Where do they train to become a logistician? Is it easy to get a job? How much do logisticians earn?

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a relatively “young” logistics profession, which today is becoming increasingly popular among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a profession whose representatives are responsible for developing the most optimal schemes for delivering the products of a particular enterprise to the end consumer with minimal time and material costs, and manage and control the movement of goods. We are talking about a relatively "young" profession logistician, which today is becoming more and more popular among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

By the way, despite the fact that literally a few years ago most Russians had no idea what a logistician does, today not a single large enterprise can do without the services of this specialist. Thanks to this, the field of logistics seems very promising to many applicants in terms of career growth and achieving material well-being. And indeed it is. But only if the future specialist knows all the features of this profession and is ready to put up with its shortcomings, which we will talk about in this article.

Who is a logistician?

A highly qualified specialist who is responsible for organizing the supply, transportation and warehousing of goods and services. In other words, this is a professional, on whose qualifications the turnover of the enterprise entirely depends (including customs clearance of goods and the provision of information services).

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logistike (calculation, thinking). This suggests that the main task of the logistician is, through careful calculations, to develop the most rational process for delivering goods from manufacturer to consumer. The first logisticians appeared in Ancient Greece, but they had little in common with modern specialists, since their main responsibility was organizing army supplies. Later, logistics switched to civilian life, and the function of logisticians began to be performed by merchants and trading companies. In Russia, these specialists, who replaced warehouse managers and storekeepers, first appeared only at the very end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries.

Functional content of the work of modern logisticians ( logistics managers) is strikingly different from the usual duties of a storekeeper or supply manager during the USSR period. If warehouse workers in the Soviet Union worked exclusively within the boundaries of their enterprise, then the logisticians of our time resolve all issues related to trade turnover.

The responsibilities of a logistician today include: developing and coordinating the delivery route, monitoring the storage and shipment of goods, preparing primary documentation, systematizing it and creating a register, placing a finished order, issuing permits (passing customs control, cargo insurance, supplying Russian-language documentation, etc.). d.), monitoring the actions of the transport service, making a forecast of optimal purchases.

What personal qualities should a logistician have?

Because the logistician job includes, among other things, the purchase of goods and constant communication with a huge number of people, representatives of this profession must necessarily have such personal qualities as:

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a successful logistician who would not have such professional knowledge and skills as knowledge of all types and methods of cargo transportation, the features and nuances of warehouse and purchasing logistics, modern technologies and software, at least one, and even better several foreign languages.

Advantages of being a logistician

Since logistics in Russia is still in the development stage, the main advantage of the logistics profession is, of course, the absence of problems with employment. After all, today all large companies need logisticians (some of them even have entire logistics departments), but there is a catastrophic shortage of real professionals in this field.

Another advantage is that in order to become a logistician, it is desirable, but not necessary, to receive a special education - it is enough to be proactive and know all the features of logistics. However, as practice has shown, in the process of work, such specialists still enter a university to receive an appropriate education.

It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of “office” and field work. That is, the work of a logistician can hardly be called boring and monotonous, which is ideal for young people who are constantly on the move and looking for new experiences.

Disadvantages of the logistics profession

If speak about disadvantages of the logistics profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the enormous responsibility. The slightest mistake made by a specialist can result in big problems for the company: from unexpected cash expenses to the loss of regular customers.

In addition, the disadvantages of this profession include:

  • small salaries at the beginning of a career (however, as experience is gained, wages also increase, so after 2-3 years of work a young specialist can count on a quite decent level of pay);
  • Career growth is possible only in very large companies with logistics departments: here you can start working as an operator or dispatcher, and after 3-4 years take one of the management positions;
  • obtaining a special education of appropriate quality is quite problematic, since it is now only in its infancy.

Where can you get a logistician profession?

Nevertheless, become a logistician in Russia it is still possible. And this can be done in two ways. If you already have a higher education behind you, and you want to either change your field of activity and try your hand at logistics or improve your skills, then you can study in a specialized MBA program. If you have just recently graduated from school or want to get a second higher education, we recommend choosing between universities whose diplomas are most in demand among employers.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a relatively “young” logistics profession, which today is becoming increasingly popular among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a profession whose representatives are responsible for developing the most optimal schemes for delivering the products of a particular enterprise to the end consumer with minimal time and material costs, and manage and control the movement of goods. We are talking about a relatively "young" profession logistician, which today is becoming more and more popular among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

By the way, despite the fact that literally a few years ago most Russians had no idea what a logistician does, today not a single large enterprise can do without the services of this specialist. Thanks to this, the field of logistics seems very promising to many applicants in terms of career growth and achieving material well-being. And indeed it is. But only if the future specialist knows all the features of this profession and is ready to put up with its shortcomings, which we will talk about in this article.

Who is a logistician?

A highly qualified specialist who is responsible for organizing the supply, transportation and warehousing of goods and services. In other words, this is a professional, on whose qualifications the turnover of the enterprise entirely depends (including customs clearance of goods and the provision of information services).

