N., Trofimov B. T., Trofimov V. T., Trufmanova E. P., Fadeev P. I., Fedorenko V. S., Fedorov V. M., Filimonov S. D., Filkin N. A., Firsov N. G., Flamina M. N. ., Shariy A. A., Shaumyan L. V., Sheko A. I., Shibakova V. S., Shirokov V. N., Shlykov V. G., Yakovleva V. F. and many others. Working as the first vice-rector Moscow State University, E. M. Sergeev organized the country's largest advanced training faculty (FPC) at Moscow State University. On the basis of the Faculty of Education and Training of Moscow State University, the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR held seminars for the management staff of higher education. With the direct participation of E.M. Sergeev, the Mordovian State University was created. He was elected honorary doctor of Bratislava (1972) and Warsaw (1974) universities; member of the administrative council of the International Association of Universities (1965-1970); resp. Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the IV General Conference of the International Association of Universities (1970-1975).

    History and methodology of engineering geology

    E.M. Sergeev paid a lot of attention to issues of history and methodology of geology, in particular, soil science and engineering. geology. Starting from the first such work - “Soviet soil science” (1946), he constantly addressed these issues (1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1962, 1963, 1988, 1992, etc.), wrote a number of works related to names (rus .) (2004). Retrieved January 15, 2011. Archived May 12, 2012.

    • Sergeev E. M. New methods for determining the heat of wetting of soils. - Soil Science, No. 5, 1946, p. 289-300
    • Sergeev E. M. Selected chapters of general soil science. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1946, - 107 p.
    • Sergeev E. M. On the issue of correlation between some soil properties. - Bulletin of Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 2, 1947, p. 69-91
    • Sergeev E. M. The concept of optimal soil compaction load. - Vestn. Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 10, 1949, p. 115-130
    • Sergeev E. M. On the question of the nature of the mechanical strength of dispersed soils. - Teacher zap. Moscow State University, vol. 133. Ground science, book 1, 1949, p. 89-117
    • Sergeev E. M. General soil science. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1952, - 383 p.
    • Sergeev E. M. Granulometric classification of sands. - Vestn. Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 12, 1953, p. 101-109
    • Sergeev E. M. Regarding the relationship between the granulometric and mineralogical composition of soils. - Vestn. Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 2, 1954, p. 41-49
    • Sergeev E. M., Ornatsky N. V., Shekhtman Yu. M. Study of sand clogging. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1955, - 182 p.
    • Sergeev E. M. Bound water in soils and its effect on their dispersion and microstructure. - Teacher zap. Moscow State University, vol. 176. Geology, 1956, p. 221-231
    • Sergeev E. M., Priklonsky V. A., Panyukov P. N., Bely L. D. General engineering-geol. classification of rocks and soils. - Tr. meeting in engineering-geol. Holy rocks and methods of their study. Volume II - M., Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957, p. 18-44
    • Sergeev E. M. Soil science / Textbook. Ed. 2nd revision - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1959, −426 p.
    • Sergeev E. M. Geology and construction. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1962, - 100 p.
    • Sergeev E. M., Ilyinskaya G. G., Rekshinskaya L. G., Trofimov V. T. On the distribution of clay minerals in connection with their geological engineering. studying. - Vestn. Moscow State University, series 4, geol., No. 3, 1963, p. 3-9
    • Sergeev E. M. Once again about engineering geology. - In the collection: Ways for further development of engineering. geology / Mat. discussions of the 1st Int. congr. by Eng. geol. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1971, p. 117-123
    • Sergeev E. M., Gerasimova A. S., Trofimov V. T. Explanatory note to geological engineer. map of the West Siberian plate. Scale 1:500,000. - M., 1972, - 96 p.
    • Soil science/.Ed. E. M. Sergeeva, (co-author) - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 3rd ed. 1971. - 595 pp. // 5th ed. 1983. - 392 p.
    • Sergeev E. M. Engineering geology / Textbook. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1st ed. 1978 // 2nd ed. 1982. - 248 p.
    • Sergeev E. M. Engineering geology is the science of the geological environment. - Eng. Geology, 1979, No. 1, p. 3-19
    • Sergeev E. M., Shvetsov P. F., Kotlov F. V., Osipov V. I. Engineering geology in the USSR. - Eng. Geology, No. 6, 1982, p. 3-12
    • Sergeev E. M. Behind the line of the front letter. - M., Military Publishing House, 1985
    • Theoretical foundations of engineering geology. Geol. fundamentals / Edited by E. M. Sergeev (department of the chapter). - M., Nedra, 1985, - 332 p.
    • Theoretical foundations of engineering geology. Socio-economic aspects / Edited by E. M. Sergeev (department of the chapter). - M., Nedra, 1985, - 259 p.
    • Sergeev E. M. Problems of engineering geol. in connection with the tasks of rational use and protection of geol. environment. - In the collection: Problems of rationality. use of geol. environment. - M., Science, 1988, pp. 5-21.
    • Sergeev E. M. Position of Eng. geology in the section geol. sciences, its current state and ways of further development. - Eng. Geology, No. 2, 1989, p. 5-14
    • Sergeev E. M. University of Moscow. A look through the years. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1992. - 272 p.
    • Sergeev E. M., Osipov V. I., Shibakova V. S. On the activities of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences on engineering problems. geology and hydrogeology for 25 years (1966-1991). - Eng. Geology, 1992, No. 3, p. 3-11


