Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Barbashov biography feat. Personal feat of Pyotr Porfilovich Barbashev

Pyotr Barbashov, who sacrificed his life, gave his fellow soldiers the opportunity to continue the offensive.

The Novosibirsk region, including Berdsk, is associated with the Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Barbashov, who anticipated the feat of Alexander Matrosov. Here lives the younger sister of a fearless front-line soldier who gave his life for the bright future of subsequent generations.

On November 9, 1942, a front-line soldier from the Vengerovsky district, Pyotr Barbashov, near the village of Gizel near Vladikavkaz closed the embrasure of an enemy pillbox with his body. The squad, commanded by junior sergeant Barbashov, was tasked with destroying the pillbox. Since the firing point stopped the advance of the entire division. Barbashov and his squad tried in different ways to destroy the enemy pillbox. The ammunition has run out, but they are still firing from the pillbox. In order to complete the task, junior sergeant Barbashov covered the embrasure with his body. He accomplished this feat six months earlier than Alexander Matrosov.

Pyotr Parfenovich Barbashov was born in 1918 in the village of Bolshoy Syugan in the Vengerovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. After school, he worked on a state farm and was in charge of a reading room. From 1937 to 1939 he lived in Igarka and worked in the port. In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army by the Igarsk city military registration and enlistment office and served in the internal troops. On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since July 1941. Junior sergeant, commander of the submachine gunner squad of the 34th motorized rifle regiment (Ordzhonikidze division of the NKVD troops, Northern group, Transcaucasian Front).

One life for the sake of 1000 others

At the beginning of November 1942, our troops defending the North Caucasus went on the offensive. Fierce fighting broke out in the area of ​​the city of Ordzhonikidze. One of the battalions of the 34th motorized rifle regiment was ordered to take the village of Gizel.

Pyotr Barbashev's squad advanced on the left flank of the company. This is what the newspapers wrote about the feat of the Siberian (“Socialist Ossetia”, No. 298, December 16, 1942 (author: Senior Lieutenant G. Kardash) and in the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, August 10, 1942 (

“Peter Barbashov joined the Red Army at the age of 19, and at first his comrades and colleagues made fun of him. But he soon showed his discipline, accuracy and precision in carrying out the commander’s orders, and diligence in his studies. In a short time, he was able to rise to the rank of “junior sergeant” and the position of “squad commander.” Then Barbashov was elected secretary of the company Komsomol presidium. Under his leadership, the organization doubled in size in three months. The best fighters, excellent students, began to join the ranks of the Lenin Komsomol. A few days before the 25th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, Barbashov submitted an application to the party organization: “I ask you to accept me into the ranks of the Lenin-Stalin party, since I want to fight as a communist in the upcoming battles with the Nazi occupiers. I give my word that on the approaches to the city of Ordzhonikidze I will exterminate the fascists the same way our glorious guards exterminate them. In the fight for the common cause of our homeland, for the cause of the Bolshevik Party, I will not spare my blood, and, if necessary, my life itself.” The party meeting unanimously accepted Barbashov as a party candidate. He responded only to the strong handshakes of the communists with a smile.

A white morning fog floated through the ravine. Hiding behind him, a group of fighters, among whom was junior sergeant Pyotr Barbashov, paved the way for our advancing units. It was very difficult to move forward. The enemy fired heavily with machine gun and mortar fire. The enemy bunker on the right fired especially fiercely. He literally did not give the opportunity to take a step forward. Several of our fighters fell, struck by fascist zeros. Pressing himself to the ground, Barbashov crawled about twenty meters to the bunker and threw two grenades. There was a dull crackle of explosions. But the enemy bunker continued to fire. Barbashov saw how bullets killed two Komsomol members, Davydov and Mova, 10 meters from him. For a moment, Barbashov clearly imagined these Komsomol members alive. How cheerful and cheerful they were just a few hours ago! For some reason I remembered the wounded Grigory Bobin, to whom I sent greetings to the hospital yesterday. Maybe Grigory is no longer alive? But he promised Barbashov that after the war he would come to his native village to stay. Both of them are fellow countrymen: Hungarian region, Novosibirsk region.