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logistike (calculation, thinking). This suggests that the main task of the logistician is, through careful calculations, to develop the most rational process for delivering goods from manufacturer to consumer. The first logisticians appeared in Ancient Greece, but they had little in common with modern specialists, since their main responsibility was organizing army supplies. Later, logistics switched to civilian life, and the function of logisticians began to be performed by merchants and trading companies. In Russia, these specialists, who replaced warehouse managers and storekeepers, first appeared only at the very end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries.

Functional content of the work of modern logisticians ( logistics managers) is strikingly different from the usual duties of a storekeeper or supply manager during the USSR period. If warehouse workers in the Soviet Union worked exclusively within the boundaries of their enterprise, then the logisticians of our time resolve all issues related to trade turnover.

The responsibilities of a logistician today include: developing and coordinating the delivery route, monitoring the storage and shipment of goods, preparing primary documentation, systematizing it and creating a register, placing a finished order, issuing permits (passing customs control, cargo insurance, supplying Russian-language documentation, etc.). d.), monitoring the actions of the transport service, making a forecast of optimal purchases.

What personal qualities should a logistician have?

Because the logistician job includes, among other things, the purchase of goods and constant communication with a huge number of people, representatives of this profession must necessarily have such personal qualities as:

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a successful logistician who would not have such professional knowledge and skills as knowledge of all types and methods of cargo transportation, the features and nuances of warehouse and purchasing logistics, modern technologies and software, at least one, and even better several foreign languages.

Advantages of being a logistician

Since logistics in Russia is still in the development stage, the main advantage of the logistics profession is, of course, the absence of problems with employment. After all, today all large companies need logisticians (some of them even have entire logistics departments), but there is a catastrophic shortage of real professionals in this field.

Another advantage is that in order to become a logistician, it is desirable, but not necessary, to receive a special education - it is enough to be proactive and know all the features of logistics. However, as practice has shown, in the process of work, such specialists still enter a university to receive an appropriate education.

It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of “office” and field work. That is, the work of a logistician can hardly be called boring and monotonous, which is ideal for young people who are constantly on the move and looking for new experiences.

Disadvantages of the logistics profession

If speak about disadvantages of the logistics profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the enormous responsibility. The slightest mistake made by a specialist can result in big problems for the company: from unexpected cash expenses to the loss of regular customers.

In addition, the disadvantages of this profession include:

  • small salaries at the beginning of a career (however, as experience is gained, wages also increase, so after 2-3 years of work a young specialist can count on a quite decent level of pay);
  • Career growth is possible only in very large companies with logistics departments: here you can start working as an operator or dispatcher, and after 3-4 years take one of the management positions;
  • obtaining a special education of appropriate quality is quite problematic, since it is now only in its infancy.

Where can you get a logistician profession?

Nevertheless, become a logistician in Russia it is still possible. And this can be done in two ways. If you already have a higher education behind you, and you want to either change your field of activity and try your hand at logistics or improve your skills, then you can study in a specialized MBA program. If you have just recently graduated from school or want to get a second higher education, we recommend choosing between universities whose diplomas are most in demand among employers.

A logistician is a specialist who manages goods delivery operations. A specialist in this field optimizes the processes of purchasing, selling, storing and transporting goods, guaranteeing their implementation within the specified time frame and with minimal costs for the customer.

Personal qualities

The profession is suitable for people with strategic thinking and organizational skills. Knowledge of a foreign language will give you the opportunity to work abroad; accuracy and responsibility are also important. Communication skills will help you find a common language with all participants in the delivery process: from customers to warehouse workers.


Logistics in education is presented at several levels: secondary and higher; wages depend on the level of education.

Secondary special education:

Having received secondary education, you can work as a logistics assistant or logistics manager, but the specialty will be narrow and problems may arise with managerial positions.

Higher education:

Training can be completed in the general profile “Logistics” and a more specific one: “Logistics and supply chain management” or “Operational logistics”. There is no specialty in the areas; there are bachelor's degrees (4 years of study) and master's degrees (two years)

Where to study to become a logistician in Moscow

In (metro Novoslobodskaya) and (metro Airport) you only need to pass one additional subject, in addition to Russian and mathematics - social studies, you can enroll in the specialty “Logistics”, “Enterprise Management”.

Where to study to become a logistician in St. Petersburg?

In the specialty “he prepares (metro station Lesnaya) and (metro station Chernyshevskaya/Ploshchad Vosstaniya): in the faculties (additional English), and (additional social studies).

Pros and cons of the profession


Demand in the labor market;

High wages;

Language practice.


Frequent stress;

Work in an industrial zone.

You can start your career as a logistics assistant. There are several specialties:
The profession of logistics and supply chain management deals directly with transport services in logistics, and the specialty of operational activities in logistics produces specialists who regulate supplies.

Having graduated from more general faculties, such as “Administration” and “Management”, you can either engage directly in management or build a career as a logistician.

Places of employment, vacancies

Finding employment is not a problem: any large company has a logistics department, and you can also get a job in specialized companies. There are vacancies for “logistics” in online stores, transport business and logistics of various kinds. With work experience, employment in management positions is possible.