Humanitarian socionics. What is a sociotype (TIM, psychotype, socionic type) in socionics? Socionics what is the advantage of knowing your team

No. 10: It is equally easy for all people, regardless of TIM, to study and understand socionics
No. 11: IMT can be determined by “inner sense of self”
No. 12: “I don’t have any methods and I’m not interested in socionic theory, I just see types like Vanga”
No. 13: “I’m not a logician because I don’t know how to think logically”
No. 14: “Since the description of this type does not suit me, it means you have defined it incorrectly for me.”
No. 16: “I am an ethicist because I am interested in people and relationships between people are important to me.”
No. 15: “I am an ethicist because my mood and the mood of other people are important to me”
#17: "I'm an ambivert"
No. 18: “Familiar socionics and my friends more often type me into…”
No. 19: TIMS are inherited from parents to children
No. 20: TIMS are associated with the activity of the cerebral hemispheres
No. 21: A typist can correctly identify only those functions that he himself is strong
No. 22: “I constantly quarrel with one person, apparently we have a bad intertype relationship”

“Our whole life is theater and a little masquerade.”

Each person has the same type of information metabolism, and it does not change throughout life; a lot in us, including our behavior, depends on it. However, even if we ignore stereotypical ideas, we often behave the way representatives of other TIMs theoretically “should” behave. This happens for a number of objective and not so objective reasons.

1. Wagering.
Roleplaying is not when a person plays another TIM on purpose, no. This is when a person is typed or has been typed incorrectly, that is, a person believes (or wants to believe) that he belongs to the TIM whose mask he puts on. In this case, the sincerity, the honesty with which a person proves and shows that he is this type and not another, can confuse even experienced typists, not to mention those who are simply addicted. It is worth remembering that a person portrays another TIM... in accordance with his TIM, which is what he can be “caught” at. For example, among Hamlets there is a tendency to type themselves into Balzac, while if you tell such a Hamlet that he is not Bal, then his indignation will be truly Gamowian :) The difference between reality and stereotypical ideas also influences, acting out this image is not of TIM, but of the one how a person imagines it, and therefore acting out is often stereotypical and obvious.

2. Socionic accentuation.
In socionics, “accentuation” is understood as a kind of touch of another TIM, which appeared as a result of communication with its, another TIM’s, representatives. At the same time, upbringing influences who to adopt TIM traits from. People brought up according to the principle of “should - don’t” adopt the traits of those who raised them, those brought up according to the principle “I want - I don’t want” adopt the features of the TIMs of those they love, and those brought up according to the principle “good-bad” are considered to be less susceptible to accentuations and, in fact, put their own type on top. Socionic accentuation is shallow and does not affect the functions, values, and intertype relationships themselves. But at the same time, there are practically no people who do not have such accentuations.

3. Role function.
The third function in TIM, role-playing, largely depicts something that does not exist; in fact, it itself is a mask. Often the person himself is misled by his own role and he begins to believe in its power. Because of this, people often type themselves into business people or super-ego, and sincerely believing, behave accordingly. However, such masks rarely last long, simply because a collision with harsh reality usually quickly makes it clear where strength is and where weakness is, sometimes with dire consequences for the wearer of this mask. This problem is most relevant for immature individuals who depend on the opinion of society and, in principle, lie a lot.

4. The desire to please.
It happens that a person attracts our attention, we want to please him, and we try to behave the way this person would like us to. This has an indirect relation to socionics, but a person who wants to be liked also has a TIM, and it influences tastes and preferences. Therefore, an attempt to please someone often turns into a mask of a dual or an activator of this person.

5. Conscious play.
It happens much less often than it seems and cannot be described unambiguously: people can portray their TIM for the sake of an experiment, so that duals do not pester (yes, yes, it happens...), in order to test something in themselves and others, etc. Conscious play can be very talented, but it is impossible to play for long without believing. Therefore, ordinary fatigue usually removes the conscious mask from a person.

In the end, I want to emphasize that, in principle, it is incorrect to talk about the correspondence of behavior to any TIM; there is no such correspondence. After all, socionics studies not behavior, but the process of information exchange itself, the mechanism of its processing in a person. Behavior does not always and indirectly depend on this mechanism.

In everyday life, each of us constantly has to deal with jargon and slang expressions. The Russian language has recently borrowed a lot of terms from English, especially slang anglicism is observed in the field of computer technology and among gamers. Many slang words appear in speech so quickly that many do not have time to figure out their meaning. There is a very interesting word “team”, which is often found in gaming chats or on gaming forums. The article will discuss the concept of “team”. What it is? What does it mean? Where was it borrowed from?

Definition of the concept

“Team” is an Anglicism, that is, it comes from an English word that is translated into Russian as “team”, “close-knit group”. In our language, this expression has acquired a narrower meaning - “a close-knit team.” “Tim” is typical jargon, such a word does not officially exist, it is not the norm of literary language. It is used by gamers in chats and forums, as well as in colloquial speech.

The meaning of the concept among gamers

So, what is a team for gamers? What does it mean?

