Individual route for a child in a dow according to Federal State Standards. Ready-made individual route for the development of a child in kindergarten sample

Individual educational route for the development of a child for the second half of the 2017-2018 academic year

Common data:
Date of Birth
Family information:
Mother (full name, education, place of work)
Father (full name, education, place of work)
Teachers (full name):
Educational psychologist
Teacher speech therapist
Physical education instructor

Health group
Regime of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution
Conclusion of the PMPC
PMPC recommendations

Relevance: low level of mastery of the program in the field of “Socio-communicative development”
Target: provide an individual trajectory of comprehensive development, taking into account existing speech, psychological, and physical health.
development of gaming activities;
familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community, preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health;
development of free communication with adults and children;
education of cultural and hygienic skills;
formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Implementation of an individual route:

Situational conversations, conversations: (“Friendly family”, “Magic words” - about friendly relations between people, etc.)
Didactic games of choice, different types of construction sets
Outdoor games “Hares and Carrots”, “Put on the Cap”, etc. (to encourage the initiative to take a leading role in the games)
Positive dynamics in development are observed. He began to show interest in the world around him.
Perseverance appeared. Can do things with peers
He began to take part in gymnastics and outdoor games more often.

Periodicity-In one day
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Solving logical problems.
Game situations “Teach a friend to play the game” “Check your friend’s work”
Friendly conversations with peers on topics suggested by the child.
Reading literary works, learning poetry, sayings. Compiling a story from pictures. Word games “Good - bad, Call me kindly”, “Who called?”
The level of aggression towards peers has decreased.
The child began to show interest in fiction. Favorite fairy tales appeared. I started bringing books to kindergarten for my peers to read from home.

Periodicity-2 times per week
Recommendations and forms of working with a child:
Labor activity.
Role-playing games and group games
(“Sailors”, “S.T.O”, Supermarket”, “Away”)
Construction from period material, paper.
Follows instructions from an adult and tries to finish what he has started.
Began to take on the role. Reacts calmly to suggestions from peers during the game.

Methods for assessing the success of a preschooler: observation

Recommendations for working with parents:
Individual conversations
Consultations “We educate with kindness” “Features of development of a 4-5 year old child”
Joint participation with your child in creative competitions
Recommendations for visiting the swimming section
Consultation with a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution
Consultations with a teacher-speech therapist at a preschool educational institution

Explanatory note

In this methodological manual, an individual educational route for a child with developmental problems due to illness has been developed, consisting of types, causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms) of the child, as a result of which learning conditions are organized and described for the child in order to develop his potential and form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

Introduction, which explains the reason for drawing up the child’s individual educational route, general information about the child at the time of development of the IEM, the purpose, objectives, number of IEM classes, form of IEM.

Diagnostic data for the child. Diagnosis of child development is the basis for building an IOM. Along with diagnostics, in the process of implementing IOM, monitoring is carried out in work with preschoolers - this is control with periodic monitoring of the child’s level of development with mandatory feedback. Monitoring allows not only to register the state of a child’s development at a given moment, but also provides materials for comparison, analysis and correction of developmental disorders and deviations. The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development to carry out assessment, plan the correctional and developmental process (development of IOM) and predict the final result.

The child’s health route includes an individual motor regimen, hardening procedures, physical activity and therapeutic and preventive measures for the child.

The child’s employment grid, which indicates the sequence of introducing the child into activities common to all children;

Implementation of an individual route, which indicates the topic, content, result of the lesson and what needs to be improved.

A dynamic observation sheet is maintained where all changes are made. The purpose of such observation is the correction of the components of the educational process, the selection of optimal forms of its organization. Having an idea of ​​the desired result in the form of specific performance criteria, depending on the results of the interim examination, it is possible to make timely changes to the IOM for a better implementation of the educational process and its effectiveness for a child with limited health capabilities.

Effective implementation of IOM will ensure positive dynamics in the child’s personal development. Undoubtedly, such work will require the teacher to have professional competence and interest in the process and result of his work.



"TsRR-kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route for a child


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"TsRR-kindergarten No. 102"

Individual educational route

Child's full name

Date of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, mother's middle name, age, education________________________________________________________________

Father's last name, middle name, age, education________________________________________________________________

IOM start date______________________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for registration: persistent failure to assimilate OOP of preschool education due to illness______________________________________

Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work: 4 years ______________________________________________________

Goal (IOM): opening new perspectives in the acquisition of special education in preschool educational institutions, enriching the child as an individual; assistance in adaptation to a group of children, development in the child of surprise at his own capabilities; encouragement and stimulation of individual _____ child's capabilities; involving parents in the creative process.___________________________________________________

Tasks: identify the child’s special educational needs; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child; promote the child’s assimilation of the educational program of preschool education; ensure positive changes in the development of the child, his targeted advancement in relation to his own capabilities, stimulation of individual capabilities; provide methodological assistance to parents of children with disabilities._____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of classes per week: 5 lessons _________________________________________________________________________

Form of conduct: lesson, play activities, joint activities, conversations, observations, individual work. ____

Expected Result:________________________________________________________________________________________

Form of work with parents:consultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience._________________________________

Parent ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagnosis of child development

The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development to carry out assessment, plan the correctional and developmental process (development of IOM) and predict the final result.

