Individual assignment: internship. Examples of individual assignments on production practice for an economist, manager, technologist


DIARY AND report on educational and industrial practice

Students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd year of full-time study and 1, 2, 3, 4th year of part-time study at the Faculty of Law undergo educational or practical training after the end of the spring semester.

Practice goals: educational practice carried out in order to obtain primary professional skills and abilities, an understanding of the practical activities of judicial and other law enforcement agencies, state authorities and local governments, various legal organizations, legal structural divisions at enterprises and institutions; their acquisition of practical skills, competencies, and experience in organizational work in the field of professional legal activity; formation of moral personality traits in students; increasing motivation for professional self-improvement.

Practice goals: industrial practice is carried out in order to obtain professional skills and professional experience, consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired by students while studying branches of law, as well as the basics of the organization and activities of institutions (organizations), state, municipal, non-state and other bodies that have provided students with places for internship in relation to the specialty and profile of their professional training. Practice should help consolidate and deepen the theoretical training of students and their acquisition of practical skills and competencies in the field of professional activity

It should be especially noted that a student cannot undertake an internship in the same body in which he completed an internship in the 1st year.

Place of practice

List of enterprises, institutions and organizations in which practices are conducted and the educational organization has concluded contracts:

1. Prosecutor's office of the Rostov region, prosecutor's office of the Rostov region (only for 2nd and 3rd year students after a preliminary interview)

2. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov region, police departments of the Rostov region

3. Office of the Judicial Department of the Rostov Region, courts of general jurisdiction of the Rostov Region (district)

4. Department for ensuring the activities of magistrates of the Rostov region, magistrates’ courts of the Rostov region

5. Rostov Regional Bar Association and its branches

Educational or industrial practice is carried out on the basis of individual agreements between RGEU (RINH) and organizations whose activities correspond to the profile competencies mastered within the framework of the OPOP HE. The internship can be carried out directly in the structural divisions of the Russian State University of Economics (RINH), and no contract is concluded. Profile organizations, as well as structural divisions of the Russian State Economic University (RINH) are bases of practice.

The procedure for filling out a practice diary

Based on the results of practical mastery of the features of the activities of a law enforcement (judicial) body, the student fills out a diary and submits it to the department.

The diary is filled out by hand by the student.

First section of the diary filled out by the student trainee independently. This section contains information about the student (last name, first name, patronymic, direction, profile), the base of educational practice (full name of the organization), the period of internship “from ___ to _____”, the head of the internship from the department (academic degree, position, last name are indicated and initials), the head of the practice from the organization (position, last name, first name, patronymic). The second part of the first page is filled out by the practice manager from the organization. The start and end dates of the internship must be indicated. These records must be certified by the signature of the practice manager from the organization and the seal of the organization. There must also be a record of what position the trainee is assigned to for the duration of the internship. A student may be assigned to a trainee position.

Second section of the diary contains work schedule (plan) and individual assignment the work of a student intern, which is certified by the signatures of the head of practice from the specialized organization and the head of practice from the department. In this section, the student writes out an individual assignment by date.


The task of industrial practice is to try your hand at different companies and in different areas of your specialty.

In connection with the merger of the St. Petersburg State Economic University university, see the link for the new rules. To complete an internship with a company, you must conclude an Internship Agreement ( The contract form can be obtained from Res. for internship from the university/department).

A referral (application) for internship is provided by the university at the company's request. The application can be submitted to the graduating department ( signed by the dean, certified by the seal).

A report on the results of the (summer) internship is submitted in early September ( The schedule for submitting the report will be confirmed with the respondent. for internship from the university/department). The conditions for completing the internship, the time of visiting the internship site, the assignment for the internship, the reporting period for the internship are discussed with direct supervisor of the practice from the enterprise.

Upon completion of the internship, the immediate supervisor of the internship from the enterprise gives feedback on each student’s practical training, noting his initiative, independence of work done, creative approach to performing duties, high-quality level of individual assignments, discipline and participation in public work ( For an example of a review, see below.).

In case of negative feedback, the manager is informed about this. department, who decides on the possibility of passing/failing production practice.

Students during the internship period:

  • perform in full the work provided for by the internship program and specific individual tasks;
  • carry out work in accordance with the regime and work procedure established at the enterprise (organization);
  • draw up and present (each individually) working materials and results of practical work in the form of reports on practice, as well as feedback with evaluations of work from managers from enterprises (organizations).