    • Memories of Academician E. M. Sergeev(on the occasion of his 90th birthday). / Ed. V. I. Osipova and V. T. Trofimova. - M., GEOS, 2004, p.
    • Professors of Moscow University. 1755-2004: Biographical Dictionary. Volume 2: M-Y / Auto.-comp. A. G. Ryabukhin, G. V. Bryantseva. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 2005, p. 373-374
    • Korolev V. A., Gerasimova A. S., Krivosheeva Z. A. Engineer-geologists of Moscow University. Biographical and bibliographic reference book / Ed. V. T. Trofimova. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1998, p. 138-141
    • Osipov V. I. Evgenij Mikhailovitch Sergeev // Bull. Int. Ass. Engng Geol. 1984. N 28. P. 3-4.


    V.T. Trofimov, professor of the Faculty of Geology. From an article in the journal “Engineering Geology”. 2014. No. 1

    Evgeny Mikhailovich Sergeev for the first time became a member of the corporation of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU) in 1935 as a first-year student at the Faculty of Soil Geography. For more than 60 years, E.M. Sergeev remained a member of this corporation. Only in 1941–1943. As a participant in the Great Patriotic War, he was outside the walls of the university.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich’s positions in the university community by year are as follows:

    1935–1940 – student of the soil-geographical (since 1938 – geological-soil) faculty;

    1940–1941 – assistant of the department of soil science;

    1941 – secretary of the party committee of Moscow State University;

    1943–1944 – postgraduate student of the Department of Soil Science;

    Since 1944 – Candidate of Sciences;

    1944–1945 – Associate Professor of the Department of Soil Science;

    1945–1948 – Secretary of the Moscow State University Party Committee;

    1948–1953 – Associate Professor of the Department of Soil Science;

    Since 1952 – Doctor of Science;

    Since 1953 – Professor of the Department of Soil Science;

    1954–1958 – Dean of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University;

    1954–1988 – Head of the Department of Soil Science and Engineering Geology (since 1986 – Engineering Geology and Protection of the Geological Environment);

    1963–1964 – Dean of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University;

    1964–1969 – Vice-Rector of Moscow State University for educational and scientific work of natural faculties;

    1969–1978 – First Vice-Rector of Moscow State University;

    1989–1997 – Advisor to the Rector of Moscow State University.

    From this purely formal list it follows that E.M. Sergeev was a person whose role in the development of the Department of Engineering Geology, the Faculty of Geology and Moscow University was very great.

    Having become the head of the department of soil science and engineering geology, Evgeniy Mikhailovich managed to organize its staff in such a way that it took leading positions in the country's engineering geology. The department turned into a center around which geological engineers from all over the Soviet Union united.

    E.M. Sergeev was at the head of the restructuring of the educational and scientific work of the department in 1954, when it was transformed into the Department of Soil Science and Engineering Geology. He treated the selection of personnel with great attention and care. At the department he headed, well-known specialists in the field of engineering geology worked throughout the country and abroad: I.V. Popov, S.S. Morozov, N.V. Ornatsky, G.S. Zolotarev, G.A. Golodkovskaya, V. T. Trofimov, V.I. Osipov, Yu.B. Osipov, R.S. Ziangirov, S.N. Maksimov.

    E.M. Sergeev was twice elected to the position of dean of the geological faculty of Moscow State University. He remained in the memory of the faculty members as a progressive dean who did a lot for the development of the faculty, responsible and principled in solving vital issues, strict and decisive in implementing decisions made, and attentive to people.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich played a significant role in the life of Moscow University. From 1964 to 1969 he was vice-rector for educational and scientific work of the natural faculties of Moscow State University, from 1969 to 1978 - first vice-rector. He worked together with rectors I.G. Petrovsky, R.V. Khokhlov, A.A. Logunov. During the years of E.M. Sergeev’s activity in the rector’s office, the Faculty of Soil Science separated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science and became independent. He invested a lot of effort and energy in organizing the university-wide faculty of advanced training in 1966, and in establishing training in the evening department.

    As a representative of the country's largest university, Evgeniy Mikhailovich headed the Scientific and Methodological Council of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education for Higher Geological Education. In 1965, he was elected a member of the administrative council of the International Association of Universities (IAU). As the first vice-rector of Moscow University, E.M. Sergeev was deputy chairman of the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions in Moscow.

    Despite numerous official and public responsibilities, the main thing for Evgeniy Mikhailovich was still the department he headed. As her assistant in 1940, he began conducting practical classes in soil science. Later, in 1944, E.M. Sergeev began teaching the main department course “Soil Science,” which he taught until 1987. He also supervised students completing coursework and dissertations, and did a lot of work with graduate students and young teachers.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich was the initiator of introducing the course “Engineering Geology” into the curricula of all geological specialties at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University. He created and taught this course for 5 years. Those who listened to E.M. Sergeev’s lectures constantly recall the richness of their new data and the careful selection of demonstration material.