Physical development

Somatic development


Speech development


Features of the development of cognitive processes














Types and causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms)

Compiled by: teacher Karpizenkova I.V.

Designing an individual educational route for a preschooler (on social and personal development).

This material is recommended kindergarten teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, primary school teachers.
Description of material: Dear colleagues, we present to your attention material on creating an individual educational route for a preschooler.
In practice, the process of training and education is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, therefore not every student can fully realize their potential. This poses the task for educators, speech therapists, and psychologists of preschool educational institutions to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (hereinafter referred to as IOM). Individualization of training, education and correction is aimed, first of all, at overcoming the discrepancy between the level set by educational programs and the real capabilities of each student.
Individual educational route- this is a personal way to realize the personal potential of a child (pupil) in education and training:
Moral and spiritual.

The main goal of creating an individual educational route (IER):

Creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschool children, their social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with the general processes of intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child’s personality.

Tasks for the social and personal development of the child:

Create a favorable subject-development environment for the social development of the child;
Organize a unified system of work for the administration, teaching staff, medical staff of preschool educational institutions and parents on the social and personal development of the child;
Improve the style of communication between the teacher and the child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve the respect and trust of the student;
Create conditions for the development of a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children;
Develop in the child a sense of self-esteem, awareness of his rights and freedoms (the right to have his own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at his own discretion)
Conduct prevention and correction of the child’s social and personal problems.

An individual educational route includes the main directions:

Organization of movement (development of general and fine motor skills);
development of skills (cultural-hygienic and communicative-social);
formation of the child’s activities (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, objective-practical, playful, productive types - modeling, appliqué, drawing);
speech development (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);
formation of ideas about the environment (the objective world and social relations);
formation of ideas about space, time and quantity.

An approximate program for drawing up a psychological and pedagogical presentation for a preschooler.

