Gulf Stream cooling. What Really Happened to the Golf Stream

We have already gotten used to warm winters and hot summers, and therefore the snowy spring and the cold summer of 2017 in Russia contrast very much against this background. Scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research warn that winters in Europe could become colder. Disruption of water circulation in the oceans and slowdown of the Gulf Stream can lead to difficult to calculate, but definitely negative consequences for the entire planet.

The Gulf Stream has slowed down

The main conclusion of this study is that the circulation of water in the oceans is slowing down and that one of the consequences of this may be a slowdown of the Gulf Stream. This in turn will lead to many disasters. Cold winters in Europe and severely rising water levels that will threaten major coastal cities on the US East Coast, such as New York and Boston. According to their data, the Gulf Stream, which brings a mild climate to northern Europe and favorable conditions for residents of the southeastern United States, is slowing at the fastest rate in the last 1,000 years.

Professor Stefan Rahmstorf:

What's immediately noticeable is that one particular area in the North Atlantic has been cooling for the last hundred years, while the rest of the world has been warming. We have now found compelling evidence that the global pipeline has indeed been weakening over the last hundred years, especially since 1970.

The scientists' findings confirm that as global temperatures rise due to climate change, areas warmed by the Gulf Stream show a drop in temperature, especially during the winter. The influx of warm water from the equator, which flows across the ocean, passing through the Gulf of Mexico and then up the western side of Great Britain and Norway, contributes to the warm climate in Northern Europe. This makes winter conditions in much of northern Europe significantly milder than they would normally be, protecting these regions from large amounts of snow and ice during the winter months.

Now, researchers have discovered that the water in the North Atlantic Ocean is colder than computer models previously predicted. According to their calculations, between 1900 and 1970, 8,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water entered the Atlantic Ocean from Greenland. In addition, the same source provided an additional 13,000 cubic kilometers between 1970 and 2000. This fresh water has a lower density than the salty ocean and therefore tends to stay near the surface, upsetting the balance of the huge current.

In the 1990s, circulation began to recover, but the recovery turned out to be temporary. Now there is a new weakening, possibly due to the rapid melting of the Greenland ice sheet.

At the moment, the circulation is 15-20% weaker than one or two decades ago. At first glance, this is not so much. But on the other hand, according to scientists, this has not happened on Earth for at least 1,100 years. It is also alarming that the weakening of circulation is occurring faster than the rate predicted by scientists.

Researchers believe that the onset of the Little Ice Age around 1300 was associated precisely with the slowdown of the Gulf Stream. In the 1310s, Western Europe, judging by the chronicles, experienced a real environmental catastrophe. After the traditionally warm summer of 1311, four gloomy and rainy summers followed, 1312-1315. Heavy rains and unusually harsh winters led to the loss of several crops and the freezing of orchards in England, Scotland, northern France and Germany. In Scotland and northern Germany, viticulture and wine production then ceased. Winter frosts began to affect even northern Italy. F. Petrarch and G. Boccaccio recorded that in the 14th century. snow often fell in Italy.

In 2009-2010, American scientists already recorded a sudden increase in water levels in the Atlantic off the east coast of America by 10 cm. Then the current weakening of the circulation was just beginning. If it weakens sharply, the water level may rise by 1 meter. Moreover, we are talking only about an increase due to weakening of circulation. To this meter should also be added the rise in water that is expected from global warming.

Scientists have calculated that the warm Gulf Stream is so powerful that it carries more water than all the rivers on the planet combined. Despite all its power, it is only one, albeit large, component of the global process of thermohaline, that is, temperature-salinity circulation of water. Its key components are located in the North Atlantic - where the Gulf Stream flows. That is why it plays such an important role in shaping the climate on the planet.

The Gulf Stream carries warm water north into colder waters. At the Great Newfoundland Bank it turns into the North Atlantic Current, which influences the weather in Europe. This current moves further north until the cold waters with increased salt content go to greater depths due to their increased density. Then the current at great depths turns around and moves in the opposite direction - to the south. The Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current play a critical role in shaping climate because they transport warm water north and cold water south to the tropics, thus constantly mixing water between ocean basins.

If too much ice melts in the North Atlantic (Greenland), the cold salt water becomes desalinated. Reducing the salt content in water reduces its density, and it rises to the surface. This process can slow down and eventually even stop thermohaline circulation. Director Roland Emmerich tried to show what could happen in this case in the science fiction film “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004). In his version, a new ice age began on Earth, which provoked disasters and chaos on a planetary scale.

Scientists reassure: if this happens, it will not be very soon. However, global warming does slow down circulation. One consequence, notes Stefan Rahmstorf, could be rising Atlantic Ocean levels off the east coast of the United States and significantly colder winters in Europe.

On April 20, 2010, 80 kilometers off the coast of Louisiana, in the Gulf of Mexico, the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, owned by the British Petroleum (BP) concern, which was developing the Macondo field, exploded. The oil spill that followed the accident (explosion and fire) became the largest in US history, turning the accident into one of the largest man-made disasters in terms of negative impact on the ecological situation and the environment.

Italian physicists conducted an experiment in which they used a bath of cold water and gave color to warm streams of water. It was possible to see the boundaries of cold layers and warm jets. When oil was added to the bath, the boundaries of the layers of warm water were broken and the flowing vortex was effectively destroyed. This is exactly what happened in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf Stream. The river of "warm water" that flows from the Caribbean is reaching less and less of Western Europe and is dying because of Corexit (COREXIT-9500), a toxic chemical that the Obama administration allowed BP to use to hide the scale of the disaster resulting from the explosion of a drilling platform in April last year. As a result, according to some sources, about 42 million gallons of this dispersant were spilled into the Gulf of Mexico.

Corexit, along with several million gallons of other dispersants, added to the more than 200 million gallons of crude oil that had been pouring for months from a well drilled by BP on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. In this way, it was possible to effectively hide most of the oil by lowering it to the bottom, and hope that the BP concern would be able to seriously reduce the size of the federal fine, depending on the size of the oil disaster. Currently, there are no ways to effectively “clean” the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, oil reached the east coast of America and then flowed into the North Atlantic Ocean. There, too, there is no way to effectively purify the oil at the bottom.

The first to report the stoppage of the Gulf Stream was Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, a theoretical physicist from the Frascati Institute in Italy (Rome). He said that due to the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, glaciation is "inevitable in the near future." The scientist had previously collaborated for several years with a group of specialists monitoring what was happening in the Gulf of Mexico. His information is contained in a June 12, 2010 journal article and is based on Colorado CCAR satellite data coordinated with US Navy NOAA. This live satellite map data was later altered on the CCAR server and the scientist claims it was “falsified.”

Dr. Zangari argues that the huge amount of oil covers such vast areas that it has a serious impact on the entire thermoregulatory system of the planet by destroying the boundary layers of the warm flow of water. As a result, in the fall of 2010, the pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico ceased to exist, and satellite data from that period clearly showed that the Gulf Stream began to break up and die about 250 kilometers east of the North Carolina coast, despite the fact that the width of the Atlantic Ocean at this latitude exceeds 5000 kilometers.