    E.M. Sergeev was able to so interestedly discuss the materials of their work with students and graduate students and so skillfully maintain scientific interest in them that each of them was imbued with respect for the work, doing it with enthusiasm. He also devoted a lot of attention and effort to working with teachers. The department introduced a system of mutual attendance of classes and lectures and exchange of experience. The results of such visits were discussed at department meetings.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich’s special concern was the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids for courses taught by department staff. And in this matter he was very demanding both of himself and of his colleagues. He himself, having started teaching the course “Ground Science”, in 1946 prepared the textbook “Selected Chapters of General Ground Science”, in 1952 – the textbook “General Ground Science”, in 1959 – “Ground Science”.

    To prevent the textbook “Soil Science” from becoming outdated, Evgeniy Mikhailovich involved his students in working on it - G.A. Golodkovskaya, R.S. Ziangirov, V.I. Osipov, V.T. Trofimov. It was published in 1971 and then reprinted in revised form in 1973 and 1983. Its last edition was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1988.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich paid great attention to the organization and activities of expeditions in which department staff, graduate students and students worked. He himself went out on field work mainly until 1964. But the teams with whom he worked as a scientific director conducted a huge amount of field research in various regions of the USSR and obtained new material that allowed the department to carry out original scientific engineering-geological work and major generalizations. It was on these expeditions that students completed their practical training, many graduate students collected experimental material, and young employees grew scientifically and methodologically. It was expeditionary work at the turn of the 50s and 60s. XX century transformed the scientific work of the department.

    The main areas of research by E.M. Sergeev are related to solving problems of soil science, regional engineering geology, protection of the geological environment, theory and methodology of engineering geology. And Evgeniy Mikhailovich made his own contribution to each of them, which contributed to the further development of engineering geology.

    E.M. Sergeev developed a genetic approach to the study of soils, which was first clearly proclaimed by the founder of the department M.M. Filatov. In addition, he developed such issues as the general classification of soils, the relationship between the mineral and granulometric composition of dispersed rocks, the concept of the optimal compaction load of clay deposits, correlations between quantities characterizing certain properties of soils, etc.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich managed to attract a wide range of researchers to study the strength of soils. Together with his students, he studied the nature and engineering-geological features of clayey and loess rocks, established the role of cohesive water in soils, studied physicochemical phenomena at the mineral-water interface, developed the doctrine of the dependence of physical, physicochemical and physico- mechanical properties of rocks from their composition, structure and texture, the nature of the strength of dispersed soils, swelling, shrinkage and stickiness of clays, subsidence of loess was studied.

    Success in solving complex problems in the field of genetic soil science was greatly facilitated by the constant search by members of the department staff and Evgeniy Mikhailovich himself for new research paths and the use of the latest equipment. Thus, already in 1954, on the initiative of E.M. Sergeev, an electron microscopy laboratory was created at the Department of Soil Science and Engineering Geology. It soon became one of the world's leading centers for the study of soil microstructure. Employees of the department developed original methods and computer programs for the quantitative analysis of electron microscopic data. The results of these studies were published in two monographs scientifically edited by E.M. Sergeev (“Atlas of microstructures of clayey rocks,” 1984; “Microstructure of clayey soils,” 1989). With the direct participation and support of Evgeniy Mikhailovich, the use of installations for X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis began, to study the magnetic properties and bonds in soils.

    On the initiative and under the editorship of E.M. Sergeev, in 1968, a two-volume “Methodological manual for the engineering-geological study of rocks” was created (revised and republished in 1984), in which everything was covered, incl. and the latest laboratory and field techniques for studying rocks.

    E.M. Sergeev also dealt with issues of soil clogging, which stand at the intersection of soil science and technical soil reclamation. Two monographic works were devoted to this issue (1955, 1968).

    The second scientific area to which Evgeniy Mikhailovich paid a lot of attention is regional engineering geology. On the initiative and under the direct scientific leadership of E.M. Sergeev, a study of the engineering and geological conditions of various regions of the Soviet Union was carried out. He managed to create a large team of employees at the department who successfully worked in this area. These studies allowed the team headed by Evgeniy Mikhailovich to solve many theoretical and practical issues of regional engineering geology. For solving these problems in relation to the territory of Western Siberia, the team received the USSR State Prize in 1977. The largest result of work in this direction was the compilation and publication of the eight-volume monograph “Engineering Geology of the USSR,” which was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1982.

    In the 1980s E.M. Sergeev and his student S.B. Ershova worked on issues of engineering-geological zoning of the Earth. They proposed a new original typification of the engineering-geological conditions of the planet, which was reflected in the international monograph “Engineering Geology of the Earth,” published in 1989 in English.

    The materials accumulated in various areas of engineering geology required comprehension and generalization. To achieve this goal, Evgeniy Mikhailovich attracted a powerful team of geological engineers from the university and the country. The result of this work was four volumes of “Theoretical Foundations of Engineering Geology”, published in 1985–1986.

    E.M. Sergeev paid much attention to discussing issues of history, current state and prospects for the development of engineering geology at Moscow University and throughout the Soviet Union, covering them in his reports and articles.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich was very attentive to his teachers and their memory. Many of his articles are dedicated to S.S. Morozov, I.V. Popov, V.R. Williams, V.V. Okhotin. He dedicated an entire brochure (1956) to the life and work of his immediate teacher and founder of the Department of Soil Science at Moscow State University, M.M. Filatov.

