Game for the first time to school. How to have the perfect first day of high school

A beautiful blonde in a blouse and short skirt asks for help in preparing for the first day of college. You need to help her in choosing clothes, since the princess has a lot of outfits, and you must help her choose. The beauty is standing in the classroom, and to the right of her on the green board hang clothes and accessories that a fashionable student needs to dress in. Can you help? Get started, because the blonde can’t wait to show off in front of her friends.

How to play?

A beautiful blonde wants to be the best dressed girl in college on the first day of school, and she needs your active help in this. The beauty is standing in the classroom, and to her right is a green board. There are 4 buttons on the top: dresses, blouses, skirts and accessories.
You don’t need to dress up the beauty for a very long time, since after 3-4 dressed things you can move on to the next little girl. She asks to dress her up for school.
It has the same buttons with clothes at the top of the green board, but there are more elements inside each button.
This is exactly how an adult student and a little schoolgirl should be dressed. The game itself is absolutely stress-free, and the girls will only be grateful to you for the attention shown to them. Of course, you want to make the girls more beautiful, and if you have the time and desire, work thoroughly on their appearance.

As usual, the day before the important event was filled with matters of varying degrees of importance. In the morning we were out of town, and by lunchtime we found ourselves at the airport, seeing off our beloved sisters on a long journey.

I decided to buy flowers in advance so that I could sleep an extra twenty minutes. We decided to go with the traditional option - a large bouquet of asters. They and gladioli were the most popular options among first graders.

I also prepared my clothes in advance - everything down to underwear and socks. They tried it on again, ironed it and hung it up. On the first day, the teacher told me not to take a backpack.

Surprisingly, we even managed to take a walk on the last day of summer, even though the playgrounds were half empty. For my daughter, every opportunity to meet her beloved friends is a joy, so if there is such an opportunity, we never miss a walk.

Getting up early is unusual for us, so I was so afraid of oversleeping that I set four alarm clocks. Surprisingly, my daughter and I woke up before them - we were really afraid of being late for school. As a result, we got up so early that we even managed to go pick up my grandmother, who lives not far from the school.

Despite the traditional rains for this day, it was very hot this year. There was no question of any jackets; it was hot even in thin shirts. We “handed” the children to the teacher and went to wait for the children at the line at the main entrance of the school.

There were a lot of people at the assembly line, which is worth the accompanying first-graders alone - our school accepted as many as 161 children this year! In other schools, the entire primary school has this number of children, but in ours it is only the first grades.

The program was standard - several poems, dance numbers, a greeting from the director and the first bell on the shoulders of a high school student. True, the heat and excitement made themselves felt and I felt terribly dizzy; I inspected the end of the ruler from the shade of nearby trees.

While the kids were at school, my husband and I managed to have a snack and buy a flowerpot for the kindergarten teacher, whom we broke up with this year. Still, a bouquet of flowers is too short-lived and banal, but a flowerpot, I’m sure, will remind us of us for a long time.

At 11 am the first day of school ended, our little girl was overwhelmed with emotions. During these two hours, they managed to have breakfast, get acquainted with the teachers, the office, the rules of conduct at school, learn a poem and much more.

Meanwhile, the air temperature rose to 37, so we decided to postpone our walk until the evening. On the way home, we stopped by our daughter’s kindergarten, and we were probably the only ones who did so. The teacher was very happy to see us and even set her daughter as an example for her newly arrived kids.

Already at one o'clock in the afternoon my daughter fell asleep and woke up three hours later. Filled with strength, my first-grader friends and I went for a ride on a river boat. The children again received a lot of impressions, because this was their first walk along the river.

I am very glad that school is associated with pleasant emotions for my daughter. Today, the second of September, she again woke up before the alarm clock and ran to school ahead of me!

How was your children's first day of school? Let's share our impressions!

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The first day of high school will likely be one you'll remember for the rest of your life. This is a new stage in your life, as you leave primary school and move to secondary school, where you can meet interesting people. You may be worried about how to maintain relationships with old friends, make a good impression on new ones, organize your work day, and build good relationships with teachers. A lot depends on your behavior on the first day. Try to win the respect of teachers and classmates, make every effort to ensure that the first day goes perfectly! All in your hands! If you want to make the best of your first day, prepare in advance and head to school with the right attitude. Do everything you can to make your first day unforgettable!