1. In the “General information about the child” section You should indicate where you came from (from a family, from another preschool educational institution), whether there were long breaks in attending a preschool institution, and for what reasons. Assessment of the child’s adaptation in the group: good; satisfactory; insufficient; bad; other.
2. In the section “Family characteristics” You must provide information about your parents. Fill out the subsections:
Family composition: complete, single-parent, large, presence of brothers and sisters.
Family type:
a) prosperous (parents are morally stable, master the culture of education);
b) dysfunctional (pedagogically incompetent: there is no unity of parents’ demands, the child is neglected, he is mistreated, systematically punished, poorly informed about his interests and behavior in kindergarten);
c) a morally dysfunctional family (parents lead an immoral lifestyle, drunkenness, parasitism, have a criminal record, and are not involved in raising children);
d) conflict family (there is a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere in the family, conflicts, parents are irritable, cruel, intolerant).
Who is involved in raising the child: mother, father, grandmother, others.
The nature of the relationship between parents and child:
a) family dictatorship (systematic suppression of the child’s initiative and self-esteem);
b) excessive care (satisfying all the child’s needs, protecting him from difficulties, worries, efforts);
c) connivance (avoidance from active participation in raising a child, passivity, recognition of the child’s complete autonomy)
d) cooperation (attitude of mutual respect, joint experience of joy and grief).
3. In the section “Features of a child’s appearance”, briefly note: posture, gait, gestures, facial expressions, presence of drooling, etc.
4. In the “Somatic health” section indicate the health group; how often does he get sick, and what diseases; appetite, characteristics of daytime sleep; whether the child suffers from enuresis and (or) encopresis, etc.
5. In the section “Features of the motor sphere” describe according to the “Representation” data.
Gross motor skills: normal, slightly impaired coordination, tempo, rhythm of movement, motor awkwardness.
Manual motor skills: normal (preserved function), insufficiency of fine motor skills, motor limitation, range of movements (full, incomplete, strictly limited), pace (normal, fast, slow), switchability (accurate, inaccurate), coordination (normal, minor impairments, impaired, incomplete ).
Leading hand: left-handed, ambidextrous, right-handed.
6. In the section “Characteristics of the child’s cognitive sphere” characterize mental processes:
Characteristics of attention: during classes cannot be attentive and concentrate on something for a long time; constantly distracted; able to concentrate on any task for a long time; diligent and careful in completing tasks; what kind of attention predominates - voluntary, involuntary, other.
Memory Feature: remembers slowly and quickly forgets, quickly remembers and quickly forgets, it is difficult to memorize poems, retelling the content of a fairy tale, story, introduces fictitious borrowings (something that is not in the text), concentrates on secondary objects, not catching the main idea of ​​the content, the predominant type of memory: visual , auditory.
Characteristics of thinking: poorly understands the essence of spatial relationships (left, right, in front, behind, above, below, from, under, above, etc.; (does not) carry out the simplest classifications according to a pattern or word for various reasons (who lives where? Who flies , and who runs? etc.; (not) selects a generalizing word for a number of objects (pictures) within the program material (by the age of 6 - dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, hats, toys, transport, flowers, trees , mushrooms, birds, domestic and wild animals, vegetables, fruits, berries, insects, tools; (not) able to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (it’s snowing outside - winter) (not) understands the content of plot lines and pictures, (not) highlights the main thing in the perceived information (does not) perform counting operations; the formation of temporary representations within the framework of the program material (knowledge of parts of the day, days of the week, seasons, their sequence, natural phenomena (identification from a picture, naming by signs) (does not) understand the meaning of the proposed tasks .
7. In the section “The state of the child’s knowledge by sections of the program” describe the child’s knowledge of the environment, mathematical skills, drawing skills, and what difficulties he experiences in learning.
Stock of general information about the environment: names (does not) name his name, age, names of parents, home address, seasons of the year means by word (difficult); names the signs of the seasons (difficult) does not know; knowledge about flora and fauna corresponds to program requirements, but is insufficient.
Development of drawing skills:(house, tree, person, etc.), modeling (roll a ball, a block of plasticine, etc.)
Formation of elementary mathematical concepts:
Quantity and count:((does not) differentiate the concepts “one-many”, (does not) have quantitative (ordinal) counting within..., (does not) know the numbers from 1 to..., (does not) correlate the number with the corresponding number of objects, (does not) compare sets by the number of elements included in them without counting (overlay, application, graphic correlation) or indirectly (through counting), (does not) know the elements of iconic symbolism (<, >, +, - ,=), (does not) know the composition of the number..., (does not) solve examples within..., (does not) solve problems using visual material.
Color perception: no idea of ​​color, distinguishes colors, recognizes and names primary colors, groups objects by color.
Form perception: has no idea about shape, groups geometric shapes, identifies geometric shapes by word, distinguishes and names geometric shapes (flat and three-dimensional), correlates the shape of an object with a geometric shape, groups objects by shape.
Temporary representations: temporary representations are not formed, he orients himself in the time of day, consistently names the days of the week, knows the names of the months of the year, determines and names the time of year.
Spatial representations: spatial representations are not formed, performs movement in the indicated direction according to verbal instructions, determines the position in space in relation to oneself (left, right, in front, behind), uses words in speech that determine the position of an object in space.
8. Attitude to classes: is not able to control his activities, does not complete the task, interferes with the teacher, children, quickly exhausts, works slowly and unevenly, the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is “chaotic and stupid”); does he accept help and what kind: (verbal, practical, stimulating, guiding, organizing, teaching); how to overcome difficulties that arise in the process of activity: (not) strives to overcome, quits work, spies on others, cries, worries and is nervous, turns to the teacher, children for help, independently looks for a way out.
9. Characteristics of the child’s speech:
Sound side of speech: characterize the features of sound pronunciation: within the age norm, the phonetic structure of speech is not sufficiently formed, in isolation all sounds are pronounced correctly, but with an increase in speech load, general blurred speech, phonemic defects in sound pronunciation (omission, distortion), phonological defects (substitutions, confusion) are observed; Features of phonemic hearing: intact, underdeveloped, impaired.
Dictionary: indicate: the norm (the vocabulary is sufficient, corresponds to the age norm), within the limits of everyday life, sharply limited; to what extent: sharply limited, somewhat limited, without visible restrictions; due to what words (parts of speech) it is limited; the syllabic structure of the word is not broken, minor defects in the syllabic structure of the word, the syllabic structure is broken, (does not) break the structure of polysyllabic words.
Grammatical structure of speech: formed, insufficiently formed, not formed; features of inflection, word formation: formed, correspond to the age norm, in the stage of formation, not formed. Reflect the maturity of the following skills: the formation of plural and singular nouns and verbs, diminutive forms of nouns, the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns.
Connected speech: corresponds to the age norm, in the formative stage, requires further development, not formed; the nature of sentences (simple, complex, common, less common, not common, incomplete), the ability to answer adult questions in monosyllables or in complete phrases, the ability to construct sentences based on demonstrations, actions based on a picture, the ability to compose a story based on an object, plot picture, or a series of plot pictures, retell a fairy tale, story, recite a poem; possibility of dialogue.
10. Characteristics of activity:
Self-care skills: can he independently use toiletries, wash his face, wash his hands, comb his hair; can he dress, undress, put on his shoes, fasten his shoes, tie and untie his shoelaces independently; can he eat, drink, use a spoon and fork independently; can he clean his things and bed?
Game activity: indifference or interest in toys, favorite games, does he understand the rules of the game, does he follow them, does he make changes to the content of the game, accessibility of an imaginary situation, role in a group game, behavior in a conflict situation, does he reflect his experience in the game, (not) able support the game.
Constructive and graphic activities: can he correctly assemble a matryoshka doll, a pyramid, form simple figures from counting sticks according to a pattern, and make constructions from cubes?
11. The main difficulties noted in communication: no difficulties; does not know how to support the game; prefers to be alone; cries, has little contact with adults and children; conflicted; other.
12. Personal characteristics: adequacy of emotional reactions, activity or passivity in various types of activities, presence or absence of initiative, compliance, irritability, passivity in the process of communicating with children and adults; shyness, capriciousness, tearfulness, apathy, obsession, timidity; prevailing mood; behavior: calm, adequate to the situation, restless; moral qualities: adequacy of relationships with relatives, peers, other people, a sense of affection, love, kindness, a tendency to help or harm, to offend others, aggressiveness, deceit, etc., the ability to obey the demands of adults, accuracy, cleanliness, emotional adequacy reactions to approval and blame.
13. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere: prevailing mood (gloominess, depression, anger, aggressiveness, isolation, negativism, euphoric cheerfulness), anxious, excitable, insecure, impulsive, shy, friendly, calm, balanced, motor-disinhibited, fearful of the possibility of failure, emotionally passive, suggestible, emotional reactions are adequate, the presence of affective outbursts, a tendency to refuse reactions, anger; general animation when performing a task (motor, emotional), calms down on his own (a), at the request of an adult, when switching to another activity, the presence of phobic reactions (fear of the dark, enclosed space, loneliness, etc.); presence of courage, determination, perseverance, ability to restrain oneself; activity or passivity in different types of activities; the presence or absence of initiative, compliance, irritability, passivity in the process of communicating with people; shyness, capriciousness.
14. In the section “Additional features of child development” You can note what type of activity you have aptitude for and the manifestation of creative abilities. Causes of developmental delay. Positive and negative qualities of a child.