In connection with the interest that the topic of the “disappearance” of the Gulf Stream aroused on the Internet, Russian scientist Professor Sergei Leonidovich Lopatnikov, author of two monographs and 130 publications in the field of physics, acoustics, geophysics, mathematics, physical chemistry, economics, wrote the following on his blog:

About the Gulf Stream and Winter Weather The thermohaline vascular system, where warm waters flow through cooler ones, has a major influence not only on the ocean, but also on the upper atmosphere up to seven miles high. The absence of the Gulf Stream in the eastern part of the North Atlantic disrupted the normal course of atmospheric flows in the summer of 2010, resulting in unheard-of high temperatures in Moscow, droughts and floods in Central Europe, increased temperatures in many Asian countries, and massive floods in China, Pakistan and others. Asian countries.

So what does this all mean? This means that in the future there will be forced mixing of seasons, frequent crop failures, and an increase in the size of droughts and floods in various places on the Earth. In fact, the creation by BP of an “oil volcano” at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico killed the “pacemaker” of the global climate on the planet. Here's what Dr. Zangari says about it:

I know well the history of our atmosphere, climate, and even what they were like when man did not yet exist. For example, hundreds of millions of years ago the temperature was 12-14 degrees higher compared to today. Of course, there is something to blame a person for... Over the past fifty years, industry has worked very intensively, emitting huge amounts of greenhouse gases, which, of course, affected the climate. That is, there is definitely an anthropogenic contribution. But climate is a very subtle phenomenon. In addition to high temperatures, there have also been glaciations on Earth. And they occur when greenhouse gas concentrations are below two hundred parts per million. Then the so-called “white land” appears. So, now we are closer to this “white earth” than to the hottest anomalies that have occurred in the history of our planet.

Everything that happened will lead to corresponding consequences for human civilization, to ecological collapse, global famine, death and mass migration of the population from areas unsuitable for human habitation. A new ice age can begin at any time, and it will begin with glaciation in North America, Europe and Asia possibly. A new ice age could kill 2/3 of the human race in the first year if it starts quickly. If everything happens slowly, then most likely approximately the same amount of the population will die, but just within a few years!

What do we have at the input? The Gulf Stream carries warmer water. By a fraction of a degree, but it matters. What do we get as a result? Westerly winds prevailing in the mid-Atlantic are bringing warmer and more humid air to southern Europe than before. It could not break through the so-called “hot glass” over the flat territory of the Russian Federation in the summer and dumped moisture in the upper reaches of European rivers (in the mountains).

What is even more important are the lenses of heavier oil fractions “sunk” with the help of binding chemicals hundreds of meters deep. These inclusions prevent convection heat exchange between the bottom and surface layers of water. At the same time, they were “sunk and okay.” But because of this, there was a change in the viscosity of water saturated with oil emulsion to great depths due to the treatment of oil emissions with the binding drug Corexit.

As Dr. Zangari notes, “The real concern is that there is no historical precedent for a natural system suddenly being completely replaced by a broken man-made system.” And worst of all, real-time satellite data is clear evidence to Zangari that a new man-made natural system has emerged in the Gulf of Mexico. Within this new and unnatural system, parameters such as the viscosity, temperature and salinity of sea water radically changed. This stopped the millions of years of the Ring Current in the Gulf of Mexico.

The opinion expressed by Dr. Zangari with mathematical precision and illustrated by the dynamics of satellite imagery is best read several times:

Temperature measurements of the Gulf Stream in 2010 between the 76th and 47th meridians show it to be 10 degrees Celsius colder than it was during the same period last year. Accordingly, we can talk about the presence of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the stop of the warm Ring Current in the Gulf of Mexico and the drop in temperature of the Gulf Stream.

Assumption of Consequences

Meteorologists warn: planet Earth has entered the so-called Little Ice Age, which may be followed by a big one - this is when even dinosaurs began to die out on Earth. The first alarm bell rang in 2013, when the never-freezing Black Sea became covered with ice. Well, after the beautiful blue Danube and even the Venetian canals froze in Europe, real panic began. What is the reason for such anomalies and what could this mean for our planet?

Due to the fact that the warm Atlantic Gulf Stream is changing its direction, by about 2025 the Earth will most likely begin to experience a sharp cooling. In a matter of days, the Arctic Ocean will freeze and turn into a second Antarctica. After this, the North, Norwegian and even the Baltic seas will be covered with a thick layer of ice. The navigable English Channel and even the never-freezing European rivers Thames and Seine will freeze. In European countries, frosts of forty degrees will begin. Cold winds will bring heavy snowfalls from the North Atlantic - as a result, all European airports will stop operating and the power supply to many cities will be cut off. In just a few weeks, all of Europe will be plunged into pitch darkness and then turn into an icy desert. All this, according to scientists’ forecasts, is a very real scenario of what could happen in just 10 years. The earth will be on the brink of disaster.

Scientists around the world are sounding the alarm - in two years the Gulf Stream has deviated from its previous direction by 800 kilometers and now, instead of moving to the northeast (to heat Europe), the warm current turns to the northwest - towards Canada.

If this deviation turns out to be permanent and the Gulf Stream never heads into the North Atlantic again, a global catastrophe will occur on Earth. The Gulf Stream will melt the ice of Greenland; a huge mass of water will pour onto the mainland and actually wash away all of North America from the face of the Earth, but this is not the worst thing. All this will set the earth's plates in motion, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis will begin on the planet. Scientists predict that if this happens, two-thirds of the population will die out almost instantly. In the Eastern Hemisphere: in Europe, Asia and even Africa, a new ice age will begin, while the Western Hemisphere will literally be washed away by huge masses of water.

But the worst thing will happen later. According to scientists, 10 years after the Gulf Stream changes its direction, the flow may stop forever. To confirm or refute this assumption that the Gulf Stream really stops, Canadian researchers conducted an experiment - they developed a special dye, poured it into containers and immersed it in the Gulf of Mexico to a depth of 900 meters. There, at a given depth, containers with dye explode, spraying the contents over hundreds of meters. The colored mass of ocean water is poured out into the Gulf Stream. This is incredible, but the assumption about stopping the Gulf Stream was confirmed. The colored water, indeed, did not move towards Europe. Instead, the current has diverted 800 kilometers to the west and is now moving towards Greenland. This is why anomalous warming is occurring in Canada and instead of frosts, temperatures of about +10 degrees and rain can be observed there throughout the winter.

To prepare the article we used:
— article by Sergei Manukov, posted on the website,
- materials from the site

To understand recent events in the world, you need to clearly understand two things. The US dollar is not a government currency at all, but the money of a private firm called the Federal Reserve System (FRS). And secondly, in the coming years there will be a catastrophic deterioration of the climate on both sides of the North Atlantic.

And these things are strictly interconnected. There is no political chaos. There are clear actions by the Federal Reserve on the future structure of planet Earth after the cold snap in the United States and Western Europe. Exactly where the so-called golden billion now lives happily.

