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III International Choral Competition


Moscow, Russia


The “Mystery of Sound” choral competitions are marked by numerous letters of welcome and regularly receive support from government agencies, in particular, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region.

Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"

Prestigious international competitions and festivals of children's and youth creativity, combined with an extensive excursion program. A series of competitions and festivals have been held in various cities around the world for many years. Every year the level of preparation and organization of events is improving, the geography of projects is expanding, and the number of participants is growing.

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION: Popularization of choral creativity. Supporting existing choral groups, showing their achievements at the international level. Acquaintance with and the opportunity to compare choral groups around the world, exchange of choral literature from different countries, familiarization with musical styles, traditions, interpretations and vocal-choral techniques. Also, the goals of the competition are: preservation and development of the traditions of the multinational culture of the Russian Federation; introducing participants to the richness of the choral art of the peoples of the world; increasing the professional level of team leaders; holding master classes, creative meetings and round tables for managers; development among young people of tolerance and adequate understanding of other cultures, ways of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality; exchange of experience between teams, managers and teachers, support of constant creative contacts between them, their unification within the framework of the festival movement; creating an atmosphere for professional communication between competition participants, exchange of experience and repertoire; attracting producers and concert organizers for subsequent contacts with groups participating in the competition, for organizing tours and participation in foreign festivals, competitions and concerts; attracting attention from government, international, commercial and public organizations to the problems of creative groups and performers; coverage of the creativity of children and youth in the media.

The competition will include creative meetings, master classes, a fair of song phonograms, an excursion program around Moscow and nearby palaces and suburbs, visits to theaters, museums, an award ceremony for participants and a Gala concert of the competition.


Participation in master classes is free for competitors,

Visits are strictly by appointment.

At the end of the master class, a certificate of completion is issued,

All information obtained at the master class can be used in further creative activities.


1. Children's choirs, 2. Men's choirs, 3. Women's choirs, 4. Mixed choirs, 5. Boys and youth choirs, 6. Chamber choirs (choirs from 13 to 24 people take part), 7. Vocal ensembles (take part women's, men's, mixed and children's ensembles from 3 to 12 people)

Up to 6 years; from 7 to 8 years old; from 9 to 10 years; from 11 to 12 years old; from 13 to 15 years old; from 16 to 18 years old; from 18 to 25 years old; over 25 years old; mixed group.

In a team of each age category, no more than 30% of participants are allowed to be younger or older than the specified age limits. For example, in a team declared in the age category “9-10 years”, up to 30% of the composition may be under 9 years old or over 10 years old.


Participants in all nominations can perform competitive works with live musical accompaniment or have phonograms on a USB drive (flash drive) or CD in audio format (WAV/WAVE or MP3), signed as follows: the name of the track, the band or the name of the soloist (for example: “ Russian dance", ensemble Kalinka). There should be no other files on the USB drive or CD other than the competition program.

The organizing committee has the right to post festival photo and video materials of groups on the global Internet and use them in promotional products without the consent of the group or individual performer.

SPEECH PROGRAM: Each group participating in the competition presents a performance program consisting of various works with a total duration of 8 to 15 minutes.


The degree of difficulty of the program, intonation, accuracy of execution of the musical text, rhythm, tempo, structure, ensemble, dynamics, sense of style, stylistic fidelity, emotionality, expressiveness, general impression, disclosure of content, presentation, appearance (costumes), artistry.

JURY: The composition of the jury, headed by the chairman, is formed and approved by the organizing committee of the competition from leading experts in the field of choral art, teachers of creative universities, honored cultural and art workers. The jury list is not disclosed until the start of the competition. At the end of the competition, participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury, exchange opinions and receive the necessary advice and recommendations.

FOR PARTICIPANTS are assigned in each age category and nomination the title of Laureate of I, II and III degrees, diploma holder of I, II and III degrees, the title of “Participant” with the presentation of corresponding diplomas, memorable prizes and badges. Special diplomas and titles have also been established: “Best choirmaster”, “Best accompanist”, “Best soloist”, “Best performance of sacred music”, “Best performance of folk music”, “Best performance of modern music”, “Best performance of ancient music”.


After submitting an application, participants receive an invoice for the application registration fee. Registration must be paid strictly before the end of applications and only to the bank account. Further payments will be made minus the amount already paid.



The registration fee for participation is 8150 rub. per person application registration included 815 RUR/person

For organized groups there is a 15+1 free offer.

The price includes: application registration, participation in master classes, hotel accommodation in rooms with private amenities, check-in on March 23 at 14.00, departure on March 26 at 12.00, breakfast, sightseeing tour of Moscow, transfer from the city’s railway stations (on festival dates).

FIRST NOMINATION IS A GIFT! Participation in the second and subsequent nominations is for an additional cost: 1000 rubles per person, but not more than 12,000 rubles. from the team. The price is indicated for one nomination.

The organizing committee of the competition-festival provides services for organizing lunches and dinners.

Sightseeing tour of Moscow (duration 4 hours)

During the excursion, participants of the competition-festival will follow a route that includes such key attractions and places of worship in Moscow as: Tverskaya Street, Pushkinskaya Square, Teatralny Proezd (Moscow Theaters), Lubyanskaya Square, the Presidential Administration building, monuments to Cyril and Methodius, Temple All Saints on Kulishki, Varvarka Street, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, Kremlin Embankment, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Bolotnaya Square, Leninsky Prospekt, Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow State University, Moscow skyscrapers from a bird's eye view, as well as a panorama of Moscow, Alley of Cinema Stars, monument Leonov, Ambassadorial Town, modern residential complexes “Golden Keys” and “Sparrow Hills”, Poklonnaya Gora, Triumphal Arch, New Arbat, Znamenka Street - the oldest street in Moscow.

Additional excursions (paid separately):

1. Excursion to Moskvarium “A round-the-world trip in the depths of the sea”, 2. Visit to the Planetarium (Excursion to the Urania Museum, watching a film in the Big Star Hall or excursion to the entertaining science museum “Lunarium”, watching a film in the Big Star Hall), 3. Excursion to the Museum of Cosmonautics, 4. Excursion to the Moscow Kremlin Museum-Reserve + walking tour of Red and Manezhnaya Squares, Alexander Garden, 5. Excursion to the Armory Chamber + walking tour of Red and Manezhnaya Squares, Alexander Garden.

Please note that, at your request, any additional excursion program can be organized for an additional fee.

FOR PARTICIPANTS FROM MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION(without accommodation, meals, transfers and excursions) the registration fee for participation in the competition-festival is:

  • Teams of 3-11 people - 1000 rubles per person, application registration included 500 rubles/person
  • Teams from 12 people - 12,000 rubles. from the team, application registration included 1200 RUR/application

TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMPETITION necessary submit an application through the online form on the website and pay for its registration until March 9, 2017, and also pay the registration fee in full. The application must indicate: the full name of the team, nomination, institution in which the team is based, its postal address (with index), phone/fax, date of creation of the team, honorary title, awards, number of participants and their age, competition program: name , author, timing, phonogram carrier, technical means, full name of the team leader, contact numbers. For visitors: the need to organize additional meals or an excursion program and information about the time of arrival.

On January 19-22, the All-Russian choir competition “Choral Kazan 2018” was held for the fourth time! Groups from all over the country took part in the choral competition - from St. Petersburg to Krasnoyarsk. In total there are 21 teams and more than 700 participants.

The authoritative jury, headed by Vladislav Georgievich Lukyanov, a professor at the Kazan Conservatory, also included Alfiya Ibragimovna Zapparova, a professor at the Kazan Conservatory, and Dmitry Alekseevich Onegin, a professor at the Moscow Gnessin Academy of Music. The jury had a difficult job: to determine the best of the best in 15 competitive categories and four nominations. But thanks to the unique 50-point scoring system developed by the Globus Cantata society, it was impossible to doubt the objectivity of the jury.

The team leaders met at a round table with the competition jury. According to the participants' reviews, this meeting was one of the brightest and most memorable moments of the competition.

The competition participants were given a unique opportunity to perform both on the most famous concert venue in Kazan - the Salikh Saidashev Concert Hall, and on the most historically significant stage - the hall of the music college named after I.V. Aukhadeyev, which featured S. Taneyev, S.V. Rachmaninov, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, F.I. worked here as a clerk. Chaliapin!

During their stay in Kazan, the groups got in touch with the rich thousand-year history and culture of Kazan and Tatarstan - on excursions to the Kazan Kremlin, Tatarskaya Sloboda, and the city-museum of Sviyazhsk.

At the final concert and award ceremony for the winners of the “Choral Kazan - 2018” competition, the participants of the competition were addressed Sannikova Daria Alexandrovna - Director of the Kazan Tourism Development Committee and Abzalov Azat Iskandarovich- Head of the Department of Culture of the Executive Committee of Kazan. They thanked the leaders for their enormous creative work, congratulated the teams on their successful participation in the competition and invited them to visit Kazan again!

We congratulate the winners of the competition - the "Tradition" Choir of the Mytishchi Children's Music School!

Goodbye, “Choral Kazan 2018” - hello, “Choral Kazan 2019”!

Among the abundance of vocal competitions, it is quite difficult to choose the most suitable one. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances - the type of vocal, the age of the participant, the location of the competition, the cost of participation and, most importantly, reliability and a high level of organization.

To help you better navigate the huge number of international festivals and competitions, we present you a list that presents the most famous and well-established vocal competitions of the 2017/2018 season.

Professional vocal competitions 2017/2018

Professional competitions, as a rule, involve performance in an academic style of singing. They are distinguished by the highest requirements, and, accordingly, impressive cash bonuses and excellent career prospects at the best opera stages in the world. Eg:

8th International Opera Singing Competition "St. Petersburg"

Takes place in St. Petersburg from November 24, 2017 to December 2, 2017.

The competition is intended for professional vocalists and students of music universities aged 18-32 years.

Applications are accepted until October 10, 2017.

Prize fund:

  • Grand Prix - the title of laureate and a prize of 225 thousand rubles.
  • Two 1st degree laureate titles and a prize of 150 thousand rubles.
  • Two 2nd degree laureate titles and a prize of 90 thousand rubles.
  • Two 3rd degree laureate titles and a prize of 45 thousand rubles.

Vocal competitions for children 2017/2018, held among students of children's music schools, colleges and lyceums, can also be classified as professional.

7th International Competition for Young Vocalists named after. Elena Obraztsova

Will be held in St. Petersburg from 08/15/2018 to 08/22/2018. Vocalists from 9 to 17 years old are invited to the solo academic singing competition.

Prize fund:

  • Grand Prix – 40 thousand rubles.
  • 16 bonuses - ranging from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles each.
  • International festivals and competitions for children and adults

Also, various international festivals and competitions have become widespread, which include not only all types of vocal nominations, but also other types of art (choreography, theater, artistic expression). In most cases, these competitions have no age restrictions, do not require special musical education, are distinguished by a variety of formats and a wide geography, which allows you to select a competition taking place in your home or nearby city.

89th International Festival-Competition “The Sea Knows No Borders” within the framework of the creative project “Admiralty Star”

It takes place in the format of a summer camp (Sochi, July 2018).

Nominations– folk singing, academic and pop vocals.

Grand Prix of the competition – 50 thousand rubles.

73rd International Festival-Competition “Shores of Hope”

Will take place in Yekaterinburg from 03.11.2017 to 06.11.2017.

The main prize of the competition will be the award of 100,000 rubles at the “Grand Prize 2017-2018” in Anapa.

32nd International Festival-Competition “Creative Discoveries. Music" from the Creative Association "Salute of Talents"

Will be held in St. Petersburg from March 24 to March 27, 2018. Applications will be accepted until 03/04/2018 inclusive.

Nominations: academic, pop and folk vocals, as well as vocal and instrumental ensemble.

The winners will receive memorable prizes and diplomas of laureates of 1,2,3 degrees, as well as the title of diploma holders. The Grand Prix winner will have the opportunity to participate in one of the competitions organized by the Salute of Talents organization without making a financial contribution.

International vocal competitions in Moscow

Despite the huge number of international competitions organized throughout Russia, festivals and competitions held in Moscow are always popular. Among the vocal competitions of the 2017/2018 season in Moscow, in addition to traditional professional ones, festival-competitions organized by the Planet of Talents Foundation are worthy of attention.

Final of the International festival-competition within the framework of the project “Cradle of Russia”

The age of participants is not limited.


  • Pop vocals.
  • Folklore singing.
  • Jazz vocals.
  • Academic vocals.
  • Choral singing.
  • Folk vocals.

Based on the results of the festival, vocalists receive the titles of laureates, diploma winners and the title of Grand Prix winner of the competition.

International distance vocal festivals and online competitions

For most soloists, teachers, participants in vocal studios and their parents, traveling to major international competitions is not possible due to financial and organizational difficulties. However, having an official international diploma can make it easier for you to further enroll in music schools and receive government scholarships or grants. In this case, the best option would be to participate in online competitions organized by creative associations and various support funds. For example, international vocal competitions 2017/2018, which will be held remotely.

19th International Competition “First Swallows”

The “Singing Swallows” nomination includes:

  • ethnic singing;
  • academic vocals;
  • folk singing;
  • pop-jazz vocals.

International Internet competitions of the Planet of Talents Foundation

Regularly held every 3 months.

Vocal art nominations: pop, folk, academic vocals.


OIIIMoscow children's festival-competition of concert choirs of children's music schools, children's art schools and children's art schools in Moscow

"Winter choir meetings - 2018",

dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the choral conductor, teacher and composer V.G. Sokolov

Founder of the festival:

GBUDO of the city of Moscow "Children's music school named after S.M. Maykapar"

With the assistance of:

Methodical choral center of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Children's music choir school "Vesna" named after. A.S. Ponomarev";

GBUDO of the city of Moscow "Children's Art School No. 11";

FSBEI HPE "Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popov".

Goals and objectives of the festival-competition:

- preservation and development of the traditions of children's choral art based on the best examples of choral creativity of Russian and foreign composers, folk songs;

Identification and support of promising and interesting creative choral groups, improvement of performing skills;

Strengthening creative ties between educational music institutions, choral directors and young performers;

Exchange of creative, pedagogical, performing experience;

Identification of new directions in choral performance;

The opportunity to update the choral repertoire, conduct master classes with leading choirmasters working with children's groups.

Conditions for the festival-competition

Junior and senior concert choirs from the Children's Music School, Children's Art School and Children's Art School of Moscow take part in the competition.

The competition is held in 1 round. It consists of competitive auditions of choir groups and the final Gala concert.

Duration of performance:

junior choirs – up to 10 minutes;

senior choirs - up to 15 minutes.


Junior choirs of instrumental departments of Moscow Children's Music School and Children's Art School;

Junior choirs of the choir departments of children's music schools and children's art schools in Moscow;

Senior concert choirs of instrumental departments of Moscow Children's Music School and Children's Art School;

Senior concert choirs of the choir departments of the Children's Music School, Children's Art School and Children's Art School in Moscow.

Software requirements.

Junior choirs:

1. A work of Russian or foreign choral classics.

2. Arrangement of a folk song.

3. Work of choice.

For junior choirs of choir departments Necessarily a sarrella.

Senior choirs:

1. A work of Russian or foreign choral culture of the 19th-21st centuries.

2. Arrangement of a folk song - preferably an arrangement by V.G. Sokolov or his contemporaries.

3. Work of choice.

Necessarily performance of one of the program's works a cappella.

Main criteria for evaluating competition participants

The embodiment of the artistic image of the work;

Purity of intonation, mastery of vocal and choral skills;

Stage culture, artistry;

Performing and creative individuality of the choir and conductor.

Awarding the participants and winners of the competition

The quality of the performing skills of the competition participants will be assessed by a highly qualified jury, which will include professors from leading music universities in Moscow, famous choir conductors and artists.

All participants of the festival-competition will be awarded a certificate of participation.

Laureates and diploma holders of the festival-competition are awarded diplomas of laureates and diploma holders of three degrees.

Directors of educational institutions are presented with letters of gratitude.

The organizing committee of the festival-competition, in agreement with the jury, can establish special diplomas:

- "Best conductor"

- "For the best performance of a folk song"

- "Best accompanist"

The organizing committee also presents memorable souvenirs to each festival leader and participant.

The registration fee for participation is 3,500 rubles and is paid by receipt until December 1 (see Appendix 1)

The jury determines the participants and the program of the final Gala concert.

The decisions of the jury are final and cannot be changed.

Application deadline – until December 15, 2017. Send your application to the following email address:msm- festival@ mail. ru

If the number of applications for the festival exceeds the number, the organizing committee has the right to close the acceptance of applications early.

Competitive auditions of choral groups that passed the 2nd round will take place on February 11, 2018 in the hall of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popov (metro station Rechnoy Vokzal, Festivalnaya St., 2)

The gala concert of the laureates and the awarding of the participants of the festival-competition will take place on February 18, 2018 in the concert hall of Children's Art School No. 11 (Paustovsky St., 5, building 3)


to participate in IIIMoscow children's festival-competition of concert choirs of children's music schools, children's art schools and children's art schools in Moscow

"Winter Choir Meetings 2018"

1. Team (full name)________________________________________

2. Number of participants ________________________________________________

3. Organization representing the choir __________________

4. Choir director (full name)_____________________________________________

5.Contact phone number of the manager_______________________________

6. School contact number _____________________________________

7. Accompanist (full name) ________________________________________


9. Email _________________________________________________

folk song


Playing time



Playing time



Playing time

Director (signature, seal)