A student undergoing practical training is obliged to:

  • Strictly follow the internal regulations and safety regulations established at this enterprise, institution, or organization.
  • Be responsible for the work performed and its results on an equal basis with full-time employees of the enterprise.
  • News daily diary, in which to record all the work performed, materials for a subsequent report (digital data, sketches, drawings, etc.) - if desired. This will help when preparing a report on industrial practice.

Individual student assignment

In order to streamline the work of a student trainee, develop creative initiative and provide specific assistance to production, each student should be given an individual assignment.

The individual assignment is prepared by the head of production practice from the enterprise, institutions, organizations directly in each structural unit. An individual assignment for practical training is issued to the student at the beginning of the practical training and signed:

  • direct supervisor of practical training in production or in an institution (organization);
  • student and enters the date of receipt of the assignment.

The task should be designed in such a way that its completion expands the student’s technical horizons and requires him to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired at the university in solving real production problems in production practice. It is desirable that it contains elements of research.

The results of the work performed during the internship are presented in the form of a report. The content of the report is determined, first of all, by the individual assignment for practical training.

In the first part of the report a brief summary of general information about the enterprise, institution, or organization where the practical training took place. A structural diagram of the enterprise (or its division) is given and a description of the organization of management of its activities is given. The composition and main characteristics of computer equipment used in the department are described.

In the second part of the report provides an analysis of the collected information necessary to perform the practical work specified in the third section of the individual assignment.

In the third part of the report the methodology for solving a specific problem and the results obtained for solving this problem are outlined.

On the title page of the report All departments in which the student completed practical training, names and positions of managers are indicated. Each manager endorses the relevant part of the report on the title page.

The report must include list of used literary sources with links to them in the text (!!!), the calculation formulas and calculations based on them, the necessary graphs and drawings are given. Program listings, drawings, and prepared reports are presented as appendices to the report.

Registration requirements

Volume of the practice report: 20-25 pages.

The settlement and explanatory note is usually printed on white A4 sheets (on one side). All material in the settlement and explanatory note is stapled or placed in a file.
For the purpose of structured presentation of the contents of the report, its main part is divided into chapters (sections) and paragraphs (subsections). Sections and subsections of the main part must have names (headings) reflecting the main content of the text and continuous numbering.
Each attachment must have a meaningful title and serial number, which are printed in the upper right corner, for example, “Appendix 1.”
The list of sources used is compiled in the order in which references to them appear in the text of the calculation and explanatory note in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-84. The source number in the main text is indicated in Arabic numerals and enclosed in square brackets, for example, .
Applications contain auxiliary material: document forms (including completed ones), instructions, forms, maps, calculation results, program texts, screen forms, etc. - to which there are links in the main part.
The test must be typed in doc(x) format. Formatting options: font - Times New Roman, spacing - 1.0, point (size) - 14; paragraph indent - 1.25; word wrapping is automatic. Margin sizes: left – 30 mm, right – 15 mm, top and bottom – 20 mm.
Page numbering is in Arabic numerals at the middle bottom of the sheet. The title page is included in the general numbering, but is not numbered.
Figures and tables should be located in the text immediately after references to them or immediately on the next page.
Drawings must have an explanatory inscription (name of the drawing), which is placed under it. Drawings are designated by the word “Fig.” There is no period at the end of the title.
For example, Fig. 1 - Functional diagram
Each table must have a header that is placed above it. There is no period at the end of the title. Tables are designated by the word “Table.”
For example, Table. 4 — Calculation results
The table should be positioned so that it can be read without rotating the report or by rotating it clockwise. A table with a large number of rows can be transferred to another sheet (page). When moving a table, its header is repeated on the next page.
Figures, tables and formulas should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals in continuous order throughout the entire report.
Formulas in the text are placed in separate lines with a symmetrical arrangement relative to the sheet fields and have continuous numbering in parentheses on the right.
The rules for preparing program documents must comply with the requirements of the ESPD standards (unified system of program documentation).

Sample report.

In September... how to submit a report:

You do not need to have a laptop (or a device from which you can display the report) with you; it is not necessary to print out a draft version of the report.

Come, show the report, look, discuss, correct errors, go to finalize the report. We carefully check errors, design and, of course, content.