    E.M. Sergeev, with his characteristic energy, looked for new ways to develop engineering geology, and he saw these ways as bringing to life V.I. Vernadsky’s thoughts about the noosphere - the sphere of the mind.

    With his students and colleagues, Evgeniy Mikhailovich introduced a new concept - “geological environment”, formulated the tasks of geology in the field of protecting the geological environment, and developed a methodology for compiling maps of its changes under the influence of various types of construction. These issues were reflected in his speeches at the XXVII session of the International Geological Congress (1984), in articles and collections (“Geological activity and environmental protection,” 1979; “Engineering-geological problems of protection and rational use of the geological environment,” 1988)

    Editing scientific works occupied a large place in Evgeniy Mikhailovich’s scientific activity. He was the chief or scientific editor of major works in the field of engineering geology, such as “Engineering Geology of the USSR” in 8 volumes, “Theoretical Foundations of Engineering Geology” in 4 volumes. Among the works edited by E.M. Sergeev are monographs and collections of many authors in various areas of engineering geology. Evgeniy Mikhailovich also actively worked in the journal “Bulletin of Moscow University” as deputy editor-in-chief, chairman or member of the editorial board.

    E.M. Sergeev had a good sense of what was new in pedagogy and science, skillfully supported the passion of his students and colleagues in the department, and he himself was easily infected with new ideas, helping to bring them to life. Possessing such qualities, he became the founder of his own scientific school and the leader, under whom the school of geological engineers at Moscow State University reached the world level. With his scientific, pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, Evgeniy Mikhailovich not only contributed to the formation of this school, but also used his high scientific and social status to strengthen domestic engineering geology and its international authority. Among his students are 78 candidates and 12 doctors of geological and mineralogical sciences. Among them are Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Osipov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Moscow Academy of Sciences V.T. Trofimov, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences S.D. Voronkevich, Yu.B. Osipov and V.A. Korolev, professors of Moscow University G.A. Golodkovskaya, R.S. Ziangirov, E.N. Kolomensky, V.N. Sokolov, laureates of the USSR State Prize, candidates of geological and mineralogical sciences A.S. Gerasimova and S.B. Ershova, professor of Voronezh University A.N. Vakhtanova and etc.

    In his extensive scientific and organizational work, E.M. Sergeev also relied on the strength of the department and Moscow State University. It was the employees of the Department of Soil Science and Engineering Geology that largely ensured the successful activities of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences on Engineering Geology, the creation of the 8-volume monograph “Engineering Geology of the USSR”, the 4-volume monograph “Theoretical Foundations of Engineering Geology”, etc.

    The activities of E.M. Sergeev received worthy public and state recognition. He was awarded many state and international awards and the highest scientific prizes, incl. together with the staff of the department he heads. The USSR Academy of Sciences elected Evgeniy Mikhailovich into its ranks: in 1964 he became a corresponding member, and in 1979 - a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

    Evgeniy Mikhailovich Sergeev played an outstanding role in the development of engineering geology, in organizing the community of geological engineers not only at Moscow University, but also in the USSR and throughout the world. Largely thanks to his energy, geological engineers at Moscow State University, together with representatives of other organizations, created a number of unique educational, scientific and cartographic works. We need to continue these traditions and not lose momentum.

    E.M.Sergeev (1914-1997)

    SergeevEvgeniy Mikhailovich (03/23/1914, Moscow - 03/23/1997, Moscow; buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery) - the largest scientist in the field of engineering. geology, soil scientist, talented teacher and organizer of geological science, professor of the department. Eng. geology and geological protection. Geological environment faculty of Moscow State University (1953), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1979, corresponding member since 1966), laureate of the Lenin (1982) and State Prizes of the USSR (1977, 1988), Lomonosov Prize of Moscow State University, head. Department of Soil Science and Eng. geology (1954, since 1986 - department of engineering of geology and protection of the geological environment) geol. Faculty of Moscow State University, WWII participant, labor veteran.

    Born into the family of an employee. After graduating from the Moscow Topographical College (1932), he worked for three years as a topographer in the Far East. In 1935, having returned to Moscow, he entered Moscow University, with which his entire future life was connected. At Moscow State University, he went from a student in the department of soil science (1935-1940), an assistant in the same department (1941, 1943-1944), an associate professor (1944-1952) to a professor (since 1953) and head of the department of soil science and engineering. geology (1954-1989). At the same time, he was elected dean of geology. Faculty of Moscow State University (1954-1957, 1963-1964), was the vice-rector of Moscow State University for scientific and educational work of natural faculties, the first vice-rector of Moscow State University (1969-1978). He was one of the initiators of the construction of a new building for Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills. In 1981-1986. was the rector of the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

    Major E.M. Sergeev, 1943

    From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, E.M. Sergeev went to the front, in July-August 1941 he was the commander of a platoon of reserve command personnel of the southwest. directions. From September 1941 to July 1942 he served in reconnaissance of the 199th division of the 38th Army and fought on the Southwestern, Southeastern, and 4th Ukrainian fronts. From July to the end of December 1942, he took part in the Battle of Stalingrad and served in the intelligence department of the headquarters of a number of fronts. In June 1943, he was seriously wounded, lost a leg, and was demobilized from the front with the rank of major.