  1. Prepare all school supplies. While it's okay if you show up to school without a notebook, if you want your first day to be perfect, make sure you have all the necessary school supplies. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a good impression on your teacher if you do not have the necessary supplies. In addition, you will not be able to participate fully in the lesson. Although each school has different requirements, make sure you have notebooks, writing materials, and other things you may need during the learning process. If your school has sent you a list of required items, be sure to buy everything you need. If there is no such list, be prepared to purchase everything you need on the first day of school.

    • Buy a durable backpack. On the first day, you will most likely receive textbooks and may have to take them home to complete your homework.
    • Look at the situation objectively: on the first day of school, it is unlikely that you will begin a serious learning process. Most likely, you will meet your classmates, the teacher will take a roll call, briefly talk about what you will do during the year and tell you what you need to wear to class. However, if your class teacher has given you a list of supplies you need to have for class in advance, you should have them on the first day of school.
  2. Prepare your clothes. Remember, you need to choose clothes for your first day of school. Typically this is not an easy task. Fortunately, few people will remember your outfit, since everyone will be focused only on themselves. However, you should choose clothes that fit you well and give a good impression of you. Also, consider whether the outfit you choose will ruin your reputation, something you will regret for months to come. Think about this in advance so you don’t have to go through your closets in the morning looking for an outfit.

    • When choosing clothes, take weather conditions into account. It is often hot on the first day of school. You can wear new jeans, but if it's 40 degrees outside, you're unlikely to feel comfortable in them. You may want to consider a few school outfit options in case the weather changes.
    • Many girls love chatting with friends. You will feel more comfortable in a dress if your friends are also wearing them. However, the decision is yours!
    • In addition, find out in advance the school's requirements for the student's appearance. It will be a shame if you have to change into a school uniform because your dress is too short or revealing, which is against the school rules.
  3. Find out as much information as you can about the school. By doing this, you will feel more confident on your first day. Visit the school website and read the information posted on it. You'll probably be using this site a lot this year, so it's good to take a look around to see what's what. Read recommended guides and other suggested materials. Talk to someone older who went (or still goes) to your school. Ask him all the questions that interest you. You can gather information about teachers and how to behave in the cafeteria or classroom.

    • Let's face it: it's hard to predict every situation. However, once you gather a lot of information, you will feel more at ease.
    • If you already have a schedule, consult with high school students who have experience. This way you will know what to expect.
  4. Take educational tours of the school. Most schools provide orientation tours of the library, cafeteria, gym, and classrooms to help new students navigate their new surroundings. Often you can get handouts from the school administration that will show a diagram of the school (room numbers, location of toilets, canteens, and so on). If possible, taking the time to walk around the school before the school year starts will give you confidence for the first day of school. Don't forget to look at where your locker is, where you will put your things.

    • There will likely be other students on the orientation tour. This can be a great opportunity to get to know them better. Be friendly and open. Most likely, your classmates are also embarrassed and will be glad if you take the first step. Meeting new people can help you have a good time on your first day of school. Don't forget the names of your new friends.
    • In addition, during such an excursion you will be able to meet your teachers. Thanks to this, you will be more confident going into your first lesson.
    • If you get to know your new school and everything about it in advance, you will feel more confident and less intimidated.
  5. Write down your lesson and recess schedule. If you already know where and when your classes will be held and where your locker is, then you can plan your route from one room to another in advance. Thanks to this, you will not be late for classes and will be able to use your locker when necessary.

    • There is no need to go to your locker at every break. You can only look there when you are nearby. If you need to take books, then of course you will need to go to your locker. Make sure you have everything you need for class.
  6. Be an organized student. Lay out all notebooks, folders and other materials and label them. If possible, use color as a guide: everything related to mathematics can be blue (notebooks, folders, textbook covers), English - pink, physics - polka dots! Place indexes on the folders and sign them (full name and subject); Decorate them with pictures that will make you smile. You won't feel stressed if your things are in order.