A reference from the place of practice (company review with stamp and signature) is required, it is subsequently stored in the dean's office. The company’s feedback on the student’s internship does not need to be filed in the report.

There is no need to take risks and try to submit an uncompleted report on the last day of acceptance of the test.

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Republic of Dagestan

I approve

deputy director of management

M.A. Melekhin

Individual task

for the period of practical training

2nd year group students 6 PKS specialties


(student's name)

1. Questions to be studied and completed during the internship:

Introduction to the base institution

- Study of the basic principles of information systems technology and networking.

Development of software module specifications.

Software development

Development and execution of documentation.

Conduct testing of computer systems.

- Completing an abstract on a given topic

2 . The internship portfolio is submitted on the last day of the internship to the college’s internship supervisor.

Portfolio content:

    Title page

    Goals and objectives of practice

    Individual task

    Abstract (topic given by the practice manager)

    Information about the industrial practice base

    Individual calendar and thematic plan.

    Practice diary (in form)

    Characteristics of the student indicating the grade, certified by the director of the institution

    Feedback about the practice

    List of sources and literature used


Head of Practice _____________ /Radzhabova A.N./

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan

State professional educational budgetary institution

Republic of Dagestan

"Dagestan Vocational Pedagogical College"


undergoing practical training in

PM 02. Development and administration of databases

Student name_____________________________________________

Group 6PKS course 2

Speciality230115 “Programming in computer systems”

Head of practice from the collegeRadjabova A.N.

Completed industrial practice in ____________




Head of practice from

institutions _______________________________________

Practice dates _03/02/2017 – 03/22/2017 _____________

Grade ____________________________

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan

State professional educational budgetary institution

Republic of Dagestan

"Dagestan Vocational Pedagogical College"


on industrial practice

PM 02. Development and administration of databases

Student's name__________________________________________________________

Department ___________________ group __6pcs ________ well ____2 ______

Speciality: ___230115 “Programming in computer systems” _____

Head of practice from the college ____Radjabova A.N. ______________________

Practical training took place in _____________________________________


Head of practice from the institution________________________________________________

Practice dates__03/02/2017 – 03/22/2017 . __

Grade _____________________________



Records of work performed during internship


Individual calendar and thematic plan.

Information about the base institution of industrial practice



(name of institution, address, telephone)

Director of the institution



Head of practice from the institution


Practical training assignment

1.Introduction to the base enterprise

During practical training, the student must

acquainted with:

    history, traditions and organizational structure of an enterprise or organization.


    job descriptions in the workplace

    document flow, document forms and rules for their execution

record in your diary:

    a brief history and general description of the enterprise;

    the structure of the enterprise and the relationship of the main divisions;

2. Classification of computer networks used at this enterprise.

Familiarize :

    with computer network topology

    data transmission media

    media access methods

    topology of computer networks, among data transmission and access methods of the data transmission medium in a given enterprise

3. Hardware components of local computer networks in a given enterprise.


    structured cabling system

    Network adapters

    Hubs, bridges, switches

Study and reflect in your diary:

    structured cabling system, network adapters, hubs, bridges, switches used in this enterprise

4. Organization of network interaction used at this enterprise.

Acquainted with:

    physical data transfer

    Principles of packet data transmission

Study and reflect in your diary :

    Methods for checking the correctness of data transfer and methods for detecting and eliminating errors in data transfer

    FormatpersonnelEthernetorToken Ring

5. Network models and protocol stacks in a given enterprise.

Get acquainted with:

    Concept of a network model

    Network modelOSI

Study and reflect in your diary:

    Network model, protocol stack used in this enterprise.

6. Laboratory workshop

    LAN hardware and equipment. Textbook "Basics of Computer Networks" pp. 168-178. Textbook \ B.D. Visnadul

7. Laboratory workshop

    Organization of data exchange using a protocolTCP\ UDP. Textbook "Fundamentals of Computer Networks" pp. 178-192. Textbook \ B.D. Visnadul.

    Record the work completed in your diary.

8. Laboratory workshop

    Organization of data exchange withFTP\ HTTPserver. Blocking-free sockets. Textbook "Basics of Computer Networks" pp. 192-203. Textbook \ B.D. Visnadul.

    Record the work completed in your diary.

Subjects of abstracts

    Classification of computer networks.