    Since 1943, after returning to the department. Soil Science Faculty of Moscow State University, E.M. Sergeev began to actively engage in scientific, pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities and proved himself, first of all, as a soil scientist. In 1944 he defended his Ph.D. diss. “Heat of wetting of soils”, in which, based on the heat of wetting, the adsorption centers of the mineral surface of various soils and the energy characteristics of bound water were studied.

    In 1946, he published “Selected Chapters of General Ground Science” - the prototype of the future textbook “Ground Science”, which subsequently became widely known. In the 40s - early 50s. he developed and introduced new methods and approaches to the study of rocks as soils; correlations between some properties of soils were studied (1947); genetic (1948), general (1950, 1957) and specific (1951, 1953) classifications of soils were created; the concept of “optimal compaction load” was introduced (1949); The nature of the strength of dispersed soils (1949, 1951), swelling, shrinkage and stickiness of clays, and subsidence of loess were studied. Under his leadership, geological engineers were studied. features of many genetic types of sandy, loess, clayey, carbonate soils. He developed the doctrine of bound water in soils and its energy forms. His scientific developments are widely used in predicting the behavior of soils as foundations for various structures. In 1952, E.M. Sergeev defended his Ph.D. diss. “Genesis and composition of soils as the basis for classification and study of their properties.”

    E.M. Sergeev created a number of engineering and geological expeditions at the department. Under his leadership and with his direct participation, engineering and geological research was carried out along the route of the Main Turkmen Canal (1951-1953), along the valleys of the Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Amur (1954-1961) in order to create schemes for the use of hydropower resources of these rivers, engineering -geological study of Eastern Siberia (1960-1963), Western Siberia (1961-1975) and the Non-Black Earth Zone of the RSFSR (1976-1981) in connection with the discovery of the largest oil and gas fields and the economic development of these territories. Cycle of works on engineering geology of the West. Siberia, carried out under the leadership of E.M. Sergeev, was awarded the USSR State Prize (1977).

    E.M. Sergeev among the staff of the department (from left to right) are sitting: S.S. Morozov, L.V. Goncharova, E.M. Sergeev, G.A. Golodkovskaya, I.V. Popov, G.G. Ilyinskaya , V.G. Samoilov, standing: A.V. Minervin, P.F. Melnikov, S.D. Voronkevich, A.S. Gerasimova, S.N. Maksimov, R.S. Ziangirov, G.A. Kuprina , S.S.Polyakov, P.I.Fadeev, Moscow State University, 1963

    Under his leadership, a method of geological engineering was created. mapping and mapping of large areas. The brilliant conclusion of the work was the 8-volume monograph “Engineering Geology of the USSR”, awarded the Lenin Prize (1982), in the creation of which, under the leadership of E.M. Sergeev, prominent engineering geologists of the country took part.

    E.M. Sergeev gives a lecture on soil science to 3rd year students, Moscow State University, room 415, March 1967. (photo by V.I. Vasiliev)

    E.M. Sergeev was the largest organizer of geological engineering science; he created Scientific. engineering council geology and soil science at the Department of Earth Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences and for about 30 years was its permanent chairman (since 1966, transformed in 1980 into the Scientific Council on Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology and Geocryology). He was the Chairman of the Section Eng. geology of the National Committee of Geologists of the USSR, vice-president (1972-1978) and president (1978-1982) of the International Association of Geological Engineers (IAIG); chairman and deputy Chairman of Geology and Geophysics. sections of the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR; Chairman of the Geology and Mining Section of the Commission for Awarding Prizes of the USSR Council of Ministers (1981-1985); member of the Bureau of the Department of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Chairman of the Society for Cultural Relations “USSR-Iran” (1973). He created and was editor-in-chief of the journal “Engineering Geology” (1979-1987); was the chairman editorial board of the journal “Vestnik Mosk. un-ta. Ser. biology, soil science, geology and geography” and the “Geology” series. Thanks to the organizational activities of E.M. Sergeev, the formation of an engineer took place in our country. geology as an independent science of geology. cycle.

    E.M. Sergeev, April 1967

    Since the turn of the 70-80s. E.M. Sergeev developed issues of environmental geology, rational use and protection of geology. environment. He laid the foundations for the doctrine of the geological environment, its rational use and protection; determined by engineer geology as the science of the geological environment. These works largely predetermined the modern development of geoecology and environmental geology.

    E.M. Sergeev in class with students, 1967 (photo by V.I. Vasiliev)

    E.M. Sergeev devoted almost 50 years to the development of higher university education and the training of geological personnel at Moscow University and in the country. In 1965-1970 was a member of the administrative council of the International Association of Universities. Repeatedly spoke at the boards of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education on problems of higher education and geological education; was a member of a number of commissions of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education; chairman of scientific and methodological Council for Higher Geological Education of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education; member of the Plenum of the Higher Attestation Commission at the USSR Council of Ministers, member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission, member and chairman of the geological section of the Higher Attestation Commission at the USSR Ministry of Higher Education. He created and taught the course “Soil Science” for decades (since 1946). E.M. Sergeev is the author of the textbooks “Soil Science”, awarded the State Prize, and “Engineering Geology” (2 editions).