    • You can keep notes on A4 sheets, and then file them in folders for the subject or use notebooks, everything will depend on the requirements of your teacher. If you use notebooks, then take a common notebook with dividers for several subjects (again, if the teacher does not mind) or use a separate one for each subject.
    • Put everything in your backpack. Don't forget to put pencils, pens, erasers and other necessary supplies in your pencil case. Having collected everything in one place, you don’t have to look for the right thing throughout your backpack.
    • Find a safe place in your backpack where you can put your student cards, library cards, and other documents. Prepare an area in the room for doing homework (table, chair, etc.). Make sure there are no distractions; you don't want to spend more time on homework than necessary. Place a sticky board, calendar, lesson schedule, etc. near your study area.
    • You can also bring things you might need at school and put them in your locker. Bring a mirror, magnets, pencil holders, and small shelves (although your cabinet may already have shelves). Place these items neatly in your locker; Keep your locker clean.
  7. Make an agreement with your friends. A couple of days before school starts, call your friends and offer to go to school together. Whatever you use to get to school (bike, bus or subway), you should not do it alone, of course this is alarming; besides, if you get lost in school, you can help each other. You won't feel lonely if your friends are nearby.

    • However, if none of your friends go to this school, don't worry! You are not alone, you can make new friends if you have a positive attitude.
  8. Have a good night's rest. Although you may find it difficult to fall asleep before the first day of school, try to do so. A couple of weeks before school, start getting used to the school routine. Gradually go to bed and wake up a little earlier than usual until you reach the time you have to wake up during the school year. Make the transition to your school schedule easier.

    • Avoid caffeinated drinks before school. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to sleep.
  9. Get ready. The evening before the first day of school (basically, the evening before any school day), prepare your clothes for tomorrow. Wear something cute and comfortable that makes you feel confident. Don't forget to also prepare socks, shoes and other accessories you'll need. Having everything ready will help you feel less stressed in the morning.

    • Prepare your own food for school or make sure you put money in your backpack for it if you plan to buy it.
    • Think about what kind of hairstyle you want to do, if you want to style your hair in a special way (but don’t overdo it). Having thought everything through in advance, you won’t find yourself in front of the mirror 5 minutes before going out thinking: “Oh God, what should I do with my hair?”
    • Bring your ID card if you have one, your schedule, phone, and anything else you might need at school.

    First day of school

    1. Wake up 15 minutes earlier than you actually need to. This will give you time to spare if something goes wrong. If everything goes according to plan, then you will have an additional 15 minutes at your disposal for anything. In the morning, you will most likely be tense. To avoid unnecessary stress, get up early and you won’t have to run around the apartment. This extra time will help you get ready, eat breakfast, shower, and do what you need to do to get your day off to a good start.

      • It's a great idea to pack your backpack the evening before the first day of school. You'll be able to make sure you have everything you need and will save time in the morning without having to rush.
    2. Make sure you know where you need to go. You need to know where your first lesson will be. Thanks to this, you don't have to look for an office throughout the school. If you still cannot find the classroom you need, you can ask a teacher or senior student for help. It's better to ask for help than to miss something important. Most likely, during this first lesson you will be able to meet your class teacher and receive important information.

      • While you may be sticking to a schedule, be prepared for the possibility that something might go wrong. Dont be upset. Be prepared for surprises that may happen on your first day of school.
    3. Be friendly to everyone. Although you may feel embarrassed, try to be friendly to your new classmates. Introduce yourself, tell us about yourself and ask what the names of your classmates are and what their interests are. Smile, others will feel at ease in your presence. Don't be afraid of students who act too provocatively. Just make an effort to be approachable and calm.

      • Your fellow students will be more willing to form friendships at the beginning of the year. The sooner you start meeting others, the more likely you are to find true friends.
      • If you see a cute guy or girl, don't be afraid to say hello to him or her. If you want others to be attracted to you, be confident and don't be shy when you interact with others.
    4. Take part in the lesson. Although you may think this is not necessary, believe me, it is very important to listen to the teacher and participate in the discussion when he asks questions. Take notes and also try to remove any distractions. Make an effort to be a good student and get the most out of the learning process. If you become interested in what is discussed in class, you will enjoy the learning process. Time will pass faster, and you won't sit through the entire lesson looking at the clock.

      • Although there will likely be little opportunity to show your interest on the first day, try your best to show that you are interested in learning, even if you just ask a question about the program.
    5. Try to build good relationships with teachers from the very beginning. Don't be late for class and try to leave a good impression. You may unknowingly ruin your reputation if you laugh a lot or talk to your classmates during class. Unfortunately, first impressions are hard to change, so do your best to make yourself look good.

