Hexagram 47 full interpretation. “If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you’ve gotten there?” — Robin Sharma

Today, any person has heard something about the ancient Book of I Ching - the Book of Changes. This method of predicting the future differs from most known ones in that it consists of 64 hexagrams, in turn consisting of several trigrams. Hexagrams fully reveal and describe various processes that occurred in the past, the emotional state and provide guidance for action.

The meaning of the hexagram itself is the answer; the I Ching also gives a more expanded interpretation of the symbol. In the text adapted for amateurs, words that coincide in meaning are selected to explain the meaning of the symbol.

Hexagram 47 – Kun (Depletion). The image itself resembles a tree trunk, which is enclosed in a fence from all directions.

Decoding the hexagrams of the Book of Changes includes several interpretations.

Adaptation interpretation

The questioner is in isolation due to some circumstances. Feeling exhausted and depressed. Trust in the environment has completely disappeared. It is necessary to concentrate the will and direct it to resolve the situation. You cannot succumb to the influx of negative emotions and wait for a solution to the problem from the outside. The task of isolation must be to find a way. In achieving it, you can rely only on your own opinion, without looking at the words and actions coming from the outside. The result of self-isolation is entering into resonance with the Tao.

The dropped hexagram can be interpreted for various situations.

Human relations with society, political position;

Refusal of everything material, bad luck and unwillingness to change anything; constantly pursuing failures in everything that a person undertakes. Complete deprivation of vitality, creative potential, which brings harmony to life. At the same time, the person is absolutely calm and devoid of worries; loneliness is taken for granted. Independence from public opinion and material values.

Business relations, business (all material, property and valuables);

Any business relationship is impossible in principle; a person exists, as it were, separately from the world and material wealth. Loneliness, however, is not something negative, because a person still enjoys life and has an optimistic view of the world. Only vices that can suddenly appear are dangerous.

Personal relationships (family, relationship with partner);

A person is ready to do anything for love, to give up the most valuable thing he has. Although he does not have wealth and power, he is ready, if necessary, to sacrifice even his life.

Social relations;

People around him treat a person with pity, contempt and bewilderment, because he does not fit into modern standards and requirements. The person himself usually behaves extremely quietly and inconspicuously, there is modesty of requests and obedience. A person can be rejected even by those closest to him as unpromising and unsuccessful in all endeavors.

Physical and psychological condition;

Kidney problems may occur, and for quite a long time. A person can be plunged into severe depression, which depletes all vitality, without realizing it.

Solution to the problem;

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to radically change the existing state of affairs; you need to start small. The first point should be strict adherence to the rules of behavior accepted in society, setting priorities and goals, and awareness of ways to achieve them.

If a person wants to change something in his life, he can tell fortunes on the Book of Changes. The dropped hexagram and the phenomena that it symbolizes will be a guide to action. It is also important to mention the correspondence of hexagrams to the symbols of Tarot cards. Below is an interpretation of hexagram 47 and the corresponding card from the Tarot.

This hexagram corresponds to Arcanum XI inverted, the Hermit.

The card symbolizes complete renunciation of petty everyday worries and worldly values, because they create obstacles on the path to spiritual elevation and enlightenment. Kun, the hexagram of the Book of I Ching, like the lasso of the Tarot, prescribe a person to renounce worldly goods; going through a period of voluntary hermitage, which allows you to understand your own personality and learn the truth through loneliness.

In everyday and everyday explanation, the lasso means a long period of loneliness, which can be used for personal spiritual development. Typical situations are the breakdown of relationships (friendships, love), divorce in the family.

For business relationships, the Hermit lasso is extremely unfavorable in both upright and inverted positions. The only advice that can be given in this case is to immediately leave current affairs and immediately do something else.

Fortune telling for the betrothed "My beloved"

They guess the name quite often. Any girl wants to know what her future husband’s name will be, and whether there are any people she knows with that name. There are a great many ways here. For example, everything...

Reading the previous sign spoke of the manifestation of strength in a situation of ascent, however, any energy is not limitless and has the ability to be depleted.

The Kun hexagram is an expanded interpretation of the temporary circumstances of exhaustion, as well as an understanding of the further development and achievements of a noble person. A successful outcome from a new situation according to the book of changes is possible even despite the gossip and distrust of others, so you need to show perseverance.