The junior sergeant's heart overflowed with a thirst for revenge for the blood shed by his comrades. He jumped up and rushed forward. The stream of fire burned both legs. Barbashov shuddered, swayed, but did not fall - with his left hand he touched the ground in time. A stream of fire hit the right hand, the hand hung helplessly, dropping the machine gun to the ground...

The vile enemy, hiding under the hood of a bunker, blocked the path of the attackers. The junior sergeant clearly sees the barrel of an enemy machine gun in front of him. He rushes forward and covers the embrasure of the enemy pillbox with his body. The barrel of a fascist machine gun is pressed to the ground. The fire is suppressed. Our soldiers boldly burst into the trenches and mercilessly deal with Hitler’s beast.

The all-crushing force of rage was felt in every blow with the bayonet and butt. The soldiers cruelly avenged the death of their friend, in whose chest the noble Bolshevik heart beat, who gave his life for the glorious city of Sergo Ordzhonikidze.”

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union to junior sergeant Pyotr Parfenovich Barbashov was awarded posthumously by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 13, 1942, with the Order of Lenin.

Pyotr Parfenovich Barbashov was buried in a mass grave near the village of Gizel, North Ossetia.

"Barbashovo Field" in North Ossetia

In 1983, at the site of the feat of Pyotr Barbashov, on the sixth kilometer of the Vladikavkaz-Alagir highway, near the village of Gizel, a monument was erected to him. The monument was a memorial complex consisting of a sculpture of a submachine gunner rushing into an attack, a mass grave of soldiers from Pyotr Barbashov’s unit, as well as a memorial bunker and a birch alley.

At the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, with the support of the head of the region Vyacheslav Bitarov, with the assistance of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic, and caring patrons of the arts, it was decided to build an updated and more expanded memorial complex in memory of fallen soldiers, which should become one of the largest museums in the North Ossetia, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. The Barbashovo Pole memorial complex was inaugurated in May 2018.

At the entrance there is an alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union, natives of North Ossetia. The legendary Victory tank IS-3, which took part in the historical Victory Parade in Berlin, took pride of place in the exhibition of real military equipment from the Great Patriotic War. A special attraction of the military-historical memorial was the legendary bunker, which 23-year-old Siberian Pyotr Barbashov covered with his body, giving his fellow soldiers the opportunity to occupy the coveted height. The previously closed, dilapidated building has turned into a full-fledged museum.

Film "Barbashovo Field"

Since 2016, the House of Friendship has been working fruitfully in Berdsk. It is one of the divisions of the Berd Historical and Art Museum. The House of Friendship is a meeting place for cultural autonomies and communities of different nationalities. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War are frequent guests in their literary and musical living room. Employees of the House of Friendship learned that the Barbashovo Pole memorial complex was opened in North Ossetia this year and that Peter Barbashov’s sister Zinaida Ilyushechkina has lived in Berdsk since 1969. They approached the city administration with the initiative to contact the leadership of North Ossetia and express gratitude for preserving the memory of Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Barbashov. The mayor’s office established contact with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia, from where the film “Barbashovo Field” was sent to Berdsk. A documentary film about the memorial complex was shown to the Hero's sister.

Older brother

Pyotr Barbashov’s younger sister Zinaida Ilyushechkina recalls:

— We had a big family. Mom Elena Terentyevna is from Belarus, dad Parfen Alekseevich is a native Siberian. There were five children in the family: three brothers Pavel, Peter and Leonty, sister Sophia and me, Zinaida. We lived in a small house on the edge of the village. Parents worked on the collective farm named after. Kirov. They were very kind and hospitable people, they were not afraid to let a traveler spend the night, they shared simple food, although we lived very poorly. Peter graduated from school and worked on a state farm, managing a reading room. He came home to Bolshoi Syugan infrequently. I was a little girl, but I remember him as a very kind and caring brother and son. He loved books very much. I read a lot. And he even gave me books, not for children, but those that will be useful in the future, for example, “Quiet Don”, “Aelita” and so on. He loved me very much, as the youngest. When he came home, he talked to me and said that I definitely needed to study. From Igarka, where he worked at the call of the Komsomol on the construction of a port, Peter brought me a very beautiful doll. I will remember this gift for the rest of my life. I also remember that he had very beautiful handwriting. He did not play musical instruments, but he sang well. One of my favorite songs is “My beloved city can sleep peacefully.” Petra always helped people, especially the poorest. People often turned to him for advice. I also remember how we waited for letters from the front and read these long-awaited news out loud. Peter was worried about the health of his parents, said hello to us sisters, and wrote to tell me to study well.