      • However, you should not suck up to the teacher. Just show that you are interested in his subject and will do everything possible to learn something new for yourself.
    6. Visit the school cafeteria. Each school has its own rules for visiting the cafeteria. In some cafeterias, you will have an assigned seat. If you can choose a new place every day, sit down with your friends so that you have the opportunity to socialize with them. If you need to choose a place that you will use throughout the year, try to choose a company that will make you feel good. If you don't know many people at your new school yet, don't worry. Just be friendly, choose nice young people and ask permission to sit with them.

      • Try to come to the dining room early. This will allow you to find a seat and sit with your friends.
    7. Keep a positive attitude. If you want your first day to be the best it can be, smile. Don't complain about your friends, don't criticize your teachers, and don't dread every lesson. Instead, look on the positive side. If you smile, you know everything will be fine. Keep the themes upbeat and set yourself up for a good day.

      • Also, remember, people tend to be drawn to positive individuals; If you have a positive attitude, it will be easier for you to find new friends and maintain good relationships with them.
      • Don't compare yourself to other people. You may think that someone is dressed better than you or acts more casually, but believe me, such thinking is useless and can be bad for your self-esteem. Remember that you have something that others don't have. For example, a girl dressed in the latest fashion may not have thorough knowledge of any subject.
    8. Don't judge others. Unfortunately, not every student has a good reputation. Sometimes when communicating with such students, you can involuntarily begin to gossip or judge those whom you do not know at all. However, if you want to have the best possible first day of school, don't judge others or listen to other people's gossip, even if it's stupid. You don't want anyone to judge you, do you?

      • You can't be completely sure who will become your best friend. Therefore, try not to ruin your relationship with the person on the first day.

    End of the first day

    1. Put your things away. When classes are over, you will need to fold your briefcase. Don't forget to pick up your textbooks and notebooks as you will have to do your homework. Most likely, on the first day you are unlikely to be given a lot of homework, but in any case, double-check that you have taken everything so as not to worry at home that you don’t have something to do your homework. Take your time and calmly collect the necessary things. You can even make a list of things you might need around the house.

      • If you take the bus home and don't want to miss it, you can pack your briefcase between classes during recess to catch your bus.
      • The most important thing is to get plenty of rest and stay positive. The sooner you start preparing, the more successful your school day will be.
    • Find out what the first lesson is in advance, you don't want to get the wrong class!
    • Write down all your homework (even the simplest ones).
    • Don't put off all your purchases until the last day. Prepare your study supplies and clothes in advance.
    • Smile! Enjoy your first day of high school. Have fun with it!
    • See if your elementary school friends are here. If you meet them, chat and spend time with them, but don't forget to make new friends too!
    • Impatience in anticipation of the first day, as well as anxiety in connection with this event, is not what you need. If you relax, everything will go much more pleasantly.
    • Don't misbehave or break school rules on your first day, this will leave a bad impression on your teachers.
    • Listen carefully to teachers and take notes.
    • Make sure you check the school's dress code before you go shopping.
    • If you don’t know how to get to the next lesson on the schedule, ask your teacher or senior students for help, they will tell you where the office is.
    • Be yourself. It sounds corny, but believe me, you will have more friends if you don't imitate others.
    • Wear comfortable clothes on the first day.
    • Try not to follow stereotypes, you will look stupid.
    • Don't imitate others. You shouldn't do what you don't want to do. It’s better not to waste your time on empty talk, devote it to something useful.
    • Be kind to everyone, even if you don't feel like it.
    • Don't gossip. Don't create unnecessary problems for yourself.
    • Don't be shy if you want someone to go to school with you on the first day, like your mom or older brother.
    • Don't let other people take your things if you know they won't return them.
    • Be yourself not only on the first day, but on all the days after. Why make a good impression among girls you are not interested in or have a bad reputation?
    • You will have a lot of homework, but don't overwork yourself.
    • Look at your schedule again, pay attention to what lesson you will have and in what room.


    • Some teachers will be unfriendly. Try your best, and if the teacher continues to be unkind to you, don't take it personally. He might just be in a bad mood.
    • Some people can be rude. Ignore them. Don't take their words seriously; Be yourself and don't change because you want to impress others.
    • Secondary schools are usually larger than primary schools, but don't panic. You can always ask your friends or teachers for directions to the desired office!
    • Teachers usually offer additional assignments for those who are not satisfied with the grade. If you want to improve your performance, we recommend using additional assignments, this will improve your semester/quarter grades.
  1. Dear parents!
    Dear first graders!
    The long-awaited day of September 1 has arrived. This is the day when all children and adults go to study, it is celebrated here as a national holiday -
    Knowledge Day!
    Today you crossed the threshold of your class for the first time. I really want this day to forever leave only good and bright memories in your memory.
    I hope that we will live with you all four years as a friendly, strong family, in which there will be no stupid quarrels, insults, or unnecessary tears. May health and success in business always be with us; may our companions be justice, decency, kindness, and the ability to always come to the aid of each other. And the first step towards a friendly, kind family will be getting to know each other.