    Computer network topologies.

    Basic concepts of information networks

    Peer-to-peer and server-based networks.

    Local network (LAN).

    Global network.

    Territorial network.

    Virtual network (VPN).

    Information network components

    Communication and monochannel networks

    General principles of network construction.

    Switching channels and pockets.

    Network architecture and standardization.

    Examples of networks.

    Network characteristics.

    Methods for ensuring quality of service.

    Communication lines.

    Data encoding and multiplexing.

    Wireless data transmission.

    Primary networks.

    Technologies of local networks on a shared environment.

    Switched networksEthernet.

    Addressing in the protocol stackTCP/ IP.

    Internetwork protocol.

    Basic protocolsTCP/ IP.

    Network services.

    Network security.

    Remote access



(after 3rd course, 3 credit units, 108 hours)

No. Content Number of hours
1. Familiarization with the goals, objectives and content of practice
2. General introduction to the organization
2.1. Familiarization with the history of the organization, understanding its organizational and legal form, areas of activity, structure of state and municipal government bodies, district (city) administration, functions of divisions, subordinate organizations.
2.2. Studying the structure of 2-3 organizations of various types of activities (industrial enterprises, housing and communal services, social sphere, etc.), familiarization with the main functions of its divisions, their management system, and the job responsibilities of key employees.
2.3. Familiarity with the external environment of the organization: interaction of state, municipal and public organizations.
2.4. Study of the main characteristics of the documentation of organizations, departments, and technologies used.
2.5. Familiarization with issues of management activities, formation and development of management activities, business interaction.
3. Office work and processing of practical skills in working on a PC
3.1. Familiarization with the organization of office work and document flow in the organization. The process of preparing and processing basic types of documents.
3.2. Work with official documents and letters received by the organization. Reception and primary processing of documents. Distribution of received documents. Registration of documents. Control over the execution of documents. Sending documents.
3.3. Familiarization with the fleet of computer and typing equipment at the places of practice. Application of personal computers in management activities.
3.4. Practical work on the preparation of various management documents, participation in the implementation of various instructions and decisions of the organization’s leaders.
4. Preparation and defense of an internship report (PRESENTATION) Test with assessment

Indication of practice reporting forms

1. When passing a differentiated test, the student submits to the head of the practice from the institute a report, including a diary about the internship and a reference from the head of the practice from the organization, which evaluates the diligence, initiative, level of professional training and employability of the trainee, as well as an agreement with the organization, work schedule (plan), individual assignment, certification sheet and a copy of the order (or extract from the order) on the appointment of the practice manager from the organization.

2. The diary and report are prepared by the student during the entire period of internship, finalized and defended in the last days allotted for this.

3. The total volume of the report should not exceed 8-10 pages of printed text.

4. The report on educational practice must contain:

General information about the organization, its organizational and legal form, field of activity, relationship with other organizations;

Information about the structure of the organization, its management system with the application of diagrams and a brief description of the process of delegation of authority;

Description of the office management system: the main document flows in the organization, including orders, instructions, instructions, incoming and outgoing documents;

Information about the office equipment with which the student became acquainted;

5. Students who have not completed the internship program for a valid reason are re-sent to practice in their free time from studying. Students who do not complete the internship program without a good reason or who receive an unsatisfactory grade during the test are expelled from the institute as having academic debt.

6. The results of the practice are discussed at meetings of the department of state, municipal management and law, taking into account the characteristics.

Typical test tasks or other materials necessary for assessing knowledge, abilities, skills and (or) operational experience that characterize the stages of developing competencies in the process of mastering the educational program.

Sample practice assignment:

1. familiarization with the system of organization and functioning of the institution (organization);

2. study of the functional roles of the institution’s specialists;

3. familiarization with the main types of tools used by the institution in its activities;

4. participation in the preparation of various management documents,

5. acquire practical skills in processing the organization’s document flows and storing them;

6. get practice working on a personal computer with text editors and spreadsheets, means of protection against viruses and unauthorized copying.

7. drawing up situational tasks.

Note: the task is specified in the plan.

Individual assignment for educational practice.

1. Study the basic documentation of institutions (services) and the technology for maintaining it.

2. Work out in notes the technologies used in the work of the institution (service).

3. Take part in methodological meetings of institutions (services).

4. Compile and enter into the practice diary:

a) a diagram of the organization of institutions (services),

b) table of professional responsibilities of employees

c) a table of basic documentation (external, internal, set of management documents).