Zinaida Parfenovna spoke about the story that happened during the Great Patriotic War. It so happened that Peter’s military unit and Leonty’s military unit ended up in Aktobe. When the commanders found out that they were siblings, they arranged an “unexpected” meeting for them. They put Peter in the office behind a closet and invited Leonty to enter. Leonty entered, and Peter came out from behind the closet. The meeting was very touching.

Leonty, who fought in the tank forces, managed to survive. After serving in the army, Pavel also returned home. Now only Sophia and Zinaida are left alive from the large family.

Zinaida Parfenovna, together with her front-line husband Nikolai Ilyushechkin, went to the opening of the monument to Pyotr Barbashov in Vladikavkaz in 1983 as part of a large delegation from the Novosibirsk region, which included chairmen of veterans’ councils, schoolchildren, and journalists. Zinaida Parfenovna said that her tears knew no bounds when she found herself at the memorial.

Know, Soviet people, that you are descendants of fearless warriors!
Know, Soviet people, that the blood of great heroes flows in you,
Those who gave their lives for their homeland without thinking about the benefits!
Know and honor, Soviet people, the exploits of our grandfathers and fathers!

Petr Parfenovich Barbashev born in 1918 in the village of Bolshoi Syugan (now Vengerovsky district of the Novosibirsk region). Peter died in 1942 in North Ossetia. The hero was only 23 years old.

After graduating from school, he worked on a state farm and was in charge of a hut-reading room. From 1937 to 1939 he lived in Igarka and worked in the port. In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army by the Igarsk city military registration and enlistment office and served in the internal troops.

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since July 1941. Junior sergeant, commander of the submachine gunner squad of the 34th motorized rifle regiment (Ordzhonikidze division of the NKVD troops, Northern group, Transcaucasian Front).

The main feat of his short life Peter Barbashev committed on November 9, 1942 in the battle for the village of Gizel (Prigorodny District of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). In the fall of 1942, the enemy was eager for Grozny oil. Among the formations and units that blocked his path was a division of the NKVD troops, in which Pyotr Barbashev served.

Our soldiers were opposed by German units specially trained to conduct military operations in mountainous areas. In these battles, the commander of the submachine gunner squad, Komsomol organizer of the company Pyotr Barbashev showed himself to be an proactive, fearless warrior. The brave Siberian more than once voluntarily went on reconnaissance missions and brought “tongues”.

At the beginning of November 1942, our troops defending the North Caucasus went on the offensive. Fierce fighting broke out in the area of ​​​​the city of Ordzhonikidze. One of the battalions of the 34th motorized rifle regiment was ordered to take the village of Gizel.

Branch Petra Barbasheva advanced on the left flank of the company. The machine gunners crawled and dashed closer to the Nazi positions. Suddenly there was fire from an enemy bunker. Barbashev's squad was closest to the enemy firing point. And the Siberian, taking several grenades, crawled to the bunker.

From the award list:

“During the preparation of offensive operations on November 8–9, 1942, he carried out the command’s task of reconnaissance of enemy forces. In reconnaissance he acted skillfully and courageously. On November 9, 1942, the regiment's units went on the offensive and were delayed by enemy machine-gun fire.

Comrade Barbashev went to eliminate the enemy firing point. He crawled to the firing point, threw several grenades, but the enemy continued to fire from the point, preventing our units from advancing, Comrade. Barbashev gave his young life as a faithful son of our people.

He crawled to the enemy’s firing point and covered the embrasure with his body, dying a hero’s death, but ensured that our unit moved forward.”

Rank Hero of the Soviet Unionjunior sergeantPyotr Parfenovich Barbashevwas awarded posthumously by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 13, 1942 with the awarding of the Order of Lenin.

Buried Petr Parfenovich Barbashev in a mass grave near the village of Gizel, North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Lance Sergeant Barbashev forever included in the lists of the military unit. School No. 30 and a street in the city of Ordzhonikidze, school No. 171 and a street in Novosibirsk, streets in Vladikavkaz, the village of Vengerovo and the city of Igarka, where a memorial plaque is installed on one of the houses, are named after the hero.

04.02.1919 - 09.11.1942
Hero of the Soviet Union
Decree dates
1. 13.12.1942


B Arbashev Pyotr Parfenovich – commander of the submachine gunner section of the 34th motorized rifle regiment (Ordzhonikidze division of the NKVD troops, Northern group of troops of the Transcaucasian Front), junior sergeant.

Born on January 23 (February 4), 1919 in the village of Bolshoy Syugan, now Vengerovsky district, Novosibirsk region, in a peasant family. Russian. He graduated from the 7th grade of a rural school. He worked on the collective farm “Memory of Kirov”, then headed the Mariinsky hut-reading room. He was elected as a deputy of the village council.

In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army and graduated from the school for junior commanders.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. He particularly distinguished himself in battles for the defense of the North Caucasus in the fall of 1942.

On November 9, 1942, in the battle for the village of Gizel (Prigorodny district of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania), junior sergeant P.P. Barbashev and a group of soldiers discovered a firing point. Having volunteered to destroy it and having used up all the ammunition, he rushed to the embrasure and closed it with his body.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 13, 1942, for exceptional courage and heroism shown in the fight against the German invaders, junior sergeant Barbashev Pyotr Parfenovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

Awarded the Order of Lenin (12/13/1942, posthumously).

He was buried in a mass grave near the village of Gizel.

His name is carved on marble at the gateway of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station. Streets in the cities of Vladikavkaz and Igarka (Krasnoyarsk Territory), as well as the villages of Gizel (a suburban region of North Ossetia), Vengerovo, Menshikovo and 2nd Petropavlovka (Vengerovsky district of the Novosibirsk region), as well as schools in Novosibirsk and Vladikavkaz are named after him. Date of Birth corrected according to a message from Yuri Lizunov (Novosibirsk). According to the State Archives of the Novosibirsk Region, metric books from the church of the village of Ust-Izes, Tomsk province for 1919 (file 361, sheet 208, entry 5): “On January 23, a boy was born, named Peter, father Parfeniy Alekseevich Barbashev, mother Elena Terentyevna Barbasheva from village Big Syugan."

From the award list

“...During the preparation of offensive operations on November 8-9, 1942, he carried out the command’s task of reconnaissance of enemy forces. In reconnaissance he acted skillfully and courageously.

9.11.42. The regiment's units went on the offensive and were delayed by enemy machine-gun fire. Comrade Barbashev went to eliminate the enemy firing point. He crawled to the firing point, threw several grenades, but the enemy continued to fire from the point, preventing our units from advancing, Comrade. Barbashev gave his young life as a faithful son of our people. He crawled to the enemy’s firing point and covered the embrasure with his body, died a hero’s death, but ensured the advancement of our unit forward...."

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Details Category: News Published: 05/05/2018 14:12 Author: Press service of the Central Committee of the SKP-CPSU Views: 680

Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the UPC-CPSU, member of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Kazbek Kutsukovich Taisaev and First Secretary of the North Ossetian Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on Science, education, culture and information policy, Chairman of the Secretariat of the Parliament Elena Aleksandrovna Knyazeva, as guests, took part in the opening in the village of Gizel of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania of a memorial complex dedicated to the history of the Great Patriotic War.

The memorial is located around the monument to Komsomol member, Red Army fighter, hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Barbashov, whose feat, at the cost of his life, made it possible to take the fortified defensive structures of the Nazis, as a result of which the enemy was thrown back more than 30 kilometers.

Today, the opened memorial complex was called “Barbashovo Field”; initially, here, on the site of the feat of the young Komsomol member, a monument to Pyotr Parfenovich Barbashov was unveiled on May 9, 1983. The memorial complex includes: a photo gallery with unique footage of the battle for the Caucasus, a bunker with an installation of the feat of Peter Barbashov, an exhibition of samples of military equipment of those years, including the IS-3 tank that participated in the Victory Parade in Berlin, as well as the Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. North Ossetia is in first place in the number of heroes of the Soviet Union who received their title during the Great Patriotic War. Moreover, 95% of them were members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and Komsomol. Every fifth resident of the republic fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. In 1941, 40,186 people were sent to the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in general for 1941-1945 - 89,934 residents of the republic. Of these, more than 45,500 people did not return from the battlefields - every second representative of North Ossetia who participated in the war died at the front.

The oldest member of the Communist Party, President of the North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor and winner of the highest awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania - Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, delivered a welcoming speech , Order “For the Glory of Ossetia”, Magometov Akhurbek Alikhanovich:

“On behalf of professors, teachers, students, workers and employees of higher educational institutions of the republic, I express words of deep gratitude to the creators of this wonderful memorial. Mikhail Ivanovich, your creation is brilliant, it is a masterpiece, it is a classic. It should become a golden page in the modern history of Ossetia and Russia, the heroic chronicle of the Soviet and Russian army and navy. I am confident that it will be the most important incentive and factor in the work on military-patriotic, international, moral education of the younger generation of the entire multinational North Caucasus.”

Also during his speech, Akhurbek Alikhanovich spoke about the feat of junior sergeant Pyotr Parfenovich Barbashov and the feat of one of the natives of North Ossetia, Lieutenant Lazar Alagovich Dzotov, stories about which were published in various printed publications:

About the feat of Pyotr Barbashov:

“Peter Barbashov joined the Red Army at the age of 19, and at first his comrades and colleagues made fun of him. But he soon showed his discipline, accuracy and precision in carrying out the commander’s orders, and diligence in his studies. In a short time, he was able to rise to the rank of “junior sergeant” and the position of “squad commander.” Then Barbashov was elected secretary of the company Komsomol presidium. Under his leadership, the organization doubled in size in three months. The best fighters - excellent students - began to join the ranks of the Lenin Komsomol. A few days before the 25th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, Barbashov submitted an application to the party organization: “I ask you to accept me into the ranks of the Lenin-Stalin party, since I want to fight as a communist in the upcoming battles with the Nazi occupiers. I give my word that on the approaches to the city of Ordzhonikidze I will exterminate the fascists the same way our glorious guards exterminate them. In the fight for the common cause of our homeland, for the cause of the Bolshevik Party, I will not spare my blood, and, if necessary, my life itself.” The party meeting unanimously accepted Barbashov as a party candidate. He responded only to the strong handshakes of the communists with a smile.

A white morning fog floated through the ravine. Hiding behind him, a group of fighters, among whom was junior sergeant Pyotr Barbashov, paved the way for our advancing units. It was very difficult to move forward. The enemy fired heavily with machine-gun and mortar fire. The enemy bunker on the right fired especially fiercely. He literally did not give the opportunity to take a step forward. Several of our fighters fell, struck by fascist zeros. Pressing himself to the ground, Barbashov crawled about twenty meters to the bunker and threw two grenades. There was a dull crackle of explosions. But the enemy bunker continued to fire. Barbashov saw how bullets killed two Komsomol members, Davydov and Mova, 10 meters from him. For a moment, Barbashov clearly imagined these Komsomol members alive. How cheerful and cheerful they were just a few hours ago! For some reason I remembered the wounded Grigory Bobin, to whom I sent greetings to the hospital yesterday. Maybe Grigory is no longer alive? But he promised Barbashov that after the war he would come to his native village to stay. Both of them are fellow countrymen: Hungarian region, Novosibirsk region.

The junior sergeant's heart overflowed with a thirst for revenge for the blood shed by his comrades. He jumped up and rushed forward. The stream of fire burned both legs. Barbashov shuddered, swayed, but did not fall - with his left hand he touched the ground in time. A stream of fire hit the right hand, the hand hung helplessly, dropping the machine gun to the ground...

The vile enemy, hiding under the hood of a bunker, blocked the path of the attackers. The junior sergeant clearly sees the barrel of an enemy machine gun in front of him. He rushes forward and covers the embrasure of the enemy pillbox with his body. The barrel of a fascist machine gun is pressed to the ground. The fire is suppressed. Our soldiers boldly burst into the trenches and mercilessly deal with Hitler’s beast.

The all-crushing force of rage was felt in every blow with the bayonet and butt. The soldiers cruelly avenged the death of their friend, in whose chest the noble Bolshevik heart beat, who gave his life for the glorious city of Sergo Ordzhonikidze.”

Senior Lieutenant G. Kardash. Newspaper “Socialist Ossetia”, No. 298, December 16, 1942.

About the feat of Lieutenant Lazar Dzotov:

“I was just given a suicide note from Komsomol member Lieutenant Dzotov. This note was found in the hero’s Komsomol card.

They told me how the glorious son of the Ossetian people died. Lieutenant Dzotov's platoon received orders to cross to the opposite bank and gain a foothold there to help the rest of the regiment's forces cross. No matter how difficult the task was, the platoon coped with it perfectly and carried out the order with honor. Lieutenant Dzotov died, but provided conditions for crossing for all soldiers. From above I see how our troops are moving towards the village over which Lazar wanted to hoist the Red Banner with his own hands.

Dzotov’s heroism inspires all the soldiers fighting near Voronezh.”

And here is the note itself: “To my people. In my service to the Soviet people, I fight to the last drop of blood for honor, for freedom, for the independence of the Soviet land. I am faithful to my military oath, which I took in the face of the Great of my people. I consider myself a faithful son of the people until the last minute of my life. Death to the German fascists! Forward for Stalin!”

“Young fighter! Take a look at the brave face of Komsomol member Dzotov. Read the suicide note that the hero's comrades took from his Komsomol card. We are printing a note from a brave Ossetian as a testament addressed to you, defender of the Motherland.

Komsomol lieutenant L.A. Dzotov, the proud son of the distant mountain village of Dur-Dur, led the machine gunners into the attack. He was entrusted with a difficult task: to suppress enemy machine-gun and mortar points covering the river crossing, to be the first to cross the river and ensure the crossing of the entire unit. Difficult? Yes, it is difficult. But for a Komsomol member nothing is impossible. And the Komsomol lieutenant without hesitation led his brave soldiers to storm.

The machine gunners stubbornly and boldly moved forward. The Germans responded with furious fire. But gradually this fire weakened, and fewer and fewer machine guns and machine guns remained in the enemy’s ranks. Picking out the Nazis from their shelters, the machine gunners ensured the crossing of their unit.

Now the enemy has only one machine gun left. Victory is near! Heated up in battle, the young Ossetian rushes straight at him. Look out, hero! But it’s too late: several bullets dig into Dzotov’s chest.

Seized with hatred of the enemy, the fighters continued the attack. They burst into the settlement and hoisted the Red Banner over it, which Dzotov wanted to raise here.

Let these lines reach the distant mountain village of Dur-Dur, let the friends and relatives of the noble hero know how the brave son of Ossetia lived and fought! Let the entire Caucasus honor the memory of the hero who, in these difficult days, proved again and again what freedom-loving highlanders are capable of!

The great poet of Ossetia Kosta Khetagurov wrote: “It is better to die as a free people than to serve as slaves to a despot through bloody sweat.” He called on the brave mountaineers to “stock up on courage and grainy gunpowder.” And now, when the hour of decisive battles has struck, the brave Ossetians have shown the world that they are capable of performing miracles of courage in the name of their independence. The Ossetian people brought their four sons into the camp of immortals, into the ranks of the Heroes of the Soviet Union: the names of Mildzikhov, Karsanov, Tsokolaev, Ostaev are known to the entire front. Many, many Ossetians were awarded orders and medals for their exploits. And the modest Lieutenant Dzotov, with his moving testament, expressed not only his thoughts, but also the thoughts of the entire young generation, his brave people.

Read the will of Lieutenant Dzotov again and again, young warrior! Remember every word of this will. And when you go into battle, remember him. When you have a hard time in battle, repeat it. Like a parting word from an older brother, like a blessing from the Motherland, it will accompany you in battle, inspire you, and multiply your strength. Because there are no more powerful sources of strength in the world than love for the fatherland and faith in victory!”

Special correspondent A. Gutarovich. Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", August 10, 1942.

The opening of the complex was also attended by the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District, Oleg Belaventsev, the head of North Ossetia Vyacheslav Bitarov, the head of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the North Caucasus Federal District, Lieutenant General of Police Sergei Bachurin and the Minister of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia, Police Lieutenant General Mikhail Skokov, President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, members of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representatives of government authorities, law enforcement agencies of the republic, public organizations, clergy, schoolchildren and students of educational institutions, as well as relatives and friends of soldiers buried in mass grave.

Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the UPC-CPSU, member of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, Kazbek Kutsukovich Taisaev:

“On the eve of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a monument to the Red Army soldier Pyotr Parfenovich Barbashov, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, was unveiled. He committed a heroic act five months earlier than Alexander Matrosov. The selfless and heroic act became the first example in history for hundreds of soldiers, sailors and officers in the confrontation with the fascist junta, inspiring to this day new exploits and achievements. Today we must honor the memory of our heroes, thanks to whom we got a chance to live, take new heights and a peaceful sky above our heads. I and the First Secretary of the North Ossetian Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy, Chairman of the Secretariat of the Parliament Elena Aleksandrovna Knyazeva arrived at the ceremonial events by invitation, the North Ossetian Republican Committee is the leader in patriotic education of youth. The opening of this complex is a landmark event for all of Russia - nothing like this has been opened in the last 10 years. Today, against the backdrop of the events unfolding in Ukraine and Armenia, it is very important to remember the great achievements, victories and heroes that we had. In this regard, our faction in the Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania will insist that a decision be made at the legislative level to conduct lessons of courage at the “Barbashov Field” under the leadership of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans, Russian officers for students of educational institutions, where they will talk about the great feat of the Soviet people, Komsomol members and communists. Separately, I would like to thank the Minister of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia, who in the republic is called the “People’s Minister”. Under his leadership, the Ministry reached a leading position in Russia. He personally takes an active part in the military-patriotic education of youth. In the short time he has been at the Ministry, he has made his contribution both to the history of the Republic and Russia, he stood at the origins of the idea and was the main driving force behind the implementation of the project for the construction of this complex. For this work, our party awarded him the highest award of the Central Council of the UPC-CPSU - the “Order of the Union of Fraternal Nations.”

At the end of the event, a parade of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania took place.

Every year the events of the Great Patriotic War become more and more distant. But the connecting thread of times and generations does not allow those tragic and heroic years to be forgotten. The memory of one person unites residents of the Novosibirsk region. The memory of the great feat unites the entire country.

During the Great Patriotic War, junior sergeant Pyotr Barbashov sacrificed himself to save his fellow soldiers in North Ossetia, for which he posthumously received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Pyotr Barbashov was born in the Vengerovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. He is connected with Berdsk by his younger sister, Zinaida Ilyushechkina, who has lived in our city since 1969.

“I was a little girl, but I remember him as a very kind and caring brother and son. He loved books very much and read a lot."

All brothers fought for their homeland. Pavel and Leonty returned from the front alive. Instead of Peter, a funeral came home.

Zinaida Ilyushechkina, sister of Peter Barbashov:

“When we received the funeral, I was studying in Menshikovo. We, of course, roared at the top of our lungs. It is clear that this is very difficult to perceive. Mom received a funeral"

On November 9, 1942, near the village of Gizel near Ordzhonikidze, a squad commanded by junior sergeant Barbashov was tasked with destroying a bunker. For the sake of its execution, Pyotr Barbashov closed the embrasure with his body, as a result of which the enemy was thrown back more than 30 kilometers.

Residents of North Ossetia remember the feat of Pyotr Barbashov. In 1983, a monument was erected to him near the village of Gizel: an eight-meter sculpture of a submachine gunner warrior rushing into the attack. Zinaida Ilyushechkina attended the opening of the monument in Vladikavkaz as part of a delegation from the Novosibirsk region as a close relative. In May 2018, the opening of a memorial complex dedicated to the history of the Great Patriotic War took place. The memorial is located around the monument to Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Barbashov.

The memorial complex includes: a photo gallery with unique footage of the battle for the Caucasus, an exhibition of samples of military equipment of those years, including the IS-3 tank that participated in the Victory Parade in Berlin, the Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, as well as a bunker. with an installation of the feat of Peter Barbashov. Due to health reasons, Zinaida Parfenovna was unable to attend the opening of the memorial complex. But she still sincerely thanks the people who keep the memory of her brother alive.

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