I am your first teacher, my name is Larisa Nikolaevna. And who are you? Tell me everyone together, loudly and unanimously, each of your names.

I didn't understand anything. Let's listen to only the boys now (in chorus).

Again I didn’t understand anything. Maybe the girls will say it more clearly? (in unison)

Tell me, guys, did the meeting work out? (NO)

You're right, the meeting didn't work out. It was just noise. It’s good to play together, sing, sometimes read poetry, but it’s better to speak one at a time.
In the Land of Knowledge there is rule : “LET’S TALK ONE AT A TIME.” There is no point in talking to everyone together. No one will hear anything in this case.

Now let's get to know each other differently. I call a name, whoever has that name stands up. (children get to know each other)

Well, now we have met everyone. You turned out to be nice guys, I had no reason to worry before our meeting.

  1. Guys, the school country is called the Land of Knowledge. Today, entry into this country is open to everyone. Everyone, young and old, rush here.
    - Do you want to take a trip there?
    Then we hit the road. And in order to be on time for the first bell for class, we will travel by plane.
    Fasten belts!
    Put on your helmets!
    Turn on the engine!
    The engine turned on and the propeller started spinning (zh-zh-zh...)
    They rose to the clouds and the landing gear retracted.
    Let's fly! (u-u-u-u....)

Our plane is not easy - class. Armchairs - desks. Who keeps order on board the plane? (stewardesses)
Wonderful flight attendants - our parents - will introduce you to the rules of behavior in our class - the plane.
1) The teacher enters - you need to stand up,
When he allows you to sit down, sit down.
If you want to answer, don’t make noise,
Just raise your hand.

2) A desk is not a bed,
And you can’t lie on it!
You sit at your desk slimly
And behave with dignity

3) Don’t giggle in class
Don't move the chair here and there.
And of course don't talk
Like an overseas parrot.

4) Be a conscious student
Keep your nose up at your desk.
Sit up straight - exclamation mark
And don't sit there like a question mark.

How will we sit at the desk?

If you want to ask or answer a question, what should you do?

Show me how to raise your hand?

  1. Let's look out the window - the porthole. Who do we see? (snails)
    The snails are hurrying to school, dressed up. What's behind them? (knapsack)
    It's big, brand new, with clasps and pockets. A lot of things go into it. Didn't they take anything extra? (slingshot)
    - Do you know what you need to take with you to the land of knowledge? Exactly?
    Let's check it now. Your parents were also once small and went to school. They certainly know what to take with them to school. Your parents will now ask you riddles, and you must guess them.
  1. I know everything, I teach everyone,
    Although I am always silent myself.
    To make friends with me,
    We need to learn to read and write. Who am I? (book, textbook)
  2. How boring, brothers!
    Ride on someone else's back.
    Someone would give me a pair of legs,
    So that I can run on my own. (knapsack)
  3. If you give her a job -
    The pencil was in vain. (rubber)
  4. Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.
    Be able to write about them!
    You can also draw...
    What am I?...... (notebook)
  5. I was born very long,
    But he grew up and became shorter. (pencil)
  6. In my narrow box
    You will find pencils
    Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,
    Anything for the soul. (pencil case)
  7. Your braid without fear
    She dips in paints
    Then with a dyed braid
    In the album he leads along the page. (tassel)
  8. Huddle in a narrow house
    Multi-colored kids.
    Just release it into the wild -
    Where was the emptiness
    There, look, there is beauty! (colour pencils)
  9. I love directness
    and itself is straight.
    Make a straight line
    I help everyone. (ruler)

Do you guys have these school supplies?

Parents forgot about one more item.
Dear moms and dads! What is the symbol of adulthood and independence of a first grader? (key around neck)
This year you will have to trust your baby with the key to the house.

  1. Let's say goodbye to the snail and move on.
    We put our hands all together:
    A plane appeared.
    Flapping the wing back and forth.