Hexagram 47, Kun, Exhaustion (Shutdown).


Accomplishment. Persistence. A great man is happy. There will be speeches, but they are wrong.

The symbol is represented by the trigram of Permission in the external environment and the trigram of Danger in the internal world. While the environment seems very definite, the soul and mind of a person are in a conflict situation due to accumulated fatigue. The forms of the Absolute turn out to be dissolved in Yin, and this directly means Exhaustion.

The current period of life is extremely unfavorable for new business. In fact, this sign is considered one of the worst in fortune telling. You should stop along the way to organize your thoughts and wait for time. The decoding of the symbol suggests that it is useful to seek the help of a high-ranking friend, whose advice will be significant. Self-confidence is very weak now, but the streak of bad luck will be overcome.

Hexagram 47, Kun, Exhaustion indicates a person’s oppression, distrust of the world around him, isolation from it. You should move on to internal management of the situation in order to wait for the right day for a further breakthrough.

You need to develop the traits of nobility in yourself, renounce negativity and seek the inner flow of creativity and inspiration. But solitude with one’s own world should not make one suffer; it is aimed at clarifying a person’s life goal.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Six at the beginning. A man is depressed and sitting under a naked tree. Wandering through a dark valley and being blind for three years. Now the individual is looking for strength from the wrong source. If you want to get the job done well, you need to pay attention to the details and plan ahead. You cannot fall into a stupor from the blows of fate, because this leads to unconscious destruction of yourself.
  • Second nine. There is no need to rush forward at this moment. If you are bored and want to change the situation, first think about what exactly you want. The multidimensional perception of this Yao comes down to a talent that cannot be demonstrated and which brings trouble.
  • Six third. There is no need to expose family scandals to public viewing. The symbol of this Yao is a destroyed house, and this is a very unfavorable image. Mistakes await a person at every step, and even the support of friends turns out to be ineffective due to his excessive immersion in the idea.
  • Fourth nine. The environment may stop you, but it is still worth giving in to your impulses in order to achieve your goal. Now a person has already planned all his actions in his brain. Remember that you can get help at a critical time.
  • Nine fifth. Keep all your aspirations within yourself so that one day you can do everything according to your own desire, as the I Ching says. The Book of Changes interpretation of this Yao connects with a person’s desire to be impeccable, which only leads to ridicule. Now it is more useful to rely only on your own strength.
  • Top six. Many things have nothing to do with you. Remember that morale is strengthened when the battle is fought for the right cause. Don't lose confidence in yourself.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. The world around us creates various obstacles for a person’s resilience, so it is difficult to carry out activities. In addition, on the way the subject is deprived of support, he is doomed to loneliness throughout the entire Danger trigram.
  2. Staying in the current situation requires balance from a person. A full study of the second position, which is in close connection with the fifth line, speaks of a certain gift received from a superior person. In this position there is no need to deal with major matters. Just serve a higher purpose (sacrifice yourself) and bide your time.
  3. A person's path is blocked by a fortress or a stone, expressing the strength of the fourth position, which follows. It is very difficult to develop at the current moment in life, but this does not mean that you need to go back. At the previous stages, the individual is also faced with inexorable forces, so there is nowhere to move, and he remains standing in place alone.
  4. The subject's resilience is far behind him, so even help from others is very slow. The pictogram says that difficulties on the path remain, but at the same time the person’s aspiration grows several times. The individual’s strengths allow him to bring things to the finish line, although he will have to regret spending a little too early.
  5. The forces are exhausted to the maximum extent, so forward movement stops. If a person is stubborn, an unfavorable outcome of the situation is inevitable. However, in this position it is no longer possible to stand still, because the laid foundation is extremely inconvenient. There is no need to expect help from a former influential person, and you can simply wait for the end of such circumstances. It is true that prayer and sacrifice can be effective.
  6. Hexagram 47, the interpretation of which is considered unfavorable, ends with the image of a very weak and soft obstacle, which accumulates strength and multiplies, becoming impassable for a person. Now it is not strength that prevents the individual from moving, but rather weakness, and this plunges him into doubt as to the outcome of the situation. Now there is no need to think about the bad ending of the situation: it is much more important to gather internal strength and get out of exhaustion.