Diagnosis of individual characteristics of children:

1. Conversation and survey of parents
Parents' knowledge is actively used to determine the child's interests, characteristics of his behavior, development of self-care skills, speech, intellectual and social skills. The main goal of the conversation is to establish contact with parents, get to know the child, introduce parents to the kindergarten and determine the main areas of cooperation.
2. Diagnosis of child development:
Diagnosis of the child is carried out by kindergarten specialists.
Each specialist pays attention to his own area. Psychologist – level of mental development, features of interaction with children and adults, emotionality, speed of mental reactions, adaptation to a new environment.
3. Observation of behavior in the group:
During the adaptation period and the entire time the child is present in the preschool educational institution, the teacher and specialists observe the child in different situations, determining the level of development of self-care skills, features of contact with other children and adults, productive activity skills, development of motor and speech skills, cognitive sphere, manifestation of independence and activities, areas of interest, etc.
The following observation techniques can be used: registration of episodes, diary notes, observation maps, observation log, video surveillance.

Composition of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission:

Group teachers;
Speech therapist;
Musical director;
Physical education director;
Senior teacher;
Senior nurse;
Head of a structural unit.

Methods used in the work:

Conversations, games, activities, reading fiction, sketches aimed at getting to know various emotions and feelings, with “magic” means of understanding;
Games, exercises and trainings that promote the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres (developing communication skills and improving relationships with others, relieving fears and increasing self-confidence, reducing aggression and weakening negative emotions)
Activities, games and exercises for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);
Art therapy techniques (puppet therapy, isotherapy, fairy tale therapy);
Relaxation psycho-gymnastic exercises (relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, torso, arms, legs, etc.)

Features of the teacher’s work in creating an individual route for the child

Stage 1. Choice:
A collegial solution for working on building an individual development route;
Stage 2. Observation:
Supervising a child in adult-organized activities;
Observing the child in free activities;
Conversation about the child’s inclinations and preferences with teachers;
Conversation about the child’s inclinations and preferences with parents;
Stage 3. Diagnostics:
Determination of “problematic” and “successful” development zones (in-depth diagnostic examination)
Building a route focusing on the child’s zone of proximal development
Selection of techniques, definition of methods and techniques of work
Stage 4. Job:
Selection of individual tasks
Communication with parents and teachers
Adjusting tasks and methods of working with a child
Stage 5. Control:
Final diagnostics
Presentation of a child’s work at preschool events

When developing an individual route for a preschooler,
We rely on the following principles:

The principle of relying on the child’s learning ability.
The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development. Compliance with this principle involves identifying potential abilities to assimilate new knowledge as a basic characteristic that determines the design of a child’s individual development trajectory.
The principle of respecting the interests of the child. L.M. Shipitsina calls him “on the child’s side.” The cause of any problematic situation in a child’s development is both the child himself and his social environment. In difficult situations, an objective analysis of the problem is required, taking into account the life experience of adults, their numerous opportunities for independent self-realization, taking into account many social structures and organizations. And the child is often the only one on his side. The support system specialist is called upon to solve each problematic situation with maximum benefit for the child.
The principle of close interaction and consistency the work of a “team” of specialists in the course of studying a child (phenomenon, situation).
The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem. The support specialist will stop supporting the child only when the problem is solved or the approach to the solution is obvious.
The principle of refusal of average rationing. The implementation of this principle - this support involves avoiding a direct evaluative approach during a diagnostic examination of the child’s level of development, which in its extreme expression leads to the desire to “label”, understanding what is the norm. “Norms are not the average of what is (or the standard of what is necessary), but what is the best that is possible at a particular age for a particular child under appropriate conditions. One of the most important tasks of specialists who implement the ideology of psychological and pedagogical support for the individual development of a child is to determine these conditions and, if necessary, create them” (V.I. Slobodchikov).
The principle of relying on children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with traditions, norms and methods developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience.