The warm and comfortable climate of the USA and Western Europe is 90% due to the action of the Gulf Stream ocean current, carrying 50 million cubic meters. m of warm water per second. Its capacity is equivalent to one million nuclear power plants. This “thermal additive” increases the temperature in Europe and the USA by 8–10°C. The action of the Gulf Stream creates exceptional conditions for agriculture in these territories. Grain yields in non-chernozem Germany, France, Great Britain, and Sweden range from 60 to 85 centners per hectare. And in black earth Ukraine only 24 centners are harvested, in non-black earth Russia – 12–15 centners/ha. In Europe and the USA there are no spring frosts that destroy crops. Today, the United States and Canada export 100 million tons of grain, and Western Europe – 50 million tons per year. The yield of agricultural crops there depends only 5% on the climate, while in our country it depends on 50%.

The favorable warm climate, the absence of permafrost and soil freezing allow us to save trillions of dollars on infrastructure and its operation. A huge amount of fuel and electricity, building materials, and insulation materials are saved. There is no need to build powerful heating plants and heating mains. The population saves on warm clothes and no need to eat more high-calorie foods. Due to the absence of deadly freezing-thawing processes, roads last ten times longer. Light houses are being built from cheap materials. Remember the standard scene from Hollywood action films, how some Rimbaud punches through the wall of a house. And this is not fantasy. There is no need for strong walls there. Warm. This comrade would try to break through the four-brick wall of our house.

In general, the Gulf Stream for Europe and the USA is a royal gift to their economies and populations. Live for yourself and enjoy. But then a major disaster happened. The “free” Gulf Stream began to act up.

Nobody wanted to freeze

The weather kitchen is located in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. The role of the heating system is played by the warm ocean current Gulf Stream, which is often called the “stove of Europe”.

Now the picture of ocean currents looks like this - the cold and denser Labrador Current “dives” under the warm and lighter Gulf Stream, without preventing it from warming Europe. Then the Labrador Current “surfaces” off the coast of Spain under the name of the cold Canary Current, crosses the Atlantic, reaches the Caribbean Sea, heats up and, now called the Gulf Stream, freely rushes back to the North. Not the “greenhouse effect”, not “ozone holes”, not man-made activities, but the density of Labrador waters is a key factor in the well-being of the world. Currently, the density of the waters of the Labrador Current is only one tenth of a percent higher than the density of the waters of the Gulf Stream.

Just 0.1%, and the result is palm trees in London, beaches of the Cote d'Azur, ice-free fjords of Norway and year-round navigation in the Barents Sea.

As soon as the Labrador Current becomes equal in density to the Gulf Stream, it will rise to the surface of the ocean and block the Gulf Stream's northward movement. The great interconnected "figure eight" of ocean currents will turn into two circular currents characteristic of the ice age. The Gulf Stream will head towards Spain and begin to circulate in a small circle, the cold Labrador Current will break through to Europe, which will immediately begin to freeze.

Data on previous cold snaps obtained by drilling ice in Greenland show that this will happen almost instantly, even by the standards of a human lifetime. From three to ten years for the whole process - and the Gulf Stream will be “turned off”. The air temperature in Europe will become Siberian in a few short years. Living in Europe, Canada and the USA will become unbearable. Today there are palm trees in London, and tomorrow Britain will be buried in snow, frosts will reach -40°C, and even reindeer will refuse to live there.

Already, the strength of the winter Gulf Stream towards Europe is weakening significantly (according to some data, by 30%). Probably, the abnormally cold winters of recent years in Europe are a direct consequence of this.

Mexican catalyst

The process was accelerated by the accident of the British Petroleum oil platform on April 20, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico.

Barack Obama called what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico “an unprecedented environmental disaster.” Giant oil spills have been discovered in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. One of the spots at a depth of 1300 meters reaches 16 km in length and a thickness of 90 meters. These deep monsters appeared a year ago.

The Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527 family of dispersants were widely used to combat oil spills on the surface of the water. About 9 million liters of Corexit and more than 10 million liters of other dispersants were added to more than a billion liters of crude oil that flowed from the well over several months , drilled by BP on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, flooding crude oil in this way. BP managed to hide most of the oil. It was lowered to the bottom to reduce the size of the federal fine, which depends on the size of the oil slick on the surface.

Meteorology argument

The average annual temperature of the Russian capital is +3.8°C. Reykjavik, located much further north, is warmed by the Gulf Stream to +5°C. In Helsinki - on average +6.8°C, while in Yakutsk, located at the same latitude, the temperature is -10.2°C. London with the Gulf Stream is +11°C, Voronezh at the same latitude is +5°C. Berlin is +10°C, and single-latitude Novosibirsk is -0.2°C.

And who would have imagined that an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the massive use of dispersants would affect the speed of the Gulf Stream.

According to the latest satellite data, The North Atlantic Current no longer exists in its former form. The Norwegian Current disappeared along with it.

The doctor was the first to report the stoppage of the Gulf Stream in August 2010. Zangari, theoretical physicist at the Institute from Frascati (Italy). He has been collaborating for several years with a group of scientists monitoring the Gulf of Mexico. According to him, “... a huge amount of oil, constantly expanding in volume, covers such vast areas that it has a serious impact on the entire thermoregulation system of the planet by destroying the boundary layers of the warm flow of water. Conveyor in the Gulf of Mexico ceased to exist a month ago, the latest satellite data clearly shows that the North Atlantic Current is now gone and the Gulf Stream is beginning to break apart 250 km offshore North Carolina. The situation where warm waters flow through cooler ones has a big effect not only on the ocean, but also on the upper atmosphere up to seven miles high. The absence of this usual phenomenon in the eastern North Atlantic disrupted the normal course of atmospheric flows this summer. The result was unheard-of high temperatures in Moscow (up to 40°C), droughts and floods in Central Europe and massive floods in China, Pakistan and other Asian countries.”

The average water temperature in the north of the Gulf Stream fell by 10 degrees. The conveyor belt broke into separate sections and stopped transporting warm water to Europe. Dr. Zangari states: “They killed the pacemaker of the global climate on the planet.”

A blockage of internal currents has formed in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Gulf Stream's warm water pump has stopped. The scientist argues that the problem will worsen in the fall and winter, when the Gulf Stream disappears completely and temperatures begin to fall in Europe and North America.

The first symptoms have already appeared.

In Germany, for two months in a row (during November and December 2010), stable snow cover with a thickness of about 10 cm remained, which has not been the case for many decades. There were unusually cold temperatures for these places, reaching minus 20°C at night.

The worst cold weather in the last 100 years has hit England. Due to unprecedented frosts, both London airports were closed for a while.

The icy winter rains of Moscow and the region are also “greetings from the Gulf Stream.”

In this regard, the statements of the Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller, which appeared on the Internet on May 11, 2011, are interesting: “It’s May, and Gazprom’s export volumes correspond to winter levels. The application for today is almost 500 million cubic meters.” Miller predicted that by December 2011 the price of gas will reach $500 per 1000 cubic meters. m.

Help "AN"

Additional gas pipelines for freezing Europe

As a result of the cold snap and inevitable food shortages, each person in the “golden billion” will have to spend 3–4 thousand dollars more a year. This is 3–4 trillion. dollars. To adapt the infrastructure, you will need 15–20 trillion, to maintain it in working condition in the winter - another couple of trillions of “green” ones.

But that's not the worst thing. We will have to get the missing heat from somewhere to warm a billion people in winter and feed these “golden ones.” Now the USA and Europe export 150 million tons of grain per year, they will have to buy approximately the same amount of grain somewhere. So began the feverish secret preparations for climate collapse.