Expanded interpretation of the sign

At this stage of life, a person has run out of strength to move forward, he seems confused and empty. Everything has become confusing, so now it’s worth being careful with your funds. For the next 5 months, failures will haunt the individual, but he must be persistent and not interfere in the development of events. You can listen to the advice of more authoritative people and use their support.

The meaning of hexagram 47 in terms of personal and family life is a serious crisis. Activity has decreased, and another testing period has arrived. Of course, a noble person will endure this time with honor, but foolish and lazy individuals will have to face heavy losses.

The scale of the drama can even develop to the loss of an entire business. In order for problems to be somehow solved, you will have to spend money as a sacrifice. Now the state system is very unstable in terms of the economy, so it is very easy to miscalculate.

According to the Chinese book, the testing stage is very useful because it is combined with testing the strength of marriage and friendship. Love relationships, if they are built on illusions and self-interest, will not make it to the next stage of life, so you need to prepare for painful separations, perceiving them as a kind of cleansing.

In a complicated situation, you can only believe in your own business. You need to be persistent, but not aggressive. There is no need to be rude or stubborn if you are faced with the insensitivity of power structures. The feeling of helplessness is temporary, so there is no need to become disillusioned with the world. The stage of decline allows a person to make a push for a further leap into the future.

A lot now depends on past knowledge and abilities. Trust your intuition, the I Ching book advises. The interpretation of the hexagram also does not exclude the possibility of gossip and intrigue around a person. And in general, approval is still far away. However, only the individual himself determines the effectiveness of his activities. The wish will definitely come true in the right nuances, perhaps even more successfully than planned. However, one should still wait for the further expression of fate.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • The container for creating medicine symbolizes a person’s constant illness.
  • Grass covers the pond - an expression of great ideas.
  • One wheel is lying on the ground. The picture refers to confusion in one’s actions and lack of understanding.
  • A sick man lies in bed. An image of a lot of trouble.
  • An official pours water into a dry reservoir to save fish - the personification of the coming resurrection.
  • The main symbol is patient waiting while standing on your feet.
  • The central image is a river without water.

Confucius in his treatise uses lines corresponding to one poem from Kong Tzu to comment on the images of the hexagram. He mentions that the source of the lake has dried up, and also that it is now dangerous to speak and believe words. Thanks to the exact replicas of Confucius, the Chinese Book of Changes acquires literally fateful significance in this hexagram. The commentator encourages you to rely on chance, but at the same time pay attention to the glow of your heart.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wan

  1. Nobody listens to the person who wants to say something. Stage of oppression.
  2. The symbol of May is successful only in spring. In autumn, fortune telling brings conflicts and disagreements, and the hexagram also negatively affects a person in winter and summer.
  3. A person’s personal characteristics and talents are not noticeable to others. Just observe the world so that later you can become a part of it.
  4. Kun acts as an evil hexagram according to the I Ching book, since from the upper trigram everything good flows (in the form of a Lake) into the lower trigram - to the Earth. The vessel was empty and nature and people were left without life-giving moisture.

How to interpret a symbol for fortune telling

  • Love relationships are overshadowed by material adversities, but the person experiences happiness. For the sake of his partner, he is ready to give even his life. There is a misunderstanding in the family, since a quiet and modest personality is rejected by noisy relatives.
  • In the area of ​​health, kidney problems are likely. Unfortunately, the illness will be long-term and will last at least three years.
  • According to the book of fate, now is not the right time for business, because every step gives rise to failure. Optimism is not lost, but in fact there is not even a reliable environment nearby.
  • The political and social spheres are associated with poverty of spirit and body, as well as with numerous deprivations. Now there is no influx of inspiration, but the individual remains independent and equanimous.

The Kun hexagram tells about the need for solitude and stable anticipation of better times, the expanded interpretation of which comes down to serious losses in all areas of life.

Now it is useless to show your best qualities and try to join the fight, because there is spiritual exhaustion. Therefore, there is no need to stand out from the crowd - just follow the general rules of behavior.

Difficulty. Exhaustion

Difficulty. Successful fortune telling. A great man is happy. There will be no trouble. There will be speeches. But they are wrong.


1. Initial six.

Sitting on a stump means difficulty. He entered a deep valley and did not see (anyone) for three years.

2. Nine second.

Difficulty with food and wine. Suddenly a (man) wearing scarlet knee pads will come. Favors the need to make sacrifices. A trip to disaster. There will be no trouble.