Organization of the emotional well-being of the child

I. “Morning of joyful meetings”, when children call each other by an affectionate name, wish each other well, smile, and tune in to the good event of the day.
“Individual conversation on topics that interest children,” or so-called “Intimate gatherings,” where children and adults tell interesting stories from their lives.
“Children’s writing of creative stories about themselves,” about their family, followed by compiling books and decorating them with drawings.
“Using the collecting method” promotes communication and joint games.
“Subject-developing environment in a group” (a corner of privacy, screens of various sizes, a podium, containers for personal belongings, frames for drawings in a group, equipment for independent activities, equipment for directing and role-playing games); is aimed at ensuring individual comfort for children.
II. To develop a child’s positive attitude towards the people around him, we carry out:
Didactic games aimed at introducing and cultivating a tolerant attitude towards different people (“Peoples of Russia”, “Who has which house”, pick a picture).
Reading fairy tales of different peoples inhabiting Russia.
Consideration of illustrative material on the formation of correct behavior in various situations.
Collective works on visual arts.
Collective events (holidays, snow buildings, planting flowers, making crafts from natural and waste materials).
Design of a photo newspaper about any joint event. (“How we relaxed at the dacha”, “How we built a snow town”).
Analysis of situations that may arise in life in which a moral choice must be made.
Intentionally creating situations that require children to help each other.
Photo exhibitions, photo album with photographs of all the children in the group. (designed in the form of a wall panel, where there are places for a photo of each child in the group.
III. The development of a child’s communicative competence is facilitated by:
Elements of psychological gymnastics in classes in visual arts and familiarization with the environment.
Special games and exercises aimed at developing the recognition and expression of one’s emotions “Mood Cloud”, “Mirror”, etc.
Button massage combined with emotional expression tasks.
Dramatization games.
Theatrical games.
Watching performances,
Reading fiction followed by a discussion of the character of the characters, their moods, and actions.
IV. To develop a child’s social skills, we carry out:
Didactic games (“True or not”).
Analysis of situations with discussion of how you would act.
Special communication games “Let’s find the magic words”, “Secret”
Game-training “Through Glass”, elements of fairy tale therapy.
V. The development of a caring attitude towards the environment (man-made, not man-made) is facilitated by:
GCD on ecology and life safety;
reading fiction;
didactic games with natural history content;
analysis of situations;
watching performances on environmental topics;
promotions (Plant a tree, feed the birds);
caring for plants in a corner of nature and on the site;
labor activity (various types of labor).

Necessary criteria for assessing a child’s performance in social and personal development:

Habits of moral behavior have been developed;
Have the ability to self-assess and evaluate;
Have ideas about moral qualities;
Able to communicate easily with peers and adults;
They are able, on their own volition, to provide all possible assistance to: peers, children, adults;
Able to build relationships with peers and children;
Able to handle conflict situations with dignity;
The basics of safe behavior in various situations on the roads and streets have been formed.

Expected result:

Development of social competence;
development of communication skills;
correction of anxiety, self-esteem (approaching adequate);
development of a sense of self-worth;
correction of the child’s social and personal problems.1. Development of gaming activities (role-playing, theatrical, directing, and other types of creative games):
encourage participation in joint games with adults and peers, offer simple plots for games on topics from the surrounding life and based on literary works, cartoons (“Communication”, “Reading”);
teach to distribute roles between play partners, select the attributes, objects, toys necessary for the game, use them in accordance with the role (“Communication”);
establish positive relationships in play, take into account the interests of other children, positively resolve disputes and conflict situations (“Communication”);
in theatrical and director's games, act out situations based on simple plots (from cartoons, fairy tales), using toys, objects and some (1-2) means of expression - gestures, facial expressions, intonation (“Communication”, “Reading”).
2. Introducing basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones):
develop emotional responsiveness - showing sympathy for close people, attractive characters in literary works, cartoons, films, empathy with them, shared joy (“Communication”, “Reading”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”);
develop an adequate response to past, current and future joyful and sad events in the family, kindergarten (illness, holiday, etc.);
develop a positive attitude towards the adult’s demands regarding compliance with norms and rules of behavior (“You can’t shout loudly, because other children won’t hear me”) (“Labor”);
to form an idea of ​​some moral norms and rules of behavior that reflect 2-3 opposing moral concepts (for example, “mutual assistance” (“mutual assistance”) - “selfishness”, “greed” - “generosity”, etc.)
3. Formation of primary personal, family, gender ideas, ideas about society, country, world:
continue to form an idea of ​​personal data (first name, last name, age in years) (“Cognition”, “Security”);
develop positive self-esteem based on highlighting some of your own positive characteristics (qualities, features) - “I am cheerful and smart!”, “I always put away my toys!”;
develop interest in the personal past and future, encourage asking questions about yourself, about parents, about kindergarten, school, about adult professions, etc. (“Communication”, “Cognition”);
formation of ideas about one’s own nationality and the nationality of one’s parents (“Cognition”);
formation of ideas about one’s own address (country, city (village) and street on which one lives) (“Cognition”, “Safety”);
to cultivate a love for their native land, to introduce them to the names of the main streets of the city, its beautiful places and attractions.

To develop the competence of teachers on this issue, conduct consultations on the following topics:

“Formation of moral health”, “Games for the formation of friendly relations between preschoolers”, “Work on familiarizing children with the name”,
Topics of teacher councils: “Ensuring the psychophysical health of preschool children”, “Learning to understand each other”,
Prepare methodological recommendations for teachers: “The use of sand and water in the correction of the emotional-volitional and social sphere of middle-aged children”, “How to play with hyperactive children” and others.

Used Books:
1. Kutsakova L.V. “Labor education in kindergarten”, Publishing House-Mosaika-Sintez, Library of the program “From birth to school”;
2. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D.: “Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old: moral education in kindergarten”, Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez;
3. Volosovets T.V., Kazmin A.M., Kutepova E.N.: “Inclusive practice in preschool education”, Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez;
4. Diagnostic tools for studying the results of children’s mastery of the general education program of preschool educational institutions, Publisher: Arkti, Series: Management of preschool educational institutions

Svetlana Parkhomenko
Individual educational route for a preschooler

Individual educational route for a preschooler(IOM) is a mandatory element of the effectiveness of every modern educator.