5. Keep a daily practice diary about the results of practical work.

6. Prepare a report on the educational practice.

Final control:

At the end of the internship, the student provides the internship supervisor from the institute with:

Agreement with the organization (stamps and signatures of the heads of both parties, signed in duplicate);

Work schedule (plan), agreed upon with the head of the practice from the organization (with a seal);

Individual assignment agreed with the practice manager from the organization;

Diary about the internship (with signatures and seal);

Characteristics certified by the head of the practice from the organization with a rating according to a five-point system (with a seal);

A text report on educational practice, signed by the head of the organization (with a stamp on the title page).

Certificate of practice certification certified by the head of the practice from the organization with an assessment according to a five-point system (with a seal);

A copy of the order (or an extract from the order) on the appointment of the head of the practice from the organization (with a seal).

After checking the report by the head of practice from the department, the student defends the report.

When assessing the results of a student’s work in practice, the following are taken into account:


Quality of the report;

Answers on questions;

Student activities during practice.

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Page creation date: 2017-06-12


Brief description of the enterprise JSC "Obshchepit"

Memo of works in which the student took part

Individual task


enterprise operational database


The modern period of development of a civilized society is characterized by the process of informatization.

Informatization of society is a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant type of activity in the sphere of social production is the collection, accumulation, production, processing, storage, transmission and use of information, carried out on the basis of modern microprocessor and computer technology, as well as on the basis of various scientific means of information exchange.

Informatization of society ensures: active use of the ever-expanding intellectual potential of society, concentrated in the printed fund, and scientific production and other types of activities; integration of information technologies into scientific and production activities, initiating the development of all spheres of social production, intellectualization of labor activity.

The use of open information systems, designed to use the entire array of information currently available to society in a certain area, makes it possible to improve the mechanism for managing the social structure, contributes to the humanization and democratization of society, and increases the level of well-being of its members. The processes occurring in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of activities, but also to the creation of a new information environment of society, ensuring the development of a creative individual.

The spread of automated offices and the widespread use of personal computers lead to significant changes in the work of specialists, which in turn requires their special computer training. Therefore, specialists with knowledge of personal computers who can implement information technology into the technological process are needed.

1. Brief description of the enterprise ZAO "Obshchepit"

1 General information about the company

Full name of the enterprise: Closed joint-stock company "Obshchepit", abbreviated name: CJSC "Obshchepit".

Legal address: 453116, Republic of Belarus, Sterlitamak, Lenin Ave., 69.

General Director of the company: Dzobaev Tamerlan Amurkhanovich.

The company was registered on December 30, 1995, registrar: Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia for the city of Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan.

The main activity is processing and canning of fish and seafood. The organization also operates in the following non-core areas:

Vegetable processing and canning;

Potato processing and canning;

Production of bread and flour confectionery products for non-durable storage;

Production of dry bakery products and flour confectionery products for long-term storage;

Production of pasta;

Non-specialized wholesale trade in food products, including drinks, and tobacco products;

Preparation for the sale of your own non-residential real estate;

Renting out your own non-residential real estate;

Car rental;

Rental of other motor vehicles and equipment;

Wholesale trade of machinery and equipment for the production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco products;

Other ratailing;

Retail trade in non-specialized stores of frozen foods;

Retail trade in non-specialized stores of non-frozen products, including drinks, and tobacco products;

Activities of restaurants and cafes;

Bar activities;

Activities of canteens at enterprises and institutions;

Supply of catering products.

The main industry of the company is "Catering".

2 Description of equipment at the enterprise ZAO "Obshchepit"

For the operation of such a large enterprise as ZAO Obshchepit, a local network is required. Wall cable channels with integrated power sockets and LAN sockets are laid throughout the enterprise territory. Each of the computers in the office is connected to one of the ports of the LAN switch located in a specially designated room. In this room, which is a switching center and a server room, there are also 6 servers (e-mail server, traffic accounting server, web server, IP ATC server, computing server and file server) that serve this enterprise. Fiber optic communication lines from two different operators are also installed here. Traffic balancing is carried out using Internet - Server Control.