3. Six third.

You will stumble on a stone and be held on by thorns and thorns. You will enter your house and not see your wife. Misfortune!

4. Nine fourth.

You move very slowly - it is difficult to push a metal cart. Sorry, but completion is still possible.

5. Nine fifth.

Beware, they will cut off your nose and feet! There will be difficulty from a man in red knee pads. But little by little joy will come, it is favorable to make a sacrifice.

6. Top six.

There will be difficulty in the tangled thickets, in instability you will exclaim: “Move towards repentance!” And there will be repentance. But a military campaign is fortunate.


1. Initial six.

Be patient, you are deprived of support and help for a long time (3 years). You have lost the right path in business and have reached a dead end, “lost.” All that remains is to calmly think about your situation and maintain the will to live and work.

2. Nine second.

Now it’s difficult for you to organize your life, you don’t have enough money, the conditions in which you find yourself are far from perfect. All that remains is to come to terms with it. You should “give a donation” to an official, a representative of power, on whom your fate depends. You cannot solve a problem by going to war against your opponents and harshly proving that you are right. A big misfortune must pass by.

3. Six third.

No matter what you undertake, there will be troubles and disappointments all around. The situation is complicated by family troubles. Divorce, breakup, separation is possible. This further hurts the heart and increases the emotional pain. Be strong.

4. Nine fourth.

The forward movement of your business is minimal. Sometimes the burden of responsibility seems overwhelming, and you may regret getting involved in this event. But this is not a dead end or a fatal stop; slowly you will reach the final goal. Work patiently, forgetting about inspiration and joy from work.

5. Nine fifth.

The situation is difficult, the attitude of the authorities and authorities towards you is now very categorical and irreconcilable. The punishment for wrongdoing can be very serious. Do not spare money for the “sacrifice”, look for patrons and do not rush things. Too many forces are directed against you. The line promises ultimate joy and satisfaction.

6. Top six.

Everything is very confusing. Even patrons are now unable to help; obviously, the circumstances of what is happening are beyond the realm of reason or the possibility of human participation. This happens when a person gets caught up in the intricacies of an imperfect legislative system or an internecine war between “clans” of officials. You are annoyed by everything that is happening, but you need to be able to protect yourself, your business. If your cause is right and you are pursuing good goals, go ahead and clarify the situation and everyone's role in it.


Already from the title it is clear that we will talk about difficulties, crises in business, personal and family life. After takeoff and victory, a period of decreased activity and idle runs begins. If a person managed to wisely manage the benefits that came, he did not let his wealth go to waste and worked tirelessly, then he is considered a “great” person by Change. It is for him that the upcoming period of life will be just another test and will end happily. For the “unwise” the situation is more complicated and dramatic; they will experience serious losses; if they cannot patiently solve problems, they may lose their business altogether.

The more serious your gaps and “punctures” are, the more money you will have to spend on “sacrifices”. In addition to your personal miscalculations, you may fall under the pressure of the imperfections of the economic and political state system. But you can easily determine who is your true friend, who will stay with you when you are unlucky. Marital ties and love relationships will be tested for reliability. This is painful, but cleansing from the empty, illusory, false, selfish.

The situation is so confusing that the hexagram advises not to trust anyone. Believe in your just cause, in yourself, be patient and persistent. You should not be rude or react aggressively to the stubbornness and insensitivity of officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies. You may feel like a grain of sand, weak and worthless, helpless, but this is not so, and having achieved victory, you will be convinced of the opposite, even through disappointment in people and human nature.

Kun (Exhaustion): closed, surrounded, fenced; fence, limit; punishment, criminal code, prison; worry, anxiety, fear; fatigue, exhaustion, exhausted resources; stricken [by illness], discouraged; poverty, misery. The hieroglyph depicts a growing tree, fenced on all sides.

Persistence. A great man is happy.
There will be speeches, but they are wrong.

You are isolated, exhausted or depressed. You cannot trust those around you. It is necessary to master the situation from the inside, through volitional effort. Gather your strength and wait for the moment for a decisive breakthrough. The only way out is to look for a noble person within yourself, to find an inner source of energy and inspiration. This will open the way. Do not count on the help of other people and do not trust beautiful words. Don't give in to negative emotions. The purpose of your solitude is not to make you suffer, but to force you to find your personal connection to the Tao. The situation contains the promise of future changes. You will be able to see your goal if you use your own judgment. If you attach great importance to the words of others, it will only drain your strength.