Keep your arms at your sides,
Look at each other.

Put your hands down
And everyone sit down!

Who is moving towards us? (cockerel)

Let's ask the cockerel to show the right path. Who will ask politely?

I see you know the magic words. The cockerel directed us further to the frogs.
But the little frogs don’t want to just let us pass, they want to test us first. Check to see if you and your parents are attentive.
(game: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends...)

D: Who among you doesn’t like boredom?(+)

R: Who is the jack of all trades here? (+)

D: Who takes care of clothes and puts them under the bed? (-)

R: Who, with their chest and shoulders straightened, is happy to see us today? (+)

D: Who helps mom at home and scatters trash on the floor?(-)

R: Who flies like an arrow so fast that they don’t see the traffic light? (-)

D: Who thanks for everything and says thank you? (+)

R: Which one of you is so good, went sunbathing in galoshes? (-)

D: Which of you do I want to know with behavior of 5? (+)

R: Who willingly reads fairy tales to their children without prompting? (+)

D: Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear? (-)

R: Which of you I want to know can sing and dance? (+)

D: Who always keeps their things and notebooks in order? (+)

R: Who among you doesn’t walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education? (+)

D: Which one of you guys is rich in lies? (-)

Yes, you are very attentive and now I know everything about you.

  1. You can continue your journey.
    Let's fly! (oo-oo-oo-oo....)
    Who's next on our way? (turtle)
    She decided to test whether you can quickly and accurately assemble a briefcase? (1 person)
    - What if you are late for school, who will help you pack your briefcase? (parents) (1 parent leaves)
    -Competition: Who will quickly, correctly and accurately assemble the briefcase. (extra items are placed on the table)
  2. We have almost reached the Land of Knowledge. But the little fly - which flies everywhere, knows everything - told me that I needed to check whether the children and parents were well prepared for school, did they learn everything about it?
    d: What is the break between lessons called? (turn)
    r: How many floors are there in our school? (4)
    d: In what month do children go to school? (in September)
    r: What is the name of the school principal?
    d: What is the name of the notebook for recording Homework? (diary)
    r: How many steps do you have to climb to get to our class? ______________
    d: Tomorrow, besides a briefcase with school supplies, what will you take with you to school? (Second shoes)
    - Well done! We prepared well for school. We reached the Land of Knowledge. Now we will draw our portrait. This will be a passport to the land of knowledge.
    (draw a portrait)
    Write your name in the right pocket and how old you are in the left pocket.
  3. Let's hurry to the Land of Knowledge (we open the gates, hang out our portraits)

    Our journey through the Land of Knowledge will be long. You have to study for 11 years at school.
    Of them:
    4 winters + 4 springs + 4 autumns = 680 school days = 3740 lessons I will be with you. Teachers will also help me:
    foreign language, music, physical education, teacher organizer

    Now you and Larisa Leonidovna will go on a tour of the school, and my parents and I will hold a small parent-teacher meeting. And when you return, we will continue our lesson.

You walked around the school, visited different rooms: large and small, and returned to the classroom. The classroom is a magical room. In it you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys, not candies, not ice cream. This is knowledge.
You will be graded for your knowledge. I wish you success so that your diaries contain only 4 and 5. And for everything to work out for you, you must listen to your parents.
Let's listen to what orders they will give us now.

1) The desired hour has come.

You are enrolled in 1st grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We will give you an order.

2) Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself thoroughly.

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk.

3) Accustom yourself to order,

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book,

Keep your briefcase clean.

4) Dress neatly

So that it was pleasant to watch.

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth!

5) Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school,

Don't frown in vain, be bolder

And you will find friends.

6) Tell everyone about the school,

Cherish the honor of the school.

To get a “FIVE” mark.

7) That's all our advice,

They are wiser and simpler.

You, my friend, don’t forget them,

Goodbye, good journey.

  1. Your first day of school has come to an end.
    Did you like school? What did you like most?
    And I really liked my students, that is, you and your parents.

And at the end of our lesson, I would like to give your parents a poem - a wish:

It's hard to raise your children,

You need to know a lot for this

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children with everything,

Get the child ready for school in the morning,

Give good parting words on time,

And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

To avoid everyone's illnesses,
we need to toughen up more children,

Everyone also attends meetings,

Help the school as much as possible,

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

The lesson is over. Goodbye.