The essence of IOM preschooler Federal State Educational Standard defines a new approach to preschool education. One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the education and development of future schoolchildren. Considering that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable ones may lose motivation to learn. That is why individual IOM provides an approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics preschooler. By it is meant educational program, which is aimed at teaching a specific child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

Purpose and directions of IOM Individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, aimed at solving specific problems.

Purpose of development and implementation in the training program educational route- this is the formation in kindergarten of factors that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the basic processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

The main problem that it solves individual educational route for a preschooler - development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. Areas of work educational route is as follows:

Formation of movement, which includes improving motor skills;

Opportunity to engage in different areas of activity;

Improving speech skills;

Development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

Development of ideas about time and space.

At the same time, the implementation individual route involves regular monitoring to track the degree of development educational programs for each pupil preschool. IOM structure In the process of being introduced into the system formation of new standards, all educators were required to take advanced training courses. An example was shown to them, sample which has been discussed in some detail. However, this type of monitoring of child development is important not only for workers education, but also for parents, who often do not know about the purpose of this pedagogical tool. To the structure educational route must include the following components: How: - target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards; - content-based - systematization and grouping of educational subjects; - technological, which determines the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques; - diagnostic, defining complex of diagnostic tools; - organizational and pedagogical, determining the conditions and ways to achieve the goals; - effective, containing the final results of the child’s development at the time of transition to schooling. Necessary preliminary steps before compilation educational route Since the main goal educational route- this is the identification of difficulties in the learning process and social development of each child; a careful study of its characteristics is necessary.

Example individual educational route for a preschooler involves preliminary research activities before recording the child’s results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up a profile of the child. This document must indicate the pupil’s visits to other preschool institutions and breaks between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, a thorough study of his family is necessary, followed by drawing up its characteristics. In this case it is worth reverse attention to the relationship between the child and parents, since excessive care can cause suppression of the pupil.

4. Determining the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his success;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child’s propensity for specific types of activities in order to help in development through such games. Decor educational program Example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the extent to which it is necessary to carefully study all areas of the life of each individual child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher begins to compile individual route, which includes the following sections:

General information about preschooler;

Family characteristics;

Appearance Features preschooler;


Features of motor skills;

Cognitive sphere preschooler;

Level of knowledge by program sections;

Level of speech development;

Attitude to classes;

Characteristics of activities;

Having difficulties in communication;

- individual characteristics;

More information about preschooler.

This in-depth analysis allows us to build individual work with a preschooler quite effective.

Publications on the topic:

Individual educational route Individual educational route according to O.O. “Teaching literacy” for a student in the senior group. Name of company:.

Individual educational route for children with FNR, ONR Individual plan of correctional work for the 2017-2018 academic year. Child's I.: Log. conclusion: 1. Preparatory stage Purpose: thorough.

Individual educational route for a 3–4 year old preschooler in five educational areas The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows us to speak today about the formation of a new system of preschool education.

Individual educational route for a child of the senior group Educational field “Social and communicative development” Socialization, development of communication, moral education Relevance of the problem:.

The main goal of modern preschool education is the development and education of the future student with the help of all available pedagogical resources. However, the educational program for children is focused on a child with average abilities, which means that in order to work with children who have deviations from developmental norms or, conversely, are ahead of their peers, it is necessary to adjust the recommended educational strategies. This explains the relevance of developing a separate plan for the development of a specific preschool child, which is called an individual educational route (IER) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The essence of the concept of IOM

This is interesting. Galileo Galilei said: “We cannot teach man anything. We can only help him discover this within himself.”

An individual educational route is a program for creating an educational space for a specific child, which is compiled with the help of child psychologists, defectologists, educators and methodologists at a specific educational level (in kindergarten these are the junior, middle and senior groups). In other words, IOM involves the selection of activities that will solve certain learning difficulties or, conversely, expand or deepen knowledge and the degree of mastery of a skill. For example, if an aptitude for mathematics is identified, IOM may include additional classes in the subject, or if there are difficulties in communicating with peers, the child can be included in group games as often as possible, starting with working in pairs and gradually increasing the number of participants. This takes into account not only the child’s age (which is typical for the general educational strategy of a preschool institution), but also the child’s abilities, which may be ahead or slow down in comparison with generally accepted standards. Thus, IOM is compensation for difficulties in learning, taking into account the child’s personal potential, which allows him to demonstrate his intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity and moral-spiritual characteristics. Despite the fact that there is no specific “recipe” for drawing up an individual strategy, the principles, goals and objectives of the IOM are stipulated in documents such as

  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • Federal State Educational Standard DO.

Goals and objectives

The main goal of IOM is to create suitable conditions in an institution engaged in preschool education for successful self-realization among peers and surrounding adults of an individual child, his social and personal growth, that is, for the growth of authority and an increase in knowledge, skills and abilities.