People in many online games try to unite into groups, unite, form “flocks”, and then it is much easier to defeat the enemy. And if you read the correspondence of the players on the forum, this is exactly the meaning of the concept that they mean.

Tim is the team, the group for which the gamer plays. For example, in correspondence you can come across the expression: “team of crayfish,” which means a team or group whose characters play very poorly.

In some situations, team means “a team of close-knit like-minded people” or “a team of conspirators.” Dota 2 players have a common expression “dream team”, which means “team of losers”, that is, the concept is used in a slightly ironic sense.

No matter what game the team is used in, the meaning is the same - it is the team to which the player belongs.

Some gamers believe that a team is when some noobs (losers who don’t know how to play) are grouped into a team so that it won’t be so scary.

The meaning of the concept in socionics

But the concept is also used in socionics. What is a team in the socionic concept? What is the meaning of the concept?

Tim is the essence of information exchange between a person and the environment, it is how and what kind of information a person gives out to the world or perceives himself.

This concept was invented in socionics - it is the concept of personality types and the relationships that arise between them. The founder of this theory was Augustinavičiūtė Aušra in 1970, and it was based on Jung’s typology and A. Kempinski’s theory. According to this theory, there are 16 socionic personality types of a person in the world, depending on the perception of the world and attitude towards it, as well as on the reaction to reality .

But it should be noted that socionics still does not have a generally recognized scientific status.

Basic provisions about team in socionics

So, what is a team in socionics?

All people in the world are divided into 16 tims. It is believed that this is the basis of the human psyche, it is laid down from birth, and it is on it that upbringing, behavior patterns, and experience are superimposed. Until the age of 21, the team is constantly filling up.

The psychotype, or tim, determines the ways of obtaining information, the features of a person’s interaction with the world and with people, determines the weaknesses and strengths of a person.

A representative of each individual psychotype has its own strengths and weaknesses, behavioral characteristics, ways of thinking, and own values. Of course, a person’s character depends on upbringing, education, environment and many other factors. But there are also features of the structure of our psyche that are inherent in nature. The same psychotypes include people from completely different walks of life: politicians, street children, scientists, housewives. They are all united by similar reactions to any life situations, similar views on life, society, the world and people.

According to socionics, a person’s personality does not change throughout life, but the information content of the individual changes over the years.

Why is it necessary to know your team?

You need to know your psychotype in order to have an idea of ​​your strengths and weaknesses in your mental structure. Using your strong functions, you can avoid depression and overload. Knowing your psychotype, you can find a person with a suitable partner for friendship and family relationships. It should also be noted that inter-team relationships are divided, according to socionic theory, into bad, normal and good. All relationships in society are the background against which communication between people occurs. We don’t even think about the fact that we can feel it, everyone has had such a situation in life when we see a person for the first time, but inside we feel that we don’t like him.

There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet; there are a huge number of schools in the world that study this topic, but many of them are not at all friendly with each other, and sometimes are openly at enmity.

> Theory of Socionics > What is a sociotype (TIM, psychotype, socionic type) in socionics?

What is a sociotype (TIM, psychotype, socionic type) in socionics?

ANSWER: The term “sociotype”, “psychotype” in socionics can be used in different contexts, but most often this means the type of information metabolism (IMT). In our work, we do not distinguish between the concepts of sociotype, psychotype and TIM. It must, however, be borne in mind that some socionics understand a sociotype as a kind of social mask that an individual presents to society. In this sense, the concept of “sociotype” is closer to sociology than, in fact, to socionics. However, at the time of writing this article, there is no term “sociotype” in sociology.

The term “psychotype,” in addition to socionics, is used in psychology and is understood as an innate set of traits that sets something like a template for the flow of mental processes. The concept of psychotype helps to divide people into groups. According to one of the classifications introduced by Hippocrates, there are four psychotypes (according to temperament types): phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, melancholic. According to another psychological classification, people are divided into the following psychotypes: hysterical, schizoid, epileptoid, asthenic, hyperthymic, etc.

As we have already mentioned, when working in the field of socionics, we talk about one entity, using the terms sociotype, psychotype and TIM.

TIM (sociotype, psychotype) is a type of information metabolism, which is determined by the functioning of a person’s mental functions that process information. TIM determines the ways of obtaining and processing information, the features of human interaction with the surrounding reality and, in particular, in relationships with people, it determines the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Socionics theory claims that there are a total of 16 different TIMs.

Representatives of each TIM have their own strengths and weaknesses, behavioral characteristics, ways of thinking and making decisions, their own views on life and their own values. Naturally, a person’s character also depends on upbringing, environment, education, and many other factors. People from completely different segments of the population can have the same psychotypes: a politician, a scientist, a street child, and many others. But they are united by similar reactions to similar life situations, similar views on life.

According to socionics, a person’s TIM (sociotype, psychotype) remains unchanged throughout life, although the information content of various mental functions (the accumulated experience of perceiving and issuing information by a function) changes with life.

Are they wrong about multidimensional ones?

About the direction of the block
How to distinguish between a block and a translation?

What is socionics?

Socionics is a doctrine that examines the information exchange (metabolism) of the psyche with the outside world. The founder of socionics is the Lithuanian researcher A. Augustinavichiute (Augusta). In socionics, the psyche is represented as a model consisting of information functions, each of which processes a certain part of the information flow. Currently, there are several directions (schools) of socionics that differ in their theoretical positions. Most schools accept as the subject of socionics the consideration of the information exchange of the psyche with the outside world and Model A as a model of the psyche.

What is systemic socionics?

Systemic socionics places a model approach at the forefront. The main distinctive points of system socionics are as follows:
- model approach - the TIM model is a substitute for the psyche in the interaction between the psyche and the surrounding world. Such interaction is viewed from the angle of systems theory (hence the name).
- way of introducing aspects of information flow
- determination of TIM using the “black box” method (according to the impact-response type). The determination method consists of making an assumption about TIM (hypothesis) with subsequent verification.
- recognition of the existence of “integral” TIM, i.e. TIM groups, teams, peoples.

What is TIM?

Even in ancient times, philosophers noticed that people differ in their manifestations and these differences cannot always be explained by the factor of upbringing. A. Augustinavichiute introduced a division into 16 types of psyche to explain the individual mental differences of people. In socionics, the basis of the psyche is considered to be the exchange of information of the owner of the psyche with the outside world. Socionics offers an 8-element model of information processing, which substantiates the existence of 16 types (in socionics TIMs). Within the model, TIMs differ from each other because they process information about the external world differently. From this point of view, each of the 16 TIMs “specializes” in its own sector of the information space.

Does IMT change over the course of life?

In systemic socionics, the point of view is accepted that TIM does not change during life.

How can all people be “stuffed” into 16 TIMs?

This question is not new to psychology, where the ancient Greeks tried to “push” all of humanity into 4 temperaments: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Any classifying science reduces all the diversity of manifestations of the subject of research to several basic ones and builds its typology on their basis. Therefore, any typology or classification abstracts from some minor features and details. Socionics does the same.

Are there subtypes?

Within the framework of systemic socionics, it is believed that subtypes do not exist. The diversity of manifestations of representatives of one TIM in systemic socionics is explained by different “filling”, i.e. content determined by the experience and upbringing of a particular person, as well as psychological factors beyond the competence of socionics (individual temperament, physiological state, etc.).

What is Model A?

Model A is a speculative substitute for the psyche when considering the information interaction of the psyche with the outside world. Model A consists of 8 functions, each of which processes its own aspect of the information flow. The function has such characteristics as dimension (a parameter of the depth of information processing) and sign (area of ​​competence). In addition, the functions are conventionally combined into four blocks called Ego, Superego, Id and Superid. The Ego and Superego unite into the Mental superblock, and the Id and Superid into the Vital superblock. The Vital superblock is responsible for automatic information processing, and the Mental block is responsible for solving new problems. In total, there are 16 A models in socionics, each of which corresponds to the type of information metabolism (IMT) of the psyche.

On the concept of aspect and function in the ShSS

An aspect is one of the eight parts of the information flow. Aspects - CHE, BE, CHI, BI, CHL, BL, CHS, BS.
A mental function is a device in the psyche, a processor that processes information. Each function in the TIM model processes its own part of the information flow, its own aspect. When we say “BE function,” it means “a function that processes the BE aspect.” We can also name a function based on its position in the model: Functions - 1st (“basic”), 5th (“suggestive”), etc.
More details about these concepts can be found in the section

What does it mean to define TIM?

Determining a person’s TIM means comparing his way of processing information with one of 16 TIM models. From the point of view of systemic socionics, this means that it is enough to establish the dimensionality, signs of functions and their mentality/vitality parameter.

Is it possible to reliably determine IMT?

In systemic socionics, it is considered possible to determine TIM with sufficient accuracy, provided there is a sufficient amount of information about what is being typed. The accuracy of the determination is checked by comparing the reactions of the typed and the IMT model.

Is it possible to determine IMT using a questionnaire test?

From the point of view of systemic socionics, for this it is necessary to create questions that contain an unambiguous aspect load; it is necessary that the person being typed unambiguously understands them and answers correctly. Practice shows that it is difficult to create such unambiguity. Theoretically, you can create many questions in order to be able to average the answers and get correct conclusions, but practice shows that this requires very long tests, the creation of which is still problematic.

Is it possible to determine IMT by external signs?

Many socionic practitioners are struck by the external similarity of people of the same TIM. However, external similarity can also serve as a “false friend.” While the question of how IMT is related to appearance has not been well studied, we also do not know methods that formalize external signs well enough and compare them with models of information metabolism. Determining TIM by appearance will be possible only after identifying a clear relationship between appearance traits and mechanisms of information exchange.

Why is it necessary to rely on indicators in identifying TIM?

Identification is the establishment of the identity of an unknown object to a known one based on the coincidence of characteristics. For example, to say that the selected quadrilateral is a square, we need to know the distinctive features of a square (equal sides and angles), and compare them with the features of the selected figure according to the “yes/no” principle. Thus, by highlighting the properties inherent in an object and only it, we can distinguish between different objects.
To identify TIM, it is also necessary to know the distinctive properties (dimension of functions, sign and magnitude). Each function of the model is characterized by a unique combination of these properties. By identifying their indicators according to the “yes/no” principle, we can accurately determine the place of the function in the TIM model, and therefore, determine the TIM.

On the need to understand the cause of a reaction in diagnosis

When we observe a person’s behavior and his reactions, we must understand that the same behavior can be caused by different thoughts and internal reasons. And the difference between TIMs manifests itself in thinking first of all. For example, if we take several people who find it difficult to call on the phone and congratulate them, each of them may have their own fear, their own problem, reason. And only its exact understanding can indicate the function from which the painful reaction comes and help determine its position.

Do the parameters found depend on the writing style and vocabulary used?

Diagnostics analyzes a person’s thinking, the reasons for certain ideas, views, and decisions. Therefore, what is important is the semantic content of the information, the essence of what is being said, what parameters a person relies on, and not the style of presentation. A person’s thinking will not go beyond his TIM, parameters of functions, if their content (experience gained, knowledge), style of presentation changes.

What is the problem of comparison with the image of TIM?

On comparison with behavior, specific manifestations of the functioning of functions

Each function is characterized by a unique set of parameters (in terms of dimension, magnitude and sign), which coincides among representatives of the same TIM. But this does not mean that they should have the same specific content of these parameters (for example, one-dimensional fears, manifestations of individuality).
The specific content follows not from the model, but from the content, which is incorrect to compare due to its individuality.

Is it possible to falsify TIM?

Observations show that a person still cannot go beyond his thinking according to function. That is, with enough information and clarifying questions, you can reach the true TIM.
How can you identify possible falsification in typing?
- There are no obvious indicators of vitality (vital reactions are not traced - automatism, spontaneity)
- There is no negative quality in functions of different vertices
- The type being typed remains within the framework of naming norms for all functions; there are no obvious indicators of multidimensionality and/or one-dimensionality.
In these cases, the tool of dimensions remains effective, allowing, for example, to distinguish true normativity from the naming of norms when they do not possess a one-dimensional function. Also helpful are tasks to write down thoughts, allowing you to determine the totality, and essays on aspects on broad topics in which the parameters of functions can appear.

About feature and model approaches in diagnostics

During diagnosis, discrimination can occur at the level of “more/less” of a property or at the level of “presence/absence” of a property.
The first option is used in the so-called feature approach. It is understood as the correlation of the manifestations of the typed with any descriptive feature (Jung's basis, Reinin's features, description of the operation of a function, block, type).
Its main disadvantages are:
- absence of mutual exclusivity of manifestations of the poles. For example, it cannot be said that a logician cannot demonstrate the qualities of ethics, and manifestations of statics exclude manifestations of dynamics. The assessment is carried out solely on a quantitative criterion (what is more) based on the typist’s instinct and is inaccurate
- blurred descriptions of features
- lack of a clear division between TIM and personal in the description of characteristics

An alternative is the model approach. Its advantages over the indicative one include:
- discrimination at the level of “presence/absence” of a property, which is more accurate
- unique set of properties for each function, which allows you to determine TIM by determining the place in the model of one function
- eightfold verification of the obtained result by determining the position of all eight functions in the model.
More details about the differences between the two approaches can be found in the article

What does knowledge of TIM give?

TIM (or, more correctly, the TIM model) describes a fairly wide range of phenomena during human interaction with the outside world. Probably one of the most important consequences of Model A is the functional specialization of the psyche. Those. Knowing your TIM, you can determine the area of ​​the most favorable professional activity. The model also explains many behavioral reactions - the sphere of acceptable and rejected values. The model offers an explanation for the mechanisms of orientation and control of the psyche, as well as mechanisms for establishing certain relationships between TIMs. Knowledge of TIM can help you understand the behavior of yourself and those around you, answer questions about choosing a profession or life partner, facilitate interaction with others, build optimized work teams, and predict the behavior of non-random groups of people.

Where does the competence of socionics end? (What can and cannot do socionics?)

Socionics considers only the information side of human interaction with the outside world. Socionics does not take into account sexual, physiological, and cultural differences. Also, TIM does not define such concepts as “mind” in the broad sense of the word. Socionics, being a fairly generalized model, cannot explain or predict every specific action or statement of a person.

On the ratio of TIMs in the ShSS and in other schools

Schools use the same names of concepts, but put divergent semantic content into them.
Different designations are used for aspects; the content of aspects differs, in some places significantly.
Schools rely on different ideas about the significant, defining properties of the TIM model, and use different approaches to diagnosis. The characteristic properties of a model of a certain TIM in one of the schools are not considered characteristic in the SSS, and vice versa. These are different coordinate systems, so TIM A in one system may well be TIM B in another.

Can socionics predict relationships between people?

Socionics describes the peculiarities of people’s perception and processing of information, and these patterns in any case manifest themselves in communication and influence their formation and development. For example, according to form 4, a person is sensitive to negative assessments and criticism. Accordingly, when communicating with a person who tends to notice how others act in this area and evaluate, the constant occurrence of painful reactions (negative UEs) is possible.
The exact form in which these patterns are realized depends on the people themselves and their personal characteristics. And the reaction to the manifestations of these patterns (for example, attempts to adapt or the desire to break off relationships) also depends on specific relationships and people, their desires.
Socionics is a good tool for understanding the thinking and reasons for human behavior, and, as a result, it can show the reasons for certain reactions in relationships and the characteristics of interaction. But what exactly to do with this information depends on specific people and their desires in these relationships.

Can information voiced according to Eid affect the dual according to f.4?

Our observations show that this is unlikely, since reflections and reasoning more often come from the Ego, and besides, one-dimensional functions are often affected by criticism, evaluations, and demands to meet social norms. But such features are not inherent in Eid due to its individuality and focus on personal interests.

About the values ​​of quadra

As a rule, a person is more interested in information on aspects of his Ego and Superid blocks; he is more willing to talk about them, sometimes directly stating that these areas are very important to him. Then they say that these aspects are in his values. But, of course, there are cases when, at a certain stage in a person’s life, other information becomes interesting. This may be due to age-related development, distortions, or filling characteristics. We must always remember that a person can speak from any of his functions.
In addition, if a person has a non-value aspect, this does not mean at all that he will deny everything that relates to this aspect. For example, if we talk about values ​​like love, equality, justice, professionalism, etc., then many will agree with them (regardless of the quadra), they are perceived as universal, since they are higher than individual TIMs. But the bearers of these values ​​are still certain quadra, and the attitude towards each of these values, the idea of ​​how it manifests itself in life is different for each quadra. For example, the understanding of relationships or professionalism by the third and fourth quadra is different (due to the difference in blocks and signs).

About socionics and PY

These disciplines have different subjects of study. And attempts to explain phenomena observed in one of the systems with the help of laws operating in another system are not correct.

About the dimension mechanism

Each subsequent function has a new parameter (dimension) that the previous one did not have. The experience parameter is present in all functions; it is the “basic configuration” of any function. The two-dimensional function has an additional “option” - the norms parameter. However, a two-dimensional function, despite the presence of the experience parameter, does not exhibit the properties of a one-dimensional one (for which the experience parameter is the only one on which it relies). In understanding, assessing the situation, and in actions, she relies on all the parameters available to her, that is, on norms.

The same thing happens in the case of a situational function. She knows the norms, but in assessing the situation she demonstrates a new property that is inaccessible to the normative function - taking into account the specific situation (and the ability to deviate from the norms if the situation requires it).

Are the expression of functions and dimension related?

The severity of a function is an uninformative indicator, since it can be at any level, even at the level of experience, of filling the function. It cannot be accurately measured, so it must be excluded in typing.
The dimension mechanism allows you to delimit and separate the parameters with which the function processes information from its content (which in any case is processed within the same parameters).
Having received a technical education, an ethicist will have a large store of knowledge, that is, he will fill his logic, but he will process information on logic no higher than with the second dimension.
The dimensions of functions, as well as other properties of functions, are determined based on indicators

On the concept of relevance and dimension of a function

The use of the word “appropriateness,” even in combination with the phrase “it depends on the situation,” does not yet indicate a situational information processing function. You need to be attentive to expressions of this kind and draw conclusions based on what parameters a person is guided by in his ideas.
Let's consider a common example of appropriateness according to BS: “a tracksuit is not appropriate at a business meeting or in the theater.” These are social norms, accepted rules, and not situational considerations. There is a certain pattern of how to act, and this is called appropriateness. We do not see here an understanding of the relativity of norms, going beyond them, or assessing them taking into account the circumstances of a particular situation.

By what functions can a person ignore public opinion?

Either a one-dimensional function or any function of the vital (both high-dimensional and low-dimensional) can be completely ignored if this public opinion contradicts the vital interests of this person. Despite the fact that this may outwardly look daring, you need to be careful, since multidimensional vital functions deep down understand that it is possible to ignore society only to a certain extent.
Multidimensional mental functions still take public opinion into account. They may go overboard if the situation calls for it, but they are aware of it and don't ignore it completely.

About the number of options and the dimension of intuition

There is an opinion that a large number of options is a sign of the multidimensionality of intuition. However, this is not so: the options can come from experience, and not even your own, but remembered from the lives of others, from books.
In determining the dimension, what is important is not the number of options, but the qualitative distinction of gradations among the options, what a person focuses on when choosing. One-dimensional intuitives experience a lack of connections between these options and an inability to rely on any criterion for choosing between them (besides experience and their own feelings).

On not noticing small-sized fears

There is a situation when a person does not notice his fears in low-dimensional functions. This may be due to the following reasons:
- since one-dimensional functions are, by definition, individual, then the fears and areas in which they are contained will differ
- it is also possible that a person is not very attentive to his mental reactions, does not notice the constant repression of painful experiences, and, due to one-dimensionality, cannot assume that this is “not the norm.”
- in addition, there is a situation when the true causes of fear are disguised as another aspect (for example, under an aspect of a multidimensional function in which admitting fear is not so scary and shameful).
To research and determine the true cause of fears, you need to constantly monitor your emotions, record all the moments when psychological pain, outbursts of irritation, the desire to turn away and other reactions occurred.
You can read more about the topic of tracking your reactions using the model; it contains detailed instructions on self-observation, supplemented with examples.
Also of interest is the topic in which Yanaell describes his observational experience.

Is it possible to train “weak” functions?

Any function can be developed through training. However, this does not change TIM; in systemic socionics it is believed that the dimensions and signs of functions do not change. Thus, training functions leads to filling the functions with experience, but does not lead to a change in IMT.

Why do one-dimensional reactions differ among representatives of the same TIM?
In the case of a one-dimensional function, which is based on its experience, on some personal individual ideas, there cannot be only one possible reaction or manifestation.
The only thing that one-dimensional functions have in common is the following parameters: the individuality of the function, reliance on experience, the presence of control emotions of low-dimensional functions. These properties are what you need to focus on. And it is difficult to predict exactly how they will manifest themselves.
More information on the topic of one-dimensional functions can be found in.
Or you can find a table of control emotions and their correlation with semantic indicators.

On the “requirement of norms” by a one-dimensional function

A one-dimensional function can call for norms, but it does this not because it understands that this is how it should be done, this is how it is customary to act in society, but if this affects its personal interests and individual ideas. A person can voice his opinion on a one-dimensional function in the form of a norm, since he could observe from experience that society reacts to norms with agreement.
For example, if someone in society shows a negative attitude, and the one-dimensional BE wants the person to stop, he can voice a normative request: you cannot swear in society. He knows that society will support him in this. However, if you point out to him the norm in a relationship, that this is the correct way in a relationship, and call for fulfillment, then he may ignore this advice. Because he is controlled by his desire, and not by what is accepted.

On calling norms a one-dimensional function

A person can name norms based on any function, even a one-dimensional one (he can know about their existence from experience). The difference between a normative and a one-dimensional function lies in how a person relates to these norms, which justifies the need for their application. The normative function (especially mental f.3) does not just name norms, but constantly applies them, refers to authorities and the fact that it is customary, everyone does it this way. There is a desire to comply with these norms, not to go beyond the generally accepted, to be “correct”.

A one-dimensional function finds it difficult to assess its compliance with norms and the correctness of its manifestations. In her case, knowledge about norms is based on experience - I tried this, it worked. And these experiences are compared not by correctness, but by a one-dimensional feeling of pleasantness/unpleasantness (like/dislike). For more information on the subtleties of distinguishing between norms and experience, see

On the possibility of defining one-dimensional functions using texts

We often encounter attempts to identify a one-dimensional function by reading one or more texts on an aspect. This approach is simplistic and unreliable. One-dimensional functions are individual, that is, for each person there is a different set that affects him negatively. If any information caused a painful one-dimensional reaction in one representative of a TIM, this does not mean that this effect will be observed in all representatives of this TIM.
Immersion in an aspect is not reading one text; it is an example of the fact that a person can observe constant, repeating reactions to a massive flow of information on a certain aspect. This doesn't work as a test: read this text and tell me. You can not use any texts at all, but observe what psychological pain, fear, and desire to turn away arise from immersion in what information.

Are interests in the fourth function possible?

Interest in the fourth function is as possible as in any other. Indeed, according to the fourth function, not only painful reactions arise, indifferent perception or interest can be observed. It is often interesting to see how others perceive this aspect, especially when it is done by masters (i.e. people who have this multidimensional function).
At different periods of life, under appropriate circumstances, information on any aspect can be interesting. After all, there are different spheres around us that we have to deal with. This is especially true in youth, during the period when the Superego block is filled and a person is focused on it.

About why not all manifestations are one-dimensional

At the level of experience, a person has three types of reactions: like/dislike/indifferent. Due to the fact that one-dimensional functions are individual, it is impossible to predict what information will cause a painful reaction in a particular person.
There is also a situation where a person has more pronounced painful reactions in one of the one-dimensional functions than in another. This may be explained by extensive negative experience, unfavorable conditions in which a person is forced to experience constant negative impact on his function

Are painful reactions possible due to suggestive reasons?

According to our observations, there are fears in both one-dimensional functions - both the fourth and the fifth.
From theoretical premises, the greatest amount of fear could be expected in the fourth function. This is clearly reflected in one of the names of the fourth function - “pain”. Pain causes fear, fear causes pain. By the way, contrary to the expectations of the greatest number of fears from the most “painful” one in the model - f. 4, as a result of the survey, we received no less number of manifestations of fears according to f. 5.
You can read more here:

Why not every suggestive activity attracts

Since the suggestive function is one-dimensional, processing information on it can be accompanied by painful reactions, energy consumption, and fears. Therefore, a person, due to his suggestive function, may prefer to love to observe and listen, rather than show himself to others (but this should not be understood as something that a person, due to his suggestive function, cannot get involved in the activity or want to do himself).
It is also necessary to take into account that not all suggestive information is interesting or attractive for a particular person; interest and preferences for the suggestive function are individual.

About the differences between suggestive and activation

Sometimes there are requests to explain the difference in the manifestations of suggestive and activation functions. But if we move from dimensions to behavior, then we will again take up the attribute approach. There are no clear differences in behavior: we observed boasting, enthusiasm, inspiration, the desire to listen, see, the desire to do it yourself, to learn in both functions.
How can such similar manifestations be distinguished only by external behavior? No way. The difference can only be made using a ruler of dimensions.
If a function relies only on its sense of reality, then it is one-dimensional. In the sixth function (activation) we can identify mastery of norms.

How to distinguish a departure from the norms of a one-dimensional function from a departure of a situational one?

Both one-dimensional and situational function can deviate from the norm. It is important to determine what is causing this. A one-dimensional function does not have a “mechanism” for comparison with a standard, i.e. relies solely on acquired experience and one’s own feelings. At the same time, normative ideas can also be remembered as experience: “we tried, it worked, we will continue to do so.”
The situational function has the parameter of norms, takes into account generally accepted ideas, but can deviate from them, chooses the most appropriate approach depending on the conditions of a particular situation (it can “make do” with norms if it considers it sufficient).

How to distinguish between normativity and situationality

The normative function has in its arsenal a certain set of templates. And she evaluates each specific situation from the point of view of which template should be applied here, which will be most correct. There can be many such programs and techniques for different occasions. For example, according to BE: you need to say hello to people you know, if in a village you need to say hello to strangers too, in France - “Bonjour!” etc. If the situation is completely unfamiliar, he will focus on how others are doing and try not to stand out.
The situational function initially (from birth) thinks differently. He thinks about how it would be better, more optimal (and not what is more correct) to act in a given situation, taking into account all the nuances. She also knows the norms, but for her they are very relative, there is an understanding that sometimes it is better to do something differently, rather than use the usual pattern.

What is the meaning of multidimensional functions?

The ability to create without fear (without looking back) in these aspects and create something new.
Of course, not everyone will become a pioneer. But if we consider humanity as a whole, then people move it forward according to multidimensional functions. We must remember that we are parts of a single system - the socion, and in it we perform some kind of function.

Are they wrong about multidimensional ones?

It is a common belief that multivariate functions are never wrong. But this is not at all true according to our observations. Everyone makes mistakes, only in multidimensional terms a person stresses and worries much less, and is calmer and more constructive about his mistakes. Multidimensional functions are ready to receive these errors; for them, this is the result that needs to be worked with. And the small ones remain with their results because of the fear of repeating the mistake, of a painful reaction. That is, the main difference is what energy reaction accompanies this result.
In addition, for multidimensional functions, especially for basic ones, it is quite typical to feel that there is no limit to perfection, that one can do better, more brilliantly. This is not despair, not a harsh assessment without gradations “either good or terrible,” but an understanding based on the nuances of the situation and the moment.

Is it possible to experience shame based on multidimensional functions?

Do all dimensions of functions always appear in the answers?

It all depends on the wording of the question. If the question is about experience or knowledge of norms, then the multidimensional function may be limited to these parameters. If we ask how much 2+2 is, then most likely we will get the answer “4” from almost any TIM
To derive multidimensional reasoning, you need to pose the question specifically to the situational nature, formulate it in such a way that there is no unambiguous (well-known) answer, there is a place where to expand the thought, to show all the dimensions.

Can the number of options indicate the multidimensionality of a function?

Options can be given at the level of any dimension, even at the level of experience.
The essence of the situation parameter is the processing of information taking into account a specific situation. This parameter is noted if a person explains (preferably with real examples) exactly how his thoughts, actions, assessments, and the given options for this function depend on the situation, showing flexibility compared to the normative approach.

Is it possible to think through the vital?

The vital is not characterized by conscious reflection, tracking, that is, finding this aspect in the focus of attention.
Once a person can think about vital aspects. These are such impulsive one-time dives when a question arises and you have to stop and think. These are not mental reflections, reasoning in which a person asks questions, but simply voicing a problem that has arisen. Also, according to the vital, thinking can occur in the form of a picture, a film that you watch. But complexity, the feeling of “pushing out”, arises in those cases when it is necessary to formulate and present a thought.

About sudden insight and totality

The question often arises of how to distinguish sudden awareness in the vital from the peculiarities of finding any new solution (when all the fragments at one moment add up to a picture).
It is important to observe thinking directly in the process of solving a problem (and not just at the moment of finding the solution itself). This will help identify the mental thinking, tracking, thinking that goes into making that very decision. Or the automatism inherent in the vital will come to light, awareness after the fact, pushing out, difficulties with immersion in reflection. In this case, the decision arises “by itself”, without preliminary thinking in the process of this decision.

About memorizing information and comprehension.

Information is perceived across all functions. The difference is that in terms of mental functions, awareness, assessment, and deliberation occur in real time. And according to the vital, information is also perceived and deposited somewhere, but awareness can arise after the fact, and not in the form of thinking at the moment of perception.
How, in this case, to identify the distance? It is better to use tasks in the form of recording, recording thoughts in real time. This will help to identify what a person is thinking about and mentally noting.

On knowledge of the existence of a minus zone and the sign of the function

If a person has a plus function, this does not mean that he is not aware that there is a minus zone and cannot talk about it or designate it. For example, a positive BE does not mean that a person is not aware that there are negative relationships. The question is how well he himself navigates this disadvantage, how much he masters it.

About the use of the particle "not" and minus

This indicator is often understood formally: if there is a negation, the use of the particle “not”, the description of a minus region, this means a function with a minus sign. But what is important is not just the mention of the minus zone, but competence in it, the approach of functions that are best observed in a completed semantic passage. Plus functions can describe a minus zone, but as unacceptable, something that you want to cut off and avoid. And the minus is oriented in this zone, can adequately perceive it, and be in it. Also in the description, a minus can manifest itself in the consistent cutting off of excess without avoiding it.

On the incompetence of a multidimensional plus function in the minus zone

We say that the plus is not competent in the minus area. That is, neither the first, nor the second, nor other functions will be able to behave adequately in this zone and will not be able to solve the problem multidimensionally. Being in the minus zone is tantamount to getting stuck in a one-dimensional situation, that is, complete confusion, pain, the inability to think about anything else until the situation is exhausted, the desire to get out of this zone. If it is possible to transfer the situation to the plus zone, and if such a transfer has occurred, then the person begins to think in accordance with the dimension of the function.

Can plus functions use the experience of being in the minus zone?

For a plus function, hits in the minus zone are recorded as separate, unrelated points. It looks like blinding and the result. In this zone there is no adequate thinking, no reaction in accordance with the dimensions, no ability to evaluate one’s actions, there are painful sensations, and the desire to quickly get into the black. This experience can be remembered as a situation that you strive to prevent, to avoid. But, despite having experience, a new situation of falling into the minus is accompanied by the same inadequacy, incompetence, and mastery of the minus does not appear.

On the perception of minus quality by the minus function

The question often arises why people with a minus function strive to leave the minus in quality and do not like to be in this zone. The fact is that manifestations of negative quality are not welcomed in society and are considered unpleasant (aggression, conflict, bad taste, dirt, and so on). Most people, regardless of TIM, do not enjoy these manifestations. The difference between the minus and plus functions is competence: either it is present, or there is a complete loss of orientation (the inability to assess how I am behaving in this regard, absurdity, inadequacy, the feeling that I am “carrying”). The minus function is guided by the external manifestations of minus. For her, this is not a panic action, but a completely understandable negative manifestation. It can be graded, for example, in the area of ​​minus BE: more anger, less, or thick contempt, or a subtle hint, a kind of fairy tale, etc.

How to separate individuality from personal preferences?

Each person has an idea of ​​his own preferences and voices them; this does not always indicate the individuality of the function. From the Ego block, one can voice an individual opinion, but at the same time a person justifies such isolation with his multidimensional conscious choice - he goes against established opinions. This is a non-standard solution. In individual functions, such isolation is not creativity, but a feeling of non-coincidence with others. Sometimes it is unconscious, and language, linguistic structures, themselves give out information of isolation. The mental functions of the Ego block do not assume by default that others also react individually.

About the peculiarities of Ida manifestations

In Ida, everything is very individual and complex due to the age of its filling. All the similarities between the Ids are only in dimension and automatism. This is exactly what you need to rely on in your assessment. There are some deep programs (perhaps programs of the genus), which are also not explored, but which turn out to be stronger than our desires. The id works powerfully the way it does, often unexpectedly, as if someone had turned off your mind and was in control. Only that which does not contradict this program can be gradually changed through the mental functions of the Ego.

About the direction of the block

We rarely observe a clearly defined verbal direction. More often, a mutual direction is observed; depending on the task, one of the functions becomes a goal and the other a tool. Therefore, the general orientation of the block lies, as it were, a layer higher, in some more general goal (task) of the functioning of thinking (of a person).

How to distinguish between a block and a translation?

If it is clearly visible that the aspects sound in pairs and one unfolds in the field of the other, then it is better to mark the block. In the case when a person begins in one aspect and ends in another and there is no obvious connection or interpenetration visible, then we note the translation.

About why transfers from a one-dimensional function to a multidimensional function do not always occur?

One-dimensional people are generally individual, different reactions are possible, and a lot depends on experience. That is, it is hardly possible to clearly predict the reaction.
And a lot depends on the specifics of the situation. If the situation catches you, hurts you painfully, then it can be very difficult to push yourself into the Ego; you get stuck in this reaction.