The LAN used at this enterprise provides the following advantages:

) providing employees with shared access to various network resources: drives, printers, graphics devices, due to this, fewer peripheral devices are required;

) preventing duplication and corruption of files by limiting access to confidential or vulnerable data on the server;

) more effective protection of centralized databases than for a separate computer. If necessary, backup copies can be created for the most important data;

) centralized administration reduces the number of people who need to manage devices and data on the network, which reduces time and costs for the company;

) ensuring effective interaction of workers with each other (via e-mail, voice and instant text messaging services);

) the reliability of the entire information system is increased, since if one computer fails, another, backup, can take over its functions and workload. Data processing can also be distributed across multiple computers, avoiding overloading one computer with processing tasks.

This enterprise has created all the conditions for successful and reliable operation of local networks.

The building infrastructure includes power and lighting systems, security systems, structured cabling and other low current systems.

The ZAO Obshchepit enterprise uses Smart-UPS 3000 2U Rack active type UPS, which can ensure network operation in the event of a power outage from the main sources for one hour.

This enterprise uses the ESET NOD32 Smart Security Business Edition antivirus protection system, which provides comprehensive protection for servers and workstations for all types of organizations, including antivirus, antispyware, antispam, personal firewall, as well as the ESET Remote Administrator application, which provides updates and centralized administration in enterprise network environments or wide area networks.

The scalable solution is aimed at enterprises from 5 to 100,000 PCs within one structure, installed on both servers and workstations. It provides proactive protection against unknown threats, the use of intelligent technologies that combine heuristic and signature detection methods, an updated ThreatSense heuristic core, and regular automatic updates of signature databases.

The program also filters email and web content; antispam, full scanning of all incoming correspondence via POP3 and POP3s protocol, scanning of incoming and outgoing email, detailed report on detected malware and spam filtering, antispam reliably protects the user from unwanted messages.

Full integration into popular email clients: Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird, The Bat!

Personal firewall, protection against external intrusions, low-level traffic scanning provides a high level of protection against network attacks, five operating modes: automatic mode, automatic mode with exceptions, interactive mode, policy-based mode and learning mode.

Using the ESET Remote Administrator solution, you can remotely install and uninstall ESET software products, control the operation of anti-virus software, and create servers within the network for local updates of ESET products, which can significantly reduce external Internet traffic.

File server support: Windows, Novell Netware and Linux/FreeBSD.

The enterprise uses the 1C:Enterprise software system, which is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing dynamically developing modern enterprises.

"1C:Enterprise" is a system of application solutions built according to uniform principles and on a single technological platform.

The manager chooses a solution that meets the current needs of the enterprise and will further develop as the enterprise grows or expands.

Accounting and management tasks can differ significantly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, industry, specifics of products or services provided, the size and structure of the enterprise, and the required level of automation.

It is difficult to imagine one program designed for mass use and yet satisfying the needs of most businesses. At the same time, the manager, on the one hand, needs a solution that corresponds to the specifics of his enterprise, but, on the other hand, he understands the advantages of using a mass-proven product. The combination of these needs is what 1C: Enterprise provides as a software system.

Software products of the 1C: Enterprise system contain a variety of tools for communication with other programs and hardware.

Tools for importing and exporting information through text files, DBF and XML format files make it easy to organize data exchange with any systems.

Saving printed forms in Microsoft Excel and HTML formats. Ability to export data to Small Business Contact Manager Microsoft Office 2003.

The computer equipment at the enterprise is in excellent condition. All computers in the company have been updated since 2009, therefore, they have new parts installed that have significantly increased the performance of the PC.

The state of computer equipment is monitored by a system administrator - a technician who constantly has to repair and upgrade PCs.

Protecting computers from unauthorized access, anti-virus protection, protecting data from computer failures and breakdowns:

  1. at the entrance the enterprise is guarded by people, the windows are protected with tinted film and bars, CCTV cameras are installed everywhere, and buttons for calling the rescue service, fire department and an alarm button for calling the police are also installed;
  2. implementation of logical protection when turned on: on the BIOS, identification and authentication of users when accessing the network, as well as restricting user access to computer resources;
  3. data archiving, backup to protect against information loss;
  4. in case of failures, quick restoration of data to the last moment before the failure;
  5. dismantling information input and output devices;
  6. antivirus protection: Kaspersky Internet Security and Avast.