The objectives of the personal educational strategy are as follows:

  • formation of a subject environment for the child’s social development (that is, providing the necessary material and technical base for classes, for example, if a child is keen on playing chess, then in the playroom, along with “standard” toys, there may be a chessboard especially for him);
  • organization of a unified system of interaction between all levels of administration, as well as cooperation with parents aimed at the social and personal growth of the child;
  • improving dialogue with the child based on mutual respect and trust;
  • creating all the conditions for nurturing a child’s positive attitude towards himself and the people around him, as well as for developing the child’s communicative competence;
  • formation in the child of a positive attitude towards his personality, as well as raising an awareness of rights and freedoms related to concepts that are relevant for this age (choice of friends, toys, the right to personal belongings, and most importantly, the right to one’s own opinion).

The above tasks determine the factors that determine IOM:

  • state order;
  • requests and needs of adult family members, in particular parents;
  • personal abilities and level of potential of a particular child;
  • material and technical equipment, as well as teaching staff of the preschool education institution.

These factors are important at all levels of interaction: the state determines the general strategy and direction for the development of education (for example, education of patriotism, spirituality), provides kindergartens with the necessary materials, parents put forward requirements for the level of preparedness of children, children realize and expand their capabilities, and the circle closes again - the state - it “receives” individuals who become worthy citizens of their country, caring about its prosperity.

All these aspects of the creation of IOM practically repeat the general strategy of preschool education, but with the difference that now individualization, that is, the focus on raising a unique personality, is carried out not only in specially designated hours for certain classes or in certain types of activities, but takes place “ a red thread" through the entire educational process.

For whom and why is it created?

An individual education strategy is created for children

  • those lagging behind in mastering the preschool curriculum;
  • with mental disabilities, for children with disabilities;
  • with advanced mental development.

In general, the IOM is developed for

  • motor skills training (both fine and gross);
  • formation of hygienic, moral, cultural, communicative and social skills;
  • active realization of the child’s potential, affecting the manipulative (laying out lotto, cards, etc.), sensory-perceptual (identification of geometric figures by shape, texture of material by tactile sensations, etc.), object-practical (using a children’s sandbox set not only for its intended purpose, but also for caring for indoor plants) and play areas of development;
  • development of speech abilities (while performing various tasks, the baby must comment on his actions);
  • formation of correct ideas about the world around us;
  • understanding the essence of the concepts of space and time.

As a rule, the IOM is drawn up for the school year, but in some cases (for example, if the child has not coped with the problem or if it concerns a gifted child), the strategy can be used throughout the entire period of study; only the methods and techniques of work need to be adjusted so that they are age-appropriate child.

Who compiles and leads

The development of the IOM is carried out by the teacher, but - which is of particular importance - he does this ONLY together with a methodologist and psychologist, as well as taking into account recommendations and comments

  • parents of the baby;
  • speech therapist

The card is filled out by a teacher, a psychologist (some aspects of social and communicative development) and a speech therapist (a number of points in speech development). The distinction between aspects of observation and work takes place individually, which is associated with the qualifications of preschool employees. This is especially true for kindergartens, where the teacher also performs the functions of a speech therapist. That is, in practice, a folder with an IOM is created, including a psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the child, a plan for implementing the strategy, a list of expected results, as well as a table or characteristics with details of the implementation of each goal. At a frequency established by the administration of the institution (based on the goals of a particular IOM), parents get acquainted with the progress of the assigned tasks, after which they express their wishes and ask questions regarding a specific area of ​​education. In the future, it is assumed that every child graduating from kindergarten will present his “dossier” to the primary school teacher, who, continuing the initiated line of individualization of education, will formulate the following goals, objectives of the IOM and engage in their implementation already at the stage of the child’s education at school.

What does it include

Main streamGoals and objectivesMethods and means
Sensory education C.: development of tactile, muscular skills through the actions of perception and thinking.
Z.: develop fine motor skills; thinking, visual perception
M.: exercises, game.
WITH.: printed board games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, mosaics, lacing, bushings, errands in a corner of nature, research activities (with paper, natural materials), plasticine, clay, sand.
Environmental education Ts.: expansion of ideas about the surrounding nature.
Z.: * teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships between seasonal changes in nature and human actions in nature,
*expand your understanding of plants and animals of your native land, Russia, planet Earth,
*to form an environmental culture, the need to protect natural resources.
M.: exercises, games, experiments, questions, conversations, search activities.
WITH.: didactic games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, errands in a corner of nature, research activities (with water, ice, natural materials - coal, stone, resin, sand, crushed stone).
Development of basic types of movements Ts.: development of general motor skills and coordination.
Z.: * develop physical qualities - speed, agility, endurance and strength, * improve balance.
*develop organization.
M.: exercises, massage, physical education, games.
WITH. - sports equipment: gymnastic benches, skittles, gymnastic sticks, balls, jump ropes, ring throws, etc.
Moral education Ts.: familiarization with generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.
Z.: teach the ability to manage your behavior
M.: exercises, game.
WITH.: reading fiction, dramatization of works of art, illustrations, slides.
Speech development Ts.: speech development.
Z.: * expand the vocabulary denoting the names of objects, actions, signs,
*learn to use synonyms, antonyms in speech,
*improve the ability to use different parts of speech exactly according to meaning,
*develop the ability to distinguish by ear and pronunciation all the sounds of the native language,
*improve phonemic awareness, determine the place of sound in a word.
*learn to agree nouns with numerals, nouns with adjectives, pronouns with nouns and adjectives,
*learn to form words with the same root,
*develop a culture of verbal communication,
*practice making sentences,
*learn to divide words into syllables.
M.: didactic exercises, games, conversations.
WITH.: printed board games, didactic games, tests, cut alphabet, games - diagrams, cash registers, object pictures.
Social and communicative development Ts.: enriching children's consciousness with new content - understanding concepts - time, sign, symbol.
Z.: * strengthen the skills of using polite words.
* cultivate a culture of behavior at the table, in communication with peers and adults, in public places.
* cultivate optimistic qualities.
* formation of self-service skills.
* consolidation of knowledge about traffic rules
M.: exercise, game, question.
WITH.: printed board games, didactic games, tests, games - diagrams, subject pictures, educational and methodological material on traffic rules.

Stages of developing an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The development of an individual strategy occurs in stages.

  • Observation stage. The objectives of this stage are to identify children experiencing difficulties, resulting in the observer completing a table.
  • Diagnostic stage. This stage is carried out together with a child psychologist. Tests are performed with the child to identify the causes of certain difficulties. The result of the work is a table.
  • Construction stage. The goal of this stage is the actual development of the IOM based on the identified difficulties and the reasons for their occurrence. The result is a ready-made route diagram.
  • Implementation stage. IOM is performed using different methods. Among the universal ways to achieve a set goal, for example, in case of difficulties in the socialization of a child, the following can be distinguished:
Conversations, games, discussion of books read, problematic issues (for example, in the middle group - what is good and what is bad).Familiarity with various manifestations of emotions that form moral assessments (for example, anger at the wolf that ate Little Red Riding Hood helps to form a negative attitude towards vile acts)
Games, trainings for the development of the sphere of behavior.Developing communication skills, relieving tension, reducing aggressive behavior, negativity, etc.
Art therapy (isothread, fairytale therapy, doll therapy)Creative realization, education of aesthetic taste
Psychogymnastics techniques for relaxationMuscle relaxation, emotionally positive attitude, etc.
  • Diagnostic stage. Evaluation of the results of work on the IOM. The main criterion is whether the problem remains or has been resolved. If there is no progress, a new IOM is developed, but if progress is planned, then the existing one can be continued or modified.


Individual routes, as already noted, do not have an established design scheme; they can be in the form of a table or in the form of text - it all depends on the difficulty the development is aimed at solving. Let's consider two drafting options.

Example No. 1

Difficulties: inattentive and absent-minded, has difficulty solving logical problems and mathematical tasks.

Experiences difficulties in solving logical problems and mathematical tasks.

A week
Regime momentsDirect educational activitiesIndependent activityInteraction with parents
3 week
Working with the multimedia presentation “Count the contour”Game "Tangram"
4 weekWalk
“Draw a geometric castle on the snow”
Tell your friends about your drawing
1 Week
Didactic game “What has changed?” Memo "Games for the development of logical thinking"
2 weekDuty in a corner of nature
Watering plants based on the description of the flower.
Multimedia game "Associations"
3 week Working with punched cards
"Composition of numbers"
Teach a friend
Work with the card.
Game to visit us.
4 weekDuring morning reception, completing tasks on handout sheetsMultimedia presentation “Funny Counting”Check your friend's work.

Route Action Results: The level of development of attention, concentration and switching has increased. The child copes with tasks of a mathematical nature and logical problems.

Example No. 2

Child's age: 4 years 2 months

Gender: male

Problem: Poor computing skills

The purpose of the individual route: development and consolidation of computing skills within the top ten

Objective: to develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Frequency of classes: 2 times a week

Duration: 20 minutes

Exercises in class:

  1. “The numbers got lost” Put the numbers in order Learn to name the numbers in order

2.”What has changed? What number is missing? Name the next and previous digit of the natural series Play the game “Name your neighbor”

3. “Fun little engine” Attach and attach the carriages with numbers to the engine. Solve examples by adding the number 1.

  1. Put cars in the garage Solving examples by counting units Learn to name the next and previous digit
  2. “Postman” Deliver letters - examples to houses (solving examples by adding and subtracting numbers 1 and 2) Play the game “Bring a letter to your grandmother, brother”
  3. “Paratroopers” Each “paratrooper” is given a number based on your own example. Games at home to count objects that surround the child.
  4. Help Dunno solve examples Solve examples of the top ten using punched cards Solve examples using fairy-tale characters: Piggy, Stepashka, Cheburashka, etc.
  5. Let's help the hedgehog collect mushrooms. Consolidating computing skills within the top ten. Solving examples at home.

Structure of an individual lesson:

  1. Organizational moment: a moment of joy.
  2. A surprise moment: the arrival of a fairy-tale character.
  3. Main job: help, guess, advise

Working at a magnetic board;

Exercises with handouts;

Work in a notebook.

    Result of the lesson: a minute of communication, what you liked, what caused difficulties, and what was difficult.

Performance evaluation:

As a result of systematic and systematic work with a child who has weak computational skills, by the end of the one-year cycle of classes: computational skills will be strengthened; cognitive interest in mathematics will increase; The child’s mental activity is activated, he will freely perform computational exercises within the first ten. These achievements will help in the future to overcome problems in the mathematical development of preschoolers.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.