No matter how much strength was demonstrated in the previous situation, it is still some kind of limited amount, because these forces are not infinite, sooner or later in the ascent they will be exhausted. This is why getting up with complete necessity leads to exhaustion. But in this exhaustion it is necessary not so much to state the very fact of exhaustion of strength, but rather to indicate a possible way out of this situation, because, like any other, it cannot be eternal. This alone indicates the possibility of development, which in the technical language of the “Book of Changes” is called accomplishment. Of course, to overcome this situation, a person must be sufficiently developed, as the “Book of Changes” calls it, a great person; only for him a favorable outcome is possible. Even if his activities in this state will cause rumors, because not everyone around him will understand his activities, these rumors should still not be given importance, because here a person must rely only on himself.

Outer and Inner worlds. Body of Water (Fog) and Water

External connections and influences are carried away by the internal ones, preventing communication.

Isolation and oppression contain the hidden possibility of staying and cooperating with other people in a common home.


Climbing without stopping leads to exhaustion. Knowing this allows you to use it.


Exhaustion means withdrawal.


Fog over the water. Exhaustion.
A noble person involves fate in achieving his goal.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

Six first

Sitting is difficult on a stump.
You will enter a dark valley.
You won't see anything for three years.

You are lonely and resentful or dissatisfied with your situation. The gloomy valley and three years of inactivity - additional images of the lower trigram Abyss - indicate the difficult path that lies ahead.

In this situation, the entire environment predisposes the persistence indicated in the general aphorism to be hindered. In the first position it begins to make itself felt. To point out that this position is not conducive to sustained activity coming from the person himself, it talks about how uncomfortable it is to sit on a tree stump. Moreover, the path passing through the gloomy valley is indicated here, and, in addition, the loneliness to which a person is doomed in this situation is indicated. If the text here speaks of three years of such loneliness, then figuratively it points to the first three positions that are occupied by the trigram - the abyss or danger. Apparently, on this basis, the image of a gloomy valley appears here, understood as an abyss.

Line 2

Nine second

Difficulty with wine and food.
Suddenly a man in scarlet knee pads will come.
Time to make sacrifices.
Hiking is unlucky. There will be no blasphemy.

Your talents are not recognized, although you have the opportunity to lead a fairly prosperous life. However, change is already on the way. Now you cannot undertake any big things because you are dependent on your superiors. This service is expressed in the form of sacrifice for a common cause.

The balance characteristic of the second position is represented here in a certain persistence of staying in it. In addition, its connection with the fifth position is revealed in the image of a gift coming from the fifth position, i.e. essentially from the person occupying the fifth position, a gift brought by his messenger. In such a situation, when a person can, in his poise, not move from his place, in a situation where he has been sent down from a superior, he, of course, should not undertake any major undertakings and wait for time until the whole situation changes. Here he can only serve something that he considers higher than himself. This service is conceived by the authors of the “Book of Changes” as a kind of cult action - a sacrifice.

Line 3

Six third

You will stumble on a stone. You will be held in thorns and thorns.
You will enter the mansion, but you will not see your wife.

You are in an extremely difficult situation. The path forward is closed, but if you try to get around the obstacle, you will look for support in what hurts you. Returning will only deepen your loneliness. This is a time to stop and reflect.

The third position is affected by the influence of the upcoming fourth, which is occupied by a strong line. This strong feature, like a kind of fortress, is expressed in the image of a stone blocking the path. Therefore, further development in this position is difficult. If a person in this position were to turn back, he would encounter the persistent, unyielding forces of the first position, which, of course, are not conducive to such a return. Thus, a person here is placed in extremely difficult circumstances; he can move neither forward nor backward. In addition, there is no correspondence with the sixth position. This is expressed in the image of the loneliness of a man who, upon returning home, does not find his wife.

Line 4

Nine fourth

The arrival is slow. You will be in difficulty because of the metal cart.
Regret. But you will see it through to the end.

Help comes to you, but extremely slowly. The difficulty is expressed in the image of a heavy cart that has to be pushed in front of you. You regret the lost time, but you can finish the job.