2. Memo of works in which the student took part

11.2014 Reception and registration for work. Conducting briefings.

11.2014 Study of the structure of the organization. Getting to know the object.

11.2014 Installation of the operating system.

The Windows XP SP2 operating system was installed and device drivers were installed.

11.2014 Cleaning coolers from dust and changing oil.

The coolers on the processor and video card were very noisy. Having removed them, we blow them with a vacuum cleaner, wipe the blades, peel off the sticker, wipe off the remaining oil with a cotton swab and drip new oil through a syringe with a needle. We install the coolers back and they no longer make noise.

First you need to seal the outlet holes with tape. Then cut off the top cover with a knife. Underneath you will find the filling holes. Pump ink into each one at a time, plunging the needle all the way to the middle of the cartridge. Just don't mix up the colors - the filling hole of each color is located exactly above the outlet hole of the same color. Now all that remains is to secure the lid in place by wrapping it with tape. The most important thing is not to accidentally seal the ventilation holes.

12.2014 Installing Windows XP SP3 on a new computer.

12.2014 Cleaning the system unit from dust.

We open the covers of the system unit, then use a vacuum cleaner to blow through all accessible parts of the motherboard and all the parts that are in the system unit, special attention should be paid to the coolers. Next, carefully wipe the motherboard with a cotton swab, remove and free the RAM from dust, remove and blow through the coolers, wipe with a cotton swab, put it back and connect.

12.2014 Installing a driver for the printer.

Installing the driver for proper operation of the printer using the disk that was included in the kit.

12.2014 Changing thermal paste on the processor.

Disconnect the system unit from the power source and remove the side cover. Next you need to remove the cooler from the CPU. The fan located on the radiator must be disconnected from the motherboard. After the cooler is removed, the remaining paste must be wiped off the surface of the processor and radiator. Apply thermal paste to the processor. We return the radiator and cooler to their place.

The following software was installed: 1C, Microsoft .NET Framework 4, Microsoft Office 2007, WinRar archiver, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Photoshop.

12.2014 Elimination of CPU cooler noise.

We disconnect the system unit from the power source, remove the cover, disconnect the cooler from the radiator, clean the cooler with a cotton swab, blow it with a vacuum cleaner, remove the sticker, wipe off the remaining oil with a cotton swab, drop in a new one, put the sticker back on, put the cooler back in place.

12.2014 Installing Windows XP.

12.2014 Setting up a local network connection.

Start - Connection - Show all connections - Create a new connection - Connect to the Internet.

We disconnect the system unit from the power source, remove the video card, blow out the cooler with a vacuum cleaner, remove it, clean it, then remove the cover with the radiator, remove the layer of thermal paste, apply a thin layer of new one, and put it in the reverse order.

12.2014 Replacing the power supply in the system unit.

After a burning smell was detected from the power supply, it was necessary to replace it with a new one.

12.2014 Replacing the battery on the motherboard.

The date and time kept getting confused; replacing the battery on the motherboard solved the problem. Carefully pry the battery from the bottom and it will come out, also put a new one in the same place, you're done.

12.2014 Removing a virus banner from the desktop

Removal was carried out through safe mode, by removing the virus with an antivirus and using the command line.

12.2014 Replacing capacitors on the motherboard.

To avoid damaging the device, it is necessary to discharge the capacitor by short-circuiting its terminals. You can desolder and solder capacitors with any soldering iron of not very high power (up to 65 watts) using rosin or other soldering flux. After desoldering the capacitors, you need to clear the solder from the holes.

12.2014 Cleaning the video card from dust and changing thermal paste.

12.2014 Software installation.

The following programs were installed: Microsoft Office Word 2007, Gimp 2.0, Everest Ultimate Edition 5.30.

3. Individual task

First task - Database development

Purposes of creating the database: the database was created to record the products of a trading organization. The database allows you to keep records, control, and also obtain information about the desired type of product.

Target user groups: the database was created for database administrators to change the database in case of errors, as well as for guests (buyers), who can view the list of products, their prices, and find the supplier they need. The administrator logs into the database via a password and sees the general form shown in Fig. 1. through which you can get acquainted with the company’s reports, customers and supplies.

Hardware requirements: RAM: 1GB (32-bit); 2GB (64-bit); 3GB of free hard disk space;

Software requirements: Windows 7, Windows 8.