    E.M. Sergeev, Moscow State University, 1968 (photo by V.I. Vasiliev)

    It was created by him university school geological engineer, numerous graduates of the department have become prominent scientists in the leading geological engineering organizations of our country. Among his direct students are Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Osipov, professors V.T. Trofimov, S.D. Voronkevich, R.S. Ziangirov, Yu.B. Osipov, V.A. Korolev, K.A. Kozhobaev, doctors of sciences V.N. Sokolov, E.N. Kolomensky, V.I. Sergeev, N. Than and others, about 70 candidates of sciences (among them G. A. Kuprina (1953), A. V. Minervin (1959), A. S. Gerasimova (1960), B. S. Pavlov (1961), Zhao-Tse-San (1963), N. S. Krasilova (1963), Y. A. Seregina (1964), M. V. Slonimskaya (1967), Y. D. Matveev (1970), S. B. Ershova (1971), L. A. Kotseruba, V. N. Kolomenskaya (1974), N.I. Barats (1974), V.M. Semenov (1976), B.T. Trofimov (1977), S.D. Filimonov (1979), D.V. Borodulina (1979), S.K. Nikolaeva (1982), Z.V. Kulikova (1983), T.V. Maksimova (1984), N.V. Kolomiytsev (1985), N.G. Mavlyanov (1986), S.D. Efremenko (1991), etc.).

    E.M. Sergeev, March 1974 (photo by V.I. Vasiliev)

    While working as the first vice-rector of Moscow State University, he organized the country's largest faculty of advanced training (FPC). On the basis of the Faculty of Education and Training of Moscow State University, the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR held seminars for the management staff of higher education.

    E.M. Sergeev holds a meeting of the Council of the Academy of Sciences on engineering-geological problems of land reclamation, Moscow State University, March 1975.

    (photo by V.I. Vasiliev)

    With the direct participation of E.M. Sergeev, the Mordovian State University was created. He was elected honorary doctor of the Bratislava (1972) and Warsaw (1974) universities; member of the administrative council of the International Association of Universities (1965-1970); resp. Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the IV General Conference of the International Association of Universities (1970-1975).

    E.M. Sergeev and deputy. Minister of Land Reclamation of the USSR during a meeting of the Council of the Academy of Sciences on engineering and geological problems of land reclamation, Moscow State University, March 1975. (photo by V.I. Vasiliev)

    E.M. Sergeev paid a lot of attention to issues of history and methodology of geology, in particular, soil science and engineering. geology. Starting from the first such work - “Soviet soil science” (1946), he constantly addressed these issues (1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1962, 1963, 1988, 1992, etc.), wrote a number of works related to the names of M. IN. Lomonosov (1949, 1950), V.R. Williams (1950), M.M. Filatov (1956, 1957, 1963, 1979), S.S. Morozova (1958), S.S. Chetverikova (1958), V.V. Okhotina (1958), I.V. Popova (1960, 1980, 1991), N.S. Shatsky (1960) and other prominent scientists.

    E.M. Sergeev speaks at the gala meeting of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of Moscow State University, January 1980 (photo by V.I. Vasiliev)

    Many of his works by E.M. Sergeev were devoted to the history of the Department of Engineering Geology and Geological Conservation. environment. He developed the position that engineering geology should be a science about the noosphere, studying the earth's crust as an environment for human life and activity.

    V.A. Korolev and head. Department Academician E.M. Sergeev, Moscow State University, February 1988

    (photo from the Moscow University newspaper No. 13 dated 02/18/1988)

    E.M.Sergeev, 1985

    E.M. Sergeev was awarded two Orders of Lenin (1967, 1984), the Order of the October Revolution (1974), the Order of the Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree (1943, 1985), the Red Star (1941), three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor ( 1961, 1971, 1980), many military medals, the “Veteran of Labor” medal (1989); awarded the Hans Kloss medal awarded by the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG), etc.