A truth that would rather be a lie

It is clear that the American dollar, which the US Federal Reserve has been printing for the whole world 24 hours a day for many years in a row, cannot eat lunch or heat a house, even if it is burned in ovens. Therefore, the disguised preparation of the “printers” for Trouble is in full swing before our eyes. It can’t be done without “dust in the eyes.”

For example, all international scandals with Russian gas supplies are disguised as energy disputes between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union. The construction of several “alternative” gas pipelines allegedly began solely because of these showdowns.

Those uninitiated into the essence of what is happening include not only ordinary people, but also the vast majority of heads of European states. That is why they are so selflessly trying to fight Russia’s “energy expansion” and are engaged in “noble” deeds to curb “aggressive” Russia.

People “in the know” speak completely differently. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder announced that by 2015 Europe will consume 200 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas per year more. Now it consumes 500 billion cubic meters. m per year.

Why did it happen? There is only one explanation: you don’t want to freeze too much. Therefore, as if on command, all planned gas pipelines are being approved, including the notorious Nabucco.

In addition, after reconstruction by 40–60 billion cubic meters. m per year, the gas pipeline system of Belarus and Ukraine will increase.

Policy of silence

The Gulf Stream does not exist in its former form. Officials and the media are trying to hush up this truly terrible news, but something is leaking out. About 1,600 American scientists admitted that they were either prohibited from using the terms “climate change” and “global warming” in their works, or the materials were edited in the right way before publication. (From dated July 28, 2009)

As a result, very few people, including the leaders of most countries, know about the real state of affairs.

It is interesting that gas for Nabucco can only be supplied from Iran, which categorically does not want to do this. In this regard, the forecast for Iran is disappointing. Or the Iranians will agree to sell their gas, and then the country will be removed from the list of “rogue countries” and recognized as a democracy, like obedient Saudi Arabia. Or we will have to wait for the next color revolution with the growth of terrorism, the murder of Iranian leaders, etc. There will be no ceremony. Attacks on Iran are ongoing. Iran understands this and is trying to resist. He is sharply strengthening ties with China, which is now de facto “performing the duties of the USSR.” The rulers of Iran are trying to organize a single bloc with Turkey, Syria and Azerbaijan and, most importantly, they are sharply increasing the combat effectiveness of the army.

Battle for the Harvest

As already mentioned, problems will soon begin in agriculture in the United States and Europe due to climate change. Grain exporting countries will be forced to purchase it. Question - where? Obviously, where today there is drought and desert, and tomorrow there will be flowering lands, abundantly watered by rain.

Where is it? For many years the war raged in Sudan. Western media presented it as a struggle between the Christian north and the Muslim south. Moreover, quite recently, Christians and Muslims lived peacefully for hundreds of years, and then “decided” that the paths diverged. Give me independence!

What really? China, actively advancing on all fronts, has taken a long-term lease of several million hectares of agricultural land from Sudan. And when the gentlemen from the US Federal Reserve rushed to buy land in Sudan, realizing that there would soon be nothing to eat in the US, it turned out that China was ahead of them. But these guys are not used to retreating. If you really need it, then you can do what you can’t. Why not organize a religious civil war? A referendum was held in Sudan, at which it was decided to create two Sudans: Christian and Muslim. All previous Chinese agreements with the previous Sudanese government immediately lost their legal validity. Today the US government is threatening war with the Sudanese authorities because they do not want to recognize the “independence” of their South Sudan.

Soon, for no apparent reason, all of North Africa and the Middle East burst into flames: Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco... Everyone suddenly decided overnight to live in a new, democratic way.

And so that the newly awakened people would not decide to return home, “unknown” snipers appeared almost everywhere. They shoot demonstrators, providing a “television picture” of the atrocities of the regimes and fueling the hatred of the masses.

It is clear who blew up the Middle East. But why?

The pragmatists at the Federal Reserve don't just do anything. It is these regions that in the near future will become areas of favorable climate; it is here that the abundance of sun will be added to the abundance of water from the inevitable climate humidification after the “reformatting” of the Gulf Stream. Land in the Sahara will be worth its weight in gold. But the local leaders, who have stayed too long, do not want to sell their land for rotten American papers. Therefore, leaders must be replaced with new, obedient ones, our own. So far this strategy is stalling: Gaddafi does not give up, Yemen and Syria are holding on, even in Egypt it was not American puppets who came to power, but an army that has its own interests that do not coincide with those of the US.

In addition to this main carefully hidden goal - to seize the land, there are others. It is useful for the United States to weaken and undermine a strengthening Europe, especially an increasingly buckling Germany. For this purpose, crowds of refugees organized by them are sent there. It is useful to weaken the euro, prolonging the agony of the private candy wrapper called the “dollar”. It is useful to test new weapons systems by killing women and children in Libya. Wherever you go, it’s good!

Help from the East

The Kremlin is also preparing to save future “freezers”.

Plants for the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Yamal with a capacity of 5 million tons (equivalent to 7.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas) are already being designed. Part of this gas will be supplied to the United States, and part to Europe.

An LNG plant is being built in the Murmansk region (Teriberka village) with a capacity

15 million tons. Deliveries will go to Europe.

The decision to build the Baltic LNG plant in the Leningrad region, with a capacity of 3.5 million tons of LNG, has been unfrozen. Deliveries to Europe.

All these gas pipelines and plants should be fully operational no later than 2015.

In addition, at the Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg they began to build the world's first Floating Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) with a capacity of 70 MW. Urgent construction of seven more such stations is planned. I would like to believe that they will warm Murmansk or Pevek, and will not sail to fulfill their “international duty” somewhere in Manchester or Marseille.

Energy Europe

Europe is feverishly arming itself with energy. Spitting on the lamentations of the “greens”, they began to build nuclear power plants in Finland (a new unit at the Loviisa nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1 to 1.8 GW). It is planned to develop nuclear energy in Sweden, Bulgaria, Germany...

We have leaned heavily on alternative renewable energy. Germany is in the lead. Already, the share of renewable energy sources in Germany is 10%; by 2020 it will be 20%. There are more than 17 thousand wind generators in Germany. On April 27, 2010, the first offshore wind farm, Alpha Ventus, came into operation. It is planned to build 25 more such wind farms: 22 in the North Sea, 3 in the Baltic.

The UK is urgently planning to build several offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 32 GW (equivalent to the capacity of 30–40 nuclear power plants).

France is generally trying to generate electricity using wind flows along highways. An experiment has already begun with a pilot “auto power station” on the A6 motorway connecting Paris and Lyon.

The European Union plans to build the world's largest system of solar power plants in the Sahara worth 400 billion euros, the so-called Solar City.

Surrender of Moscow

Russia climatically benefits from changes in the flow and stopping of the Gulf Stream.

Let's analyze it. In 1995, Russia received 63.4 million tons of grain on 63 million hectares of land, that is, the yield was 10.1 c/ha. This is despite the fact that the Russian authorities ruined chemicalization, irrigation - almost everything achieved in the USSR. The area under grain crops decreased to 47 million hectares. But Russia nevertheless received 108.2 million tons of grain in 2008, and 97.1 in 2009. The yield was 23.0 and 20.6 c/ha, respectively.

Naturally, the Americans could not ignore Russia. Isn’t it for them that our leadership issues “Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2010 No. 1874-r”? For the sake of the “sacred” goals of “creating conditions for attracting investments, stimulating the development of the stock market, as well as modernization and technological development of the economy,” it approves a “list” of legal entities for organizing on behalf of the Russian Federation the sale of privatized federal property and (or) performing the functions of a seller " The list of companies is impressive.

1. Closed joint stock company "Bank Credit Suisse (Moscow)".

2. Closed joint-stock company "VTB Capital".

3. Limited liability company Deutsche Bank.

4. Limited Liability Company “Investment Company of Vnesheconombank (VEB Capital)”.

5. Limited Liability Company Commercial Bank " J.P. Morgan Bank International".

6. Limited liability company Merrill Lynch Securities.

7. Limited liability company " Morgan Stanley Bank".

8. Limited liability company "Renaissance Broker".

9. Open joint stock company "Russian Auction House".

10. Branch of a private company with unlimited liability "GOLDMAN SAX (Russia)".

This list was published only 5 months later - on March 18, 2011 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Six Western banks and companies, including the organizer and permanent member of the US Federal Reserve System, GOLDMAN SAX, were appointed as sellers of Russian property, on behalf and at the “tearful request” of Russia. Even in the United States, this bank is considered the culprit of all the last six crises and the epithet “gangster” is often applied to it.

The circle is closed. Our cabinet of ministers, without unnecessary publicity, quietly, offers the gentlemen from the Fed and their comrades to buy the remains of Russian property.

December 20, 2010 the government of the Russian Federation, which Dm likes so much. Medvedev, added 13 more sellers of federal property on behalf of the Russian Federation. The algorithm is the same. Of the 13 sellers, 8 are foreign banks, including Barclay Capital LLC, UBS Bank LLC, etc.

The list of those for sale can be easily found in the government plan for the privatization of 10 large companies for 2011–2013. Here are Sovcomflot, OJSC Russian Railways, part of Sberbank, and much more. Out of 10 companies, only one is sold completely, all 100% shares It's easy to guess which one: "United Grain Company".

So, as of January 1, 2012, our grain will most likely be managed by Goldman Sachs.

From the latest messages

Earlier this week, Italian environmental organization Legambiente published a report claiming that climate change is the main cause of mass human migration. According to forecasts by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, by 2050 the number of such displaced persons could reach 200–250 million. The Roman newspaper La Repubblica writes about this.

According to the authors of the report, “the consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly serious - tensions in the Mediterranean basin may escalate.” If just a few years ago the main reason for the mass migration of people was wars, today the main reason for flight is sudden climate change. According to researchers, this has already led to the fact that in 2010 the number of such people reached 40 million people.

According to the famous ecologist V. Callzolayo, “migration has always been the engine of renewal of human life. But today, climate change risks accelerating these processes at alarming speed.”

However, after reading the materials of the Italian organization, one cannot shake the feeling that the researchers know more than they are telling. It is no coincidence that the report's authors call for rapid steps to "immediate legal recognition of environmental refugees at the international level."

E. Volodin, Ph.D. physics and mathematics Sci.

Rumors do not subside about the weakening of the Gulf Stream, which is either due to an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, or due to the strong melting of Arctic ice, and that this threatens us with unheard-of climate disasters, right up to the onset of a new ice age. Letters are coming to the editor asking for clarification on whether the warm current will really disappear soon. Evgeniy Volodin, a leading researcher at the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, answers readers' questions.

Rice. 1. Anomaly (deviation) of surface temperature in September-November 2010 compared to September-November 1970-2009. Data from NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA).

Rice. 2. Difference in ocean surface temperatures in June 2010 and June 2009. GODAS data.

Rice. 3. Difference in ocean surface temperatures in September-November 2010 and September-November 2009. GODAS data.

Rice. 4. Current speeds in June 2010 at a depth of 50 m, according to GODAS data. The arrows indicate the direction, the color indicates the speed (m/s).

The Gulf Stream is a warm current in the Gulf of Mexico that bends around Florida and flows along the east coast of the United States to approximately 37 degrees north latitude. and then breaks away from the coast to the east. Similar currents exist in the Pacific Ocean - Kuroshio, and in the Southern Hemisphere. The uniqueness of the Gulf Stream lies in the fact that after breaking away from the American coast, it does not turn back to the subtropics, but partially penetrates into high latitudes, where it is already called the North Atlantic Current. It is thanks to him that in the north of the Atlantic the temperature is 5-10 degrees higher than at similar latitudes in the Pacific Ocean or in the Southern Hemisphere. For the same reason, the Northern Hemisphere as a whole is slightly warmer than the Southern.

The primary reason for the unusual nature of the North Atlantic is that slightly more water evaporates over the Atlantic than falls as precipitation. Over the Pacific Ocean, on the contrary, precipitation slightly exceeds evaporation. Therefore, in the Atlantic, water on average is somewhat saltier than in the Pacific Ocean, and therefore heavier than the fresher Pacific Ocean, and therefore it tends to sink to the bottom. This happens especially intensely in the north Atlantic, where the salty water is also made heavier by cooling on the surface. In place of the water that has sank into the depths of the North Atlantic, water comes from the south, this is the North Atlantic Current.

Thus, the causes of the North Atlantic Current are global, and are unlikely to be significantly affected by such a local event as an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. According to the most pessimistic estimates, the area of ​​the oil slick is one hundred thousand square kilometers, while the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is slightly less than one hundred million square kilometers (that is, a thousand times larger than the slick). According to the NCEP atmospheric reanalysis data (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA) - synthesized data from satellites, ground-based observation stations, soundings, “assimilated” by the atmospheric dynamics model (NCEP's Global Forecast System - GFS), there is nothing wrong with the warm currents of the North Atlantic hasn't happened yet. Take a look at the map compiled from this data (Figure 1). In September-November 2010, the deviation of surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as in that part of the Atlantic where the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current pass, from the average value in the same months of 1970-2009 does not exceed one degree Celsius. Only in the northwest Atlantic, in the region of the cold Labrador Current, do these anomalies reach two to three degrees. But even this magnitude of seasonal anomalies is quite common and is observed in one region or another almost every year.

Reports that the Gulf Stream between the 76th and 47th meridians in 2010 became colder by 10 degrees Celsius are also not confirmed. According to GODAS data (Global Ocean Data Assimilation System - a system for assimilation of all available observational data - satellites, ships, buoys, etc. - using an ocean dynamics model), the average ocean surface temperature in June 2010 was between about 40 and 70 degrees west was lower than in June 2009, by only one or two degrees, and only in one place - by almost three degrees (Fig. 2). But such temperature anomalies are well within the framework of natural variability. They are usually accompanied by "outliers" of a different sign in nearby ocean areas, which is what happened in the summer of 2010, according to GODAS data. So if they were averaged over the entire North Atlantic, the average temperature deviation was close to zero. In addition, such phenomena usually last for several months, and in the fall the negative anomaly was no longer visible (Fig. 3).

The existence of the Gulf Stream is well confirmed by GODAS data on horizontal current velocities at a depth of 50 m, averaged for June 2010. The map compiled from this data (Fig. 4) shows that the Gulf Stream, as always, flows through the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida and along the eastern coast of the United States. Then it breaks away from the shore, becomes wider, and at the same time the speed of the current drops (as it should be), that is, nothing unusual can be traced. According to GODAS, the Gulf Stream flows in approximately the same way in other months of 2010. Note that 50 m is the most typical depth at which the Gulf Stream is best visible. For example, surface currents may differ from those at a depth of 50 m, most often due to the influence of wind.

However, there have been cases in history when events similar to those described in the now widespread “horror stories” occurred. The last such event occurred about 14 thousand years ago. Then the ice age ended, and in North America a huge lake was formed from melted ice, dammed by a glacier that had not yet melted. But the ice continued to melt, and at some point, water from the lake began to flow into the North Atlantic, desalinizing it and thereby preventing the sinking of the water and the North Atlantic Current. As a result, Europe has become noticeably colder, especially in winter. But then, according to existing estimates, the impact on the climate system was enormous, because the fresh water flow was about 10 6 m 3 /s. This is more than an order of magnitude higher than, for example, the current flow of all Russian rivers.

Another important point that I would like to emphasize: seasonal average atmospheric circulation anomalies in temperate latitudes depend to a very small extent on ocean surface temperature anomalies, including such large ones as were observed this summer in European Russia. Experts in seasonal weather forecasting claim that only 10-30% of deviations from the “norm” of the average seasonal temperature at any point in Russia are due to ocean surface temperature anomalies, and the remaining 70-90% are the result of natural atmospheric variability, the root cause of which is unequal heating high and low latitudes and which is almost impossible to predict for more than two to three weeks (see also “Science and Life” No. 12, 2010).

That is why it is wrong to consider the observed weather anomalies in Europe in the summer of 2010 or in any other season to be the result of only the influence of the ocean. If this were the case, seasonal or monthly weather deviations from the “norm” would be easily predicted, since large ocean temperature anomalies tend to be inertial and last at least several months. But so far no forecasting center in the world has been able to produce a good seasonal weather forecast.

If we talk specifically about the causes of the anomaly in the summer of 2010 in Russia, it was caused by the interaction of two coincidentally coinciding factors: a blocking anticyclone, which caused the transfer of air to the central regions of Russia mainly from the east-southeast, and soil drought in the Volga region and the Urals, which allowed the spreading air not to waste heat on evaporating water from the surface. As a result, the increase in air temperature at the surface was truly unprecedented over the entire observation period. However, the probability of the occurrence of a blocking anticyclone and soil drought in the Volga region depends little on ocean surface temperature anomalies, including in the Gulf Stream region.

The Ice Age is Coming

Europe is a unique place. Firstly, if we take the “land hemisphere” (what it is), it turns out that Europe is located at its very center. The French, in general, are not so wrong when they call their homeland the center of the Earth.

Secondly, nature carefully warms Europe with the warm Gulf Stream. Without which living in Europe would be very problematic, only at the level of the Chukchi and Eskimos...

Let's take, for example, St. Petersburg, a city-on-a-swamp. The climate is quite nasty, but in summer it can be hot, almost up to plus forty. The record above-zero temperature is in Magadan, which is located at the same latitude as St. Petersburg... plus twenty-six. Winters, on the contrary, in Magadan are long and harsh.

If you look at it on average, then in St. Petersburg subzero temperatures last from November to March. In Magadan - from October to April, two months longer.

Let us now go further south and look at two cities located near the fortieth parallel: Rome and Pyongyang. If in Rome in January the average minimum temperature is plus four degrees, then in Pyongyang... minus ten.

In short, thanks to the Gulf Stream, Europe is warm. And Europeans even like to scare themselves with various horrors on the topic “what will happen if the Gulf Stream stops.”

So here it is. You and I were lucky to witness a historical event. Scientists have recorded a stop of the Gulf Stream. And this, unfortunately, is not a joke. The Gulf Stream is dead. British Petroleum Corporation killed the Gulf Stream.

I quote “A new ice age awaits us. According to the latest satellite data, the North Atlantic Gulf Stream no longer exists, and along with it the Norwegian Currents have ceased...

…All the rivers of “warm water” that flow from the Caribbean to the edges of Western Europe are dying due to Corexit, which the Barack Obama administration allowed BP to use to hide the scale of the disaster resulting from the BP platform explosion. About 2 million gallons of Corexit, along with several million gallons of other dispersants, added to the more than 200 million gallons of crude oil that gushed over several months from the BP well and nearby facilities, mostly on the ocean floor...

...A new ice age is beginning now. It will begin with glaciation in North America, Europe and Asia this winter..."

In general, according to scientists, already this winter Europeans will feel what it’s like without the Gulf Stream.

The Gulf Stream has stopped. The Ice Age is Coming

The first to sound the alarm was the Italian scientist Gianluigi Zangari, a physicist from the Frascati Institute (Rome), who has been monitoring the Gulf of Mexico for several years.

Dr. Zangari, based on satellite data, established that the Gulf Stream, which provides a mild climate in Europe and stabilizes the weather throughout the planet, has almost completely disappeared. The physicist sees the reason for this in the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It was oil that destroyed the boundaries between layers of warm and cold water, as a result of which underwater currents slowed down and in some places stopped altogether.

Mankind does not know how to neutralize the consequences of a disaster. The use of dispersants at the accident site only allowed to hide the scale of the damage caused. Part of the bay was cleared of the oil film, but it is impossible to remove oil from great depths. According to some experts, oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico continue, which means that the likelihood of the Gulf Stream self-recovery is decreasing every day.

The disappearance of the Earth's main warm current, according to Gianluigi Zangari, has already led to weather anomalies this summer: floods in Europe and China, droughts in Russia and Asia. In the future, this threatens the mixing of seasons throughout the planet, crop failure and mass migrations. But the worst thing is that a new ice age has already begun.

Back in June, Zangari published a scientific article that was based on satellite data from the US Federal Oceanic and Atmospheric Observing Agency. Zangari argued that satellite data clearly indicated fundamental changes in the structure of the Gulf Stream, a kind of “river” of warm water that moves through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean from south to north and provides a relatively warm climate in northern Europe.

It is thanks to the Gulf Stream that the British Isles are not covered by ice, Scandinavia maintains a habitable climate, and tulips grow in Holland, although permafrost remains at the same latitude in Siberia.

The Gulf Stream carries warm water to the coast of Northern Europe

Zangari argued that “glaciation, the extent of which cannot yet be predicted, is inevitable.”

Zangari's article caused a great stir among scientists, but there was no confirmation of his data, since the operational data of satellite maps on the agency's server were later changed for unknown reasons.

In early August, Zangari announced that official satellite data could no longer be considered reliable, and his conclusions about the threat of stopping the Gulf Stream had not changed.

“There is no historical precedent for such changes in natural systems after human intervention. The only exceptions can be considered the consequences of nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986,”

Zangari claims that the cause of the cataclysm is a disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. A huge amount of oil, constantly expanding in volume, covers such large areas in the ocean that it disrupts the thermoregulation system, destroying the boundary layers of the warm flow of water.

According to Zangari, satellite data clearly showed that there is no longer a single Gulf Stream. The North Atlantic Current split into parts.

Previously, flows of warm water passing through the cooler layers of the ocean influenced not only the overall temperature of the ocean, but also the upper layers of the atmosphere - up to a height of 10 km.

According to the scientist, by opening an “oil volcano” in the Gulf of Mexico on April 10 of this year, people “killed the pacemaker of the global climate on the planet.” The main murder weapons were oil gushing from the ocean floor and the substance Corexit, which the oil company British Petroleum (BP) used to solve the problem of pollution in the Gulf of Mexico.

Poison for “salvation”

Corexit dispersant was first used in 1989 to clean up the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez tanker disaster, when 260 thousand tons of oil spilled into the ocean.

This is a powerful solvent produced by Nalco Holding Company, a company that is associated with BP and Exxon. The formula of this substance, used to dissolve oil spills in water, and its characteristics are strictly classified, but a number of experts believe that it is four times more toxic to living beings than oil itself.

According to official data, more than 1 million gallons of Corexit (almost 3.7 million liters) were used in the Gulf of Mexico. At the same time, some ecologists consider this figure to be underestimated.

Corexit is banned in England and parts of Europe, but US authorities did not object when BP announced that it was using the toxic substance to siege an oil spill that threatened to turn the coastlines of several US states into places uninhabitable.

Zangari argues that the millions of barrels of oil that leaked into the ocean through the BP well hole and the Corexit used to seal the oil slick combined to disrupt the Gulf Stream.

Oil and chemicals changed the temperature, viscosity and salinity of the Gulf of Mexico water and stopped flows that had existed for millions of years.

Satellite data shows a break in the Gulf Stream

General Ted Allen, head of the National Emergency Management Agency, by contrast, is trying to reassure Americans that the worst is over. That oil spills disappeared on their own, thanks to natural processes. But satellite data suggests something else.

Millions of gallons of Corexit allowed the US and BP to only slightly calm public opinion. The logic was simple - if the oil spills disappear, then there will be no crisis. But removing oil from the surface and mixing it with the water column is not a matter of PR. This is a tragic mistake.

It’s easy to imagine what exactly happened to the Gulf Stream. In fact, the same thing will happen with olive oil and vinegar if you mix them, say, to dress a salad. Place the bottle with this “drug” on the shelf for a while and the liquids themselves will separate from one another. Simply because they have different densities.

But if you shake them thoroughly, a substance with a completely different density is formed and it will flow much more slowly. Something similar happened in the Gulf of Mexico.

Day after tomorrow?

The Gulf Stream has already stopped once. In the 2004 American blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow, temperatures in New York City plummeted to lethal levels. “The Gulf Stream system is changing in unpredictable ways, which could lead to serious consequences on a planetary scale.” The film was based on real scientific research, and its authors showed how important the Gulf Stream is for the Earth's climate. After all, the current carries warm water from equatorial latitudes, along the East Coast of America, across the Atlantic to northern Europe.

True, now the water is not so warm. The Gulf Stream temperature is now 10 degrees lower than it was at this time last year. Scientists see this as a direct relationship between stopping the flow and a drop in water temperature. However, they are in no hurry to predict further developments. In their opinion, it is simply useless. Simply because “this phenomenon is unpredictable,” assures Gianluigi Zangari, a physicist from the Frascati Institute (Rome).

But the question, “what new, as a result, awaits us in the future?”, still has to be asked. Zangari has only one answer to this so far: “the Gulf Stream system is changing in an unpredictable way, which can lead to serious consequences on a planetary scale.”

There is no official confirmation of Zangari’s theory from the scientific world yet. The theory was supported by a number of well-known American environmentalists, for example, Paul Noel and Sterling Allan, founder of the New Energy Congress, who published an article with the headline “The Gulf Stream stopped due to the BP oil leak.”

And here is a real scenario of a sudden stop of the Gulf Stream:

The onset of severe cooling in Europe, North America and the European part of Russia.

1. Winter 2011 - the beginning of the Gulf Stream stop. The start is normal and warm. In the middle there is a sharp drop in temperature, down to -30. Winter crops are dying. The port in Murmansk freezes. The Gulf of Finland is freezing. Massive accidents on heating mains.

2. Spring 2011. Late and cold. The snow melts in May. Sharp warming in June. There are no particular concerns in society yet.

3. Summer 2011. Almost normal, but dry. In July there are massive forest and steppe fires. In August there is a sharp cold snap and heavy rains. At the end of August - the first snow. Death of the harvest.

4. Autumn 2011. Cold and early. All efforts are being devoted to preparing for winter. Society is starting to worry. The problem of food and last year's accidents is discussed. There is no panic yet and all this is perceived as a “whim of the weather.” In November there is a real winter with snow and 20 degrees below zero. The food problem is solved through accumulated foreign exchange reserves. In addition, the sharp rise in oil and gas prices is partially offset by food problems.

5. Winter 2012. Very cold. Temperatures up to -50 (in the Moscow area). Massive accidents on heating mains. Power outages. Major accidents in oil and gas fields. Gas and oil in pipelines freeze. Murmansk and Baltic ports are freezing again. Disruption of energy supply to entire regions. Partial evacuation of some regions. There is no gasoline at gas stations. Real estate prices are plummeting. State of emergency in some regions. The idea of ​​the beginning of the ice age begins to generate panic, and leads to mass psychosis. Everyone is looking forward to spring...

6. Spring 2012 comes late. Only in May the snow melts and the streams begin to ring...

7. Summer 2012. It's cold at the beginning of summer. The temperature is already above zero during the day, but there is still snow, because at night the temperature is below zero. Nobody expects a harvest. Everyone understands that things will only get worse. Many people understand that they need to go somewhere during the summer. The collapse of real estate prices. Some people, hoping for a return to normal weather, are buying up cheaper real estate, which is being destroyed as a result of the endless rampant vandalism... Problems in the energy sector. Disruption of European supplies. Russia has currency difficulties. Panic in the food market. The shops are empty. The state is trying to regulate prices by introducing cards. Goskomgidromed is trying to reassure the population. The officials are at a loss, but they hastily take their relatives somewhere to Spain. A sharp fall in the euro and ruble. The fall of the dollar. Gold growth. Strong growth in oil and food. The state is adopting an emergency program to try to prepare for next winter. But disintegration processes are growing. Corruption. People in power first of all try to solve their problems. Mass migration to the south. Rising prices for tickets, gasoline, real estate in southern Europe and Asia. New snow falls at the end of July-August, when the old one has not yet melted.

8. Autumn 2012 is like an ordinary winter of the 60-70s of the 20th century (frosts down to -20-30). There is a state of emergency in the European part of Russia. An attempt to organize an orderly evacuation from the worst affected areas. Relocation of the government to Rostov-on-Don. The Ukrainian capital is moving to Kherson. Austerity regime. Food cards. Corruption. People who did not have time to leave (there are many of them) are preparing for the worst. The business producing potbelly stoves is thriving. People are collecting firewood in large numbers. First of all, forests near cities and city parks are cut down. Coal trading in city markets. Relatively cheap meat, because the mass slaughter of livestock and poultry means there is nothing to feed them.

9. Winter 2013. Severe frosts (-40-50). It's cold in the apartments. Almost all cities with a “Soviet” heating infrastructure remain without central heating. The situation is reminiscent of besieged Leningrad. Everyone wants to go somewhere. But there is no money. Prices for apartments and houses fell to almost zero. Ruble and dollar savings have depreciated due to inflation. The euro depreciated completely due to the collapse of the European Union. The state manages to contain the discontent of the population, since no one is able to rebel in such cold conditions. A big problem is crime and looting, since many apartments and houses are abandoned. Formation of organized gangs of marauders. Participation in gangs of government officials and law enforcement agencies. Massive loss of life has so far been avoided.

10. Spring 2013 is like an ordinary winter of the 60-70s of the 20th century. State (military) coup in Russia. War in Europe and the world. Nobody sows anything. The military promises to ensure evacuation, restore order to the looters, and feed everyone using strategic reserves. People live in hope of evacuation.

11. Summer 2013 is like an ordinary winter of recent years (1990-2008) - sometimes there are above-zero temperatures, but the snowdrifts are getting higher, since there is still snow from the year before last. The icicles stopped ringing, froze on the roofs like fringes, shone with cold light, and froze as if in winter.

12. Autumn 2013, military conflicts begin everywhere. The collapse of the world political system. The fourth World War is coming.

The disaster that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 could cause the death of 60% of the world's population over the next 20 years.

But first, a few words about the Gulf Stream itself. This very warm ocean river begins in the Gulf of Mexico, bends around Florida and flows along the east coast of the North American continent. Further, significantly expanding and slowing down the current, it heads northeast to the Norwegian Sea.

In August 2010, Dr. Zangazi, a theoretical physicist from the National Laboratory in Frascati (Italy), reported information the effect of which could be compared to the explosion of a bomb. According to his data, which are based on satellite images, the giant Gulf Stream current in the Atlantic Ocean, which largely determines the temperature regime and general climate in North America and Europe, has practically disappeared. According to an Italian scientist, this was one of the consequences of a catastrophic crude oil spill after the terrible 2010 disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

In the spring of 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico, due to an explosion, the largest crude oil leak in the history of offshore oil production occurred on the Deepwater Horizon platform owned by the British company BP. Until August 2010, when the well was plugged with incredible efforts, a huge stream of “black gold” was gushing from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean around the clock. The term “black gold” can also be applied to the volume of damage resulting from the accident.

To combat emerging oil spills on the ocean surface, special dispersants from the Corexit family have been widely used. Of course, they helped create some semblance of prosperity in the disaster area. However, even today, a year later, everything there looks extremely bad. Oil covered the entire bottom of the bay in incredible quantities. For example, a spot was discovered in the water column, the length of which is 16 kilometers and the thickness reaches 90 meters. There are many other similar “covers” of the bottom, but somewhat smaller.

According to Dr. Zangazi, “the huge amount of crude oil, constantly increasing in volume, covers such vast areas that it has a serious impact on the entire thermoregulatory system of the Earth, by destroying the boundary levels of the warm flow of water. According to satellite data, it is clearly visible that the North Atlantic Current does not currently exist, and the Gulf Stream begins to break apart approximately 250 kilometers from the coast of North Carolina. The so-called thermohaline vascular system, in which warm waters flow through cooler ones, has a much greater effect, and not only for the ocean, but also for the upper layers of the atmosphere, up to ten kilometers high. The absence of this usual phenomenon in the northeastern part of the Atlantic disrupted the normal course of atmospheric air flows in the summer of this year, resulting in unheard-of high temperatures in the Russian capital, Moscow (up to 40ºС), floods and droughts in Central Europe.”

If we imagine that Dr. Zangazi is right, then the extraordinary consequences of the death of the Gulf Stream will be felt by the whole world in the coming years. Obviously, it is no coincidence that the Canadian parliament quickly created a commission that should establish the real situation near Canadian territory. The commission was headed by the famous North American oceanographer Ronald Rabbit. Based on the results of the work, the Canadians made two conclusions: firstly, the information of Dr. Gianluigi Zangari was completely confirmed: no movement of water was detected in the waters of the former Gulf Stream. Secondly, 800 miles east of the waters of the former Gulf Stream, another powerful current formed!

Based on this information, we can conclude that the Gulf Stream did not stop, but it is possible that it changed the trajectory of the flow. However, even if this is so, global climate change obviously cannot be avoided. It is not known what the consequences may be.

In the West, it has long been believed that if the Gulf Stream disappeared completely, the average annual temperature in Europe, for example, would gradually drop by almost 9 degrees over the course of a couple of years. Which would ultimately turn warm France or Spain into something like the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia. But even if the Gulf Stream did not completely disappear in the ocean, as members of the Canadian commission claim, but simply changed the path of the current and stopped reaching Northern Europe, what does this change?

Many are confident that today the situation has already begun to unfold according to an extremely alarming scenario. The signs are here. Last winter in Germany there was a constant snow cover, the thickness of which lasted for a long time about 10 centimeters, something like this had not been observed for many decades. In addition, there were unnatural frosts for these places, sometimes reaching minus 20°C at night. In 2010, the Germans did not see the usual thaws at the beginning of winter at all. In December 2010, the lowest temperatures in the last 100 years were recorded in the UK. Due to unprecedented frosts, both London airports were closed for some time.

The main headache associated with the death of the Gulf Stream: what will we eat? An article was published in the Western press containing basic information that is terrible for humanity - the ongoing changes in the Earth's climate in the foreseeable future will lead to the death of up to two-thirds of the entire population. As much as possible?

According to Yuri Shushkevich, the famous Russian futurologist, quite. In his calculations, he is more specific: the world's population will face a full-scale famine in twenty years. The catastrophe will affect not only third world countries, but also quite prosperous countries. Moreover, the point is not only that the fertile soils will turn into a lifeless cold desert. But, according to Yuri Shushkevich, the mass extinction of the population from hunger will be brought closer by the same exorbitant lack of energy.

According to American scientists, the Gulf Stream will disappear as a result of global warming. This will lead to the fact that billions of watts of heat from the tropics will no longer warm Europe. According to the British publication The Guardian, today the strength of the flows has decreased by more than 10%. According to Mike Schlesinger, a scientist from the climate research group at the University of Illinois in the USA, to stop the Gulf Stream, an increase in ambient temperature of only 2-2.5 degrees is enough. The reality that the current will disappear in the next 100 years exceeds 50%, and according to forecasts, by 2200 this reality will increase to 70%.

According to scientists, the current is slowing down due to the melting of Arctic and Greenland ice and the huge amount of fresh water that enters the Gulf Stream with rain. Researchers are confident that the disappearance of the Gulf Stream will lead to unforeseen climate changes throughout the North Atlantic. In some areas the average temperature could drop by 10 degrees, and off the coast of Britain it will fall by at least 5 degrees.

As you can see, no matter for what reason the Gulf Stream disappears, be it an accident in the Gulf of Mexico or global warming, the result is the same - the Earth is on the verge of a natural disaster and this cannot be changed!

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