Upon entering, the guest (customer) will see the button form shown in Fig. 2 designed to go to the purchase form by type, where they can get acquainted with the assortment they need.

The second task is to draw up instructions for working with a software product studied during practical training

Full name of the program: Warehouse and trade;

Version: Warehouse and trade 2,575;

Number of released versions: 35;

Manufacturer: Information and Technical Center "Fregat";

Address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 69;

Website: #"justify">Hardware and software requirements:

) Processor with a frequency of 300 MHz or more;

) RAM 128 MB or more;

) Hard drive with about 10 MB of free space; 4) Any Windows operating system, starting with Windows 2000.

Cost: 3000 rub.

Installation procedure: Access 2013 is installed similarly to any other products for Windows 7, XP, Vista.

File and folder structure:

· Download program

· Launch the installer by double clicking on the downloaded file

· Follow the instructions of the installer to install the program onto your hard drive.

· Launch the program by selecting it in the "Programs" menu by clicking the "Start" button or a shortcut on the desktop.

3. Program interface: appearance of the program, purpose of the main controls. Standard program settings (toolbars, colors), ways to bring the program to a standard look. Program menu, purpose of the main menu elements.

The main controls are buttons for creating new tabs, renaming rows, deleting, searching and others. The program menu is designed to move to other items, which greatly facilitates working with the program.

4. Basic techniques for working with the program: performing basic operations implemented by the program.

· Accounting for basic commodity transactions (receipt, expense, return, reservation, inventory)

· Accounting for sales and consumption of goods

· Accounting for orders from customers and orders to suppliers

· Internal movement, write-off of goods

· Tracking stock in warehouses

· Multiple warehouse support

· Accounting for expenses of cash and small items (low-value and wear-and-tear items)

· Working with price lists

· Payment tracking

· Calculation and accounting of salaries to employees

· Printing price tags, business cards

· Processing of commercial and logistics transactions with goods

· Movement of goods within the warehouse

· Accounting for customer activity and creating orders for suppliers based on it

· Work across multiple warehouses (creating several unrelated accounting groups within one warehouse accounting program)

· Control of cash and non-cash payments.

5. An example of working with the program (a detailed description of the program using a specific example): statement of the problem, description of the initial conditions, description of the stages of work, we can see at the link #"justify">. Compatibility of the program with other software products: formats into which data can be exported. Methods for importing/exporting data.

This program cannot be exported to other software products.

I, Tsatsin M.V., underwent industrial technological practice at the enterprise ZAO Obshchepit in the period from November 24, 2014 to December 20, 2014.

Industrial technological practice played a huge role in the acquisition of practical skills.

During my internship, I developed practical skills in installing the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems, the Access 2013 database, peripheral device drivers, and application software. In practice, I consolidated the knowledge and skills acquired in college, such as repairing peripheral devices, as well as correct and consistent assembly/disassembly of system unit components.

During the internship, I learned the job responsibilities of a programmer, and also consolidated theoretical knowledge in the disciplines I studied, which will be useful to me in the future.


1. Bekarevich Yu.B., Pushkina N.V., Smirnova E.Yu. Database management. SPb.: Publishing house. St. Petersburg State University, 1999.

Goncharov A. Access 97 in examples. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1998.

Gorev A., Akhayan R., Makasharipov S. Effective work with DBMS. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997.

Computer science. Basic course / Simonovich S.V. and others - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2000. - 640 p.

Computer science. Textbook / Lomtadze V.V., Shishkina L.P. - Irkutsk: ISTU, 1999. - 116 p.

Computer science. Textbook / Ed. V.G. Kiriya. - Irkutsk: ISTU, 1998 part 2. - 382 p.

Kornelyuk V.K., Wekker Z.E., Zinoviev N.B. Access 97. M.: SOLON, 1998.

Makarova N.V. Informatics. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1997.

Marie Swanson. Microsoft Access 97: clear and specific. - Moscow: Microsoft Press, Russian edition, 1997.

Pasko V. Access97 for the user. - Kyiv: BHV, 1997.

Scott Barker. Using Microsoft Access 97.-Kyiv-Moscow: Dialectics, 1997.

Internet resources

12. #"justify">. #"justify">. #"justify">.

Tags: Performing the work of a programmer at the enterprise ZAO "Obshchepit" Practice report Information support, programming