    The main works and memoirs of E.M. Sergeev: 1) New methods for determining the heat of wetting of soils. - Soil Science, No. 5, 1946, p. 289-300; 2) Selected chapters of general soil science. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1946, - 107 p.; 3) On the issue of correlation between some soil properties. - Vestn. Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 2, 1947, p. 69-91; 4) The concept of optimal soil compaction load. - Vestn. Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 10, 1949, p. 115-130; 5) On the question of the nature of the mechanical strength of dispersed soils. - Teacher zap. Moscow State University, vol. 133. Ground science, book 1, 1949, p. 89-117; 6) General soil science. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1952, - 383 p.; 7) Granulometric classification of sands. - Vestn. Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 12, 1953, p. 101-109; 8) Regarding the relationship between the granulometric and mineralogical composition of soils. - Vestn. Moscow State University, ser. physics and mathematics and natural Sciences, No. 2, 1954, p. 41-49; 9) Sergeev E.M., Ornatsky N.V., Shekhtman Yu.M. Study of sand clogging. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1955, - 182 p.; 10) Bound water in soils and its effect on their dispersion and microstructure. - Teacher zap. Moscow State University, vol. 176. Geology, 1956, p. 221-231; 11) Sergeev E.M., Priklonsky V.A., Panyukov P.N., Bely L.D. General engineering-geol. classification of rocks and soils. - Tr. meeting in engineering-geol. Holy rocks and methods of their study. Volume II - M., Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957, p. 18-44; 12) Soil science / Textbook. Ed. 2nd revision - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1959, -426 p.; 13) Geology and construction. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1962, - 100 p.; 14) Sergeev E.M., Ilyinskaya G.G., Rekshinskaya L.G., Trofimov V.T. On the distribution of clay minerals in connection with their geological engineering. studying. - Vestn. Moscow State University, series 4, geol., No. 3, 1963, p. 3-9; 15) Once again about engineering geology. - In the collection: Ways for further development of engineering. geology / Mat. discussions of the 1st Int. congr. by Eng. geol. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1971, p. 117-123; 16) Sergeev E.M., Gerasimova A.S., Trofimov V.T. Explanatory note to geological engineer. map of the West Siberian plate. Scale 1:500,000. - M., 1972, - 96 p.; 17) Soil science/.Ed. E.M. Sergeeva, (co-author) - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 3rd ed. 1971. - 595 pp. // 5th ed. 1983. - 392 pp.; 18) Eng. geology / Textbook. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1st ed. 1978 // 2nd ed. 1982. - 248 pp.; 19) Eng. geology is the science of the geological environment. - Eng. Geology, 1979, No. 1, p. 3-19; 20) Sergeev E.M., Shvetsov P.F., Kotlov F.V., Osipov V.I. Engineering geology in the USSR. - Eng. Geology, No. 6, 1982, p. 3-12; 21) Behind the line of the front letter. - M., Voenizdat, 1985; 22) Theoretical fundamentals of engineering geology. Geol. fundamentals / Edited by E.M. Sergeev (department of the chapter). - M., Nedra, 1985, - 332 p.; 23) Theoretical fundamentals of engineering geology. Socio-economic aspects / Edited by E.M. Sergeev (department of the chapter). - M., Nedra, 1985, - 259 p.; 24) Problems of engineering geol. in connection with the tasks of rational use and protection of geol. environment. - In the collection: Problems of rationality. use of geol. environment. - M., Nauka, 1988, p.5-21; 25) Position of Eng. geology in the section geol. sciences, its current state and ways of further development. - Eng. Geology, No. 2, 1989, p. 5-14; 26) University of Moscow. A look through the years. - M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1992. - 272 p.; 27) Sergeev E.M., Osipov V.I., Shibakova V.S. On the activities of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences on engineering problems. geology and hydrogeology for 25 years (1966-1991). - Eng. Geology, 1992, No. 3, p. 3-11.

    Institutes, observatories

    Institute of Geoecology named after. EAT. Sergeev RAS


    Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Institute of Geoecology RAS

    For more than 10 years, the Russian Academy of Sciences has had an Institute of Geoecology. During this short time, the formation of the Institute took place. Today it can rightfully be called an academic outpost of geoecology in our country.


    In the 21st century, traditional contradictions in the sphere of industrial relations are being replaced by fundamentally new ones - contradictions in the relationship between man and nature. One of the signs of this turning point is the increase in the number of natural, man-made and environmental disasters, which, if not countered, threaten to turn into a monstrous mechanism of self-destruction of man and everything created by his mind, art and labor on Earth. The rapid and inevitable transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere, driven by and

    as reality shows, only partly controlled by man, has highlighted the most serious problem of preserving the Earth as our common home. Will the Earth be able to withstand the onslaught of a well-equipped (I don’t want to say “armed”) technocratic civilization, or will one day suddenly decide to get rid of it, leaving instead of a restless tribe of people, fauna and flora that are completely tolerant and fit well into the surrounding world? Will humanity, in turn, be able to, realizing that it has become significant, according to V.I. Vernadsky, geological force, and calling on the creative power of reason, knowledge and accumulated experience to help, correctly assess the alarming situation that has arisen and find the right way out of it?

    Geoecology studies the shells of the Earth (geosphere) and the changes occurring in them under the influence of natural and man-made factors, predetermining

    There is special attention to the environment during the industrial and construction development of new territories, during the intensification of already used lands, during the extraction and processing of minerals. The goal of geoecological science is to minimize changes that are detrimental to living nature, the most restless and, perhaps, aggressive part of which is man, accompanying the forward movement of technocratic civilization.


    The idea of ​​forming an academic institution that could deal with the problems of engineering geology, hydrogeology and geoecology belonged to one of the founders of the Russian school of engineering geology, academician E.M. Sergeev. This idea at one time found support in the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Moscow State University.

    © Zhigalin A.D.

    Academician E.M. Sergeev (1914-1998), a leading specialist in the field of engineering geology and hydrogeology, organizer of the Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2006 The institute bears his name.

    clan council of people's deputies. As a result, in 1990, the Engineering-Geological and Geoecological Research Center arose, which was subsequently transformed into the Institute of Geoecology (IGE) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which on November 21, 2006, by decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was named after Academician E.M. Sergeeva.

    The Institute of Geoecology was established by a resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated May 21, 1996. It combines the scientific potential of the Engineering-Geological and Environmental Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Scientific-Engineering and Coordination Seismological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Integrated Laboratory of Hydrogeology and Environmental Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Over the years since its founding, the Institute has formed a multidisciplinary scientific team, which now conducts research in 16 laboratories. The Institute employs 120 people, including 85 researchers. Among the employees are 1 academician, 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 12 doctors and 46 candidates of science, 3 honored scientists of the Russian Federation, employees awarded with Certificates of Honor from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Geoecological

    Geology is the base organization of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on problems of geoecology, engineering geology and hydrogeology. The Institute is one of the founders of the journal "Geoecology. Engineering Geology. Hydrogeology. Geocryology" published by the Academy of Sciences. As a tribute to academician E.M. Sergeev, the man who gave the Institute its start in life, annually holds the Sergeev Readings conferences. Interest in these conferences is very great, they have already become international: scientists from France, the Netherlands, Vietnam, Bulgaria and other countries took part in their work

    near and far abroad.


    When creating the Engineering-Geological and Geoecological Research Center - the forerunner of today's Institute of Geoecology - one of the main areas of research was the study of the geological environment of cities.

    As scientists have established, the geological foundation of Moscow has a complex structure, changing in vertical and horizontal directions. Thus, the depth of occurrence of crystalline rocks is

    Director of the Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician V.I. Osipov opens the annual Sergeev Readings. On the right is Ed de Mulder (Netherlands), on the left is M. Arnoux (France) and Russian ecologist B.M. Zubarev.

    located at the base of the geological substrate of the city, in the northern part it is almost one and a half kilometers less than in the southern part. The border between them runs along a deep fault. The complexity of the geological basis of Moscow, like many other cities, creates great difficulties in expanding the city's borders, building residential areas and industrial enterprises, laying transport routes and developing underground space. Therefore, the Institute was assigned the role of scientific curator of almost all special

    important objects within Moscow. In the recent past, these were the Third Transport Ring, the Lefortovo Tunnel and the monorail. Now the Institute provides scientific support for the construction of high-rise buildings in the capital.

    Many years of research into the geological structure of the Moscow territory and the current geo-ecological situation culminated in the creation of a remarkable scientific work. The fruit of collaboration between the Institute’s staff and many scientific, design and production

    local organizations - the book "Moscow. Geology and the City", published in 1997. This monograph sets out modern ideas about the geological structure of the city, its groundwater and geological processes, man-made geophysical fields. For the first time, based on a large amount of factual material, the problem of the city’s impact on the geological environment was considered, an assessment of the geological and geochemical risk of the city territory was given, the possibilities of managing geological processes and ensuring

    Scheme of the geological foundation of the Moscow territory, compiled at the Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At a depth of 1.5 km to 2.5 km in the southwestern part of the city there are crystalline basement rocks, above which there is a sedimentary cover. Along the banks of the river Landslide-prone areas have been discovered in Moscow. One of them is located on Vorobyovy Gory, not far from the building of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Taking into account the danger of karst and landslides, IGE specialists are developing special measures to ensure safe construction in a metropolis.

    The Institute of Geoecology took an active part in the creation of a unique engineering structure - the Lefortovo tunnel on the route of the Third Transport Ring in Moscow. The tunnel, the depth of which in some areas reaches 50 m, was built in difficult engineering and geological conditions. Basically, its route passed through Carboniferous limestones, crossing younger (Jurassic, Cretaceous and Quaternary) rocks at the entrance and exit.

    city ​​safety cookies. Thanks to the information collected in it, this book can be considered as a geoecological encyclopedia of Moscow, the largest metropolis in our country, and at the same time a reference and even textbook on the geology and geoecology of many cities, both large, medium and small in terms of the number of inhabitants and the level of industrial production. In 2002, the monograph “Moscow. Geology and the City” and the team of its authors were awarded the Moscow City Hall Prize in the field of environmental protection.


    Many studies conducted by the Institute's staff over the years are aimed at mitigating environmental tensions in the relationship between man and the environment. The Map of the Integral Risk of an Emergency of Moderate Severity on the Territory of Russia, caused by hydrometeorological and geological hazards, created at the Institute, can be considered as an important contribution to reducing economic damage and the number of victims in natural disasters, natural and man-made disasters. Information presented in the form of a cartographic model helps to make the right choice when locating construction and industrial

    existing objects, plan a state strategy for the development of new territories and intensification of the use of already developed ones.

    A notable milestone in the study of natural and man-made hazards and a significant contribution of the Institute’s staff to geoecological science was the systematic generalization of the mechanisms of occurrence of a wide range of hazardous natural processes. They are often the source of emergencies and social upheavals. The Institute has established patterns and main trends in the increase in the number of natural and man-made disasters, and examined methods for studying, forecasting and assessing the consequences of the development of natural hazards. The Institute took an active part in the preparation and publication of the 6-volume monograph “Natural Hazards of Russia”, published in 2001-2003. under the general editorship of Academician V.I. Osipov and Russian Minister S.K. Shoigu in the publishing house "KRUK" (Earth and Universe, 2007, No. 1). This multifaceted publication, on which, in addition to the staff of the Institute of Geoecology, many scientific teams and leading experts of the country worked on, modern knowledge about the development of hazardous natural processes and related disasters on the territory of Russia is summarized and analyzed. The issues of natural risk assessment are considered in detail, firstly