Perseverance, which was noted as a characteristic feature of the first position of this hexagram, leads to the fact that if a person occupying the first position moves to help the one who occupies the fourth position, then his arrival, bringing with him help, is slow. Further, the third feature, which is characterized rather gloomily, can serve as that metal cart that the text talks about and which causes difficulty. However, the gravitation of the fourth trait towards the fifth, i.e. the desire for progress here is so strong that, despite regret about lost time, the matter can still be brought to its conclusion.

Line 5

Nine fifth

Execution, nose and legs cut off.
There will be difficulty from a man in scarlet knee pads.
But little by little joy will come.
Favors the need to offer sacrifices and prayers.

Here the situation of exhaustion reaches its maximum. You cannot move forward, as this threatens danger, but staying in the place of death is likewise. Those who previously sought help are now only making the situation more difficult. Be very careful. The situation should resolve itself. Rely on higher powers.

Moving forward in fifth position in this case is hampered by the exhaustion of strength that characterizes sixth position. You can't move forward here. A person who wanted to move forward would be executed here, his nose would be cut off as the part of the body that is in front. It is also impossible to stand still here, because the final foundation - the first position - would be characterized as a position that is inconvenient for staying on it. If a person still wanted to stop on this foundation, then it would be the same as if he were subjected to the execution of cutting off his legs. There is no need to count on help from the second position here either, because it is such that it itself should be given help. We saw that a messenger in red knee pads was sent to help the person in second position. Thus, the situation looks hopeless. The only thing you can count on is that the fifth position is already close to the end of the whole process, and thus the joy of its completion can gradually come. This joy is already indicated in the topmost trigram, which means joy. But here one can only count on outside help, as the commentators of the “Book of Changes” believed, and therefore the need for sacrifices is spoken of here.

Line 6

There's a six at the top

There will be difficulty in the tangled thickets.
In instability you will exclaim: “Movement towards repentance!”
And there will be repentance.
But the hike is fortunate.

Movement is difficult, but it is not an external force that hinders you, but your own weakness. Shake yourself up, give yourself a good push. The situation is already ending. You may have cause for regret, but new horizons will open up before you.

The sixth position here is occupied by a weak line. It is expressed in the image of thickets. If thickets can be perceived as something weak, soft, yet, when enough of them accumulate, they can be a strong obstacle to moving forward, and can lead a person into the most difficult situation. Seeing that it is not strength, but weakness that prevents him from moving forward, a person can fall into complete bewilderment. He may decide that any movement will lead him to a bad outcome of the situation. However, such an opinion would only be a delusion, because here, finally, you need to find the strength in yourself in order to finally free yourself from this situation of exhaustion.

If the Kun hexagram appears in a love scenario, it means that you need to prepare for the fact that in the near future you will feel all the “charms” of anxiety, depression, melancholy and sadness, and very often even for no apparent reason. And in terms of love, this will also be associated with a feeling of acute loneliness, misunderstanding, suspiciousness and jealousy that came from nowhere. Moreover, this will happen even if everything is fine with your love relationship. It’s just that in this case, all of the above will pass more gently, but anxiety and loneliness will remain.

One of the semantic names of the Kun hexagram is “Exhaustion,” which indicates a lack of energy to solve important life problems and to feel the fullness of love, even if it exists. Your mental strength is depleted, you just need to rest. Solitude and a break from business will help you restore your energy balance. If you don’t do this, then when you try to do something serious, you will only ruin everything, because you will not have enough strength for full-fledged actions, attention, and so on. Be reasonable - it’s better to rest a little than to spend a long time restoring something that turns out to be damaged.

The Kun hexagram warns that under no circumstances during this period should you try to blame those for your condition. The one you love, you will not only not correct the situation, but will aggravate it even more, and maybe even all this will lead to separation.

Now it is useful to seek advice from a wise person, since an outside look at the circumstances of your life will help you act more effectively after a forced pause. It’s just that in the current situation you have “driven yourself so much” that you no longer notice the obvious things, and they are precisely what prevents you from making that powerful breakthrough that is so lacking in order to feel happiness in love.

If a love reading is carried out in order to find out whether you have a future with this or that person, then the answer is simple - no one is able to determine this now, you are too exhausted to predict anything. But one thing is for sure - if you try to create a love relationship now, it will certainly be doomed to failure. You should just wait and restore your own vitality.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik